#' Cross-validation of fit (LL)
#' Randomly generates estimation and validation samples, estimates the model on
#' the first and calculates the likelihood for the second, then repeats.
#' A common way to test for overfitting of a model is to measure its fit on a
#' sample not used during estimation that is, measuring its out-of-sample fit.
#' A simple way to do this is splitting the complete available dataset in two
#' parts: an estimation sample, and a validation sample.
#' The model of interest is estimated using only the estimation sample, and
#' then those estimated parameters are used to measure the fit of the model
#' (e.g. the log-likelihood of the model) on the validation sample. Doing this
#' with only one validation sample, however, may lead to biased results, as a
#' particular validation sample need not be representative of the population.
#' One way to minimise this issue is to randomly draw several pairs of
#' estimation and validation samples from the complete dataset, and apply the
#' procedure to each pair.
#' The splitting of the database into estimation and validation samples is done
#' at the individual level, not at the observation level. If the sampling wants
#' to be done at the individual level (not recommended on panel data), then the
#' optional \code{outOfSample_settings$samples} argument should be provided.
#' This function writes two different files to the working/output directory:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \strong{\code{modelName_outOfSample_params.csv}}: Records the
#' estimated parameters, final log-likelihood, and number of
#' observations on each repetition.
#' \item \strong{\code{modelName_outOfSample_samples.csv}}: Records the
#' sample composition of each repetition.
#' }
#' The first two files are updated throughout the run of this function, while
#' the last one is only written once the function finishes.
#' When run, this function will look for the two files above in the
#' working/output directory. If they are found, the function will attempt to
#' pick up re-sampling from where those files left off. This is useful in cases
#' where the original bootstrapping was interrupted, or when additional
#' re-sampling wants to be performed.
#' @param apollo_beta Named numeric vector. Names and values for parameters.
#' @param apollo_fixed Character vector. Names (as defined in
#' \code{apollo_beta}) of parameters whose value should not
#' change during estimation.
#' @param apollo_probabilities Function. Returns probabilities of the model to
#' be estimated. Must receive three arguments:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \strong{\code{apollo_beta}}: Named numeric
#' vector. Names and values of model parameters.
#' \item \strong{\code{apollo_inputs}}: List
#' containing options of the model. See
#' \link{apollo_validateInputs}.
#' \item \strong{\code{functionality}}: Character.
#' Can be either \strong{\code{"components"}},
#' \code{"conditionals"}, \code{"estimate"}
#' (default), \code{"gradient"},
#' \code{"output"}, \code{"prediction"},
#' \code{"preprocess"}, \code{"raw"},
#' \code{"report"}, \code{"shares_LL"},
#' \code{"validate"} or \code{"zero_LL"}.
#' }
#' @param apollo_inputs List grouping most common inputs. Created by function
#' \link{apollo_validateInputs}.
#' @param estimate_settings List. Options controlling the estimation process.
#' See \link{apollo_estimate}.
#' @param outOfSample_settings List. Contains settings for this function. User
#' input is required for all settings except those
#' with a default or marked as optional.
#' \describe{
#' \item{nRep}{Numeric scalar. Number of
#' times a different pair of
#' estimation and validation
#' sets are to be extracted
#' from the full database.
#' Default is 30.}
#' \item{samples}{Numeric matrix or
#' data.frame. Optional
#' argument. Must have as
#' many rows as observations
#' in the \code{database},
#' and as many columns as
#' number of repetitions
#' wanted. Each column
#' represents a re-sample,
#' and each element must be
#' a 0 if the observation
#' should be assigned to the
#' estimation sample, or 1
#' if the observation should
#' be assigned to the
#' prediction sample. If this
#' argument is provided, then
#' \code{nRep} and
#' \code{validationSize} are
#' ignored. Note that this
#' allows sampling at the
#' observation rather than
#' the individual level.}
#' \item{validationSize}{Numeric scalar.
#' Size of the
#' validation sample.
#' Can be a percentage
#' of the sample (0-1)
#' or the number of
#' individuals in the
#' validation sample
#' (>1). Default is
#' 0.1.}
#' \item{rmse}{Character matrix with two
#' columns. Used to calculate
#' Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE)
#' of prediction. The first
#' column must contain the names
#' of observed outcomes in the
#' database. The second column
#' must contain the names of the
#' predicted outcomes as
#' returned by
#' \code{apollo_prediction}.
#' If omitted or NULL, no RMSE
#' is calculated. This only
#' works for models with a
#' single component.}
#' }
#' @return A matrix with the average log-likelihood per observation for both the
#' estimation and validation samples, for each repetition. Two additional
#' files with further details are written to the working/output directory.
#' @export
#' @importFrom maxLik maxLik
#' @importFrom utils read.csv
apollo_outOfSample <- function(apollo_beta, apollo_fixed,
apollo_probabilities, apollo_inputs,
### Set missing settings to default values
default <- list(estimationRoutine="bgw", maxIterations=200, writeIter=FALSE,
hessianRoutine="none", printLevel=3L, silent=TRUE)
tmp <- names(default)[!(names(default) %in% names(estimate_settings))]
for(i in tmp) estimate_settings[[i]] <- default[[i]]
default <- list(nRep=10, validationSize=0.1, samples=NA, rmse=NULL)
tmp <- names(default)[!(names(default) %in% names(outOfSample_settings))]
for(i in tmp) outOfSample_settings[[i]] <- default[[i]]
# Start clock
starttime <- Sys.time()
### Write original apollo_inputs to disk before changing it, and make sure to
# restore it before finishing
file=paste0(tempdir(), "\\", apollo_inputs$apollo_control$modelName,
tmp <- paste0(tempdir(), "\\", apollo_inputs$apollo_control$modelName,
apollo_inputs <- tryCatch(readRDS(tmp), error=function(e) NULL)
tmp2 <- globalenv()
assign('apollo_inputs', apollo_inputs, envir=tmp2)
if(file.exists(tmp)) file.remove(tmp)
# Extract values from apollo_inputs
database <- apollo_inputs$database
apollo_inputs$apollo_control$noDiagnostics = TRUE
apollo_control <- apollo_inputs$apollo_control
apollo_draws <- apollo_inputs$apollo_draws
apollo_randCoeff <- apollo_inputs$apollo_randCoeff
apollo_lcPars <- apollo_inputs$apollo_lcPars
workInLogs <- apollo_inputs$apollo_control$workInLogs
seed <- apollo_inputs$apollo_control$seed + 3
} else seed <- 13 + 3
# Extract values from estimate_settings and outOfSample_settings
estimationRoutine <- estimate_settings$estimationRoutine
maxIterations <- estimate_settings$maxIterations
nRep <- outOfSample_settings$nRep
validationSize <- outOfSample_settings$validationSize
samples <- outOfSample_settings$samples
rmse <- outOfSample_settings$rmse
# Validate arguments
estimationRoutine <- tolower(estimationRoutine)
maxIterations <- round(maxIterations, 0)
test <- estimationRoutine %in% c("bfgs","bgw","bhhh", "nr")
if(!test) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - Invalid estimationRoutine.",
"Use 'bfgs', 'bgw', 'bhhh' or 'nr'.")
test <- length(apollo_fixed)==0 || all(apollo_fixed %in% names(apollo_beta))
if(!test) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - Some parameters included in 'apollo_fixed' ",
"are not included in 'apollo_beta'")
if(maxIterations < 1) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - Need at least one iteration!")
if(workInLogs != TRUE) workInLogs <- FALSE
if(validationSize < 0) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - validationSize must be positive.")
test <- !apollo_control$mixing || (!anyNA(apollo_draws) &&
if(!test) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - When using mixture models, objects ",
"'apollo_draws' and 'apollo_randCoeff' must be created by ",
"the user")
if( samples <- as.matrix(samples)
test <- is.matrix(samples) && nrow(samples)==nrow(database) &&
all(samples %in% 0:1) && ncol(samples)>=2
if(!test) stop("INPUT ISSUE - The 'samples' argument must be a numeric ",
"or logical matrix with the same number of rows as the ",
"database, at least two columns, and only 0/1 elements.")
indivs <- unique(database[,apollo_control$indivID])
nIndivs <- length(indivs)
if(validationSize<1) validationSize <- round(validationSize*nIndivs)
if(validationSize>nIndivs) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - 'validationSize' must be ",
"between 1 and (nIndivs-1).")
apollo_print("Testing likelihood function.")
llComponents <- apollo_probabilities(apollo_beta, apollo_inputs, functionality="output")
test <- length(llComponents)==1
if(!test) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - The model contains more than one component, ",
"but RMSE can only be calculated for single-component models.")
test <- is.character(rmse)
test <- test && (is.vector(rmse) || (is.matrix(rmse) && ncol(rmse)==2))
if(!test) stop("SYNTAX ISSUE - Argument 'rmse' must be a character ",
"matrix with 2 columns, or a character vector.")
if(is.vector(rmse)) rmse <- matrix(rmse, nrow=length(rmse), ncol=2)
colnames(rmse) <- c("obs", "for")
test <- all(rmse[,"obs"] %in% names(apollo_inputs$database)) &&
all(sapply(apollo_inputs$database[,rmse[,"obs"]], is.numeric))
if(!test) stop("INPUT ISSUE - All outcomes named in rmse must exist ",
"in the database, and be numeric.")
# Initial report
apollo_print(paste0(nRep, " separate runs will be conducted, each using a ",
"random subset of ", round(100*(nIndivs - validationSize)/nIndivs, 0),
"% of individuals for estimation, and the remainder ",
"for validation."))
apollo_print("Number of individuals")
apollo_print(paste0("- for estimation : ", nIndivs - validationSize))
apollo_print(paste0("- for forecasting : ", validationSize))
apollo_print(paste0("- in sample (total): ", nIndivs))
} else {
nRep <- ncol(samples)
nPre <- colSums(samples)
if(all(nPre==nPre[1])) nPre <- nPre[1]
apollo_print("Number of observations")
apollo_print(paste0("- for estimation : ", ifelse(length(nPre)==1,
nrow(samples) - nPre,
"Changes by sample")))
apollo_print(paste0("- for forecasting: ", ifelse(length(nPre)==1, nPre,
"Changes by sample")))
apollo_print(paste0("Number of individuals in sample: ", nIndivs))
# Initialise matrices to store results
cNam <- names(llComponents)
paramStack <- matrix(0, nrow=nRep, ncol=length(apollo_beta) ,
dimnames=list(c(), names(apollo_beta)))
llInSampleStack <- matrix(0, nrow=nRep, ncol=length(llComponents),
dimnames=list(c(), paste0("inSample_", cNam)))
llOutOfSampleStack <- matrix(0, nrow=nRep, ncol=length(llComponents),
dimnames=list(c(), paste0("outOfSample_", cNam)))
nObsStack <- rep(0,nRep)
samples <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow(database), ncol=nRep,
dimnames=list(NULL, paste0("sample_",1:nRep)))
for(i in 1:nRep) samples[,i] <- database[,apollo_control$indivID] %in%
sample(indivs, size=validationSize)
RMSE <- paste0("rmse_", c(rmse[,"obs"], "aggregate"))
RMSE <- matrix(0, nrow=nRep, ncol=nrow(rmse) + 1,
dimnames=list(NULL, RMSE))
} else RMSE <- NULL
# Check if there are previous results. If so, load them
fileNameParams <- paste0(apollo_control$outputDirectory,
apollo_control$modelName, "_outOfSample_params.csv")
fileNameSample <- paste0(apollo_control$outputDirectory,
apollo_control$modelName, "_outOfSample_samples.csv")
nRun <- 0
if(file.exists(fileNameParams) && file.exists(fileNameSample)){
apollo_print("Old output files found, they will be recycled.")
# Read params
tmp <- as.matrix(read.csv(fileNameParams))
tmp1 <- tmp[, colnames(tmp) %in% names(apollo_beta), drop=FALSE] # paramStack
tmp2 <- tmp[, grep('^inSample_' , colnames(tmp)), drop=FALSE] # llInSampleStack
tmp3 <- tmp[, grep('^outOfSample_', colnames(tmp)), drop=FALSE] # llOutOfSampleStack
tmp4 <- as.matrix(read.csv(fileNameSample)) # samples
tmp5 <- tmp[, grep("^rmse_" , colnames(tmp)), drop=FALSE] # RMSE
nRun <- sum(tmp3[,ncol(tmp3)]!=0)
if(nrow(tmp1)>nRun) tmp1 <- tmp1[1:nRun,]
if(nrow(tmp2)>nRun) tmp2 <- tmp2[1:nRun,]
if(nrow(tmp3)>nRun) tmp3 <- tmp3[1:nRun,]
if(ncol(tmp4)>nRun) tmp4 <- tmp4[, 1:nRun]
if(ncol(tmp5)>nRun) tmp5 <- tmp5[1:nRun,]
# Check that result files match
test <- nRun>0 && ncol(tmp1)==ncol(paramStack)
test <- test && ncol(tmp2)==ncol(llInSampleStack)
test <- test && ncol(tmp3)==ncol(llOutOfSampleStack)
test <- test && nrow(tmp4)==nrow(database)
apollo_print(paste0(nRun, ' repetitions recovered from old result files. ',
nRep, ' new repetitions will be added.'))
nRep <- nRun + nRep
# Expand paramStack, llInSampleStack, llOutOfSampleStack, nObsStack and
# samples to fit old results
paramStack <- rbind(tmp1, paramStack)
llInSampleStack <- rbind(tmp2, llInSampleStack)
llOutOfSampleStack <- rbind(tmp3, llOutOfSampleStack)
samples <- cbind(tmp4, samples)
colnames(samples) <- paste0("sample_",1:nRep)
for(i in 1:nRep) if(i>nRun) samples[,i] <- database[,apollo_control$indivID] %in%
sample(indivs, size=validationSize)
nObsStack <- nrow(database) - colSums(samples)
if(!is.null(RMSE)) RMSE <- rbind(tmp5, RMSE)
} else {
nRun <- 0
apollo_print("Old result files do not match current model, or contained ",
"no completed runs, so they will be overwritten.")
rm(tmp, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, test)
if(nRun>=nRep) stop("INPUT ISSUE - All requested repetitions already exist ",
"in file ", fileNameParams)
apollo_print(paste0("Estimated parameters and log-likelihoods for each ",
"sample will be written to: ", fileNameParams))
apollo_print(paste0("The matrix defining the observations used in each ",
"repetition will be written to: ", fileNameSample))
for(i in (nRun + 1):nRep){
# Filter database and create draws
database2 <- database[samples[,i]==0,]
apollo_inputs <- apollo_validateInputs(
apollo_beta = apollo_beta,
apollo_fixed = apollo_fixed,
database = database2 ,
apollo_control = apollo_control,
apollo_HB = apollo_inputs$apollo_HB,
apollo_randCoeff = apollo_inputs$apollo_randCoeff,
apollo_lcPars = apollo_inputs$apollo_lcPars,
silent = TRUE,
recycle = TRUE)
apollo_inputs$apollo_control$noDiagnostics <- TRUE
apollo_inputs$apollo_control$noValidation <- TRUE
# Estimate
apollo_print(paste0('Estimation cycle ', i, ' (', nrow(database2), ' obs.)'))
nObsStack[i] <- nrow(database2)
model <- apollo_estimate(apollo_beta, apollo_fixed, apollo_probabilities,
apollo_inputs, estimate_settings)
# If apollo_inputs is missing database or draws, restore them
if(is.null(apollo_inputs$database)) apollo_inputs$database <- database2
if(!apollo_inputs$apollo_control$mixing) apollo_inputs$draws <- NA else {
apollo_inputs$draws <- apollo_makeDraws(apollo_inputs, silent=TRUE)
# Check convergence
successfulEstimation <- FALSE
test <- estimationRoutine=="bfgs" & model$code==0
test <- test || ( estimationRoutine=="bgw" && model$code %in% c(3,4,5,6) )
test <- test || ( estimationRoutine=="bhhh" & (model$code %in% c(2,8)) )
test <- test || ( estimationRoutine=="nr" && model$code<=2 )
if(test) successfulEstimation <- TRUE
# Write results
# Store estimated parameters
temp <- c(model$estimate, apollo_beta[apollo_fixed])
temp <- temp[names(apollo_beta)]
paramStack[i,] <- temp
# Store in-sample LL components
llin <- apollo_probabilities(model$estimate, apollo_inputs, functionality="output")
for(j in 1:ncol(llInSampleStack)) llInSampleStack[i,j] <- ifelse(workInLogs,
# Store out-of-sample LL components
database2 <- database[samples[,i]>0,]
apollo_inputs <- apollo_validateInputs(
apollo_beta = apollo_beta,
apollo_fixed = apollo_fixed,
database = database2 ,
apollo_control = apollo_control,
apollo_HB = apollo_inputs$apollo_HB,
apollo_randCoeff = apollo_inputs$apollo_randCoeff,
apollo_lcPars = apollo_inputs$apollo_lcPars,
silent = TRUE,
recycle = TRUE)
apollo_inputs$apollo_control$noDiagnostics <- TRUE
llout <- apollo_probabilities(model$estimate, apollo_inputs,
for(j in 1:ncol(llOutOfSampleStack)){
llOutOfSampleStack[i,j] <- ifelse(workInLogs, sum(llout[[j]]),
# Store RMSE
if( is.character(rmse) ){
pred <- apollo_prediction(model, apollo_probabilities, apollo_inputs)
"model uses an incompatible component ",
"type. RMSE cannot be calculated.")
test <- all(rmse[,"for"] %in% names(pred))
if(!test) stop("INPUT ISSUE - The requested forecasted values in ",
"argument 'rmse' are not generated by the model.")
pred <- pred[, rmse[,"for"]] # keep only relevant forecasts
obse <- apollo_inputs$database[,rmse[,"obs"]]
RMSE[i, 1:nrow(rmse)] <- sqrt(mean((pred - obse)^2))
RMSE[i, 1+nrow(rmse)] <- sum(pred) - sum(obse)
} else {
RMSE[i, 1:nrow(rmse)] <- sqrt(colMeans((pred - obse)^2))
RMSE[i, 1+nrow(rmse)] <- sqrt(mean((colSums(pred) - colSums(obse))^2))
# Save results from cross-validation iteration
fileNameParams, row.names=FALSE)
utils::write.csv(samples[,1:i], fileNameSample, row.names=FALSE)
apollo_print("Estimation results written to file.")
} else {
# Report error but continue with next iteration
apollo_print(paste0("Estimation failed in cycle ", i, "."), type="w")
if(estimationRoutine=="bfgs") print(as.matrix(round(get("lastFuncParam",
# Stop clock
endtime <- Sys.time()
timeTaken <- difftime(endtime, starttime, units='auto')
apollo_print(paste0("Processing time: ", format(timeTaken)))
avgObsLL_est = llInSampleStack[,"inSample_model"]/nObsStack
avgLLObs_val = llOutOfSampleStack[,"outOfSample_model"]/(nrow(database)-nObsStack)
percentDiff = 100*(avgLLObs_val-avgObsLL_est)/avgObsLL_est
M <- cbind(avgObsLL_est, avgLLObs_val, percentDiff)
M <- rbind(M, Average = colMeans(M))
tmp <- colnames(M)
colnames(M) <- c("LL per obs in estimation sample",
"LL per obs in validation sample",
"% difference")
apollo_print("Summary of cross-validation:")
colnames(M) <- tmp
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