
Defines functions validate_positive_int_value write_tsv_dataset write_csv_dataset write_delim_dataset write_dataset

Documented in write_csv_dataset write_dataset write_delim_dataset write_tsv_dataset

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.

#' Write a dataset
#' This function allows you to write a dataset. By writing to more efficient
#' binary storage formats, and by specifying relevant partitioning, you can
#' make it much faster to read and query.
#' @param dataset [Dataset], [RecordBatch], [Table], `arrow_dplyr_query`, or
#' `data.frame`. If an `arrow_dplyr_query`, the query will be evaluated and
#' the result will be written. This means that you can `select()`, `filter()`, `mutate()`,
#' etc. to transform the data before it is written if you need to.
#' @param path string path, URI, or `SubTreeFileSystem` referencing a directory
#' to write to (directory will be created if it does not exist)
#' @param format a string identifier of the file format. Default is to use
#' "parquet" (see [FileFormat])
#' @param partitioning `Partitioning` or a character vector of columns to
#' use as partition keys (to be written as path segments). Default is to
#' use the current `group_by()` columns.
#' @param basename_template string template for the names of files to be written.
#' Must contain `"{i}"`, which will be replaced with an autoincremented
#' integer to generate basenames of datafiles. For example, `"part-{i}.arrow"`
#' will yield `"part-0.arrow", ...`.
#' If not specified, it defaults to `"part-{i}.<default extension>"`.
#' @param hive_style logical: write partition segments as Hive-style
#' (`key1=value1/key2=value2/file.ext`) or as just bare values. Default is `TRUE`.
#' @param existing_data_behavior The behavior to use when there is already data
#' in the destination directory.  Must be one of "overwrite", "error", or
#' "delete_matching".
#' - "overwrite" (the default) then any new files created will overwrite
#'   existing files
#' - "error" then the operation will fail if the destination directory is not
#'   empty
#' - "delete_matching" then the writer will delete any existing partitions
#'   if data is going to be written to those partitions and will leave alone
#'   partitions which data is not written to.
#' @param max_partitions maximum number of partitions any batch may be
#' written into. Default is 1024L.
#' @param max_open_files maximum number of files that can be left opened
#' during a write operation. If greater than 0 then this will limit the
#' maximum number of files that can be left open. If an attempt is made to open
#' too many files then the least recently used file will be closed.
#' If this setting is set too low you may end up fragmenting your data
#' into many small files. The default is 900 which also allows some # of files to be
#' open by the scanner before hitting the default Linux limit of 1024.
#' @param max_rows_per_file maximum number of rows per file.
#' If greater than 0 then this will limit how many rows are placed in any single file.
#' Default is 0L.
#' @param min_rows_per_group write the row groups to the disk when this number of
#' rows have accumulated. Default is 0L.
#' @param max_rows_per_group maximum rows allowed in a single
#' group and when this number of rows is exceeded, it is split and the next set
#' of rows is written to the next group. This value must be set such that it is
#' greater than `min_rows_per_group`. Default is 1024 * 1024.
#' @param ... additional format-specific arguments. For available Parquet
#' options, see [write_parquet()]. The available Feather options are:
#' - `use_legacy_format` logical: write data formatted so that Arrow libraries
#'   versions 0.14 and lower can read it. Default is `FALSE`. You can also
#'   enable this by setting the environment variable `ARROW_PRE_0_15_IPC_FORMAT=1`.
#' - `metadata_version`: A string like "V5" or the equivalent integer indicating
#'   the Arrow IPC MetadataVersion. Default (`NULL`) will use the latest version,
#'   unless the environment variable `ARROW_PRE_1_0_METADATA_VERSION=1`, in
#'   which case it will be V4.
#' - `codec`: A [Codec] which will be used to compress body buffers of written
#'   files. Default (NULL) will not compress body buffers.
#' - `null_fallback`: character to be used in place of missing values (`NA` or
#' `NULL`) when using Hive-style partitioning. See [hive_partition()].
#' @return The input `dataset`, invisibly
#' @examplesIf arrow_with_dataset() & arrow_with_parquet() & requireNamespace("dplyr", quietly = TRUE)
#' # You can write datasets partitioned by the values in a column (here: "cyl").
#' # This creates a structure of the form cyl=X/part-Z.parquet.
#' one_level_tree <- tempfile()
#' write_dataset(mtcars, one_level_tree, partitioning = "cyl")
#' list.files(one_level_tree, recursive = TRUE)
#' # You can also partition by the values in multiple columns
#' # (here: "cyl" and "gear").
#' # This creates a structure of the form cyl=X/gear=Y/part-Z.parquet.
#' two_levels_tree <- tempfile()
#' write_dataset(mtcars, two_levels_tree, partitioning = c("cyl", "gear"))
#' list.files(two_levels_tree, recursive = TRUE)
#' # In the two previous examples we would have:
#' # X = {4,6,8}, the number of cylinders.
#' # Y = {3,4,5}, the number of forward gears.
#' # Z = {0,1,2}, the number of saved parts, starting from 0.
#' # You can obtain the same result as as the previous examples using arrow with
#' # a dplyr pipeline. This will be the same as two_levels_tree above, but the
#' # output directory will be different.
#' library(dplyr)
#' two_levels_tree_2 <- tempfile()
#' mtcars %>%
#'   group_by(cyl, gear) %>%
#'   write_dataset(two_levels_tree_2)
#' list.files(two_levels_tree_2, recursive = TRUE)
#' # And you can also turn off the Hive-style directory naming where the column
#' # name is included with the values by using `hive_style = FALSE`.
#' # Write a structure X/Y/part-Z.parquet.
#' two_levels_tree_no_hive <- tempfile()
#' mtcars %>%
#'   group_by(cyl, gear) %>%
#'   write_dataset(two_levels_tree_no_hive, hive_style = FALSE)
#' list.files(two_levels_tree_no_hive, recursive = TRUE)
#' @export
write_dataset <- function(dataset,
                          format = c("parquet", "feather", "arrow", "ipc", "csv", "tsv", "txt", "text"),
                          partitioning = dplyr::group_vars(dataset),
                          basename_template = paste0("part-{i}.", as.character(format)),
                          hive_style = TRUE,
                          existing_data_behavior = c("overwrite", "error", "delete_matching"),
                          max_partitions = 1024L,
                          max_open_files = 900L,
                          max_rows_per_file = 0L,
                          min_rows_per_group = 0L,
                          max_rows_per_group = bitwShiftL(1, 20),
                          ...) {
  format <- match.arg(format)
  if (format %in% c("feather", "ipc")) {
    format <- "arrow"
  if (inherits(dataset, "arrow_dplyr_query")) {
    # partitioning vars need to be in the `select` schema
    dataset <- ensure_group_vars(dataset)
  } else {
    if (inherits(dataset, "grouped_df")) {
      # Drop the grouping metadata before writing; we've already consumed it
      # now to construct `partitioning` and don't want it in the metadata$r
      dataset <- dplyr::ungroup(dataset)
    dataset <- as_adq(dataset)

  plan <- ExecPlan$create()

  final_node <- plan$Build(dataset)
  if (!is.null(final_node$extras$sort %||% final_node$extras$head %||% final_node$extras$tail)) {
    # Because sorting and topK are only handled in the SinkNode (or in R!),
    # they wouldn't get picked up in the WriteNode. So let's Run this ExecPlan
    # to capture those, and then create a new plan for writing
    # TODO(ARROW-15681): do sorting in WriteNode in C++
    dataset <- as_adq(plan$Run(final_node))
    plan <- ExecPlan$create()
    final_node <- plan$Build(dataset)

  if (!inherits(partitioning, "Partitioning")) {
    partition_schema <- final_node$schema[partitioning]
    if (isTRUE(hive_style)) {
      partitioning <- HivePartitioning$create(
        null_fallback = list(...)$null_fallback
    } else {
      partitioning <- DirectoryPartitioning$create(partition_schema)

  path_and_fs <- get_path_and_filesystem(path)

  dots <- list(...)
  if (format %in% c("txt", "text") && !any(c("delimiter", "delim") %in% names(dots))) {
    stop("A delimiter must be given for a txt format.")
  if (format == "tsv" && any(c("delimiter", "delim") %in% names(dots))) {
    stop("Can't set a delimiter for the tsv format.")

  output_schema <- final_node$schema
  # This is a workaround because CsvFileFormat$create defaults the delimiter to ","
  if (format == "tsv") {
    options <- FileWriteOptions$create(
      column_names = names(output_schema),
      delimiter = "\t",
  } else {
    options <- FileWriteOptions$create(
      column_names = names(output_schema),

  # TODO(ARROW-16200): expose FileSystemDatasetWriteOptions in R
  # and encapsulate this logic better
  existing_data_behavior_opts <- c("delete_matching", "overwrite", "error")
  existing_data_behavior <- match(match.arg(existing_data_behavior), existing_data_behavior_opts) - 1L

  if (!missing(max_rows_per_file) && missing(max_rows_per_group) && max_rows_per_group > max_rows_per_file) {
    max_rows_per_group <- max_rows_per_file


    options, path_and_fs$fs, path_and_fs$path,
    partitioning, basename_template,
    existing_data_behavior, max_partitions,
    max_open_files, max_rows_per_file,
    min_rows_per_group, max_rows_per_group

#' Write a dataset into partitioned flat files.
#' The `write_*_dataset()` are a family of wrappers around [write_dataset] to allow for easy switching
#' between functions for writing datasets.
#' @inheritParams write_dataset
#' @param col_names Whether to write an initial header line with column names.
#' @param batch_size Maximum number of rows processed at a time. Default is 1024L.
#' @param delim Delimiter used to separate values. Defaults to `","` for `write_delim_dataset()` and
#' `write_csv_dataset()`, and `"\t` for `write_tsv_dataset()`. Cannot be changed for `write_tsv_dataset()`.
#' @param na a character vector of strings to interpret as missing values. Quotes are not allowed in this string.
#' The default is an empty string `""`.
#' @param eol the end of line character to use for ending rows. The default is `"\n"`.
#' @param quote How to handle fields which contain characters that need to be quoted.
#' - `needed` - Enclose all strings and binary values in quotes which need them, because their CSV rendering can
#'  contain quotes itself  (the default)
#' - `all` -   Enclose all valid values in quotes. Nulls are not quoted. May cause readers to
#' interpret all values as strings if schema is inferred.
#' - `none` -   Do not enclose any values in quotes. Prevents values from containing quotes ("),
#' cell delimiters (,) or line endings (\\r, \\n), (following RFC4180). If values
#' contain these characters, an error is caused when attempting to write.
#' @return The input `dataset`, invisibly.
#' @seealso [write_dataset()]
#' @export
write_delim_dataset <- function(dataset,
                                partitioning = dplyr::group_vars(dataset),
                                basename_template = "part-{i}.txt",
                                hive_style = TRUE,
                                existing_data_behavior = c("overwrite", "error", "delete_matching"),
                                max_partitions = 1024L,
                                max_open_files = 900L,
                                max_rows_per_file = 0L,
                                min_rows_per_group = 0L,
                                max_rows_per_group = bitwShiftL(1, 20),
                                col_names = TRUE,
                                batch_size = 1024L,
                                delim = ",",
                                na = "",
                                eol = "\n",
                                quote = c("needed", "all", "none")) {
  if (!missing(max_rows_per_file) && missing(max_rows_per_group) && max_rows_per_group > max_rows_per_file) {
    max_rows_per_group <- max_rows_per_file

  quoting_style_arrow_opts <- c("Needed", "AllValid", "None")
  quote <- match(match.arg(quote), c("needed", "all", "none"))
  quote <- quoting_style_arrow_opts[quote]

    dataset = dataset,
    path = path,
    format = "txt",
    partitioning = partitioning,
    basename_template = basename_template,
    hive_style = hive_style,
    existing_data_behavior = existing_data_behavior,
    max_partitions = max_partitions,
    max_open_files = max_open_files,
    max_rows_per_file = max_rows_per_file,
    min_rows_per_group = min_rows_per_group,
    max_rows_per_group = max_rows_per_group,
    include_header = col_names,
    batch_size = batch_size,
    delimiter = delim,
    null_string = na,
    eol = eol,
    quoting_style = quote

#' @rdname write_delim_dataset
#' @export
write_csv_dataset <- function(dataset,
                              partitioning = dplyr::group_vars(dataset),
                              basename_template = "part-{i}.csv",
                              hive_style = TRUE,
                              existing_data_behavior = c("overwrite", "error", "delete_matching"),
                              max_partitions = 1024L,
                              max_open_files = 900L,
                              max_rows_per_file = 0L,
                              min_rows_per_group = 0L,
                              max_rows_per_group = bitwShiftL(1, 20),
                              col_names = TRUE,
                              batch_size = 1024L,
                              delim = ",",
                              na = "",
                              eol = "\n",
                              quote = c("needed", "all", "none")) {
  if (!missing(max_rows_per_file) && missing(max_rows_per_group) && max_rows_per_group > max_rows_per_file) {
    max_rows_per_group <- max_rows_per_file

  quoting_style_arrow_opts <- c("Needed", "AllValid", "None")
  quote <- match(match.arg(quote), c("needed", "all", "none"))
  quote <- quoting_style_arrow_opts[quote]

    dataset = dataset,
    path = path,
    format = "csv",
    partitioning = partitioning,
    basename_template = basename_template,
    hive_style = hive_style,
    existing_data_behavior = existing_data_behavior,
    max_partitions = max_partitions,
    max_open_files = max_open_files,
    max_rows_per_file = max_rows_per_file,
    min_rows_per_group = min_rows_per_group,
    max_rows_per_group = max_rows_per_group,
    include_header = col_names,
    batch_size = batch_size,
    delimiter = delim,
    null_string = na,
    eol = eol,
    quoting_style = quote

#' @rdname write_delim_dataset
#' @export
write_tsv_dataset <- function(dataset,
                              partitioning = dplyr::group_vars(dataset),
                              basename_template = "part-{i}.tsv",
                              hive_style = TRUE,
                              existing_data_behavior = c("overwrite", "error", "delete_matching"),
                              max_partitions = 1024L,
                              max_open_files = 900L,
                              max_rows_per_file = 0L,
                              min_rows_per_group = 0L,
                              max_rows_per_group = bitwShiftL(1, 20),
                              col_names = TRUE,
                              batch_size = 1024L,
                              na = "",
                              eol = "\n",
                              quote = c("needed", "all", "none")) {
  if (!missing(max_rows_per_file) && missing(max_rows_per_group) && max_rows_per_group > max_rows_per_file) {
    max_rows_per_group <- max_rows_per_file

  quoting_style_arrow_opts <- c("Needed", "AllValid", "None")
  quote <- match(match.arg(quote), c("needed", "all", "none"))
  quote <- quoting_style_arrow_opts[quote]

    dataset = dataset,
    path = path,
    format = "tsv",
    partitioning = partitioning,
    basename_template = basename_template,
    hive_style = hive_style,
    existing_data_behavior = existing_data_behavior,
    max_partitions = max_partitions,
    max_open_files = max_open_files,
    max_rows_per_file = max_rows_per_file,
    min_rows_per_group = min_rows_per_group,
    max_rows_per_group = max_rows_per_group,
    include_header = col_names,
    batch_size = batch_size,
    null_string = na,
    eol = eol,
    quoting_style = quote

validate_positive_int_value <- function(value, msg) {
  if (!is_integerish(value, n = 1) || is.na(value) || value < 0) {
    abort(paste(substitute(value), "must be a positive, non-missing integer"))

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arrow documentation built on Nov. 25, 2023, 1:09 a.m.