
Defines functions register_bindings_type_format register_bindings_type_elementwise register_bindings_type_inspect register_bindings_type_cast cast register_bindings_type

Documented in cast

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# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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# Split up into several register functions by category to satisfy the linter
register_bindings_type <- function() {

#' Change the type of an array or column
#' This is a wrapper around the `$cast()` method that many Arrow objects have.
#' It is more convenient to call inside `dplyr` pipelines than the method.
#' @param x an `Array`, `Table`, `Expression`, or similar Arrow data object.
#' @param to [DataType] to cast to; for [Table] and [RecordBatch],
#' it should be a [Schema].
#' @param safe logical: only allow the type conversion if no data is lost
#' (truncation, overflow, etc.). Default is `TRUE`.
#' @param ... specific `CastOptions` to set
#' @return An [Expression]
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' mtcars %>%
#'   arrow_table() %>%
#'   mutate(cyl = cast(cyl, string()))
#' }
#' @keywords internal
#' @seealso [`data-type`] for a list of [DataType] to be used with `to`.
#' @seealso [Arrow C++ CastOptions documentation](https://arrow.apache.org/docs/cpp/api/compute.html?highlight=castoptions#arrow%3A%3Acompute%3A%3ACastOptions) # nolint
#' for the list of supported CastOptions.
cast <- function(x, to, safe = TRUE, ...) {
  if (!inherits(x, "ArrowObject")) {
    x <- Scalar$create(x)
  x$cast(to, safe = safe, ...)

register_bindings_type_cast <- function() {
  register_binding("arrow::cast", cast)

  # as.* type casting functions
  # as.factor() is not supported
  register_binding("base::as.character", function(x) {
    cast(x, string())
  register_binding("base::as.double", function(x) {
    cast(x, float64())
  register_binding("base::as.integer", function(x) {
      allow_float_truncate = TRUE,
      allow_decimal_truncate = TRUE
  register_binding("bit64::as.integer64", function(x) {
      allow_float_truncate = TRUE,
      allow_decimal_truncate = TRUE
  register_binding("base::as.logical", function(x) {
    cast(x, boolean())
  register_binding("base::as.numeric", function(x) {
    cast(x, float64())

  register_binding("methods::is", function(object, class2) {
    if (is.string(class2)) {
        # for R data types, pass off to is.*() functions
        character = call_binding("is.character", object),
        numeric = call_binding("is.numeric", object),
        integer = call_binding("is.integer", object),
        integer64 = call_binding("is.integer64", object),
        logical = call_binding("is.logical", object),
        factor = call_binding("is.factor", object),
        list = call_binding("is.list", object),
        # for Arrow data types, compare class2 with object$type()$ToString(),
        # but first strip off any parameters to only compare the top-level data
        # type,  and canonicalize class2
        sub("^([^([<]+).*$", "\\1", object$type()$ToString()) ==
    } else if (inherits(class2, "DataType")) {
      object$type() == as_type(class2)
    } else {
      validation_error("Second argument to is() is not a string or DataType")

  # Create a data frame/tibble/struct column
  register_binding("tibble::tibble", function(...,
                                              .rows = NULL,
                                              .name_repair = NULL) {
    if (!is.null(.rows)) arrow_not_supported(".rows")
    if (!is.null(.name_repair)) arrow_not_supported(".name_repair")

    # use dots_list() because this is what tibble() uses to allow the
    # useful shorthand of tibble(col1, col2) -> tibble(col1 = col1, col2 = col2)
    # we have a stronger enforcement of unique names for arguments because
    # it is difficult to replicate the .name_repair semantics and expanding of
    # unnamed data frame arguments in the same way that the tibble() constructor
    # does.
    args <- dots_list(..., .named = TRUE, .homonyms = "error")

      args = unname(args),
      options = list(field_names = names(args))

             row.names = NULL,
             check.rows = NULL,
             check.names = TRUE,
             fix.empty.names = TRUE,
             stringsAsFactors = FALSE) {
      # we need a specific value of stringsAsFactors because the default was
      # TRUE in R <= 3.6 and folks might still be cargoculting to stay in the past.
      if (!identical(stringsAsFactors, FALSE)) {
        arrow_not_supported("stringsAsFactors = TRUE")

      # ignore row.names and check.rows with a warning
      if (!is.null(row.names)) arrow_not_supported("row.names")
      if (!is.null(check.rows)) arrow_not_supported("check.rows")

      args <- dots_list(..., .named = fix.empty.names)
      if (is.null(names(args))) {
        names(args) <- rep("", length(args))

      if (identical(check.names, TRUE)) {
        if (identical(fix.empty.names, TRUE)) {
          names(args) <- make.names(names(args), unique = TRUE)
        } else {
          name_empty <- names(args) == ""
          names(args)[!name_empty] <- make.names(names(args)[!name_empty], unique = TRUE)

        args = unname(args),
        options = list(field_names = names(args))
    notes = c(
      "`row.names` and `check.rows` arguments not supported;",
      "`stringsAsFactors` must be `FALSE`"

register_bindings_type_inspect <- function() {
  # is.* type functions
  register_binding("base::is.character", function(x) {
    is.character(x) || (inherits(x, "Expression") &&
      x$type_id() %in% Type[c("STRING", "LARGE_STRING")])
  register_binding("base::is.numeric", function(x) {
    is.numeric(x) || (inherits(x, "Expression") && x$type_id() %in% Type[c(
      "UINT8", "INT8", "UINT16", "INT16", "UINT32", "INT32",
      "UINT64", "INT64", "HALF_FLOAT", "FLOAT", "DOUBLE",
      "DECIMAL128", "DECIMAL256"
  register_binding("base::is.double", function(x) {
    is.double(x) || (inherits(x, "Expression") && x$type_id() == Type["DOUBLE"])
  register_binding("base::is.integer", function(x) {
    is.integer(x) || (inherits(x, "Expression") && x$type_id() %in% Type[c(
      "UINT8", "INT8", "UINT16", "INT16", "UINT32", "INT32",
      "UINT64", "INT64"
  register_binding("bit64::is.integer64", function(x) {
    inherits(x, "integer64") || (inherits(x, "Expression") && x$type_id() == Type["INT64"])
  register_binding("base::is.logical", function(x) {
    is.logical(x) || (inherits(x, "Expression") && x$type_id() == Type["BOOL"])
  register_binding("base::is.factor", function(x) {
    is.factor(x) || (inherits(x, "Expression") && x$type_id() == Type["DICTIONARY"])
  register_binding("base::is.list", function(x) {
    is.list(x) || (inherits(x, "Expression") && x$type_id() %in% Type[c(

  # rlang::is_* type functions
  register_binding("rlang::is_character", function(x, n = NULL) {
    call_binding("is.character", x)
  register_binding("rlang::is_double", function(x, n = NULL, finite = NULL) {
    if (!is.null(finite)) {
      arrow_not_supported("`finite` argument")
    call_binding("is.double", x)
  register_binding("rlang::is_integer", function(x, n = NULL) {
    call_binding("is.integer", x)
  register_binding("rlang::is_list", function(x, n = NULL) {
    call_binding("is.list", x)
  register_binding("rlang::is_logical", function(x, n = NULL) {
    call_binding("is.logical", x)

register_bindings_type_elementwise <- function() {
  register_binding("base::is.na", function(x) {
    Expression$create("is_null", x, options = list(nan_is_null = TRUE))

  register_binding("base::is.nan", function(x) {
    if (is.double(x) || (inherits(x, "Expression") &&
      x$type_id() %in% TYPES_WITH_NAN)) {
      # TODO: if an option is added to the is_nan kernel to treat NA as NaN,
      # use that to simplify the code here (ARROW-13366)
      Expression$create("is_nan", x) & Expression$create("is_valid", x)
    } else {

  register_binding("dplyr::between", function(x, left, right) {
    x >= left & x <= right

  register_binding("base::is.finite", function(x) {
    is_fin <- Expression$create("is_finite", x)
    # for compatibility with base::is.finite(), return FALSE for NA_real_
    is_fin & !call_binding("is.na", is_fin)

  register_binding("base::is.infinite", function(x) {
    is_inf <- Expression$create("is_inf", x)
    # for compatibility with base::is.infinite(), return FALSE for NA_real_
    is_inf & !call_binding("is.na", is_inf)

register_bindings_type_format <- function() {
  register_binding("base::format", function(x, ...) {
    # We use R's format if we get a single R object here since we don't (yet)
    # support all of the possible options for casting to string
    if (!inherits(x, "Expression")) {
      return(format(x, ...))

    if (inherits(x, "Expression") &&
      x$type_id() %in% Type[c("TIMESTAMP", "DATE32", "DATE64")]) {
      binding_format_datetime(x, ...)
    } else {
      cast(x, string())

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arrow documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:02 p.m.