
Defines functions sqlite.head mysql.head get.annotation.names get.annotation.dbtype get.annotation.needcols sqlite.tb.colnames mysql.tb.colnames sqlite.tb.indexes mysql.tb.indexes db.tb.colnames select.dat.full.match.sqlite select.dat.full.match.mysql select.dat.full.match.txt select.dat.full.match select.dat.region.match.sqlite select.dat.region.match.txt select.dat.region.match full.foverlaps

Documented in get.annotation.dbtype get.annotation.names get.annotation.needcols mysql.head mysql.tb.colnames mysql.tb.indexes sqlite.head sqlite.tb.colnames sqlite.tb.indexes

#' Show top n line of table of database in sqlite database
#' @param sqlite.connect.params Connect to sqlite database params [dbname, table.name]
#' @param n n lines will be selected
#' @param extra.sql Extra sql statement
#' @param verbose Ligical indicating wheather show the log message
#' @param ... Other parameters pass to dbGetQuery
#' @export
#' @examples
#' test.sqlite <- sprintf('%s/snp.test.sqlite', tempdir())
#' test.dat <- system.file('extdata', 'demo/sqlite.dat.txt', package = 'annovarR')
#' x <- sqlite.build(filename = test.dat, list(dbname = test.sqlite, 
#' table.name = 'snp_test'))
#' sqlite.head(list(dbname = test.sqlite, table.name = 'snp_test'))
sqlite.head <- function(sqlite.connect.params = list(dbname = "", table.name = ""), 
  n = 10, extra.sql = NULL, verbose = FALSE, ...) {
  sqlite.connect.params <- config.list.merge(list(SQLite()), sqlite.connect.params)
  sqlite.db <- do.call(dbConnect, sqlite.connect.params)
  sql <- sprintf("SELECT * FROM '%s' LIMIT %s", sqlite.connect.params[["table.name"]], 
  sql <- paste0(sql, extra.sql)
  info.msg(sprintf("Query sql: %s", sql), verbose = verbose)
  nlines <- dbGetQuery(sqlite.db, sql, ...)
#' Show top n line of table of database in mysql database
#' @param mysql.connect.params Mysql parameters, [host, dbname, table.name, user, password etc.]
#' @param n n lines will be selected
#' @param extra.sql Extra sql statement
#' @param verbose Ligical indicating wheather show the log message
#' @param ... Other parameters pass to dbGetQuery
#' @export
#' @examples
#' host <- ''
mysql.head <- function(mysql.connect.params = list(host = "", dbname = "", table.name = "", 
  user = "", password = ""), n = 10, extra.sql = NULL, verbose = FALSE, ...) {
  mysql.connect.params <- config.list.merge(list(MySQL()), mysql.connect.params)
  mysql.db <- do.call(dbConnect, mysql.connect.params)
  sql <- sprintf("SELECT * FROM %s LIMIT %s", mysql.connect.params[["table.name"]], 
  sql <- paste0(sql, extra.sql)
  info.msg(sprintf("Query sql: %s", sql), verbose = verbose)
  nlines <- dbGetQuery(mysql.db, sql, ...)

#' Get all annovarR supported databases 
#' @param database.cfg Configuration file of annovarR databases infomation
#' @export
#' @examples
#' cfg <- system.file('extdata', 'config/config.toml', package = 'annovarR')
#' get.annotation.names(cfg) 
get.annotation.names <- function(database.cfg = system.file("extdata", "config/databases.toml", 
  package = "annovarR")) {
  config <- configr::read.config(file = database.cfg)
  config <- config[names(config) != "Title"]
  return(unname(unlist(lapply(config, function(x) x["versions"]))))

#' Get annovarR default databases type [sqlite, txt]
#' @param anno.name Annotation name, eg. avsnp138, avsnp147, 1000g2015aug_all
#' @param database.cfg Configuration file of annovarR databases infomation
#' @export
#' @examples
#' get.annotation.dbtype('avsnp147') 
get.annotation.dbtype <- function(anno.name = "", database.cfg = system.file("extdata", 
  "config/databases.toml", package = "annovarR")) {
  dbtype <- tryCatch(get.cfg.value.by.name(anno.name, database.cfg, key = "default.dbtype"), 
    error = function(e) {
  if (is.null(dbtype)) {
    dbtype <- tryCatch(get.cfg.value.by.name(anno.name, database.cfg, key = "default.dbtype", 
      coincident = TRUE)[1], error = function(e) {

#' Get annovarR annotation needed colnames according the anno.name
#' @param anno.name Annotation name, eg. avsnp138, avsnp147, 1000g2015aug_all
#' @param database.cfg Configuration file of annovarR databases infomation
#' @export
#' @examples
#' get.annotation.dbtype('avsnp147') 
get.annotation.needcols <- function(anno.name = "", database.cfg = system.file("extdata", 
  "config/databases.toml", package = "annovarR")) {
  need.cols <- get.cfg.value.by.name(anno.name, database.cfg, key = "need.cols", 
    coincident = TRUE)

#' Get colnames of table of database in sqlite
#' @param sqlite.connect.params Connect to sqlite database params [dbname, table.name]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' test.sqlite <- sprintf('%s/snp.test.sqlite', tempdir())
#' test.dat <- system.file('extdata', 'demo/sqlite.dat.txt', package = 'annovarR')
#' x <- sqlite.build(filename = test.dat, list(dbname = test.sqlite, 
#' table.name = 'snp_test'))
#' sqlite.tb.colnames(list(dbname = test.sqlite, table.name = 'snp_test'))
sqlite.tb.colnames <- function(sqlite.connect.params = list(dbname = "", table.name = "")) {
  sqlite.connect.params <- config.list.merge(list(SQLite()), sqlite.connect.params)
  sqlite.db <- do.call(dbConnect, sqlite.connect.params)
  sql <- sprintf("PRAGMA table_info([%s])", sqlite.connect.params[["table.name"]])
  table.info <- dbGetQuery(sqlite.db, sql)
  tb.colnames <- table.info[, "name"]

#' Get colnames of table of database in mysql
#' @param mysql.connect.params Mysql parameters, [host, dbname, table.name, user, password etc.]
#' @param ... Other parameters pass to dbConnect
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' mysql.db.colnames(list(host = 'host', dbname = 'db', user = 'user', 
#' password = 'password', table.name = 'table'))
#' }
mysql.tb.colnames <- function(mysql.connect.params = list(host = "", dbname = "", 
  user = "", password = "", table.name = ""), ...) {
  mysql.connect.params <- config.list.merge(list(MySQL()), mysql.connect.params)
  mysql.db <- do.call(dbConnect, mysql.connect.params)
  sql <- sprintf("DESC %s", mysql.connect.params[["table.name"]])
  table.info <- dbGetQuery(mysql.db, sql)
  tb.colnames <- table.info$Field

#' Get sqlite table indexes
#' @param sqlite.connect.params Connect to sqlite database params [dbname, table.name]
#' @export
#' @examples
#' test.sqlite <- sprintf('%s/snp.test.sqlite', tempdir())
#' test.dat <- system.file('extdata', 'demo/sqlite.dat.txt', package = 'annovarR')
#' params <- list(dbname = test.sqlite,
#' table.name = 'snp_test')
#' x <- sqlite.build(filename = test.dat, params)
#' x <- sqlite.index(params, index = 'index4', cols = c('V1', 'V2'))
#' indexes <- sqlite.tb.indexes(params)
#' test.sqlite <- normalizePath(test.sqlite, '/')
#' file.remove(test.sqlite)
sqlite.tb.indexes <- function(sqlite.connect.params = list(dbname = "", table.name = "")) {
  sqlite.db <- connect.db("", "sqlite", sqlite.connect.params, verbose = FALSE)
  sql <- "SELECT * FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = 'index'"
  indexes <- dbGetQuery(sqlite.db, sql)

#' Get mysql table indexes
#' @param mysql.connect.params Connect to mysql database params [dbname, table.name, host, user, password]
#' @export
#' @examples
mysql.tb.indexes <- function(mysql.connect.params = list(dbname = "", table.name = "")) {
  mysql.db <- connect.db("", "mysql", mysql.connect.params = mysql.connect.params, 
    verbose = FALSE)
  sql <- sprintf("SHOW INDEX FROM %s", mysql.connect.params$table.name)
  indexes <- dbGetQuery(mysql.db, sql)
  indexes <- as.data.frame(indexes)
  indexes <- indexes[!duplicated(indexes$Key_name), ]
  colnames(indexes)[3] <- "name"

# Show colnames of table in database or text file
db.tb.colnames <- function(dbname = "", db.type = "sqlite", sqlite.connect.params = list(), 
  mysql.connect.params = list()) {
  if (db.type == "sqlite") {
    tb.colnames <- sqlite.tb.colnames(sqlite.connect.params)
  } else if (db.type == "txt") {
    table.dat <- fread(dbname, nrows = 1)
    tb.colnames <- colnames(table.dat)
  } else if (db.type == "mysql") {
    tb.colnames <- mysql.tb.colnames(mysql.connect.params)

# select.dat.full.match.sqlite
select.dat.full.match.sqlite <- function(db = NULL, table.name, cols = c(), params = list(), 
  select.cols = "*", sql.operator = NULL, verbose = FALSE) {
  params <- lapply(params, function(x) {
    if (!is.character(x)) {
    } else {
  params.length <- length(params)
  if (is.null(sql.operator)) {
    sql.operator <- rep("==", length(params))
  sql <- sprintf("SELECT %s FROM \"%s\"", select.cols, table.name)
  if (length(cols) > 0) {
    sql <- paste0(sql, " WHERE ")
    for (i in 1:params.length) {
      if (i < params.length) {
        sql.plus <- sprintf("\"%s\"%s:x%s AND ", cols[i], sql.operator[i], 
        sql <- paste0(sql, sql.plus)
      } else {
        sql.plus <- sprintf("\"%s\"%s:x%s", cols[i], sql.operator[i], i)
        sql <- paste0(sql, sql.plus)
  info.msg(sprintf("Input %s colnum type:%s", paste0(names(params), collapse = ","), 
    paste0(sapply(params, typeof), collapse = ",")), verbose = verbose)
  print.vb(lapply(params, head), verbose = verbose)
  names(params) <- paste0("x", 1:length(params))
  info.msg(sprintf("Quering sql: %s", sql), verbose = verbose)
  result <- dbGetQuery(db, sql, params = params)
  info.msg(sprintf("Finish query: %s", sql), verbose = verbose)

# select.dat.full.match.mysql
select.dat.full.match.mysql <- function(db = NULL, table.name, cols = c(), params = list(), 
  select.cols = "*", sql.operator = NULL, verbose = FALSE) {
  params <- lapply(params, function(x) {
    if (!is.character(x)) {
    } else {
  params.length <- length(params)
  sql <- sprintf("SELECT %s FROM %s", select.cols, table.name)
  if (length(cols) >= 0) {
    sql <- sprintf("SELECT %s FROM %s", select.cols, table.name)
    sql <- paste0(sql, " WHERE ")
    for (i in 1:length(params)) {
      if (i < length(params)) {
        tmp.pars <- paste0(params[[cols[i]]], collapse = "', '")
        tmp.pars <- sprintf("'%s'", tmp.pars)
        sql.plus <- sprintf("%s in (%s) AND ", cols[i], tmp.pars)
        sql <- paste0(sql, sql.plus)
      } else {
        tmp.pars <- paste0(params[[cols[i]]], collapse = "', '")
        tmp.pars <- sprintf("'%s'", tmp.pars)
        sql.plus <- sprintf("%s in (%s)", cols[i], tmp.pars)
        sql <- paste0(sql, sql.plus)
    info.msg(sprintf("Quering sql: %s", sql), verbose = verbose)
    result <- dbGetQuery(db, sql)
  } else {
    info.msg(sprintf("Quering sql: %s", sql), verbose = verbose)
    result <- dbGetQuery(db, sql)
    info.msg(sprintf("Finish query: %s", sql), verbose = verbose)

# select.dat.full.match.txt
select.dat.full.match.txt <- function(db = NULL, table.name, cols = c(), params = list(), 
  select.cols = "*", sql.operator = NULL, fread.db.params = list(), verbose = FALSE) {
  fread.params <- list(input = db)
  if ("logical01" %in% formalArgs(fread)) {
    config.list.merge(fread.params, list(logical01 = FALSE))
  fread.params <- config.list.merge(fread.params, fread.db.params)
  suppressWarnings(ref.dat <- do.call(fread, fread.params))
  ref.dat.colnames.raw <- colnames(ref.dat)
  ref.dat <- lapply(ref.dat, function(x) {
    if (!is.character(x)) {
    } else {
  params <- lapply(params, function(x) {
    if (!is.character(x)) {
    } else {
  ref.dat <- as.data.table(ref.dat)
  params <- as.data.table(params)
  index <- match(names(params), colnames(ref.dat))
  index <- index[!is.na(index)]
  colnames(ref.dat)[index] <- names(params)
  keys <- paste0(names(params), collapse = "\", \"")
  text <- sprintf("setkey(ref.dat, \"%s\")", keys)
  eval(parse(text = text))
  params <- as.data.table(params)
  keys <- paste0(names(params), collapse = "\", \"")
  text <- sprintf("setkey(params, \"%s\")", keys)
  eval(parse(text = text))
  ref.dat <- merge(params, ref.dat)
  index <- match(ref.dat.colnames.raw, colnames(ref.dat))
  setcolorder(ref.dat, index)
# Select data from text file, sqlite or mysql database cols: database colnames
# (Simultaneously satisfy the cols SQL conditions) used to match params: a list
# that record to match database using cols
select.dat.full.match <- function(db = NULL, table.name = NULL, cols = c(), params = list(), 
  db.type = "sqlite", select.cols = "*", sql.operator = NULL, fread.db.params = list(), 
  verbose = FALSE) {
  params.length <- length(params)
  if (is.null(sql.operator)) {
    sql.operator <- rep("==", length(params))
  if (db.type == "sqlite") {
    result <- select.dat.full.match.sqlite(db, table.name, cols, params, select.cols, 
      sql.operator, verbose)
  } else if (db.type == "mysql") {
    result <- select.dat.full.match.mysql(db, table.name, cols, params, select.cols, 
      sql.operator, verbose)
  } else if (db.type == "txt") {
    result <- select.dat.full.match.txt(db, table.name, cols, params, select.cols, 
      sql.operator, fread.db.params, verbose)

# Region match from txt file (eg. gff, gtf, bed)
select.dat.region.match.sqlite <- function(db = NULL, table.name = NULL, full.matched.cols = c(), 
  inferior.col = c(), superior.col = c(), params = list(), select.cols = "*", verbose = FALSE, 
  ...) {
  sql.operator <- c(rep("==", length(full.matched.cols)), "<=", ">=")
  params$superior.col <- params$inferior.col
  result <- select.dat.full.match.sqlite(db, table.name, c(full.matched.cols, inferior.col, 
    superior.col), params, select.cols, sql.operator, verbose)
  result <- result[!duplicated(result), ]
# Region match from txt file (eg. gff, gtf, bed)
select.dat.region.match.txt <- function(db = NULL, table.name = NULL, full.matched.cols = c(), 
  inferior.col = c(), superior.col = c(), params = list(), select.cols = "*", fread.db.params = list(), 
  verbose = FALSE, ...) {
  fread.params <- list(input = db)
  if ("logical01" %in% formalArgs(fread)) {
    config.list.merge(fread.params, list(logical01 = FALSE))
  fread.params <- config.list.merge(fread.params, fread.db.params)
  suppressWarnings(ref.dat <- do.call(fread, fread.params))
  result.list <- full.foverlaps(ref.dat, params, full.matched.cols, inferior.col, 
  ref.dat <- result.list$ref.dat
  index.table <- result.list$index.table
  index <- index.table$yid[!is.na(index.table$yid)]
  index <- index[!duplicated(index)]
  ref.dat <- ref.dat[index, ]

# Read GFF and BED file or database
select.dat.region.match <- function(db = NULL, table.name = NULL, full.matched.cols = c(), 
  inferior.col = c(), superior.col = c(), params = list(), db.type = "txt", select.cols = "*", 
  fread.db.params = list(), verbose = FALSE, ...) {
  params <- lapply(params, function(x) {
    if (!is.character(x)) {
    } else {
  params.length <- length(params)
  if (db.type == "sqlite") {
    result <- select.dat.region.match.sqlite(db, table.name, full.matched.cols, 
      inferior.col, superior.col, params, select.cols, verbose)
  } else if (db.type == "txt") {
    result <- select.dat.region.match.txt(db, table.name, full.matched.cols, 
      inferior.col, superior.col, params, select.cols, fread.db.params, verbose)

full.foverlaps <- function(ref.dat = NULL, input.dat = NULL, full.matched.cols = NULL, 
  inferior.col = NULL, superior.col = NULL) {
  ref.dat <- as.data.table(ref.dat)
  ref.dat.colnames.raw <- colnames(ref.dat)
  input.dat <- as.data.table(input.dat)
  index <- match(names(input.dat), colnames(ref.dat))
  index <- index[!is.na(index)]
  colnames(ref.dat)[index] <- names(input.dat)
  texts <- sprintf("ref.dat$%s <- as.numeric(ref.dat$%s)", inferior.col, inferior.col)
  texts <- c(texts, sprintf("input.dat$%s <- as.numeric(input.dat$%s)", inferior.col, 
  texts <- c(texts, sprintf("ref.dat$%s <- as.numeric(ref.dat$%s)", superior.col, 
  texts <- c(texts, sprintf("input.dat$%s <- as.numeric(input.dat$%s)", superior.col, 
  for (i in texts) {
    eval(parse(text = i))
  keys <- paste0(names(input.dat), collapse = "\", \"")
  text <- sprintf("setkey(ref.dat, \"%s\")", keys)
  eval(parse(text = text))
  id <- 1:nrow(input.dat)
  keys <- paste0(names(input.dat), collapse = "\", \"")
  text <- sprintf("setkey(input.dat, \"%s\")", keys)
  input.dat <- cbind(input.dat, id)
  input.dat <- as.data.table(input.dat)
  eval(parse(text = text))
  index.table <- foverlaps(input.dat, ref.dat, type = "any", which = TRUE)
  index.table$xid <- input.dat$id[index.table$xid]
  setkey(index.table, "xid")
  return(list(ref.dat = ref.dat, input.dat = input.dat, index.table = index.table))

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annovarR documentation built on Jan. 9, 2018, 5:05 p.m.