#' Tuning Time Series Forecasting Models Parameters with Grid Search
#' @export ts_grid
#' @param ts.obj A univariate time series object of a class "ts"
#' @param model A string, defines the model c("HoltWinters"), currently support only Holt-Winters model
#' @param optim A string, set the optimization method - c("MAPE", "RMSE")
#' @param periods A string, set the number backtesting periods
#' @param window_length An integer, defines the length of the backtesting training window.
#' If set to NULL (default) will use an expending window starting the from the first observation,
#' otherwise will use a sliding window.
#' @param window_space An integer, set the space length between each of the backtesting training partition
#' @param window_test An integer, set the length of the backtesting testing partition
#' @param hyper_params A list, defines the tuning parameters and their range
#' @param parallel Logical, if TRUE use multiple cores in parallel
#' @param n.cores Set the number of cores to use if the parallel argument is set to TRUE.
#' If set to "auto" (default), will use n-1 of the available cores
#' @description Tuning time series models with grid search approach using backtesting method.
#' If set to "auto" (default), will use all available cores in the system minus 1
#' @return A list
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data(USgas)
#' # Starting with a shallow search (sequence between 0 and 1 with jumps of 0.1)
#' # To speed up the process, will set the parallel option to TRUE
#' # to run the search in parallel using 8 cores
#' hw_grid_shallow <- ts_grid(ts.obj = USgas,
#' periods = 6,
#' model = "HoltWinters",
#' optim = "MAPE",
#' window_space = 6,
#' window_test = 12,
#' hyper_params = list(alpha = seq(0.01, 1,0.1),
#' beta = seq(0.01, 1,0.1),
#' gamma = seq(0.01, 1,0.1)),
#' parallel = TRUE,
#' n.cores = 8)
#' # Use the parameter range of the top 20 models
#' # to set a narrow but more agressive search
#' a_min <- min(hw_grid_shallow$grid_df$alpha[1:20])
#' a_max <- max(hw_grid_shallow$grid_df$alpha[1:20])
#' b_min <- min(hw_grid_shallow$grid_df$beta[1:20])
#' b_max <- max(hw_grid_shallow$grid_df$beta[1:20])
#' g_min <- min(hw_grid_shallow$grid_df$gamma[1:20])
#' g_max <- max(hw_grid_shallow$grid_df$gamma[1:20])
#' hw_grid_second <- ts_grid(ts.obj = USgas,
#' periods = 6,
#' model = "HoltWinters",
#' optim = "MAPE",
#' window_space = 6,
#' window_test = 12,
#' hyper_params = list(alpha = seq(a_min, a_max,0.05),
#' beta = seq(b_min, b_max,0.05),
#' gamma = seq(g_min, g_max,0.05)),
#' parallel = TRUE,
#' n.cores = 8)
#' md <- HoltWinters(USgas,
#' alpha = hw_grid_second$alpha,
#' beta = hw_grid_second$beta,
#' gamma = hw_grid_second$gamma)
#' library(forecast)
#' fc <- forecast(md, h = 60)
#' plot_forecast(fc)
#' }
ts_grid <- function(ts.obj,
optim = "MAPE",
window_length = NULL,
parallel = TRUE,
n.cores = "auto"){
error <- period <- start_time <- NULL
`%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%`
# Error handling
stop("The input object is not 'ts' object")
} else if(stats::is.mts(ts.obj)){
stop("The input object is 'mts' object, please use 'ts'")
if(!optim %in% c("MAPE", "RMSE") || base::length(optim) != 1){
warning("The value of the optim argument is not valid, using default option (MAPE)")
optim <- "MAPE"
warning("The 'parallel' argument is not a boolean operator, setting it to TRUE")
parallel <- TRUE
if(n.cores != "auto"){
warning("The value of the 'n.cores' argument is not valid,",
" setting it to 'auto' mode")
n.cores <- "auto"
} else if(base::is.numeric(n.cores) &&
(n.cores %% 1 != 0 || n.cores < 1)){
warning("The value of the 'n.cores' argument is not valid,",
" setting it to 'auto' mode")
n.cores <- "auto"
} else{
if(parallel::detectCores() < n.cores){
warning("The value of the 'n.cores' argument is not valid,",
"(the requested number of cores are greater than available)",
", setting it to 'auto' mode")
n.cores <- "auto"
if(n.cores == "auto"){
n.cores <- base::as.numeric(parallel::detectCores() - 1)
stop("The 'model' argument is missing")
} else if(!model %in% c("HoltWinters")){
stop("The 'model' argument is not valid")
# Set the backtesting partitions
s <- length(ts.obj) - window_space * (periods - 1) # the length of the first partition
e <- length(ts.obj) # the end of the backtesting partition
w_end <- seq(from = s, by = window_space, to = e) # Set the cutting points for the backtesting partions
w_start <- w_end - window_test - window_length + 1
} else {
w_start <- base::rep(1, base::length(w_end))
if(model == "HoltWinters"){
hw_par <- hyper_input <- hyper_null <- hyper_false <- NULL
hw_par <- c("alpha", "beta", "gamma")
if(!base::all(base::names(hyper_params) %in% hw_par)){
stop("The 'hyper_params' argument is invalid")
if("alpha" %in% base::names(hyper_params)){
alpha <- NULL
hyper_null <- c(hyper_null, "alpha")
} else if(base::is.logical(hyper_params$alpha)){
stop("The value of the 'alpha' argument cannot be only numeric")
} else {
if(base::any(which(hyper_params$alpha < 0)) ||
base::any(which(hyper_params$alpha > 1))){
stop("The value of the 'alpha' parameter is out of range,",
" cannot exceed 1 or be less or equal to 0")
if(any(which(hyper_params$alpha == 0))){
hyper_params$alpha[base::which(hyper_params$alpha == 0)] <- 1e-5
warning("The value of the 'alpha' parameter cannot be equal to 0",
" replacing 0 with 1e-5")
alpha <- hyper_params$alpha
hyper_input <- c(hyper_input, "alpha")
if("beta" %in% base::names(hyper_params)){
beta <- NULL
hyper_null <- c(hyper_null, "beta")
} else if(base::is.logical(hyper_params$beta) &&
beta <- FALSE
hyper_false <- c(hyper_false, "beta")
} else {
if(base::any(which(hyper_params$beta < 0)) ||
base::any(which(hyper_params$beta > 1))){
stop("The value of the 'beta' parameter is out of range,",
" cannot exceed 1 or be less or equal to 0")
if(any(which(hyper_params$beta == 0))){
hyper_params$beta[base::which(hyper_params$beta == 0)] <- 1e-5
warning("The value of the 'beta' parameter cannot be equal to 0",
" replacing 0 with 1e-5")
beta <- hyper_params$beta
hyper_input <- c(hyper_input, "beta")
if("gamma" %in% base::names(hyper_params)){
gamma <- NULL
hyper_null <- c(hyper_null, "gamma")
} else if(base::is.logical(hyper_params$gamma) &&
gamma <- FALSE
hyper_false <- c(hyper_false, "beta")
} else {
if(base::any(which(hyper_params$gamma < 0)) ||
base::any(which(hyper_params$gamma > 1))){
stop("The value of the 'gamma' parameter is out of range,",
" cannot exceed 1 or be less or equal to 0")
if(any(which(hyper_params$gamma == 0))){
hyper_params$gamma[base::which(hyper_params$gamma == 0)] <- 1e-5
warning("The value of the 'gamma' parameter cannot be equal to 0",
" replacing 0 with 1e-5")
gamma <- hyper_params$gamma
hyper_input <- c(hyper_input, "gamma")
grid_df <- base::eval(
base::parse(text = base::paste("base::expand.grid(",
base::paste(hyper_input, collapse = ", "),
sep = "")))
base::names(grid_df) <- hyper_input
for(f in hyper_false){
grid_df[f] <- FALSE
grid_model <- base::paste("stats::HoltWinters(x = train", sep = "")
for(i in hw_par){
if(i %in% base::names(grid_df)){
grid_model <- base::paste(grid_model, ", ", i, " = search_df$", i, "[i]",
sep = "" )
} else {
grid_model <- base::paste(grid_model, ", ", i, " = NULL", sep = "")
grid_model <- base::paste(grid_model, ")", sep = "")
grid_output <- NULL
grid_output <- base::lapply(1:periods, function(n){
ts_sub <- train <- test <- search_df <- NULL
search_df <- grid_df
search_df$period <- n
search_df$error <- NA
ts_sub <- stats::window(ts.obj,
start = stats::time(ts.obj)[w_start[n]],
end = stats::time(ts.obj)[w_end[n]])
partition <- TSstudio::ts_split(ts_sub, sample.out = window_test)
train <- partition$train
test <- partition$test
for(i in 1:nrow(search_df)){
md <- fc <- NULL
md <- base::eval(base::parse(text = grid_model))
fc <- forecast::forecast(md, h = window_test)
if(optim == "MAPE"){
search_df$error[i] <- forecast::accuracy(fc, test)[10]
} else if(optim == "RMSE"){
search_df$error[i] <- forecast::accuracy(fc, test)[4]
}) %>%
dplyr::bind_rows() %>%
tidyr::spread(key = period, value = error)
} else if(parallel){
start_time <- Sys.time()
grid_output <- parallel::mclapply(mc.cores = n.cores, 1:periods, function(n){
ts_sub <- train <- test <- search_df <- NULL
search_df <- grid_df
search_df$period <- n
search_df$error <- NA
ts_sub <- stats::window(ts.obj,
start = stats::time(ts.obj)[w_start[n]],
end = stats::time(ts.obj)[w_end[n]])
partition <- TSstudio::ts_split(ts_sub, sample.out = window_test)
train <- partition$train
test <- partition$test
for(i in 1:nrow(search_df)){
md <- fc <- NULL
md <- base::eval(base::parse(text = grid_model))
fc <- forecast::forecast(md, h = window_test)
if(optim == "MAPE"){
search_df$error[i] <- forecast::accuracy(fc, test)[10]
} else if(optim == "RMSE"){
search_df$error[i] <- forecast::accuracy(fc, test)[4]
}) %>%
dplyr::bind_rows() %>%
tidyr::spread(key = period, value = error)
col_mean <- base::which(!base::names(grid_output) %in% base::names(hyper_params) )
grid_output$mean <- base::rowMeans(grid_output[, col_mean])
grid_output <- grid_output %>% dplyr::arrange(mean)
final_output <- list(grid_df = grid_output)
for(i in base::names(hyper_params)){
final_output[[i]] <- grid_output[1, i]
final_output[["parameters"]] <- list(series = ts.obj,
model = model,
optim = optim,
periods = periods,
window_length = window_length,
window_space = window_space,
window_test = window_test,
hyper_params = hyper_params,
parallel = parallel,
n.cores = n.cores)
base::class(final_output) <- "ts_grid"
#' Visualizing Grid Search Results
#' @export plot_grid
#' @param grid.obj A ts_grid output object
#' @param top An integer, set the number of hyper-parameters combinations to visualize
#' (ordered by accuracy). If set to NULL (default), will plot the top 100 combinations
#' @param type The plot type, either "3D" for 3D plot or
#' "parcoords" for parallel coordinates plot.
#' Note: the 3D plot option is applicable whenever there are three tuning parameters,
#' otherwise will use a 2D plot for two tuning parameters.
#' @param highlight A proportion between 0 (excluding) and 1,
#' set the number of hyper-parameters combinations to highlight
#' (by accuracy), if the type argument is set to "parcoords"
#' @param colors A list of plotly arguments for the color scale setting:
#' showscale - display the color scale if set to TRUE.
#' reversescale - reverse the color scale if set to TRUE
#' colorscale set the color scale of the plot, possible palettes are:
#' Greys, YlGnBu, Greens , YlOrRd,
#' Bluered, RdBu, Reds, Blues, Picnic,
#' Rainbow, Portland, Jet, Hot, Blackbody,
#' Earth, Electric, Viridis, Cividis
plot_grid <- function(grid.obj,
top = NULL,
highlight = 0.1,
type = "parcoords",
colors = list(showscale = TRUE,
reversescale = FALSE,
colorscale = "Jet")){
# Setting the pipe operator
`%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%`
# Setting variables
color_option <- p <- par_names <- sizeref <- NULL
# List of optional color scale
color_option <- c("Greys","YlGnBu", "Greens", "YlOrRd",
"Bluered", "RdBu", "Reds", "Blues", "Picnic",
"Rainbow", "Portland", "Jet", "Hot", "Blackbody",
"Earth", "Electric", "Viridis", "Cividis")
# Error handling
if(!inherits(grid.obj, "ts_grid")){
stop("The input object is not a 'ts_grid' class")
warning("The 'colors' argument is not valid, using default option")
colors = base::list(showscale = TRUE,
reversescale = FALSE,
colorscale = "Jet")
} else if(!all(base::names(colors) %in% c("showscale", "reversescale", "colorscale"))){
warning("The 'colors' argument is not valid, using default option")
colors = base::list(showscale = TRUE,
reversescale = FALSE,
colorscale = "Jet")
warning("The 'showscale' parameter of the 'colors' argument is not logical, using default option (TRUE)")
colors$showscale <- TRUE
warning("The 'reversescale' parameter of the 'colors' argument is not logical, using default option (FALSE)")
colors$reversescale <- FALSE
if(!base::is.character(colors$colorscale) ||
base::length(colors$colorscale) != 1 ||
!colors$colorscale %in% color_option){
warning("The 'colorscale' parameter of the 'colors' argument is not logical, using default option (Jet)")
if(type != "parcoords" && type != "3D"){
warning("The value of the 'type' argument is not valid, using default option (parcoords)")
type <- "parcoords"
if(!base::is.numeric(top) || top %% 1 != 0){
warning("The value of the 'top' argument is not valid, using default option (top 100 models)")
top <- ifelse(base::nrow(grid.obj$grid_df) > 100, 100, base::nrow(grid.obj$grid_df))
if(top > base::nrow(grid.obj$grid_df)){
warning("The value of the 'top' argument exceeding the number of models, using default option (top 100 models)")
top <- ifelse(base::nrow(grid.obj$grid_df) > 100, 100, base::nrow(grid.obj$grid_df))
} else {
top <- ifelse(base::nrow(grid.obj$grid_df) > 100, 100, base::nrow(grid.obj$grid_df))
if(!base::is.numeric(highlight) || highlight <= 0 || highlight > 1){
warning("The value of the 'highlight' argument is not valid, using default (0.1)")
highlight <- 0.1
par_names <- base::names(grid.obj$parameters$hyper_params)
for(i in par_names){
if(base::is.null(grid.obj$parameters$hyper_params[[i]]) ||
grid.obj$parameters$hyper_params[[i]] == FALSE){
par_names <- par_names[-which(par_names == i)]
if(type == "parcoords"){
if(grid.obj$parameters$model == "HoltWinters"){
if(base::length(par_names) < 2){
stop("Cannot create a parallel coordinates plot for a single hyper parameter")
hw_dim <- NULL
hw_dim <- base::list()
for(i in base::seq_along(par_names)){
hw_dim[[i]] <- base::eval(base::parse(text = base::paste("list(range = c(0,1),
constraintrange = c(min(grid.obj$grid_df[1:", base::ceiling(top * highlight), ", i]),
max(grid.obj$grid_df[1:", base::ceiling(top * highlight), ",i])),
label = '", par_names[i],"', values = ~",
sep = "")
p <- grid.obj$grid_df[1:top,] %>%
plotly::plot_ly(type = 'parcoords',
line = list(color = ~ mean,
colorscale = colors$colorscale,
showscale = colors$showscale,
reversescale = colors$reversescale,
cmin = base::min(grid.obj$grid_df$mean),
cmax = base::max(grid.obj$grid_df$mean[1:top]),
title= base::paste("Avg.", grid.obj$parameters$optim, sep = " ")
dimensions = hw_dim
) %>% plotly::layout(title = base::paste(grid.obj$parameters$model,
" Parameters Grid Search Results (Avg. ",
") for Top ",
" Models", sep = ""),
xaxis = list(title = base::paste("Testing Over", grid.obj$parameters$periods, "Periods", sep = " ")))
}else if(type == "3D"){
if(grid.obj$parameters$model == "HoltWinters"){
if(base::length(par_names) == 3){
p <- plotly::plot_ly(data = grid.obj$grid_df[1:top,],
mode = "markers",
x = ~ alpha,
y = ~ beta,
z = ~ gamma,
hoverinfo = 'text',
text = paste(base::paste("Avg.", grid.obj$parameters$optim, sep = " "),
": ", base::round(grid.obj$grid_df[1:top, "mean"], 2),
"<br>", par_names[1],": ", grid.obj$grid_df[1:top, par_names[1]],
"<br>", par_names[2],": ", grid.obj$grid_df[1:top, par_names[2]],
"<br>", par_names[3],": ", grid.obj$grid_df[1:top, par_names[3]],
sep = ""),
marker = list(color = ~ mean,
colorscale = colors$colorscale,
showscale = colors$showscale,
reversescale = colors$reversescale,
title= base::paste("Avg.", grid.obj$parameters$optim, sep = " ")
))) %>%
plotly::layout(title = base::paste(grid.obj$parameters$model,
" Parameters Grid Search Results (Avg. ",
") for Top ",
" Models", sep = ""),
xaxis = list(title = base::paste("Testing Over", grid.obj$parameters$periods, "Periods", sep = " ")))
} else if(base::length(par_names) == 2){
warning("Cannot create a 3D plot for two hyper parameters")
# Scaling the bubbles size
sizeref <- 2.0 * max(grid.obj$grid_df$mean[1:top]) / (20**2)
p <- plotly::plot_ly(x = grid.obj$grid_df[1:top, par_names[1]],
y = grid.obj$grid_df[1:top, par_names[2]],
type = "scatter",
mode = "markers",
hoverinfo = 'text',
text = paste(base::paste("Avg.", grid.obj$parameters$optim, sep = " "),
": ", base::round(grid.obj$grid_df[1:top, "mean"], 2),
"<br>", par_names[1],": ", grid.obj$grid_df[1:top, par_names[1]],
"<br>", par_names[2],": ", grid.obj$grid_df[1:top, par_names[2]],
sep = ""),
marker = list(color = grid.obj$grid_df[1:top, "mean"],
size = grid.obj$grid_df[1:top, "mean"],
sizemode = 'area', sizeref = sizeref,
colorscale = colors$colorscale,
showscale = colors$showscale,
reversescale = colors$reversescale,
title= base::paste("Avg.", grid.obj$parameters$optim, sep = " ")
) %>%
plotly::layout(title = base::paste(grid.obj$parameters$model,
"Parameters Grid Search Results (Avg.",
base::paste(grid.obj$parameters$optim, ")", sep = ""),
"for Top",
sep = " "),
xaxis = list(title = par_names[1]),
yaxis = list(title = par_names[2]))
} else if(base::length(par_names) <= 1){
stop("Cannot create a 3D plot for a single hyper parameter")
#' Train, Test, Evaluate, and Forecast Multiple Time Series Forecasting Models
#' @export
#' @description Method for train test and compare multiple time series models using either one partition (i.e., sample out)
#' or multipe partitions (backtesting)
#' @param input A univariate time series object (ts class)
#' @param methods A list, defines the models to use for training and forecasting the series.
#' The list must include a sub list with the model type, and the model's arguments (when applicable) and notes about the model.
#' The sub-list name will be used as the model ID. Possible models:
#' \code{\link[stats]{arima}} - model from the stats package
#' \code{\link[forecast]{auto.arima}} - model from the forecast package
#' \code{\link[forecast]{ets}} - model from the forecast package
#' \code{\link[stats]{HoltWinters}} - model from the stats package
#' \code{\link[forecast]{nnetar}} - model from the forecast package
#' \code{\link[forecast]{tslm}} - model from the forecast package (note that the 'tslm' model must have the formula argument in the 'method_arg' argument)
#' @param train_method A list, defines the backtesting parameters:
#' partitions - an integer, set the number of training and testing partitions to be used in the backtesting process,
#' where when partition is set to 1 it is a simple holdout training approach
#' space - an integer, defines the length of the backtesting window expansion
#' - an integer, optional, defines the length of the training partitions, and therefore the backtesting window structure.
#' By default, it set to NULL and therefore, the backtesting using expending window.
#' Otherwise, when the defined, the window structure is sliding
#' - an integer, optional, defines the length of the training partitions, and therefore the type of the backtesting window.
#'By default, is set to NULL, which implay that the backtesting is using an expending window. Otherwise, when defining the size of the training partition, th
#' defines the train approach, either using a single testing partition (sample out)
#' or use multiple testing partitions (backtesting). The list should include the training method argument, (please see 'details' for the structure of the argument)
#' @param horizon An integer, defines the forecast horizon
#' @param xreg Optional, a list with two vectors (e.g., data.frame or matrix) of external regressors,
#' one vector corresponding to the input series and second to the forecast itself
#' (e.g., must have the same length as the input and forecast horizon, respectively)
#' @param error A character, defines the error metrics to be used to sort the models leaderboard. Possible metric - "MAPE" or "RMSE"
#' @param level An integer, set the confidence level of the prediction intervals
#' @details
#' The train_model function provides a training framework for time series forecasting models. The function has two main functionalities:
#' - Conduct a horse racing between multiple forecasting models or approaches
#' - Train the models with backtesting approach
#' The advantage of using backtesting as a training approach that indicates how stable the model is.
#' The create_model function builds the different components of the train_model function in a functional way.
#' The \code{\link[TSstudio]{plot_error} function plot the error distribution on the train_model output.
#' The \code{\link[TSstudio]{plot_model} function animate the forecasted values of the different models on the backtesting testing partitions
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Defining the models and their arguments
#' methods <- list(ets1 = list(method = "ets",
#' method_arg = list(opt.crit = "lik"),
#' notes = "ETS model with opt.crit = lik"),
#' ets2 = list(method = "ets",
#' method_arg = list(opt.crit = "amse"),
#' notes = "ETS model with opt.crit = amse"),
#' arima1 = list(method = "arima",
#' method_arg = list(order = c(2,1,0)),
#' notes = "ARIMA(2,1,0)"),
#' arima2 = list(method = "arima",
#' method_arg = list(order = c(2,1,2),
#' seasonal = list(order = c(1,1,1))),
#' notes = "SARIMA(2,1,2)(1,1,1)"),
#' hw = list(method = "HoltWinters",
#' method_arg = NULL,
#' notes = "HoltWinters Model"),
#' tslm = list(method = "tslm",
#' method_arg = list(formula = input ~ trend + season),
#' notes = "tslm model with trend and seasonal components"))
#' # Training the models with backtesting
#' md <- train_model(input = USgas,
#' methods = methods,
#' train_method = list(partitions = 4,
#' sample.out = 12,
#' space = 3),
#' horizon = 12,
#' error = "MAPE")
#' # View the model performance on the backtesting partitions
#' md$leaderboard
#' }
train_model <- function(input,
error = "MAPE",
xreg = NULL,
level = c(80, 95)){
#-------------Setting functions and variables-------------
# Setting the pipe operator
`%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%`
# Defines variables
method_list <- input_freq <- input_length <- w <- s1 <- s2 <- NULL
grid_df <- models_df <- w_range <- notes <- NULL
methods_selected <- model_id <- start <- end <- partition <- NULL
model <- avg_mape <- avg_rmse <- NULL
# Defines list of possible models
# Whenever updating, need to update the add_method function as well
method_list <- list("arima", "auto.arima", "ets", "HoltWinters", "nnetar", "tslm")
#-------------Error handling-------------
# Check the level argument
if(base::all(!is.numeric(level)) ||
base::any(level %% 1 != 0) ||
base::any(level <= 0 | level > 100)){
stop("Error on the 'level' argument: the argument is out of range (0,100]")
# Check the error argument
if(base::is.null(error) || !base::is.character(error) || base::length(error) !=1){
stop("Error on the 'error' argument: the input is not valid, please use either 'RMSE' or 'MAPE'")
} else if( error != "MAPE" && error != "RMSE"){
stop("Error on the 'error' argument: the input is not valid, please use either 'RMSE' or 'MAPE'")
# Checking the input argument
stop("The input argument is not a valid 'ts' object")
} else if(stats::is.mts(input)){
stop("Cannot use multiple time series object as input")
# Getting the attributes of the input object
input_freq <- stats::frequency(input)
input_length <- base::length(input)
# Validating the methods argument
stop("Error on the 'methods' argument: the argument is not a list")
} else if(base::is.null(base::names(methods))){
stop("Error on the 'methods' argument: could not find the models IDs")
} else if(base::any("NULL" %in% base::as.character(methods %>% purrr::map(~.x[["method"]])))){
stop("Error on the 'methods' argument: at least one of the methods is missing the 'method' argument")
models_df <- base::data.frame(model_id = base::names(methods),
methods_selected = base::as.character(methods %>% purrr::map_chr(~.x[["method"]])),
notes = base::as.character(methods %>% purrr::map(~.x[["notes"]])),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
if(!base::all(models_df$methods_selected %in% method_list)){
stop("Error on the 'methods' argument: at least one of the models methods is not valid")
# Checking the train argument
stop("Error on the 'train_method' argument: the argument is not a list")
} else if(!"partitions" %in% base::names(train_method)){
stop("Error on the 'train_method' argument: the 'partition' argument is missing")
} else if(!"space" %in% base::names(train_method)){
stop("Error on the 'train_method' argument: the 'space' argument is missing")
} else if(!"sample.out" %in% base::names(train_method)){
stop("Error on the 'train_method' argument: the 'sample.out' argument is missing")
} else if(!base::is.numeric(train_method$sample.out) ||
train_method$sample.out < 1 ||
train_method$sample.out %% 1 != 0){
stop("Error on the 'train_method' argument: the 'sample.out' argument is not valide, please use a positive integer")
} else if(!base::is.numeric(train_method$partitions) ||
train_method$partitions < 1 ||
train_method$partitions %% 1 != 0){
stop("Error on the 'train_method' argument: the 'partitions' argument is not valide, please use a positive integer")
} else if(!base::is.numeric(train_method$space) ||
train_method$space < 1 ||
train_method$space %% 1 != 0){
stop("Error on the 'train_method' argument: the 'space' argument is not valide, please use a positive integer")
w <- seq(from = input_length - train_method$space * (train_method$partitions - 1),
by = train_method$space,
length.out = train_method$partitions)
if(min(w) < input_freq * 2){
stop("Error on the 'train_method' argument: the length of the first partition is not sufficient to train a model",
" (must leave at least two full cycles for the sample in partition)")
# If not using, will define the start point as 1
if(!"" %in% base::names(train_method) ||
("" %in% base::names(train_method) &&
s1 <- s2 <- 1
w_range <- base::data.frame(start = c(base::rep(s1, base::length(w)), s2),
end = c(w, input_length),
type = c(base::rep("train", base::length(w)), "forecast"),
partition = c(base::paste0("partition_", 1:base::length(w), sep = ""), "final_partition"),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# If defining the -> check that the argument is valid
} else if("" %in% base::names(train_method)){
# If defining the -> check that the argument is valid
if(!base::is.numeric(train_method$ ||
train_method$ < 1 ||
train_method$ %% 1 != 0){
stop("Error on the 'train_method' argument: the training partition length (sample in) of the backtesting is not valid. Please use a positive integer")
} else if( train_method$ < input_freq * 2){
stop("Error on the 'train_method' argument: the training partition length (sample in) must have at least two cycles")
s1 <- w - train_method$sample.out - train_method$ + 1
s2 <- input_length - train_method$ + 1
w_range <- base::data.frame(start = c(s1, s2),
end = c(w, input_length),
type = c(base::rep("train", base::length(w)), "forecast"),
partition = c(base::paste0("partition_", 1:base::length(w), sep = ""), "final_partition"),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# Checking the horizon argument
if(horizon %% 1 != 0 || !base::is.numeric(horizon) || horizon <=0){
stop("Error on the 'horizon' argument: the 'horizon' is not valid, please make sure using positive integer")
# Checking the xreg argument
if(!all(c("train", "forecast") %in% base::names(xreg))){
stop("Error on the 'xreg' argument: the 'xreg' list is not valid, please make sure setting the correspinding regressor",
" inputs for the 'input' argument (train) and for the forecast horizon (forecast)")
} else if(base::nrow(xreg$train) != base::length(input)){
stop("Error on the 'xreg' argument: the length of the xreg train input is not aligned with the length of the input series")
} else if(base::nrow(xreg$forecast) != horizon){
stop("Error on the 'xreg' argument: the length of the xreg forecast input is not aligned with the forecast horizon")
#-------------Model combintation grid-------------
grid_df <- base::expand.grid(models_df$model_id, s1, train_method$sample.out, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>%
stats::setNames(c("model_id", "start", "horizon")) %>%
dplyr::left_join(models_df, by = c("model_id")) %>%
dplyr::mutate(type = "train") %>% dplyr::bind_rows(
base::expand.grid(models_df$model_id, s2, horizon, stringsAsFactors = FALSE) %>%
stats::setNames(c("model_id", "start", "horizon")) %>%
dplyr::left_join(models_df, by = c("model_id")) %>%
dplyr::mutate(type = "forecast")
) %>%
dplyr::left_join(w_range, by = c("start", "type"))
#-------------Backtesting function-------------
fc_output <- lapply(base::seq_along(grid_df$model_id), function(i){
ts.obj <- train <- test <- md <- fc <- arg <- NULL
# Setting the training partition
ts.obj <- stats::window(input,
start = stats::time(input)[grid_df$start[i]],
end = stats::time(input)[grid_df$end[i]])
if(grid_df$type[i] == "train"){
ts_partitions <- TSstudio::ts_split(ts.obj = ts.obj, sample.out = train_method$sample.out)
train <- ts_partitions$train
test <- ts_partitions$test
xreg_base <- xreg$train[grid_df$start[i]:grid_df$end[i],]
xreg_train <- xreg_base[1:base::length(train),]
xreg_test <- xreg_base[(base::length(train) + 1):nrow(xreg_base),]
if(grid_df$methods_selected[i] == "arima"){
arg <- methods[[grid_df$model_id[i]]]$method_arg
if("xreg" %in% base::names(arg) && !base::is.null(xreg)){
arg_xreg <- arg
arg_xreg$xreg <- xreg_train[,arg$xreg]
md <-,c(base::list(train), arg_xreg))
fc <- forecast::forecast(md,
h = grid_df$horizon[i],
xreg = xreg_test[,arg$xreg],
level = level)
} else {
md <-,c(base::list(train), arg))
fc <- forecast::forecast(md,
h = grid_df$horizon[i],
level = level)
if(grid_df$methods_selected[i] == "HoltWinters"){
arg <- methods[[grid_df$model_id[i]]]$method_arg
md <-,c(base::list(train), arg))
fc <- forecast::forecast(md,
h = grid_df$horizon[i],
level = level)
if(grid_df$methods_selected[i] == "auto.arima"){
arg <- methods[[grid_df$model_id[i]]]$method_arg
if("xreg" %in% base::names(arg) && !base::is.null(xreg)){
arg_xreg <- arg
arg_xreg$xreg <- xreg_train[,arg$xreg]
md <-,c(base::list(train), arg_xreg))
fc <- forecast::forecast(md,
h = grid_df$horizon[i],
xreg = xreg_test[,arg$xreg],
level = level)
} else {
md <-,c(base::list(train), arg))
fc <- forecast::forecast(md,
h = grid_df$horizon[i],
level = level)
if(grid_df$methods_selected[i] == "ets"){
arg <- methods[[grid_df$model_id[i]]]$method_arg
md <-,c(base::list(train), arg))
fc <- forecast::forecast(md,
h = grid_df$horizon[i],
level = level)
if(grid_df$methods_selected[i] == "nnetar"){
arg <- methods[[grid_df$model_id[i]]]$method_arg
if("xreg" %in% base::names(arg) && !base::is.null(xreg)){
arg_xreg <- arg
arg_xreg$xreg <- xreg_train[,arg$xreg]
md <-,c(base::list(train), arg_xreg))
fc <- forecast::forecast(md,
h = grid_df$horizon[i],
xreg = xreg_test[,arg$xreg],
level = level)
} else {
md <-,c(base::list(train), arg))
fc <- forecast::forecast(md,
h = grid_df$horizon[i],
level = level)
if(grid_df$methods_selected[i] == "tslm"){
# tslm model must have formula argument
arg <- methods[[grid_df$model_id[i]]]$method_arg
# Validate the formula
if(!"formula" %in% base::names(arg)){
stop("Error on the 'train_method' argument: cannot run 'tslm' model without the 'formula' argument")
f <- base::Reduce(base::paste, base::deparse(arg$formula))
tilde <- base::regexpr("~", f) %>% base::as.numeric()
# If the tilde is missing return error
if(tilde == -1){
stop("Error on the 'train_method' argument: cannot run 'tslm' model without the 'formula' argument")
# If formula good check the castumize the xreg argument
# Parsing the formula
f1 <- base::substr(f, tilde + 1, base::nchar(f))
f2 <- base::gsub('[\\+]' , "", base::gsub('\"', "", f1))
f3 <- base::unlist(base::strsplit(x = f2, split = " "))
f4 <- f3[base::which(f3 != "")]
# Checkig for external variables
if(any(!f4 %in% c("trend", "season"))){
if(!f4[which(!f4 %in% c("trend", "season"))] %in% base::names(xreg$train)){
stop(base::paste("Error on the tslm model formula: the ",
f4[which(!f4 %in% c("trend", "season"))],
"variables could not be found on the xreg input",
sep = " "))
arg$data <- xreg_train
arg$formula <- stats::as.formula(base::paste("train ~ ",
base::paste0(f4, collapse = "+"),
sep = ""))
md <-, arg)
fc <- forecast::forecast(md,
h = grid_df$horizon[i],
newdata = xreg_test,
level = level)
} else {
arg$formula <- stats::as.formula(base::paste("train ~ ",
base::paste0(f4, collapse = "+"),
sep = ""))
md <-, arg)
fc <- forecast::forecast(md,
h = grid_df$horizon[i],
level = level)
} else {
stop("Error on the 'train_method' argument: cannot run 'tslm' model without the function's arguments")
} else if(grid_df$type[i] == "forecast"){
xreg_forecast <- xreg_train <- NULL
xreg_train <- xreg$train[grid_df$start[i]:grid_df$end[i],]
xreg_forecast <- xreg$forecast
if(grid_df$methods_selected[i] == "arima"){
arg <- methods[[grid_df$model_id[i]]]$method_arg
if("xreg" %in% base::names(arg) && !base::is.null(xreg)){
arg_xreg <- arg
arg_xreg$xreg <- xreg_train[,arg$xreg]
md <-,c(base::list(ts.obj), arg_xreg))
fc <- forecast::forecast(md,
h = grid_df$horizon[i],
xreg = xreg_forecast[,arg$xreg],
level = level)
} else {
md <-,c(base::list(ts.obj), arg))
fc <- forecast::forecast(md,
h = grid_df$horizon[i],
level = level)
if(grid_df$methods_selected[i] == "HoltWinters"){
arg <- methods[[grid_df$model_id[i]]]$method_arg
md <-,c(base::list(ts.obj), arg))
fc <- forecast::forecast(md,
h = grid_df$horizon[i],
level = level)
if(grid_df$methods_selected[i] == "auto.arima"){
arg <- methods[[grid_df$model_id[i]]]$method_arg
if("xreg" %in% base::names(arg) && !base::is.null(xreg)){
arg_xreg <- arg
arg_xreg$xreg <- xreg_train[,arg$xreg]
md <-,c(base::list(ts.obj), arg_xreg))
fc <- forecast::forecast(md,
h = grid_df$horizon[i],
xreg = xreg_test[,arg$xreg],
level = level)
} else {
md <-,c(base::list(ts.obj), arg))
fc <- forecast::forecast(md,
h = grid_df$horizon[i],
level = level)
if(grid_df$methods_selected[i] == "ets"){
arg <- methods[[grid_df$model_id[i]]]$method_arg
md <-,c(base::list(ts.obj), arg))
fc <- forecast::forecast(md,
h = grid_df$horizon[i],
level = level)
if(grid_df$methods_selected[i] == "nnetar"){
arg <- methods[[grid_df$model_id[i]]]$method_arg
if("xreg" %in% base::names(arg) && !base::is.null(xreg)){
arg_xreg <- arg
arg_xreg$xreg <- xreg_train[,arg$xreg]
md <-,c(base::list(ts.obj), arg_xreg))
fc <- forecast::forecast(md,
h = grid_df$horizon[i],
xreg = xreg_test[,arg$xreg],
level = level)
} else {
md <-,c(base::list(ts.obj), arg))
fc <- forecast::forecast(md,
h = grid_df$horizon[i],
level = level)
if(grid_df$methods_selected[i] == "tslm"){
# tslm model must have formula argument
arg <- methods[[grid_df$model_id[i]]]$method_arg
# Validate the formula
if(!"formula" %in% base::names(arg)){
stop("Error on the 'train_method' argument: cannot run 'tslm' model without the 'formula' argument")
f <- base::Reduce(base::paste, base::deparse(arg$formula))
tilde <- base::regexpr("~", f) %>% base::as.numeric()
# If the tilde is missing return error
if(tilde == -1){
stop("Error on the 'train_method' argument: cannot run 'tslm' model without the 'formula' argument")
# If formula good check the castumize the xreg argument
# Parsing the formula
f1 <- base::substr(f, tilde + 1, base::nchar(f))
f2 <- base::gsub('[\\+]' , "", base::gsub('\"', "", f1))
f3 <- base::unlist(base::strsplit(x = f2, split = " "))
f4 <- f3[base::which(f3 != "")]
# Checkig for external variables
if(any(!f4 %in% c("trend", "season"))){
if(!f4[which(!f4 %in% c("trend", "season"))] %in% base::names(xreg$train)){
stop(base::paste("Error on the tslm model formula: the ",
f4[which(!f4 %in% c("trend", "season"))],
"variables could not be found on the xreg input",
sep = " "))
arg$data <- xreg_train
arg$formula <- stats::as.formula(base::paste("ts.obj ~ ",
base::paste0(f4, collapse = "+"),
sep = ""))
md <-, arg)
fc <- forecast::forecast(md,
h = grid_df$horizon[i],
newdata = xreg_forecast,
level = level)
} else {
arg$formula <- stats::as.formula(base::paste("ts.obj ~ ",
base::paste0(f4, collapse = "+"),
sep = ""))
md <-, arg)
fc <- forecast::forecast(md,
h = grid_df$horizon[i],
level = level)
} else {
stop("Error on the 'train_method' argument: cannot run 'tslm' model without the function's arguments")
output <- list(model = md,
forecast = fc,
parameters = base::list(
type = grid_df$type[i],
model_id = grid_df$model_id[i],
method = grid_df$methods_selected[i],
horizon = grid_df$horizon[i],
partition = grid_df$partition[i]))
#-------------Extracting the training partitions by model-------------
input_window <- grid_df %>% dplyr::select(start, end, horizon, partition) %>% dplyr::distinct()
# Indexing the training partitions
t <- base::which(fc_output %>% purrr::map("parameters") %>% purrr::map_chr("type") == "train")
p1 <- fc_output[t] %>% purrr::map("parameters") %>% purrr::map_chr("partition") %>% base::unique()
# Pulling the backtesting training results
training <- lapply(base::seq_along(p1), function(i1){
l <- NULL
l <- base::which(fc_output[t] %>% purrr::map("parameters") %>% purrr::map_chr("partition") == p1[i1])
md_id <- fc_output[l] %>% purrr::map("parameters") %>% purrr::map_chr("model_id")
ts.obj <- ts_partitions <- train <- test <- NULL
ts.obj <- stats::window(input,
start = stats::time(input)[input_window$start[which(input_window$partition == p1[i1])]],
end = stats::time(input)[input_window$end[which(input_window$partition == p1[i1])]])
ts_partitions <- TSstudio::ts_split(ts.obj = ts.obj, sample.out = input_window$horizon[which(input_window$partition == p1[i1])])
partition_output <- lapply(l, function(i2){
x <- fc_output[[i2]]
y <- base::list()
y[[x$parameters$model_id]] <- list(model = x$model, forecast = x$forecast, parameters = x$parameters)
}) %>% stats::setNames(md_id)
partition_output$train <- ts_partitions$train
partition_output$test <- ts_partitions$test
}) %>% stats::setNames(p1)
# Indexing the forecast output
f <- base::which(fc_output %>% purrr::map("parameters") %>% purrr::map_chr("type") == "forecast")
p2 <- fc_output[f] %>% purrr::map("parameters") %>% purrr::map_chr("partition") %>% base::unique()
md_names <- fc_output[f] %>% purrr::map("parameters") %>% purrr::map_chr("model_id")
forecast <- lapply(f, function(i1){
l <- NULL
l <- fc_output[[i1]]
}) %>%
#-------------Error Summary-------------
error_summary <- lapply(models_df$model_id, function(m){
f <- training[p1] %>% purrr::map(m) %>% purrr::map("forecast") %>% purrr::map("mean")
p <- f %>% base::names()
a <- training[p1] %>% purrr::map("test")
u <- training[p1] %>% purrr::map(m) %>% purrr::map("forecast") %>% purrr::map("upper")
l <- training[p1] %>% purrr::map(m) %>% purrr::map("forecast") %>% purrr::map("lower")
levels <- training[p1] %>% purrr::map(m) %>% purrr::map("forecast") %>% purrr::map("level")
error_df <- lapply(base::seq_along(p),function(n){
df <- coverage_df <- NULL
if(m != "nnetar"){
u[[p[n]]] <- u[[p[n]]] %>% as.matrix()
l[[p[n]]] <- l[[p[n]]] %>% as.matrix()
base::colnames(u[[p[n]]]) <- base::paste0(levels[[p[n]]], "%")
base::colnames(l[[p[n]]]) <- base::paste0(levels[[p[n]]], "%")
coverage_df <- lapply(base::colnames(u[[p[n]]]), function(i){
df <- base::data.frame(coverage = base::sum(ifelse(u[[p[n]]][, i] >= a[[p[n]]] & l[[p[n]]][, i] <= a[[p[n]]], 1, 0)) / base::length(u[[p[n]]][, i]))
}) %>% dplyr::bind_rows() %>%
base::t() %>% %>%
stats::setNames(base::paste0("coverage_", base::colnames(u[[p[n]]])))
df <- base::cbind(base::data.frame(partition = n,
model_id = m,
mape = base::mean(base::abs(f[[p[n]]] - a[[p[n]]]) / a[[p[n]]]),
rmse = (base::mean((a[[p[n]]] - f[[p[n]]]) ^ 2)) ^ 0.5,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
} else if(m == "nnetar"){
df <- base::data.frame(partition = n,
model_id = m,
mape = base::mean(base::abs(f[[p[n]]] - a[[p[n]]]) / a[[p[n]]]),
rmse = (base::mean((a[[p[n]]] - f[[p[n]]]) ^ 2)) ^ 0.5,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
}) %>% dplyr::bind_rows()
}) %>% stats::setNames(models_df$model_id)
#-------------Setting the leaderboard-------------
leaderboard <- error_summary %>% dplyr::bind_rows() %>%
dplyr::group_by(model_id) %>%
dplyr::summarise_all(~mean(.)) %>% dplyr::select(-partition) %>%
dplyr::left_join(models_df %>%
dplyr::select(model_id, model = methods_selected, notes),
by = "model_id") %>%
dplyr::select(model_id, model, notes, dplyr::everything())
base::names(leaderboard) <- c("model_id",
base::paste0("avg_", base::names(leaderboard)[4:base::ncol(leaderboard)]))
if(error == "MAPE"){
leaderboard <- leaderboard %>% dplyr::arrange(avg_mape)
} else if(error == "RMSE"){
leaderboard <- leaderboard %>% dplyr::arrange(avg_rmse)
#-------------Setting the output-------------
output <- base::list(train = training,
forecast = forecast,
input = input,
error_summary = error_summary,
leaderboard = leaderboard,
parameters = list(methods = methods,
train_method = train_method,
horizon = horizon,
xreg = xreg,
error_metric = error,
level = level))
class(output) <- "train_model"
#' A Functional Approach for Building the \code{\link[TSstudio]{train_model}} Components
#' @description Add, edit, or remove the components of the \code{\link[TSstudio]{train_model}} function
#' @export
#' @param model.obj The train_model skeleton, created by the create_model
#' function or edited by add_input, add_methods, remove_methods, add_train_method or add_horizon
#' @param input A univariate time series object (ts class)
#' @param methods A list, defines the models to use for training and forecasting the series.
#' The list must include a sub list with the model type, and the model's arguments (when applicable) and notes about the model.
#' The sub-list name will be used as the model ID. Possible models:
#' \code{\link[stats]{arima}} - model from the stats package
#' \code{\link[forecast]{auto.arima}} - model from the forecast package
#' \code{\link[forecast]{ets}} - model from the forecast package
#' \code{\link[stats]{HoltWinters}} - model from the stats package
#' \code{\link[forecast]{nnetar}} - model from the forecast package
#' \code{\link[forecast]{tslm}} - model from the forecast package (note that the 'tslm' model must have the formula argument in the 'method_arg' argument)
#' @param train_method A list, defines the train approach, either using a single testing partition (sample out)
#' or use multiple testing partitions (backtesting). The list should include the training method argument, (please see 'details' for the structure of the argument)
#' @param method_ids A character, defines the IDs of the model methods to be remove with the remove_methods function
#' @param horizon An integer, defines the forecast horizon
#' @param xreg Optional, a list with two vectors (e.g., data.frame or matrix) of external regressors,
#' one vector corresponding to the input series and second to the forecast itself
#' (e.g., must have the same length as the input and forecast horizon, respectively)
#' @param error A character, defines the error metrics to be used to sort the models leaderboard. Possible metric - "MAPE" or "RMSE"
#' @param level An integer, set the confidence level of the prediction intervals
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ### Building train_model function by adding its different components
#' # Create a skeleton model
#' md <- create_model()
#' class(md)
#' # Add input
#' data(USgas)
#' md <- add_input(model.obj = md, input = USgas)
#' # Add methods
#' methods <- list(ets1 = list(method = "ets",
#' method_arg = list(opt.crit = "lik"),
#' notes = "ETS model with opt.crit = lik"),
#' ets2 = list(method = "ets",
#' method_arg = list(opt.crit = "amse"),
#' notes = "ETS model with opt.crit = amse"),
#' arima1 = list(method = "arima",
#' method_arg = list(order = c(1,1,1),
#' seasonal = list(order = c(1,0,1))),
#' notes = "SARIMA(1,1,1)(1,0,1)"))
#' md <- add_methods(model.obj = md, methods = methods)
#' # Add additional methods
#' methods2 <- list(arima2 = list(method = "arima",
#' method_arg = list(order = c(2,1,2),
#' seasonal = list(order = c(1,1,1))),
#' notes = "SARIMA(2,1,2)(1,1,1)"),
#' hw = list(method = "HoltWinters",
#' method_arg = NULL,
#' notes = "HoltWinters Model"),
#' tslm = list(method = "tslm",
#' method_arg = list(formula = input ~ trend + season),
#' notes = "tslm model with trend and seasonal components"))
#' md <- add_methods(model.obj = md, methods = methods2)
#' # Remove methods
#' md <- remove_methods(model.obj = md, method_ids = c("ets2"))
#' # Add train method
#' md <- add_train_method(model.obj = md, train_method = list(partitions = 6,
#' sample.out = 12,
#' space = 3))
#' # Set the forecast horizon
#' md <- add_horizon(model.obj = md, horizon = 12)
#' # Add the forecast prediction intervals confidence level
#' md <- add_level(model.obj = md, level = c(90, 95))
#' ### Alternatively, pipe the function with the magrittr package
#' library(magrittr)
#' md <- create_model() %>%
#' add_input(input = USgas) %>%
#' add_methods(methods = methods) %>%
#' add_methods(methods = methods2) %>%
#' add_train_method(train_method = list(partitions = 4,
#' sample.out = 12,
#' space = 3)) %>%
#' add_horizon(horizon = 12) %>%
#' add_level(level = c(90, 95))
#' # Run the model
#' fc <- md %>% build_model()
#' }
create_model <- function(){
model_base <-base::list(input = NULL,
methods = NULL,
train_method = NULL,
horizon = NULL)
class(model_base) <- "train_model"
#' @export
#' @rdname create_model
add_input <- function(model.obj, input){
`%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%`
# Error handling
# Checking the input object
stop("The input argument is not a valid 'ts' object")
} else if(stats::is.mts(input)){
stop("Cannot use multiple time series object as an input")
# Checking the model.obj
if(base::class(model.obj) != "train_model"){
stop("The 'model.obj' is not valid 'train_model' object")
} else if("input" %in% base::names(model.obj) && base::is.null(model.obj$input)){
model.obj$input <- input
} else if("input" %in% base::names(model.obj) && !base::is.null(model.obj$input)){
q <- base::readline("The 'model.obj' already has input object, do you want to overwrite it? yes/no ") %>% base::tolower()
if(q == "y" || q == "yes"){
model.obj$input <- input
} else if( q == "n" || q == "no"){
warning("The 'input' was not added to the model object")
} else {
stop("Invalid input...")
#' @export
#' @rdname create_model
add_methods <- function(model.obj, methods){
`%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%`
method_list <- models_df <- NULL
method_list <- list("arima", "auto.arima", "ets", "HoltWinters", "nnetar", "tslm")
# Error handling
# Checking the model.obj class
if(base::class(model.obj) != "train_model"){
stop("The 'model.obj' is not valid 'train_model' object")
# Validating the methods object
stop("Error on the 'methods' argument: the argument is not a list")
} else if(base::is.null(base::names(methods))){
stop("Error on the 'methods' argument: could not find the models IDs")
} else if(base::any("NULL" %in% base::as.character(methods %>% purrr::map(~.x[["method"]])))){
stop("Error on the 'methods' argument: at least one of the methods is missing the 'method' argument")
if(!base::all(base::as.character(methods %>% purrr::map_chr(~.x[["method"]])) %in% method_list)){
stop("Error on the 'methods' argument: at least one of the models methods is not valid")
# Adding the metods to the model.obj object
if(("methods" %in% base::names(model.obj) && base::is.null(model.obj$methods))|| !"methods" %in% base::names(model.obj)){
model.obj$methods <- methods
# In case the object has existing methods
} else if("methods" %in% base::names(model.obj) && !base::is.null(model.obj$methods)) {
# Validating that object is not exist already
for(i in base::names(methods)){
if(i %in% base::names(model.obj$methods)){
q <- base::readline(base::paste("The", i, "method already exists in the model object, do you wish to overwrite it? yes/no ", sep = " ")) %>% base::tolower()
if(q == "y" || q == "yes"){
model.obj$methods[[i]] <- methods[[i]]
} else{
warning(base::paste("Method", i, "were not added", sep = " "))
} else {
model.obj$methods[[i]] <- methods[[i]]
#' @export
#' @rdname create_model
remove_methods <- function(model.obj, method_ids){
`%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%`
# Error handling
# Checking the model.obj class
if(base::class(model.obj) != "train_model"){
stop("The 'model.obj' is not valid 'train_model' object")
# Checking the method_ids argument
stop("The 'method_ids' argument is not valid input")
if(!"methods" %in% base::names(model.obj) || base::is.null(model.obj$methods)){
stop("The input model object does not have any available method")
for(i in method_ids){
if(i %in% base::names(model.obj$methods)){
model.obj$methods[[i]] <- NULL
} else {
warning(base::paste("The", i, "does not exist on the model object"))
#' @export
#' @rdname create_model
add_train_method <- function(model.obj, train_method){
`%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%`
q <- NULL
# Error handling
# Checking the model.obj class
if(base::class(model.obj) != "train_model"){
stop("The 'model.obj' is not valid 'train_model' object")
# Checking the train argument
stop("Error on the 'train_method' argument: the argument is not a list")
} else if(!"partitions" %in% base::names(train_method)){
stop("Error on the 'train_method' argument: the 'partition' argument is missing")
} else if(!"space" %in% base::names(train_method)){
stop("Error on the 'train_method' argument: the 'space' argument is missing")
} else if(!"sample.out" %in% base::names(train_method)){
stop("Error on the 'train_method' argument: the 'sample.out' argument is missing")
} else if(!base::is.numeric(train_method$sample.out) ||
train_method$sample.out < 1 ||
train_method$sample.out %% 1 != 0){
stop("Error on the 'train_method' argument: the 'sample.out' argument is not valide, please use a positive integer")
} else if(!base::is.numeric(train_method$partitions) ||
train_method$partitions < 1 ||
train_method$partitions %% 1 != 0){
stop("Error on the 'train_method' argument: the 'partitions' argument is not valide, please use a positive integer")
} else if(!base::is.numeric(train_method$space) ||
train_method$space < 1 ||
train_method$space %% 1 != 0){
stop("Error on the 'train_method' argument: the 'space' argument is not valide, please use a positive integer")
# Adding the train object
if(!"train_method" %in% base::names(model.obj) || base::is.null(model.obj$train_method)){
model.obj$train_method <- train_method
} else if(!base::is.null(model.obj$train_method)){
q <- base::readline(base::paste("The model object already has train method, do you wish to overwrite it? (yes) ", sep = " ")) %>% base::tolower()
if(q == "y" || q == "yes" || q == ""){
model.obj$train_method <- train_method
} else{
warning("Did not update the train method")
#' @export
#' @rdname create_model
add_horizon <- function(model.obj, horizon){
`%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%`
# Error handling
# Checking the model.obj class
if(base::class(model.obj) != "train_model"){
stop("The 'model.obj' is not valid 'train_model' object")
if(!"horizon" %in% base::names(model.obj) || base::is.null(model.obj$horizon)){
model.obj$horizon <- horizon
} else if(!base::is.null(model.obj$horizon)){
q <- base::readline(base::paste("The model object already has horizon, do you wish to overwrite it? yes/no ", sep = " ")) %>% base::tolower()
if(q == "y" || q == "yes"){
model.obj$horizon <- horizon
} else{
warning("No change had made on the model 'horizon' argument")
#' @export
#' @rdname create_model
build_model <- function(model.obj){
`%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%`
# Error handling
# Checking the model.obj class
if(base::class(model.obj) != "train_model"){
stop("The 'model.obj' is not valid 'train_model' object")
if(!"horizon" %in% base::names(model.obj) || base::is.null(model.obj$horizon)){
stop("Cannot build a model, the 'horizon' argument is missing")
if(!"methods" %in% base::names(model.obj) || base::is.null(model.obj$methods)){
stop("Cannot build a model, the 'methods' argument is missing")
if(!"train_method" %in% base::names(model.obj) || base::is.null(model.obj$train_method)){
stop("Cannot build a model, the 'train_method' argument is missing")
if(!"input" %in% base::names(model.obj) || base::is.null(model.obj$input)){
stop("Cannot build a model, the 'input' argument is missing")
if(!"error" %in% base::names(model.obj)){
model.obj$error <- "MAPE"
if(!"level" %in% base::names(model.obj)){
model.obj$level <- c(80, 95)
if(!"xreg" %in% base::names(model.obj)){
model.obj$xreg <- NULL
output <- NULL
output <- TSstudio::train_model(input = model.obj$input,
methods = model.obj$methods,
train_method = model.obj$train_method,
horizon = model.obj$horizon,
xreg = model.obj$xreg,
error = model.obj$error,
level = model.obj$level)
#' @export
#' @rdname create_model
set_error <- function(model.obj, error){
`%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%`
# Error handling
# Checking the model.obj class
if(base::class(model.obj) != "train_model"){
stop("The 'model.obj' is not valid 'train_model' object")
# Check the error argument
if(base::is.null(error) || !base::is.character(error) || base::length(error) !=1){
stop("Error on the 'error' argument: the input is not valid, please use either 'RMSE' or 'MAPE'")
} else if( error != "MAPE" && error != "RMSE"){
stop("Error on the 'error' argument: the input is not valid, please use either 'RMSE' or 'MAPE'")
if(!"error" %in% base::names(model.obj) ||
("error" %in% base::names(model.obj) && base::is.null(model.obj$error))){
model.obj$error <- error
} else if("error" %in% base::names(model.obj) && !base::is.null(model.obj$error)){
q <- base::readline(base::paste("The model object already has 'error' argument, do you wish to overwrite it? (yes) ", sep = " ")) %>% base::tolower()
if(q == "y" || q == "yes" || q == ""){
model.obj$error <- error
} else{
warning("No change had made on the model 'error' argument")
#' @export
#' @rdname create_model
add_xreg <- function(model.obj, xreg){
`%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%`
q <- NULL
# Error handling
# Checking the model.obj class
if(base::class(model.obj) != "train_model"){
stop("The 'model.obj' is not valid 'train_model' object")
# Checking the xreg argument
if(!all(c("train", "forecast") %in% base::names(xreg))){
stop("Error on the 'xreg' argument: the 'xreg' list is not valid, please make sure setting the correspinding regressor",
" inputs for the 'input' argument (train) and for the forecast horizon (forecast)")
if(!"xreg" %in% base::names(model.obj) ||
("xreg" %in% base::names(model.obj) && base::is.null(model.obj$xreg))){
model.obj$xreg <- xreg
} else if("xreg" %in% base::names(model.obj) && !base::is.null(model.obj$xreg)){
q <- base::readline(base::paste("The model object already has 'xreg' argument, do you wish to overwrite it? (yes) ", sep = " ")) %>% base::tolower()
if(q == "y" || q == "yes" || q == ""){
model.obj$xreg <- xreg
} else{
warning("No change had made on the model 'xreg' argument")
#' @export
#' @rdname create_model
add_level <- function(model.obj, level){
`%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%`
q <- NULL
# Error handling
# Checking the model.obj class
if(base::class(model.obj) != "train_model"){
stop("The 'model.obj' is not valid 'train_model' object")
### Error Handling
# Check the level argument
if(base::all(!is.numeric(level)) ||
base::any(level %% 1 != 0) ||
base::any(level <= 0 | level > 100)){
stop("Error on the 'level' argument: the argument is out of range (0,100]")
if(!"level" %in% base::names(model.obj) || base::is.null(model.obj$level)){
model.obj$level <- level
} else if(!base::is.null(model.obj$level)){
q <- base::readline(base::paste("The model object already has 'level', do you wish to overwrite it? (yes) ", sep = " ")) %>% base::tolower()
if(q == "y" || q == "yes" || q == ""){
model.obj$level <- level
} else{
warning("No change had made on the model 'level' argument")
#' Plot the Models Performance on the Testing Partitions
#' @export
#' @details The plot_model provides a visualization of the models performance on the testing paritions for the train_model function output
#' @param model.obj A train_model object
#' @param model_ids A character, defines the trained models to plot, if set to NULL (default), will plot all the models
#' @return Animation of models forecast on the testing partitions compared to the actuals
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Defining the models and their arguments
#' methods <- list(ets1 = list(method = "ets",
#' method_arg = list(opt.crit = "lik"),
#' notes = "ETS model with opt.crit = lik"),
#' ets2 = list(method = "ets",
#' method_arg = list(opt.crit = "amse"),
#' notes = "ETS model with opt.crit = amse"),
#' arima1 = list(method = "arima",
#' method_arg = list(order = c(2,1,0)),
#' notes = "ARIMA(2,1,0)"),
#' arima2 = list(method = "arima",
#' method_arg = list(order = c(2,1,2),
#' seasonal = list(order = c(1,1,1))),
#' notes = "SARIMA(2,1,2)(1,1,1)"),
#' hw = list(method = "HoltWinters",
#' method_arg = NULL,
#' notes = "HoltWinters Model"),
#' tslm = list(method = "tslm",
#' method_arg = list(formula = input ~ trend + season),
#' notes = "tslm model with trend and seasonal components"))
#' # Training the models with backtesting
#' md <- train_model(input = USgas,
#' methods = methods,
#' train_method = list(partitions = 6,
#' sample.out = 12,
#' space = 3),
#' horizon = 12,
#' error = "MAPE")
#' # Plot the models performance on the testing partitions
#' plot_model(model.obj = md)
#' # Plot only the ETS models
#' plot_model(model.obj = md , model_ids = c("ets1", "ets2"))
#' }
plot_model <- function(model.obj, model_ids = NULL){
`%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%`
m <- p <- ac_df <- fc_df <- df <- output <- obj_name <- NULL
obj_name <- <- base::deparse(base::substitute(model.obj))
# Error handling
# Checking the model.obj class
if(base::class(model.obj) != "train_model"){
stop("The 'model.obj' is not valid 'train_model' object")
m <- model.obj$parameters$methods %>% base::names()
stop("Error on the 'model.obj' argument: cannot find any method in the 'model.obj' argument")
if(!base::all(model_ids %in% m)){
stop("Error on the 'model_ids' argument: cannot find some (or all) of the model ids in the 'model.obj' object")
m <- model_ids
p <- model.obj$parameters$train_method$partitions
ac_df <- base::data.frame(y = rep(base::as.numeric(model.obj$input), p),
time = base::rep(base::as.numeric(stats::time(model.obj$input)), p),
partition = base::rep(1:p, each = base::length(model.obj$input)),
type = "actual")
fc_df <- lapply(m, function(i){
df1 <- df2 <- NULL
df1 <- model.obj$train %>%
purrr::map(~.x[[i]]) %>%
purrr::map(~.x[["forecast"]]) %>%
purrr::map(~.x[["mean"]]) %>%
for(c in 1:base::ncol(df1)){
temp <- df3 <- NULL
temp <- df1[, c] %>% %>%
df3 <- base::data.frame(y = base::as.numeric(temp$y),
time = base::as.numeric(stats::time(temp$y)),
partition = c,
type = i,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
df2 <- dplyr::bind_rows(df2, df3)
df1 <- model.obj$train %>%
purrr::map(~.x[[i]]) %>%
purrr::map(~.x[["forecast"]]) %>%
purrr::map(~.x[["mean"]]) %>%
}) %>% dplyr::bind_rows()
df <- rbind(fc_df, ac_df)
output <- plotly::plot_ly(data = df,
x = ~ time,
y = ~ y,
split = ~ type,
frame = ~ partition,
type = 'scatter',
mode = 'lines',
line = list(simplyfy = F))%>%
plotly::layout(title = base::paste(obj_name, "Models Performance by Testing Partitions", sep = " "),
margin = 50,
title = "",
xaxis = list(
title = "Date",
zeroline = F),
yaxis = list(
title = "",
zeroline = F
font = list(color = "black"),
plot_bgcolor = "white",
paper_bgcolor = "white"
) %>%
frame = 500,
transition = 0,
redraw = F
) %>%
hide = F
) %>%
x = 1, xanchor = "right", y = 0, yanchor = "bottom"
#' Plot the Models Error Rates on the Testing Partitions
#' @export
#' @details The plot_model provides a visualization of the models performance on the testing paritions for the train_model function output
#' @param model.obj A train_model object
#' @param error A character, defines the type of error metrics to plot, possible metric - "MAPE" or "RMSE"
#' @param palette A character, defines the color type to used on the plot, use row.names( to view possible color palletes
#' @return A plot with a summery of the models error rate by testing partition
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Defining the models and their arguments
#' methods <- list(ets1 = list(method = "ets",
#' method_arg = list(opt.crit = "lik"),
#' notes = "ETS model with opt.crit = lik"),
#' ets2 = list(method = "ets",
#' method_arg = list(opt.crit = "amse"),
#' notes = "ETS model with opt.crit = amse"),
#' arima1 = list(method = "arima",
#' method_arg = list(order = c(2,1,0)),
#' notes = "ARIMA(2,1,0)"),
#' arima2 = list(method = "arima",
#' method_arg = list(order = c(2,1,2),
#' seasonal = list(order = c(1,1,1))),
#' notes = "SARIMA(2,1,2)(1,1,1)"),
#' hw = list(method = "HoltWinters",
#' method_arg = NULL,
#' notes = "HoltWinters Model"),
#' tslm = list(method = "tslm",
#' method_arg = list(formula = input ~ trend + season),
#' notes = "tslm model with trend and seasonal components"))
#' # Training the models with backtesting
#' md <- train_model(input = USgas,
#' methods = methods,
#' train_method = list(partitions = 6,
#' sample.out = 12,
#' space = 3),
#' horizon = 12,
#' error = "MAPE")
#' # Plot the models performance on the testing partitions
#' plot_error(model.obj = md)
#' }
plot_error <- function(model.obj, error = "MAPE", palette = "Set1"){
`%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%`
m<- n_colors <- colors_list <- p1 <- p2 <- output <- error_df <- model_id <- NULL
hex_to_rgb <- function(hex){
rgb <- base::paste0(as.numeric(grDevices::col2rgb(hex) %>% base::t()), collapse = ",")
# Error handling
# Checking the model.obj class
if(base::class(model.obj) != "train_model"){
stop("The 'model.obj' is not valid 'train_model' object")
# Checking the error argument
if(error != "MAPE" && error != "RMSE"){
stop("Error on the 'error' argument: in valid error metric, can use either 'MAPE' or 'RMSE'")
error_df <- model.obj$error_summary %>% dplyr::bind_rows()
m <- unique(error_df$model_id)
palette_list <- base::row.names(
if(base::length(palette) != 1 || !palette %in% palette_list){
stop("Error on the 'palette' argument: cannot find the color palette on the RColorBrewer palettes list, ",
"use row.names( to view possible color palettes")
n_colors <-$maxcolors[row.names( == palette]
colors_list <- grDevices::colorRampPalette(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(n_colors, palette))(base::length(m))
p1 <- plotly::plot_ly()
p2 <- plotly::plot_ly()
if(error == "MAPE"){
for(i in base::seq_along(m)){
df <- NULL
df <- error_df %>% dplyr::filter(model_id == m[i])
p1 <- p1 %>% plotly::add_lines(x = df$partition, y = df$mape * 100, name = m[i],
showlegend = TRUE,
legendgroup = m[i],
line = list(color = colors_list[i]))
p2 <- p2 %>% plotly::add_trace(y = df$mape * 100, name = m[i],
type = "box",
fillcolor = base::paste("rgba(", hex_to_rgb(colors_list[i]), ", 0.5)", sep = ""),
line = list(color = colors_list[i]),
marker = list(color = colors_list[i]),
boxpoints = "all",
jitter = 0.3,
pointpos = -1.8,
showlegend = FALSE,
legendgroup = m[i])
p1 <- p1 %>% plotly::layout(yaxis = list(title = "MAPE", ticksuffix = '%'),
xaxis = list(title = "Partition"))
p2 <- p2 %>% plotly::layout(yaxis = list(title = "MAPE", ticksuffix = '%'),
xaxis = list(title = "Partition"))
output <- plotly::subplot(p1, p2, nrows = 1, shareY = T) %>%
plotly::layout(title = "Model Performance by Testing Partition - MAPE")
} else if(error == "RMSE"){
for(i in base::seq_along(m)){
df <- NULL
df <- error_df %>% dplyr::filter(model_id == m[i])
p1 <- p1 %>% plotly::add_lines(x = df$partition, y = df$rmse, name = m[i],
showlegend = TRUE,
legendgroup = m[i],
line = list(color = colors_list[i]))
p2 <- p2 %>% plotly::add_trace(y = df$rmse, name = m[i],
type = "box",
fillcolor = base::paste("rgba(", hex_to_rgb(colors_list[i]), ", 0.5)", sep = ""),
line = list(color = colors_list[i]),
marker = list(color = colors_list[i]),
boxpoints = "all",
jitter = 0.3,
pointpos = -1.8,
showlegend = FALSE,
legendgroup = m[i])
p1 <- p1 %>% plotly::layout(yaxis = list(title = "RMSE"),
xaxis = list(title = "Partition"))
p2 <- p2 %>% plotly::layout(yaxis = list(title = "RMSE"),
xaxis = list(title = "Partition"))
output <- plotly::subplot(p1, p2, nrows = 1, shareY = T) %>%
plotly::layout(title = "Model Performance by Testing Partition - RMSE")
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