#' Creates gradient function.
#' Creates gradient function from the likelihood function apollo_probabilities provided by the user. Returns NULL if
#' the creation of gradient function fails.
#' Internal use only. Called by \code{apollo_estimate} before estimation.
#' The returned function can be single-threaded or multi-threaded based on the model options.
#' @param apollo_beta Named numeric vector. Names and values for parameters.
#' @param apollo_fixed Character vector. Names (as defined in \code{apollo_beta}) of parameters whose value should not
#' change during estimation.
#' @param apollo_logLike Function to calculate the log-likelihood of the model, as created by \link{apollo_makeLogLike}
#' If provided, the value of the analytical gradient will be compared to the value of the
#' numerical gradient as calculated using apollo_logLike and the numDeriv package.
#' If the difference between the two is bigger than 1% for any dimension, it will be assumed
#' that the analytical gradient is wrong and NULL will be returned.
#' @param validateGrad Logical. If TRUE, it compares the value of the analytical gradient evaluated at apollo_beta
#' against the numeric gradient (using numDeriv) at the same value. If the difference is bigger
#' than 1% for any dimension, it will assume that the analytical gradient is wrong and will
#' return NULL.
#' @return apollo_gradient function. It receives the following arguments
#' \itemize{
#' \item \strong{\code{b}} Numeric vector of _variable_ parameters (i.e. must not include fixed parameters).
#' \item \strong{\code{countIter}} Not used. Included only to mirror inputs of apollo_logLike.
#' \item \strong{\code{getNIter}} Not used. Included only to mirror inputs of apollo_logLike.
#' \item \strong{\code{sumLL}} Not used. Included only to mirror inputs of apollo_logLike.
#' \item \strong{\code{writeIter}} Not used. Included only to mirror inputs of apollo_logLike.
#' }
#' If the creation of the gradient function fails, then it returns NULL.
#' @export
apollo_makeGrad <- function(apollo_beta, apollo_fixed, apollo_logLike, validateGrad=FALSE){
### Extract variables
if(!is.null(environment(apollo_logLike)[['cl']])) cl <- environment(apollo_logLike)[['cl']] else cl <- NA
singleCore <- !is.list(cl) || (length(cl)==1 &&
apollo_probabilities <- environment(apollo_logLike)[['apollo_probabilities']]
apollo_inputs <- environment(apollo_logLike)[['apollo_inputs']]
} else {
apollo_probabilities <- parallel::clusterEvalQ(cl, apollo_probabilities)[[1]]
apollo_inputs <- parallel::clusterEvalQ(cl, apollo_inputs[-which(names(apollo_inputs) %in% c('database', 'draws'))])[[1]]
if(!is.null(apollo_inputs$apollo_control$debug)) debug <- apollo_inputs$apollo_control$debug else debug <- FALSE
if(!is.null(apollo_inputs$silent)) silent <- apollo_inputs$silent else silent <- FALSE
# # # # # # # #
#### Checks ####
# # # # # # # #
### Check that no models without analytical gradient are used in apollo_probabilities
tmp <- as.character(body(apollo_probabilities))
txt <- c("apollo_nl|apollo_dft|apollo_mdcev|apollo_el|apollo_cnl|apollo_mdcnev|apollo_op|apollo_emdc1|apollo_emdc2|apollo_emdc|apollo_fnl")
tmp <- grep(txt, tmp)
if(debug) apollo_print("Analytic gradient cannot be built because models with undefined gradient are used inside apollo_probabilities.")
rm(txt, tmp)
### Turn off analytic gradient if using inter-intra, unless manually set to TRUE
if(apollo_inputs$apollo_control$mixing && is.list(apollo_inputs$apollo_draws)){
test <- apollo_inputs$apollo_draws$interNDraws>1
test <- test & apollo_inputs$apollo_draws$intraNDraws>1
test <- test & !is.null(apollo_inputs$apollo_control$analyticGrad_manualSet)
test <- test && !apollo_inputs$apollo_control$analyticGrad_manualSet
if(test & debug) apollo_print("By default, analytic gradients will not be used for your model as it combines inter & intra draws (to avoid excesive memory usage). If you wish to use analytic gradients, please set analyticGrad = TRUE in apollo_control.")
if(test) return(NULL)
### Check that gradients are available for all components
if(!singleCore){ # multi-core
dVAvail <- parallel::clusterEvalQ(cl, {
compNames <- grep("_settings$", names(apollo_inputs), value=TRUE)
dVAvail <- c()
for(i in compNames) dVAvail <- c(dVAvail, apollo_inputs[[i]]$gradient)
compNames <- substr(compNames, 1, nchar(compNames)-nchar("_settings"))
if(length(compNames)>0) setNames(dVAvail, compNames) else dVAvail
} else { # single-core
compNames <- grep("_settings$", names(apollo_inputs), value=TRUE)
dVAvail <- c()
for(i in compNames) dVAvail <- c(dVAvail, apollo_inputs[[i]]$gradient)
compNames <- substr(compNames, 1, nchar(compNames)-nchar("_settings"))
if(length(compNames)>0) dVAvail <- setNames(dVAvail, compNames)
rm(compNames, i)
#compList <- apollo_inputs$apolloLog$listOfNames
#if( length(dVAvail)==0 || !all(compList %in% names(dVAvail)) ){
if( length(dVAvail)==0 || any(!dVAvail)){
#txt <- paste0("Some model components cannot be pre-processed. ",
# "Numeric gradients will be used")
txt <- paste('Apollo was not able to compute analytical gradients for your',
'model. This could be because you are using model components',
'for which analytical gradients are not yet implemented, or',
'because you coded your own model functions. If however you',
'only used apollo_mnl, apollo_fmnl, apollo_normalDensity, ',
'apollo_ol or apollo_op, then there could be another issue.',
'You might want to ask for help in the Apollo forum',
'( on how to',
'solve this issue. If you do, please post your code and',
'data (if not confidential).')
if(!silent) apollo_print(txt, pause=0, type="i")
if( !all(dVAvail) ) return(NULL)
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
#### Functions to split the data ####
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
splitInSets <- function(indivID){
# Extract values
nObs <- length(indivID)
namesID <- unique(indivID)
nIndiv <- length(namesID)
nObsID <- rep(0, nIndiv)
for(n in 1:nIndiv) nObsID[n] <- sum(indivID==namesID[n])
# Determine number of sets
nSets <- floor(nIndiv/2)
#maxNSet <- floor(nIndiv/2)
#if(maxNSet<2) nSets <- 1 else nSets <- min(40, maxNSet)
# Assign obs and individuals
obj <- ceiling(nObs/nSets)
counter <- 0
currentSet <- 1
assignedSetObs <- rep(0, nObs)
assignedSetIndiv <- rep(0, nIndiv)
i <- 1
for(n in 1:nIndiv){
assignedSetObs[i:(i+nObsID[n]-1)] <- currentSet
assignedSetIndiv[n] <- currentSet
i <- i + nObsID[n]
counter <- counter + nObsID[n]
if(counter>=obj & currentSet<nSets){
currentSet <- currentSet + 1
counter <- 0
return(list(assignedSetObs=assignedSetObs, assignedSetIndiv=assignedSetIndiv))
environment(splitInSets) <- new.env(parent=baseenv())
extractPiece <- function(x, set, assignedSet, assignedSetIndiv){
N <- length(assignedSetIndiv) # nIndiv
O <- length(assignedSet) # nObs
# cube
if(is.array(x) && length(dim(array))==3){
if(dim(x)[1]==O) return(x[assignedSet==set,,,drop=FALSE])
if(dim(x)[1]==N) return(x[assignedSetIndiv==set,,,drop=FALSE])
# matrix
if(dim(x)[1]==O) return(x[assignedSet==set,,drop=FALSE])
if(dim(x)[1]==N) return(x[assignedSetIndiv==set,,drop=FALSE])
# vector
if(length(x)==O) return(x[assignedSet==set])
if(length(x)==N) return(x[assignedSetIndiv==set])
# data.frame
if(nrow(x)==O) return(x[assignedSet==set,])
if(nrow(x)==N) return(x[assignedSetIndiv==set,])
# scalar
if(is.vector(x) && length(x)==1 && is.numeric(x)){
if(x==O) return(sum(assignedSet==set))
if(x==N) return(sum(assignedSetIndiv==set))
# list
if(is.list(x) && !{
return(lapply(x, extractPiece, set=set, assignedSet=assignedSet, assignedSetIndiv=assignedSetIndiv))
# something else
#environment(extractPiece) <- new.env(parent=baseenv())
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
#### Build gradient function ####
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
### Split apollo_beta in fixed and variable parts
bFix <- apollo_beta[apollo_fixed]
bOrd <- names(apollo_beta)
memorySaver <- FALSE
test <- !is.null(apollo_inputs$apollo_control$memorySaver)
if(test) memorySaver <- apollo_inputs$apollo_control$memorySaver
### Construct gradient function
if(singleCore){ # Single core
# Calculate split in sets
indices <- splitInSets(apollo_inputs$database[,apollo_inputs$apollo_control$indivID])
nSets <- max(indices$assignedSetIndiv)
} else {
indices <- NULL
nSets <- 1
# Single-core gradient function
grad <- function(b, countIter=FALSE, writeIter=FALSE, sumLL=FALSE, getNIter=FALSE){
b <- c(b, bFix)[bOrd]
if(nSets==1){ # Single piece
G <- apollo_probabilities(b, apollo_inputs, functionality="gradient")
} else { # Multiple pieces
G <- list()
for(s in 1:nSets){
ai <- extractPiece(apollo_inputs, s, indices$assignedSetObs, indices$assignedSetIndiv)
G[[s]] <- apollo_probabilities(b, ai, functionality="gradient")
}; rm(ai)
G <-, G)
return( G )
environment(grad) <- environment(apollo_logLike)
assign("indices", indices, envir=environment(grad))
assign("nSets" , nSets, envir=environment(grad))
assign("extractPiece",extractPiece, envir=environment(grad))
} else { # Multi-core
# Calculate split in sets
parallel::clusterExport(cl, "splitInSets", envir=environment())
parallel::clusterExport(cl, "extractPiece", envir=environment())
{indices <- splitInSets(apollo_inputs$database[,apollo_inputs$apollo_control$indivID])
nSets <- max(indices$assignedSetIndiv)})
} else {
parallel::clusterEvalQ(cl=cl, nSets <- 1)
# Multi-core gradient function
grad <- function(b, countIter=FALSE, writeIter=FALSE, sumLL=FALSE, getNIter=FALSE){
b <- c(b, bFix)[bOrd]
parallel::clusterExport(cl, "b", envir=environment())
G <- parallel::clusterEvalQ(cl=cl, {
apollo_probabilities(b, apollo_inputs, functionality="gradient")
} else {
G <- list()
for(s in 1:nSets){
ai <- extractPiece(apollo_inputs, s, indices$assignedSetObs, indices$assignedSetIndiv)
G[[s]] <- apollo_probabilities(b, ai, functionality="gradient")
}; rm(ai)
G <-, G)
G <-, G)
return( G )
environment(grad) <- new.env(parent=baseenv())
assign("cl", cl, envir=environment(grad))
### Copy elements to function environment
assign("bFix", bFix, envir=environment(grad))
assign("bOrd", bOrd, envir=environment(grad))
assign("silent" , silent, envir=environment(grad))
assign("debug" , debug, envir=environment(grad))
assign("singleCore" , singleCore, envir=environment(grad))
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
#### Test gradient function ####
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #
if(!is.null(grad) && validateGrad && !is.null(apollo_logLike)){
if(debug) apollo_print(c("\n", "Validating gradient function..."))
b0_disturbance <- apollo_beta[!(names(apollo_beta) %in% apollo_fixed)]
# Calculate analytical gradient
gradAn <- tryCatch(grad(b0_disturbance), error=function(e) {if(debug) apollo_print(e$message);return(NULL)})
if(is.null(gradAn) || anyNA(gradAn)){ # If analytical gradient failed
if(debug) apollo_print("Analytic gradient calculation failed. Defaulting to numeric one.")
if(debug && !is.null(gradAn) && anyNA(gradAn)){
colsNA <- which(apply(gradAn, MARGIN=2, anyNA))
apollo_print("Parameters and individuals with NA in the analytic gradient:")
if(singleCore) ind <- unique(apollo_inputs$database[, apollo_inputs$apollo_control$indivID])
ind <- parallel::clusterEvalQ(cl, apollo_inputs$database[, apollo_inputs$apollo_control$indivID])
ind <- unique(unlist(ind))
for(i in colsNA){
tmp <- ind[which([,i]))]
if(length(tmp)>30) tmp <- c(as.character(tmp[1:30]), paste0('... (', length(tmp), ' indivs in total)'))
apollo_print(paste0(names(b0_disturbance)[i], ':', paste0(tmp, collapse=", ")))
} else {
apollo_print("Parameters and rows in database with NA in the analytic gradient:")
for(i in colsNA){
tmp <- which([,i]))
if(length(tmp)>50) tmp <- c(as.character(tmp[1:50]), paste0('... (', length(tmp), ' rows in total)'))
apollo_print(paste0(names(b0_disturbance)[i], ':', paste0(tmp, collapse=", ")))
} else gradAn <- colSums(gradAn)
if(!is.null(gradAn) && all(is.finite(gradAn)) && is.function(apollo_logLike)){
# Calculate numerical gradient for testing
gradNum <- tryCatch(numDeriv::grad(apollo_logLike, b0_disturbance, sumLL=TRUE), error=function(e) return(NULL))
if(!is.null(gradNum)) names(gradNum) <- names(b0_disturbance)
if(is.null(gradNum) && debug) apollo_print("Numeric gradient calculation failed.")
# If analytical and numeric gradient calculation was successful
test <- !is.null(gradNum) && all(is.finite(gradNum))
dif <- abs(gradNum - gradAn)
tmp <- cbind(numeric=gradNum, analytic=gradAn, `Diff`=dif)
rownames(tmp) <- names(gradNum)
if(any(dif[is.finite(dif)]>0.01)){ # diff should be <0.01 for all elements
if(!silent) apollo_print("Analytical gradient is different to numerical one. Numerical gradients will be used.")
}; rm(test)
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