
Defines functions dist.ldc

Documented in dist.ldc

#' Dissimilarity matrices for community composition data
#' Compute dissimilarity indices for ecological data matrices. The dissimilarity
#' indices computed by this function are those described in Legendre and De
#' Cáceres (2013). In the name of the function, 'ldc' stands for the author's
#' names. Twelve of these 21 indices are not readily available in other R
#' package functions; four of them can, however, be computed in two computation
#' steps in \code{vegan}.
#' @param Y Community composition data. The object class can be either
#'   \code{data.frame} or \code{matrix}.
#' @param method One of the 21 dissimilarity coefficients available in the
#'   function: \code{"hellinger"}, \code{"chord"}, \code{"log.chord"},
#'   \code{"chisquare"}, \code{"profiles"}, \code{"percentdiff"},
#'   \code{"ruzicka"}, \code{"divergence"}, \code{"canberra"},
#'   \code{"whittaker"}, \code{"wishart"}, \code{"kulczynski"},
#'   \code{"jaccard"}, \code{"sorensen"}, \code{"ochiai"}, \code{"ab.jaccard"},
#'   \code{"ab.sorensen"}, \code{"ab.ochiai"}, \code{"ab.simpson"},
#'   \code{"euclidean"}, \code{"manhattan"}, \code{"modmeanchardiff"}. See
#'   Details. Names can be abbreviated to a non-ambiguous set of first letters.
#'   Default: \code{method="hellinger"}.
#' @param binary If \code{binary=TRUE}, the data are transformed to
#'   presence-absence form before computation of the dissimilarities. Default
#'   value: \code{binary=FALSE}, except for the Jaccard, Sørensen and Ochiai
#'   indices where \code{binary=TRUE}.
#' @param samp If \code{samp=TRUE}, the abundance-based distances (ab.jaccard,
#'   ab.sorensen, ab.ochiai, ab.simpson) are computed for sample data. If
#'   \code{samp=FALSE}, binary indices are computed for true population data.
#' @param silent If \code{silent=FALSE}, informative messages sent to users will
#'   be printed to the R console. Use \code{silent=TRUE} is called on a
#'   numerical simulation loop, for example.
#' @details The dissimilarities computed by this function are the following.
#'   Indices i and k designate two rows (sites) of matrix Y, j designates a
#'   column (species). D[ik] is the dissimilarity between rows i and k. p is the
#'   number of columns (species) in Y; pp is the number of species present in
#'   one or the other site, or in both. y[i+] is the sum of values in row i;
#'   same for y[k+]. y[+j] is the sum of values in column j. y[++] is the total
#'   sum of values in Y. The indices are computed by functions written in C for
#'   greater computation speed with large data matrices. \itemize{ \item Group 1
#'   - D computed by transformation of Y followed by Euclidean distance
#'   \itemize{ \item Hellinger D, D[ik] =
#'   sqrt(sum((sqrt(y[ij]/y[i+])-sqrt(y[kj]/y[k+]))^2)) \item chord D, D[ik] =
#'   sqrt(sum((y[ij]/sqrt(sum(y[ij]^2))-y[kj]/sqrt(sum(y[kj]^2)))^2)) \item
#'   log-chord D, D[ik] = chord D[ik] computed on log(y[ij]+1)-transformed data
#'   (Legendre and Borcard 2018) \item chi-square D, D[ik] = sqrt(y[++]
#'   sum((1/j[+j])(y[ij]/y[i+]-y[kj]/y[k+])^2)) \item species profiles D, D[ik]
#'   = sqrt(sum((y[ij]/y[i+]-y[kj]/y[k+])^2)) }
#'   \item Group 2 - Other D functions appropriate for beta diversity studies
#'   where A = sum(min(y[ij],y[kj])), B = y[i+]-A, C = y[k+]-A \itemize{\item
#'   percentage difference D (aka Bray-Curtis), D[ik] =
#'   (sum(abs(y[ij]-y[k,j])))/(y[i+]+y[k+]) or else, D[ik] = (B+C)/(2A+B+C)
#'   \item Ružička D, D[ik] = 1-(sum(min(y[ij],y[kj])/sum(max(y[ij],y[kj])) or
#'   else, D[ik] = (B+C)/(A+B+C) \item coeff. of divergence D, D[ik] =
#'   sqrt((1/pp)sum(((y[ij]-y(kj])/(y[ij]+y(kj]))^2)) \item Canberra metric D,
#'   D[ik] = (1/pp)sum(abs(y[ij]-y(kj])/(y[ij]+y(kj])) \item Whittaker D, D[ik]
#'   = 0.5*sum(abs(y[ij]/y[i+]-y(kj]/y[k+])) \item Wishart D, D[ik] =
#'   1-sum(y[ij]y[kj])/(sum(y[ij]^2)+sum(y[kj]^2)-sum(y[ij]y[kj])) \item
#'   Kulczynski D, D[ik] =
#'   1-0.5((sum(min(y[ij],y[kj])/y[i+]+sum(min(y[ij],y[kj])/y[k+])) }
#'   \item Group 3 - Classical indices for binary data; they are appropriate for
#'   beta diversity studies. Value a is the number of species found in both i
#'   and k, b is the number of species in site i not found in k, and c is the
#'   number of species found in site k but not in i. The D matrices are
#'   square-root transformed, as in dist.binary of ade4; the user-oriented
#'   reason for this transformation is explained below. \itemize{\item Jaccard
#'   D, D[ik] = sqrt((b+c)/(a+b+c)) \item Sørensen D, D[ik] =
#'   sqrt((b+c)/(2a+b+c)) \item Ochiai D, D[ik] = sqrt(1 - a/sqrt((a+b)(a+c))) }
#'   \item Group 4 - Abundance-based indices of Chao et al. (2006) for
#'   quantitative abundance data. These functions correct the index for species
#'   that have not been observed due to sampling errors. For the meaning of the
#'   U and V notations, see Chao et al. (2006, section 3). When
#'   \code{samp=TRUE}, the abundance-based distances (ab.jaccard, ab.sorensen,
#'   ab.ochiai, ab.simpson) are computed for sample data. If \code{samp=FALSE},
#'   indices are computed for true population data. - Do not use indices of
#'   group 4 with \code{samp=TRUE} on presence-absence data; the indices are not
#'   meant to accommodate this type of data. If \code{samp=FALSE} is used with
#'   presence-absence data, the indices are the regular Jaccard, Sørensen,
#'   Ochiai and Simpson indices. On output, however, the D matrices are not
#'   square-rooted, contrary to the Jaccard, Sørensen and Ochiai indices in
#'   section 3 which are square-rooted. \itemize{\item abundance-based Jaccard
#'   D, D[ik] = 1-(UV/(U+V-UV)) \item abundance-based Sørensen D, D[ik] =
#'   1-(2UV/(U+V)) \item abundance-based Ochiai D, D[ik] = 1-sqrt(UV) \item
#'   abundance-based Simpson D, D[ik] = 1-(UV/(UV+min((U-UV),(V-UV)))) }
#'   \item Group 5 - General-purpose dissimilarities that do not have an upper
#'   bound (maximum D value). They are inappropriate for beta diversity studies.
#'   \itemize{\item Euclidean D, D[ik] = sqrt(sum(y[ij]-y[kj])^2) \item
#'   Manhattan D, D[ik] = sum(abs(y[ij] - y[ik])) \item modified mean character
#'   difference, D[ik] = (1/pp) sum(abs(y[ij] - y[ik])) } } The properties of
#'   all dissimilarities available in this function (except Ružička D) were
#'   described and compared in Legendre & De Cáceres (2013), who showed that
#'   most of these dissimilarities are appropriate for beta diversity studies.
#'   Inappropriate are the Euclidean, Manhattan, modified mean character
#'   difference, species profile and chi-square distances. Most of these
#'   dissimilarities have a maximum value of either 1 or sqrt(2). Three
#'   dissimilarities (Euclidean, Manhattan, Modified mean character difference)
#'   do not have an upper bound and are thus inappropriate for beta diversity
#'   studies. The chi-square distance has an upper bound of
#'   sqrt(2*(sum(Y))).\cr\cr The Euclidean, Hellinger, chord, chi-square and
#'   species profiles dissimilarities have the property of being Euclidean,
#'   meaning that they never produce negative eigenvalues in principal
#'   coordinate analysis. The Canberra, Whittaker, percentage difference,
#'   Wishart and Manhattan coefficients are Euclidean when they are square-root
#'   transformed (Legendre & De Cáceres 2013, Table 2). The distance forms (1-S)
#'   of the Jaccard, Sørensen and Ochiai similarity (S) coefficients are
#'   Euclidean after taking the square root of (1-S) (Legendre & Legendre 2012,
#'   Table 7.2). The D matrices resulting from these three coefficients are
#'   outputted in the form sqrt(1-S), as in function \code{dist.binary} of ade4,
#'   because that form is Euclidean and will thus produce no negative
#'   eigenvalues in principal coordinate analysis. \cr\cr The Hellinger, chord,
#'   chi-square and species profile dissimilarities are computed using the
#'   two-step procedure developed by Legendre & Gallagher (2001). The data are
#'   first transformed using either the row marginals, or the row and column
#'   marginals in the case of the chi-square distance. The dissimilarities are
#'   then computed from the transformed data using the Euclidean distance
#'   formula. As a consequence, these four dissimilarities are necessarily
#'   Euclidean. D matrices for other binary coefficients can be computed in two
#'   ways: either by using function \code{dist.binary} of ade4, or by choosing
#'   option \code{binary=TRUE}, which transforms the abundance data to binary
#'   form, and using one of the quantitative indices of the present function.
#'   Table 1 of Legendre & De Cáceres (2013) shows the incidence-based
#'   (presence-absence-based) indices computed by the various indices using
#'   binary data. \cr\cr The Euclidean distance computed on untransformed
#'   presence-absence or abundance data produces non-informative and incorrect
#'   ordinations, as shown in Legendre & Legendre (2012, p. 300) and in Legendre
#'   & De Cáceres (2013). However, the Euclidean distance computed on
#'   log-transformed abundance data produces meaningful ordinations in principal
#'   coordinate analysis (PCoA). Nonetheless, it is easier to compute a PCA of
#'   log-transformed abundance data instead of a PCoA; the resulting ordination
#'   with scaling 1 will be meaningful. Messages are printed to the R console
#'   indicating the Euclidean status of the computed dissimilarity matrices.
#'   Note that for the chi-square distance, the columns that sum to zero are
#'   eliminated before calculation of the distances, thus preventing divisions
#'   by zero in the calculation of the chi-square transformation.
#' @return A dissimilarity matrix, with class \code{dist}.
#' @references Chao, A., R. L. Chazdon, R. K. Colwell and T. J. Shen. 2006.
#'   Abundance-based similarity indices and their estimation when there are
#'   unseen species in samples. Biometrics 62: 361-371.
#'   Legendre, P. and D. Borcard. 2018. Box-Cox-chord transformations for
#'   community composition data prior to beta diversity analysis. Ecography 41:
#'   1820-1824.
#'   Legendre, P. and M. De Cáceres. 2013. Beta diversity as the variance of
#'   community data: dissimilarity coefficients and partitioning. Ecology
#'   Letters 16: 951-963.
#'   Legendre, P. and E. D. Gallagher, E.D. 2001. Ecologically meaningful
#'   transformations for ordination of species data. Oecologia 129: 271-280.
#'   Legendre, P. and Legendre, L. 2012. Numerical Ecology. 3rd English edition.
#'   Elsevier Science BV, Amsterdam.
#' @author Pierre Legendre \email{pierre.legendre@@umontreal.ca} and Naima Madi
#' @examples
#' if(require("vegan", quietly = TRUE)) {
#' data(mite)
#' mat1  = as.matrix(mite[1:10, 1:15])   # No column has a sum of 0
#' mat2 = as.matrix(mite[61:70, 1:15])   # 7 of the 15 columns have a sum of 0
#' #Example 1: compute Hellinger distance for mat1
#' D.out = dist.ldc(mat1,"hellinger")
#' #Example 2: compute chi-square distance for mat2
#' D.out = dist.ldc(mat2,"chisquare")
#' #Example 3: compute percentage difference dissimilarity for mat2
#' D.out = dist.ldc(mat2,"percentdiff")
#' }
#' @export dist.ldc

dist.ldc <-
        method = "hellinger",
        binary = FALSE,
        samp = TRUE,
        silent = FALSE)
        epsilon <- sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)
        method <-
        Y <- as.matrix(Y)
        if(sum( scale(Y, scale=FALSE)^2 )==0) stop("The data matrix has no variation")
        n <- nrow(Y)
        if ((n == 2) &
                (dist(Y)[1] < epsilon))
            stop("Y only contains two rows and they are identical")
        if (any(Y < 0))
            stop("Data contain negative values\n")
        if (any(is.na(Y)))
            stop("Data contain 'NA' values\n")
        # Transform data to presence-absence before computing the binary coefficients
        # or if the user choses binary=TRUE
        if (any(method == c("jaccard", "sorensen", "ochiai")))
            binary = TRUE
        if (binary)
            Y <- ifelse(Y > 0, 1, 0)
        # Group 1 indices
            hellinger = {
                YY = .Call("transform_mat", Y, "hellinger")
                D = .Call("euclidean", YY)
                if (!silent)
                    cat("Info -- This coefficient is Euclidean\n")
            chord = {
                YY = .Call("transform_mat", Y, "chord")
                D = .Call("euclidean", YY)
                if (!silent)
                    cat("Info -- This coefficient is Euclidean\n")
            log.chord = {
                Y = log1p(Y)
                YY = .Call("transform_mat", Y, "chord")
                D = .Call("euclidean", YY)
                if (!silent)
                    cat("Info -- This coefficient is Euclidean\n")
            chisquare = {
                YY = .Call("transform_mat", Y, "chisquare")
                D = .Call("euclidean", YY)
                if (!silent)
                    cat("Info -- This coefficient is Euclidean\n")
            profiles = {
                YY = .Call("transform_mat", Y, "profiles")
                D = .Call("euclidean", YY)
                if (!silent)
                    cat("Info -- This coefficient is Euclidean\n")
                # Group 2 indices
            percentdiff = {
                D = .Call("percentdiff", Y)
                if (!silent)
                    cat("Info -- For this coefficient, sqrt(D) would be Euclidean\n")
            ruzicka = {
                D = .Call("ruzicka", Y)
                if (!silent)
                    cat("Info -- For this coefficient, sqrt(D) would be Euclidean\n")
            divergence = {
                D = .Call("divergence", Y)
                if (!silent)
                    cat("Info -- This coefficient is Euclidean\n")
            canberra = {
                D = .Call("canberra", Y)
                if (!silent)
                    cat("Info -- For this coefficient, sqrt(D) would be Euclidean\n")
            whittaker = {
                D = .Call("whittaker", Y)
                if (!silent)
                    cat("Info -- For this coefficient, sqrt(D) would be Euclidean\n")
            wishart = {
                D = .Call("wishart", Y)
                if (!silent)
                    cat("Info -- For this coefficient, sqrt(D) would be Euclidean\n")
            kulczynski = {
                D = .Call("kulczynski", Y)
                if (!silent)
                    cat("Info -- This coefficient is not Euclidean\n")
                # Group 3 indices
            jaccard = {
                D = .Call("binary_D", Y, "jaccard")
                if (!silent)
                    cat("Info -- D is Euclidean because the function outputs D[jk] = sqrt(1-S[jk])\n")
            sorensen = {
                D = .Call("binary_D", Y, "sorensen")
                if (!silent)
                    cat("Info -- D is Euclidean because the function outputs D[jk] = sqrt(1-S[jk])\n")
            ochiai = {
                D = .Call("binary_D", Y, "ochiai")
                if (!silent)
                    cat("Info -- D is Euclidean because the function outputs D[jk] = sqrt(1-S[jk])\n")
                # Group 4 indices
            ab.jaccard = {
                D = .Call("chao_C", Y, "Jaccard", samp)
                if (!silent) {
                    cat("Info -- This coefficient is not Euclidean\n")
                    if (!samp) {
                        cat("If data are presence-absence, sqrt(D) will be Euclidean\n")
            ab.sorensen = {
                D = .Call("chao_C", Y, "Sorensen", samp)
                if (!silent) {
                    cat("Info -- This coefficient is not Euclidean\n")
                    if (!samp) {
                        cat("If data are presence-absence, sqrt(D) will be Euclidean\n")
            ab.ochiai = {
                D = .Call("chao_C", Y, "Ochiai", samp)
                if (!silent) {
                    cat("Info -- This coefficient is not Euclidean\n")
                    if (!samp) {
                        cat("If data are presence-absence, sqrt(D) will be Euclidean\n")
            ab.simpson = {
                D = .Call("chao_C", Y, "Simpson", samp)
                if (!silent) {
                    cat("Info -- This coefficient is not Euclidean\n")
                    if (!samp) {
                        cat("If data are presence-absence, sqrt(D) will be Euclidean\n")
                # Group 5 indices
            euclidean = {
                D = .Call("euclidean", Y)
                if (!silent) {
                    cat("Info -- This coefficient is Euclidean\n")
                    cat("Info -- This coefficient does not have an upper bound (no fixed D.max)\n")
            manhattan = {
                D = .Call("manhattan", Y)
                if (!silent) {
                    cat("Info -- For this coefficient, sqrt(D) would be Euclidean\n")
                    cat("Info -- This coefficient does not have an upper bound (no fixed D.max)\n")
            modmeanchardiff = {
                D = .Call("modmean", Y)
                if (!silent) {
                    cat("Info -- This coefficient is not Euclidean\n")
                    cat("Info -- This coefficient does not have an upper bound (no fixed D.max)\n")
        if(!is.null(rownames(Y))) rownames(D) <- rownames(Y)
        D <- as.dist(D)

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