
Defines functions register_bindings_conditional

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# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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register_bindings_conditional <- function() {
  register_binding("%in%", function(x, table) {
    # We use `is_in` here, unlike with Arrays, which use `is_in_meta_binary`
    value_set <- Array$create(table)
    # If possible, `table` should be the same type as `x`
    # Try downcasting here; otherwise Acero may upcast x to table's type
      value_set <- cast_or_parse(value_set, x$type()),
      silent = TRUE

    expr <- Expression$create("is_in", x,
      options = list(
        value_set = value_set,
        skip_nulls = TRUE

  register_binding("dplyr::coalesce", function(...) {
    args <- list2(...)
    if (length(args) < 1) {
      validation_error("At least one argument must be supplied to coalesce()")

    # Treat NaN like NA for consistency with dplyr::coalesce(), but if *all*
    # the values are NaN, we should return NaN, not NA, so don't replace
    # NaN with NA in the final (or only) argument
    # TODO: if an option is added to the coalesce kernel to treat NaN as NA,
    # use that to simplify the code here (ARROW-13389)
    attr(args[[length(args)]], "last") <- TRUE
    args <- lapply(args, function(arg) {
      last_arg <- is.null(attr(arg, "last"))
      attr(arg, "last") <- NULL

      if (!inherits(arg, "Expression")) {
        arg <- Expression$scalar(arg)

      if (last_arg && arg$type_id() %in% TYPES_WITH_NAN) {
        # store the NA_real_ in the same type as arg to avoid casting
        # smaller float types to larger float types
        NA_expr <- Expression$scalar(Scalar$create(NA_real_, type = arg$type()))
        Expression$create("if_else", Expression$create("is_nan", arg), NA_expr, arg)
      } else {
    Expression$create("coalesce", args = args)

  # Although base R ifelse allows `yes` and `no` to be different classes
  register_binding("base::ifelse", function(test, yes, no) {
    args <- list(test, yes, no)
    # For if_else, the first arg should be a bool Expression, and we don't
    # want to consider that when casting the other args to the same type.
    # But ideally `yes` and `no` args should be the same type.
    args[-1] <- cast_scalars_to_common_type(args[-1])

    Expression$create("if_else", args = args)

  register_binding("dplyr::if_else", function(condition, true, false, missing = NULL) {
    out <- call_binding("base::ifelse", condition, true, false)
    if (!is.null(missing)) {
      out <- call_binding(
        call_binding("is.na", condition),

  register_binding("dplyr::case_when", function(..., .default = NULL, .ptype = NULL, .size = NULL) {
    if (!is.null(.ptype)) {
      arrow_not_supported("`case_when()` with `.ptype` specified")

    if (!is.null(.size)) {
      arrow_not_supported("`case_when()` with `.size` specified")

    formulas <- list2(...)
    n <- length(formulas)
    if (n == 0) {
      validation_error("No cases provided")
    query <- vector("list", n)
    value <- vector("list", n)
    mask <- caller_env()
    for (i in seq_len(n)) {
      f <- formulas[[i]]
      if (!inherits(f, "formula")) {
        validation_error("Each argument to case_when() must be a two-sided formula")
      query[[i]] <- arrow_eval(f[[2]], mask)
      value[[i]] <- arrow_eval(f[[3]], mask)
      if (!call_binding("is.logical", query[[i]])) {
        validation_error("Left side of each formula in case_when() must be a logical expression")
    if (!is.null(.default)) {
      if (length(.default) != 1) {
        validation_error(paste0("`.default` must have size 1, not size ", length(.default), "."))

      query[n + 1] <- TRUE
      value[n + 1] <- .default
      args = c(
          args = query,
          options = list(field_names = as.character(seq_along(query)))
  }, notes = "`.ptype` and `.size` arguments not supported")

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arrow documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:02 p.m.