## TODO: consider always returning an ordered factor, why would this ever not be the intended output?
#' @title Generalize Horizon Names
#' @description Generalize a vector of horizon names, based on new classes, and REGEX
#' patterns. Or create a new column `ghl` in a `SoilProfileCollection` (requires a horizon designation name to be defined for the collection, see details)
#' @param x character vector of horizon names or a `SoilProfileCollection` object
#' @param new character vector of generalized horizon labels (GHL)
#' @param pattern character vector of REGEX patterns, same length as `new`
#' @param non.matching.code character, label used for any horizon not matched by `pattern`
#' @param hzdepm numeric vector of horizon mid-points; `NA` values in `hzdepm` will result in `non.matching.code` (or `NA` if not defined) in result
#' @param ordered logical, `TRUE` when `hzdepm` argument is specified
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to `grep()` such as `perl = TRUE` for advanced REGEX
#' @return factor (possibly an ordered factor) of the same length as `x` (if character) or as number of horizons in `x` (if `SoilProfileCollection`)
#' @details When `x` is a `SoilProfileCollection` the `ghl` column will be updated with the factor results. This requires that the "horizon designation name" metadata be defined for the collection to set the column for input designations.
#' @seealso [hzdesgnname()]
#' @author D.E. Beaudette
#' @keywords manip
#' @references
#' Beaudette, D.E., Roudier, P., Skovlin, J. (2016). Probabilistic Representation of Genetic Soil Horizons. In: Hartemink, A., Minasny, B. (eds) Digital Soil Morphometrics. Progress in Soil Science. Springer, Cham.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(sp1)
#' # check original distribution of hz designations
#' table(sp1$name)
#' # generalized horizon labels
#' # character vector input
#' sp1$genhz <- generalizeHz(
#' sp1$name,
#' new = c('O','A','B','C','R'),
#' pattern = c('O', '^A','^B','C','R'),
#' ordered = TRUE
#' )
#' # see how we did / what we missed
#' table(sp1$genhz, sp1$name)
#' ## a more advanced example, requries `perl = TRUE`
#' # example data
#' x <- c('A', 'AC', 'Bt1', '^AC', 'C', 'BC', 'CB')
#' # new labels
#' n <- c('A', '^AC', 'C')
#' # patterns:
#' # "A anywhere in the name"
#' # "literal '^A' anywhere in the name"
#' # "C anywhere in name, but without preceding A"
#' p <- c('A', '^A', '(?<!A)C')
#' # note additional argument
#' res <- generalizeHz(
#' x,
#' new = n,
#' pattern = p,
#' perl = TRUE
#' )
#' # double-check: OK
#' table(res, x)
#' ## apply to a SoilProfileCollection
#' data(sp1)
#' depths(sp1) <- id ~ top + bottom
#' # must set horizon designation metadata
#' hzdesgnname(sp1) <- 'name'
#' # result is a SoilProfileCollection
#' x <- generalizeHz(
#' sp1,
#' new = c('O','A','B','C','R'),
#' pattern = c('O', '^A','^B','C','R'),
#' ordered = TRUE
#' )
#' # GHL stored in 'genhz' column
#' x$genhz
#' # GHL metadata is set
#' GHL(x)
generalize.hz <- function(x, new, pattern, non.matching.code = 'not-used', hzdepm = NULL, ordered = !missing(hzdepm), ...) {
# init vector of 'other', same length as original horizon name vector
g <- rep(non.matching.code, times = length(x))
# iterate over new new names, match with patterns, assign new hz names
for (i in seq_along(new)) {
g[grep(pattern[i], x, ...)] <- new[i]
# convert to (ordered) factor with levels set by median depth
if (!missing(hzdepm) && !is.null(hzdepm) && !all( {
# more stringent NA handling:
# stopifnot(`Number of non-NA \`hzdepm\` does match number of new levels` =
# { sum(! == length(new) })
# less stringent:
# any NA hzdepm will return NA factor level, even when pattern is matched
new_sort <- names(sort(tapply(hzdepm, g, median)))
new_sort <- new_sort[new_sort != non.matching.code]
# use an ordered factor (may be overridden w/ ordered = FALSE)
g <- factor(g, levels = c(new_sort, non.matching.code), ordered = ordered)
# if any are not matched (i.e. hzdepm is NA), replace with non.matching.code (if defined)
if (!is.null(non.matching.code)) {
g[] <- non.matching.code
} else {
# no adjustment of factor levels based on hz mid-points
# no order implied (by default; override with ordered=TRUE)
factor(g, levels = c(new, non.matching.code), ordered = ordered)
setGeneric("generalizeHz", function(x, new, pattern, non.matching.code = 'not-used', hzdepm = NULL, ordered = !missing(hzdepm), ...) standardGeneric("generalizeHz"))
#' @export
#' @aliases generalizeHz
#' @rdname generalize.hz
setMethod("generalizeHz", signature(x = "character"), function(x, new, pattern, non.matching.code = 'not-used', hzdepm = NULL, ordered = !missing(hzdepm), ...) {
new = new,
pattern = pattern,
non.matching.code = 'not-used',
hzdepm = hzdepm,
ordered = ordered,
# SoilProfileCollection method
#' @param ghl Generalized Horizon Designation column name (to be created/updated when `x` is a `SoilProfileCollection`)
#' @export
#' @rdname generalize.hz
setMethod("generalizeHz", signature(x = "SoilProfileCollection"), function(x, new, pattern, non.matching.code = 'not-used', hzdepm = NULL, ordered = !missing(hzdepm), ghl = "genhz", ...) {
hzdesgn <- hzdesgnname(x, required = TRUE)
x[[ghl]] <- generalize.hz(
new = new,
pattern = pattern,
non.matching.code = 'not-used',
hzdepm = hzdepm,
ordered = ordered,
# set label in metadata
GHL(x) <- ghl
#' @title Convert cross-tabulation to adjacency matrix.
#' @description Convert a cross-tabulation of e.g. original horizon designations vs. generalized horizon labels to adjacency matrix form.
#' @param tab table, cross-tabulation of original and generalized horizon labels e.g. `table(original, genhz)`
#' @return matrix of numeric values
#' @author D.E. Beaudette
#' @export
genhzTableToAdjMat <- function(tab) {
tab <- as.matrix(tab)
# extract unique set of names
nm <- sort(unique(unlist(dimnames(tab))))
# generate full matrix with named dimensions
m <- matrix(nrow = length(nm), ncol = length(nm), data = 0)
dimnames(m) <- list(nm, nm)
# set adjacency information via sub-matrix containing the original cross-tab
m[rownames(tab), colnames(tab)] <- tab
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