
Defines functions mnplots

Documented in mnplots

mnplots <- function(unclesResult, MCs = 10, corner = c(0, 1),
    removedtype = 'abs', removedval = 1,
    Vmse = numeric(), mseCache = numeric(), doplot = FALSE, subplotdim = numeric(),
    subplotind = 1:MCs, minimiseDistance = TRUE) {

    ####################### Some parameters' fixing #######################
    if (TRUE) {
        X = unclesResult$X
        B = unclesResult$B
        GDM = unclesResult$GDM
        type = unclesResult$params$type
        setsP = unclesResult$params$setsP
        setsN = unclesResult$params$setsN
        wsets = unclesResult$params$wsets
        Xtype = unclesResult$params$Xtype
        tightness_param = unclesResult$params$binarisation_param

        if (isnullorempty(X) || isnullorempty(B)) {
            stop("the unclesResult has to include X and B at least")

        if (!is.list(X) || is.data.frame(X)) {
            X = list(X)
        if (!is.list(B) || is.data.frame(B)) {
            B = list(B)

        if (isnullorempty(type)) {
            type = "A"

        if (isnullorempty(setsP)) {
            if (toupper(type) == "A" || length(X) == 1) {
                setsP = 1:length(X)
            } else if (toupper(type) == "B") {
                setsP = 1:(ceiling(length(X) / 2))

        if (isnullorempty(setsN)) {
            if (toupper(type) == "A" || length(X) == 1) {
                setsN = numeric()
            } else if (toupper(type) == "B") {
                setsN = seq(from = ceiling(length(X) / 2) + 1, to = length(X))

        if (isnullorempty(GDM)) {
            GDM = matrix(TRUE, nrow(X[[1]]), length(c(setsP, setsN)))
        } else {
            GDM = GDM[, c(setsP, setsN)]

        if (isnullorempty(wsets)) {
            wsets = rep(1, length(X))

        if (isnullorempty(Xtype)) {
            Xtype = "data"
        if (!is.list(Xtype)) {
            Xtype = as.list(Xtype)
        if (length(Xtype) == 1) {
            Xtype = rep(Xtype, length(X))

        if (isnullorempty(tightness_param)) {
            if (toupper(type) == "A") {
                if (!is.vector(B) && length(dim(B)) > 1 && dim(B)[2] > 1) {
                    tightness_param = seq(0, 1, by = 1 / (dim(B)[2] - 1))
                } else {
                    tightness_param = 0
            } else if (toupper(type) == "B") {
                tightness_param = list();
                if (!is.vector(B) && length(dim(B)) > 1 && dim(B)[2] > 1) {
                    tightness_param[[1]] = seq(0, 1, by = 1 / (dim(B)[2] - 1))
                } else {
                    tightness_param[[1]] = 0
                if (!is.vector(B) && length(dim(B)) > 2 && dim(B)[3] > 1) {
                    tightness_param[[2]] = seq(0, 1, by = 1 / (dim(B)[3] - 1))
                } else {
                    tightness_param[[2]] = 0

    ####################### Initialisation #######################
    if (TRUE) {
        if (length(dim(B)) == 4) {
            Ntrials = dim(B)[1]
        } else {
            Ntrials = 1

        #B <- rep(B,1)
        N = length(B)
        K = rep(0, N)

        if (!is.list(X)) {
            X = list(X)

        for (n in 1:N) {
            K[n] = ncol(B[[n]])

        # Total number of all clusters
        NN = sum(K)

        VMc = rep(0, NN)
        VKs = rep(0, NN)
        Vks = rep(0, NN)
        Vds = rep(0, NN)
        Vd1s = rep(0, NN)
        Vd2s = rep(0, NN)
        Vns = rep(0, NN)
        Vtrial = rep(0, NN)
        Bs = matrix(FALSE, nrow(B[[1]]), MCs)

    ####################### Fill Vmse if not provided #######################
    if (isempty(mseCache) && isempty(Vmse)) {
        mseCache = matrix(0, NN, length(X))
        for (l in 1:length(X)) {
            nn = 0
            if (tolower(Xtype[[l]]) == "rds") {
                Xtmp = readRDS(X[[l]])
            } else if (tolower(Xtype[[l]]) == "rdata") {
                stop("Loading datasets from RData files is not supported yet. Please contact the maintainer")
            } else {
                Xtmp = X[[l]]
            for (n in 1:N) {
                for (k in 1:K[n]) {
                    nn = nn + 1
                    if (sum(B[[n]][, k]) > 0) {
                        mseCache[nn, l] = mseclusters(Xtmp, B[[n]][GDM[, l], k], FALSE)$mse
                        if (is.na(mseCache[nn, l])) {
                            mseCache[nn, l] = 0
            rm(list = "Xtmp")
            sprintf("X %i MSE calculation done.", l)
    if (isempty(Vmse)) {
        if (toupper(type) == "A") {
            wsets = wsets[c(setsP, setsN)] / sum(wsets[c(setsP, setsN)])
            Vmse = as.vector(mseCache[, c(setsP, setsN)] %*% matrix(wsets))
        } else if (toupper(type) == "B") {
            wsetsP = wsets[setsP] / sum(wsets[setsP])
            wsetsN = wsets[setsN] / sum(wsets[setsN])
            Vmse = as.vector(mseCache[, setsP] %*% matrix(wsetsP) - mseCache[, setsN] %*% matrix(wsetsN))

    ####################### Fill vectors with data #######################
    nn = 0
    if (toupper(type) == "A") {
        dim1 = length(tightness_param)
    } else if (toupper(type) == "B") {
        dim1 = length(tightness_param[[1]])
        dim2 = length(tightness_param[[2]])
    for (n in 1:N) {
        for (k in 1:K[n]) {
            nn = nn + 1
            VMc[nn] = sum(B[[n]][, k])
            VKs[nn] = K[n]
            Vks[nn] = k
            Vns[nn] = n
            Vtrial[nn] = (n - 1) %% Ntrials + 1
            if (toupper(type) == "A") {
                Vd1s[nn] = tightness_param[floor((n - 1) / Ntrials) %% dim1 + 1]
            } else if (toupper(type) == "B") {
                Vd1s[nn] = tightness_param[[1]][floor((n - 1) / Ntrials) %% dim1 + 1]
                Vd2s[nn] = tightness_param[[2]][floor((floor((n - 1) / Ntrials) %% (dim1 * dim2)) / dim1) + 1]

    ####################### Find distances #######################
    maxx = quantile(Vmse, 1)
    minx = quantile(Vmse, 0)
    maxy = log10(max(VMc))
    miny = 0
    if (isnullorempty(corner)) {
        if (minimiseDistance) {
            corner = c(0, 1)
        } else {
            corner = c(1, 0)
    vecs = cbind((Vmse - minx) / (maxx - minx), (log10(VMc) - miny) / (maxy - miny))
    Vds = as.vector(pdist::pdist(corner, vecs)@dist)

    ####################### Find the best clusters and plot them #######################
    if (doplot) {
        if (isnullorempty(subplotdim)) {
            subplotdim = closestToSquareFactors(MCs)

        par(mfrow = c(subplotdim[1], subplotdim[2]))
    I = rep(TRUE, NN)
    I[VMc <= 0] = FALSE

    if (toupper(type) == "A") {
        C = matrix(, MCs, 8)
        Header = c('Index', 'K', 't', 'k', 'Mc', 'mse*', 'dist', 'd')
    } else if (toupper(type) == "B") {
        C = matrix(, MCs, 9)
        Header = c('Index', 'K', 't', 'k', 'Mc', 'mse*', 'dist', 'd+', 'd-')

    for (mi in 1:MCs) {
        # Find best cluster and fill a C row
        if (minimiseDistance) {
            C[mi, 7] = min(Vds[I])
            C[mi, 1] = which(Vds == C[mi, 7])[1]
        } else {
            C[mi, 7] = max(Vds[I])
            C[mi, 1] = which(Vds == C[mi, 7])[1]
        C[mi, 2] = VKs[C[mi, 1]]
        C[mi, 3] = Vtrial[C[mi, 1]]
        C[mi, 4] = Vks[C[mi, 1]]
        C[mi, 5] = VMc[C[mi, 1]]
        C[mi, 6] = Vmse[C[mi, 1]]
        C[mi, 8] = Vd1s[C[mi, 1]]
        if (toupper(type) == "B") {
            C[mi, 9] = Vd2s[C[mi, 1]]

        # Remove similar
        nn1 = 0
        Ir = rep(FALSE, length(Vmse))
        B_best = B[[Vns[C[mi, 1]]]][, C[mi, 4]]
        Bs[, mi] = B_best
        for (n in 1:N) {
            for (k in 1:K[n]) {
                nn1 = nn1 + 1
                if (I[nn1]) {
                    if (tolower(removedtype) == "perc") {
                        if (sum(B[[n]][, k] & B_best) / min(sum(B[[n]][, ]), C[mi, 5]) >= removedval) {
                            I[nn1] = FALSE
                            Ir[nn1] = TRUE
                    } else if (tolower(removedtype) == "abs") {
                        if (sum(B[[n]][, k] & B_best) >= removedval) {
                            I[nn1] = FALSE
                            Ir[nn1] = TRUE

        if (doplot) {
            # Scatter params
            marksizekept = 1
            marksizeremoved = 1
            marksizebest = 1.5

            # Scatter kept
            plot.default(Vmse[I], VMc[I], pch = 0, cex = marksizekept, col = "black",
                        xlim = c(quantile(Vmse, 0) - 0.02, quantile(Vmse, 1) + 0.02),
                        ylim = c(1, max(VMc) + 0.02), log = "y", main = sprintf("C%i", mi),
                        xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "", frame.plot = TRUE);

            # Scatter removed
            points(Vmse[Ir], VMc[Ir], pch = 8, cex = marksizeremoved, col = "red")

            # Scatter best
            points(C[mi, 6], C[mi, 5], pch = 21, cex = marksizebest, col = "black", bg = "blue")

        if (sum(I) == 0) {

    return(list(B = Bs, C = C, Header = Header, Vmse = Vmse, mseCache = mseCache));

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UNCLES documentation built on May 2, 2019, 11:11 a.m.