#' Explorative Analysis
#' \code{explore} allows you to quickly get a summary of your data. You can use
#' \code{explore} to get a general feel for the study results, and check if the
#' input files are behaving as expected. It is also a good candidate if you just
#' want to validate your detections for later use in other analyses.
#' @param Logical: Should the report be automatically opened once the
#' analysis is over? Defaults to TRUE. NOTE: If report = TRUE and = TRUE,
#' the web browser will automatically be launched to open the report once the
#' function terminates.
#' @param datapack A data bundle pre-compiled through the function \code{\link{preload}}.
#' May be used to run actel analyses based on R objects, rather than input files.
#' @param discard.first A threshold amount of time (in hours) that must pass after
#' release for the respective detections to be valid. Set to 0 to discard only
#' the release-to-first-detection calculations.
#' @param discard.orphans Logical: Should actel automatically discard
#' detections that do not fall within receiver deployment periods, or that
#' were recorded before the respective animals were released?
#' @param exclude.tags A vector of tags that should be excluded from the
#' detection data before any analyses are performed. Intended to be used if
#' stray tags from a different code space but with the same signal as a target
#' tag are detected in the study area.
#' @param GUI One of "needed", "always" or "never". If "needed", a new window is
#' opened to inspect the movements only when the movements table is too big to be
#' displayed in R's console. If "always", a graphical interface is always created
#' when the possibility to invalidate events emerges. If "never", a graphical
#' interface is never invoked. In this case, if the table to be displayed does
#' not fit in R's console, a temporary file will be saved and the user will be
#' prompted to open that file and examine it. Defaults to "needed".
#' @param inactive.error If a tag spends a number of days equal or greater than
#' \code{inactive.error} in a given array at the tail of the respective
#' detections, user intervention is suggested. If left NULL (default), user
#' intervention is never suggested.
#' @param inactive.warning If a tag spends a number of days equal or greater
#' than \code{inactive.warning} in a given array at the tail of the respective
#' detections, a warning is issued. If left NULL (default), no warnings are
#' issued. Must be equal to or lower than \code{innactive.error}.
#' @param jump.error If a tag crosses a number of arrays equal or greater than
#' \code{jump.error} without being detected, user intervention is suggested.
#' Defaults to 3. To disable user intervention suggestions, set to Inf.
#' @param jump.warning If a tag crosses a number of arrays equal or greater
#' than \code{jump.warning} without being detected, a warning is issued. Defaults
#' to 2. To disable jump warnings, set to Inf. Must be equal to or lower than \code{jump.error}.
#' @param max.interval The number of minutes that must pass between detections
#' for a new event to be created. Defaults to 60.
#' @param minimum.detections DEPRECATED. Please use the arguments
#' and min.per.event instead.
#' @param Minimum number of times a tag must have
#' been detected during the study period for the detections to be considered true
#' and not just random noise. Defaults to 2.
#' @param min.per.event Minimum number of detections an event must have to be
#' deemed valid. For analyses with both array and section events, a vector of
#' two values can be provided. If only one value is provided, the same threshold
#' applies for both types of events. Defaults to 1.
#' @param override A vector of signals for which the user intends to manually
#' define which movement events are valid and invalid.
#' @param detections.y.axis The type of y axis desired for the individual
#' detection plots. While the argument defaults to "auto", it can be hard-set
#' to one of "stations" or "arrays".
#' @param print.releases Logical: Should the release sites be printed in the
#' study area diagrams?
#' @param report Logical. Should an HTML report be created at the end of the
#' analysis? NOTE: Setting report to TRUE will generate an HTML file in the current
#' directory. Additionally, if = TRUE (default), the web browser will
#' automatically be launched to open the report once the function terminates.
#' @param save.detections Logical: Should the processed detections be saved for
#' future runs?
#' @param save.tables.locally Logical: If a table must be temporarily stored into a file
#' for user inspection, should it be saved in the current working directory, or
#' in R's temporary folder?
#' @param speed.error If a tag moves at a speed equal or greater than
#' \code{speed.error} (in metres per second), user intervention is suggested.
#' If left NULL (default), user intervention is never suggested.
#' @param speed.method Can take two forms: 'last to first' or 'last to last'.
#' If 'last to first' (default), the last detection on the previous array is matched
#' to the first detection on the target array to perform the calculations.
#' If 'last to last', the last detection on ´the previous array is matched to the
#' last detection on the target array to perform the calculations.
#' @param speed.warning If a tag moves at a speed equal or greater than
#' \code{speed.warning} (in metres per second), a warning is issued. If left
#' NULL (default), no warnings are issued. Must be equal to or lower than \code{speed.error}
#' @param start.time Detection data prior to the timestamp set in
#' \code{start.time} (in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format) is not considered during
#' the analysis.
#' @param stop.time Detection data posterior to the timestamp set in
#' \code{stop.time} (in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format) is not considered during
#' the analysis.
#' @param tz The time zone of the study area. Must match one of the values
#' present in \code{\link[base]{timezones}}.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' # Start by moving to a temporary directory
#' old.wd <- getwd()
#' setwd(tempdir())
#' # Deploy the example workspace
#' exampleWorkspace("explore_example")
#' # Move your R session into the example workspace
#' setwd("explore_example")
#' # run the explore analysis. Ensure the tz argument
#' # matches the time zone of the study area. For the
#' # example dataset, tz = "Europe/Copenhagen"
#' results <- explore(tz = "Europe/Copenhagen")
#' # to obtain an HTML report, run the analysis with report = TRUE
#' # return to original working directory
#' setwd(old.wd)
#' rm(old.wd)
#' }
#' @return A list containing:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{bio}: A copy of the biometrics input;
#' \item \code{detections}: A list containing all detections for each target tag;
#' \item \code{valid.detections}: A list containing the valid detections for each target tag;
#' \item \code{spatial}: A list containing the spatial information used during the analysis;
#' \item \code{deployments}: A data frame containing the deployments of each receiver;
#' \item \code{arrays}: A list containing the array details used during the analysis;
#' \item \code{movements}: A list containing all movement events for each target tag;
#' \item \code{valid.movements}: A list containing the valid movement events for each target tag;
#' \item \code{times}: A data frame containing all arrival times (per tag) at each array;
#' \item \code{}: A list containing containing appendix information for the RSP package;
#' \item \code{dist.mat}: A matrix containing the distance matrix used in the analysis (if a valid
#' distance matrix was supplied)
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{migration}}, \code{\link{residency}}
#' @export
explore <- function(
tz = NULL,
datapack = NULL,
max.interval = 60,
minimum.detections, = 2,
min.per.event = 1,
start.time = NULL,
stop.time = NULL,
speed.method = c("last to first", "last to last"),
speed.warning = NULL,
speed.error = NULL,
jump.warning = 2,
jump.error = 3,
inactive.warning = NULL,
inactive.error = NULL,
exclude.tags = NULL,
override = NULL,
report = FALSE, = TRUE,
discard.orphans = FALSE,
discard.first = NULL,
save.detections = FALSE,
GUI = c("needed", "always", "never"),
save.tables.locally = FALSE,
print.releases = TRUE,
detections.y.axis = c("auto", "stations", "arrays"))
# check deprecated argument
if (!missing(minimum.detections))
stop("'minimum.detections' has been deprecated. Please use '' and 'min.per.event' instead.", call. = FALSE)
# clean up any lost helpers
if (file.exists(paste0(tempdir(), "/actel_debug_file.txt")))
file.remove(paste0(tempdir(), "/actel_debug_file.txt"))
# ------------------------
# debug lines
if (getOption("actel.debug", default = FALSE)) { # nocov start
on.exit(message("Debug: Progress log available at ", gsub("\\\\", "/", paste0(tempdir(), "/actel_debug_file.txt"))))
on.exit(message("Debug: Saving carbon copy to ", gsub("\\\\", "/", paste0(tempdir(), "/actel.debug.RData"))), add = TRUE)
on.exit(save(list = ls(), file = paste0(tempdir(), "/actel.debug.RData")), add = TRUE)
message("!!!--- Debug mode has been activated ---!!!")
} # nocov end
# ------------------------
# check arguments quality
if (!is.null(datapack))
checkToken(token = attributes(datapack)$actel.token,
timestamp = attributes(datapack)$timestamp)
if (length(min.per.event) > 1)
appendTo(c('screen', 'warning', 'report'),
'explore() only has array movements but two values were set for min.per.event. Disregarding second value.')
aux <- checkArguments(dp = datapack,
tz = tz, =,
min.per.event = min.per.event,
max.interval = max.interval,
speed.method = speed.method,
speed.warning = speed.warning,
speed.error = speed.error,
start.time = start.time,
stop.time = stop.time,
report = report, =,
save.detections = save.detections,
jump.warning = jump.warning,
jump.error = jump.error,
inactive.warning = inactive.warning,
inactive.error = inactive.error,
exclude.tags = exclude.tags,
override = override,
print.releases = print.releases,
detections.y.axis = detections.y.axis)
min.per.event <- aux$min.per.event[1]
speed.method <- aux$speed.method
speed.warning <- aux$speed.warning
speed.error <- aux$speed.error
jump.warning <- aux$jump.warning
jump.error <- aux$jump.error
inactive.warning <- aux$inactive.warning
inactive.error <- aux$inactive.error
detections.y.axis <- aux$detections.y.axis
GUI <- checkGUI(GUI, save.tables.locally = save.tables.locally)
# ------------------------
# Store function call <- paste0("explore(tz = ", ifelse(is.null(tz), "NULL", paste0("'", tz, "'")),
", datapack = ", ifelse(is.null(datapack), "NULL", deparse(substitute(datapack))),
", max.interval = ", max.interval,
", = ",,
", min.per.event = ", min.per.event,
", start.time = ", ifelse(is.null(start.time), "NULL", paste0("'", start.time, "'")),
", stop.time = ", ifelse(is.null(stop.time), "NULL", paste0("'", stop.time, "'")),
", speed.method = ", paste0("c('", speed.method, "')"),
", speed.warning = ", ifelse(is.null(speed.warning), "NULL", speed.warning),
", speed.error = ", ifelse(is.null(speed.error), "NULL", speed.error),
", jump.warning = ", jump.warning,
", jump.error = ", jump.error,
", inactive.warning = ", ifelse(is.null(inactive.warning), "NULL", inactive.warning),
", inactive.error = ", ifelse(is.null(inactive.error), "NULL", inactive.error),
", exclude.tags = ", ifelse(is.null(exclude.tags), "NULL", paste0("c('", paste(exclude.tags, collapse = "', '"), "')")),
", override = ", ifelse(is.null(override), "NULL", paste0("c(", paste(override, collapse = ", "), ")")),
", report = ", ifelse(report, "TRUE", "FALSE"),
", discard.orphans = ", ifelse(discard.orphans, "TRUE", "FALSE"),
", discard.first = ", ifelse(is.null(discard.first), "NULL", discard.first),
", = ", ifelse(, "TRUE", "FALSE"),
", save.detections = ", ifelse(save.detections, "TRUE", "FALSE"),
", GUI = '", GUI, "'",
", save.tables.locally = '", ifelse(save.tables.locally, "TRUE", "FALSE"),
", print.releases = ", ifelse(print.releases, "TRUE", "FALSE"),
", detections.y.axis = '", detections.y.axis, "'",
# --------------------
# Prepare clean-up before function ends
finished.unexpectedly <- TRUE
on.exit({if (interactive() & finished.unexpectedly) emergencyBreak(}, add = TRUE)
if (!getOption("actel.debug", default = FALSE))
on.exit(deleteHelpers(), add = TRUE)
on.exit(tryCatch(sink(), warning = function(w) {hide <- NA}), add = TRUE)
# --------------------------------------
# Final arrangements before beginning
appendTo("Report", paste0("Actel R package report.\nVersion: ", utils::packageVersion("actel"), "\n"))
appendTo(c("Report"), paste0("Target folder: ", getwd(), "\nTimestamp: ", the.time <- Sys.time(), "\nFunction: explore()\n"))
report <- checkReport(report = report)
# -----------------------------------
# Load, structure and check the inputs
if (is.null(datapack)) { <- loadStudyData(tz = tz, override = override, save.detections = save.detections,
start.time = start.time, stop.time = stop.time, discard.orphans = discard.orphans,
section.order = NULL, exclude.tags = exclude.tags)
} else {
appendTo(c("Screen", "Report"), paste0("M: Running analysis on preloaded data (compiled on ", attributes(datapack)$timestamp, ")."))
appendTo("Report", paste0("Messages displayed during preload:\n-------------------\n", paste0(attributes(datapack)$loading_messages, collapse = "\n"), "\n-------------------")) <- datapack
tz <-$tz
disregard.parallels <-$disregard.parallels
bio <-$bio
sections <-$sections
deployments <-$deployments
spatial <-$spatial
dot <-$dot
arrays <-$arrays
dotmat <-$dotmat
paths <-$paths
dist.mat <-$dist.mat
attributes(dist.mat)$speed.method <- speed.method
detections.list <-$detections.list
# -------------------------------------
# Process the data
# exclude head of detections, if requested
if (!is.null(discard.first) && discard.first > 0)
detections.list <- discardFirst(input = detections.list, bio, trim = discard.first)
# group detections into array movements
appendTo(c("Screen", "Report"), "M: Creating movement records for the valid tags.")
movements <- groupMovements(detections.list = detections.list, bio = bio, spatial = spatial,
speed.method = speed.method, max.interval = max.interval, tz = tz, dist.mat = dist.mat)
# calculate time/speed sinse release
if (is.null(discard.first)) {
aux <- names(movements)
movements <- lapply(names(movements), function(tag) {
speedReleaseToFirst(tag = tag, bio = bio, movements = movements[[tag]],
dist.mat = dist.mat, speed.method = speed.method)
names(movements) <- aux
} else {
appendTo(c("Screen", "Report"), "M: Not calculating time/speed from release to first detection because 'discard.first' was set.")
appendTo(c("Screen", "Report"), "M: Checking movement events quality.")
do.checkSpeeds <- FALSE
if (is.null(speed.warning)) {
appendTo(c("Screen", "Report", "Warning"), "'speed.warning'/'speed.error' were not set, skipping speed checks.")
} else {
do.checkSpeeds <- TRUE
appendTo(c("Screen", "Report", "Warning"), "'speed.warning'/'speed.error' were set, but a valid distance matrix is not present. Aborting speed checks.")
do.checkInactiveness <- FALSE
if (is.null(inactive.warning)) {
appendTo(c("Screen", "Report", "Warning"), "'inactive.warning'/'inactive.error' were not set, skipping inactivity checks.")
} else {
if (!attributes(dist.mat)$valid)
appendTo(c("Report", "Screen", "Warning"), "Running inactiveness checks without a distance matrix. Performance may be limited.")
do.checkInactiveness <- TRUE
movement.names <- names(movements) # this will be used further down to reinstate the names in the movements list.
# clean override based on movements
if (is.numeric(override))
trigger_override_warning <- any(link <- !override %in% extractSignals(movement.names))
trigger_override_warning <- any(link <- !override %in% movement.names)
if (trigger_override_warning) {
appendTo(c("Screen", "Warning", "Report"), paste0("Override has been triggered for ",
ifelse(sum(link) == 1, "tag ", "tags "), paste(override[link], collapse = ", "), " but ",
ifelse(sum(link) == 1, "this signal was", "these signals were"), " not detected."))
override <- override[!link]
# convert numeric override to full tag override to prevent problems downstream
if (is.numeric(override))
override <- movement.names[match(override, extractSignals(movement.names))]
# Check movement quality
movements <- lapply(seq_along(movements), function(i) {
tag <- names(movements)[i]
counter <- paste0("(", i, "/", length(movements), ")")
appendTo("debug", paste0("debug: Checking movement quality for tag ", tag,"."))
if (, override))) {
output <- checkMinimumN(movements = movements[[tag]], tag = tag, =,
min.per.event = min.per.event[1], n = counter)
output <- checkImpassables(movements = output, tag = tag, bio = bio, detections = detections.list[[tag]], n = counter,
spatial = spatial, dotmat = dotmat, GUI = GUI, save.tables.locally = save.tables.locally)
output <- checkJumpDistance(movements = output, bio = bio, tag = tag, dotmat = dotmat, paths = paths, arrays = arrays,
spatial = spatial, jump.warning = jump.warning, jump.error = jump.error, GUI = GUI, n = counter,
detections = detections.list[[tag]], save.tables.locally = save.tables.locally)
if (do.checkSpeeds) {
temp.valid.movements <- simplifyMovements(movements = output, tag = tag, bio = bio, discard.first = discard.first,
speed.method = speed.method, dist.mat = dist.mat)
output <- checkSpeeds(movements = output, tag = tag, detections = detections.list[[tag]], n = counter,
valid.movements = temp.valid.movements, speed.warning = speed.warning,
speed.error = speed.error, GUI = GUI, save.tables.locally = save.tables.locally)
if (do.checkInactiveness) {
output <- checkInactiveness(movements = output, tag = tag, detections = detections.list[[tag]], n = counter,
inactive.warning = inactive.warning, inactive.error = inactive.error,
dist.mat = dist.mat, GUI = GUI, save.tables.locally = save.tables.locally)
} else { # nocov start
output <- overrideValidityChecks(moves = movements[[tag]], tag = tag, detections = detections.list[[tag]],
GUI = GUI, save.tables.locally = save.tables.locally, n = counter)
} # nocov end
names(movements) <- movement.names
appendTo(c("Screen", "Report"), "M: Filtering valid array movements.")
valid.movements <- assembleValidMoves(movements = movements, bio = bio, discard.first = discard.first,
speed.method = speed.method, dist.mat = dist.mat)
appendTo(c("Screen", "Report"), "M: Compiling circular times.")
aux <- list(valid.movements = valid.movements,
spatial = spatial, = list(bio = bio,
analysis.type = "explore"))
times <- getTimes(input = aux, move.type = "array", event.type = "arrival", = "first")
appendTo("Screen", "M: Validating detections.")
recipient <- validateDetections(detections.list = detections.list, movements = valid.movements)
detections <- recipient$detections
valid.detections <- recipient$valid.detections
# -------------------------------------
# wrap up in-R objects
deployments <-, deployments)
# extra info for potential RSP analysis <- list(analysis.type = "explore", analysis.time = the.time,
bio = bio, tz = tz, actel.version = utils::packageVersion("actel"))
if (!is.null(override))
override.fragment <- paste0('<span style="color:red">Manual mode has been triggered for **',
length(override), '** tag(s).</span>\n')
override.fragment <- ""
if (file.exists(resultsname <- "actel_explore_results.RData")) {
continue <- TRUE
index <- 1
while (continue) {
if (file.exists(resultsname <- paste0("actel_explore_results.", index, ".RData"))) {
index <- index + 1
} else {
continue <- FALSE
rm(continue, index)
if (interactive()) { # nocov start
decision <- userInput(paste0("Would you like to save a copy of the results to ", resultsname, "?(y/n) "),
choices = c("y", "n"), hash = "# save results?")
} else { # nocov end
decision <- "n"
if (decision == "y") { # nocov start
appendTo(c("Screen", "Report"), paste0("M: Saving results as '", resultsname, "'."))
if (attributes(dist.mat)$valid)
save(bio, detections, valid.detections, spatial, deployments, arrays,
movements, valid.movements, times,, dist.mat, file = resultsname)
save(bio, detections, valid.detections, spatial, deployments, arrays,
movements, valid.movements, times,, file = resultsname)
} else {
appendTo(c("Screen", "Report"), paste0("M: Skipping saving of the results."))
} # nocov end
# ------------
# Print graphics <- TRUE
if (report) {
appendTo(c("Screen", "Report"), "M: Producing the report.")
on.exit({if ( message("M: Producing the report failed. If you have saved a copy of the results, you can reload them using dataToList().")}, add = TRUE)
if (dir.exists(paste0(tempdir(), "/actel_report_auxiliary_files")))
unlink(paste0(tempdir(), "/actel_report_auxiliary_files"), recursive = TRUE)
dir.create(paste0(tempdir(), "/actel_report_auxiliary_files"))
if (!getOption("actel.debug", default = FALSE))
on.exit(unlink(paste0(tempdir(), "/actel_report_auxiliary_files"), recursive = TRUE), add = TRUE)
biometric.fragment <- printBiometrics(bio = bio)
printDot(dot = dot,
spatial = spatial,
print.releases = print.releases)
individual.plots <- printIndividuals(detections.list = detections,
movements = movements,
valid.movements = valid.movements,
spatial = spatial, =,
y.axis = detections.y.axis)
circular.plots <- printCircular(times = timesToCircular(times),
bio = bio)
if (any(sapply(valid.detections, function(x) any(!$Sensor.Value))))) {
sensor.plots <- printSensorData(detections = valid.detections,
spatial = spatial, =, = detections.y.axis)
} else {
sensor.plots <- NULL
# ---------------
# wrap up the txt report
appendTo("Report", "M: Analysis completed!\n\n-------------------")
if (file.exists(paste(tempdir(), "temp_comments.txt", sep = "/")))
appendTo("Report", paste0("User comments:\n-------------------\n", gsub("\t", ": ", gsub("\r", "", readr::read_file(paste(tempdir(), "temp_comments.txt", sep = "/")))), "-------------------")) # nocov
if (file.exists(paste(tempdir(), "temp_UD.txt", sep = "/")))
appendTo("Report", paste0("User interventions:\n-------------------\n", gsub("\r", "", readr::read_file(paste(tempdir(), "temp_UD.txt", sep = "/"))), "-------------------")) # nocov
if (!is.null(datapack))
appendTo("Report", paste0("Preload function call:\n-------------------\n", attributes(datapack)$function_call, "\n-------------------"))
appendTo("Report", paste0("Explore function call:\n-------------------\n",, "\n-------------------"))
# ------------------
# print html report
if (report) {
if (file.exists(reportname <- "actel_explore_report.html")) {
continue <- TRUE
index <- 1
while (continue) {
if(file.exists(reportname <- paste0("actel_explore_report.", index, ".html"))) {
index <- index + 1
} else {
continue <- FALSE
appendTo("Screen", paste0("M: An actel report is already present in the current directory.\n Saving new report as ", reportname, "."))
rm(continue, index)
} else {
appendTo("Screen", "M: Saving actel report as 'actel_explore_report.html'.")
appendTo("debug", "debug: Printing report rmd")
printExploreRmd(override.fragment = override.fragment,
biometric.fragment = biometric.fragment,
individual.plots = individual.plots,
circular.plots = circular.plots,
sensor.plots = sensor.plots,
spatial = spatial,
deployments = deployments,
detections = detections,
valid.detections = valid.detections,
detections.y.axis = detections.y.axis)
appendTo("debug", "debug: Converting report to html")
rmarkdown::render(input = paste0(tempdir(), "/actel_report_auxiliary_files/actel_explore_report.Rmd"),
output_dir = paste0(tempdir(), "/actel_report_auxiliary_files"), quiet = TRUE)
appendTo("debug", "debug: Moving report")
file.copy(paste0(tempdir(), "/actel_report_auxiliary_files/actel_explore_report.html"), reportname)
if (interactive() & { # nocov start
appendTo("debug", "debug: Opening report.")
} # nocov end
} <- FALSE
# ------------------
jobname <- paste0(gsub(" |:", ".", as.character(Sys.time())), ".actel.log.txt")
if (interactive() & !report) { # nocov start
decision <- userInput(paste0("Would you like to save a copy of the analysis log to ", jobname, "?(y/n) "),
choices = c("y", "n"), hash = "# save job log?")
} else { # nocov end
decision <- "n"
if (decision == "y") { # nocov start
appendTo("Screen", paste0("M: Saving job log as '",jobname, "'."))
file.copy(paste(tempdir(), "temp_log.txt", sep = "/"), jobname)
} # nocov end
output <- list(bio = bio,
detections = detections,
valid.detections = valid.detections,
spatial = spatial,
deployments = deployments,
arrays = arrays,
movements = movements,
valid.movements = valid.movements,
times = times, =
if (attributes(dist.mat)$valid)
output$dist.mat <- dist.mat
appendTo("Screen", "M: Analysis completed!")
finished.unexpectedly <- FALSE
#' Print Rmd report
#' Creates a Rmd report and converts it to html.
#' @param override.fragment Rmarkdown string specifying the type of report for the header.
#' @param biometric.fragment Rmarkdown string specifying the biometric graphics drawn.
#' @param individual.plots Rmarkdown string specifying the name of the individual plots.
#' @param circular.plots Rmarkdown string specifying the name of the circular plots.
#' @param sensor.plots Rmarkdown string specifying the name of the sensor plots.
#' @param detections All the detections used in the study
#' @param valid.detections The valid detections used in the study
#' @inheritParams loadDetections
#' @return No return value, called for side effects.
#' @keywords internal
printExploreRmd <- function(override.fragment, biometric.fragment, individual.plots,
circular.plots, sensor.plots, spatial, deployments, detections, valid.detections, detections.y.axis){
work.path <- paste0(tempdir(), "/actel_report_auxiliary_files/")
if (!is.null(spatial$unknowns)) {
unknown.fragment <- paste0('<span style="color:red"> Number of relevant unknown receivers: **', sum(sapply(spatial$unknowns, length)), '** (of which ', length(spatial$unknowns$included),' were included)</span>\n')
} else {
unknown.fragment <- ""
if (!is.null(sensor.plots)) {
sensor.fragment <- paste0("### Sensor plots
: The colouring in these plots will follow that of the individual detection plots, which can be modified using `detections.y.axis`.
: The data used for these graphics is stored in the `valid.detections` object.
: You can replicate these graphics and edit them as needed using the `plotSensors()` function.
<center>\n", sensor.plots, "\n</center>")
} else {
sensor.fragment <- NULL
report <- readr::read_file(paste0(tempdir(), "/temp_log.txt"))
report <- gsub("(\\\\|\")", "\\\\\\1", report)
if (file.exists(paste0(tempdir(), '/temp_warnings.txt'))) {
warning.messages <- gsub("\\r", "", readr::read_file(paste0(tempdir(), '/temp_warnings.txt')))
warning.messages <- gsub("(\\\\|\")", "\\\\\\1", warning.messages)
} else {
warning.messages <- 'No warnings were raised during the analysis.'
if (file.exists(paste0(tempdir(), '/temp_comments.txt'))) {
comment.fragment <- gsub("\\r", "", readr::read_file(paste0(tempdir(), '/temp_comments.txt')))
comment.fragment <- gsub("(\\\\|\")", "\\\\\\1", comment.fragment)
} else {
comment.fragment <- 'No comments were included during the analysis.'
oldoptions <- options(knitr.kable.NA = "-")
on.exit(options(oldoptions), add = TRUE)
sink(paste0(work.path, "actel_explore_report.Rmd"))
title: "Acoustic telemetry exploratory analysis"
author: "Actel R package (', utils::packageVersion("actel"), ')"
after_body: ', work.path, 'toc_menu_explore.html
### Summary
Target folder: ', stringr::str_extract(pattern = '(?<=Target folder: )[^\r|^\n]*', string = report), '
Timestamp: **', stringr::str_extract(pattern = '(?<=Timestamp: )[^\r|^\n]*', string = report), '**
Number of target tags: **`r I(nrow(bio))`**
', override.fragment,'
Number of listed receivers: **', stringr::str_extract(pattern = '(?<=Number of ALS: )[0-9]*', string = report), '** (of which **', stringr::str_extract(pattern = '(?<=of which )[0-9]*', string = report), '** had no detections)
', unknown.fragment,'
Data time range: ', stringr::str_extract(pattern = '(?<=Data time range: )[^\r|^\n]*', string = report), '
Percentage of post-release valid detections: ', round(sum(unlist(lapply(valid.detections, nrow))) / sum(unlist(lapply(detections, nrow))) * 100, 2), '%
Found a bug? [**Report it here.**](
Want to cite actel in a publication? Run `citation(\'actel\')`
### Study area
Release sites are marked with "R.S.". Arrays connected with an arrow indicate that the tags can only pass in one direction.
<img src=', work.path, ifelse(file.exists(paste0(work.path, "mb_arrays.svg")), "mb_arrays.svg", "mb_arrays.png"), ' style="padding-top: 15px;"/>
### Receiver stations
', paste(knitr::kable(spatial$stations, row.names = FALSE), collapse = "\n"), '
### Deployments
', paste(knitr::kable(deployments, row.names = FALSE), collapse = "\n"), '
### Release sites
', paste(knitr::kable(spatial$release.sites, row.names = FALSE), collapse = "\n"), '
### Warning messages
```{r warnings, echo = FALSE, comment = NA}
cat("', warning.messages, '")
### User comments
```{r comments, echo = FALSE, comment = NA}
cat("', comment.fragment, '")
', ifelse(biometric.fragment == '', '', paste0('### Biometric graphics
: The data used in this graphic is the data present in the biometrics.csv file.
', biometric.fragment,'
')), '
### Average time of arrival at each Array
: Coloured lines on the outer circle indicate the mean value for each group and the respective ranges show the standard error of the mean. Each group\'s bars sum to 100%. The number of data points in each group is presented between brackets in the legend of each pannel.
: You can replicate these graphics and edit them as needed using the `plotTimes()` function.
: The data used in these graphics is stored in the `times` object.
: To obtain reports with the legacy linear circular scale, run `options(actel.circular.scale = "linear")` before running your analyses.
', circular.plots,'
### Individual detection plots
: You can choose to plot detections by station or by array using the `detections.y.axis` argument.
: The detections are coloured by ', ifelse(detections.y.axis == "stations", 'array', 'section'), '. The vertical black dashed line shows the release time. The full dark-grey line shows the movement events considered valid, while the dashed dark-grey line shows the movement events considered invalid.
', ifelse(detections.y.axis == "stations", ' : The movement event lines move straight between the first and last station of each event (i.e. in-between detections will not be individually linked by the line).\n', ''),
' : Manually **edited** tags are highlighted with **yellow** graphic borders.
: The ', ifelse(detections.y.axis == "stations", 'stations', 'arrays'), ' have been aligned by ', ifelse(detections.y.axis == "stations", 'array', 'section'), ', following the order provided ', ifelse(detections.y.axis == "stations", '', 'either '), 'in the spatial input', ifelse(detections.y.axis == "stations", '.', ' or the `section.order` argument.'), '
: You can replicate these graphics and edit them as needed using the `plotDetections()` function.
: You can also see the movement events of multiple tags simultaneously using the `plotMoves()` function.
: The data used in these graphics is stored in the `detections` and `movements` objects (and respective valid counterparts).
', individual.plots,'
', sensor.fragment,'
### Full log
```{r log, echo = FALSE, comment = NA}
cat("', gsub("\\r", "", report), '")
'), fill = TRUE)
sink(paste0(work.path, "toc_menu_explore.html"))
h3 {
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padding-bottom: 15px;
h4 {
padding-top: 25px;
padding-bottom: 15px;
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padding: 0px 10px;
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/* On smaller screens, where height is less than 450px, change the style of the sidebar (less padding and a smaller font size) */
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<div class="sidenav">
<a href="#summary">Summary</a>
<a href="#study-area">Study area</a>
<a href="#receiver-stations">Stations</a>
<a href="#deployments">Deployments</a>
<a href="#release-sites">Release sites</a>
<a href="#warning-messages">Warnings</a>
<a href="#user-comments">Comments</a>',
ifelse(biometric.fragment == '', '', '\n <a href="#biometric-graphics">Biometrics</a>'),'
<a href="#average-time-of-arrival-at-each-array">Arrival times</a>
<a href="#individual-detection-plots">Individual detections</a>',
ifelse(is.null(sensor.fragment), '', '\n <a href="#sensor-plots">Sensor data</a>'),'
<a href="#full-log">Full log</a>
', fill = TRUE)
#' Compare original detections with the valid movements and exclude invalid detections
#' @param detections.list The list of detections per tag
#' @param movements The list of movements to be matched
#' @return A list containing the valid detections per tag.
#' @keywords internal
validateDetections <- function(detections.list, movements) {
Valid <- NULL
counter <- 0
if (interactive())
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = sum(unlist(lapply(movements, nrow))), style = 3, width = 60) # nocov
output.all <- lapply(names(detections.list), function(i) {
# cat(i, "\n")
aux <- detections.list[[i]]
aux$Valid <- FALSE
if (!is.null(movements[[i]])) {
counter <<- counter + nrow(movements[[i]])
valid.rows <- unlist(lapply(1:nrow(movements[[i]]), function(j) {
start <- min(which(aux$Timestamp == movements[[i]]$First.time[j] & aux$ == movements[[i]]$First.station[j]))
stop <- start + (movements[[i]]$Detections[j] - 1)
# cat(j, ":", start, ":", stop, "\n"); flush.console()
aux$Valid[valid.rows] <- TRUE
if (interactive())
setTxtProgressBar(pb, counter) # nocov
close(pb) # nocov
names(output.all) <- names(detections.list)
attributes(output.all)$actel <- "all.detections"
output.valid <- lapply(output.all, function(x) {
if (any(x$Valid))
output.valid <- output.valid[!sapply(output.valid, is.null)]
attributes(output.valid)$actel <- "valid.detections"
return(list(detections = output.all, valid.detections = output.valid))
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