
# XLConnect
# Copyright (C) 2010-2024 Mirai Solutions GmbH
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.

# Tests for checking equality of data.frame's being written to and read
# from Excel named regions
# Author: Martin Studer, Mirai Solutions GmbH

test.writeAndReadNamedRegion <- function() {

	# Create workbooks
	wb.xls <- loadWorkbook(rsrc("resources/testWriteAndReadNamedRegion.xls"), create = TRUE)
	wb.xlsx <- loadWorkbook(rsrc("resources/testWriteAndReadNamedRegion.xlsx"), create = TRUE)

	testDataFrame <- function(wb, df, lref) {
		namedRegion <- deparse(substitute(df))
		createSheet(wb, name = namedRegion)
		createName(wb, name = namedRegion, formula = paste(namedRegion, lref, sep = "!"), worksheetScope = namedRegion)
		writeNamedRegion(wb, df, name = namedRegion, worksheetScope = namedRegion, header = TRUE)
		res <- readNamedRegion(wb, namedRegion, worksheetScope = namedRegion)
		checkEquals(normalizeDataframe(df, replaceInf = TRUE), res, check.attributes = FALSE, check.names = TRUE)

	testDataFrameNameScope <- function(wb, df, lref) {
		namedRegion <- paste(deparse(substitute(df)), "1", sep = "")
		worksheetScopeName <- paste(namedRegion, "2", sep = "")
		createSheet(wb, name = namedRegion)
		createSheet(wb, name = worksheetScopeName)
		createName(wb, name = namedRegion, formula = paste(namedRegion, lref, sep = "!"), worksheetScope = worksheetScopeName)
		writeNamedRegion(wb, df, name = namedRegion, worksheetScope = worksheetScopeName, header = TRUE)
		res <- readNamedRegion(wb, namedRegion, worksheetScope = worksheetScopeName)
		checkEquals(normalizeDataframe(df, replaceInf = TRUE), res, check.attributes = FALSE, check.names = TRUE)

	testDataFrameGlobalExplicit <- function(wb, df, lref) {
		namedRegion <- paste(deparse(substitute(df)), "forGlobal", sep = "")
		createSheet(wb, name = namedRegion)
		createName(wb, name = namedRegion, formula = paste(namedRegion, lref, sep = "!"), worksheetScope = "")
		writeNamedRegion(wb, df, name = namedRegion, worksheetScope = "", header = TRUE)
		res <- readNamedRegion(wb, namedRegion, worksheetScope = "")
		checkEquals(normalizeDataframe(df, replaceInf = TRUE), res, check.attributes = FALSE, check.names = TRUE)

	testDataFrameGlobalAndScoped <- function(wb, df_global, df_scoped, lref) {
		dfs <- list(df_global, df_scoped)
		namedRegion <- paste0(deparse(substitute(df_global)), "expect_global")
		sheet_2 <- paste0(namedRegion, "2")
		sheetNames <- c(namedRegion, sheet_2)
		scopeSheets <- c("", sheet_2)
		createSheet(wb, name = sheetNames)
		createName(wb, name = namedRegion, formula = paste(sheetNames, lref, sep = "!"), worksheetScope = scopeSheets)
		writeNamedRegion(wb, dfs, name = namedRegion, worksheetScope = scopeSheets, header = TRUE)
		res_full <- readNamedRegion(wb, namedRegion, worksheetScope = scopeSheets)
		dfs_norm <- list(normalizeDataframe(df_global, replaceInf = TRUE), normalizeDataframe(df_scoped, replaceInf = TRUE)) 
		checkEquals(dfs_norm, res_full, check.attributes = FALSE, check.names = TRUE)
		# checkEquals(attr(res_full, "worksheetScope"), scopeSheets)
		res_global_prio <- readNamedRegion(wb, namedRegion)
		checkEquals(normalizeDataframe(df_global, replaceInf = TRUE), res_global_prio, check.attributes = FALSE, check.names = TRUE)

	if(getOption("FULL.TEST.SUITE")) {
		# built-in dataset mtcars (*.xls)
		testDataFrame(wb.xls, mtcars, "$C$8")
		# built-in dataset mtcars (*.xlsx)
		testDataFrame(wb.xlsx, mtcars, "$C$8")

		# built-in dataset airquality (*.xls)
		testDataFrame(wb.xls, airquality, "$F$13")
		# built-in dataset airquality (*.xlsx)
		testDataFrame(wb.xlsx, airquality, "$F$13")

		# built-in dataset attenu (*.xls)
		testDataFrame(wb.xls, attenu, "$A$8")
		# built-in dataset attenu (*.xlsx)
		testDataFrame(wb.xlsx, attenu, "$A$8")

		# built-in dataset attenu (*.xls) - explicit global scope
		testDataFrameGlobalExplicit(wb.xls, attenu, "$A$8")
		# built-in dataset attenu (*.xlsx) - explicit global scope
		testDataFrameGlobalExplicit(wb.xlsx, attenu, "$A$8")

		# built-in dataset ChickWeight (*.xls)
		testDataFrame(wb.xls, ChickWeight, "$BQ$7")
		# built-in dataset ChickWeight (*.xlsx)
		testDataFrame(wb.xlsx, ChickWeight, "$BQ$7")

		# built-in dataset ChickWeight (*.xls) - explicit global scope
		testDataFrameGlobalExplicit(wb.xls, ChickWeight, "$BQ$7")
		# built-in dataset ChickWeight (*.xlsx) - explicit global scope
		testDataFrameGlobalExplicit(wb.xlsx, ChickWeight, "$BQ$7")

		# built-in dataset CO2 (*.xls)
		CO = CO2 # CO2 seems to be an illegal name
		testDataFrame(wb.xls, CO, "$L$1")
		# built-in dataset CO2 (*.xlsx)
		testDataFrame(wb.xlsx, CO, "$L$1")

		# built-in dataset iris (*.xls)
		testDataFrame(wb.xls, iris, "$BB$5")
		# built-in dataset iris (*.xlsx)
		testDataFrame(wb.xlsx, iris, "$BB$5")

		# built-in dataset longley (*.xls)
		testDataFrame(wb.xls, longley, "$AD$8")
		# built-in dataset longley (*.xlsx)
		testDataFrame(wb.xlsx, longley, "$AD$8")

		# built-in dataset morley (*.xls)
		testDataFrame(wb.xls, morley, "$K$4")
		# built-in dataset morley (*.xlsx)
		testDataFrame(wb.xlsx, morley, "$K$4")

		# built-in dataset morley (*.xls)
		testDataFrameNameScope(wb.xls, morley, "$K$4")
		# built-in dataset morley (*.xlsx)
		testDataFrameNameScope(wb.xlsx, morley, "$K$4")

		# built-in dataset swiss (*.xls)
		testDataFrame(wb.xls, swiss, "$M$2")
		# built-in dataset swiss (*.xlsx)
		testDataFrame(wb.xlsx, swiss, "$M$2")

		# built-in dataset swiss (*.xls)
		testDataFrameNameScope(wb.xls, swiss, "$M$2")
		# built-in dataset swiss (*.xlsx)
		testDataFrameNameScope(wb.xlsx, swiss, "$M$2")

		# built-in datasets swiss and morley (*.xls)
		testDataFrameGlobalAndScoped(wb.xls, swiss, morley, "$M$2")
		# built-in dataset swiss and morley (*.xlsx)
		testDataFrameGlobalAndScoped(wb.xlsx, swiss, morley, "$M$2")

	# custom test dataset
	cdf <- data.frame(
			"Column.A" = c(1, 2, 3, NA, 5, Inf, 7, 8, NA, 10),
			"Column.B" = c(-4, -3, NA, -Inf, 0, NA, NA, 3, 4, 5),
			"Column.C" = c("Anna", "???", NA, "", NA, "$!?&%", "(?2@?~?'^*#|)", "{}[]:,;-_<>", "\\sadf\n\nv", "a b c"),
			"Column.D" = c(pi, -pi, NA, sqrt(2), sqrt(0.3), -sqrt(pi), exp(1), log(2), sin(2), -tan(2)),
			"Column.F" = c("High", "Medium", "Low", "Low", "Low", NA, NA, "Medium", "High", "High"),
			"Column.G" = c("High", "Medium", NA, "Low", "Low", "Medium", NA, "Medium", "High", "High"),
			"Column.H" = rep(c(as.Date("2021-10-30") , as.Date("2021-03-28"), NA), length = 10),
			# NOTE: Column.I is automatically converted to POSIXct!!!
			"Column.I" = rep(c(as.POSIXlt("2021-10-31 03:00:00"), as.POSIXlt(1582963631, origin="1970-01-01"), NA, as.POSIXlt("2001-12-31 23:59:59")), length = 10),
			# NOTE: 1582963631 with origin="1970-01-01" corresponds to 2020 Feb 29
			"Column.J" = rep(c(as.POSIXct("2021-10-31 03:00:00"), as.POSIXct(1582963631, origin="1970-01-01"), NA, as.POSIXct("2001-12-31 23:59:59")), length = 10),
			stringsAsFactors = F
	cdf[["Column.F"]] <- factor(cdf[["Column.F"]])
	cdf[["Column.F"]] <- ordered(cdf[["Column.F"]], levels = c("Low", "Medium", "High"))

	# (*.xls)
	testDataFrame(wb.xls, cdf, "$X$100")
	# (*.xlsx)
	testDataFrame(wb.xlsx, cdf, "$X$100")

	# Check writing of data.frame with row names (*.xls)
	createSheet(wb.xls, name = "rownames")
	createName(wb.xls, name = "rownames", formula = "rownames!$F$16")
	writeNamedRegion(wb.xls, mtcars, name = "rownames", header = TRUE, rownames = "Car")
	res <- readNamedRegion(wb.xls, "rownames")
	checkEquals(XLConnect:::includeRownames(mtcars, "Car"), res, check.attributes = FALSE, check.names = TRUE)

	# Check writing of data.frame with row names (*.xlsx)
	createSheet(wb.xlsx, name = "rownames")
	createName(wb.xlsx, name = "rownames", formula = "rownames!$F$16")
	writeNamedRegion(wb.xlsx, mtcars, name = "rownames", header = TRUE, rownames = "Car")
	res <- readNamedRegion(wb.xlsx, "rownames")
	checkEquals(XLConnect:::includeRownames(mtcars, "Car"), res, check.attributes = FALSE, check.names = TRUE)

	# Check writing & reading of data.frame with row names (*.xls)
	createSheet(wb.xls, name = "rownames2")
	createName(wb.xls, name = "rownames2", formula = "rownames2!$K$5")
	writeNamedRegion(wb.xls, mtcars, name = "rownames2", header = TRUE, rownames = "Car")
	res <- readNamedRegion(wb.xls, "rownames2", rownames = "Car")
	checkEquals(mtcars, res, check.attributes = FALSE, check.names = TRUE)
	checkEquals(attr(mtcars, "row.names"), attr(res, "row.names"))

	# Check writing & reading of data.frame with row names (*.xlsx)
	createSheet(wb.xlsx, name = "rownames2")
	createName(wb.xlsx, name = "rownames2", formula = "rownames2!$K$5")
	writeNamedRegion(wb.xlsx, mtcars, name = "rownames2", header = TRUE, rownames = "Car")
	res <- readNamedRegion(wb.xlsx, "rownames2", rownames = "Car")
	checkEquals(mtcars, res, check.attributes = FALSE, check.names = TRUE)
	checkEquals(attr(mtcars, "row.names"), attr(res, "row.names"))

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XLConnect documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:04 p.m.