
Defines functions scatter.enfa

Documented in scatter.enfa

scatter.enfa <- function (x, xax = 1, yax = 2, pts = FALSE, nc = TRUE,
                          percent = 95, clabel = 1,
                          side = c("top", "bottom", "none"), Adensity,
                          Udensity, Aangle, Uangle, Aborder,
                          Uborder, Acol, Ucol, Alty,
                          Ulty, Abg, Ubg, Ainch, Uinch, ...)
    side <- match.arg(side)
    if (!inherits(x, "enfa"))
        stop("Object of class 'enfa' expected")
    old.par <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
    par(mar = c(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1))
    x1 <- x$li[, xax]
    x1 <- c(x1 - diff(range(x1)/50), x1 + diff(range(x1))/50)
    xlim <- range(x1)
    y1 <- x$li[, yax]
    y1 <- c(y1 - diff(range(y1)/50), y1 + diff(range(y1))/50)
    ylim <- range(y1)
    pmar <- t(x$mar*x$cw) %*% as.matrix(x$co[, c(xax, yax)])
    scatterutil.base(dfxy = x$li[, c(xax, yax)], xax = 1, yax = 2,
                     xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim, grid = TRUE, addaxes = FALSE,
                     cgrid = 1, include.origin = TRUE, origin = c(0, 0), sub = "",
                     csub = 1.25, possub = "bottomleft", pixmap = NULL, contour = NULL,
                     area = NULL, add.plot = FALSE)
    if (pts) {
        if (missing(Acol))
            Acol <- gray(0.8)
        if (missing(Ucol))
            Ucol <- "black"
        if (missing(Abg))
            Abg <- gray(0.8)
        if (missing(Ubg))
            Ubg <- "black"
        if (missing(Ainch))
            Ainch <- 0.03
        if (missing(Uinch))
            Uinch <- Ainch * max(x$pr)
        symbols(x$li[, c(xax, yax)], circles = rep(1, length(x$pr)),
                fg = Acol, bg = Abg, inches = Ainch, add = TRUE)
        symbols(x$li[x$pr > 0, c(xax, yax)], circles = x$pr[x$pr >
                                             0], fg = Ucol, bg = Ubg, inches = Uinch, add = TRUE)
        abline(v = 0)
        abline(h = 0)
        if (nc)
            symbols(pmar, circles = 1, fg = "black", bg = "white",
                    inches = Ainch * 2, add = TRUE)
    else {
        if (missing(Adensity))
            Adensity <- NULL
        if (missing(Udensity))
            Udensity <- NULL
        if (missing(Aangle))
            Aangle <- 45
        if (missing(Uangle))
            Uangle <- 45
        if (missing(Aborder))
            Aborder <- NULL
        if (missing(Uborder))
            Uborder <- NULL
        if (missing(Acol))
            Acol <- gray(0.95)
        if (missing(Ucol))
            Ucol <- gray(0.6)
        if (missing(Alty))
            Alty <- NULL
        if (missing(Ulty))
            Ulty <- NULL
        mcpA <- mcp(x$li[, c(xax, yax)], id = rep(1, dim(x$li)[1]),
                    percent = percent)
        mcpU <- mcp(x$li[rep(1:length(x$pr), x$pr), c(xax, yax)],
                    id = rep(1, sum(x$pr)), percent = percent)
        polygon(mcpA[, 2:3], density = Adensity, angle = Aangle,
                border = Aborder, col = Acol, lty = Alty)
        polygon(mcpU[, 2:3], density = Udensity, angle = Uangle,
                border = Uborder, col = Ucol, lty = Ulty)
        abline(v = 0)
        abline(h = 0)
        if (nc)
            points(pmar, pch = 21, bg = "white", cex = 1.5)
    dfarr <- x$co[, c(xax, yax)]
    born <- par("usr")
    k1 <- min(dfarr[, 1])/born[1]
    k2 <- max(dfarr[, 1])/born[2]
    k3 <- min(dfarr[, 2])/born[3]
    k4 <- max(dfarr[, 2])/born[4]
    k <- c(k1, k2, k3, k4)
    dfarr <- 0.75 * dfarr/max(k)
    s.arrow(dfarr, clabel = clabel, addaxes = FALSE, add.plot = TRUE)
    if (xax == 1)
        xax <- "mar"
    else xax <- paste("sp", xax - 1)
    if (yax == 1)
        yax <- "mar"
    else yax <- paste("sp", yax - 1)
    if (side != "none") {
        tra <- paste(" xax =", xax, "\n yax =", yax)
        wt <- strwidth(tra, cex = 1)
        ht <- strheight(tra, cex = 1) * 1.5
        xl <- par("usr")[1]
        yu <- par("usr")[4]
        yd <- par("usr")[3]
        if (side == "top") {
            rect(xl, yu - ht, xl + wt, yu, col = "white", border = 0)
            text(xl + wt/2, yu - ht/2, tra, cex = 1)
        if (side == "bottom") {
            rect(xl, yd + ht, xl + wt, yd, col = "white", border = 0)
            text(xl + wt/2, yd + ht/2, tra, cex = 1)

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adehabitat documentation built on Jan. 28, 2018, 5:02 p.m.