##              Table/matrix/dist plot            ##

  Class = "ADEg.T",
  contains = c("ADEg", "VIRTUAL"),
  slots = c(data = "list")

  f = "initialize",
  signature  = "ADEg.T",
  definition = function(.Object, data = list(dftab = NULL, coordsx = NULL, coordsy = NULL, labelsx = NULL, labelsy = NULL, frame = 0, storeData = TRUE), ...) {
    .Object <- callNextMethod(.Object, ...) ## ADEg initialize
    .Object@data <- data

  f = "prepare",
  signature = "ADEg.T",
  definition = function(object) {
    name_obj <- deparse(substitute(object))
      coordsx <- object@data$coordsx
      coordsy <- object@data$coordsy
    } else {
      coordsx <- eval(object@data$coordsx, envir = sys.frame(object@data$frame))
      coordsy <- eval(object@data$coordsy, envir = sys.frame(object@data$frame))

    ## cell size
    object@s.misc$axes$dx <- ifelse(length(coordsx) == 1, 1, diff(range(coordsx)) / length(coordsx))
    object@s.misc$axes$dy <- ifelse(length(coordsy) == 1, 1, diff(range(coordsy)) / length(coordsy))
    ## default margins
    if(object@adeg.par$ptable$x$pos == "top" & object@adeg.par$ptable$margin$top <= 5)
      object@adeg.par$ptable$margin$top <- 12
    if(object@adeg.par$ptable$x$pos == "bottom" & object@adeg.par$ptable$margin$bottom <= 5)
      object@adeg.par$ptable$margin$bottom <- 12
    if(object@adeg.par$ptable$y$pos == "right" & object@adeg.par$ptable$margin$right <= 5)
      object@adeg.par$ptable$margin$right <- 12
    if(object@adeg.par$ptable$y$pos == "left" & object@adeg.par$ptable$margin$left <= 5)
      object@adeg.par$ptable$margin$left <- 12
    object@g.args$xlim <- range(coordsx) + c(-1, 1) * object@s.misc$axes$dx
    object@g.args$ylim <- range(coordsy) + c(-1, 1) * object@s.misc$axes$dy
    object@trellis.par <- c(object@trellis.par, list(clip = list(panel = "off"),
        layout.heights = list(top.padding = object@adeg.par$ptable$margin$top, bottom.padding = object@adeg.par$ptable$margin$bottom),
        layout.widths = list(left.padding = object@adeg.par$ptable$margin$left, right.padding = object@adeg.par$ptable$margin$right)))
    assign(name_obj, object, envir = parent.frame())

  f = "panelbase",
  signature = "ADEg.T",
  definition = function(object, x, y) {
    ## draw the box and the segments
    grid <- object@adeg.par$pgrid
    ## draw grid
    if(object@data$storeData) {
      xpos <- object@data$coordsx
      ypos <- object@data$coordsy
      labelsx <- object@data$labelsx
      labelsy <- object@data$labelsy
    } else {
      xpos <- eval(object@data$coordsx, envir = sys.frame(object@data$frame))
      ypos <- eval(object@data$coordsy, envir = sys.frame(object@data$frame))
      labelsx <- eval(object@data$labelsx, envir = sys.frame(object@data$frame))
      labelsy <- eval(object@data$labelsy, envir = sys.frame(object@data$frame))
    nx <- length(xpos)
    ny <- length(ypos)

    ## draw grid (except for T.image)
    if(grid$draw & !inherits(object, "T.image"))
        x0 = c(xpos, rep(min(xpos)- object@s.misc$axes$dx, length.out = ny)),
        x1 = c(xpos, rep(max(xpos) + object@s.misc$axes$dx, length.out = ny)),
        y0 = c(rep(min(ypos) - object@s.misc$axes$dy, length.out = nx), ypos),
        y1 = c(rep(max(ypos) + object@s.misc$axes$dy, length.out = nx), ypos),
        col = grid$col, lwd = grid$lwd, lty = grid$lty)
    ## draw ticks
    limis <- current.panel.limits()
    ## if in ptable$x (or y) $tck; number without unit, considered as 'mm', otherwise used with the unit defined by user
    dxticks <- convertHeight(if(is.unit(object@adeg.par$ptable$x$tck)) object@adeg.par$ptable$x$tck else unit(object@adeg.par$ptable$x$tck, "mm"), unitTo = "native", valueOnly = TRUE)
    dyticks <- convertWidth(if(is.unit(object@adeg.par$ptable$y$tck)) object@adeg.par$ptable$y$tck else unit(object@adeg.par$ptable$y$tck, "mm"), unitTo = "native", valueOnly = TRUE)
    ## get parameters
    linespar <- modifyList(as.list(object@trellis.par$axis.line), trellis.par.get()$axis.line, keep.null = TRUE)
    textspar <- modifyList(as.list(object@trellis.par$axis.text), trellis.par.get()$axis.text, keep.null = TRUE)
    if(textspar$cex > 0 & dyticks > 0) {
      ## draw ticks for y
      y0axes <- ypos
      ## regular positions
      y1axes <- seq(from = min(ypos), to = max(ypos), length.out = ny)[rank(ypos, ties.method = "first")]
      yylab <- y1axes
      drawing <- FALSE
      if(any(object@adeg.par$ptable$y$pos == "right")) {
          adj <- c(0, 0.5)
          adj <- object@adeg.par$ptable$y$adj
        x0axes <- limis$xlim[2]
        x1axes <- limis$xlim[2] + dyticks
          xxlab <- limis$xlim[2] + 1.1 * dyticks
        drawing <- TRUE
      if(any(object@adeg.par$ptable$y$pos == "left")) {
          adj <- c(1, 0.5)
          adj <- object@adeg.par$ptable$y$adj
        x0axes <- limis$xlim[1]
        x1axes <- limis$xlim[1] - dyticks
          xxlab <- limis$xlim[1] - 1.1 * dyticks
        drawing <- TRUE
      if(drawing) {
        panel.segments(x0 = x0axes, y0 = y0axes, x1 = x1axes, y1 = y1axes,
                       lwd = linespar$lwd, lty = linespar$lty, alpha = linespar$alpha, col = linespar$col)
          panel.text(labels = labelsy, x = xxlab, y = yylab, cex = textspar$cex, col = textspar$col, font = textspar$font,
                     lineheight = textspar$lineheight, alpha = textspar$alpha, adj = adj, srt = object@adeg.par$ptable$x$srt)
    if(textspar$cex > 0 & dxticks > 0) {
      ## draw ticks for x
      x0axes <- xpos
      ## regular positions
      x1axes <- seq(from = min(xpos), to = max(xpos), length.out = nx)[rank(xpos, ties.method = "first")]
      xxlab <- x1axes
      drawing <- FALSE
      if(any(object@adeg.par$ptable$x$pos == "top")) {
          adj <- c(0, 0.5)
          adj <- object@adeg.par$ptable$x$adj
        y0axes <- limis$ylim[2]
        y1axes <- limis$ylim[2] + dxticks
        if(textspar$cex > 0)
          yylab <- limis$ylim[2] + 1.1 * dxticks
        drawing <- TRUE
      if(any(object@adeg.par$ptable$x$pos == "bottom")) {
          adj <- c(1, 0.5)
          adj <- object@adeg.par$ptable$x$adj
        y0axes <- limis$ylim[1]
        y1axes <- limis$ylim[1] - dxticks
        if(textspar$cex > 0)
          yylab <- limis$ylim[1] - 1.1 * dxticks
        drawing <- TRUE
      if(drawing) {
        panel.segments(x0 = x0axes, y0 = y0axes, x1 = x1axes, y1 = y1axes,
                       lwd = linespar$lwd, lty = linespar$lty, alpha = linespar$alpha, col = linespar$col)
          panel.text(labels = labelsx, x = xxlab, y = yylab, cex = textspar$cex, col = textspar$col, font = textspar$font,
                     lineheight = textspar$lineheight, alpha = textspar$alpha, adj = adj, srt = object@adeg.par$ptable$y$srt)

  f = "setlatticecall",
  signature = "ADEg.T",
  definition = function(object) {
    name_obj <- deparse(substitute(object))
    ## background and box
    object@trellis.par$panel.background$col <- object@adeg.par$pbackground$col
      object@trellis.par$axis.line$col <- "transparent"
      object@trellis.par$axis.line$col <- "black"
    arguments <- list(
      par.settings = object@trellis.par,
      key = createkey(object),
      legend = createcolorkey(object),
      scales = list(draw = FALSE),
      panel = function(...) {
        panelbase(object, ...)
        panel(object, ...)
    object@lattice.call$arguments <- arguments
    object@lattice.call$graphictype <- "xyplot"
    ## get lattice arguments (set unspecified to NULL)
    argnames <- c("main", "sub", "xlab", "ylab")
    largs <- object@g.args[argnames]
    names(largs) <- argnames
    ## add xlim and ylim if not NULL
    if("xlim" %in% names(object@g.args))
      largs["xlim"] <- object@g.args["xlim"]
    if("ylim" %in% names(object@g.args))
      largs["ylim"] <- object@g.args["ylim"]
    object@lattice.call$arguments <- c(object@lattice.call$arguments, largs, list(strip = FALSE))
    assign(name_obj, object, envir = parent.frame())

  f = "gettrellis",
  signature = "ADEg.T",
  definition = function(object) {
    if(object@data$storeData) {
      xdata <- object@data$coordsx
      ydata <- object@data$coordsy
    } else {
      xdata <- eval(object@data$coordsx, envir = sys.frame(object@data$frame))
      ydata <- eval(object@data$coordsy, envir = sys.frame(object@data$frame))
    tmptrellis <- do.call(what = object@lattice.call$graphictype, args = c(formula(ydata ~ xdata), object@lattice.call$arguments, environment()))

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adegraphics documentation built on Oct. 13, 2023, 5:11 p.m.