#' collapse event indexes into ranges
#' @param x a numerical vector
#' @return a string of isolated events and event ranges
#' @keywords internal
createEventRanges <- function(x) {
overlaps <- c(FALSE, x[-length(x)] == x[-1]-1)
starts <- which(!overlaps)
stops <- c(starts[-1] - 1, length(x))
aux <- data.frame(Start = x[starts],
Stop = x[stops])
aux$Combine <- aux$Start != aux$Stop
aux$Final <- aux$Start
aux$Final[aux$Combine] <- paste(aux$Start[aux$Combine], aux$Stop[aux$Combine], sep = ":")
#' Split a dataframe every nth row
#' Idea from here:
#' @param x the dataframe
#' @param n the number of rows to keep in each chunk
#' @return A list of equal-sized dataframes
#' @keywords internal
splitN <- function(x, n, row.names = FALSE) {
r <- nrow(x)
z <- rep(1:ceiling(r / n), each = n)[1:r]
output <- split(x, z)
# reset row names?
if (!row.names)
output <- lapply(output, function(x) {
rownames(x) <- 1:nrow(x)
# make individual names for list elements
# showing the original rows. e.g. "1:100"
aux <- unique(z) * n
breaks <- aux[-length(aux)]
starts <- c(1, breaks + 1)
ends <- c(breaks, r)
names(output) <- paste0(starts, ":", ends)
#' darken colours
#' Copied from
#' @param color The colour to be darkened
#' @param factor The level of darkening
#' @return The darker colour code
#' @keywords internal
darken <- function(color, factor = 1.4){
col <- grDevices::col2rgb(color)
if (factor > 1)
col <- col / factor
col <- col + (255 - col) * (1 - factor)
col <- grDevices::rgb(t(col), maxColorValue = 255)
#' Match POSIX values
#' @param this the vector of posix to be match
#' @param there the vector of posix to be matched against
#' @return a vector with the matches
#' @keywords internal
match.POSIXt <- function(this, there) {
sapply(this, function(i) {
x <- which(i == there)
if (length(x) == 0)
if (length(x) > 1)
#' stop function but paste error to the report too
#' @param ... parts of the error string
#' @return No return value, called for side effects.
#' @keywords internal
stopAndReport <- function(...) {
the.string <- paste0(...)
appendTo("Report", paste0("Error: ", the.string))
stop(the.string, call. = FALSE)
#' Find original station name
#' @param input The results of an actel analysis (either explore, migration or residency).
#' @param station The station standard name or number.
#' @examples
#' stationName(example.results, 1)
#' # or
#' stationName(example.results, "St.2")
#' @return The original station name
#' @export
stationName <- function(input, station) {
if (!inherits(input, "list"))
stop("Could not recognise the input as an actel results object.", call. = FALSE)
if (is.null(input$valid.movements) | is.null(input$spatial) | is.null(input$
stop("Could not recognise the input as an actel results object.", call. = FALSE)
if (is.numeric(station))
station <- paste0("St.", station)
link <- match(station, input$spatial$stations$
#' nearsq helper
#' Finds the largest x for which n %% x == 0
#' Obtained here: <>
#' @param n number of plots to fit.
#' @return An integer
#' @keywords internal
fact <- function(n) {
k <- floor(sqrt(n))
for (i in k:1) {
if (n %% i == 0)
#' Find optimum plotting grid
#' Calculates the optimal distribution of plots in a square grid.
#' Obtained here: <>
#' @param n number of plots to fit.
#' @return a vector of the number of rows and number of columns needed to distribute the desired number of plots.
#' @keywords internal
nearsq <- function(n, tol = 5/3+0.001) {
m <- ceiling(sqrt(n))^2
for (i in n:m) {
a <- fact(i)
b <- i / a
if(b / a < tol)
return(c(a, b))
#' Import RData in a list format
#' @param source A RData file.
#' @examples
#' # Dummy example:
#' # Create two objects:
#' object_1 <- "This"
#' object_2 <- "Worked!"
#' # Save them as an RData file in R's temporary directory
#' save(object_1, object_2, file = paste0(tempdir(), "/dataToList_example.RData"))
#' # Remove the dummy objects as we don't need them any more
#' rm(object_1, object_2)
#' # Load the RData file as a single object
#' x <- dataToList(paste0(tempdir(), "/dataToList_example.RData"))
#' # inspect x
#' x
#' @return A list containing the objects present in the source RData file.
#' @export
dataToList <- function(source){
e <- new.env()
load(source, envir = e)
#' Extract signals from transmitter names
#' @param input A vector of transmitter names
#' @examples
#' # create dummy string
#' x <- c("R64K-1234", "A69-1303-12")
#' # run extractSignals
#' extractSignals(x)
#' @return A vector of transmitter signals
#' @export
extractSignals <- function(input) {
unlist(lapply(input, function(x) tail(unlist(strsplit(as.character(x), "-")), 1)))
#' Extract Code Spaces from transmitter names
#' @param input A vector of transmitter names
#' @examples
#' # create dummy string
#' x <- c("R64K-1234", "A69-1303-12")
#' # run extractCodeSpaces
#' extractCodeSpaces(x)
#' @return A vector of transmitter signals
#' @export
extractCodeSpaces <- function(input) {
unname(sapply(input, function(x) sub("-[0-9]*$", "", as.character(x))))
#' Calculate the standard error of the mean for circular data
#' @param x input data
#' @param na.rm Logical: Should missing values be removed?
#' @param silent Logical: Should the number of NA's removed be displayed?
#' @return The standard error of the mean (numeric value).
#' @keywords internal
std.error.circular <- function(x, na.rm = TRUE, silent = FALSE){
a <- length(x)
x <- x[!]
output <- circular::sd.circular(x) / sqrt(length(x))
if (!silent && a != length(x))
message("M: Ommited ", a - length(x), " missing ", ifelse((a - length(x)) > 1, "values.", "value."))
#' Convert hh:mm:ss time to hh.hhh
#' @param input Single string or a vector of strings containing hours:minutes or hours:minutes:seconds.
#' @param unit the desired units of the output, one of "h" (hours), "m", (minutes) or "s" (seconds).
#' @return A number or vector of numbers corresponding to the decimal hour equivalent of the character input.
#' @keywords internal
decimalTime <- function(input, unit = c("h", "m", "s")) {
unit <- match.arg(unit)
.converter <- function(x, unit) {
x <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(x, ":")))
if (length(x) == 2)
x <- x[1] + x[2]/60
if (length(x) == 3)
x <- x[1] + x[2]/60 + x[3]/3600
if (unit == "h")
if (unit == "m")
return(x * 60)
if (unit == "s")
return(x * 3600)
if (missing(input))
stop("Input appears to be empty.")
if (length(input) == 1) {
output <- .converter(as.character(input), unit = unit)
names(output) <- input
if (length(input) > 1)
output <- sapply(as.character(input), function(i) .converter(i, unit = unit))
#' Convert numeric time to HH:MM
#' @param x Single string or a vector of strings containing hours:minutes or hours:minutes:seconds.
#' @param format the format of x, one of "h" (hours), "m", (minutes) or "s" (seconds).
#' @param seconds Logical; If TRUE, output is returned in HH:MM:SS format.
#' @return a string or vector of strings corresponding to the character hour equivalent of the numeric input.
#' @keywords internal
minuteTime <- function(x, format = c("h", "m", "s"), seconds = TRUE) {
format <- match.arg(format)
.converter <- function(x) {
if(x < 0){
x <- abs(x)
neg = TRUE
} else neg = FALSE
if(format == "h")
x = x
if(format == "m")
x = x/60
if(format == "s")
x = x/3600
m = x %% 1
h = x - m
m = 60 * m
s = m %% 1
m = m - s
s = round(60 * s, 0)
if (h < 10) h <- paste0(0, h)
if (!seconds & s>30) m = m + 1
if (m < 10) m <- paste0(0, m)
if (s < 10) s <- paste0(0, s)
if (seconds)
x <- paste(h, m, s, sep = ":")
x <- paste(h, m, sep = ":")
if (neg) x <- paste0("-", x)
if (missing(x)) stop("Input appears to be empty.")
if (!is.numeric(x)) stop("Input is not numeric.")
if (length(x) == 1) output <- .converter(x)
if (length(x) > 1) output <- unlist(lapply(x, .converter))
#' Subset a character string counting from the right end
#' Allows to quickly remove a given number of characters from the end of a string
#' @param input Character string to be trimmed.
#' @param n Number of characters to be removed.
#' @return A trimmed string or vector of trimmed strings.
#' @keywords internal
substrRight <- function(input, n) {
substr(input, nchar(input) - n + 1, nchar(input))
#' TRUE/FALSE wrapper for match
#' Looks for matches of a list on a target, but returns TRUE/FALSE instead of the position where the match was found.
#' @param input vector of elements to be matched.
#' @param match vector of elements where to look for the input.
#' @return A logical vector.
#' @keywords internal
matchl <- function(input, match) {
!, match))
#' Consider NA's as FALSE
#' Aimed to be used in a vector of TRUE/FALSE's, where NA's are present and should be considered as false.
#' @param input vector containing NA's.
#' @return A logical vector.
#' @keywords internal
#' <- function(input) {
input[] <- FALSE
#' Combine a list of vectors
#' Intended to combine vectors where, for each position, only one of the vectors contains data (i.e. the remaining are NA's).
#' @param input a list of vectors with non-overlapping data.
#' @return A vectorized combination of the data in the different list vectors.
#' @keywords internal
combine <- function(input) {
if (!inherits(input, "list"))
stop("'combine' is only intended to combine a list of vectors to a single vector.")
if (length(input) == 1) {
output <- input[[1]]
} else {
if (var(unlist(lapply(input, length))) != 0)
stop("All vectors to combine should have the same length.")
output <- input[[1]]
for (i in 2:length(input)) {
to.replace <- ![[i]])
if (any(![to.replace]))
stop("Trying to combine value to an already used position.")
output[to.replace] <- input[[i]][to.replace]
#' Append to ...
#' Appends a note/comment to the specified recipient, which in turn corresponds to a temporary helper file.
#' @param recipient 'Screen' displays the message on screen, 'Report' appends the message to 'temp_log.txt', 'Warning' appends the message to 'temp_warnings.txt', 'UD' appends the message to 'temp_UD.txt', 'Comment' appends the message to 'temp_comments.txt'. The same message may be appended to multiple recipients at once.
#' @param line The text to be appended.
#' @param tag the tag number to which the comment belongs. Only used when recipient = 'Comment'.
#' @return No return value, called for side effects.
#' @keywords internal
appendTo <- function(recipient, line, tag) {
recipient <- tolower(recipient)
for (i in recipient) {
if (i == "screen") {
if (any(recipient == "warning"))
warning(line, immediate. = TRUE, call. = FALSE)
if (i == "report") {
if (any(recipient == "warning")) {
write(paste("Warning:", line),
file = paste(tempdir(), "temp_log.txt", sep = "/"),
append = file.exists(paste(tempdir(), "temp_log.txt", sep = "/")))
} else {
file = paste(tempdir(), "temp_log.txt", sep = "/"),
append = file.exists(paste(tempdir(), "temp_log.txt", sep = "/")))
if (i == "warning") {
write(paste("Warning:", line),
file = paste(tempdir(), "temp_warnings.txt", sep = "/"),
append = file.exists(paste(tempdir(), "temp_warnings.txt", sep = "/")))
if (i == "ud") { # nocov start
file = paste(tempdir(), "temp_UD.txt", sep = "/"),
append = file.exists(paste(tempdir(), "temp_UD.txt", sep = "/")))
} # nocov end
if (i == "comment") {
write(paste(tag, line, sep = "\t"),
file = paste(tempdir(), "temp_comments.txt", sep = "/"),
append = file.exists(paste(tempdir(), "temp_comments.txt", sep = "/")))
write(paste(format(Sys.time(), "%H:%M:%S.:"), line),
file = paste(tempdir(), "actel_debug_file.txt", sep = "/"),
append = file.exists(paste(tempdir(), "actel_debug_file.txt", sep = "/")))
#' Delete temporary files
#' At the end of the function actel or emergencyBreak, removes temporary files.
#' @return No return value, called for side effects.
#' @keywords internal
deleteHelpers <- function() {
helper.list <- paste0(tempdir(), paste0("/temp_", c("log", "warnings", "UD", "comments"), ".txt"))
link <- unlist(lapply(helper.list, file.exists))
for (file in helper.list[link]) {
#' Standard procedure when aborting
#' Wraps up the report in R's temporary folder before the function end.
#' @return No return value, called for side effects.
#' @keywords internal
emergencyBreak <- function( { # nocov start
appendTo("Report", "\nA fatal exception occurred, stopping the process!\nFound a bug? Report it here:\n\n-------------------")
if (file.exists(paste0(tempdir(), "/temp_comments.txt")))
appendTo("Report", paste0("User comments:\n-------------------\n", gsub("\t", ": ", gsub("\r", "", readr::read_file(paste0(tempdir(), "/temp_comments.txt")))), "-------------------"))
if (file.exists(paste0(tempdir(), "/temp_UD.txt")))
appendTo("Report", paste0("User interventions:\n-------------------\n", gsub("\r", "", readr::read_file(paste0(tempdir(), "/temp_UD.txt"))), "-------------------"))
appendTo("Report", paste0("Function call:\n-------------------\n",, "\n-------------------"))
message("\nM: The analysis errored. You can recover latest the job log (including your comments and decisions) by running recoverLog().")
if (getOption("actel.debug", default = FALSE)) {
file.copy(paste0(tempdir(), "/temp_log.txt"), paste0(tempdir(), "/latest_actel_error_log.txt"))
} else {
file.rename(paste0(tempdir(), "/temp_log.txt"), paste0(tempdir(), "/latest_actel_error_log.txt"))
} # nocov end
#' Recover latest actel crash log
#' @param file Name of the file to which the log should be saved.
#' @param overwrite Logical: If 'file' already exists, should its content be overwritten?
#' @examples
#' \dontshow{
#' sink(paste0(tempdir(), "/latest_actel_error_log.txt"))
#' cat(
#' "This is an example file
#' -
#' -
#' -
#' Timestamp: ", Sys.Date(), "
#' Function: example()")
#' sink()
#' }
#' recoverLog(file = paste0(tempdir(), "/new_log.txt"))
#' \dontshow{
#' file.remove(paste0(tempdir(), "/latest_actel_error_log.txt"))
#' file.remove(paste0(tempdir(), "/new_log.txt"))
#' }
#' @return No return value, called for side effects.
#' @export
recoverLog <- function(file, overwrite = FALSE) {
if (!file.exists(paste0(tempdir(), "/latest_actel_error_log.txt")))
stop("No crash logs found.", call. = FALSE)
if (missing(file)) {
warning("'file' argument is missing. Attempting to save log to 'actel_job_log.txt'. To specify a different target, use the 'file' argument.", immediate. = TRUE, call. = FALSE)
file <- "actel_job_log.txt"
if (!is.character(file) | length(file) != 1)
stop("'file' must be a single character string.", call. = FALSE)
if (!grepl(".txt$", file))
file <- paste0(file, ".txt")
if (file.exists(file) & !overwrite)
stop("File '", file, "' already exists and overwrite = FALSE", call. = FALSE)
file.copy(paste0(tempdir(), "/latest_actel_error_log.txt"), file, overwrite = overwrite)
x <- readLines(file)
message("M: Job log for ", sub("Function: ", "", x[6]), " analysis run on ", sub("Timestamp: ", "", x[5]), " recovered to ", file)
#' Convert a data frame with timestamps into a list of circular objects
#' @param x A data frame where the first column is an identifier, the second column
#' is a grouping structure, and columns three and onwards are timestamps at different
#' locations. Can be generated automatically by \code{\link{getTimes}}.
#' @param Logical: Should the times at each location be divided by the group column (second column of x)?
#' @examples
#' # create dummy input data frame.
#' # Note: the names of the columns are irrelevant.
#' x <- data.frame(ID = c(1:5),
#' Group = c("A", "A", "B", "B", "B"),
#' A1 = as.POSIXct(
#' c("2019-01-03 11:21:12",
#' "2019-01-04 12:22:21",
#' "2019-01-05 13:31:34",
#' "2019-01-06 14:32:43",
#' "2019-01-07 15:23:52")),
#' A2 = as.POSIXct(
#' c("2019-01-08 16:51:55",
#' "2019-01-09 17:42:42",
#' "2019-01-10 18:33:33",
#' "2019-01-11 19:24:32",
#' "2019-01-12 20:15:22")),
#' stringsAsFactors = TRUE)
#' # run timesToCircular
#' timesToCircular(x)
#' # optionally, split results by group:
#' timesToCircular(x, = TRUE)
#' @return A list of circular objects for each data column and, optionally, for each group.
#' @export
timesToCircular <- function(x, = FALSE) {
if (is.null(dim(x)) || ncol(x) < 3 || !all(sapply(x[, 3:ncol(x)], function(i) any(class(i) == "POSIXt"))))
stop("timesToCircular only works on data frames where the second column is a grouping structure and columns three and onwards are timestamps.", call. = FALSE)
output <- list() <- apply(x, 2, function(x) !all(
x <- x[,]
if ( {
aux <- split(x, x[, 2])
capture <- lapply(1:length(aux), function(i) {
for (j in 3:ncol(x)) {
output[[length(output) + 1]] <<- circular::circular(decimalTime(substrRight(as.character(aux[[i]][, j]), 8)), units = "hours", template = "clock24")
names(output[[length(output)]]) <<- aux[[i]][, 1]
names(output)[length(output)] <<- paste0(names(aux)[i], ".", colnames(aux[[i]])[j])
} else {
for (i in 3:ncol(x)) {
output[[length(output) + 1]] <- circular::circular(decimalTime(substrRight(as.character(x[, i]), 8)), units = "hours", template = "clock24")
names(output[[length(output)]]) <- x[, 1]
names(output) <- colnames(x)[3:ncol(x)]
#' cleanly extract lowest signal from signals string
#' @param x
#' @return a vector of lowest signals
#' @keywords internal
lowestSignal <- function(x) {
sapply(as.character(x), function(i)
fixed = TRUE)
#' Split signals from multi-signal input
#' @param x
#' @return a list of split signals
#' @keywords internal
splitSignals <- function(x) {
if(length(x) != 1)
stop('splitSignals can only split one input at a time')
as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(as.character(x), "|", fixed = TRUE)))
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