
Defines functions splitSignals lowestSignal timesToCircular recoverLog emergencyBreak deleteHelpers appendTo combine na.as.false matchl substrRight minuteTime decimalTime std.error.circular extractCodeSpaces extractSignals dataToList nearsq fact stationName stopAndReport match.POSIXt darken splitN createEventRanges

Documented in appendTo combine createEventRanges darken dataToList decimalTime deleteHelpers emergencyBreak extractCodeSpaces extractSignals fact lowestSignal matchl match.POSIXt minuteTime na.as.false nearsq recoverLog splitN splitSignals stationName std.error.circular stopAndReport substrRight timesToCircular

#' collapse event indexes into ranges
#' @param x a numerical vector
#' @return a string of isolated events and event ranges
#' @keywords internal
createEventRanges <- function(x) {
  overlaps <- c(FALSE, x[-length(x)] == x[-1]-1)
  starts <- which(!overlaps)
  stops <- c(starts[-1] - 1, length(x))
  aux <- data.frame(Start = x[starts],
                    Stop = x[stops])
  aux$Combine <- aux$Start != aux$Stop
  aux$Final <- aux$Start
  aux$Final[aux$Combine] <- paste(aux$Start[aux$Combine], aux$Stop[aux$Combine], sep = ":")

#' Split a dataframe every nth row
#' Idea from here: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7060272/split-up-a-dataframe-by-number-of-rows
#' @param x the dataframe
#' @param n the number of rows to keep in each chunk
#' @return A list of equal-sized dataframes
#' @keywords internal
splitN <- function(x, n, row.names = FALSE) {
  r <- nrow(x)
  z <- rep(1:ceiling(r / n), each = n)[1:r]
  output <- split(x, z)
  # reset row names?
  if (!row.names)
    output <- lapply(output, function(x) {
      rownames(x) <- 1:nrow(x)

  # make individual names for list elements
  # showing the original rows. e.g. "1:100"
  aux <- unique(z) * n
  breaks <- aux[-length(aux)]
  starts <- c(1, breaks + 1)
  ends <- c(breaks, r)
  names(output) <- paste0(starts, ":", ends)

#' darken colours
#' Copied from https://gist.github.com/Jfortin1/72ef064469d1703c6b30
#' @param color The colour to be darkened
#' @param factor The level of darkening
#' @return The darker colour code
#' @keywords internal
darken <- function(color, factor = 1.4){
    col <- grDevices::col2rgb(color)

    if (factor > 1)
      col <- col / factor
      col <- col + (255 - col) * (1 - factor)

    col <- grDevices::rgb(t(col), maxColorValue = 255)

#' Match POSIX values
#' @param this the vector of posix to be match
#' @param there the vector of posix to be matched against
#' @return a vector with the matches
#' @keywords internal
match.POSIXt <- function(this, there) {
  sapply(this, function(i) {
    x <- which(i == there)
    if (length(x) == 0)
    if (length(x) > 1)

#' stop function but paste error to the report too
#' @param ... parts of the error string
#' @return No return value, called for side effects.
#' @keywords internal
stopAndReport <- function(...) {
  the.string <- paste0(...)
  appendTo("Report", paste0("Error: ", the.string))
  stop(the.string, call. = FALSE)

#' Find original station name
#' @param input The results of an actel analysis (either explore, migration or residency).
#' @param station The station standard name or number.
#' @examples
#' stationName(example.results, 1)
#' # or
#' stationName(example.results, "St.2")
#' @return The original station name
#' @export
stationName <- function(input, station) {
  if (!inherits(input, "list"))
    stop("Could not recognise the input as an actel results object.", call. = FALSE)

  if (is.null(input$valid.movements) | is.null(input$spatial) | is.null(input$rsp.info))
    stop("Could not recognise the input as an actel results object.", call. = FALSE)

  if (is.numeric(station))
    station <- paste0("St.", station)

  link <- match(station, input$spatial$stations$Standard.name)


#' nearsq helper
#' Finds the largest x for which n %% x == 0
#' Obtained here: <https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32017327/calculate-the-optimal-grid-layout-dimensions-for-a-given-amount-of-plots-in-r>
#' @param n number of plots to fit.
#' @return An integer
#' @keywords internal
fact <- function(n) {
  k <- floor(sqrt(n))
  for (i in k:1) {
    if (n %% i == 0)

#' Find optimum plotting grid
#' Calculates the optimal distribution of plots in a square grid.
#' Obtained here: <https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32017327/calculate-the-optimal-grid-layout-dimensions-for-a-given-amount-of-plots-in-r>
#' @param n number of plots to fit.
#' @return a vector of the number of rows and number of columns needed to distribute the desired number of plots.
#' @keywords internal
nearsq <- function(n, tol = 5/3+0.001) {
  m <- ceiling(sqrt(n))^2
  for (i in n:m) {
    a <- fact(i)
    b <- i / a
    if(b / a < tol)
      return(c(a, b))

#' Import RData in a list format
#' @param source A RData file.
#' @examples
#' # Dummy example:
#' # Create two objects:
#' object_1 <- "This"
#' object_2 <- "Worked!"
#' # Save them as an RData file in R's temporary directory
#' save(object_1, object_2, file = paste0(tempdir(), "/dataToList_example.RData"))
#' # Remove the dummy objects as we don't need them any more
#' rm(object_1, object_2)
#' # Load the RData file as a single object
#' x <- dataToList(paste0(tempdir(), "/dataToList_example.RData"))
#' # inspect x
#' x
#' @return A list containing the objects present in the source RData file.
#' @export
dataToList <- function(source){
  e <- new.env()
  load(source, envir = e)

#' Extract signals from transmitter names
#' @param input A vector of transmitter names
#' @examples
#' # create dummy string
#' x <- c("R64K-1234", "A69-1303-12")
#' # run extractSignals
#' extractSignals(x)
#' @return A vector of transmitter signals
#' @export
extractSignals <- function(input) {
  unlist(lapply(input, function(x) tail(unlist(strsplit(as.character(x), "-")), 1)))

#' Extract Code Spaces from transmitter names
#' @param input A vector of transmitter names
#' @examples
#' # create dummy string
#' x <- c("R64K-1234", "A69-1303-12")
#' # run extractCodeSpaces
#' extractCodeSpaces(x)
#' @return A vector of transmitter signals
#' @export
extractCodeSpaces <- function(input) {
  unname(sapply(input, function(x) sub("-[0-9]*$", "", as.character(x))))

#' Calculate the standard error of the mean for circular data
#' @param x input data
#' @param na.rm Logical: Should missing values be removed?
#' @param silent Logical: Should the number of NA's removed be displayed?
#' @return The standard error of the mean (numeric value).
#' @keywords internal
std.error.circular <- function(x, na.rm = TRUE, silent = FALSE){
 a <- length(x)
  x <- x[!is.na(x)]
 output <- circular::sd.circular(x) / sqrt(length(x))
 if (!silent && a != length(x))
  message("M: Ommited ", a - length(x), " missing ", ifelse((a - length(x)) > 1, "values.", "value."))

#' Convert hh:mm:ss time to hh.hhh
#' @param input Single string or a vector of strings containing hours:minutes or hours:minutes:seconds.
#' @param unit the desired units of the output, one of "h" (hours), "m", (minutes) or "s" (seconds).
#' @return A number or vector of numbers corresponding to the decimal hour equivalent of the character input.
#' @keywords internal
decimalTime <- function(input, unit = c("h", "m", "s")) {
  unit <- match.arg(unit)
  .converter <- function(x, unit) {
    x <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(x, ":")))
    if (length(x) == 2)
      x <- x[1] + x[2]/60
    if (length(x) == 3)
      x <- x[1] + x[2]/60 + x[3]/3600
    if (unit == "h")
    if (unit == "m")
      return(x * 60)
    if (unit == "s")
      return(x * 3600)
  if (missing(input))
    stop("Input appears to be empty.")
  if (length(input) == 1) {
    output <- .converter(as.character(input), unit = unit)
    names(output) <- input
  if (length(input) > 1)
    output <- sapply(as.character(input), function(i) .converter(i, unit = unit))

#' Convert numeric time to HH:MM
#' @param x Single string or a vector of strings containing hours:minutes or hours:minutes:seconds.
#' @param format the format of x, one of "h" (hours), "m", (minutes) or "s" (seconds).
#' @param seconds Logical; If TRUE, output is returned in HH:MM:SS format.
#' @return a string or vector of strings corresponding to the character hour equivalent of the numeric input.
#' @keywords internal
minuteTime <- function(x, format = c("h", "m", "s"), seconds = TRUE) {
  format <- match.arg(format)
  .converter <- function(x) {
      if(x < 0){
        x <- abs(x)
        neg = TRUE
      } else neg = FALSE
      if(format == "h")
        x = x
      if(format == "m")
        x = x/60
      if(format == "s")
        x = x/3600
      m = x %% 1
      h = x - m
      m = 60 * m
      s = m %% 1
      m = m - s
      s = round(60 * s, 0)
      if (h < 10) h <- paste0(0, h)
      if (!seconds & s>30) m = m + 1
      if (m < 10) m <- paste0(0, m)
      if (s < 10) s <- paste0(0, s)
      if (seconds)
        x <- paste(h, m, s, sep = ":")
        x <- paste(h, m, sep = ":")
      if (neg) x <- paste0("-", x)
  if (missing(x)) stop("Input appears to be empty.")
  if (!is.numeric(x)) stop("Input is not numeric.")
  if (length(x) == 1) output <- .converter(x)
  if (length(x) > 1) output <- unlist(lapply(x, .converter))

#' Subset a character string counting from the right end
#' Allows to quickly remove a given number of characters from the end of a string
#' @param input Character string to be trimmed.
#' @param n Number of characters to be removed.
#' @return A trimmed string or vector of trimmed strings.
#' @keywords internal
substrRight <- function(input, n) {
  substr(input, nchar(input) - n + 1, nchar(input))

#' TRUE/FALSE wrapper for match
#' Looks for matches of a list on a target, but returns TRUE/FALSE instead of the position where the match was found.
#' @param input vector of elements to be matched.
#' @param match vector of elements where to look for the input.
#' @return A logical vector.
#' @keywords internal
matchl <- function(input, match) {
  !is.na(match(input, match))

#' Consider NA's as FALSE
#' Aimed to be used in a vector of TRUE/FALSE's, where NA's are present and should be considered as false.
#' @param input vector containing NA's.
#' @return A logical vector.
#' @keywords internal
na.as.false <- function(input) {
  input[is.na(input)] <- FALSE

#' Combine a list of vectors
#' Intended to combine vectors where, for each position, only one of the vectors contains data (i.e. the remaining are NA's).
#' @param input a list of vectors with non-overlapping data.
#' @return A vectorized combination of the data in the different list vectors.
#' @keywords internal
combine <- function(input) {
  if (!inherits(input, "list"))
    stop("'combine' is only intended to combine a list of vectors to a single vector.")
  if (length(input) == 1) {
    output <- input[[1]]
  } else {
    if (var(unlist(lapply(input, length))) != 0)
      stop("All vectors to combine should have the same length.")
    output <- input[[1]]
    for (i in 2:length(input)) {
      to.replace <- !is.na(input[[i]])
      if (any(!is.na(output)[to.replace]))
        stop("Trying to combine value to an already used position.")
      output[to.replace] <- input[[i]][to.replace]

#' Append to ...
#' Appends a note/comment to the specified recipient, which in turn corresponds to a temporary helper file.
#' @param recipient 'Screen' displays the message on screen, 'Report' appends the message to 'temp_log.txt', 'Warning' appends the message to 'temp_warnings.txt', 'UD' appends the message to 'temp_UD.txt', 'Comment' appends the message to 'temp_comments.txt'. The same message may be appended to multiple recipients at once.
#' @param line The text to be appended.
#' @param tag the tag number to which the comment belongs. Only used when recipient = 'Comment'.
#' @return No return value, called for side effects.
#' @keywords internal
appendTo <- function(recipient, line, tag) {
  recipient <- tolower(recipient)
  for (i in recipient) {
    if (i == "screen") {
      if (any(recipient == "warning"))
        warning(line, immediate. = TRUE, call. = FALSE)
    if (i == "report") {
      if (any(recipient == "warning")) {
        write(paste("Warning:", line),
          file = paste(tempdir(), "temp_log.txt", sep = "/"),
          append = file.exists(paste(tempdir(), "temp_log.txt", sep = "/")))
      } else {
          file = paste(tempdir(), "temp_log.txt", sep = "/"),
          append = file.exists(paste(tempdir(), "temp_log.txt", sep = "/")))
    if (i == "warning") {
      write(paste("Warning:", line),
        file = paste(tempdir(), "temp_warnings.txt", sep = "/"),
        append = file.exists(paste(tempdir(), "temp_warnings.txt", sep = "/")))
    if (i == "ud") { # nocov start
        file = paste(tempdir(), "temp_UD.txt", sep = "/"),
        append = file.exists(paste(tempdir(), "temp_UD.txt", sep = "/")))
    } # nocov end
    if (i == "comment") {
      write(paste(tag, line, sep = "\t"),
        file = paste(tempdir(), "temp_comments.txt", sep = "/"),
        append = file.exists(paste(tempdir(), "temp_comments.txt", sep = "/")))
  write(paste(format(Sys.time(), "%H:%M:%S.:"), line),
    file = paste(tempdir(), "actel_debug_file.txt", sep = "/"),
    append = file.exists(paste(tempdir(), "actel_debug_file.txt", sep = "/")))

#' Delete temporary files
#' At the end of the function actel or emergencyBreak, removes temporary files.
#' @return No return value, called for side effects.
#' @keywords internal
deleteHelpers <- function() {
  helper.list <- paste0(tempdir(), paste0("/temp_", c("log", "warnings", "UD", "comments"), ".txt"))
  link <- unlist(lapply(helper.list, file.exists))
  for (file in helper.list[link]) {

#' Standard procedure when aborting
#' Wraps up the report in R's temporary folder before the function end.
#' @return No return value, called for side effects.
#' @keywords internal
emergencyBreak <- function(the.function.call) { # nocov start
  appendTo("Report", "\nA fatal exception occurred, stopping the process!\nFound a bug? Report it here: https://github.com/hugomflavio/actel/issues\n\n-------------------")
  if (file.exists(paste0(tempdir(), "/temp_comments.txt")))
    appendTo("Report", paste0("User comments:\n-------------------\n", gsub("\t", ": ", gsub("\r", "", readr::read_file(paste0(tempdir(), "/temp_comments.txt")))), "-------------------"))

  if (file.exists(paste0(tempdir(), "/temp_UD.txt")))
    appendTo("Report", paste0("User interventions:\n-------------------\n", gsub("\r", "", readr::read_file(paste0(tempdir(), "/temp_UD.txt"))), "-------------------"))

  appendTo("Report", paste0("Function call:\n-------------------\n", the.function.call, "\n-------------------"))

  message("\nM: The analysis errored. You can recover latest the job log (including your comments and decisions) by running recoverLog().")
  if (getOption("actel.debug", default = FALSE)) {
    file.copy(paste0(tempdir(), "/temp_log.txt"), paste0(tempdir(), "/latest_actel_error_log.txt"))
  } else {
    file.rename(paste0(tempdir(), "/temp_log.txt"), paste0(tempdir(), "/latest_actel_error_log.txt"))
} # nocov end

#' Recover latest actel crash log
#' @param file Name of the file to which the log should be saved.
#' @param overwrite Logical: If 'file' already exists, should its content be overwritten?
#' @examples
#' \dontshow{
#' sink(paste0(tempdir(), "/latest_actel_error_log.txt"))
#' cat(
#' "This is an example file
#' -
#' -
#' -
#' Timestamp: ", Sys.Date(), "
#' Function: example()")
#' sink()
#' }
#' recoverLog(file = paste0(tempdir(), "/new_log.txt"))
#' \dontshow{
#' file.remove(paste0(tempdir(), "/latest_actel_error_log.txt"))
#' file.remove(paste0(tempdir(), "/new_log.txt"))
#' }
#' @return No return value, called for side effects.
#' @export
recoverLog <- function(file, overwrite = FALSE) {
  if (!file.exists(paste0(tempdir(), "/latest_actel_error_log.txt")))
    stop("No crash logs found.", call. = FALSE)

  if (missing(file)) {
    warning("'file' argument is missing. Attempting to save log to 'actel_job_log.txt'. To specify a different target, use the 'file' argument.", immediate. = TRUE, call. = FALSE)
    file <- "actel_job_log.txt"

  if (!is.character(file) | length(file) != 1)
    stop("'file' must be a single character string.", call. = FALSE)

  if (!grepl(".txt$", file))
    file <- paste0(file, ".txt")

  if (file.exists(file) & !overwrite)
    stop("File '", file, "' already exists and overwrite = FALSE", call. = FALSE)

  file.copy(paste0(tempdir(), "/latest_actel_error_log.txt"), file, overwrite = overwrite)

  x <- readLines(file)
  message("M: Job log for ", sub("Function: ", "", x[6]), " analysis run on ", sub("Timestamp: ", "", x[5]), " recovered to ", file)

#' Convert a data frame with timestamps into a list of circular objects
#' @param x A data frame where the first column is an identifier, the second column
#'   is a grouping structure, and columns three and onwards are timestamps at different
#'   locations. Can be generated automatically by \code{\link{getTimes}}.
#' @param by.group Logical: Should the times at each location be divided by the group column (second column of x)?
#' @examples
#' # create dummy input data frame.
#' # Note: the names of the columns are irrelevant.
#' x <- data.frame(ID = c(1:5),
#'  Group = c("A", "A", "B", "B", "B"),
#'  A1 = as.POSIXct(
#'    c("2019-01-03 11:21:12",
#'      "2019-01-04 12:22:21",
#'      "2019-01-05 13:31:34",
#'      "2019-01-06 14:32:43",
#'      "2019-01-07 15:23:52")),
#'  A2 = as.POSIXct(
#'    c("2019-01-08 16:51:55",
#'      "2019-01-09 17:42:42",
#'      "2019-01-10 18:33:33",
#'      "2019-01-11 19:24:32",
#'      "2019-01-12 20:15:22")),
#'  stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
#' # run timesToCircular
#' timesToCircular(x)
#' # optionally, split results by group:
#' timesToCircular(x, by.group = TRUE)
#' @return A list of circular objects for each data column and, optionally, for each group.
#' @export
timesToCircular <- function(x, by.group = FALSE) {
  if (is.null(dim(x)) || ncol(x) < 3 || !all(sapply(x[, 3:ncol(x)], function(i) any(class(i) == "POSIXt"))))
    stop("timesToCircular only works on data frames where the second column is a grouping structure and columns three and onwards are timestamps.", call. = FALSE)

  output <- list()
  cols.with.data <- apply(x, 2, function(x) !all(is.na(x)))
  x <- x[, cols.with.data]

  if (by.group) {
    aux <- split(x, x[, 2])
    capture <- lapply(1:length(aux), function(i) {
      for (j in 3:ncol(x)) {
        output[[length(output) + 1]] <<- circular::circular(decimalTime(substrRight(as.character(aux[[i]][, j]), 8)), units = "hours", template = "clock24")
        names(output[[length(output)]]) <<- aux[[i]][, 1]
        names(output)[length(output)] <<- paste0(names(aux)[i], ".", colnames(aux[[i]])[j])
  } else {
    for (i in 3:ncol(x)) {
      output[[length(output) + 1]] <- circular::circular(decimalTime(substrRight(as.character(x[, i]), 8)), units = "hours", template = "clock24")
      names(output[[length(output)]]) <- x[, 1]
    names(output) <- colnames(x)[3:ncol(x)]

#' cleanly extract lowest signal from signals string
#' @param x
#' @return a vector of lowest signals
#' @keywords internal
lowestSignal <- function(x) {
  sapply(as.character(x), function(i) 
            fixed = TRUE)

#' Split signals from multi-signal input
#' @param x
#' @return a list of split signals
#' @keywords internal
splitSignals <- function(x) {
  if(length(x) != 1)
    stop('splitSignals can only split one input at a time')
  as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(as.character(x), "|", fixed = TRUE)))

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actel documentation built on Oct. 19, 2023, 9:08 a.m.