
Defines functions .updateSite .thickestHzID

setGeneric("glom", function(p, z1, z2 = NULL,
                            ids = FALSE, df = FALSE,
                            truncate = FALSE, invert = FALSE, fill = FALSE,
                            modality = "all", drop = !fill, ...)

#' Subset soil horizon data using a depth or depth interval
#' @param p A SoilProfileCollection
#' @param x A SoilProfileCollection
#' @param z1 numeric vector of top depth to intersect horizon (required). Can be an expression involving `siteNames(p)` or quoted column name. Should evaluate to numeric length `1` or length equal to `length(p)`
#' @param z2 numeric vector bottom depth of intersection interval (optional). Can also be an expression involving `siteNames(p)` or quoted column name. Should evaluate to numeric length `1`, length equal to `length(p)` or `NULL`. Default: `NULL` is "point" intersection 
#' @param ids return only horizon IDs? default: `FALSE`
#' @param df return a data.frame, by intersection with `horizons(p)`? default: `FALSE`
#' @param truncate truncate horizon top and bottom depths to `z1` and \code{z2}? default: `FALSE`
#' @param invert get horizons _outside_ the interval `[z1,z2]`? default: `FALSE`
#' @param fill keep sites and preserve order for profiles that do not have horizons in interval by filling with a single horizon with `NA` top and bottom depth. default: `FALSE`
#' @param modality default: `"all"` return all horizons; or `modality = "thickest"`) to return the _thickest_ horizon in interval. If multiple horizons have equal thickness, the first (shallowest) is returned.
#' @param drop Inverted alias of fill for consistency with other methods. When `drop=FALSE`, filling occurs.
#' @param ... Additional arguments (not used)
#' @description Make a "clod" of horizons from a SoilProfileCollection given a point or a depth interval to intersect. The interval `[z1,z2]` may be profile-specific (equal in length to `p`), or may be recycled over all profiles (if boundaries are length 1). For "point" intersection, `z2` may be left as the default value `NULL`. 
#' @details "To glom" is "to steal" or to "become stuck or attached to". The word is related to the compound "glomalin", which is a glycoprotein produced by mycorrhizal fungi in soil.
#' The full depth range of horizons included within the interval are returned (a "ragged" SoilProfileCollection) unless the `truncate` argument is set as `TRUE`. Horizon intersection is based on unique ID \code{hzidname(spc)} and depth range of interest. Profiles that lack data in the range of interest will be dropped from the resulting SoilProfileCollection. 
#' If inverting results with `invert`, it is possible that thick horizons (whose boundaries span wider than the specified interval) will be split into _two_ horizons, where previously they were one. This may make the results from `ids = TRUE` different from what you expect, as they will be based on a profile with an "extra" horizon and re-calculated unique horizon ID (`hzidname(spc)`) `"hzID"`.
#' @seealso \code{\link{glomApply}} \code{\link{trunc}}
#' @author Andrew G. Brown
#' @return a SoilProfileCollection, data.frame, or a vector of horizon IDs. \code{NULL} if no result.
#' @export glom
#' @aliases glom
#' @rdname glom
#' @examples
#' # keep examples from using more than 2 cores
#' data.table::setDTthreads(Sys.getenv("OMP_THREAD_LIMIT", unset = 2))
#' data(sp1, package = 'aqp')
#' depths(sp1) <- id ~ top + bottom
#' site(sp1) <- ~ group
#' p <- glom(sp1, 25, 150)
#' # 28 horizons
#' nrow(p) 
#' # inspect graphically
#' par(mar = c(1,1,3,1))
#' plot(p, color = "prop", max.depth = 200)
#' abline(h = c(25, 100), lty = 2)
#' ## glom(..., truncate = TRUE)
#' p2 <- glom(sp1, 25, 150, truncate = TRUE)
#' # 28 horizons
#' nrow(p2) 
#' # inspect graphically
#' par(mar = c(1,1,3,1))
#' plot(p2, color = "prop", max.depth = 200)
#' abline(h = c(25, 100), lty = 2)
#' ## glom(..., truncate = TRUE, invert = TRUE)
#' p3 <- glom(sp1, 25, 150, truncate = TRUE, invert = TRUE)
#' # 45 horizons
#' nrow(p3) 
#' # inspect graphically
#' par(mar = c(1,1,3,1))
#' plot(p3, color = "prop", max.depth = 200)
#' abline(h = c(25, 100), lty = 2)
#' ## profile-specific interval, using expressions evaluated within sp1@site
#' # calculate some new site-level variables containing target interval
#' sp1$glom_top <- (1:9) * 10
#' sp1$glom_bottom <- 10 + sp1$glom_top
#' # glom evaluates non-standard expressions using siteNames(sp1) column names
#' p4 <- glom(sp1, glom_top / 2, glom_bottom * 1.2, truncate = TRUE)
#' # inspect graphically
#' par(mar = c(1,1,3,1))
#' plot(p4, color = "prop", max.depth = 200)
setMethod("glom", signature(p = "SoilProfileCollection"),
                   z2 = NULL,
                   ids = FALSE,
                   df = FALSE,
                   truncate = FALSE,
                   invert = FALSE,
                   fill = FALSE,
                   modality = "all",
                   drop = !fill, 
                   ...) {
  # handle unquoted symbols from @site column names (or expressions using them)
  zz <- eval(substitute(list(z1, z2)),
             envir = site(p), 
             enclos = parent.frame())
  z1 <- zz[[1]]
  z2 <- zz[[2]]
  # handle _quoted_ character column names from @site for z1/z2
  if (is.character(z1) && length(z1) == 1) {
    if (z1 %in% siteNames(p)) {
      sitez1 <- p[[z1]]
      if (!is.numeric(sitez1))
        stop("If `z1` is a column name, must refer to a numeric column in `siteNames(p)`")
      z1 <- sitez1
  if (is.character(z2) && length(z2) == 1) {
    if (z2 %in% siteNames(p)) {
      sitez2 <- p[[z2]]
      if (!is.numeric(sitez2))
        stop("If `z2` is a column name, must refer to a numeric column in `siteNames(p)`")
      z2 <- sitez2
  depthn <- horizonDepths(p) 
  fillids <- profile_id(p)
  # recycle z1 to size of SPC if length is 1
  if (length(z1) == 1) {
    z1 <- rep(z1, length(p))
  # error if z1 does not match number of profiles
  } else if (length(z1) != length(p)) {
    stop("`z1` should have length 1 or length equal to number of profiles in `p`", call. = FALSE)
  if (is.null(z2)) {
    z2 <- z1
  } else if (length(z2) == 1) {
    z2 <- rep(z2, length(p))
  if (length(z2) != length(z1)) {
    stop("`z2`, if specified, should have same length as `z1`", call. = FALSE)
  # handle bad z logic
  bad.idx <- which(z2 < z1)
  if (length(bad.idx) > 0) {
    warning("`z2` smaller than `z1`; setting top and bottom to `NA`")
    z1[bad.idx] <- NA
    z2[bad.idx] <- NA
  if (!invert) {
    idx <- .multiglomDT(p, z1 = z1, z2 = z2, modality = modality)
  } else {
    idx <- c(.multiglomDT(p, min(p[[depthn[1]]], na.rm = TRUE), z1, modality = "all"),
             .multiglomDT(p, z2, max(p[[depthn[2]]], na.rm = TRUE), modality = "all"))

  h <- horizons(p)[which(hzID(p) %in% idx), ]
  id <- idname(p)
  # truncate ragged edges
  if (!invert & truncate & !is.null(z2)) {
    pdepths <- data.table::data.table(id = as.character(h[[id]]),
                                      tdep = h[[depthn[1]]],
                                      bdep = h[[depthn[2]]])
    glomdepths <- data.table::data.table(id = profile_id(p),
                                         z1 = z1,
                                         z2 = z2)
    # join and remove horizons that are not part of interval
    newhz <- pdepths[glomdepths, on = "id"]
    newhz <- newhz[complete.cases(newhz),]
    # truncate upper bounds to z1
    z1tidx <- newhz[,.I[newhz$tdep < z1]]
    z1bidx <- newhz[,.I[newhz$bdep < z1]]
    newhz[z1tidx, 'tdep'] <- newhz[z1tidx, 'z1']
    newhz[z1bidx, 'bdep'] <- newhz[z1bidx, 'z1']
    # truncate lower bounds to z2
    z2tidx <- newhz[,.I[newhz$tdep > z2]]
    z2bidx <- newhz[,.I[newhz$bdep > z2]]
    newhz[z2tidx, 'tdep'] <- newhz[z2tidx, 'z2']
    newhz[z2bidx, 'bdep'] <- newhz[z2bidx, 'z2']

    # replace original values with truncated 
    h[[depthn[1]]][!is.na(h[[depthn[1]]])] <- newhz$tdep[!is.na(newhz$tdep)]
    h[[depthn[2]]][!is.na(h[[depthn[2]]])] <- newhz$bdep[!is.na(newhz$bdep)]

  # or "invert" and truncate
  } else if (invert & truncate & !is.null(z2)) {
    p0 <- p

    .top <- h[[depthn[1]]]
    .bottom <- h[[depthn[2]]]

    # create an upper and lower SPC
    z0 <- rep(0, length(z1))
    z0[is.na(z1)] <- NA
    p1 <- glom(p, z0, z1, truncate = TRUE)
    p2 <- glom(p, z2, max(p[[depthn[2]]]), truncate = TRUE)

    # combine horizon data
    if (inherits(p1, 'SoilProfileCollection') && 
        inherits(p2, 'SoilProfileCollection')) {
      if (nrow(p1) > 0) {
        p <- p1
        if (inherits(p2, 'SoilProfileCollection') && nrow(p2) > 0) {
          h <- rbind(horizons(p1), horizons(p2))
        } else {
          h <- horizons(p1)
    } else {
      h <- horizons(p2)

    if (modality == "thickest") {
      first.thickest.idx <- .thickestHzID(p, h)
      h <- h[first.thickest.idx,]
    # enforce ID+top depth order after combining upper and lower SPCs
    h <- h[order(h[[idname(p)]], h[[depthn[1]]]), ]          
    # replace horizon IDs because we split horizons possibly
    h$hzID <- as.character(seq_len(nrow(h)))
    # force autocalculated ID
    hzidname(p) <- "hzID"
    if (fill) {
      p <- p0
  if (!missing(drop)) {
    fill <- !drop
  # update slots for new h
  if (!fill) {
    p <- .updateSite(p, h)
  if (fill) {
    p <- .insert_dropped_horizons(p, horizons = h)
  } else {
    if (nrow(h) > 0) {
      # replace @horizons with h
      replaceHorizons(p) <- h
      # if pre-existing "filled" horizons are present, drop them
      p <- p[!isEmpty(p),]
    } else {
      p <- p[0, ]
  # short circuit to get hzIDs of result
  if (ids) {
    if (invert)
      warning("invert = TRUE may split horizons, which affects resulting ids when ids=TRUE!",
              call. = FALSE)

  if (!df) {
    # verify updating of non-horizons slots worked
    if (!spc_in_sync(p)$valid) {
      warning("invalid SPC created by glom result!", call. = FALSE)
    # return SPC
  } else {
    # return data.frame

# helper functions for creating new horizon and paired SPC data
.thickestHzID <- function(p, newhz = horizons(p)) {
  # appease R CMD check
  .thk <- NULL
  htb <- horizonDepths(p)
  # make a data.table with id and thickness (.thk)
  res <- data.table::data.table(id = newhz[[idname(p)]], .thk = newhz[[htb[2]]] - newhz[[htb[1]]])
  # get the row index where the thickness is maximized (by profile ID)
  res[, .I[.thk >= suppressWarnings(max(.thk))], by = "id"]$V1

.updateSite <- function(p, newhz = horizons(p)) {
  # profile_id relies on p@horizons. we are testing new horizons data.frame
  keep <- unique(newhz[[idname(p)]])
  # keep only relevant site and other slots using SPC[i, ]
  p <- p[which(site(p)[[idname(p)]] %in% keep), ]

# new workhorse function replacing .glom and .multiglom
.multiglomDT <- function (p, z1, z2 = NULL, modality = "all", as.list = FALSE) {
  # access SPC slots to get important info about p
  hz <- data.table::as.data.table(horizons(p))
  dz <- horizonDepths(p)
  id <- idname(p)
  pid <- profile_id(p)
  hzid <- hzidname(p)
  # get top and bottom horizon depth vectors
  tdep <- hz[[dz[1]]]
  bdep <- hz[[dz[2]]]
  pdepths <- data.table::data.table(id = as.character(hz[[id]]),
                                    tdep = tdep,
                                    bdep = bdep)
  glomdepths <- data.table::data.table(id = profile_id(p),
                                       z1 = z1,
                                       z2 = z2)
  if (is.null(z2))
    z1 <- z2
  idx <- pdepths[glomdepths, on = "id"][,.I[((tdep >= z1) | 
                                              (bdep > z1)) & 
                                              ((bdep < z2) |
                                              (bdep == z2) | 
                                              (tdep < z2))]]
  if (modality == "thickest") {
    # get index of thickest horizon by profile
    idx <- .thickestHzID(p, hz[idx, ])
  # get the ID values out of horizon table
  idval <- hz[idx, ][[hzidname(p)]]
  # just the horizon IDs
  if (!as.list) {
  # # list result.
    hzid = hzid,
    hz.idx = idx,
    value = idval

#' @description `trunc()` is a wrapper method (using S4 generic) for `glom()` where `truncate=TRUE`
#' @param ... `trunc()`: additional arguments passed to `glom()`
#' @export 
#' @rdname glom
#' @examples
#' # load sample data
#' data("sp3")
#' # promote to SPC
#' depths(sp3) <- id ~ top + bottom
#' ### TRUNCATE all profiles in sp3 to [0,25]
#' # set up plot parameters
#' par(mfrow=c(2,1), mar=c(0,0,0,0))
#' # full profiles
#' plot(sp3)
#' # trunc'd profiles
#' plot(trunc(sp3, 0, 25))
setMethod("trunc", signature(x = "SoilProfileCollection"),
          function(x, z1, z2, ...) {
            return(glom(x, z1, z2, truncate = TRUE, ...))

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