
Defines functions apclusterL.function apclusterL.matrix

apclusterL.matrix <- function(s, x, sel, p=NA, q=NA, maxits=1000, convits=100,
                              lam=0.9, nonoise=FALSE, seed=NA)
    M <- ncol(s)
    N <- nrow(s)

    if (!is.na(seed)) set.seed(seed)

    if (!is.na(p[1]) && (!is.numeric(p) || !is.vector(p)))
        stop("'p' must be a number or vector")

    if (length(p) > 1)
        if (length(p) < N)
            stop("vector 'p' is shorter than number of samples")
        else if (length(p) > N)
            p <- p[1:N] # truncate unnecessarily long p

    if (any(is.na(p)) && !is.na(q) && !is.numeric(q))
        stop("'q' must be a number")

    if (lam > 0.9)
        warning("large damping factor in use; the algorithm\n",
                "will change decisions slowly, so consider using\n",
                "a larger value of 'convits'.")

    # If argument p is not given, p is set to median of s
    if (any(is.na(p)))
        ## workaround for overloaded accessor in 'kebabs' package
        if (is(s, "KernelMatrix"))
            if (is.na(q))
                p <- median(as.vector(s)[setdiff(which(s > -Inf),
                                                 (1:M - 1) * N + sel)])
                p <- quantile(as.vector(s)[setdiff(which(s > -Inf),
                                                   (1:M - 1) * N + sel)], q)
            if (is.na(q))
                p <- median(s[setdiff(which(s > -Inf), (1:M - 1) * N + sel)])
                p <- quantile(s[setdiff(which(s > -Inf), (1:M - 1) * N + sel)],

    attributes(p) <- NULL

    apresultObj <- new("APResult") # create the result object to be returned

    # store p into result object for future reference
    apresultObj@p <- p

    if (length(p) == 1)
        p <- rep(p, N)

    apresultObj@l <- N
    apresultObj@sel <- sel

    # In case user did not remove degeneracies from the input similarities,
    # avoid degenerate solutions by adding a small amount of noise to the
    # input similarities
    if (!nonoise)
        randomMat <- matrix(rnorm(N * M), N, M)

        s <- s + (.Machine$double.eps * s + .Machine$double.xmin * 100) *

    # Append preferences as additional column to s
    s <- cbind(s, p)

    # replace -Inf (for numerical stability) and NA with -realmax
    infelem <- which(s < -.Machine$double.xmax | is.na(s))

    if (length(infelem) > 0)
        s[infelem] <- -.Machine$double.xmax

    infelem <- which(s > .Machine$double.xmax)

    if (length(infelem) > 0)
        stop("+Inf similarities detected: change to a large positive value,",
             " but smaller than ", .Machine$double.xmax)

    res <- .Call("apclusterLeveragedC", s, as.integer(sel - 1),
                 as.integer(maxits), as.integer(convits), as.double(lam))

    K <- res$K

    # convert cluster center indices to R
    i <- res$it

    if (K > 0)
        i <- i + 1
        I <- res$I[1:K] + 1
        I <- I[I %in% sel]
        ee <- which(sel %in% I)
        K <- length(ee)

        if (K < 1)
            stop("internal error: no exemplars in selected samples")

        c <- rep(NA, N)
        c[I] <- 1:K
        nonI <- setdiff(1:N, I)
        c[nonI] <- sapply(nonI, function(ii) which.max(s[ii, ee]))
        c[is.na(c)] <- 0 # R inserts NAs by default, so replace them with 0s
                         # to get the same result as the Matlab code

        # Refine the final set of exemplars and clusters and return results
        for (k in 1:K)
            jj <- which(c == k)
            ii <- which(sel %in% jj)
            ns <- s[jj, M + 1]

            ind <- match(sel[ii], jj)
            ns[ind] <- colSums(s[jj, ii, drop=FALSE]) +
                       s[sel[ii], M + 1] - diag(s[sel[ii], ii, drop=FALSE])
            I[k] <- jj[ind[which.max(ns[ind])]]

        I <- sort(I)

        if (length(rownames(s)) > 0)
            names(I) <- rownames(s)[I]

        nonI <- setdiff(1:N, I)

        ee <- which(sel %in% I)

        c <- rep(NA, N)
        c[I] <- 1:K
        nonI <- setdiff(1:N, I)
        c[nonI] <- sapply(nonI, function(ii) which.max(s[ii, ee]))
        c[is.na(c)] <- 0 # R inserts NAs by default, so replace them with 0s
                         # to get the same result as the Matlab code
        tmpidx <- I[c]

        # Self similarities not relevant
        tmpdpsim <- sum(s[sub2ind(N, nonI, match(tmpidx[nonI], sel))])
        tmpexpref <- sum(s[I, M + 1])
        tmpnetsim <- tmpdpsim + tmpexpref

        apresultObj@exemplars <- I
        apresultObj@clusters <- list()

        for (c in 1:length(apresultObj@exemplars))
            apresultObj@clusters[[c]] <- which(tmpidx ==

        if (length(rownames(s)) == N)
            names(apresultObj@exemplars) <- rownames(s)[apresultObj@exemplars]

            for (c in 1:length(apresultObj@exemplars))
                names(apresultObj@clusters[[c]]) <-
        tmpidx    <- rep(NaN, N)
        tmpnetsim <- NaN
        tmpdpsim  <- NaN
        tmpexpref <- NaN

        apresultObj@exemplars <- numeric(0)
        apresultObj@clusters  <- list()

    apresultObj@netsim <- tmpnetsim
    apresultObj@dpsim  <- tmpdpsim
    apresultObj@expref <- tmpexpref
    apresultObj@idx    <- tmpidx
    apresultObj@it     <- i

    if (res$unconv)
        warning("algorithm did not converge; turn on details\n",
                "and call plot() to monitor net similarity. Consider\n",
                "increasing 'maxits' and 'convits', and, ",
                "if oscillations occur,\n",
                "also increasing damping factor 'lam'.")


setMethod("apclusterL", signature(s="matrix", x="missing"),
          function(s, x, sel, p=NA, q=NA, maxits=1000, convits=100,
                   lam=0.9, includeSim=FALSE, nonoise=FALSE, seed=NA)
              M <- ncol(s)
              N <- nrow(s)

              if (M > N)
                  stop("no. of columns of 's' may not be larger than ",
                       "number of rows")

              if (!is.vector(sel) || !is.numeric(sel) || any(round(sel) != sel))
                  stop("'sel' must be a numeric vector of whole numbers")

              if (length(sel) != M)
                  stop("vector 'sel' is shorter or longer than number of ",
                       "selected samples")

              if (max(sel) > N || min(sel) < 1)
                  stop("sample index in 'sel' must be between one and ",
                       "number of samples")

              if (length(unique(sel)) != length(sel) || is.unsorted(sel))
                  stop("'sel' must be in strictly increasing order")

              apresultObj <- apclusterL.matrix(s=s, sel=sel, p=p, q=q,
                                               maxits=1000, convits=convits,
                                               lam=lam, nonoise=nonoise,

              apresultObj@call <- deparse(sys.call(-1))

              if (includeSim)
                  apresultObj@sim <- s


apclusterL.function <- function(s, x, frac, sweeps, p=NA, q=NA,
                                maxits=1000, convits=100, lam=0.9,
                                includeSim=TRUE, nonoise=FALSE, seed=NA, ...)
    if (frac <= 0 || frac > 1)
        stop("invalid fraction of samples specified")

    if (!is.na(seed)) set.seed(seed)

    if (is.data.frame(x))
        x <- as.matrix(x[, sapply(x, is.numeric)])

    if (is.matrix(x))
        N <- nrow(x)
        N <- length(x)

    if (N < 2)
        stop("cannot cluster less than 2 samples")

    nsel <- max(ceiling(N * frac), 2)
    sel <- sort(sample(1:N, nsel))

    if (!is.function(s))
        if (!is.character(s) || !exists(s, mode="function"))
            stop("invalid distance function")

        s <- match.fun(s)

    apresultObj <- new("APResult") # create the result object to be returned
    apresultObj@netsim <- -Inf
    netsimL <- rep(-Inf, sweeps)

    for (i in 1:sweeps)
        sim <- s(x=x, sel=sel, ...)

        if (!is.matrix(sim) || nrow(sim) != N || ncol(sim) != length(sel))
            stop("computation of similarity matrix failed")

        apres <- apclusterL.matrix(s=sim, sel=sel, p=p, q=q, maxits=maxits,
                                   convits=convits, lam=lam, nonoise=nonoise)

        netsimL[i] <- apres@netsim

        if (apres@netsim > apresultObj@netsim || apresultObj@netsim == -Inf)
            apresultObj <- apres

            if (includeSim)
                apresultObj@sim <- sim
                apresultObj@sim <- matrix(nrow=0, ncol=0)

        sel <- sort(unique(apresultObj@idx)) ## CHECK!!!

        if (nsel - length(sel) > 0) ## CHECK!!!
            otherSamples <- setdiff(1:N, sel)
            sel <- sort(c(sel, sample(otherSamples, nsel - length(sel))))

            if (length(rownames(sim)) > 0)
                names(sel) <- rownames(sim)[sel]

    apresultObj@call <- deparse(sys.call(-1))
    apresultObj@sweeps <- sweeps
    apresultObj@netsimLev <- netsimL

setMethod("apclusterL", signature(s="function" , x="ANY"), apclusterL.function)
setMethod("apclusterL", signature(s="character", x="ANY"), apclusterL.function)

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apcluster documentation built on May 29, 2024, 2:25 a.m.