
Defines functions stock_sim

Documented in stock_sim

#' @title Stock simulation
#' @description  This function estimates stock size, biomass and yield of a stock from
#'    fishing mortality per age class or length group. This function is embedded in the
#'    Thompson and Bell model (prediction model: \code{\link{predict_mod}}).
#' @param param a list consisting of following parameters:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \code{age} or \code{midLengths}: midpoints of length classes (length-frequency
#'   data) or ages (age composition data),
#'   \item \code{meanWeight}: mean weight in kg per age class or length group,
#'   \item \code{meanValue}: mean value per kg fish per age class or length group,
#'   \item \code{FM}: fishing mortality rates per age class or length group,
#'   \item \code{M} or \code{Z}: natural or total instantaneous mortality rate.
#' }
#' @param age_unit indicates if the age groups are per month (\code{"month"}) or
#'    per year (\code{"year"}). Default: \code{"year"}
#' @param stock_size_1 stock size of smallest age/length group
#' @param plus_group indicates age/length group, which should be turned into a plus
#'    group (i.e. all groups above are comprised in one group)
#' @keywords function prediction ypr
#' @examples
#' # age-based stock simulation
#' data(shrimps)
#' # option 1: without plus group
#' stock_sim(shrimps, age_unit = "month")
#' # option 2: with plus group
#' stock_sim(param = shrimps, age_unit = "month", plus_group = 11)
#' # length-based stock simulation
#' data(hake)
#' stock_sim(param = hake, stock_size_1 = 98919.3)
#' @details better to treat last group always as a plus group...
#'      if stock size 1 not provided assumes 1000 as intital population size
#'      make sure that FM is also in same unit as the classes, e.g. when classes in
#'      months than also FM has to be provided in 1/months
#' @return A list with the input parameters and following list objects:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \strong{dt}: delta t,
#'   \item \strong{N}: population numbers,
#'   \item \strong{dead}: number of deaths due to natural mortality,
#'   \item \strong{C}: catch,
#'   \item \strong{Y}: yield,
#'   \item \strong{B}: biomass,
#'   \item \strong{V}: value,
#'   \item \strong{totals}: summarised output:
#'   \itemize{
#'   \item \strong{totC} total catch,
#'   \item \strong{totY} total yield,
#'   \item \strong{totV} total value,
#'   \item \strong{meanB} mean biomass.
#'   },
#' }
#' @references
#' Garcia, S. and N.P. van Zalinge, 1982. Shrimp fishing in Kuwait: methodology
#'    for a joint analysis of the artisanal and industrial fisheries. pp. 119-142 In:
#'    Report on the Workshop on assessment of the shrimp stocks of the west coast of
#'    the Gulf between Iran and the Arabian Peninsula. Fisheries development in the
#'    Gulf. Rome, FAO, FI:DP/RAB/80/015/1, 163 p.
#' Millar, R. B., & Holst, R. (1997). Estimation of gillnet and hook selectivity using
#' log-linear models. \emph{ICES Journal of Marine Science: Journal du Conseil},
#' 54(3):471-477
#' Sparre, P., Venema, S.C., 1998. Introduction to tropical fish stock assessment.
#' Part 1. Manual. \emph{FAO Fisheries Technical Paper}, (306.1, Rev. 2). 407 p.
#' @export

stock_sim <- function(param, age_unit = "year",
                      stock_size_1 = NA, plus_group = NA){

  res <- param
  meanWeight <- res$meanWeight
  meanValue <- res$meanValue

  FM <- res$FM
    nM <- res$M
    Z <- FM + nM
    Z <- res$Z
    nM <- mean(Z - FM,na.rm=T)

  if('midLengths' %in% names(res)) classes <- as.character(res$midLengths)
  if('age' %in% names(res)) classes <- as.character(res$age)
  # create column without plus group (sign) if present
  classes.num <- do.call(rbind,strsplit(classes, split="\\+"))
  classes.num <- as.numeric(classes.num[,1])

  # age based
  if('age' %in% names(res)){

    # delta t
    dt <- c(diff(classes.num),NA)
    if(age_unit == 'month'){
      dt <- dt * 1/12

    #population per age group
    N <- rep(NA,length(classes.num))
    N[1] <- ifelse(is.na(stock_size_1),1000,stock_size_1)

    for(x1 in 2:length(N)){
      N[x1] <- N[x1-1] * exp(-Z[x1-1] * dt[x1-1])
      # if(x1 == length(N)){
      #   N[x1] <- N[x1-1] * exp(-Z[x1-1] * dt[x1-1])
      # }

    #number of deaths per time step month or year
    dead <- c(abs(diff(N)),NA)

    #catch in numbers
    C <- dead * (FM / Z)

    #yield in kg or g
    Y <- C * meanWeight

    #mean biomass in kg or g
    B <- Y / (FM * dt)

    #value expressed in money units
    V <- Y * meanValue

    #total catch, yield, value and average biomass
    totals <- data.frame(totC = sum(C, na.rm=TRUE),
                         totY = sum(Y, na.rm=TRUE),
                         totV = sum(V, na.rm=TRUE),
                         meanB = sum((B * dt), na.rm=TRUE) / sum(dt, na.rm=TRUE))   ### more complicated biomass concept if dt is not constant, see Chapter 5

    res2 <- list(dt = dt, N = N, dead = dead, C = C,
                 Y = Y, B = B, V = V,
                 totals = totals)

    #with plus group

      df <- do.call(cbind,res2[1:7])
      df <- df[1:plus_group,]
      classes <- classes[1:plus_group]

      #new class
      classes[length(classes)] <-

      #num deaths
      df[plus_group, "dead"] <- df[plus_group, "N"]

      new.C <- (FM[plus_group] / Z[plus_group]) * df[plus_group, "N"]
      catch.plus.dif <- new.C - df[plus_group, "C"]
      df[plus_group, "C"] <- new.C

      df[plus_group, "Y"] <- meanWeight[plus_group] * catch.plus.dif

      df[plus_group, "V"] <-
        df[plus_group, "Y"] * meanValue[plus_group]

      #biomass       ####not sure....omitted in manual
      df[plus_group, "B"] <-
        df[plus_group, "Y"] / (FM[plus_group] * df[plus_group, "dt"])

      res2 <- as.list(as.data.frame(df))

      df2 <- do.call(cbind,res)
      df2 <- df2[1:plus_group,]
      res <- as.list(as.data.frame(df2))
      res$age <- classes

      #total catch, yield, value and average biomass
      totals <- data.frame(totC = sum(res2$C, na.rm=TRUE),
                           totY = sum(res2$Y, na.rm=TRUE),
                           totV = sum(res2$V, na.rm=TRUE),
                           meanB = sum((res2$B * res2$dt), na.rm=TRUE) / sum(dt, na.rm=TRUE))   ### more complicated biomass concept if dt is not constant, see Chapter 5

      res2 <- c(res2,totals = list(totals))

    ## length based
    if('midLengths' %in% names(res)){

        if("par" %in% names(res)){
            Winf <- ifelse("Winf" %in% names(res$par), res$par$Winf, NA)
            Linf <- ifelse("Linf" %in% names(res$par), res$par$Linf, NA)
            K <- res$par$K
            t0 <- ifelse("t0" %in% names(res$par), res$par$t0, 0)
            C <- ifelse("C" %in% names(res$par), res$par$C, 0)
            ts <- ifelse("ts" %in% names(res$par), res$par$ts, 0)
            ## maturity parameters
            Lmat <- ifelse("Lmat" %in% names(res$par), res$par$Lmat, NA)
            wmat <- ifelse("wmat" %in% names(res$par), res$par$wmat, NA)
            a <- res$par$a
            b <- res$par$b
            Winf <- ifelse("Winf" %in% names(res), res$Winf, NA)
            Linf <- ifelse("Linf" %in% names(res), res$Linf, NA)
            K <- res$K
            t0 <- ifelse("t0" %in% names(res), res$t0, 0)
            C <- ifelse("C" %in% names(res), res$C, 0)
            ts <- ifelse("ts" %in% names(res), res$ts, 0)
            ## maturity parameters
            Lmat <- ifelse("Lmat" %in% names(res), res$Lmat, NA)
            wmat <- ifelse("wmat" %in% names(res), res$wmat, NA)
            a <- res$a
            b <- res$b

        ## mature individuals
        mids <- classes.num
        matP <- 1 / (1 + exp(-(mids - Lmat) /
                             (wmat / ( log(0.75/(1-0.75)) - log(0.25/(1-0.25))))))

        ## calculate size class interval
        int <- classes.num[2] - classes.num[1]

        ## t of lower and upper length classes
        lowL <- classes.num - (int / 2)
        upL <- classes.num + (int/2)

        ## H
        H <- ((Linf - lowL)/(Linf - upL)) ^ (nM/(2*K))

        ## population
        N <- rep(NA,length(classes.num))
        N[1] <- ifelse(is.na(stock_size_1), 1000, stock_size_1)
        for(x1 in 2:length(classes.num)){
            N[x1] <- N[x1-1] * ((1/H[x1-1]) - (FM[x1-1]/Z[x1-1])) /
                (H[x1-1] - (FM[x1-1]/Z[x1-1]))

        ## number of deaths per time step month or year
        dead <- c(abs(diff(N)),NA)

        ## catch
        C <- dead * (FM/Z)

        ## average weight
        W <- a * ((lowL + upL)/2 ) ^ b

        ## yield
        Y <- C * W

        ## Value
        V <- Y * meanValue

        ## biomass
        B <- (dead / Z ) * W

        ## SSB
        SSB <- B * matP

        ## last length group
        x2 <- length(classes.num)
        C[x2] <- N[x2] * FM[x2]/Z[x2]
        W[x2] <- a * ((lowL[x2] + Linf)/2 ) ^ b
        Y[x2] <- C[x2] * W[x2]
        B[x2] <- N[x2] / Z[x2] * W[x2]
        V[x2] <- Y[x2] * meanValue[x2]
        SSB[x2] <- B[x2] * matP[x2]

        ## total catch, yield, value and average biomass
        totals <- data.frame(totC = sum(C, na.rm=TRUE),
                             totY = sum(Y, na.rm=TRUE),
                             totV = sum(V, na.rm=TRUE),
                             meanB = sum((B), na.rm=TRUE),
                             meanSSB = sum(SSB, na.rm=TRUE))

        res2 <- list(N = N,
                     dead = dead,
                     C = C,
                     Y = Y,
                     B = B,
                     SSB = SSB,
                     V = V,
                     totals = totals)

    ret <- c(res,res2)

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TropFishR documentation built on Oct. 4, 2021, 9:06 a.m.