#' @title Metrics of Contrast Suitable for Comparing Soil Colors
#' @description Pair-wise comparisons of Munsell color specifications, based on the NCSS color contrast classes (Soil Survey Technical Note 2) and CIE delta-E 2000 metric.
#' @param m1 vector of Munsell colors ('10YR 3/3')
#' @param m2 vector of Munsell colors ('10YR 3/6')
#' @details This function is fully vectorized but expects input to be of the same length. Use `expand.grid()` to generate suitable input from 1:many or many:1 type comparisons. See \href{}{this tutorial} for an expanded discussion and more examples. Neutral colors are not mentioned in SSTN2: in this function any comparison to a neutral color (e.g. 'N 3/') are assigned a delta-hue of 1. Since SSTN2 expects hues to be counted clock wise from 5R, it possible to get very large delta-hue values for otherwise adjacent colors: '5R' vs. '2.5R'. This will be addressed in an update to the standards.
#' The most meaningful representation of color contrast is the CIE2000 (dE00) metric.
#' @return `data.frame` with the following columns:
#' * m1: Munsell color 1
#' * m2: Munsell color 2
#' * dH: delta-hue, as computed by `huePosition`
#' * dV: delta-value, absolute value of difference in Munsell value (m1 vs. m2)
#' * dc: delta-chroma, absolute value of difference in Munsell chroma (m1 vs. m2)
#' * dE00: delta-E00, e.g. the [CIE delta-E as refined in 2000](
#' * cc: soil color contrast class, as specified in Soil Survey Technical Note 2.
#' @references
#' 1.
#' @author D.E. Beaudette
#' @note delta-E00 is computed by the \href{}{farver package}.
#' @seealso [colorContrastPlot], [huePosition], [huePositionCircle]
#' @keywords manip
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # keep examples from using more than 2 cores
#' data.table::setDTthreads(Sys.getenv("OMP_THREAD_LIMIT", unset = 2))
#' # two sets of colors to compare
#' m1 <- c('10YR 6/3', '7.5YR 3/3', '10YR 2/2', '7.5YR 3/4')
#' m2 <- c('5YR 3/4', '7.5YR 4/4', '2.5YR 2/2', '7.5YR 6/3')
#' # contrast metrics
#' colorContrast(m1, m2)
#' # adjacent chips
#' colorContrast('10YR 3/3', '10YR 3/4')
#' colorContrast('10YR 3/3', '7.5YR 3/3')
#' # highly contrasting colors
#' #
#' colorContrastPlot('10B 4/13', '10YR 10/15',
#' labels = c('helioblue-reddish', 'light cadmium yellow')
#' )
#' ## Note: neutral hues aren't defined in TN2
#' # approximation / extension of the concept
#' colorContrast(m1 = 'N 3/', m2 = 'N 6/')
#' #
#' colorContrast(m1 = '10YR 3/3', m2 = 'N 3/')
#' m1 <- c('10YR 6/3', '7.5YR 3/3', '10YR 2/2', 'N 3/')
#' m2 <- c('5YR 3/4', '7.5YR 4/4', '2.5YR 2/2', '7.5YR 6/3')
#' colorContrast(m1, m2)
colorContrast <- function(m1, m2) {
# sanity check, need this for color distance eval
if(!requireNamespace('farver', quietly = TRUE))
stop('please install the `farver` package.', call.=FALSE)
# sanity check: length of colors to compare should be equal
if(length(m1) != length(m2)) {
stop('inputs must be the same length', call. = FALSE)
# in case colors are encoded as factors
m1 <- as.character(m1)
m2 <- as.character(m2)
# split into data.frame of hue/value/chroma
m1.pieces <- parseMunsell(m1, convertColors = FALSE)
m2.pieces <- parseMunsell(m2, convertColors = FALSE)
# convert to value and chroma to numeric
m1.pieces[[2]] <- as.numeric(m1.pieces[[2]])
m1.pieces[[3]] <- as.numeric(m1.pieces[[3]])
m2.pieces[[2]] <- as.numeric(m2.pieces[[2]])
m2.pieces[[3]] <- as.numeric(m2.pieces[[3]])
## TODO: contrast with neutral hues are currently undefined
## TODO: incorporate new huePosition features for locating angular proximity CW or CCW
## TODO: add a notes / flag field in the results
# difference in number of hue chips, clock-wise, as specified in:
# Soil Survey Technical Note 2 [wayback machine URL](
# including neutral hues in position 1
dH <- abs(huePosition(m1.pieces[[1]], includeNeutral = TRUE) - huePosition(m2.pieces[[1]], includeNeutral = TRUE))
## TODO: not in standards
# correction for neutral hues, enforce with XOR
# no N: dH is left alone
# single N: dH is always 1
# double N: dH is 0
N.idx <- which(xor(m1.pieces[[1]] == 'N', m2.pieces[[1]] == 'N'))
if(length(N.idx) > 0) {
dH[N.idx] <- 1
# difference in number of value chips
dV <- abs(m1.pieces[[2]] - m2.pieces[[2]])
# difference in number of chroma chips
dC <- abs(m1.pieces[[3]] - m2.pieces[[3]])
# get CIE LAB representation
m1.lab <- parseMunsell(m1, convertColors = TRUE, returnLAB=TRUE)
m2.lab <- parseMunsell(m2, convertColors = TRUE, returnLAB=TRUE)
## TODO: there is likely room for improvement here:
# * parallel evaluation when length(m1) > 1000 (?) (simple via furrr)
# * vectorized call to compare_colour() -> reshaping of result
# delta E00
# we don't need the full distance matrix,
# iterate over rows, likely scales better
d <- list()
for(i in 1:nrow(m1.lab)){
d[i] <- farver::compare_colour(m1.lab[i, ], m2.lab[i, ], from_space='lab', method = 'CIE2000', white_from = 'D65')
dE00 <- unlist(d)
# NCSS color contrast classes
# Soil Survey Technical Note 2 [wayback machine URL](
# value1, chroma1, value2, chroma2, dH, dV, dC
cc <- contrastClass(m1.pieces[[2]], m1.pieces[[3]], m2.pieces[[2]], m2.pieces[[3]], dH, dV, dC)
# combine into DF and return
res <- data.frame(m1, m2, dH, dV, dC, dE00, cc, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
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