
Defines functions plotShadowExposure plotShadowOverlap plotShadowChart plotShadowAudit plotShadowInfo plotExposurePanel

Documented in plotExposurePanel plotShadowAudit plotShadowChart plotShadowExposure plotShadowInfo

#' @include helper_functions.R

#' @param x accepts the following signatures:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item{\code{\linkS4class{item_pool}}}: plot information and expected scores.
#'   \item{\code{\linkS4class{constraints}}}: plot information range based on the test length constraint.
#'   \item{\code{\linkS4class{output_Static}}}: plot information and expected scores based on the fixed assembly solution.
#'   \item{\code{\linkS4class{output_Shadow_all}}}: plot audit trail, shadowtest chart, exposure rates, and item overlap data from the adaptive assembly solution.
#'   \item{\code{\linkS4class{output_Shadow}}}: plot audit trail and shadowtest chart from the adaptive assembly solution.
#' }
#' @param y not used, exists for compatibility with \code{\link[graphics]{plot}} in the base R package.
#' @param type the type of plot.
#' \itemize{
#'    \item{\code{info} plots information from \code{\linkS4class{item_pool}}, \code{\linkS4class{output_Static}}, and \code{\linkS4class{output_Shadow_all}}.}
#'    \item{\code{score} plots expected scores from \code{\linkS4class{item_pool}} and \code{\linkS4class{output_Static}}.}
#'    \item{\code{audit} plots audit trail from \code{\linkS4class{output_Shadow_all}} and \code{\linkS4class{output_Shadow}}.}
#'    \item{\code{shadow} plots shadowtest chart from \code{\linkS4class{output_Shadow_all}} and \code{\linkS4class{output_Shadow}}.}
#'    \item{\code{exposure} plots exposure rates from \code{\linkS4class{output_Shadow_all}}.}
#'    \item{\code{overlap} plots item overlap data from \code{\linkS4class{output_Shadow_all}}.}
#' }
#' @param theta the theta grid to use in plotting. (default = \code{seq(-3, 3, .1)})
#' @param info_type the type of information. Currently accepts \code{FISHER}. (default = \code{FISHER})
#' @param plot_sum used in \code{\linkS4class{item_pool}} objects.
#' \itemize{
#'    \item{if \code{TRUE} then plot pool-level values.}
#'    \item{if \code{FALSE} then plot item-level values, and repeat for all items in the pool.}
#'    \item{(default = \code{TRUE})}
#' }
#' @param select used in \code{\linkS4class{item_pool}} objects. Item indices to subset.
#' @param color the color of the curve.
#' @param examinee_id used in \code{\linkS4class{output_Shadow}} and \code{\linkS4class{output_Shadow_all}} with \code{type = 'audit'} and \code{type = 'shadow'}. The examinee numeric ID to draw the plot.
#' @param position used in \code{\linkS4class{output_Shadow_all}} with \code{type = 'info'}. The item position to draw the plot.
#' @param theta_range used in \code{\linkS4class{output_Shadow}} and \code{\linkS4class{output_Shadow_all}} with \code{type = 'audit'}. The theta range to plot. (default = \code{c(-5, 5)})
#' @param ylim (optional) the y-axis plot range. Used in most plot types.
#' @param z_ci used in \code{\linkS4class{output_Shadow}} and \code{\linkS4class{output_Shadow_all}} with \code{type = 'audit'}. The range to use for confidence intervals. (default = \code{1.96})
#' @param simple used in \code{\linkS4class{output_Shadow}} and \code{\linkS4class{output_Shadow_all}} with \code{type = 'shadow'}. If \code{TRUE}, simplify the chart by hiding unused items.
#' @param theta_type used in \code{\linkS4class{output_Shadow_all}} with \code{type = 'exposure'}. The type of theta to determine exposure segments. Accepts \code{Estimated} or \code{True}. (default = \code{Estimated})
#' @param color_final used in \code{\linkS4class{output_Shadow_all}} with \code{type = 'exposure'}. The color of item-wise exposure rates, only counting the items administered in the final theta segment as exposed.
#' @param color_stim used in \code{\linkS4class{output_Shadow_all}} with \code{type = 'exposure'} or \code{type = 'overlap'}. The color of stimulus exposure rates or stimulus overlap data.
#' @param segment used in \code{\linkS4class{output_Shadow_all}} with \code{type = 'exposure'}. (optional) The segment index to draw the plot. Leave empty to use all segments.
#' @param rmse used in \code{\linkS4class{output_Shadow_all}} with \code{type = 'exposure'}. If \code{TRUE}, display the RMSE value for each segment. (default = \code{FALSE})
#' @param use_segment_label used in \code{\linkS4class{output_Shadow_all}} with \code{type = 'exposure'}. If \code{TRUE}, display the segment label for each segment. (default = \code{TRUE})
#' @param use_par if \code{FALSE}, graphical parameters are not overridden inside the function. (default = \code{TRUE})
#' @param ... arguments to pass onto \code{\link[graphics]{plot}}.
#' @examples
#' subitempool <- itempool_science[1:8]
#' ## Plot item information of a pool
#' plot(subitempool)
#' plot(itempool_science, select = 1:8)
#' ## Plot expected score of a pool
#' plot(subitempool, type = "score")
#' plot(itempool_science, type = "score", select = 1:8)
#' ## Plot assembly results from Static()
#' cfg <- createStaticTestConfig()
#' solution <- Static(cfg, constraints_science)
#' plot(solution)                 # defaults to the objective type
#' plot(solution, type = "score") # plot expected scores
#' ## Plot attainable information range from constraints
#' plot(constraints_science)
#' ## Plot assembly results from Shadow()
#' cfg <- createShadowTestConfig()
#' set.seed(1)
#' solution <- Shadow(cfg, constraints_science, true_theta = rnorm(1))
#' plot(solution, type = 'audit' , examinee_id = 1)
#' plot(solution, type = 'shadow', examinee_id = 1, simple = TRUE)
#' ## plot(solution, type = 'exposure')
#' ## plot(solution, type = 'overlap')
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname plot-methods
#' @export
  f = "plot",
  signature = "item_pool",
  definition = function(
    x, y, type = "info",
    theta = seq(-3, 3, .1),
    info_type = "FISHER",
    plot_sum = TRUE,
    select = NULL,
    examinee_id = 1,
    position = NULL,
    theta_range = c(-5, 5),
    ylim = NULL,
    color = "blue",
    z_ci = 1.96,
    simple = TRUE,
    theta_type = "Estimated",
    color_final = "blue",
    color_stim = "red",
    segment = NULL,
    rmse = FALSE,
    use_segment_label = TRUE,
    use_par = TRUE,
) {

  if (!is.null(select)) {
    if (all(select %in% 1:x@ni)) {
      items <- select
    } else {
      stop("'select' is out of bounds")
    txt_s <- "selected"
  } else {
    items <- 1:x@ni
    txt_s <- "all"

  if (type == "info") {
    if (toupper(info_type) == "FISHER") {
      y <- calcFisher(subsetItemPool(x, items), theta)
    } else {
      stop("Invalid info_type specified")
    txt <- "Information"
  } else if (type == "score") {
    y <- calcProb(subsetItemPool(x, items), theta)
    y <- sapply(y, function(l) l %*% ((1:dim(l)[2]) - 1), simplify = TRUE)
    txt <- "Expected score"
  } else {
    stop("'type' should be either 'info' or 'score' for an item_pool object")

  if (plot_sum) {
    y <- rowSums(y)

  if (is.null(ylim)) {
    ylim <- c(0, max(y))

  if (plot_sum) {
      theta, y, xlab = "Theta", ylab = txt,
      main = sprintf("%s from %s %i items", txt, txt_s, length(items)),
      type = "l", col = color, ylim = ylim, ...
  } else {
      theta, y[, items], xlab = "Theta", ylab = txt,
      main = x@id[items],
      type = "l", col = color, ylim = ylim, ...




#' @docType methods
#' @rdname plot-methods
#' @export
  f = "plot",
  signature = "output_Static",
  definition = function(
    x, y, type = NULL,
    theta = seq(-3, 3, .1),
    info_type = "FISHER",
    plot_sum = TRUE,
    select = NULL,
    examinee_id = 1,
    position = NULL,
    theta_range = c(-5, 5),
    ylim = NULL,
    color = "blue",
    z_ci = 1.96,
    simple = TRUE,
    use_par = TRUE,
) {

  config      <- x@config
  constraints <- x@constraints
  continuum   <- theta
  continuum   <- sort(c(continuum, config@item_selection$target_location))
  idx <- which(x@MIP[[1]]$solution[1:constraints@ni] == 1)

  if (toupper(config@item_selection$method) == "MAXINFO") {
    plot_type <- "info"
  if (toupper(config@item_selection$method) == "TIF") {
    plot_type <- "info"
  if (toupper(config@item_selection$method) == "TCC") {
    plot_type <- "score"

  type_overridden <- FALSE
  if (!is.null(type)) {
    if (plot_type != type) {
      plot_type <- type
      type_overridden <- TRUE

  if (plot_type == "info") {
    mat_sub <- calcFisher(constraints@pool, continuum)[, idx]
    vec_sub <- apply(mat_sub, 1, sum)
    ylab    <- "Information"
    title   <- "Test Information Function based on the assembled test"
  if (plot_type == "score") {
    l <- calcProb(constraints@pool, continuum)[idx]
    for (i in 1:length(l)) {
      prob_mat  <- l[[i]]
      max_score <- dim(prob_mat)[2] - 1
      prob_mat  <- prob_mat * matrix(c(0:max_score), dim(prob_mat)[1], dim(prob_mat)[2], byrow = T)
      l[[i]]    <- apply(prob_mat, 1, sum)
    vec_sub <- Reduce("+", l)
    ylab    <- "Expected Score"
    title   <- "Test Characteristic Curve based on the assembled test"

  if (is.null(ylim)) {
    ymax <- max(vec_sub, config@item_selection$target_value)
    ylim <- c(0, ymax)

  # Begin plot

    continuum, vec_sub,
    xlim = c(min(continuum), max(continuum)), ylim = ylim,
    main = title, xlab = "Theta", ylab = ylab, type = "n", bty = "n", ...

  if (!type_overridden) {
    if (toupper(config@item_selection$method) != "MAXINFO") {
      abline(h = config@item_selection$target_value, lty = 3, lwd = 1)
    abline(v = config@item_selection$target_location, lty = 3, lwd = 1)

  lines(continuum, vec_sub, lty = 1, lwd = 1, col = color)

  if (!type_overridden) {
    "Target locations",
    bty = "o", bg = "white",
    box.lty = 0, box.lwd = 0, box.col = "white",
    lty = 3, lwd = 1, seg.len = 1, inset = c(0, .01))




#' @docType methods
#' @rdname plot-methods
#' @export
  f = "plot",
  signature = "constraints",
  definition = function(
    x, y, type = "info",
    theta = seq(-3, 3, .1),
    info_type = "FISHER",
    plot_sum = TRUE,
    select = NULL,
    examinee_id = 1,
    position = NULL,
    theta_range = c(-5, 5),
    ylim = NULL,
    color = "blue",
    z_ci = 1.96,
    simple = TRUE,
    use_par = TRUE,
) {

  if (!type == "info") {
    stop("'type' should be 'info' for constraints")
  idx_n_items <- which(
    toupper(x@constraints[["WHAT"]]) == "ITEM" &
      toupper(x@constraints[["CONDITION"]]) == "")
  n_items <- x@constraints[idx_n_items, ]["LB"][1, 1]
  max_info <- numeric(length(theta))
  for (i in 1:length(theta)) {
    max_info[i] <- sum(sort(calcFisher(x@pool, theta[i]), TRUE)[1:n_items])
  mean_info <- calcFisher(x@pool, theta)
  mean_info <- apply(mean_info, 1, mean)
  mean_info <- mean_info * n_items

  if (is.null(ylim)) {
    ylim <- c(0, max(max_info))

  # Begin plot
  tmp = sprintf("Maximum attainable test information and the randomly selected information")
    0, 0,
    type = "n", xlim = c(-3, 3), ylim = ylim,
    xlab = "Theta", ylab = "Information", main = "Test information based on best items vs. random selection",
  lines(theta, max_info,  lty = 1, lwd = 1, col = color)
  lines(theta, mean_info, lty = 2, lwd = 1, col = color)




#' @docType methods
#' @rdname plot-methods
#' @export
  f = "plot",
  signature = "output_Shadow",
  definition = function(
    x, y, type = "audit",
    theta = seq(-3, 3, .1),
    info_type = "FISHER",
    plot_sum = TRUE,
    select = NULL,
    examinee_id = 1,
    theta_range = c(-5, 5),
    ylim = NULL,
    color = "blue",
    z_ci = 1.96,
    simple = FALSE,
    theta_type = "Estimated",
    use_par = TRUE,
) {

  if (type == "audit") {

  if (type == "shadow") {


#' @docType methods
#' @rdname plot-methods
#' @export
  f = "plot",
  signature = "output_Shadow_all",
  definition = function(
    x, y, type = "audit",
    theta = seq(-3, 3, .1),
    info_type = "FISHER",
    plot_sum = TRUE,
    select = NULL,
    examinee_id = 1,
    position = NULL,
    theta_range = c(-5, 5),
    ylim = NULL,
    color = "blue",
    z_ci = 1.96,
    simple = FALSE,
    theta_type = "Estimated",
    color_final = "blue",
    color_stim = "red",
    segment = NULL,
    rmse = FALSE,
    use_segment_label = TRUE,
    use_par = TRUE,
) {

  if (!type %in% c("audit", "shadow", "info", "score", "exposure", "overlap")) {
    stop("plot(output_Shadow_all): 'type' must be 'info', 'audit', 'shadow', 'exposure', or 'overlap'")
  if (!all(examinee_id %in% 1:length(x@output))) {
    stop("plot(output_Shadow_all): 'examinee_id' out of bounds")

  if (type == "info") {
      x, examinee_id, position,
      ylim, theta,

  if (type == "audit") {

  if (type == "shadow") {

  if (type == "exposure") {
      x, theta_type,
      color, color_final,

  if (type == "overlap") {


#' (Internal) Draw an exposure rate plot
#' \code{\link{plotExposurePanel}} is an internal function for
#' drawing an exposure rate plot for a single theta segment.
#' @param item_exposure_rate exposure rates for each item.
#' @param item_exposure_rate_final exposure rates for each item, treating items administered in non-true segments as not exposed. Conceptually this will never exceed \code{item_exposure_rate}.
#' @param stim_exposure_rate exposure rates for each stimulus.
#' @param stim_index the stimulus index each item belongs to.
#' @param max_rate target exposure rate for each theta segment.
#' @param title the title of this plot panel.
#' @param color the color for exposure rate bars. (default = \code{blue})
#' @param color_final the color for exposure rate bars, treating items administered in non-true segments as not exposed. (default = \code{yellow})
#' @param color_stim the color for stimulus groupings. (default = \code{red})
#' @param color_threshold the color for the target exposure rate bar. (default = \code{dark gray})
#' @param simple not used.
#' @param ... arguments to pass onto \code{\link{plot}}.
#' @keywords internal
plotExposurePanel <- function(
  item_exposure_rate, item_exposure_rate_final = NULL,
  stim_exposure_rate = NULL, stim_index = NULL,
  max_rate = max_rate, title = NULL,
  color = "blue", color_final = "yellow",
  color_stim = "red", color_threshold = "dark gray",
  simple = FALSE, ...) {

  if (!is.null(stim_index)) {
    idx_sort <- order(stim_exposure_rate, stim_index, item_exposure_rate, decreasing = TRUE)
    item_exposure_rate_ordered <- item_exposure_rate[idx_sort]
    stim_exposure_rate_ordered <- stim_exposure_rate[idx_sort]
    stim_index_ordered         <- stim_index[idx_sort]
  } else {
    idx_sort <- order(item_exposure_rate, decreasing = TRUE)
    item_exposure_rate_ordered <- item_exposure_rate[idx_sort]

  ni <- length(item_exposure_rate)

  if (!simple) {
    xlab = "Item"
    ylab = "Exposure Rate"
  } else {
    xlab = ""
    ylab = ""

    1:ni, item_exposure_rate_ordered,
    type = "n", lwd = 2, ylim = c(0, 1),
    xlab = "Item", ylab = "Exposure Rate", main = title,
  points(1:ni, item_exposure_rate_ordered, type = "h", lwd = 1, col = color)
  if (!is.null(stim_exposure_rate)) {
    lines(1:ni, stim_exposure_rate_ordered, col = color_stim, type = "s")
    for (stim_id in unique(stim_index_ordered)) {
      x <- mean((1:ni)[which(stim_index_ordered == stim_id)])
      y <- stim_exposure_rate_ordered[which(stim_index_ordered == stim_id)][1]
      points(x, y, col = color_stim, pch = 21, bg = 'white', cex = .75)
  abline(h = max_rate, col = color_threshold, lty = 2)

  if (!is.null(item_exposure_rate_final)) {
    item_exposure_rate_final_ordered <- item_exposure_rate_final[idx_sort]
    points(1:ni, item_exposure_rate_final_ordered, type = "h", lwd = 1, lty = 1, col = color_final)

#' (Internal) Plot test information of a single shadow test
#' \code{\link{plotShadowInfo}} is an internal function for
#' plotting the test information curve of a single shadow test.
#' @param x an \code{\linkS4class{output_Shadow_all}} object.
#' @param examinee_id the numeric index of an examinee.
#' @param position the position within the test administration (i.e., test progress), ranging from 1 to test length.
#' @param info_type the information type. Currently only accepts \code{FISHER}.
#' @param ylim (optional) the y-axis range. Defaults to 0 to maximum information.
#' @param theta theta quadrature points to compute information values at.
#' @param color the color for test information curve.
#' @param use_par not used.
#' @param ... not used.
#' @keywords internal
plotShadowInfo <- function(
  x, examinee_id, position,
  ylim = NULL,
) {

  o <- x@output[[examinee_id]]
  if (is.null(position)) {
    i <- o@administered_item_index
    txt <- "administered items"
  } else {
    i <- o@shadow_test[[position]]$i
    txt <- sprintf("shadowtest at position %s", position)

  p <- x@pool[i]
  if (toupper(info_type) == "FISHER") {
    y <- calcFisher(p, theta)
    y <- rowSums(y)
  } else {
    stop("Invalid info_type specified")

  if (is.null(ylim)) {
    ylim <- c(0, max(y))

    theta, y, xlab = "Theta", ylab = "Information",
    main = sprintf("Examinee ID: %s (%s)", examinee_id, txt),
    type = "n", ylim = ylim


  lines(theta, y, col = color)

  legend_label = c()
  legend_lty   = c()
  legend_col   = c()

  if (!is.null(o@true_theta)) {
    abline(v = o@true_theta, col = "red", lty = 1)
    legend_label <- c(legend_label, sprintf("True theta = %.3f", o@true_theta))
    legend_lty   <- c(legend_lty, 1)
    legend_col   <- c(legend_col, "red")

  abline(v = o@final_theta_est, col = "red", lty = 2)
  legend_label <- c(legend_label, sprintf("Final theta = %.3f", o@final_theta_est))
  legend_lty   <- c(legend_lty, 2)
  legend_col   <- c(legend_col, "red")

  if (!is.null(position)) {
    abline(v = o@interim_theta_est[position], col = "black", lty = 1)
    legend_label <- c(legend_label, sprintf("Interim @ %s = %.3f", position, o@interim_theta_est[position]))
    legend_lty   <- c(legend_lty, 1)
    legend_col   <- c(legend_col, "black")

    if (position > 1) {
      abline(v = o@interim_theta_est[position - 1], col = "black", lty = 2)
      legend_label <- c(legend_label, sprintf("Interim @ %s = %.3f", position - 1, o@interim_theta_est[position - 1]))
      legend_lty   <- c(legend_lty, 2)
      legend_col   <- c(legend_col, "black")
    if (position == 1) {
      if (inherits(o@initial_theta_est, "numeric")) {
        initial_theta <- o@initial_theta_est
      if (inherits(o@initial_theta_est, "list")) {
        initial_theta <- o@initial_theta_est$theta
      abline(v = initial_theta, col = "black", lty = 2)
      legend_label <- c(legend_label, sprintf("Initial theta = %.3f", initial_theta))
      legend_lty   <- c(legend_lty, 2)
      legend_col   <- c(legend_col, "black")

    legend = legend_label,
    lty    = legend_lty,
    col    = legend_col




#' (Internal) Plot audit trail of a single examinee
#' \code{\link{plotShadowAudit}} is an internal function for
#' plotting audit trail of a single examinee,
#' showing interim theta estimates over the course of an adaptive test.
#' @param x an \code{\linkS4class{output_Shadow}} object.
#' @param theta_range the theta range to use on the y-axis.
#' @param z_ci the confindence interval value to use in the \emph{z} metric. \code{z_ci = 1.96} is equivalent to plotting 95\% error bars.
#' @param use_par \code{TRUE} allows this function to set graphic margins through \code{\link{par}}.
#' @param ... not used.
#' @keywords internal
plotShadowAudit <- function(
  x, theta_range, z_ci, use_par,
) {

  if (use_par) {
    old_par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
    par(mar = c(2, 3, 1, 1) + 0.1)

  n_items <- length(x@administered_item_index)
  min_theta <- theta_range[1]
  max_theta <- theta_range[2]

  layout(rbind(c(1, 1), c(1, 1), c(1, 1), c(1, 1), c(2, 2)))

  plot(1:n_items, seq(min_theta, max_theta, length = n_items), ylab = "Theta", type = "n", las = 1, xlim = c(0, n_items), xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n")

  text(n_items / 2, max_theta, paste0("Examinee ID: ", x@simulee_id), adj = c(0.5, 0.5), cex = 2)
  axis(1, at = 0:n_items, tick = TRUE, labels = 0:n_items, cex.axis = 1.5)
  axis(2, at = min_theta:max_theta, labels = min_theta:max_theta, cex.axis = 1.5)
  text(0.5, min_theta + 1.0, paste("Final Theta: ", round(x@final_theta_est, digits = 2), " SE: ", round(x@final_se_est, digits = 2)), cex = 1.5, adj = 0)

  for (i in 0:n_items) {
    if (i == 0) {
      if (!inherits(x@initial_theta_est, "list")) {
      if (is.null(x@initial_theta_est$se)) {
      ci_lower <- x@initial_theta_est$theta - z_ci * x@initial_theta_est$se
      ci_upper <- x@initial_theta_est$theta + z_ci * x@initial_theta_est$se
    if (i > 0) {
      ci_lower <- x@interim_theta_est[i] - z_ci * x@interim_se_est[i]
      ci_upper <- x@interim_theta_est[i] + z_ci * x@interim_se_est[i]
    lines(rep(i, 2)            , c(ci_lower, ci_upper), col = "purple4")
    lines(c(i - 0.25, i + 0.25), c(ci_lower, ci_lower), col = "purple4")
    lines(c(i - 0.25, i + 0.25), c(ci_upper, ci_upper), col = "purple4")
  if (!inherits(x@initial_theta_est, "list")) {
    o <- list()
    o$theta <- x@initial_theta_est
    x@initial_theta_est <- o
  lines(0:n_items, c(x@initial_theta_est$theta, x@interim_theta_est), lty = 3, col = "blue", lwd = 1.5)
  points(0:n_items, c(x@initial_theta_est$theta, x@interim_theta_est), pch = 16, cex = 2.5, col = "blue")
  points(0:n_items, c(x@initial_theta_est$theta, x@interim_theta_est), pch = 1, cex = 2.5, col = "purple4")
  if (!is.null(x@true_theta)) {
    abline(h = x@true_theta, lty = 1, col = "red")
  for (i in 1:n_items) {
    if (x@shadow_test_refreshed[i]) {
      text(i, min_theta, "S", col = "red", cex = 1.5)

  min_score <- 0
  max_score <- x@max_cat_pool
    1:n_items, seq(min_score, max_score, length.out = n_items),
    type = "n", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n",
    xlim = c(0, n_items),
    ylim = c(min_score - 1, max_score + 1),
    ylab = "")
  mtext("Position", side = 1, line = 1, outer = FALSE, cex = 1.5)
  axis(2, at = (min_score + max_score) / 2, labels = "Response", cex.axis = 2, tick = FALSE)
  for (i in 1:n_items) {
    rect_x <- i
    rect_y <- x@administered_item_resp[i]
    if (!is.na(rect_y)) {

      if (x@administered_item_ncat[i] == 2) {
        if (x@administered_item_resp[i] == min_score) {
          rect_col = "red"
        } else {
          rect_col = "lime green"
      } else {
        rect_col = "cyan2"
      for (ii in 0:rect_y) {
        rect(rect_x - 0.25, ii - 1, rect_x + 0.25, ii, col = rect_col, border = "black")





#' (Internal) Plot shadow chart of a single examinee
#' \code{\link{plotShadowAudit}} is an internal function for
#' plotting shadow chart of a single examinee,
#' showing all shadowtests over the course of an adaptive test.
#' @param x an \code{\linkS4class{output_Shadow}} object.
#' @param simple \code{TRUE} simplifies the chart by hiding items that were never used in any shadowtest.
#' @param use_par \code{TRUE} allows this function to set graphic margins through \code{\link{par}}.
#' @param ... not used.
#' @keywords internal
plotShadowChart <- function(x, simple, use_par, ...) {

  if (use_par) {
    old_par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
    par(mar = c(2, 3, 1, 1) + 0.1, mfrow = c(1, 1))

  test_length  <- x@test_length_constraints
  ni_pool      <- x@ni_pool

  max_position <- sum(!is.na(x@administered_item_resp))

  item_sequence <- x@administered_item_index
  responses     <- x@administered_item_resp
  item_ncat     <- x@administered_item_ncat

  if (simple) {

    used_items <- sort(unique(unlist(lapply(x@shadow_test, function(x) x$i))))
    ni_used <- length(used_items)

    i_sorted <- unlist(x@item_index_by_stimulus)
    i_na     <- setdiff(1:ni_pool, i_sorted)
    i_sorted <- c(i_sorted, i_na)

    i_sorted <- i_sorted[i_sorted %in% used_items]

    y_map <- rep(NA, ni_pool)
    y_map[i_sorted] <- 1:ni_used

  } else {

    used_items <- 1:ni_pool

    i_sorted <- unlist(x@item_index_by_stimulus)
    i_na     <- setdiff(1:ni_pool, i_sorted)
    i_sorted <- c(i_sorted, i_na)

    y_map <- numeric(ni_pool)
    y_map[i_sorted] <- 1:ni_pool


    c(0.5, test_length + 0.5),
    c(0.5, max(y_map, na.rm = TRUE) + 0.5),
    type = "n", las = 1, xlim = c(0, test_length),
    xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", ylab = "")

  y_adj_3 <- (strheight("S") / 3)
  usr <- par("usr")

    test_length / 2,
    (usr[3] / 2),
    adj = c(0.5, 0), cex = 1.0
    2, at = max(y_map, na.rm = TRUE) / 2,
    labels = "Items", cex.axis = 1.5, tick = FALSE, line = 0
    test_length / 2,
    mean(c(usr[4], max(y_map, na.rm = TRUE))),
    paste0("Examinee ID: ", x@simulee_id),
    adj = c(0.5, 0.5), cex = 1
    at = 1:test_length,
    tick = TRUE,
    labels = 1:test_length,
    cex.axis = 0.7

  if (simple) {
      adj = c(0.5, 0.5), cex = 0.7
  } else {
    y_grid <- floor(seq(1, ni_pool, length = 80))
    idx <- y_map %in% y_grid
      adj = c(0.5, 0.5), cex = 0.7

  # item grid

  for (p in 1:max_position) {
    for (y in na.omit(unique(y_map))) {
        p - 0.25, y - 0.25,
        p + 0.25, y + 0.25,
        border = "gray88", lwd = 0.3
    if (x@shadow_test_refreshed[p]) {
        "S", at = p,
        side = 1, line = 0.3, col = "red", adj = c(0.5, 0.5), cex = 0.7)

  # stimulus grid

  if (x@set_based) {

    for (s in 1:x@ns_pool) {

      i_in_s <- x@item_index_by_stimulus[[s]]

      if (!is.null(i_in_s)) {
        i_in_s <- i_in_s[i_in_s %in% used_items]
        if (length(i_in_s) > 0) {
          for (p in 1:max_position) {
              p - 0.35, min(y_map[i_in_s]) - 0.5,
              p + 0.35, max(y_map[i_in_s]) + 0.5,
              border = "gray88", lwd = 0.5


  # selected stimuli

  if (x@set_based) {

    for (p in 1:max_position) {

      selected_i      <- x@shadow_test[[p]]$i
      administered_i  <- x@administered_item_index[p]
      selected_s      <- x@shadow_test[[p]]$s
      administered_s  <- x@administered_stimulus_index[p]

      for (s in na.omit(unique(selected_s))) {

        i_in_s <- x@item_index_by_stimulus[[s]]
        i_in_s <- i_in_s[i_in_s %in% used_items]
        if (!is.na(administered_s)) {
          if (s == administered_s) {
            col = "khaki"
          } else {
            col = "gray50"
        } else {
          col = "gray50"

          p - 0.35, min(y_map[i_in_s]) - 0.5,
          p + 0.35, max(y_map[i_in_s]) + 0.5,
          border = "blue", col = col, lwd = 0.5)



  # selected items

  for (p in 1:max_position) {

    selected_i     <- x@shadow_test[[p]]$i
    administered_i <- x@administered_item_index[p]

    for (i in selected_i) {
        p - 0.25, y_map[i] - 0.25,
        p + 0.25, y_map[i] + 0.25,
        border = "black", lwd = 0.3


  # administered items

  for (p in 1:max_position) {

    i <- x@administered_item_index[p]

    if (p != max_position) {
      for (pp in (p + 1):max_position) {
          pp - 0.25, y_map[i] - 0.25,
          pp + 0.25, y_map[i] + 0.25,
          border = "gray33", col = "gray33", lwd = 0.3

    if (item_ncat[p] == 2 && responses[p] == 0) {
      rect_col = "red"
    } else if (item_ncat[p] == 2 && responses[p] == 1) {
      rect_col = "lime green"
    } else {
      rect_col = "cyan2"

      p - 0.25, y_map[i] - 0.25,
      p + 0.25, y_map[i] + 0.25,
      border = rect_col, col = rect_col, lwd = 0.3




#' @noRd
plotShadowOverlap <- function(x, color, color_stim, use_par, ...) {

  if (use_par) {
    old_par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
    par(mar = c(4, 4, 4, 1) + 0.1)

  cumulative_usage_matrix <- x@cumulative_usage_matrix
  test_length <- x@constraints@test_length

  # number of test administrations

  n_admins <- max(rowSums(cumulative_usage_matrix)) / test_length

  if (n_admins < 2) {
    stop("plot(output_Shadow_all): at a minimum two administrations are needed to plot overlap rates")

  n_used    <- rowSums(cumulative_usage_matrix > 0)
  n_times   <- sapply(1:n_admins, function(n) rowSums(cumulative_usage_matrix == n))

  ni <- x@pool@ni
  nv <- ncol(cumulative_usage_matrix)
  nj <- nrow(cumulative_usage_matrix)

  mean_usage <- colSums(cumulative_usage_matrix) / nj

  if (x@constraints@set_based) {
    stim_mean_usage <- mean_usage[(ni + 1):nv][x@constraints@stimulus_index_by_item]
    stim_index <- x@constraints@stimulus_index_by_item
    idx_sort <- order(stim_mean_usage, stim_index, mean_usage, decreasing = TRUE)
    mean_usage_ordered <- mean_usage[idx_sort]
    stim_mean_usage_ordered <- stim_mean_usage[idx_sort]
    stim_index_ordered <- stim_index[idx_sort]
  } else {
    stim_mean_usage <- NULL
    stim_index <- NULL
    idx_sort <- order(mean_usage, decreasing = TRUE)
    mean_usage_ordered <- mean_usage[idx_sort]

  layout(matrix(c(1, 2), nrow = 1, byrow = TRUE))

  # plot 1
    1:ni, mean_usage_ordered,
    type = "n", lwd = 2, ylim = c(0, n_admins),
    xlab = "Item", ylab = "Mean",
    las = 1,
    main = "Average Item Usage Count",
  points(1:ni, mean_usage_ordered, type = "h", lwd = 1, col = color)
  if (!is.null(stim_mean_usage)) {
    lines(1:ni, stim_mean_usage_ordered, col = color_stim, type = "s")
    for (stim_id in unique(stim_index_ordered)) {
      x <- mean((1:ni)[which(stim_index_ordered == stim_id)])
      y <- stim_mean_usage_ordered[which(stim_index_ordered == stim_id)][1]
      points(x, y, col = color_stim, pch = 21, bg = "white", cex = .75)

  # plot 2
  p_usage <- as.data.frame(n_times / n_used * 100)
  names(p_usage) <- paste("X", 1:n_admins)

          xlab = "Percentage",
          ylim = c(0, 100),
          horizontal = TRUE,
          las = 1,
          col = color,
          main = "Percent Repeated Items",



#' (Internal) Plot exposure rates from a simulation
#' \code{\link{plotShadowExposure}} is an internal function for
#' plotting exposure rates from a simulation.
#' @param x an \code{\linkS4class{output_Shadow_all}} object.
#' @param theta_type \code{true} or \code{estimated}. The type of theta to define theta segments for plotting purposes.
#' @param segment the segment index to do the plotting. \code{NULL} plots all segments.
#' @param use_segment_label \code{TRUE} labels each segment using the theta range of the segment.
#' @param color the color for exposure rate bars.
#' @param color_final the color for exposure rate bars, treating items administered in non-true segments as not exposed.
#' @param rmse \code{TRUE} shows the theta estimation RMSE in each segment.
#' @param use_par \code{TRUE} allows this function to set graphic margins through \code{\link{par}}.
#' @param ... not used.
#' @keywords internal
plotShadowExposure <- function(
  x, theta_type,
  segment, use_segment_label,
  color, color_final, rmse, use_par, ...
) {

  if (toupper(theta_type) == "TRUE") {
    theta_value <- x@true_theta
    nj          <- length(theta_value)
  } else if (toupper(theta_type) == "ESTIMATED") {
    theta_value <- x@final_theta_est
    nj          <- length(theta_value)
  } else {
    stop("plot(output_Shadow_all): 'theta_type' must be 'estimated' or 'true'")

  ni <- x@pool@ni
  nv <- ncol(x@usage_matrix)
  max_rate      <- x@config@exposure_control$max_exposure_rate
  segment_cut   <- x@config@exposure_control$segment_cut
  n_segment     <- x@config@exposure_control$n_segment
  cut_lower     <- segment_cut[1:n_segment]
  cut_upper     <- segment_cut[2:(n_segment + 1)]
  segment_label <- character(n_segment)

  for (k in 1:n_segment) {
    if (k < n_segment) {
      segment_label[k] <- sprintf("(%s,%s]", cut_lower[k], cut_upper[k])
    } else {
      segment_label[k] <- sprintf("(%s,%s)", cut_lower[k], cut_upper[k])

  theta_segment_index <- numeric(nj)
  # find_segment() needs to be updated for multidimensional segments
  theta_segment_index <- find_segment(theta_value, segment_cut)

  segment_n    <- numeric(n_segment)
  segment_dist <- table(theta_segment_index)
  segment_n[as.numeric(names(segment_dist))] <- segment_dist
  segment_index_table <- matrix(NA, nj, x@constraints@test_length)

  usage_matrix       <- x@usage_matrix
  usage_matrix_final <- usage_matrix

  for (j in 1:nj) {
    administered_items <- x@output[[j]]@administered_item_index
    pos_item_outside_of_segment <- x@output[[j]]@theta_segment_index != theta_segment_index[j]
    idx_item_outside_of_segment <- administered_items[pos_item_outside_of_segment]
    usage_matrix_final[j, idx_item_outside_of_segment] <- FALSE
    segment_index_table[j, ] <- x@output[[j]]@theta_segment_index

  ## visited segments across item positions and each examinee
  segment_freq <- matrix(0, n_segment, n_segment)
  for (i in 1:x@constraints@test_length) {
    interim_segment_dist <- factor(segment_index_table[, i], levels = 1:n_segment)
    segment_table <- tapply(interim_segment_dist, theta_segment_index, table)
    for (s in 1:length(segment_table)) {
      idx_r <- as.numeric(names(segment_table)[s])
      idx_c <- as.numeric(names(segment_table[[s]]))
      segment_freq[idx_r, idx_c] <- segment_freq[idx_r, idx_c] + segment_table[[s]]
  segment_rate                <- segment_freq / segment_n
  segment_rate_table          <- data.frame(
    segment_class = factor(rep(segment_label, rep(n_segment, n_segment)), levels = segment_label),
    segment = rep(1:n_segment, n_segment),
    avg_visit = matrix(
      nrow = n_segment^2, ncol = 1)
  exposure_rate               <- colSums(usage_matrix) / nj
  exposure_rate_final         <- colSums(usage_matrix_final) / nj
  item_exposure_rate          <- exposure_rate[1:ni]
  item_exposure_rate_final    <- exposure_rate_final[1:ni]

  if (x@constraints@set_based) {
    stim_exposure_rate        <- exposure_rate[(ni + 1):nv][x@constraints@stimulus_index_by_item]
    stim_exposure_rate_final  <- exposure_rate_final[(ni + 1):nv][x@constraints@stimulus_index_by_item]
  } else {
    stim_exposure_rate        <- NULL
    stim_exposure_rate_final  <- NULL
  exposure_rate_segment       <- vector("list", n_segment)
  exposure_rate_segment_final <- vector("list", n_segment)
  names(exposure_rate_segment)       <- segment_label
  names(exposure_rate_segment_final) <- segment_label
  for (k in 1:n_segment) {
    if (segment_n[k] > 2) {
      exposure_rate_segment[[k]]       <- colMeans(usage_matrix[theta_segment_index == k, ])
      exposure_rate_segment_final[[k]] <- colMeans(usage_matrix_final[theta_segment_index == k, ])
    if (is.null(exposure_rate_segment[[k]])) {
      exposure_rate_segment[[k]] <- numeric(nv)
    } else if (any(is.nan(exposure_rate_segment[[k]]))) {
      exposure_rate_segment[[k]][is.nan(exposure_rate_segment[[k]])] <- 0
    if (is.null(exposure_rate_segment_final[[k]])) {
      exposure_rate_segment_final[[k]] <- numeric(nv)
    } else if (any(is.nan(exposure_rate_segment_final[[k]]))) {
      exposure_rate_segment_final[[k]][is.nan(exposure_rate_segment_final[[k]])] <- 0
  item_exposure_rate_segment       <- exposure_rate_segment
  item_exposure_rate_segment_final <- exposure_rate_segment_final
  for (k in 1:n_segment) {
    item_exposure_rate_segment[[k]]       <- item_exposure_rate_segment[[k]][1:ni]
    item_exposure_rate_segment_final[[k]] <- item_exposure_rate_segment_final[[k]][1:ni]
  if (x@constraints@set_based) {
    stim_exposure_rate_segment       <- exposure_rate_segment
    stim_exposure_rate_segment_final <- exposure_rate_segment_final
    for (k in 1:n_segment) {
      stim_exposure_rate_segment[[k]]       <- stim_exposure_rate_segment[[k]][(ni + 1):nv][x@constraints@stimulus_index_by_item]
      stim_exposure_rate_segment_final[[k]] <- stim_exposure_rate_segment_final[[k]][(ni + 1):nv][x@constraints@stimulus_index_by_item]
  } else {
    stim_exposure_rate_segment       <- NULL
    stim_exposure_rate_segment_final <- NULL

  if (use_par) {
    old_par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
    par(oma = c(3, 3, 0, 0), mar = c(3, 3, 2, 2))

  if (is.null(segment)) {

    segment <- c(0, 1:n_segment)
    use_axis_labels <- TRUE

  } else {

    use_axis_labels <- FALSE


  for (k in segment) {
    if (k == 0) {
        item_exposure_rate, item_exposure_rate_final, stim_exposure_rate, x@constraints@stimulus_index_by_item,
        max_rate = max_rate, title = switch(2 - use_segment_label, "Overall", NULL),
        color = color, color_final = color_final, simple = TRUE, ...
      if (rmse) {
        rmse_value <- sqrt(mean((x@final_theta_est - x@true_theta) ** 2))
        text(0, 1, sprintf("RMSE = %1.3f", rmse_value), adj = c(0, 1))
    } else {
        item_exposure_rate_segment[[k]], item_exposure_rate_segment_final[[k]], stim_exposure_rate_segment[[k]], x@constraints@stimulus_index_by_item,
        max_rate = max_rate, title = switch(2 - use_segment_label, segment_label[k], NULL),
        color = color, color_final = color_final, simple = TRUE, ...
      if (rmse) {
        rmse_value <- sqrt(mean((x@final_theta_est[theta_segment_index == k] - x@true_theta[theta_segment_index == k]) ** 2))
        text(0, 1, sprintf("RMSE = %1.3f", rmse_value), adj = c(0, 1))

  if (use_axis_labels) {
    mtext(text = "Item"         , side = 1, line = 0, outer = TRUE)
    mtext(text = "Exposure Rate", side = 2, line = 0, outer = TRUE)

  o <- new("exposure_rate_plot")
  o@plot <- NULL
  o@item_exposure_rate         <- item_exposure_rate
  o@item_exposure_rate_segment <- item_exposure_rate_segment
  o@item_exposure_rate_segment_final <- item_exposure_rate_segment_final
  o@stim_exposure_rate               <- stim_exposure_rate
  o@stim_exposure_rate_segment       <- stim_exposure_rate_segment
  o@stim_exposure_rate_segment_final <- stim_exposure_rate_segment_final
  o@segment_rate_table <- segment_rate_table
  o@n_segment <- n_segment
  o@segment_n <- segment_n
  o@segment_cut <- segment_cut
  o@segment_label <- segment_label



#' @docType methods
#' @rdname plot-methods
#' @export
  f = "plot",
  signature = "output_Split",
  definition = function(
    x, y, type = NULL,
    theta = seq(-3, 3, .1),
    info_type = "FISHER",
    plot_sum = TRUE,
    select = NULL,
    examinee_id = 1,
    position = NULL,
    theta_range = c(-5, 5),
    ylim = NULL,
    color = "blue",
    z_ci = 1.96,
    simple = TRUE,
    use_par = TRUE,
) {

  config      <- x@config
  constraints <- x@constraints
  continuum   <- theta
  continuum   <- sort(c(continuum, config@item_selection$target_location))

  np <- length(x@output)
  info_per_partition <- matrix(NA, np, length(continuum))

  for (p in 1:np) {
    i <- x@output[[p]]$i
    mat_sub <- calcFisher(constraints@pool, continuum)[, i]
    vec_sub <- apply(mat_sub, 1, sum)
    info_per_partition[p, ] <- vec_sub
  if (is.null(ylim)) {
    ymax <- max(info_per_partition)
    ylim <- c(0, ymax)

  ylab  <- "Information"
  if (x@partition_type == "test") {
    title <- "Test information function of each partition"
  if (x@partition_type == "pool") {
    title <- "Pool information function of each partition"

  # Begin plot

    continuum, continuum,
    xlim = c(min(continuum), max(continuum)), ylim = ylim,
    main = title, xlab = "Theta", ylab = ylab, type = "n", bty = "n"

  abline(v = config@item_selection$target_location, lty = 3, lwd = 1)

  for (p in 1:np) {
    lines(continuum, info_per_partition[p, ], lty = 1, lwd = 1, col = color)

    "Target locations",
    bty = "o", bg = "white",
    box.lty = 0, box.lwd = 0, box.col = "white",
    lty = 3, lwd = 1, seg.len = 1, inset = c(0, .01)




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