layer_attachment: Attach a layer to a 'tplyr_table' object

add_layerR Documentation

Attach a layer to a tplyr_table object


add_layer attaches a tplyr_layer to a tplyr_table object. This allows for a tidy style of programming (using magrittr piping, i.e. %>%) with a secondary advantage - the construction of the layer object may consist of a series of piped functions itself.

Tplyr encourages a user to view the construction of a table as a series of "layers". The construction of each of these layers are isolated and independent of one another - but each of these layers are children of the table itself. add_layer isolates the construction of an individual layer and allows the user to construct that layer and insert it back into the parent. The syntax for this is intuitive and allows for tidy piping. Simply pipe the current table object in, and write the code to construct your layer within the layer parameter.

add_layers is another approach to attaching layers to a tplyr_table. Instead of constructing the entire table at once, add_layers allows you to construct layers as different objects. These layers can then be attached into the tplyr_table all at once.

add_layer and add_layers both additionally allow you to name the layers as you attach them. This is helpful when using functions like get_numeric_data or get_stats_data when you can access information from a layer directly. add_layer has a name parameter, and layers can be named in add_layers by submitting the layer as a named argument.


add_layer(parent, layer, name = NULL)

add_layers(parent, ...)



A tplyr_table or tplyr_layer/tplyr_subgroup_layer object


A layer construction function and associated modifier functions


A name to provide the layer in the table layers container


Layers to be added


A tplyr_table or tplyr_layer/tplyr_subgroup_layer with a new layer inserted into the layer binding

See Also

[tplyr_table(), tplyr_layer(), group_count(), group_desc(), group_shift()]


# Load in pipe

## Single layer
t <- tplyr_table(mtcars, cyl) %>%

## Single layer with name
t <- tplyr_table(mtcars, cyl) %>%

# Using add_layers
t <- tplyr_table(mtcars, cyl)
l1 <- group_desc(t, target_var=mpg)
l2 <- group_count(t, target_var=cyl)

t <- add_layers(t, l1, 'cyl' = l2)

Tplyr documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:37 a.m.