normstatcqi <- function(bcq, stat, norm=TRUE){
origstat <- bcq$clustrange$stats[, stat]
nullstat <- bcq$stats[[stat]]
#normstat <- rbind(nullstat, origstat)
for(i in seq_along(origstat)){
mx <- mean(nullstat[, i])
sdx <- sd(nullstat[, i])
nullstat[ , i] <- (nullstat[, i]-mx)/sdx
origstat[i] <- (origstat[i]-mx)/sdx
alldatamax <- apply(nullstat, 1, max)#as.vector(xx)
sumcqi <- list(origstat=origstat, nullstat=nullstat, alldatamax=alldatamax)
confcqi <- function(nullstat, quant, n){
alpha <- (1-quant)/2
#calpha <- alpha+(alpha-1)/n
#print(c(calpha, alpha))
#minmax <- quantile(nullstat, c(calpha, 1-calpha))
minmax <- quantile(nullstat, c(alpha, 1-alpha))
plotncqdensity2 <- function(bcq, stat, quant=NULL, norm=FALSE, maxt=TRUE, ...){
cq <- bcq$clustrange
sumcqi <- normstatcqi(bcq, stat=stat, norm=norm)
#alldata <- as.vector(sumcqi$nullstat)
allrange <- range(c(sumcqi$origstat, sumcqi$alldatamax))
internalplot <- function(origstat, alldata, col, add=FALSE, seg=TRUE){
kvals <- cq$kvals
dens <- density(alldata)
#plot(dens, ...)
lines(dens, col=adjustcolor(col, alpha.f=.9),...)
plot(dens, xlim=allrange, col=adjustcolor(col, alpha.f=.9),...)
minmax <- confcqi(alldata, quant, bcq$R)
x1 <- min(which(dens$x >= minmax[1]))
x2 <- max(which(dens$x < minmax[2]))
with(dens, polygon(x=c(x[c(x1, x1:x2, x2)]), y= c(0, y[x1:x2], 0), col=adjustcolor(col, alpha.f=.15), border=adjustcolor(col, alpha.f=.9)))
adj <- (seq_along(kvals)-1)/(length(kvals)-1)*0.6+0.2
segments(origstat, 0, origstat, max(dens$y)*adj, col="black")
text(origstat, max(dens$y)*(adj+0.05), labels=kvals, col="black")
internalplot(sumcqi$origstat, sumcqi$alldatamax, col="#E41A1C")
#internalplot(origstat, alldata, col="#377EB8", add=TRUE, seg=FALSE)
#legend("topright", fill=c("#E41A1C", "#377EB8"), legend=c("Max T", "All"))
print.seqnullcqi <- function(x, norm=TRUE, quant=0.95, digits=2, ...){
cat("Parametric bootstrap cluster analysis validation\n")
cat("Sequence analysis null model:", deparse(x$nullmodel), "\n")
cat("Number of bootstraps:", x$R, "\n")
cat("Clustering method:", ifelse(x$kmedoid, "PAM/K-Medoid", paste0("hclust with ", x$hclust.method)), "\n")
cat("Seqdist arguments:", deparse(x$seqdist.args), "\n\n\n")
alls <-$clustrange$stats)
quants <- rep("", ncol(alls))
names(quants) <- colnames(alls)
for(ss in colnames(alls)){
sumcqi <- normstatcqi(x, stat=ss, norm=norm)
alls[, ss] <- as.character(round(sumcqi$origstat, digits=digits))
borne <- as.character(round(confcqi(sumcqi$alldatamax, quant, x$R), digits=digits))
quants[ss] <- paste0("[", borne[1], "; ", borne[2],"]")
alls <- rbind(alls, rep("", length(quants)), quants)
rownames(alls) <- c(rownames(x$clustrange$stats), "", paste("Null Max-T", quant, "interval"))
print(alls, ...)
plot.seqnullcqi <- function(x, stat, type=c("line", "density", "boxplot", "seqdplot"), quant=0.95, norm=TRUE, legendpos="topright", alpha=.2, ...){
bcq <- x
type <- type[1]
return(plotncqdensity2(bcq, stat, quant=quant, norm=norm, maxt=TRUE, ...))
return(seqdplot(bcq$seqdata, ...))
cq <- bcq$clustrange
kvals <- cq$kvals
alls <- list()
for(ss in colnames(cq$stats)){
nstat <- cq$stats[, ss]
allstat <- rbind(nstat, bcq$stats[[ss]])
for(i in seq_along(nstat)){
nstat[i] <- (nstat[i]-mean(allstat[, i]))/sd(allstat[, i])
alls[[ss]] <- nstat
plot(kvals, nstat, type="n", main="Standardized quality measure", ylab="Normalized quality measure", xlab="Number of clusters", ylim=range(unlist(alls)))
for(ss in seq_along(alls)){
lines(kvals, alls[[ss]], type="b", col=ss, ...)
legend(legendpos, fill=seq_along(alls), legend=names(alls))
origstat <- cq$stats[, stat]
nullstat <- bcq$stats[[stat]]
opar <- par(mfrow=c(1, 2))
internalplot <- function(kvals, origstat, nullstat, main, ylab, ...){
allstat <- rbind(origstat, nullstat)
allrange <- range(allstat)
alpha <- (1-quant)/2
#calpha <- alpha+(alpha-1)/nrow(nullstat)
plot(kvals, origstat, ylim=allrange, lwd=2, col="black", type="b", main=main, ylab=ylab, xlab="Number of clusters")
for(i in 1:nrow(nullstat)){
lines(kvals, nullstat[i,], col=gray(.5, alpha=alpha), lwd=1)
minmax <- sapply(seq_along(kvals), function(x)quantile(nullstat[, x], c(alpha, 1-alpha)))
polygondata <- data.frame(x=c(kvals, rev(kvals), kvals[1]), y=c(minmax[2,], rev(minmax[1,]), minmax[2,1]))
polygon(polygondata, col=adjustcolor("lightgray", alpha.f=0.15))
lines(kvals, origstat, lwd=2, col="black", type="b")
nn <- as.vector(nullstat)
kk <- rep(kvals, each=nrow(nullstat))
boxplot(nn~kk, ylim=allrange, main=main, ylab=ylab, xlab="Number of clusters")
#plot(kvals, origstat, ylim=allrange, lwd=2, col="black", type="b", main=main, ylab=ylab, xlab="Number of clusters")
lines(seq_along(unique(kk)), origstat, lwd=2, col="black", type="b")
threashold <- ifelse(stat=="HC", alpha, c(1-alpha))
#overallq <- quantile(as.vector(nullstat), threashold)
#abline(h=overallq, lty=3, col="#377EB8", lwd=2)
overallmaxq <- quantile(apply(nullstat, 1, min), threashold)
overallmaxq <- quantile(apply(nullstat, 1, max), threashold)
abline(h=overallmaxq, lty=3, col="#E41A1C", lwd=2)
internalplot(kvals, origstat, nullstat, main=paste("Raw", stat), ylab=stat)
normstat <- origstat
normnullstat <- nullstat
for(i in seq_along(normstat)){
mn <- mean(nullstat[, i])
sdn <- sd(nullstat[, i])
normstat[i] <- (origstat[i]-mn)/sdn
normnullstat[, i] <- (normnullstat[, i]-mn)/sdn
internalplot(kvals, normstat, normnullstat, main=paste("Standardized", stat), ylab=paste("Standardized", stat))
##plot(kvals, nstat, type="b", main=, ylab="Normalized quality measure", xlab="Number of clusters")
seqnullcqi <- function(seqdata, clustrange, R, model=c("combined", "duration", "sequencing", "stateindep", "Markov", "userpos"),
seqdist.args=list(), kmedoid=FALSE, hclust.method="ward.D", parallel=FALSE, progressbar=FALSE, ...){
if(!inherits(clustrange, "clustrange")){
stop(" [!] Original cluster quality measures should be provided as a clustrange object. See ?as.clustrange().\n")
if (!inherits(seqdata,"stslist")){
stop(" [!] seqdata should be a sequence object, see seqdef function to create one")
stop(" [!] An R value should be specified.")
ncluster <- max(clustrange$kvals)
if(!all.equal(clustrange$kvals, 2:ncluster)){
stop(" [!] Original cluster quality measures should be computed for the number of groups from 2 to ncluster\n")
extractStat <- function(bcq, stat="ASW"){
bb <- t(sapply(bcq, function(x) x[, stat]))
colnames(bb) <- rownames(bcq[[1]])
nc <- list()
allseq <- list()
oldseqdist.args <- seqdist.args
oplan <- plan(multisession)
on.exit(plan(oplan), add=TRUE)
#cl <- parallel::makeCluster(ncores)
#pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(format = "(:spin) [:bar] :percent | Elapsed: :elapsed | ETA: :eta", total = R)
#pb <- txtProgressBar(max = R, style = 3)
#progress <- function(n) setTxtProgressBar(pb, n)
#opts <- list(progress = function(n) pb$tick())
#`%dopar%` <- foreach::`%dopar%`
if (requireNamespace("progress", quietly = TRUE)) {
old_handlers <- handlers(handler_progress(format = "(:spin) [:bar] :percent | Elapsed: :elapsed | ETA: :eta | :message"))
on.exit(handlers(old_handlers), add = TRUE)
message(" [>] Install the progress package to see estimated remaining time.")
oldglobal <- handlers(global=TRUE)
on.exit(handlers(global=oldglobal), add = TRUE)
p <- progressor(R)
#parObject <- foreach::foreach(loop=1:R, .packages = c('TraMineR', 'WeightedCluster'), .options.future = list(seed = TRUE)) %dofuture% {#on stocke chaque
parObject <- foreach(loop=1:R, .options.future = list(seed = TRUE)) %dofuture% {#on stocke chaque
suppressMessages(ss <- seqnull(seqdata, model=model, ...))
sarg <- seqdist.args
sarg$seqdata <- ss
suppressMessages(diss <-, sarg))
nc <- wcKMedRange(diss=diss, kvals=2:ncluster)$stats
hc <- hclust(as.dist(diss), method="ward.D")
nc <- as.clustrange(hc, diss=diss, ncluster=ncluster)$stats
#p(message=sprintf("Iteration %d", loop))
list(allseq=ss, nc=nc)
allseq <- lapply(parObject, function(x)x$allseq)
nc <- lapply(parObject, function(x)x$nc)
# }
# else{
# for(i in 1:R){
# suppressMessages(ss <- seqnull(seqdata, model=model, ...))
# seqdist.args$seqdata <- ss
# allseq[[i]] <- ss
# suppressMessages(diss <-, seqdist.args))
# if(kmedoid){
# nc[[i]] <- wcKMedRange(diss=diss, kvals=2:ncluster)$stats
# }else{
# hc <- hclust(as.dist(diss), method="ward.D")
# nc[[i]] <- as.clustrange(hc, diss=diss, ncluster=ncluster)$stats
# }
# }
# }
stnames <- colnames(nc[[1]])
stats <- list()
for(st in stnames){
stats[[st]] <- extractStat(nc, st)
allseq <-, allseq)
bcq <- list(seqdata=allseq, stats=stats, clustrange=clustrange, R=R, kmedoid=kmedoid, hclust.method=hclust.method, seqdist.args=oldseqdist.args, nullmodel=list(model=model, ...))
class(bcq) <- "seqnullcqi"
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