get_meta_subset: Extract the subset of data based on result metadata

View source: R/meta_utils.R

get_meta_subsetR Documentation

Extract the subset of data based on result metadata


Given a row_id value and a result column, this function will return the subset of data referenced by the tplyr_meta object associated with that 'cell', which provides traceability to tie a result to its source.


get_meta_subset(x, row_id, column, add_cols = vars(USUBJID), ...)

## S3 method for class 'data.frame'
  add_cols = vars(USUBJID),
  target = NULL,
  pop_data = NULL,

## S3 method for class 'tplyr_table'
get_meta_subset(x, row_id, column, add_cols = vars(USUBJID), ...)



A built Tplyr table or a dataframe


The row_id value of the desired cell, provided as a character string


The result column of interest, provided as a character string


Additional columns to include in subset data.frame output


additional arguments


A data frame to be subset (if not pulled from a Tplyr table)


A data frame to be subset through an anti-join (if not pulled from a Tplyr table)


If a Tplyr table is built with the metadata=TRUE option specified, then metadata is assembled behind the scenes to provide traceability on each result cell derived. The functions get_meta_result() and get_meta_subset() allow you to access that metadata by using an ID provided in the row_id column and the column name of the result you'd like to access. The purpose is of the row_id variable instead of a simple row index is to provide a sort resistant reference of the originating column, so the output Tplyr table can be sorted in any order but the metadata are still easily accessible.

The tplyr_meta object provided a list with two elements - names and filters. The metadata contain every column from the target data.frame of the Tplyr table that factored into the specified result cell, and the filters contains all the necessary filters to subset to data summarized to create the specified result cell. get_meta_subset() additionally provides a parameter to specify any additional columns you would like to include in the returned subset data frame.


A data.frame


t <- tplyr_table(mtcars, cyl) %>%

dat <- t %>% build(metadata = TRUE)

get_meta_subset(t, 'd1_1', 'var1_4', add_cols = dplyr::vars(carb))

m <- t$metadata
dat <- t$target

get_meta_subset(t, 'd1_1', 'var1_4', add_cols = dplyr::vars(carb), target = target)

Tplyr documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:37 a.m.