
Defines functions getParam

Documented in getParam

#' Get Parameter Posterior Statistics
#' Returns posterior statistics (e.g., mean, median) for the parameters of a
#' hierarchical MPT model.
#' @param fittedModel a fitted latent-trait MPT model (see
#'   \code{\link{traitMPT}}) or beta MPT model (see \code{\link{betaMPT}})
#' @param parameter which parameter(s) of the (hierarchical) MPT model should be
#'   returned? (see details in \code{\link{getParam}}).
#' @param stat whether to get the posterior \code{"mean"}, \code{"median"},
#'   \code{"sd"}, or \code{"summary"} (includes mean, SD, and 95\% credibility
#'   interval)
#' @param file filename to export results in .csv format (e.g.,
#'   \code{file="est_param.csv"})
#' @details This function is a convenient way to get the information stored in
#'   \code{fittedModel$mcmc.summ}.
#' The latent-trait MPT includes the following parameters:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{"mean"} (group means on probability scale)
#' \item \code{"mu"} (group means on probit scale)
#' \item \code{"sigma"} (SD on probit scale)
#' \item \code{"rho"} (correlations on probit scale)
#' \item \code{"theta"} (individual MPT parameters)
#' }
#' The beta MPT includes the following parameters:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{"mean"} (group means on probability scale)
#' \item \code{"sd"} (SD on probability scale)
#' \item \code{"alph"},\code{"bet"} (group parameters of beta distribution)
#' \item \code{"theta"} (individual MPT parameters)
#' }
#' @author Daniel Heck
#' @seealso \code{\link{getGroupMeans}} mean group estimates
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # mean estimates per person:
#' getParam(fittedModel, parameter = "theta")
#' # save summary of individual estimates:
#' getParam(fittedModel,
#'   parameter = "theta",
#'   stat = "summary", file = "ind_summ.csv"
#' )
#' }
#' @export
getParam <- function(
    parameter = "mean",
    stat = "mean",
    file = NULL
) {
  if (!inherits(fittedModel, c("betaMPT", "traitMPT"))) {
    stop("Only for hierarchical MPT models (see ?traitMPT & ?betaMPT).")

  thetaUnique <- fittedModel$mptInfo$thetaUnique
  S <- length(thetaUnique)
  summ <- fittedModel$mcmc.summ # summary(fittedModel$mcmc)
  allnam <- rownames(summ)
  select <- setdiff(grep(parameter, allnam), grep(".pred", allnam))
  if (length(select) == 0) {
    stop("parameter not found.")

  label <- c("Mean", "SD", "2.5%", "97.5%")
  sel.stat <- switch(stat,
    "mean" = "Mean",
    "sd" = "SD",
    "median" = "50%",
    "summary" = label,
    stop("statistic not supported.")
  par <- summ[select, sel.stat, drop = FALSE]

  if (stat != "summary") {
    if (length(par) == S) {
      rownames(par) <- paste0(
        grep(parameter, allnam, value = TRUE),
        names(par), "_", thetaUnique
    } else if (parameter == "theta") {
      par <- matrix(par, ncol = S, byrow = TRUE)
      colnames(par) <- thetaUnique
      rownames(par) <- rownames(fittedModel$mptInfo$data)
    } else if (parameter == "rho") {
      par <- getRhoMatrix(thetaUnique, par)
  } else {
    if (length(select) == S) {
      rownames(par) <- paste0(
        grep(parameter, allnam, value = TRUE),
        rownames(par), "_", thetaUnique
    } else if (parameter == "theta") {
      par <- matrix(t(par), ncol = S * 4, byrow = TRUE)
      colnames(par) <- paste0(rep(thetaUnique, each = 4), "_", label)

  if (!is.null(file)) {
    if (is.null(dim(par))) par <- t(par)
    write.csv(par, file = file, row.names = FALSE)


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TreeBUGS documentation built on May 31, 2023, 9:21 p.m.