Man pages for UniprotR
Retrieving Information of Proteins from Uniprot

ConstructGenesTreeConnect and parse UniProt information.
ConstructLocTreeConnect and parse UniProt information.
ConvertIDConnect and parse UniProt database identifiers information.
Enrichment.BPConnect and parse UniProt information
Enrichment.CCConnect and parse UniProt information
Enrichment.KEGGConnect and parse UniProt information
Enrichment.MFConnect and parse UniProt information
Enrichment.REACConnect and parse UniProt information
GetAccessionListConnect and parse UniProt information.
Get.diseasesConnect and parse UniProt information.
GetExpressionConnect and parse UniProt Expression information.
GetFamily_DomainsConnect and parse UniProt Family Domains information.
GetGeneral_InformationConnect and parse UniProt General Information.
GetMiscellaneousConnect and parse UniProt Miscellaneous information.
GetNamesTaxaConnect and parse UniProt Names Taxa information.
GetPathology_BiotechConnect and parse UniProt Pathology_Biotech information.
GetpdbStructureConnect and parse UniProt information.
GetProteinAnnontateConnect and parse UniProt information.
GetProteinFunctionConnect and parse UniProt Protein Function information.
GetProteinGOInfoConnect and parse UniProt proteins gene ontology information.
GetProteinInteractionsConnect and parse UniProt protein Interactions information.
GetproteinNetworkConnect and parse stringdb information.
GetproteinNetwork_allConnect and parse stringdb information.
GetProteomeFastaConnect and DOWNLOAD Proteome info.
GetProteomeInfoConnect and DOWNLOAD Proteome info.
GetPTM_ProcessingConnect and parse UniProt PTM_Processsing information.
GetPublicationConnect and parse UniProt Publication about a protein...
GETSeqFastaUniprotConnect and parse UniProt information.
GetSeqLengthConnect and parse UniProt Sequences information.
GetSequenceIsoConnect and parse UniProt Sequences information.
GetSequencesConnect and parse UniProt Sequences information.
GetStructureInfoConnect and parse UniProt protein Structure information.
GetSubcellular_locationConnect and parse UniProt protein Subcellular location...
GoparseConnect and parse UniProt information.
HandleBadRequestsHandle bad requests This Function is used to handle possible...
Pathway.EnrConnect and parse UniProt information
PlotAcidityConnect and parse UniProt information.
PlotChargeConnect and parse UniProt information.
PlotChromosomeInfoConnect and parse UniProt information.
PlotGenesNetworkConnect and parse UniProt information.
PlotGOAllConnect and parse UniProt information.
PlotGOBiologicalConnect and parse UniProt information.
PlotGoInfoConnect and parse UniProt information.
Plot.GOMolecularConnect and parse UniProt information.
Plot.GOSubCellularConnect and parse UniProt information.
PlotGotermsConnect and parse UniProt information.
PlotGravyConnect and parse UniProt information.
PlotPhysicochemicalConnect and parse UniProt information.
PlotproteinExistConnect and parse UniProt information.
PlotProteinGO_bioConnect and parse UniProt information.
PlotProteinGO_celConnect and parse UniProt information.
PlotProteinGO_molcConnect and parse UniProt information.
PlotproteinStatusConnect and parse UniProt information.
PlotProteinTaxaConnect and parse UniProt information.
ProcessAccConnect and parse UniProt information.
UniprotR documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:08 a.m.