changelatticetheme <- function(...) {
## lattice.options(default.theme = adegspecial)
## change lattice theme
## if a device is open, it would apply only to new devices
if(try(is.list(...), silent = TRUE) == TRUE)
changes <- as.list(...)
changes <- list(...)
newtheme <- get("lattice.theme", envir = getFromNamespace(".LatticeEnv", ns = "lattice"))
adegspecial <- get("adegtheme", envir = .ADEgEnv)
newtheme <- modifyList(newtheme, changes, keep.null = TRUE)
## come back at the starting point
newtheme <- modifyList(newtheme, adegspecial, keep.null = TRUE)
## for all new devices
lattice.options(default.theme = switch(EXPR = .Device, newtheme))
if(dev.cur() != 1) ## if a device is open
.mergingList <- function(tomerge) {
## merge elements of the list by name recursively
lnames <- names(tomerge)
counter <- 0 ## safety counter
while(length(lnames) != length(unique(lnames))) {
## be sure that there are duplicated values
indix <- match(lnames, lnames)
remove <- c()
for(i in 1:length(indix)) {
if(i != indix[i]) {
tomerge[[indix[i]]] <- c(tomerge[[indix[i]]], tomerge[[i]])
remove <- c(remove, i)
tomerge[remove] <- NULL
tomerge <- lapply(tomerge, FUN = function(x) {if(is.list(x) & (length(x) > 1)) .mergingList(x) else x})
counter <- counter + 1
if(counter == 50)
stop("error in .mergingList", call. = FALSE)
lnames <- names(tomerge)
.replaceList <- function(x, val) {
## replaceList: inspired by modifyList but
## replace only previous existing elements and with partial names matching
## x: list to modify, val: modications to pass
## x structure can not be changed
## To be more specific if an element is a list, it cannot be change with a single value
rest <- list()
returned <- list()
xnames <- names(x)
for (v in names(val)) {
indix <- pmatch(v, xnames, nomatch = 0)
if(indix > 0) {
## if there is a match
if(is.list(x[[indix]]) && (!is.list(val[[v]])))
stop(paste("cannot replace a list: ", xnames[indix], " by a single value element", sep = ""), call. = FALSE)
else {
if(is.list(x[[indix]])) {
## recursivity
replace <- .replaceList(x[[indix]], val[[v]])
returned <- c(returned, list(replace$select))
rest <- c(rest, replace$rest)
returned[[(length(returned) + 1)]] <- val[[v]] ## else replace values
names(returned)[length(returned)] <- xnames[indix]
else rest <- c(rest, val[v])
return(list(select = returned, rest = rest))
.getlist <- function(keys, values) {
## assembles keys and values as list of list
## keys: list of characters vectors, the keys splitted, values: the original list
result <- list()
for(i in 1:length(keys)) {
l <- list(values[[i]])
names(l) <- keys[[i]][length(keys[[i]])]
if(length(keys[[i]]) > 1)
for(j in (length(keys[[i]]) - 1):1) {
l <- list(l)
names(l)[1] <- keys[[i]][j]
result[[i]] <- l
separation <- function(... , pattern = 0, split = TRUE) {
## separate between the list passed to the function and the one already known
## if pattern is 1, compare to trellis parameters
## if pattern is 0, compare to 'padegraphic' parameters
## gets dots
if(try(is.list(...), silent = TRUE) == TRUE)
tmp_list <- as.list(...)
tmp_list <- list(...)
names(tmp_list) <- tmp_list
return(list(select = list(), rest = list()))
## get pattern
listpat <- pattern
else {
if(pattern > 1)
stop("pattern must be 0 or 1 in 'separation' function", call. = FALSE)
else {
if(pattern == 1)
listpat <- trellis.par.get()
listpat <- get("padegraphic", envir = .ADEgEnv)
## splitting list keys
if(!is.list(pattern)) {
if(pattern != 1 && split) {
## adegpar, collates keys
sep <- strsplit(names(tmp_list), split = ".", fixed = TRUE)
values <- tmp_list
val <- .getlist(keys = sep, values = values) ## assemblies keys with values, as list of list...
val <- sapply(val, FUN = function(x) return(x))
val <- .mergingList(val)
} else
val <- tmp_list
} else
val <- tmp_list
res <- .replaceList(x = listpat, val)
res[[1]] <- .mergingList(res[[1]])
adegpar <- function(...) {
## case 0: nothing in parenthesis
## case 0 bis: only one key (no indication sublist, "paxes")
## case 1: ...= "axes.draw", "sub", "sub.size" # one level, only names
## case 2: ...= "axes" = list("draw") # two levels, only names
## case 3: ...= "axes.draw" = FALSE, "sub.size" = 12 # one level, key names and matching values
## case 4: ...= axes=list(draw=TRUE), sub=list(size=55) # two levels, key names and matching values
## case 5 : ... is a complete list
## if ... is a list
## does not assign, only find corresponding element in list patti
recursfinder <- function(x, patti) {
result <- list()
okfu <- function(x, patti) {
## okfu: retrieve good values and keys (patti)
if(length(x) > 1)
stop("x has length > 1") ## to remove
idx <- pmatch(names(x), names(patti))
return( patti[idx])
result <- c(result, okfu(x, patti))
else {
idx <- pmatch(names(x), names(patti))
if(! {
result <- c(result, list(recursfinder(x[[1]], patti[[idx]])))
names(result) <- names(patti[idx])
print("no matching found in adegpar")
} ## end recurs finder
nonames <- function(userlist, pattili) {
## return the right values list
sep <- sapply(userlist, strsplit, split = ".", fixed = TRUE) ## a list
values <- userlist
val <- .getlist(keys = sep, values = values)
return(sapply(val, FUN = recursfinder, patti = pattili)) ## get result
value <- list()
assignement <- FALSE
if(try(is.list(...), silent = TRUE) == TRUE)
argu <- as.list(...) ## ... is still a list
argu <- list(...) ## tranforms in list
## choose option
padegr <- get("padegraphic", envir = .ADEgEnv)
## switching case: recursive
switchingcase <- function(userlist, patternlist) {
if(!length(userlist)) ## empty case 0
return(list(result = patternlist, assigni = list()))
else {
lnames <- names(userlist)
if(is.null(lnames)) { ## no values, case 0 bis or 1
res <- nonames(userlist, patternlist)
return(list(result = res, assigni = list()))
} else {
result <- list()
assigni <- list() ## initialization
for(i in 1:length(lnames)) {
if(identical(lnames[i], "")) {
## no names, meaning value is the key cas 2/1
result <- c(result,nonames(userlist[i], patternlist))
} else {
## we have names so value to assign, or sublist
sep <- sapply(lnames[i], strsplit, split = ".", fixed = TRUE) ## a list
## get a list of list with right keys (splitting *.* keys)
val <- .getlist(keys = sep, values = userlist[i])[[1L]]
idx <- pmatch(names(val), names(patternlist))
if(! {
## match with patternlist
if(is.list(val[[1]])) {
## sublist val from user list
ok <- switchingcase(val[[1]], patternlist = patternlist[[idx]])
if(length(ok$result)) {
result <- c(result, list(ok$result))
## level behind
names(result)[length(result)] <- names(patternlist[idx])
if(length(ok$assigni)) {
assigni <- c(assigni, list(ok$assigni))
names(assigni)[length(assigni)] <- names(patternlist[idx])
} else {
## if not a list, then a value to assign
stop(paste("be careful, intent to replace in adegraphics parameters: ", names(patternlist[idx]), " by a single value element", sep = ""), call. = FALSE)
assigni <- c(assigni, list(userlist[[i]]))
names(assigni)[length(assigni)] <- names(patternlist[idx])
return(list(result = result, assigni = assigni))
} ## end switching case
if(!length(argu)) ## ... empty
return(padegr) ## case 0
else {
## adegpar called with arguments
switchi <- switchingcase(argu, padegr)
if(length(switchi$assign)) {
padegr <- modifyList(padegr, switchi$assign, keep.null = TRUE)
assign("padegraphic", padegr, envir = .ADEgEnv)
return(invisible(padegr)) ## must be improve : avoid two calls to padegraphic
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