free1: Freedom of Speech Data

Description Usage Details References


Selection of individual-level survey data for freedom of speech.




A table with 150 observations and 12 variables.

Survey respondents were asked in almost the same language for a self-assessment and for an assessment of several hypothetical persons described by written vignettes. The self assessment (self, in the data set), "How free do you think [name/you] [is/are] to express [him-her/your]self without fear of government reprisal?" was first asked of the survey respondent with respect to him or herself, and then after each of vignette. The possible response categories are:

The vignettes, ordered from most free to least free, are:


WHO's World Health Survey by Lydia Bendib, Somnath Chatterji, Alena Petrakova, Ritu Sadana, Joshua A. Salomon, Margie Schneider, Bedirhan Ustun, Maria Villanueva

Jonathan Wand, Gary King and Olivia Lau. (2007) “Anchors: Software for Anchoring Vignettes”. Journal of Statistical Software. Forthcoming. copy at

Gary King and Jonathan Wand. "Comparing Incomparable Survey Responses: New Tools for Anchoring Vignettes," Political Analysis, 15, 1 (Winter, 2007): Pp. 46-66, copy at

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