
Defines functions app_server

app_server <- function(input, output, session) {
  .data <- NULL
  y <- NULL
  # retrieve parameters from URL ----
    query <- shiny::parseQueryString(session$clientData$url_search)
    if(length(query) == 0) return()
    param_static <- query[ names(query) %in% c("square.size", "run.plots") ] # ,
    param_static_char <- query[ names(query) %in% c("reverse.axis.values", "reverse.square.names", "add.x.square.labels", "add.y.square.labels", "title", "home.text") ] #  "set.theme", "lang"
    # : param_static numerical and logical
    if(length(param_static) > 0){
      for(x in 1:length(param_static)){
        eval(parse(text = paste0(
          "shinyOptions(", names(param_static[x]), " = ", query[[ names(param_static[x]) ]], ")"
    # : param_static character
    if(length(param_static_char) > 0){
      for(x in 1:length(param_static_char)){
        eval(parse(text = paste0(
          "shinyOptions(", names(param_static_char[x]), " = \"",
          query[[ names(param_static_char[x]) ]], "\")"
    param_dynamic <- query[ names(query) %in% c("map.refits", "plot3d.ratio", "plot3d.hulls", "plot3d.surfaces", "plot3d.refits", "sectionX.refits", "sectionY.refits") ]
    param_dynamic_char <- query[ names(query) %in% c("class.variable", "class.values", "default.group", "location", "map.density") ]
    # param_dynamic
    if(length(param_dynamic) + length(param_dynamic_char) > 0){
      param.list <- getShinyOption("params")
      # param_dynamic numerical and logical:
      if(length(param_dynamic) > 0){
        for(x in 1:length(param_dynamic)){
          param.list[ names(param_dynamic[x]) ] <- param_dynamic[x]
      # param_dynamic character:
      if(length(param_dynamic_char) > 0){
        for(x in 1:length(param_dynamic_char)){
          eval(parse(text = paste0(
            "param.list[ \"", names(param_dynamic_char[x]), "\"] <- \"", param_dynamic_char[x], "\""
      # coerce to logical values:
      sel <- param.list %in% c("TRUE", "FALSE", "T", "F")
      param.list[ sel ] <- as.logical(param.list[ sel ])
      shinyOptions("params" =  param.list)
  }, priority=10)
  # Interface ----
  # : guidelines ----
  # hide input tab when using the function's dataset parameter
  if(! is.null(getShinyOption("objects.df"))){
    hideTab(inputId = "tabs", target = .term_switcher("tab.input"))
  # : title ----
  output$title.edited <- renderUI({
    archeoViz.label <- paste(" <a href=https://analytics.huma-num.fr/archeoviz/home/ title='Go to the archeoViz portal' target=_blank>archeoViz</a> v",
                             utils::packageVersion("archeoViz"), sep="")
    title <- shiny::getShinyOption("title")
      title.edited <- paste("<h4>", archeoViz.label, "</h4>")
    } else if(is.character(title) & nchar(title) <= 25){
      title.edited <- paste("<h4>", title, "</h4>",
                            .term_switcher("through"), archeoViz.label,
                            "<br><br>", sep="")
    } else{
      stop("The title parameter must be a character string (25 characters max).")
  # : home text ----
  output$home.text <- renderUI({
    home.text <- shiny::getShinyOption("home.text")
      home.text <- div(HTML(paste(
        "<div style=width:40%;, align=left>",
      ) #end paste
      ) #end div
    } else if(is.character(home.text)){
      home.text <- div(HTML(paste(
        "<div style=width:50%;, align=left>",
      ) # end paste
      ) # end HTML
      ) # end div
    } else{stop("'home.text' parameter must be a character string.")}
  # Timeline preprocessing ----
  timeline.file <- reactive({
    # attente du fichier de l'utilisateur
    validate(need(input$timeline.file, message = ""))
  timeline.ui.df <- reactive({
                    header=T, #quote = "",
                    sep=input$sep2, dec = input$dec.sep2,
                    stringsAsFactors = F)
  timeline.data <- reactive({
    objects.df <- objects.dataset()
    query <- shiny::parseQueryString(session$clientData$url_search)
    if ( ! is.null(query[['timeline.df']])) {
      from.param.time.df <- utils::read.csv(url(as.character(query[['timeline.df']])))
    } else {
      from.param.time.df <- getShinyOption("timeline.df")
    # sources priority: 
    #   function parameter > objects table > timeline table
    timeline <- .do_timelinedata(from.param.time.df, 
                                 timeline.ui.df # this is the reactive object
    # notification disabled
    # showNotification(.term_switcher(timeline$notif.text),
    #                  type = timeline$notif.type)
  # Refits preprocessing: ----
  refits.file <- reactive({
    # waiting refits csv file
    validate(need(input$refits.file, message = ""))
  input.ui.refits <- reactive({
                    header = TRUE, #quote = "",
                    sep = input$sep3,
                    dec = input$dec.sep3,
                    stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  refitting.df <- reactive({
    refits <- list("refits.2d" = data.frame(),
                   "refits.3d" = data.frame(),
                   "raw" = data.frame())
    query <- shiny::parseQueryString(session$clientData$url_search)
    if(! is.null(getShinyOption("refits.df")) ){
      refits <- data.frame(getShinyOption("refits.df"))
    } else if(input$demoData.n > 0){
      refits <- demo_refits_data(input$demoData.n)
    } else if( ! is.null(input$refits.file)){
      refits <- input.ui.refits()
    } else if ( ! is.null(query[['refits.df']])) {
      refits <- utils::read.csv(url(as.character(query[['refits.df']])))
    if(class(refits)[1] != "list"){
      refits <- .do_refits_preprocessing(refits, objects.dataset())
    refits # an empty data.frame or a list with three dataframes
  # Rotation value ----
  rotation.value <- reactive({
        value <- getShinyOption("params")$rotation
      } else{
        value <- input$rotation
  # Objects preprocessing: ----
  objects.file <- reactive({
    # waiting objects csv file
    validate(need(input$objects.file, message = ""))
  objects.ui.input <- reactive({
    df <- utils::read.csv(objects.file()$datapath, 
                          header=T, #quote = "",
                          sep = input$sep1, dec = input$dec.sep1,
                          stringsAsFactors = F)
  #  : static preprocessing ----
  objects.dataset <- reactive({
    query <- shiny::parseQueryString(session$clientData$url_search)
    if ( ! is.null(query[['objects.df']])) {
      objects.df <- utils::read.csv(url(as.character(query[['objects.df']])))
    } else{
      objects.df <- getShinyOption("objects.df")
    result <- .do_objects_dataset(
      from.parameter.input = objects.df,
      from.ui.input        = objects.ui.input,
      demoData.n           = input$demoData.n, 
      rotation = rotation.value(),
      add.x.square.labels = getShinyOption("add.x.square.labels"),
      add.y.square.labels = getShinyOption("add.y.square.labels")
                     type = result$notif.type, duration = 10)
    if(result$notif.type == "error") return(NULL)
  # : group variable ----
  group.variable <- reactive({
    if(input$group.selection == "by.layer"){
      value <- "layer"
    } else if (input$group.selection == "by.variable"){
      value <- as.character(input$class.variable)
  # : subset data  ----
  objects.subdataset <- eventReactive(input$goButton, {
    req(input$class.variable, coords.min.max, input$location)
    df <- objects.dataset()
    df$group.variable <- factor(eval(parse(text = paste0("df$", group.variable() ))))
    df$layer_color <- factor(df$group.variable,
                             levels = levels(df$group.variable),
                             labels = grDevices::rainbow(length(levels(df$group.variable))))
    # location mode selection:
    df.sub <- df[df$location_mode %in% input$location, ]
    # class selection:
    if( ! .term_switcher("all") %in% input$class.values){
      selection <- eval(parse(text = paste0("df.sub$", input$class.variable))) %in% input$class.values[input$class.values != .term_switcher("all")]
      df.sub <- df.sub[selection, ]
    df.sub  # return the subset of the dataframe
  }, ignoreNULL = F) # end dataset subset
  # Coordinate system ----
  # : grid legend ----
  scale.value <- getShinyOption("square.size")  
  user.unit <- getShinyOption("unit")
  if(user.unit == "cm"){
    if(scale.value >= 100){
      scale.value <- scale.value / 100
      scale.unit <- " m"
    } else {
      scale.unit <- " cm"
  if(user.unit == "m"){
     if(scale.value >= 1000){
       scale.value <- scale.value / 1000
       scale.unit <- " km"
     } else {
       scale.unit <- " m"
  if(user.unit == "km"){ 
    scale.unit <- " km" 
  grid.legend <- paste0(.term_switcher("grid"), ": ",
                        " x ", 
  # : coords min/max coordinates ----
  coords.min.max <- reactive({
                      square.size = getShinyOption("square.size"),
                      reverse.axis.values = getShinyOption("reverse.axis.values"))
  # : squares list ----
  squares <- reactive({
    coords.min.max  <- coords.min.max()
    df <- objects.dataset()
    square.size <- getShinyOption("square.size")
    squares_x <- .do_square_list(square.size = square.size,
                                 coords.min = coords.min.max$xmin, 
                                 coords.max = coords.min.max$xmax, 
                                 square.list = df$square_x, axes="X")
    squares_y <- .do_square_list(square.size = square.size,
                                 coords.min = coords.min.max$ymin, 
                                 coords.max = coords.min.max$ymax, 
                                 square.list = df$square_y, axes="Y")
    list("square_x" = squares_x$squares.print,
         "square_x.save" = squares_x$squares.save,
         "square_y" = squares_y$squares.print,
         "square_y.save" = squares_y$squares.save
  # : ranges ----
  square.coords.ranges <- reactive({
    coords <- coords.min.max()
    square.size <- getShinyOption("square.size")
    range.x <- seq(floor(coords$xmin / square.size) * square.size, ceiling(coords$xmax / square.size) * square.size, square.size)
    range.y <- seq(floor(coords$ymin / square.size) * square.size, ceiling(coords$ymax / square.size) * square.size, square.size)
    list("range.x" = range.x, "range.y" = range.y)
  # : grid coordinates ----
  grid.coordx <- reactive({
    square.coords <- square.coords.ranges()
    square.size <- getShinyOption("square.size")
    coords <- coords.min.max()
      "id" = c(rbind(seq_len(length(square.coords$range.x)),
      "x"  = c(rbind(seq(coords$xmin, coords$xmax, square.size),
                     seq(coords$xmin, coords$xmax, square.size))),
      "y"  = rep(c(coords$ymin, coords$ymax), length(square.coords$range.x)),
      "z"  = coords$zmax)
  grid.coordy <- reactive({
    square.coords <- square.coords.ranges()
    square.size <- getShinyOption("square.size")
    coords <- coords.min.max()
      "id" = c(rbind(seq_len(length(square.coords$range.y)),
      "x"  = rep(c(coords$xmin, coords$xmax),
      "y"  = c(rbind(seq(coords$ymin, coords$ymax, square.size),
                     seq(coords$ymin, coords$ymax, square.size))),
      "z"  = coords$zmax)
  # : colors ----
  colors.list <- reactive({
  # : axis labels ----
  axis.labels <- reactive({
    square.coords <- square.coords.ranges()
    square.size <- getShinyOption("square.size")
    squares <- squares()
    reverse.x <- grepl("x", getShinyOption("reverse.square.names"))
    reverse.y <- grepl("y", getShinyOption("reverse.square.names"))
    if(reverse.x & ! is.null(squares$square_x)){
      squares$square_x <- factor(squares$square_x)
      squares$square_x <- factor(squares$square_x,
                                 labels = rev(levels(squares$square_x)) )
    if(reverse.y & ! is.null(squares$square_x)){
      squares$square_y <- factor(squares$square_y)
      squares$square_y <- factor(squares$square_y,
                                 labels = rev(levels(squares$square_y)) )
      "xaxis" = list(
        "breaks" = (square.coords$range.x + square.size / 2)[ seq_len(length(squares$square_x.save)) ],
        "labels" =  squares$square_x
      "yaxis" = list(
        "breaks" = (square.coords$range.y + square.size / 2)[ seq_len(length(squares$square_y.save)) ],
        "labels" =  squares$square_y
  # TABLES ----
  # : preview objects tab  ----
  output$objects.preview.tab <- renderTable({
    objects.ui.input()[1:2, ]
  }, rownames = T, digits=0)
  output$objects.preview.table <- renderUI({
    div(style = 'overflow-x: scroll; overflow: auto',
  # : preview refits tab  ----
  output$refits.preview.tab <- renderTable({
    input.ui.refits()[1:2, ]
  }, rownames = T, digits=0)
  output$refits.preview.table <- renderUI({
    div(style = 'overflow-x: scroll; overflow: auto',
  # : sel. tab: 3D ----
  output$plot3d.selection.tab <- renderUI({
    .do_selection_table("dataset" = objects.subdataset(), 
                        "xyz" = plot3d.click.selection(),
                        "dims" = "xyz")
  # : sel. tab. : Map ----
  output$map.selection.tab <- renderUI({
    .do_selection_table("dataset" = objects.subdataset(), 
                        "xyz" = map.click.selection(),
                        "dims" = "xy")
  # : sel. tab: X section ----
  output$sectionX.selection.tab <- renderUI({
    .do_selection_table("dataset" = objects.subdataset(), 
                        "xyz" = sectionX.click.selection(),
                        "dims" = "yz")
  ## : sel. tab: Y section ----
  output$sectionY.selection.tab <- renderUI({
    .do_selection_table("dataset" = objects.subdataset(), 
                        "xyz" = sectionY.click.selection(),
                        "dims" = "xz")
  # goTables button
  goTables <- reactive({
    req(input$class.values, objects.dataset())
    if( (input$goButton > 0) | getShinyOption("run.plots")  ){
    } else { return() }
  # : by variable ----
  by.variable.table <- eventReactive(goTables(), {
    req(input$class.variable, input$class.values, objects.subdataset)
    dataset <- objects.subdataset()
    .do_by_variable_table(dataset, input$class.variable, input$location)
  # render:
  output$by.variable.table <- renderTable({by.variable.table()}, 
                                          rownames = T, digits=0)
  # : by layer ----
  by.layer.table <- eventReactive(goTables(), {
    req(input$class.variable, input$class.values, objects.subdataset)
    dataset <- objects.subdataset()
    .do_by_layer_table(dataset, input$location)
  # render:
  output$by.layer.table <- renderTable({by.layer.table()}, 
                                       rownames = T, digits=0)
  # MAPS ----
  # : site map ----
  site.map <- reactive({
    coords <- coords.min.max()
    square.coords <- square.coords.ranges()
    squares <- squares()
    axis.labels <- axis.labels()
    map <- ggplot() +
      theme_minimal(base_size = 11) +
      geom_vline(xintercept = square.coords$range.x, colour = "darkgrey" ) +
      geom_hline(yintercept = square.coords$range.y, colour = "darkgrey" ) +
      coord_fixed() +
      scale_x_continuous("", breaks = axis.labels$xaxis$breaks,
                             labels = axis.labels$xaxis$labels) +
      scale_y_continuous("", breaks = axis.labels$yaxis$breaks,
                             labels = axis.labels$yaxis$labels) 
    # set background color:
    if(getShinyOption("background.col") != "white"){
      background <- element_rect(fill = getShinyOption("background.col"))
      map <- map + theme_dark(base_size = 11) + 
        theme(panel.background = background,
              plot.background = background,
              legend.background = background
    # reverse axes if needed:
    reverse <- getShinyOption("reverse.axis.values")
    if(grepl("x", reverse)){ 
      map <- map + scale_x_reverse("", breaks = axis.labels$xaxis$breaks,
                                   labels = axis.labels$xaxis$labels)
    if(grepl("y", reverse)){ 
      map <- map + scale_y_reverse("", breaks = axis.labels$yaxis$breaks,
                                   labels = axis.labels$yaxis$labels)
  #  : mini-map X ----
  site.mapX <- reactive({
    coords <- coords.min.max()
    rect.df <- data.frame(
      "ymin" = input$sectionX.y.val[1], 
      "ymax" = input$sectionX.y.val[2],
      "xmin" = input$sectionX.x.val[1],
      "xmax" = input$sectionX.x.val[2])
    site.map() +
      geom_rect(data = rect.df,
                aes(ymin = .data[["ymin"]], ymax = .data[["ymax"]],
                    xmin = .data[["xmin"]], xmax = .data[["xmax"]]),
                fill="red", alpha=.7)
  output$site.mapX <- renderPlot({site.mapX()}, height = 300)
  output$downloadMinimapX <- downloadHandler(
    filename = paste0(gsub(" ", "-", shiny::getShinyOption("title")), "-minimap-x.svg"),
    content = function(file) {
      ggsave(file, plot = site.mapX(), 
             device = "svg", width=9, height=9, pointsize = 14)
  #  : mini-map Y ----
  site.mapY <- reactive({
    coords <- coords.min.max()
    rect.df <- data.frame(
      "ymin" = input$sectionY.y.val[1], 
      "ymax" = input$sectionY.y.val[2],
      "xmin" = input$sectionY.x.val[1],
      "xmax" = input$sectionY.x.val[2])
    site.map() +
      geom_rect(data = rect.df,
                aes(ymin = .data[["ymin"]], ymax = .data[["ymax"]],
                    xmin = .data[["xmin"]], xmax = .data[["xmax"]]),
                fill="red",  alpha=.7
  output$site.mapY <- renderPlot({site.mapY()}, height = 300)
  output$downloadMinimapY <- downloadHandler(
    filename = paste0(gsub(" ", "-", shiny::getShinyOption("title")), "-minimap-y.svg"),
    content = function(file) {
      ggsave(file, plot = site.mapY(),
             device = "svg", width=9, height=9, pointsize = 14)
  # : timeline map ----
  timeline.map <- reactive({
    axis.labels <- axis.labels()
    tiles <- expand.grid(x = axis.labels$xaxis$labels,
                         y = axis.labels$yaxis$labels)
    timeline.map <- ggplot() +
      theme_minimal(base_size = 12) +
      geom_tile(data = tiles, 
                aes(x = x, y = y),
                show.legend = F, alpha=0) +
      geom_vline(xintercept =  after_scale(seq(0.5, length(axis.labels$xaxis$breaks) + .5, 1)),
                 colour = "grey70" ) +
      geom_hline(yintercept =  after_scale(seq(0.5, length(axis.labels$yaxis$breaks) + .5, 1)),
                 colour = "grey70" ) +
                        values = c(grDevices::rgb(0,0,0,0),
                                   grDevices::rgb(.43, .54, .23, .7))) +
      scale_x_discrete("") + scale_y_discrete("") 
  goButton3D <- reactive({
    req(input$class.values, objects.dataset())
    if( (input$goButton3D > 0) | getShinyOption("run.plots")  ){
    } else { return() }
  # PLOT  3D ----
  plot3d <- eventReactive(input$goButton3D, {
    validate(need(input$class.values, .term_switcher("notif.tick.value")))
    dataset <- objects.subdataset()
    coords <- coords.min.max()
    squares <- squares()
    axis.labels <- axis.labels()
      dataset$point.size <- getShinyOption("params")$point.size
      size.scale <- getShinyOption("params")$point.size
    } else{
      dataset$point.size <- input$point.size
      size.scale <- input$point.size
    # : add points and create plot ----
    fig <- plot_ly(dataset, x = ~x, y = ~y, z = ~z,
                   type = "scatter3d", mode = "markers",
                   color = ~group.variable,
                   colors = colors.list(),
                   size  = ~point.size,
                   sizes = size.scale,
                   marker = list(symbol = 'square', sizemode = 'diameter'),
                   text = ~paste('id:', id,
                                 '<br>Square:', square,
                                 '<br>Location:', location_mode,
                                 '<br>Class:', object_type),
                   source = "A"
    fig <- config(fig,
                  displaylogo = FALSE,
                  toImageButtonOptions = list(
                    format = "svg",
                    filename = "archeoviz-3d",
                    width = 600, height = 600
    # : add background map ----
    if( ! is.null(getShinyOption("background.map")) ){
      fig <- add_paths(fig, x= ~x, y= ~y,
                       z = coords$zmax,
                       split = ~group,
                       data = getShinyOption("background.map"),
                       color = I("black"),
                       hoverinfo = "skip",
                       showlegend = FALSE, inherit = F)
    # : add refits lines  ----
    plot3d.refits <- sum(c(input$plot3d.refits,
    if( plot3d.refits > 0 ){
      refitting.df <- refitting.df()$refits.3d
      sel <- refitting.df[, 1] %in% dataset$id | 
             refitting.df[, 2] %in% dataset$id
      refitting.df <- refitting.df[which(sel), ]
      # add color:
      refitting.df <- .do_lines_colors(refitting.df, dataset, "group.variable")
      fig <- add_paths(fig, x= ~x, y= ~y, z= ~z,
                       split = ~id.internal,
                       data = refitting.df,
                       color = ~group.variable,
                       colors = colors.list(),
                       hoverinfo = "skip",
                       showlegend = FALSE, inherit = F)
      # warning : refits lines: ----
      if( nrow(refitting.df) > 500){
                         type = "warning", duration = 10)
    # Uncertainty ----
    if(any(input$location == "show.uncertainty")){
      linear.n.objects <- 0
      planar.n.objects <- 0
      volume.n.objects <- 0
      fuzzy.sums <- table(dataset$fuzzy.sum)
      # : linear uncertainty ####
      if(any(names(fuzzy.sums) == "1")){
        linear.x.df <- dataset[dataset$fuzzy.sum == 1 & dataset$x.fuzzy, ]
        if(nrow(linear.x.df) > 0){  
          linear.x.df <- .do_uncertain_lines(linear.x.df)
        linear.y.df <- dataset[dataset$fuzzy.sum == 1 & dataset$y.fuzzy, ]
        if(nrow(linear.y.df) > 0){
          linear.y.df <- .do_uncertain_lines(linear.y.df)
        linear.z.df <- dataset[dataset$fuzzy.sum == 1 & dataset$z.fuzzy, ]
        if(nrow(linear.z.df) > 0){
          linear.z.df <- .do_uncertain_lines(linear.z.df)
        linear.df <- rbind(linear.x.df, linear.y.df, linear.z.df)
        fig <- plotly::add_paths(fig, x = ~xmin, y = ~ymin, z = ~zmin,
                                 split = ~id.internal,
                                 data = linear.df,
                                 color = ~group.variable,
                                 text = ~paste('id:', id,
                                               '<br>Square:', square,
                                               '<br>Location:', location_mode,
                                               '<br>Class:', object_type),
                                 inherit = FALSE, showlegend = FALSE)
        linear.n.objects <- nrow(linear.df) / 2
      }  # end if
      # : planar uncertainty----
      if(any(names(fuzzy.sums) == "2") & ! is.null(fig)){
        # NB: the function output is the updated fig itself (and not a table)
        df.fuzzy2 <- dataset[dataset$fuzzy.sum == 2, ]
        planar.n.objects <- nrow(df.fuzzy2)
        planar.xz.df <- df.fuzzy2[df.fuzzy2$x.fuzzy & df.fuzzy2$z.fuzzy, ]
        planar.yz.df <- df.fuzzy2[df.fuzzy2$y.fuzzy & df.fuzzy2$z.fuzzy, ]
        planar.xy.df <- df.fuzzy2[df.fuzzy2$x.fuzzy & df.fuzzy2$y.fuzzy, ]
        fig <- .do_uncertain_mesh_plans(fig, planar.xz.df, axes="xz")
        fig <- .do_uncertain_mesh_plans(fig, planar.yz.df, axes="yz")
        fig <- .do_uncertain_mesh_plans(fig, planar.xy.df, axes="xy")
      # : add volume uncertainty ----
      if(any(names(fuzzy.sums) == "3")){
        volume.df <- dataset[dataset$fuzzy.sum == 3, ]
        volume.n.objects <- nrow(volume.df) 
        volume.df <- apply(volume.df, 1, function(i) {
          .get_volume_coordinates(id = i["id"],
                                  xmin = i["xmin"], xmax = i["xmax"],
                                  ymin = i["ymin"], ymax = i["ymax"],
                                  zmin = i["zmin"], zmax = i["zmax"],
                                  color = i["layer_color"],
                                  square = i["square"],
                                  object_type = i["object_type"])
        }, simplify = F)
        volume.df <- do.call("rbind", volume.df)
        fig <- plotly::add_mesh(fig,
                                x = volume.df[, 1],
                                y = volume.df[, 2],
                                z = volume.df[, 3],
                                data = volume.df,
                                i = c(7, 0, 0, 0, 4, 4, 6, 6, 4, 0, 3, 2), 
                                j = c(3, 4, 1, 2, 5, 6, 5, 2, 0, 1, 6, 3), 
                                k = c(0, 7, 2, 3, 6, 7, 1, 1, 5, 5, 7, 6), 
                                split = ~id,
                                facecolor = ~color,
                                showscale = FALSE, inherit = FALSE,
                                flatshading =TRUE, opacity = .5,
                                text = ~paste('id:', id,
                                              '<br>Square:', square,
                                              '<br>Class:', object_type)
      } # end If
      # : warning uncertainty ----
      if( (planar.n.objects + volume.n.objects) > 500){
          type = "warning", duration = 10)
        showNotification(paste0(.term_switcher("linear.uncertainty"), ": ",
                                linear.n.objects, " ",
                         type = "warning", duration = 10)
        showNotification(paste0(.term_switcher("planar.uncertainty"), ": ",
                                planar.n.objects, " ",
                         type = "warning", duration = 10)
        showNotification(paste0(.term_switcher("volume.uncertainty"), ": ",
                                volume.n.objects, " ",
                         type = "warning", duration = 10)
    } # end if("show.uncertainty" %in% input$location)
    # : add surfaces ----
    if(sum(input$plot3d.surfaces) > 0){
      # filter the layers for which a regression surfaces must be computed:
      subsets <- table(dataset$group.variable) 
      subsets <- names(subsets[subsets > 100])
      # compute regression surfaces:
      surf.list <- lapply(subsets, function(x) 
                           value = x))
      # add traces:
      for(i in seq_len(length(surf.list)) ){
        fig <- add_surface(fig,
                           z = surf.list[[i]]$z.matrix,
                           x = surf.list[[i]]$x,
                           y = surf.list[[i]]$y,
                           colorscale = list(c(0, 1), c("black", surf.list[[i]]$color)),
                           hoverinfo="skip",  showscale=FALSE,
                           opacity = .7, inherit = FALSE)
    # :  add convex hull ####
      # compute hulls:
      hulls.selection <- input$hulls.selection
      # for first launch (with run.plot=T) :
        hulls.selection <- hulls.list()$hull.selected
      mesh.list <- lapply(hulls.selection, function(x) 
        .get_cxhull_model(df = dataset,
                          var = group.variable(), 
                          value = x))
      # add convex hull mesh:
      for(i in seq_len(length(mesh.list)) ){
        fig <-  add_mesh(fig,
                         x = mesh.list[[i]][[1]][,1] * -1,
                         y = mesh.list[[i]][[1]][,2] * -1,
                         z = mesh.list[[i]][[1]][,3] * -1,
                         facecolor = rep(mesh.list[[i]]$color, mesh.list[[i]]$nfaces),
                         hoverinfo="skip",  showscale = FALSE,
                         opacity = 0.4, alphahull = 0, inherit = FALSE)
    fig <- add_paths(fig, x = ~x,   y = ~y, z = ~z, data = grid.coordx(),
                     split = ~id,
                     color = I("grey50"), showlegend=F,
                     inherit = F)  
    fig <- add_paths(fig, x = ~x,   y = ~y, z = ~z, data = grid.coordy(),
                     split = ~id,
                     color = I("grey50"), showlegend=F,
                     inherit = F)
    # : layout setting ----
    range.x <- c(coords$xmax, coords$xmin)
    range.y <- c(coords$ymax, coords$ymin)
    if( grepl("x", getShinyOption("reverse.axis.values")) ){
      range.x <- c(coords$xmin, coords$xmax)
    if( grepl("y", getShinyOption("reverse.axis.values")) ){
      range.y <- c(coords$ymin, coords$ymax)
    # camera settings:
    camera.values <- list()
    center.xyz <- getShinyOption("params")$camera.center
    camera.values$center <- list(x = center.xyz[1],
                                 y = center.xyz[2], z = center.xyz[3])
    eye.xyz <- getShinyOption("params")$camera.eye
    camera.values$eye <- list(x = eye.xyz[1],
                              y = eye.xyz[2], z = eye.xyz[3])
    fig <- layout(fig,
                  paper_bgcolor = getShinyOption("background.col"), 
                  plot_bgcolor =  getShinyOption("background.col"),
                  annotations = list(list(
                    showarrow = F,
                    x = 0, y = 0, z = 0,
                    text = grid.legend,
                    xanchor = "left",
                    xshift = 0,
                    opacity = 1
                  scene = list(
                    xaxis = list(title = 'X',
                                 tickmode = "array",
                                 range = range.x,
                                 tickvals = axis.labels$xaxis$breaks,
                                 ticktext = axis.labels$xaxis$labels,
                                 zeroline = F, showline = F
                    yaxis = list(title = 'Y',
                                 tickmode = "array",
                                 range =  range.y,
                                 tickvals = axis.labels$yaxis$breaks,
                                 ticktext = axis.labels$yaxis$labels
                    zaxis = list(title = .term_switcher("depth"),
                                 tickmode = "array",
                                 range = c(coords$zmax, coords$zmin)
                    camera  = camera.values,
                    aspectmode = "manual", 
                    aspectratio = list(x = 1, 
                                       y = (coords$ymax - coords$ymin) / (coords$xmax - coords$xmin), 
                                       z = abs(ratio3D.value() * ((coords$zmax - coords$zmin) / (coords$xmax - coords$xmin))))
                  ))  #end layout
    # fig <- plotly::event_register(fig, 'plotly_click')
  }, ignoreNULL = ( ! getShinyOption("run.plots")) ) #  end plot3d
  output$plot3d <- plotly::renderPlotly(plot3d())
  plot3d.click.selection <- reactive(plotly::event_data("plotly_click", source="A"))
  #  : widget out: 3D ----
  output$download.3d.plot <- downloadHandler(
    filename = paste0(gsub(" ", "-", shiny::getShinyOption("title")), "-3d-plot.html"),
    content = function(file2) {
      htmlwidgets::saveWidget(plot3d(), file = file2)
  # PLOTS 2D ----
  # :  X section plot ----
  sectionXplot <- shiny::eventReactive(input$goButtonX, {
    req(init.values, objects.subdataset)
    dataset <- objects.subdataset()
      sectionX.y.val <- init.values()$valuesXy
      sectionX.x.val <- init.values()$valuesXx
    } else{
      sectionX.x.val <- input$sectionX.x.val  
      sectionX.y.val <- input$sectionX.y.val  
    sel <- (dataset$y >= sectionX.y.val[1] & dataset$y <= sectionX.y.val[2]) &
      (dataset$x >= sectionX.x.val[1] & dataset$x <= sectionX.x.val[2])
      sectionX.point.size <- getShinyOption("params")$point.size
    } else{
      sectionX.point.size <- input$sectionX.point.size
    # add refits:
    section.x.refits <- sum(c(input$sectionX.refits,
    .do_section_plot(selection = sel,
                     dataset = dataset,
                     section.point.size = sectionX.point.size,
                     refitting.df = refitting.df, # this is the reactive output
                     show.refits = section.x.refits,
                     colors = colors.list(),
                     grid.coord = grid.coordy(),
                     grid.legend = grid.legend,
                     coords = coords.min.max(),
                     axis.labels = axis.labels(),
                     xaxis = "x",
                     reverse.axis.values = getShinyOption("reverse.axis.values"))
  }, ignoreNULL = ( ! getShinyOption("run.plots")) ) # end sectionX
  output$sectionXplot <- plotly::renderPlotly({sectionXplot()})
  sectionX.click.selection <- reactive(plotly::event_data("plotly_click", source="y"))
  #  : html export: X section ----
  output$download.section.x.plot <- downloadHandler(
    filename = paste0(gsub(" ", "-", shiny::getShinyOption("title")), "-sectionX.html"),
    content = function(file2) {
      htmlwidgets::saveWidget(sectionXplot(), file = file2)
  # : Y section plot ----
  sectionYplot <- shiny::eventReactive(input$goButtonY, {
    req(init.values, objects.subdataset)
    dataset <- objects.subdataset()
      sectionY.x.val <- init.values()$valuesYx
      sectionY.y.val <- init.values()$valuesYy
    } else{
      sectionY.x.val <- input$sectionY.x.val  
      sectionY.y.val <- input$sectionY.y.val  
    sel <- (dataset$y >= sectionY.y.val[1] & dataset$y <= sectionY.y.val[2]) &
      (dataset$x >= sectionY.x.val[1] & dataset$x <= sectionY.x.val[2])
      sectionY.point.size <- getShinyOption("params")$point.size
    } else{
      sectionY.point.size <- input$sectionY.point.size
    # sel <- (dataset$y >= input$sectionY.y.val[1] & dataset$y <= input$sectionY.y.val[2]) &
    #   (dataset$x >= input$sectionY.x.val[1] & dataset$x <= input$sectionY.x.val[2])
    # add refits:
    section.y.refits <- sum(c(input$sectionY.refits,
    .do_section_plot(selection = sel,
                     dataset = dataset, 
                     section.point.size = sectionY.point.size,
                     refitting.df = refitting.df, # this is the reactive output
                     show.refits = section.y.refits, 
                     colors = colors.list(), 
                     grid.coord = grid.coordx(),
                     grid.legend = grid.legend,
                     coords = coords.min.max(),
                     axis.labels = axis.labels(), 
                     xaxis = "y",
                     reverse.axis.values = getShinyOption("reverse.axis.values"))
  }, ignoreNULL = ( ! getShinyOption("run.plots")) ) # end section Y
  output$sectionYplot <- plotly::renderPlotly({sectionYplot()})
  sectionY.click.selection <- reactive(plotly::event_data("plotly_click", source="x"))
  #  : html export: Y section ----
  output$download.section.y.plot <- downloadHandler(
    filename = paste0(gsub(" ", "-", shiny::getShinyOption("title")), "-sectionY.html"),
    content = function(file3) {
      htmlwidgets::saveWidget(sectionYplot(), file = file3)
  # : Map plot ----
  map <- eventReactive(input$goButtonZ, {
    dataset <- objects.subdataset()
      valuesZ <- init.values()$valuesZ
    } else{
      valuesZ <- input$map.z.val
    sel <- dataset$z >= valuesZ[1] & dataset$z <= valuesZ[2]
    planZ.df <- dataset[sel, ]
      map.point.size <- getShinyOption("params")$point.size
    } else{
      map.point.size <- input$map.point.size
    color.var <- group.variable()
    planZ.df[, color.var] <- as.character(planZ.df[, color.var])
    col <- unique(planZ.df[, c("layer_color", color.var)])
    col <- col[order(col[, 2]), ]
    col <- as.character(col$layer_color)
    # check whether to show refits:
    map.refits <- sum(c(input$map.refits,
    .do_map_plot(site.map(), planZ.df,
                map.point.size, color.var, col,
                map.refits, refitting.df(),
                background.map = getShinyOption("background.map"),
                grid.orientation = getShinyOption("grid.orientation"))
  }, ignoreNULL = ( ! getShinyOption("run.plots"))
  )   # end eventReactive
  output$map <- plotly::renderPlotly({ map() })
  map.click.selection <- reactive(plotly::event_data("plotly_click", source="B"))
  # : html export: Map  ----
  output$download.map.plot <- downloadHandler(
    filename = paste0(gsub(" ", "-", shiny::getShinyOption("title")), "-map.html"),
    content = function(file2) {
      htmlwidgets::saveWidget(map(), file = file2)
  # Conditionnal interface ----
  # : slider ratio 3D ----
  ratio3D.value <- reactive({
    ratio3D.value <- input$ratio
      ratio3D.value <- as.numeric(getShinyOption("params")$plot3d.ratio)
        ratio3D.value <- 1
  output$ratio3D <- renderUI({
    sliderInput("ratio", .term_switcher("ratio"), width="100%", sep = "",
                min=.1, max=2,
                value = ratio3D.value(),
  # : init values 
  init.values <- reactive({
    coords <- coords.min.max()
    if( ! is.null(getShinyOption("params")$sectionX.x.val) ){
      valuesXx <- getShinyOption("params")$sectionX.x.val
    } else{
      valuesXx <- c(coords$xmin, coords$xmax)
    if( ! is.null(getShinyOption("params")$sectionX.y.val) ){
      valuesXy <- getShinyOption("params")$sectionX.y.val
    } else{
      valuesXy <- summary(seq(coords$ymin, coords$ymax))[c(2, 3)]
    if( ! is.null(getShinyOption("params")$sectionY.x.val) ){
      valuesYx <- getShinyOption("params")$sectionY.x.val
    } else{
      valuesYx <- summary(seq(coords$xmin, coords$xmax))[c(2, 3)]
    if( ! is.null(getShinyOption("params")$sectionY.y.val) ){
      valuesYy <- getShinyOption("params")$sectionY.y.val
    } else{
      valuesYy <- c(coords$ymin, coords$ymax)
    if( ! is.null(getShinyOption("params")$map.z.val) ){
      valuesZ <- getShinyOption("params")$map.z.val
    } else{
      valuesZ <-summary(seq(coords$zmin, coords$zmax))[c(2, 3)]
    list("valuesXx" = valuesXx, "valuesXy" = valuesXy,
         "valuesYx" = valuesYx, "valuesYy" = valuesYy,
         "valuesZ" = valuesZ)
  # : slider Z  ----
  output$sliderMap <- renderUI({
    coords <- coords.min.max()
    sliderInput("map.z.val", "Z: min/max",  width="100%", sep = "",
                min = min(coords$zmin, coords$zmax), 
                max = max(coords$zmin, coords$zmax),
                step = 1, round = T,
                value = init.values()$valuesZ
  # : sliders X  ----
  output$sliderXx <- renderUI({
    coords <- coords.min.max()
    sliderInput("sectionX.x.val", "X: min/max", width="100%", sep = "",step=1,
                min = coords$xmin, max = coords$xmax, round=T,
                value = init.values()$valuesXx)
  output$sliderXy <- renderUI({
    coords <- coords.min.max()
    sliderInput("sectionX.y.val", "Y: min/max", width="100%", sep = "", step=1,
                min = coords$ymin, max = coords$ymax, round=T,
                value = init.values()$valuesXy)
  # : sliders Y  ----
  output$sliderYx <- renderUI({
    coords <- coords.min.max()
    sliderInput("sectionY.x.val", "X: min/max", width="100%", sep = "", step=1,
                min = coords$xmin, max = coords$xmax, round=T,
                value = init.values()$valuesYx)
  output$sliderYy <- renderUI({
    coords <- coords.min.max()
    sliderInput("sectionY.y.val", "Y: min/max", width="100%", sep = "", step=1,
                min = coords$ymin, max = coords$ymax, round=T,
                value = init.values()$valuesYy)
  # : slider timeline  ----
  output$sliderTimeline <- renderUI({
    time.df <- timeline.data()
    if(is.null(time.df)) return()
    sliderInput("history.date", .term_switcher("year"),
                width="100%",  sep = "",
                min = min(time.df$year), max = max(time.df$year),
                value = min(time.df$year), step=1)
  # : Object variable  ----
  variables.names <- reactive({
    colnames(objects.dataset())[grep("object*", colnames(objects.dataset()))]
  output$class.variable <- renderUI({
                choices = variables.names(),
                selected = getShinyOption("params")$class.variable)
  # observeEvent(input$reset_input, {
  #   # class.values.saved <- input$class.values
  #   updateTextInput(session, "class.values")
  # })
  # : Object values  ----
  class.values <- reactive({
    # times <- input$reset_input # reset selection
    # actionButton("reset_input", "Reset values"),
    req(objects.dataset, input$class.variable)
    data <- objects.dataset()
    values <- unique(eval(parse(text = paste0("data$", input$class.variable))))
    if(is.null(input$class.values)) {
      selected.value <- .term_switcher("all")
    } else if( ! is.null(getShinyOption("params")$class.values)){
      if(sum(getShinyOption("params")$class.values %in% values) > 0 ){
        param.list <-  getShinyOption("params")
        selected.value <- param.list$class.values
        param.list$class.values <- NULL # reset default value
        shinyOptions("params" =  param.list)
      } else{
        selected.value <- .term_switcher("all")
    } else {
      selected.value <- input$class.values
    list("values" = values, "selected.value" = selected.value)
  output$class.values <- renderUI({
    checkboxGroupInput("class.values", .term_switcher("values"),
                       selected = class.values()$selected.value )
  # : Group  selector ----
  output$group.selector <- renderUI({
    group.sel.modes <- structure(c("by.layer", "by.variable"),
                                 .Names = c(.term_switcher("by.layer"),
                 choices = group.sel.modes,
                 selected = getShinyOption("params")$default.group)
  # : Density selector  ----
  output$density_selector <- renderUI({
    density.modes <- structure(c("no", "overall", "by.variable"), 
                               .Names = c(.term_switcher("density.no"),
    map.density.sel <- "no"
    if( ! is.null(getShinyOption("params")$map.density) ){
      map.density.sel <- getShinyOption("params")$map.density
                 choices = density.modes,
                 selected = map.density.sel)
  # : Location selector  ----
  output$locationPanel <- reactive({is.data.frame(objects.dataset())})
  outputOptions(output, "locationPanel", suspendWhenHidden = FALSE)
  output$location_choice <- renderUI({
    loc.values <- sort(unique(objects.dataset()$location_mode))
    if(any(loc.values == "fuzzy")){
      loc.values <- c(loc.values, "show.uncertainty")
    loc.names <- sapply(loc.values, .term_switcher, USE.NAMES = F)
    loc.selection <- loc.values[1]
    if( ! is.null(getShinyOption("params")$location)){
      loc.selection <- getShinyOption("params")$location
    #TODO : interdire qu'il n'y ai aucune sélection
    checkboxGroupInput("location", .term_switcher("location"),
                       choiceNames = loc.names,
                       choiceValues = loc.values,
                       selected = loc.selection)
  # : Refitting display selectors  ----
  output$show.3d.refits <- renderUI({
    refitting.df <- refitting.df()
    if(nrow(refitting.df$refits.2d) > 0){
      checkboxInput("plot3d.refits", .term_switcher("refits"),
                    value = getShinyOption("params")$plot3d.refits)
  output$show.map.refits <- renderUI({
    refitting.df <- refitting.df()
    if(nrow(refitting.df$refits.2d) > 0){
      checkboxInput("map.refits", .term_switcher("refits"),
                    value = getShinyOption("params")$map.refits)
  output$show.sectionX.refits <- renderUI({
    refitting.df <- refitting.df()
    if(nrow(refitting.df$refits.2d) > 0){
      checkboxInput("sectionX.refits", .term_switcher("refits"),
                    value = getShinyOption("params")$sectionX.refits)
  output$show.sectionY.refits <- renderUI({
    refitting.df <- refitting.df()
    if(nrow(refitting.df$refits.2d) > 0){
      checkboxInput("sectionY.refits", .term_switcher("refits"),
                    value = getShinyOption("params")$sectionY.refits)
  # : Surfaces tick box  ----
  output$show.surfaces <- renderUI({
    df <- objects.subdataset()
    subsets <- table(df$group.variable)
    subsets <- names(subsets[subsets > 100])
    if(length(subsets) > 0){
      checkboxInput("plot3d.surfaces", .term_switcher("surfaces"),
                    value = getShinyOption("params")$plot3d.surfaces)
  # : Hull selector  ----
  hulls.list <- reactive({
    if( sum(input$plot3d.hulls, getShinyOption("params")$plot3d.hulls) == 0){
    # hulls can be computed only for subgroups of data with at least 19 points
    dataset <- objects.subdataset()
    hull.values <- table(dataset$group.variable) 
    hull.values <- names(hull.values[hull.values > 19])
    hull.selected <- hull.values
    value <- getShinyOption("params")$hulls.class.values
    if( ! is.null(value) ){
      if(sum(value %in% hull.values) > 0 ){
        hull.selected <- value
    list("hull.values" = hull.values, "hull.selected" = hull.selected)
  output$select.hulls <- renderUI({
                       selected = hulls.list()$hull.selected
  # : button html export 3D  ----
  output$download.button.html.export.3d <- renderUI({
      downloadButton("download.3d.plot", .term_switcher("export"))
  # : button html map  ----
  output$download.button.html.export.map <- renderUI({
      downloadButton("download.map.plot", .term_switcher("export"))
  # : button html section X  ----
  output$download.button.html.export.sectionX <- renderUI({
      downloadButton("download.section.x.plot", .term_switcher("export"))
  # : button html section Y  ----
  output$download.button.html.export.sectionY <- renderUI({
      downloadButton("download.section.y.plot", .term_switcher("export"))
  # : button timeline plot ----
  output$download.button.timeline.map.grid <- renderUI({
    downloadButton("download.timeline.map.grid", .term_switcher("download"))
  # : button timeline grid plot ----
  output$download.button.timeline.map <- renderUI({
    downloadButton("download.timeline.map", .term_switcher("download"))
  # : slider 3D point size ----
  output$plot3d.point.size <- renderUI({
    sliderInput("point.size", .term_switcher("point.size"),
                width="100%", sep = "",
                min=1, max=5, step=1,
  # : slider map point size ----
  output$map.point.size <- renderUI({
    sliderInput("map.point.size", .term_switcher("point.size"),
                width="100%", sep = "",
                min=1, max=8, step=1, 
                value = getShinyOption("params")$point.size)
  # : slider sec.X point size ----
  output$sectionX.point.size <- renderUI({
    sliderInput("sectionX.point.size", .term_switcher("point.size"),
                width="100%", sep = "",
                min=1, max=10, step=1,
                value = getShinyOption("params")$point.size)
  # : slider sec.Y point size ----
  output$sectionY.point.size <- renderUI({
    sliderInput("sectionY.point.size", .term_switcher("point.size"),
                width="100%", sep = "",
                min=1, max=10, step=1,
                value = getShinyOption("params")$point.size)
  # : slider rotation ----
  output$sliderRotation <- renderUI({
  sliderInput("rotation", .term_switcher("rotation"),
              value = getShinyOption("params")$rotation,
              min = -180, max = 180, step=1)
  # Exports ----
  # : export table   ----
  export.table <- reactive({
    req(input$class.variable, objects.subdataset)
    if( (Sys.getenv('SHINY_PORT') == "") |
        ( ! getShinyOption("table.export")) ){ return(FALSE) }
    dataset <- objects.subdataset()
    stat.variable1 <- input$stat.variable1
    stat.variable2 <- input$stat.variable2
    if(is.null(stat.variable1)) stat.variable1 <- "layer"
    if(is.null(stat.variable2)) stat.variable2 <- "object_type"
    df <- table(
      dataset[ , which(colnames(dataset) == stat.variable1)],
      dataset[ , which(colnames(dataset) == stat.variable2)])
    if(dim(df)[1] == 1 | dim(df)[2] == 1){ return(FALSE) }
    df <- as.matrix(df)
  # : seriograph   ----
  # 1) seriograph handler
  output$download.seriograph <- downloadHandler(
    filename = "seriograph.csv",
    content = function(file) {
      write.csv(export.table(), file, row.names = TRUE)
  # 2) seriograph links
  output$run.seriograph <- renderUI({
    external_app_launch_links(table = export.table(),
                              app.name = "seriograph", 
                     app.url ="https://analytics.huma-num.fr/ModAthom/seriograph/?data=",
                     methods = .term_switcher("seriations"),
                     session = session) 
  # : explor-CA   ----
  # 1) explor.ca handler
  output$download.explor.ca <- downloadHandler(
    filename = "explor-ca.csv",
    content = function(file) {
      write.csv(export.table(), file, row.names = TRUE)
  # 2)  explor.ca links
  output$run.explor.ca <- renderUI({
    external_app_launch_links(table = export.table(),
                              app.name = "explor.ca",
                     app.url = "https://analytics.huma-num.fr/Sebastien.Plutniak/explor-ca/?data=",
                     methods = .term_switcher("corr.analysis"),
                     session = session)
  # : shinyheatmaply   ----
  # 1) shinyheatmaply handler
  output$download.shinyheatmaply <- downloadHandler(
    filename = "shinyheatmaply.csv",
    content = function(file) {
      write.csv(export.table(), file, row.names = TRUE)
  # shinyheatmaply links
  output$run.shinyheatmaply <- renderUI({
    external_app_launch_links(table = export.table(),
                              app.name = "shinyheatmaply",
            app.url = "https://analytics.huma-num.fr/Sebastien.Plutniak/shinyHeatmaply/?data=",
            methods = paste0(.term_switcher("classifications"),
                             ", ",
            session = session) 
  # : amado   ----
  # 1) amado handler
  output$download.amado <- downloadHandler(
    filename = "amado.csv",
    content = function(file) {
      write.csv(export.table(), file, row.names = TRUE)
  # 2) amado url
  amado.url <- reactive({
    data <- export.table()
    data <- data[order(rownames(data)), ]
    # retrieve the name of the instance:
    title <- shiny::getShinyOption("title")
    if(is.null(title)){ title <- "archeoViz" }
    data <- eval(parse(text = paste0(
      "cbind('", title, "'= rownames(data), data)"
    data <- rbind(colnames(data), data)

    # recast the table as a single string:
    data <- apply(data, 2, paste0, collapse="%09")   # separate cells by tabs
    data <- gsub(" ", "%20", data)                   # add spaces
    data <- paste0(data, collapse = "%0A")           # encode lines

    # generate an URL:
    amado.lang <- "en"
    if(any(c('es', 'fr', 'it', 'ru', 'tr', 'uk', 'vi', 'zh') == shiny::getShinyOption("lang"))){
      amado.lang <- shiny::getShinyOption("lang")

           amado.lang, "&table=", data)

  output$run.amado <- renderUI({
      "> ", .term_switcher("export.to"),
                 label = "AMADO online",
                 onclick = paste("window.open('",
                                 amado.url(), "', '_blank')")),
      paste0(": ", .term_switcher("seriations"), ", ",
      .term_switcher("download"), downloadLink("download.amado", " CSV"),

  # : archeofrag ----
  archeofrag.tables <- reactive({
    req(input$class.variable, objects.dataset(), refitting.df())
    if( (Sys.getenv('SHINY_PORT') == "") |
        (! getShinyOption("table.export")) ){ return() }
    refits.df <- refitting.df()[[3]]
    dataset <- objects.dataset()
    dataset <- dataset[, c("id", "layer")]
    if( (nrow(refits.df) == 0) | (length(unique(dataset$layer)) < 2) ){return()}
    refits.df <- refits.df[refits.df[,1] %in% dataset[,1], ]
    refits.df <- refits.df[refits.df[,2] %in% dataset[,1], ]
    list("edges" = refits.df, "objects" = dataset)
  output$download.archeofrag.edges <- downloadHandler(
    filename = "archeofrag-edges.csv",
    content = function(file) {
      write.csv(archeofrag.tables()[[1]], file, row.names = FALSE)
  output$download.archeofrag.nodes <- downloadHandler(
    filename = "archeofrag-nodes.csv",
    content = function(file) {
      write.csv(archeofrag.tables()[[2]], file, row.names = FALSE)
  archeofrag.url <- reactive({
    # edges
    edges.url <- session$registerDataObj(name = "table",
                                         data = archeofrag.tables()[[1]],
                                         filterFunc = function(data, req) { 
                                           httpResponse(200, "text/csv",
                                                        write.csv(data, row.names=FALSE)
    object.id2 <- gsub(".*w=(.*)&nonce.*", "\\1", edges.url)
    edges.url <- paste0(session$clientData$url_protocol, "//",
                        "_w_", object.id2, 
                        "/session/", session$token, "/download/download.archeofrag.edges")
    # nodes 
    nodes.url <- session$registerDataObj(name = "table",
                                         data = archeofrag.tables()[[2]],
                                         filterFunc = function(data, req) { 
                                           httpResponse(200, "text/csv",
                                                        write.csv(data, row.names = FALSE)
    object.id <- gsub(".*w=(.*)&nonce.*", "\\1", nodes.url)
    nodes.url <- paste0(session$clientData$url_protocol, "//",
                        "_w_", object.id, 
                        "/session/", session$token, "/download/download.archeofrag.nodes")
    paste0("https://analytics.huma-num.fr/Sebastien.Plutniak/archeofrag/?objects=", nodes.url, "&relations=", edges.url)
  output$run.archeofrag <- renderUI({
      "> ", .term_switcher("export.to"),
                 label = "archeofrag",
                 onclick = paste("window.open('",
                                 archeofrag.url(), "', '_blank')")),
      ": ",
      " - ", .term_switcher("download"),
      downloadLink("download.archeofrag.edges", " CSV-1"),
      ", ",
      downloadLink("download.archeofrag.nodes", " CSV-2")
  # : Export ui header ----
  output$export.header <- renderUI({
      ( (Sys.getenv('SHINY_PORT') != "") & # only if remote use of the app
        ( getShinyOption("table.export")) ) &
      ( isTruthy(export.table) | isTruthy(archeofrag.tables) ) ){
           div(style = "display: flex;",
                       paste(.term_switcher("variable"), "1"),
                       choices = c("layer", variables.names()),
                       selected = "layer"), 
                       paste(.term_switcher("variable"), "2"),
                       choices = c("layer", variables.names()),
                       selected = "object_type")
    } else{ return() }
  #  Reproducibility ----
  output$reproducibility <- reactive({
    class.values <- input$class.values
    if(length(input$class.values) == 1){
      class.values <- paste0("'", class.values, "'")
    if(sum(input$class.values == .term_switcher("all"))){
      class.values <-  NULL
    reactive.params <- list("home.text" = "' '",
                            "add.x.square.labels" = getShinyOption("add.x.square.labels"),
                            "add.y.square.labels" = getShinyOption("add.y.square.labels"),
                            "class.variable" = paste0("'", input$class.variable, "'"),
                            "class.values" = class.values, 
                            "default.group" = paste0("'", input$group.selection, "'"),
                            "location.mode" = paste0("'", input$location, "'"),
                            "map.z.val" = input$map.z.val,
                            "map.density" = paste0("'", input$map.density, "'"),
                            "map.refits" = input$map.refits,
                            "plot3d.ratio" = input$plot3d.ratio,
                            "plot3d.hulls" = input$plot3d.hulls,
                            "hulls.class.values" = input$hulls.selection,
                            "plot3d.surfaces" = input$plot3d.surfaces,
                            "plot3d.refits" = input$plot3d.refits,
                            "sectionX.x.val" = input$sectionX.x.val,
                            "sectionX.y.val" = input$sectionX.y.val,
                            "sectionX.refits" = input$sectionX.refits,
                            "sectionY.x.val" = input$sectionY.x.val,
                            "sectionY.y.val" = input$sectionY.y.val,
                            "sectionY.refits" = input$sectionY.refits,
                            "rotation" = rotation.value()
    .do_r_command(reactive.params, refitting.df())
  #  Timeline ----
  #  : main timeline ----
  timeline.map.plot <- reactive({
    time.df <- timeline.data()
    if(is.null(time.df)) return()
    time.sub.df <- time.df[time.df$year == input$history.date, ]
    if(nrow(time.sub.df) == 0) return()
    axis.labels <- axis.labels()

    if("x" %in% getShinyOption("reverse.square.names")){
      levels(time.sub.df$square_x) <- rev(levels(time.sub.df$square_x))
    if("y" %in% getShinyOption("reverse.square.names")){
      levels(time.sub.df$square_y) <- rev(levels(time.sub.df$square_y))
    if("x" %in% getShinyOption("reverse.axis.values")){
      time.sub.df$square_x <- factor(time.sub.df$square_x,
                        levels = rev(levels(time.sub.df$square_x)))
    if("y" %in% getShinyOption("reverse.axis.values")){
      time.sub.df$square_y <- factor(time.sub.df$square_y,
                          levels = rev(levels(time.sub.df$square_y)))
    timeline.map.out <- timeline.map() +
      geom_tile(data = time.sub.df,
                aes(x = .data[["square_x"]], y = .data[["square_y"]],
                    fill = .data[["excavation"]]),
                show.legend = FALSE) 
      timeline.map.out <- timeline.map.out +
        theme(axis.text.x = element_blank())
      timeline.map.out <- timeline.map.out + 
        theme(axis.text.y = element_blank())
    # : - add scale ----
    timeline.map.out <- timeline.map.out +
               x = length(axis.labels[[1]][[1]]) / 3,
               y = -0.5 ,
               size  = 4,  
               label = grid.legend) +
      coord_fixed(ylim = c(1, length(axis.labels[[2]][[1]])), 
                  clip = 'off') 
    # : - add north arrow ----
    if( ! is.null(getShinyOption("grid.orientation"))){
      arrow.x.origin <- length(axis.labels[[1]][[1]]) * 2/3
      arrow.coords <- matrix(c(arrow.x.origin,
                                0, - .5),
      arrow.coords <- .rotate(coords = arrow.coords,  # rotate arrow
                     degrees = 360 - getShinyOption("grid.orientation"),
                     pivot = c(arrow.x.origin,
                               median(c(arrow.coords[, 2])))
      timeline.map.out <- timeline.map.out +
                 x = arrow.x.origin,
                 y = arrow.coords[2,2] - .25, size  = 4,  
                 label = "N") +      
                 x = arrow.coords[1,1], xend = arrow.coords[2,1],
                 y = arrow.coords[2,2], yend = arrow.coords[1,2],
                 arrow = ggplot2::arrow(length = ggplot2::unit(0.2, "cm"))
  output$timeline.map <- renderPlot({
  output$download.timeline.map <- downloadHandler(
    filename = "timeline-map.svg",
    content = function(file) {
      ggsave(file, plot = timeline.map.plot(),
             device = "svg", width=9, height=9, pointsize = 14)
  #  : timeline grid ----
  timeline.map.grid <- reactive({
    time.df <- timeline.data()
    if(is.null(time.df)) return()
    if("x" %in% getShinyOption("reverse.axis.values")){
      time.df$square_x <- factor(time.df$square_x,
                                     levels = rev(levels(time.df$square_x)))
    if("y" %in% getShinyOption("reverse.axis.values")){
      time.df$square_y <- factor(time.df$square_y,
                                     levels = rev(levels(time.df$square_y)))
    timeline.map() +
      geom_tile(data = time.df,
                aes(x = .data[["square_x"]], y = .data[["square_y"]], 
                    fill = .data[["excavation"]]), 
                show.legend = FALSE) +
      coord_fixed() +
      facet_wrap(~year) +
      theme(axis.text.x = element_text(color="white", size = .1),
            axis.text.y = element_text(color="white", size = .1),
            panel.grid.major = element_blank())
  output$timeline.map.grid <- renderPlot({ 
  output$download.timeline.map.grid <- downloadHandler(
    filename = "timeline-map-grid.svg",
    content = function(file) {
      ggsave(file, plot = timeline.map.grid(),
             device = "svg", width=9, height=9, pointsize = 14)
} # end of server.R

# sample_df <- data.frame(
#   x = 1:20),
#   y = 1:20
# )
# group_means_df <- setNames(
#   aggregate(value ~ group, sample_df, mean),
#   c("group", "group_mean")
# )
#   ggplot(data = sample_df, mapping = aes(x = x, y = y)) +
#       theme_minimal(base_size = 11) +
#       # geom_vline(xintercept = seq(1,10,2) ) +
#       # geom_hline(yintercept = seq(1,10,2) ) +
#   geom_point()  +
#   coord_fixed() +
#   scale_x_continuous("xx") +
#   scale_y_continuous("x")   + 
#     theme(panel.grid.minor = element_line(color = "red"),
#           panel.grid.major = element_line(color = "blue"),
#           )
# a$layers

Try the archeoViz package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

archeoViz documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:04 a.m.