
Defines functions getRhoMatrix summarizeMPT

Documented in summarizeMPT

#' Summarize JAGS Output for Hierarchical MPT Models
#' Provide clean and readable summary statistics tailored to MPT models based on
#' the JAGS output.
#' @inheritParams summarizeMCMC
#' @param mcmc the actual mcmc.list output of the sampler of a fitted MPT model
#'   (accesible via \code{fittedModel$runjags$mcmc})
#' @param mptInfo the internally stored information about the fitted MPT model
#'   (accesible via \code{fittedModel$mptInfo})
#' @param summ optional argument for internal use
#' @details The MPT-specific summary is computed directly after fitting a model.
#'   However, this function might be used manually after removing MCMC samples
#'   (e.g., extending the burnin period).
#' @examples
#' # Remove additional burnin samples and recompute MPT summary
#' \dontrun{
#' # start later or thin (see ?window)
#' mcmc.subsamp <- window(fittedModel$runjags$mcmc, start = 3001, thin = 2)
#' new.mpt.summary <- summarizeMPT(mcmc.subsamp, fittedModel$mptInfo)
#' new.mpt.summary
#' }
#' @import rjags
#' @export
summarizeMPT <- function(
    probs = c(.025, .50, .975),
    summ = NULL
) {
  if (is.null(summ) | !all(paste0(probs * 100, "%") %in% colnames(summ))) {
    summ <- summarizeMCMC(mcmc, probs = probs)

  predFactorLevels <- mptInfo$predFactorLevels
  transformedParameters <- mptInfo$transformedParameters
  thetaNames <- mptInfo$thetaNames
  model <- mptInfo$model

  # summary <- summary(mcmc) # mcmc$BUGSoutput$summary
  # number of parameters
  S <- max(thetaNames[, "theta"])

  idx <- ""
  if (S > 1) idx <- paste0("[", 1:S, "]")

  N <- nrow(mptInfo$data)
  # which statistics to select:
  # colsel <- c(1:3,5,7:9) # for R2JAGS
  # colsel <- c("Mean","SD","Lower95","Median","Upper95","SSeff","psrf") # for runjags
  uniqueNames <- mptInfo$thetaUnique

  selCov <- grep("cor_", rownames(summ))
  if (length(selCov) != 0) {
    correlation <- summ[selCov, , drop = FALSE]
  } else {
    correlation <- NULL

  selFE <- grep("thetaFE", rownames(summ))
  if (length(selFE) != 0) {
    thetaFE <- summ[selFE, , drop = FALSE]
    if (length(mptInfo$thetaFixed) == nrow(thetaFE)) {
      rownames(thetaFE) <- paste0("thetaFE_", mptInfo$thetaFixed)
  } else {
    thetaFE <- NULL

  rho <- rhoNames <- c()
  cnt <- 1
  while (cnt < S) {
    rho <- rbind(rho, summ[paste0("rho[", cnt, ",", (cnt + 1):S, "]"), , drop = FALSE])
    rhoNames <- c(
      paste0("rho[", uniqueNames[cnt], ",", uniqueNames[(cnt + 1):S], "]")
    cnt <- cnt + 1
  if (S == 1) rho <- matrix(1, 1, 1, dimnames = list(uniqueNames, uniqueNames))
  rownames(rho) <- rhoNames
  rho.matrix <- getRhoMatrix(uniqueNames, rho)

  mean <- summ[paste0("mean", idx), , drop = FALSE]
  rownames(mean) <- paste0("mean_", uniqueNames)
  ############################## BETA MPT SUMMARY
  if (model == "simpleMPT") {
    SD <- summ[paste0("sd", idx), , drop = FALSE]
    rownames(SD) <- paste0("sd_", uniqueNames)
    groupParameters <- list(
      mean = mean, SD = SD,
      rho = rho, rho.matrix = rho.matrix,
      correlation = correlation, thetaFE = NULL
  } else if (model == "betaMPT") {
    # mean and individual parameter estimates
    SD <- summ[paste0("sd", idx), , drop = FALSE]
    alpha <- summ[paste0("alph", idx), , drop = FALSE]
    beta <- summ[paste0("bet", idx), , drop = FALSE]

    rownames(SD) <- paste0("sd_", uniqueNames)
    rownames(alpha) <- paste0("alpha_", uniqueNames)
    rownames(beta) <- paste0("beta_", uniqueNames)

    # rho <- summgetRhoBeta(uniqueNames, mcmc, corProbit=mptInfo$corProbit)
    # rho.matrix <- getRhoMatrix(uniqueNames, rho)

    groupParameters <- list(
      mean = mean, SD = SD, alpha = alpha, beta = beta,
      rho = rho, rho.matrix = rho.matrix,
      correlation = correlation, thetaFE = thetaFE
  } else if (model == "traitMPT") {
    ############################## LATENT-TRAIT SUMMARY
    mu <- summ[paste0("mu", idx), , drop = FALSE]
    sigma <- summ[paste0("sigma", idx), , drop = FALSE]

    rownames(mu) <- paste0("latent_mu_", uniqueNames)
    rownames(sigma) <- paste0("latent_sigma_", uniqueNames)

    selCov <- grepl("slope_", rownames(summ))
    selFac <- grepl("factor_", rownames(summ))
    if (any(selCov)) {
      slope <- summ[selCov, , drop = FALSE]
    } else {
      slope <- NULL
    if (any(selFac)) {
      selFacSD <- grepl("SD_factor_", rownames(summ))
      factor <- summ[selFac & !selFacSD, , drop = FALSE]

      # rename factor levels
      tmpNames <- sapply(rownames(factor), function(xx) strsplit(xx, split = "_")[[1]][3])
      for (ff in 1:length(predFactorLevels)) {
        if (!is.null(predFactorLevels[[ff]])) {
          selrow <- grepl(paste0(names(predFactorLevels)[ff], "["), tmpNames, fixed = TRUE)
          rownames(factor)[selrow] <- paste0(rownames(factor)[selrow], "_", predFactorLevels[[ff]])

      factorSD <- summ[selFacSD, , drop = FALSE]
    } else {
      factor <- NULL
      factorSD <- NULL

    groupParameters <- list(
      mean = mean, mu = mu, sigma = sigma, rho = rho,
      rho.matrix = rho.matrix,
      slope = slope, factor = factor, factorSD = factorSD,
      correlation = correlation, thetaFE = thetaFE
  theta.names <- apply(
    X = as.matrix(data.frame(lapply(expand.grid("theta[", 1:S, ",", 1:N, "]"), as.character))),
    MARGIN = 1,
    FUN = paste0,
    collapse = ""
  if (any(grepl("theta", rownames(summ)))){
    individParameters <- array(
      data = summ[theta.names, ],
      dim = c(S, N, ncol(summ))
  } else {
    individParameters <- array(data = NA, dim = c(S, N, ncol(summ)) )
  dimnames(individParameters) <- list(
    Parameter = uniqueNames,
    ID = 1:N,
    Statistic = colnames(summ)

  ############################## goodness of fit and deviance
  if (is.null(transformedParameters)) {
    transPar <- NULL
  } else {
    transPar <- summ[transformedParameters, , drop = FALSE]
  # dic <- extract(mcmc, "dic")
  summary <- list(
    groupParameters = groupParameters,
    individParameters = individParameters,
    fitStatistics = NULL,
    transformedParameters = transPar

  summary$call <- "(summarizeMPT called manually)"
  summary$round <- 3
  class(summary) <- paste0("summary.", model)


getRhoMatrix <- function(uniqueNames, rho) {
  S <- length(uniqueNames)
  rho.matrix <- matrix(1, S, S, dimnames = list(uniqueNames, uniqueNames))
  if (S > 1) {
    cnt <- 0
    for (s1 in 1:(S - 1)) {
      for (s2 in (s1 + 1):S) {
        rho.matrix[s1, s2] <- rho.matrix[s2, s1] <- rho[cnt <- cnt + 1]

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TreeBUGS documentation built on May 31, 2023, 9:21 p.m.