Defines functions print.waic_difference print.waic summary.waic WAIC

Documented in print.waic print.waic_difference WAIC

#' WAIC: Widely Applicable Information Criterion
#' Implementation of the WAIC for model comparison.
#' @inheritParams posteriorPredictive
#' @param n.adapt number of adaptation samples.
#' @param n.chains number of chains (no parallel computation).
#' @param n.iter number of iterations after burnin.
#' @param n.thin Thinning rate.
#' @param summarize deprecated argument only available for backwards compatibility
#' @param x An object of class \code{waic} or \code{waic_difference} to be printed.
#' @param e1,e2 Two objects of class \code{waic} to be compared.
#' @param ... Further arguments that may be passed to print methods.
#' @details WAIC provides an approximation of predictive accuracy with respect
#' to out-of-sample deviance. The uncertainty of the WAIC for the given number
#' of observed nodes (i.e., number of free categories times the number of
#' participants) is quantified by the standard error of WAIC \code{"se_waic"}
#' (cf. Vehtari et al., 2017). In contrast, to assess whether the approximation
#' uncertainty due to MCMC sampling (not sample size) is sufficiently low, it is
#' a good idea to fit each model twice and compute WAIC again to assess the
#' stability of the WAIC values.
#' For more details, see Vehtari et al. (2017) and the following discussion
#' about the JAGS implementation (which is currently an experimental feature of
#' JAGS 4.3.0):
#' \url{https://sourceforge.net/p/mcmc-jags/discussion/610036/thread/8211df61/}
#' @return
#' Function `WAIC()` returns an object of class `waic`, which is basically
#' a list containing three vectors `p_waic`, `deviance`, and `waic`, with
#' separate values for each observed node
#' (i.e., for all combinations of persons and free categories).
#' For these objects, a `print()` method exists, which
#' also calculates the standard error of the estimate of WAIC.
#' For backwards compatibility, if `WAIC()` is called with `summarize = TRUE`,
#' a vector with values `p_waic`, `deviance`, `waic`, and `se_waic` is returned.
#' WAIC values from two models can be compared by using the `-` operator;
#' the result is an object of class `waic_difference`.
#' @references Vehtari, A., Gelman, A., & Gabry, J. (2017). Practical Bayesian
#' model evaluation using leave-one-out cross-validation and WAIC. Statistics
#' and Computing, 27(5), 1413–1432. doi:10.1007/s11222-016-9696-4
#' @md
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' #### WAIC for a latent-trait MPT model:
#' fit <- traitMPT(...)
#' WAIC(fit)
#' #### pairwise comparison of two models:
#' # (1) compute WAIC per model
#' waic1 <- WAIC(fit1)
#' waic2 <- WAIC(fit2)
#' # (2) WAIC difference
#' waic1 - waic2
#' }
#' @rdname WAIC
#' @importFrom rjags jags.samples jags.model load.module
#' @export
WAIC <- function(
    n.adapt = 1000,
    n.chains = 3,
    n.iter = 10000,
    n.thin = 1,
    summarize = FALSE
  stopifnot(inherits(fittedModel, c("traitMPT", "betaMPT")))

  # use last MCMC samples as initial values
  mcmc <- fittedModel$runjags$mcmc
  M <- nrow(mcmc[[1]])
  init <- mcmc[M, ]
  cc <- length(init)
  initvec <- c(init, init[sample(cc, max(0, n.chains - cc), replace = TRUE)])[1:n.chains]
  inits <- list()
  for (i in seq_along(initvec)) {
    inits[[i]] <- list("mu" = initvec[[i]][grep("mu", names(initvec[[i]]))])

  # extract data list from fitted runjags model:
  dat <- strsplit(fittedModel$runjags$data, "\\n")[[1]]
  datlist <- lapply(dat, function(x) eval(parse(text = x)))
  names(datlist) <- sapply(dat, function(x) sub(" .*", "", gsub("\\\"", "", x)))

  # construct new JAGS model
  mod <- jags.model(textConnection(fittedModel$runjags$model),
                    n.chains = n.chains,
                    n.adapt = n.adapt, inits = inits

  # the WAIC feature is still experimental! (requires JAGS 4.3.0)
  # returns deviance + waic penalty for each observed node (= free category per person)
  # cf.: https://sourceforge.net/p/mcmc-jags/discussion/610036/thread/8211df61/
  samples <- jags.samples(mod, c("deviance", "WAIC"),
                          type = "mean",
                          n.iter = n.iter, thin = n.thin

  samples$p_waic <- samples$WAIC
  samples$waic <- samples$deviance + samples$p_waic
  attributes(samples$waic) <- attributes(samples$p_waic) <- attributes(samples$deviance)
  samples$WAIC <- NULL

  # For backwards compatibility, we implement summarize = TRUE
  if(isTRUE(summarize)) return(summary(structure(samples, class = "waic")))

    , class = "waic"

#' @method summary waic
#' @keywords internal
summary.waic <- function(
) {
    c(p_waic     = sum(object[["p_waic"]]),
      deviance = sum(object[["deviance"]]),
      waic     = sum(object[["waic"]]),
      se_waic  = sqrt(length(object$waic)) * sd(object$waic)
      # --> standard error for WAIC (cf. Vehtari et al., 2017)
    ), class = "summary.waic")

#' @rdname WAIC
#' @method print waic
#' @export
print.waic <- function(x, ...) {
  dmp <- print(unclass(summary(x)))

#' @rdname WAIC
#' @method print waic_difference
#' @export
print.waic_difference <- function(x, ...) {

  # standard error for WAIC (cf. Vehtari et al., 2017)
  y <- c(
    "estimate"  = sum(x),
    "std.error" = sqrt(length(x)) * sd(x)
  cat("Difference in WAIC (with standard error)\n")
  dmp <- print(y)

#' @rdname WAIC
#' @export
"-.waic" <- function(e1, e2) {
    e1$waic - e2$waic,
    class = "waic_difference"

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