#' Shared information content of two splits
#' Calculate the phylogenetic information shared, or not shared, between two
#' splits.
#' See the [accompanying vignette](
#' for definitions.
#' Split _S1_ divides _n_ leaves into two splits, _A1_ and _B1_.
#' Split _S2_ divides the same leaves into the splits _A2_ and _B2_.
#' Splits must be named such that _A1_ fully overlaps with _A2_:
#' that is to say, all taxa in _A1_ are also in _A2_, or _vice versa_.
#' Thus, all taxa in the smaller of _A1_ and _A2_ also occur in the larger.
#' @param n Integer specifying the number of leaves
#' @param A1,A2 Integers specifying the number of taxa in _A1_ and _A2_,
#' once the splits have been arranged such that _A1_ fully overlaps with _A2_.
#' @return
#' `TreesConsistentWithTwoSplits()` returns the number of unrooted bifurcating
#' trees consistent with two splits.
#' `SplitSharedInformation()` returns the phylogenetic information that two splits
#' have in common \insertCite{Meila2007}{TreeDist}, in bits.
#' `SplitDifferentInformation()` returns the amount of phylogenetic information
#' distinct to one of the two splits, in bits.
#' @examples
#' # Eight leaves, labelled A to H.
#' # Split 1: ABCD|EFGH
#' # Split 2: ABC|DEFGH
#' # Let A1 = ABCD (four taxa), and A2 = ABC (three taxa).
#' # A1 and A2 overlap (both contain ABC).
#' TreesConsistentWithTwoSplits(n = 8, A1 = 4, A2 = 3)
#' SplitSharedInformation(n = 8, A1 = 4, A2 = 3)
#' SplitDifferentInformation(n = 8, A1 = 4, A2 = 3)
#' # If splits are identical, then their shared information is the same
#' # as the information of either split:
#' SplitSharedInformation(n = 8, A1 = 3, A2 = 3)
#' TreeTools::SplitInformation(3, 5)
#' @template MRS
#' @references \insertAllCited{}
#' @family information functions
#' @importFrom TreeTools Log2TreesMatchingSplit Log2Unrooted
#' @export
SplitSharedInformation <- function(n, A1, A2 = A1) {
Log2Unrooted(n) +
Log2TreesConsistentWithTwoSplits(n, A1, A2) -
Log2TreesMatchingSplit(A1, n - A1) -
Log2TreesMatchingSplit(A2, n - A2)
#' @describeIn SplitSharedInformation Different information between two splits.
#' @importFrom TreeTools SplitInformation
#' @export
SplitDifferentInformation <- function(n, A1, A2 = A1) {
Log2TreesMatchingSplit(A1, n - A1) +
Log2TreesMatchingSplit(A2, n - A2) -
(2 * Log2TreesConsistentWithTwoSplits(n, A1, A2))
#' Use variation of clustering information to compare pairs of splits
#' Compare a pair of splits viewed as clusterings of taxa, using the variation
#' of clustering information proposed by \insertCite{Meila2007}{TreeDist}.
#' This is equivalent to the mutual clustering information
#' \insertCite{Vinh2010}{TreeDist}.
#' For the total information content, multiply the VoI by the number of leaves.
#' @template split12Params
#' @return `MeilaVariationOfInformation()` returns the variation of (clustering)
#' information, measured in bits.
#' @references \insertAllCited{}
#' @examples
#' # Maximum variation = information content of each split separately
#' A <- TRUE
#' B <- FALSE
#' MeilaVariationOfInformation(c(A, A, A, B, B, B), c(A, A, A, A, A, A))
#' Entropy(c(3, 3) / 6) + Entropy(c(0, 6) / 6)
#' # Minimum variation = 0
#' MeilaVariationOfInformation(c(A, A, A, B, B, B), c(A, A, A, B, B, B))
#' # Not always possible for two evenly-sized splits to reach maximum
#' # variation of information
#' Entropy(c(3, 3) / 6) * 2 # = 2
#' MeilaVariationOfInformation(c(A, A, A,B ,B, B), c(A, B, A, B, A, B)) # < 2
#' # Phylogenetically uninformative groupings contain spliting information
#' Entropy(c(1, 5) / 6)
#' MeilaVariationOfInformation(c(B, A, A, A, A, A), c(A, A, A, A, A, B))
#' @template MRS
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @export
MeilaVariationOfInformation <- function(split1, split2) {
if (length(split1) != length(split2)) stop("Split lengths differ")
n <- length(split1)
associationMatrix <- c(sum(split1 & split2), sum(split1 & !split2),
sum(!split1 & split2), sum(!split1 & !split2))
probabilities <- associationMatrix / n
p1 <- probabilities[[1]] + probabilities[[3]]
p2 <- probabilities[[1]] + probabilities[[2]]
jointEntropies <- Entropy(probabilities)
# Return:
jointEntropies + jointEntropies - Entropy(c(p1, 1 - p1)) -
Entropy(c(p2, 1 - p2))
#' @rdname MeilaVariationOfInformation
#' @return `MeilaMutualInformation()` returns the mutual information,
#' measured in bits.
#' @export
MeilaMutualInformation <- function(split1, split2) {
if (length(split1) != length(split2)) stop("Split lengths differ")
n <- length(split1)
associationMatrix <- c(sum(split1 & split2), sum(split1 & !split2),
sum(!split1 & split2), sum(!split1 & !split2))
probabilities <- associationMatrix / n
p1 <- probabilities[[1]] + probabilities[[3]]
p2 <- probabilities[[1]] + probabilities[[2]]
jointEntropies <- Entropy(probabilities)
mutualInformation <- Entropy(c(p1, 1 - p1)) + Entropy(c(p2, 1 - p2)) -
# Return:
if (abs(mutualInformation) < .Machine[["double.eps"]]^0.5) 0 else mutualInformation
#' Variation of information for all split pairings
#' Calculate the variation of clustering information
#' \insertCite{Meila2007}{TreeDist} for each possible pairing of
#' non-trivial splits on _n_ leaves \insertCite{SmithDist}{TreeDist},
#' tabulating the number of pairings with each similarity.
#' @param n Integer specifying the number of leaves in a tree.
#' @return `AllSplitPairings()` returns a named vector. The name of each
#' element corresponds to a certain variation of information, in bits; the
#' value of each element specifies the number of pairings of non-trivial
#' splits that give rise to that variation of information.
#' Split `AB|CD` is treated as distinct from `CD|AB`. If pairing
#' `AB|CD`=`CD|AB` is considered equivalent to `CD|AB`=`CD|AB` (etc), then
#' values should be divided by four.
#' @examples
#' AllSplitPairings(6)
#' # Treat equivalent splits as identical by dividing by four:
#' AllSplitPairings(6) / 4L
#' @template MRS
#' @references \insertAllCited{}
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @importFrom memoise memoise
#' @export
AllSplitPairings <- memoise(function(n) {
if (n < 4L) stop("No informative splits with < 4 taxa")
# smallHalves <- 1L + seq_len(ceiling(n / 2) - 2L)
dataRows <- 2L
unevenPairs <- matrix(
# For i in 2:largestSmallSplit
#TODO: Make faster by not calculating bottom triangle
unlist(lapply(1L + seq_len(n - 3L), function(inA) {
# For j in 2:(n - 2)
nCa <- choose(n, inA)
outA <- n - inA
hA <- Entropy(c(inA, outA) / n)
unlist(lapply(1L + seq_len(n - 3L), function(inB) {
outB <- n - inB
hB <- Entropy(c(inB, outB) / n)
vapply(max(0, inA + inB - n):min(inA, inB), function(inAB) {
association <- c(inAB, inA - inAB, inB - inAB, n + inAB - inA - inB)
jointEntropies <- Entropy(association / n)
c(#inA, inB, inAB,
#npairs = NPartitionPairs(association), nis = choose(n, i),
nTotal = nCa * choose(inA, inAB) * choose(outA, inB - inAB),
VoI = jointEntropies + jointEntropies - hA - hB)
}, double(dataRows))
})), dataRows, dimnames=list(c("nTotal", "VoI"), NULL))
tapply(unevenPairs["nTotal", ], unevenPairs["VoI", ], sum)
#' Entropy of two splits
#' Calculate the entropy, joint entropy, entropy distance and information
#' content of two splits, treating each split as a division of _n_ leaves into
#' two groups.
#' Further details are available in a
#' [vignette](,
#' \insertCite{Mackay2003;textual}{TreeDist} and
#' \insertCite{Meila2007;textual}{TreeDist}.
#' @template split12Params
#' @return A numeric vector listing, in bits:
#' * `H1` The entropy of split 1;
#' * `H2` The entropy of split 2;
#' * `H12` The joint entropy of both splits;
#' * `I` The mutual information of the splits;
#' * `Hd` The entropy distance (variation of information) of the splits.
#' @references \insertAllCited{}
#' @examples
#' A <- TRUE
#' B <- FALSE
#' SplitEntropy(c(A, A, A, B, B, B), c(A, A, B, B, B, B))
#' @template MRS
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @family information functions
#' @export
SplitEntropy <- function(split1, split2 = split1) {
A1A2 <- sum(split1 & split2)
A1B2 <- sum(split1 & !split2)
B1A2 <- sum(!split1 & split2)
B1B2 <- sum(!split1 & !split2)
overlaps <- c(A1A2, A1B2, B1A2, B1B2)
A1 <- A1A2 + A1B2
A2 <- A1A2 + B1A2
B1 <- B1A2 + B1B2
B2 <- A1B2 + B1B2
n <- A1 + B1
h1 <- Entropy(c(A1, B1) / n)
h2 <- Entropy(c(A2, B2) / n)
jointH <- Entropy(overlaps[overlaps > 0L] / n)
sharedInformation <- h1 + h2 - jointH
entropyDistance <- jointH - sharedInformation
# Return:
c(H1 = h1, H2 = h2, H12 = jointH, I = sharedInformation,
Hd = entropyDistance)
#' @describeIn SplitSharedInformation Number of trees consistent with two
#' splits.
#' @importFrom TreeTools TreesMatchingSplit NRooted
#' @export
TreesConsistentWithTwoSplits <- function(n, A1, A2 = A1) {
smallSplit <- min(A1, A2)
bigSplit <- max(A1, A2)
if (smallSplit == 0) return (TreesMatchingSplit(bigSplit, n - bigSplit))
if (bigSplit == n) return (TreesMatchingSplit(smallSplit, n - smallSplit))
overlap <- bigSplit - smallSplit
# Here are two spits:
# 11 111 000000
# 11 000 000000
# There are (2O - 5)!! unrooted trees of the overlapping taxa (O)
# There are (2A - 5)!! unrooted trees of A
# There are (2B - 5)!! unrooted trees of B
# There are 2A - 3 places on A that A can be attached to O.
# There are 2O - 3 places on O to which A can be attached.
# There are 2B - 3 places in B that B can be attached to (O+A).
# There are 2O - 3 + 2 places on O + A to which B can be attached:
# 2O - 3 places on O, plus the two new edges created when A was joined to O.
# (2A - 3)(2A - 5)!! == (2A - 3)!!
# (2B - 3)(2B - 5)!! == (2B - 3)!!
# (2O - 1)(2O - 3)(2O - 5)!! == (2O - 1)!!
# We therefore want NRooted(A) * NRooted(O + 1) * NRooted(B)
# O = overlap = bigSplit - smallSplit
# bigSplit - overlap = smallSplit = either A or B
# n - bigSplit = either B or A
# Return:
NRooted(overlap + 1L) *
NRooted(smallSplit) *
NRooted(n - bigSplit)
#' @describeIn SplitSharedInformation Natural logarithm of
#' `TreesConsistentWithTwoSplits()`.
#' @importFrom TreeTools LnTreesMatchingSplit
#' @export
LnTreesConsistentWithTwoSplits <- function(n, A1, A2 = A1) {
smallSplit <- min(A1, A2)
bigSplit <- max(A1, A2)
# Return:
if (smallSplit == 0) {
LnTreesMatchingSplit(bigSplit, n - bigSplit)
} else if (bigSplit == n) {
LnTreesMatchingSplit(smallSplit, n - smallSplit)
} else { - smallSplit + 1L) + + - bigSplit)
#' @describeIn SplitSharedInformation Base two logarithm of
#' `TreesConsistentWithTwoSplits()`.
#' @importFrom TreeTools Log2TreesMatchingSplit
#' @export
Log2TreesConsistentWithTwoSplits <- function(n, A1, A2 = A1) {
smallSplit <- min(A1, A2)
bigSplit <- max(A1, A2)
# Return:
if (smallSplit == 0) {
Log2TreesMatchingSplit(bigSplit, n - bigSplit)
} else if (bigSplit == n) {
Log2TreesMatchingSplit(smallSplit, n - smallSplit)
} else { - smallSplit + 1L) + + - bigSplit)
#' @describeIn SplitSharedInformation Base 2 logarithm of
#' `TreesConsistentWithTwoSplits()`.
#' @importFrom TreeTools Log2TreesMatchingSplit
#' @export
Log2TreesConsistentWithTwoSplits <- function(n, A1, A2 = A1) {
smallSplit <- min(A1, A2)
bigSplit <- max(A1, A2)
# Return:
if (smallSplit == 0) {
Log2TreesMatchingSplit(bigSplit, n - bigSplit)
} else if (bigSplit == n) {
Log2TreesMatchingSplit(smallSplit, n - smallSplit)
} else { - smallSplit + 1L) + + - bigSplit)
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