seqplot.rf <- function(seqdata, k=floor(nrow(seqdata)/10), diss, sortv=NULL,
ylab=NA, yaxis=FALSE, main=NULL, which.plot="both",
grp.meth = "first", ...){
return(seqplot.rf_internal(seqdata, k=k, diss=diss, sortv=sortv,
ylab=ylab, yaxis=yaxis, main=main, which.plot=which.plot,
grp.meth = grp.meth,
seqplot.rf_internal <- function(seqdata, k=floor(nrow(seqdata)/10), diss, sortv=NULL,
use.hclust=FALSE, hclust_method="ward.D", #use.quantile=FALSE,
ylab=NA, yaxis=FALSE, main=NULL, which.plot="both",
grp.meth = "first", ...){
message(" [>] Using k=", k, " frequency groups")
plot.types <- c("both","medoids","")
if (! which.plot %in% plot.types)
stop(" which.plot must be one of ", plot.types)
#Extract medoid, possibly weighted
gmedoid.index <- disscenter(diss, medoids.index="first")
gmedoid.dist <-diss[, gmedoid.index] #Extract distance to general medoid
##Vector where distance to k medoid will be stored
kmedoid.dist <- rep(0, nrow(seqdata))
#index of the k-medoid for each sequence
kmedoid.index <- rep(0, nrow(seqdata))
#calculate qij - distance to frequency group specific medoid within frequency group
if(is.null(sortv) && !use.hclust){
sortv <- cmdscale(diss, k = 1)
if (!(grp.meth %in% c("first", "random")))
stop(" grp.meth must be one of 'first' or 'random' ")
ng <- nrow(seqdata) %/% k
r <- nrow(seqdata) %% k <- rep(ng, k)
if(r>0){[order(runif(r))] <- ng+1
##gr 23.05.22: order(runif(r)) produces random order of 1:r
## therefore above makes first r groups one unit larger
if(grp.meth=="first"){[1:r] <- ng + 1
else {
## random selection fo r groups[sample(1:k,r)] <- ng+1
mdsk <- rep(1:k,
mdsk <- mdsk[rank(sortv, ties.method = "random")]
hh <- hclust(as.dist(diss), method=hclust_method)
mdsk <- factor(cutree(hh, k))
medoids <- disscenter(diss, group=mdsk, medoids.index="first")
medoids <- medoids[levels(mdsk)]
#ww <- xtabs(~mdsk)
mds <- cmdscale(diss[medoids, medoids], k=1)
mdsk <- as.integer(factor(mdsk, levels=levels(mdsk)[order(mds)]))
kun <- length(unique(mdsk))
warning(" [>] k value was adjusted to ", kun)
k <- kun
mdsk <- as.integer(factor(mdsk, levels=sort(unique(mdsk))))
#sortmds.seqdata$mdsk<-c(rep(1:m, each=r+1),rep({m+1}:k, each=r))
##pmdse <- 1:k
##for each k
for(i in 1:k){
##Which individuals are in the k group
ind <- which(mdsk==i)
kmedoid.dist[ind] <- 0
##Index of the medoid sequence for each seq
kmedoid.index[ind] <- ind
dd <- diss[ind, ind]
##Indentify medoid
kmed <- disscenter(dd, medoids.index="first")
##Distance to medoid for each seq
kmedoid.dist[ind] <- dd[, kmed]
##Index of the medoid sequence for each seq
kmedoid.index[ind] <- ind[kmed]
##Distance matrix for this group
##Assign the medoid sequence to each sequence
seqtoplot <- seqdata[kmedoid.index, ]
##Correct weights to their original weights (otherwise we use the medoid weights)
attr(seqtoplot, "weights") <- NULL
if (which.plot=="both"){
opar <- par(mfrow=c(1,2), oma=c(3,0,(!is.null(main))*3,0), mar=c(1, 1, 2, 0))
seqIplot(seqtoplot, with.legend=FALSE, sortv=mdsk, yaxis=yaxis, main="Sequences medoids", ...)
if (which.plot=="medoids"){
if (!is.null(main))
main <- paste(main,"Sequences medoids", sep=": ")
main <- "Sequences medoids"
seqIplot(seqtoplot, sortv=mdsk, yaxis=yaxis, ylab=ylab, main=main, ...)
##seqIplot(seqtoplot, with.legend=FALSE, sortv=mdsk)
heights <- xtabs(~mdsk)/nrow(seqdata)
at <- (cumsum(heights)-heights/2)/sum(heights)*length(heights)
if (which.plot == "both") {
boxplot(kmedoid.dist~mdsk, horizontal=TRUE, width=heights, frame=FALSE,
main="Dissimilarities to medoid",
ylim=range(as.vector(diss)), at=at, ylab=ylab)
if (which.plot == "") {
if (!is.null(main))
main <- paste(main,"Dissimilarities to medoids", sep=": ")
main <- "Dissimilarities to medoids"
boxplot(kmedoid.dist~mdsk, horizontal=TRUE, width=heights, frame=FALSE,
ylim=range(as.vector(diss)), at=at, ylab=ylab)
#calculate R2
R2 <-1-sum(kmedoid.dist^2)/sum(gmedoid.dist^2)
#om K=66 0.5823693
#calculate F
ESD <-R2/(k-1) # averaged explained variance
USD <-(1-R2)/(nrow(seqdata)-k) # averaged explained variance
Fstat <- ESD/USD
message(" [>] Pseudo/median-based-R2: ", format(R2))
message(" [>] Pseudo/median-based-F statistic: ", format(Fstat))
##cat(sprintf("Representation quality: R2=%0.2f F=%0.2f", R2, Fstat))
if (which.plot=="both") {
title(main=main, outer=TRUE)
title(sub=sprintf("Representation quality: R2=%0.2f and F=%0.2f", R2, Fstat), outer=TRUE, line=2)
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