
#' Information content of a character known to contain _e_ steps
#' `StepInformation()` calculates the phylogenetic information content of a
#' character `char` when _e_ extra steps are present, for all possible 
#' values of _e_.
#' Calculates the number of trees consistent with the character having 
#' _e_ extra steps, where _e_ ranges from its minimum possible value
#' (i.e. number of different tokens minus one) to its maximum.
#' @param char Vector of tokens listing states for the character in question.
#' @param ambiguousTokens Vector specifying which tokens, if any, correspond to
#' the ambiguous token (`?`).
#' @return `StepInformation()` returns a numeric vector detailing the amount
#' of phylogenetic information (in bits) associated with the character when
#' 0, 1, 2… extra steps are present.  The vector is named with the
#' total number of steps associated with each entry in the vector: for example,
#' a character with three observed tokens must exhibit two steps, so the first
#' entry (zero extra steps) is named `2` (two steps observed).
#' @examples
#' character <- rep(c(0:3, "?", "-"), c(8, 5, 1, 1, 2, 2))
#' StepInformation(character)
#' @template MRS
#' @importFrom fastmatch %fin%
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @importFrom TreeTools Log2Unrooted
#' @family profile parsimony functions
#' @export
StepInformation <- function (char, ambiguousTokens = c("-", "?")) {
  NIL <- c("0" = 0)
  char <- char[!char %fin% ambiguousTokens]
  if (length(char) == 0) {
  split <- sort(as.integer(table(char)), decreasing = TRUE)
  singletons <- split == 1L
  nSingletons <- sum(singletons)
  nInformative <- sum(split) - nSingletons
  minSteps <- length(split) - 1L
  if (minSteps == 0L) {
  split <- split[!singletons]
  if (length(split) < 2L) {
    return(setNames(0, minSteps))
  if (length(split) > 2L) {
    warning("Ignored least informative tokens where more than two informative ",
            "tokens present.")
    ranked <- order(order(split, decreasing = TRUE))
    split <- split[ranked < 3]
  logProfile <- vapply(seq_len(split[2]), LogCarter1, double(1),
                       split[1], split[2])
  ret <- setNames(Log2Unrooted(sum(split[1:2]))
                  - (.LogCumSumExp(logProfile) / log(2)),
                  seq_len(split[2]) + sum(singletons))
  ret[ret < sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)] <- 0 # Floating point error inevitable
  # Return:

# Adapted from https://rpubs.com/FJRubio/LSE
.LogCumSumExp <- function (x) { 
  n <- length(x)
  Lk <- c(x[1], double(n - 1L))
  for (k in 1L + seq_len(n - 1L)) {
    Lk[k] <- Lk[k - 1]
    Lk[k] <- max(x[k], Lk[k]) + log1p(exp(-abs(x[k] - Lk[k])))
  # Return:

#' Number of trees with _m_ steps
#' Calculate the number of trees in which Fitch parsimony will reconstruct
#' _m_ steps, where _a_ leaves are labelled with one state, and _b_ leaves are
#' labelled with a second state.
#' Implementation of theorem 1 from \insertCite{Carter1990;textual}{TreeTools}
#' @param m Number of steps.
#' @param a,b Number of leaves labelled `0` and `1`.
#' @references 
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' See also:
#' \insertRef{Steel1993}{TreeSearch}
#' \insertRef{Steel1995}{TreeSearch}
#' (\insertRef{Steel1996}{TreeSearch})
#' @importFrom TreeTools LogDoubleFactorial
#' @examples 
#' # The character `0 0 0 1 1 1`
#' Carter1(1, 3, 3) # Exactly one step
#' Carter1(2, 3, 3) # Two steps (one extra step)
#' # Number of trees that the character can map onto with exactly _m_ steps
#' # if non-parsimonious reconstructions are permitted:
#' cumsum(sapply(1:3, Carter1, 3, 3))
#' # Three steps allow the character to map onto any of the 105 six-leaf trees.
#' @template MRS
#' @family profile parsimony functions
#' @export
Carter1 <- function (m, a, b) {
  n <- a + b
  twoN <- n + n
  twoM <- m + m
  N <- function (n, m) {
    if (n < m) {
    } else {
      nMinusM <- n - m
      factorial(n + nMinusM - 1L) / prod(
        factorial(m - 1L),
        2 ^ (nMinusM))
    (twoN - twoM - m),
    N(a, m),
    N(b, m),
    exp(lfactorial(m - 1L) + 
          LogDoubleFactorial(twoN - 5L) -
          LogDoubleFactorial(twoN - twoM - 1L))

#' @rdname Carter1
#' @export
#' @importFrom TreeTools Log2DoubleFactorial
Log2Carter1 <- function (m, a, b) {
  n <- a + b
  twoN <- n + n
  twoM <- m + m
  Log2N <- function (n, m) {
    if (n < m) -Inf else {
      nMinusM <- n - m
      (lfactorial(n + nMinusM - 1L) - 
       lfactorial(nMinusM) -
       lfactorial(m - 1L)) / log(2) - nMinusM
    log2(twoN - twoM - m),
    (lfactorial(m - 1L) / log(2)),
    Log2DoubleFactorial(twoN - 5L),
    Log2N(a, m),
    Log2N(b, m)
  ) - Log2DoubleFactorial(twoN - twoM - 1L)

#' @rdname Carter1
#' @export
#' @importFrom TreeTools LogDoubleFactorial
LogCarter1 <- function (m, a, b) {
  n <- a + b
  twoN <- n + n
  twoM <- m + m
  LogN <- function (n, m) {
    if (n < m) -Inf else {
      nMinusM <- n - m
      (lfactorial(n + nMinusM - 1L) - 
       lfactorial(nMinusM) -
       lfactorial(m - 1L)) - (nMinusM * log(2))
    log(twoN - twoM - m),
    lfactorial(m - 1L),
    LogDoubleFactorial(twoN - 5L),
    LogN(a, m),
    LogN(b, m)
  ) - LogDoubleFactorial(twoN - twoM - 1L)

# TODO: Replace the below with an advanced version of Maddison & Slakey 1991, 
# or use the results of Carter et al. 1990; Steel 1993 to estimate +0 & +1 steps,
# and approximate the rest.

## @importFrom TreeTools Log2UnrootedMult
# Old_IC_Approx <- function() {
#   nIter <- min(maxIter, round(iter))
#   if (nIter == maxIter) {
#     warning ("Will truncate number of iterations at maxIter = ", maxIter)
#   }
#   n01ExtraSteps <- nOneExtraStep + nNoExtraSteps
#   analyticIC <- Log2Unrooted(sum(split)) -  setNames(c(
#     Log2UnrootedMult(split), log2(n01ExtraSteps)),
#     minSteps + 0:1)
#   analyticP <- 2 ^ -analyticIC[2]
#   if (warn) {
#     message("  Token count ", split, " = ",
#             signif(analyticIc0, ceiling(log10(maxIter))),
#             " bits @ 0 extra steps. \n  Simulating ", nIter, 
#             " trees to estimate cost of further steps.")
#     # message(c(round(analyticIc0, 3), "bits @ 0 extra steps;", round(analyticIc1, 3),
#     #    "@ 1; attempting", nIter, "iterations.\n"))
#   }
#   morphyObj <- SingleCharMorphy(rep(seq_along(split) - 1L, split))
#   on.exit(morphyObj <- UnloadMorphy(morphyObj))
#   steps <- vapply(rep(nInformative, nIter), RandomTreeScore,
#                   integer(1), morphyObj) + nSingletons
#   tabSteps <- table(steps[steps > (minSteps - nSingletons + 1)]) # Quicker than table(steps)[-1]
#   approxP <- tabSteps / sum(tabSteps) * (1 - analyticP)
#   approxSE <- sqrt(approxP * (1 - approxP) / nIter)
#   cumP <- cumsum(c(analyticP, approxP))[-1]
#   approxIC <- -log2(cumP)
#   icLB <- -log2(cumP - approxSE)
#   icError <- icLB - approxIC
#   if (warn || max(icError) > tolerance) {
#     message("  Approx. std. error < ", signif(max(icError) * 1.01, 2))
#   }
# }

#' Number of trees with one extra step
#' @param \dots Vector or series of integers specifying the number of leaves
#' bearing each distinct non-ambiguous token.
#' @importFrom TreeTools NRooted NUnrooted
#' @examples
#' WithOneExtraStep(1, 2, 3)
#' @importFrom TreeTools NUnrootedMult DoubleFactorial
#' @family profile parsimony functions
#' @export
WithOneExtraStep <- function (...) {
  splits <- c(...)
  # Ignore singletons, which can be added at the end...
  singletonSplits <- splits == 1
  splits <- sort(splits[!singletonSplits], decreasing = TRUE)
  nSplits <- length(splits)
  if (nSplits < 2) return (0)
  if (nSplits == 2) {
      # Zone 0; Zone 1 will be added at Root
        vapply(seq_len(splits[2] - 1L), function (beforeStep) {
          NRooted(beforeStep) * # Zone 1 will sit at root of Zone 0
             # Case 1: Zone 1 & 2 not adjacent
             (splits[1] + splits[1] - 4L) * # Edges not touching Zone 1
               DoubleFactorial(splits[2] + splits[2] - 4L) /
               DoubleFactorial(beforeStep + beforeStep - 2L),
             # Case 2: Zone 1 & Zone 2 adjacent
             2 * # Two edges adjacent to Zone 1
               DoubleFactorial(splits[2] + splits[2] - 1L) /
               DoubleFactorial(beforeStep + beforeStep + 1L)
        }, double(1))
      # Add singleton splits
      (2 * (sum(splits) + seq_len(sum(singletonSplits))) - 5)
  } else {
    stop("Not implemented.")
                                                                                # nocov start
    # TODO test splits <- 2 2 4
    sum(vapply(seq_along(splits), function (omit) {
      backboneSplits <- splits[-omit]
      omitted.tips <- splits[omit]
      backbone.tips <- sum(backboneSplits)
      backbones <- NUnrootedMult(backboneSplits)
      backbone.edges <- max(0L, 2L * backbone.tips - 3L)
      attachTwoRegions <- backbone.edges * (backbone.edges - 1L)
      prod( # omitted tips form two separate regions
        # TODO would be quicker to calculate just first half; special case:
        #  omitted.tips %% 2
        vapply(seq_len(omitted.tips - 1), function (first.group) { 
          # For each way of splitsting up the omitted tips, e.g. 1|16, 2|15, 3|14, etc
          choose(omitted.tips, first.group) * 
            NRooted(first.group) * NRooted(omitted.tips - first.group)
        }, double(1))
      ) / 2) +
          # paraphyletic.  Worry: This is equivalent to splitting gp. 0
          # Double count: (0, 0, (0, (1, (0, 1))
    }, double(1))
                                                                                # nocov end

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