
Defines functions tprSpeciesCode

Documented in tprSpeciesCode

#' @title Get BDAT species code or transform it to a name.
#' @description Function to get BDAT species code, or transform it to a
#' german or english name, possibly an abbreviated version or even a scientific
#' name
#' @param inSp species information given, either numeric or character
#' @param outSp character vector of names, for which information should be returned
#' @details The function matches inSp to outSp. Depending on inSp, being either
#' a numeric vector of values between 1 and 36 or a character vector of species
#' names. Possible names are those which could be return values. One can get all
#' names and the respective species code by calling the function with inSP=NULL
#' and outSP=NULL (the default).
#' English species names and codes are taken from
#' https://www.forestry.gov.uk/pdf/PF2011_Tree_Species.pdf/$FILE/PF2011_Tree_Species.pdf
#' while slightly adjusting the codes to be unique compared to the german codes
#' (e.g. European larch is now ELA instead of EL).
#' Any given species code outside the interval [1, 36] is given the code 1
#' (i.e. Norway spruce), while throwing a warning. If any inSp - name is invalid,
#' i.e. not in species list, this throws an error.
#' All elements of outSp, which are not colnames of the default returned
#' data.frame, are silently dropped.
#' @return vector or data.frame, depending on length of 'outSp'.
#' @examples
#' tprSpeciesCode(inSp=NULL, outSp=NULL) ## the default
#' tprSpeciesCode() ## the same
#' tprSpeciesCode(outSp = "scientific")
#' tprSpeciesCode(inSp = c(1, 2)) ## giving codes
#' tprSpeciesCode(inSp = c(1, 2, -1, 37)) ## values outside [1, 36] are given code 1
#' tprSpeciesCode(inSp = c(1, 2), outSp = c("scientific")) ## output a vector
#' tprSpeciesCode(inSp = c("Bu", "Fi")) ## asking for codes of abbreviated german names
#' tprSpeciesCode(inSp = c("Bu", "Fi", "Bu")) ## order is preserved
#' tprSpeciesCode(inSp = c("Buche", "Fichte")) ## asking for codes of german names
#' tprSpeciesCode(inSp = c("BE", "NS")) ## ... abbreviated english names
#' tprSpeciesCode(inSp = c("beech", "Norway spruce")) ## ... english names
#' tprSpeciesCode(inSp = c("Fagus sylvatica", "Picea abies")) ### ... scientific names
#' ## not run
#' ## tprSpeciesCode(inSp = c("Fagus sylvatica", "Picea")) ## error, 2nd name wrong
#' ## end not run

#' @export

tprSpeciesCode <- function(inSp=NULL, outSp=NULL){

  ## look-up table
  df <-
      ID = 1:39,
      kurz = c("Fi", "SF", "Ta", "KT", "Kie", "SK",
      "WK", "DG", "La", "EL", "JL", "Th", "Ts", "SN", "Bu", "HB", "Ei", "RE",
      "Pa", "BP", "Es", "Ah", "BA", "SA", "FA", "Bi", "Li", "Er", "Kir", "Ul",
      "Ro", "El", "Ka", "We", "LB", "VB",
      "BU_", "Ei_", "REi_"),
      lang = c("Fichte", "Sitka-Fichte", "Tanne", "Kuestentanne",
      "Kiefer", "Schwarzkiefer", "Weymouthskiefer", "Douglasie", "Laerche",
      "Europ. Laerche", "Jap. Laerche", "Thuja", "Tsuga", "sNB", "Buche",
      "Hainbuche", "Eiche", "Roteiche", "Pappel", "Balsampappel", "Esche",
      "Ahorn", "Bergahorn", "Spitzahorn", "Feldahorn", "Birke", "Linde",
      "Erle", "Kirsche", "Ulme", "Robinie", "Elsbeere", "Kastanie",
      "Weide", "sLB", "Vogelbeere",
      "Buche_", "Eiche_", "Roteiche_"),
      short = c("NS", "SS", "ESF", "GF", "SP", "AUP", "WEP",
                  "DF", "XLA", "ELA", "JLA", "RC", "WH", "XC",
                  "BE", "HBM", "OK", "ROK", "XPO", "BPO", "AH", "XAH", "SY",
                  "NOM", "FM", "XBI", "LI", "AR", "WCH", "EM", "BL", "WST",
                  "SC", "XWL", "XB", "ROW",
                "BE_", "OK_", "ROK_"),
      long = c("Norway spruce", "Sitka spruce", "European silver fir",
                  "Grand fir", "Scotch pine", "Austrian pine", "Weymouth pine",
                  "Douglas fir", "larch", "European larch", "Japanese larch",
                  "Western red cedar", "Western hemlock", "other conifers",
                  "hornbeam", "oak (robur/petraea)", "Red oak", "poplar",
                  "Balsam poplar", "ash", "maple", "sycamore", "Norway maple",
                  "Field maple", "birch", "lime tree", "alder", "Wild cherry",
                  "elm", "black locust", "Wild service tree", "Sweet chestnut",
                  "willow", "other broadleaves", "rowan",
               "beech_", "oak_", "Red oak_"),
      scientific = c("Picea abies", " Picea sitchensis", "Abies alba",
                     "Abies grandis", "Pinus sylvestris", "Pinus nigra",
                     "Pinus strobus", "Pseudotsuga menziesii", "Larix spp.",
                     "Larix decidua", "Larix kaempferi", "Thuja plicata",
                     "Tsuga heterophylla", "Coniferales trees",
                     "Fagus sylvatica",
                     "Carpinus betulus", "Quercus spp.", "Quercus rubra",
                     "Populus spp.", "Populus balsamifera", "Fraxinus excelsior",
                     "Acer spp.", "Acer pseudoplatanus", "Acer platanoides",
                     "Acer campestre", "Betula spp.", "Tilia spp.", "Alnus spp.",
                     "Prunus avium", "Ulmus spp.", "Robinia pseudoacacia",
                     "Sorbus torminalis", "Castanea sativa", "Salix spp.",
                     "Magnoliopsida trees", "Sorbus aucuparia",
                     "Fagus sylvatica_", "Quercus spp._", "Quercus rubra_")
    .Names = c("ID", "kurz", "lang", "short", "long", "scientific"),
    class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -39L))

    # check outSp
    outSp <- outSp[which(outSp %in% colnames(df))]

    # check inSp
        outSp <- c("ID", "kurz", "lang", "short", "long", "scientific")
      if(any(inSp < 0) | any(inSp > 39)){
        inSp[which(inSp < 0 | inSp > 39)] <- 1
        warning("some 'inSp' where <0 or >39, set to 1")
      outdf <- merge(df, data.frame(x=inSp, orderx=1:length(inSp)),
                     by.x = "ID", by.y = "x", all.y = T)
      outdf <- outdf[order(outdf$orderx), outSp]

    } else if(is.character(inSp)){
        outSp <- c("ID")
      if(all(inSp %in% df$kurz)){
        scol <- "kurz" ## *s*elected *col*umn
      } else if(all(inSp %in% df$lang)){
        scol <- "lang"
      } else if(all(inSp %in% df$short)){
        scol <- "short"
      } else if(all(inSp %in% df$long)){
        scol <- "long"
      } else if(all(inSp %in% df$scientific)){
        scol <- "scientific"
      } else {
        miss <- inSp[which(!(inSp %in% unlist(df[, 2:6])))]
        stop(paste0("cannot match inSp=c('", paste0(miss, collapse = "', '"), "') to any column. Check your names."))
      ## match
      outdf <- merge(data.frame(x=inSp, orderx=1:length(inSp)), df,
                     by.x = "x", by.y = scol, all.x = T, sort=F)
      outdf <- outdf[order(outdf$orderx), outSp]
    } else {
      warning("inSp of wrong mode, must be numeric or character.")
  } else {
      outdf <- subset(df, select = outSp[which(outSp %in% colnames(df))])
    } else {
      outdf <- df


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TapeS documentation built on March 31, 2023, 7:19 p.m.