
Defines functions addVolumeFraction .volume2df

Documented in addVolumeFraction

## TODO: this could use an overhaul:
##  * symbol size / resolution should be determined in context
##  * area approximation should work with a larger grid, after scaling to avoid frational thickness constraints
##  * standardize symbology with rect() vs. points() and cex
##   -> init checkerboard, select squares, fill squares
##   -> number / size of squares is the only parameter

## doesn't work with fractional depths: https://github.com/ncss-tech/aqp/issues/8
# convert volume pct [0, 100] into DF of points along a res x res grid
.volume2df <- function(v, depth, res) {
	# test for no data

  # test for >= 100%
  if(v >= 100) {
    warning(sprintf("%s is >= 100, likely a data error", v), call. = FALSE)
    # truncate at 100%
    v <- 100

	# convert volume pct into fraction
	v <- v / 100

	# init matrix with NA
	cells <- (depth * res)
	m <- matrix(nrow=depth, ncol=res)
	m[] <- NA

	# determine number of cells required to symbolize volume fraction
	v.n <- round(v * cells)
	v.cells <- sample(1:cells, size=v.n)
	# mark cells with 1
	m[v.cells] <- 1

	# convert matrix into data.frame
	d <- expand.grid(x=(1:res), y=(1:depth))
	d$val <- m[1:cells]
	# keep only those cells with val = 1
	d <- d[which(d$val == 1), ]

	# scrub extra columns and return
	d$val <- NULL

#' @title Symbolize Volume Fraction on a Soil Profile Collection Plot
#' @description Symbolize volume fraction on an existing soil profile collection plot.
#' @param x a \code{SoilProfileCollection} object
#' @param colname character vector of length 1, naming the column containing volume fraction data (horizon-level attribute)
#' @param res integer, resolution of the grid used to symbolize volume fraction
#' @param cex.min minimum symbol size
#' @param cex.max maximum symbol size
#' @param pch integer, plotting character code
#' @param col symbol color, either a single color or as many colors as there are horizons in `x`
#' @details This function can only be called after plotting a \code{SoilProfileCollection} object. Details associated with a call to \code{plotSPC} are automatically accounted for within this function: e.g. \code{plot.order}, \code{width}, etc..
#' @author D.E. Beaudette
#' @seealso \code{\link{plotSPC}}
#' @export

## TODO: symbol size must be controlled by `res`
## TODO: fails with fractional depths https://github.com/ncss-tech/aqp/issues/8

addVolumeFraction <- function(x, colname, res=10, cex.min=0.1, cex.max=0.5, pch=1, col='black') {

  # color should be either:
  # single color name / code
  # vector of colors with length == nrow(x)

  # simplest case, single color vector
  if(length(col) == 1) {
    col <- rep(col, times=nrow(x))
  } else {
    # check to make sure that vector of colors is the same length as number of horizons
    if(length(col) != nrow(x))
      stop('length of `col` should be either 1 or nrow(x)', call. = FALSE)

  # ensure that `colname` is a horizon-level attribute
  if(! colname %in% horizonNames(x)) {
    stop(sprintf("%s is not a horizon-level attribute", colname), call. = FALSE)

  # test for values < 0.5, could be a fraction [0,1] vs. percent [0,100]
  if(all( na.omit(horizons(x)[[colname]]) < 0.5) ) {
    message(sprintf("all %s values are < 0.5, likely a fraction vs. percent", colname))

	# get plotting details from aqp environment
	lsp <- get('last_spc_plot', envir=aqp.env)
	w <- lsp$width
	plot.order <- lsp$plot.order
	# y.offset is a vector of length(x)
	depth.offset <- lsp$y.offset
	sf <- lsp$scaling.factor
	x0 <- lsp$x0

	# horizontal shrinkage factor
	## TODO: why is this hard-coded ?
	w.offset <- w / 7

	# get top/bottom colnames
	hd <- horizonDepths(x)

	# iterate over profiles
	for(p.i in 1:length(x)) {

	  # get the current pofile, in plotting order
		h <- horizons(x[plot.order[p.i], ])

		## determine left/right extent of symbols
		# 2019-07-15: using relative position as indexed by current profile
		x.center <- x0[p.i]
		x.left <- x.center - (w - w.offset)
		x.right <- x.center + (w - w.offset)

		# iterate over horizons
		for(h.i in 1:nrow(h)) {
			this.hz <- h[h.i, ]
			hz.thick <- this.hz[[hd[2]]] - this.hz[[hd[1]]]

			## hack until #8 is resolved: round the thickness down
			# https://github.com/ncss-tech/aqp/issues/8
			if( hz.thick %% 1 != 0) {
			  msg <- paste0(paste(h[h.i, hd], collapse = ' - '), depth_units(x))
			  message(sprintf('truncating fractional horizon thickness to integer: %s', msg))
			  hz.thick <- floor(hz.thick)

			# convert this horizon's data
			v <- .volume2df(v=this.hz[[colname]], depth=hz.thick, res=res)

			## TODO: still throws errors
			# just those with data
			if(nrow(v) > 0) {

			  # get the current color from vector of colors
			  # typically the same color repeated, but could be as many colors as hz
			  v$color <- col[h.i]

        # jitter and rescale x-coordinates
				v$x <- .rescaleRange(jitter(v$x), x0 = x.left, x1 = x.right)

				# determine horizon depths in current setting
				# depth_prime = (depth * scaling factor) + y.offset[i]
				y.top <- (this.hz[[hd[1]]] * sf) + depth.offset[p.i]
				y.bottom <- (this.hz[[hd[2]]] * sf) + depth.offset[p.i]
				# rescale y-coordinates
				v$y <- .rescaleRange(jitter(v$y), x0 = y.top, x1 = y.bottom)

				# generate random symbol size
				p.cex <- runif(nrow(v), min=cex.min, max=cex.max)

				# add jittered points
				# note that color comes from `v`
				points(v$x, v$y, cex=p.cex, col=v$color, pch=pch)
		} # end looping over profiles

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aqp documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 7:11 p.m.