
Defines functions vec_ptype_abbr.arrow_fixed_size_list vec_ptype_abbr.arrow_large_list vec_ptype_abbr.arrow_list vec_ptype_abbr.arrow_fixed_size_binary vec_ptype_full.arrow_fixed_size_list vec_ptype_full.arrow_large_list vec_ptype_full.arrow_list vec_ptype_full.arrow_fixed_size_binary indent duplicate_string as_data_type.Schema as_data_type.Field as_data_type.DataType as_data_type canonical_type_str as_type map_of fixed_size_list_of large_list_of list_of names.StructType create check_decimal_args decimal256 decimal128 decimal timestamp null duration time64 make_valid_time_unit time32 date64 date32 fixed_size_binary large_binary binary large_utf8 utf8 boolean float64 float32 float16 uint64 uint32 uint16 uint8 int64 int32 int16 int8 infer_type.Expression infer_type.ArrowDatum infer_type.blob infer_type.vctrs_list_of infer_type.default type infer_type

Documented in as_data_type as_data_type.DataType as_data_type.Field as_data_type.Schema binary boolean date32 date64 decimal decimal128 decimal256 duration fixed_size_binary fixed_size_list_of float16 float32 float64 infer_type int16 int32 int64 int8 large_binary large_list_of large_utf8 list_of map_of null time32 time64 timestamp type uint16 uint32 uint64 uint8 utf8

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
# "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
#   http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
# software distributed under the License is distributed on an
# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
# specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.

#' @include arrow-object.R
#' @title DataType class
#' @usage NULL
#' @format NULL
#' @docType class
#' @section R6 Methods:
#' - `$ToString()`: String representation of the DataType
#' - `$Equals(other)`: Is the DataType equal to `other`
#' - `$fields()`: The children fields associated with this type
#' - `$code(namespace)`: Produces an R call of the data type. Use `namespace=TRUE` to call with `arrow::`.
#' There are also some active bindings:
#' - `$id`: integer Arrow type id.
#' - `$name`: string Arrow type name.
#' - `$num_fields`: number of child fields.
#' @seealso [infer_type()]
#' @rdname DataType-class
#' @name DataType
#' @seealso [`data-type`]
DataType <- R6Class("DataType",
  inherit = ArrowObject,
  public = list(
    ToString = function() {
    Equals = function(other, check_metadata = FALSE, ...) {
      inherits(other, "DataType") && DataType__Equals(self, other, isTRUE(check_metadata))
    fields = function() {
    export_to_c = function(ptr) ExportType(self, ptr),
    code = function(namespace = FALSE) call("stop", paste0("Unsupported type: <", self$ToString(), ">."))
  active = list(
    id = function() DataType__id(self),
    name = function() DataType__name(self),
    num_fields = function() DataType__num_fields(self)

#' @include arrowExports.R
DataType$import_from_c <- ImportType

INTEGER_TYPES <- as.character(outer(c("uint", "int"), c(8, 16, 32, 64), paste0))
FLOAT_TYPES <- c("float16", "float32", "float64", "halffloat", "float", "double")

#' Infer the arrow Array type from an R object
#' [type()] is deprecated in favor of [infer_type()].
#' @param x an R object (usually a vector) to be converted to an [Array] or
#'   [ChunkedArray].
#' @param ... Passed to S3 methods
#' @return An arrow [data type][data-type]
#' @examples
#' infer_type(1:10)
#' infer_type(1L:10L)
#' infer_type(c(1, 1.5, 2))
#' infer_type(c("A", "B", "C"))
#' infer_type(mtcars)
#' infer_type(Sys.Date())
#' infer_type(as.POSIXlt(Sys.Date()))
#' infer_type(vctrs::new_vctr(1:5, class = "my_custom_vctr_class"))
#' @export
infer_type <- function(x, ...) UseMethod("infer_type")

#' @rdname infer_type
#' @export
type <- function(x) {

#' @export
infer_type.default <- function(x, ..., from_array_infer_type = FALSE) {
  # If from_array_infer_type is TRUE, this is a call from C++ after
  # checking the internal C++ type inference and S3 dispatch has failed
  # to find a method for the object. This call happens when
  # creating Array, ChunkedArray, RecordBatch, and Table objects from
  # data.frame. If the C++ call has reached this default method,
  # we error. If from_array_infer_type is FALSE, we call Array__infer_type
  # to use the internal C++ type inference.
  if (from_array_infer_type) {
    # Last ditch attempt: if vctrs::vec_is(x), we can use the vctrs
    # extension type.
    if (vctrs::vec_is(x)) {
    } else {
          "Can't infer Arrow data type from object inheriting from %s",
          paste(class(x), collapse = " / ")
  } else {

#' @export
infer_type.vctrs_list_of <- function(x, ...) {
  list_of(infer_type(attr(x, "ptype")))

#' @export
infer_type.blob <- function(x, ...) {
  if (sum(lengths(x)) > .Machine$integer.max) {
  } else {

#' @export
infer_type.ArrowDatum <- function(x, ...) x$type

#' @export
infer_type.Expression <- function(x, ...) x$type()

#----- metadata

#' @title FixedWidthType class
#' @usage NULL
#' @format NULL
#' @docType class
#' @section Methods:
#' @rdname FixedWidthType
#' @name FixedWidthType
FixedWidthType <- R6Class("FixedWidthType",
  inherit = DataType,
  public = list(
    code = function(namespace = FALSE) call2(tolower(self$name), .ns = if (namespace) "arrow")
  active = list(
    bit_width = function() FixedWidthType__bit_width(self)

Int8 <- R6Class("Int8", inherit = FixedWidthType)
Int16 <- R6Class("Int16", inherit = FixedWidthType)
Int32 <- R6Class("Int32", inherit = FixedWidthType)
Int64 <- R6Class("Int64", inherit = FixedWidthType)
UInt8 <- R6Class("UInt8", inherit = FixedWidthType)
UInt16 <- R6Class("UInt16", inherit = FixedWidthType)
UInt32 <- R6Class("UInt32", inherit = FixedWidthType)
UInt64 <- R6Class("UInt64", inherit = FixedWidthType)
Float16 <- R6Class("Float16", inherit = FixedWidthType)
Float32 <- R6Class("Float32", inherit = FixedWidthType)
Float64 <- R6Class("Float64",
  inherit = FixedWidthType,
  public = list(
    code = function(namespace = FALSE) call2("float64", .ns = if (namespace) "arrow")
Boolean <- R6Class("Boolean", inherit = FixedWidthType)
Utf8 <- R6Class("Utf8",
  inherit = DataType,
  public = list(
    code = function(namespace = FALSE) call2("utf8", .ns = if (namespace) "arrow")
LargeUtf8 <- R6Class("LargeUtf8",
  inherit = DataType,
  public = list(
    code = function(namespace = FALSE) call2("large_utf8", .ns = if (namespace) "arrow")
Binary <- R6Class("Binary",
  inherit = DataType,
  public = list(
    code = function(namespace = FALSE) call2("binary", .ns = if (namespace) "arrow")
LargeBinary <- R6Class("LargeBinary",
  inherit = DataType, public = list(
    code = function(namespace = FALSE) call2("large_binary", .ns = if (namespace) "arrow")
FixedSizeBinary <- R6Class("FixedSizeBinary",
  inherit = FixedWidthType,
  public = list(
    byte_width = function() FixedSizeBinary__byte_width(self),
    code = function(namespace = FALSE) {
      call2("fixed_size_binary", byte_width = self$byte_width(), .ns = if (namespace) "arrow")

DateType <- R6Class("DateType",
  inherit = FixedWidthType,
  public = list(
    code = function(namespace = FALSE) call2(tolower(self$name), .ns = if (namespace) "arrow"),
    unit = function() DateType__unit(self)
Date32 <- R6Class("Date32", inherit = DateType)
Date64 <- R6Class("Date64", inherit = DateType)

TimeType <- R6Class("TimeType",
  inherit = FixedWidthType,
  public = list(
    unit = function() TimeType__unit(self)
Time32 <- R6Class("Time32",
  inherit = TimeType,
  public = list(
    code = function(namespace = FALSE) {
      unit <- if (self$unit() == TimeUnit$MILLI) {
      } else {
      call2("time32", unit = unit, .ns = if (namespace) "arrow")
Time64 <- R6Class("Time64",
  inherit = TimeType,
  public = list(
    code = function(namespace = FALSE) {
      unit <- if (self$unit() == TimeUnit$NANO) {
      } else {
      call2("time64", unit = unit, .ns = if (namespace) "arrow")

DurationType <- R6Class("DurationType",
  inherit = FixedWidthType,
  public = list(
    unit = function() DurationType__unit(self)

Null <- R6Class("Null",
  inherit = DataType,
  public = list(
    code = function(namespace = FALSE) call2("null", .ns = if (namespace) "arrow")

Timestamp <- R6Class("Timestamp",
  inherit = FixedWidthType,
  public = list(
    code = function(namespace = FALSE) {
      unit <- c("s", "ms", "us", "ns")[self$unit() + 1L]
      tz <- self$timezone()
      if (identical(tz, "")) {
        call2("timestamp", unit = unit, .ns = if (namespace) "arrow")
      } else {
        call2("timestamp", unit = unit, timezone = tz, .ns = if (namespace) "arrow")
    timezone = function() TimestampType__timezone(self),
    unit = function() TimestampType__unit(self)

DecimalType <- R6Class("DecimalType",
  inherit = FixedWidthType,
  public = list(
    code = function(namespace = FALSE) {
      call2("decimal", precision = self$precision(), scale = self$scale(), .ns = if (namespace) "arrow")
    precision = function() DecimalType__precision(self),
    scale = function() DecimalType__scale(self)

Decimal128Type <- R6Class("Decimal128Type", inherit = DecimalType)

Decimal256Type <- R6Class("Decimal256Type", inherit = DecimalType)

NestedType <- R6Class("NestedType", inherit = DataType)

#' Create Arrow data types
#' These functions create type objects corresponding to Arrow types. Use them
#' when defining a [schema()] or as inputs to other types, like `struct`. Most
#' of these functions don't take arguments, but a few do.
#' A few functions have aliases:
#' * `utf8()` and `string()`
#' * `float16()` and `halffloat()`
#' * `float32()` and `float()`
#' * `bool()` and `boolean()`
#' * When called inside an `arrow` function, such as `schema()` or `cast()`,
#' `double()` also is supported as a way of creating a `float64()`
#' `date32()` creates a datetime type with a "day" unit, like the R `Date`
#' class. `date64()` has a "ms" unit.
#' `uint32` (32 bit unsigned integer), `uint64` (64 bit unsigned integer), and
#' `int64` (64-bit signed integer) types may contain values that exceed the
#' range of R's `integer` type (32-bit signed integer). When these arrow objects
#' are translated to R objects, `uint32` and `uint64` are converted to `double`
#' ("numeric") and `int64` is converted to `bit64::integer64`. For `int64`
#' types, this conversion can be disabled (so that `int64` always yields a
#' `bit64::integer64` object) by setting `options(arrow.int64_downcast =
#' FALSE)`.
#' `decimal128()` creates a `Decimal128Type`. Arrow decimals are fixed-point
#' decimal numbers encoded as a scalar integer. The `precision` is the number of
#' significant digits that the decimal type can represent; the `scale` is the
#' number of digits after the decimal point. For example, the number 1234.567
#' has a precision of 7 and a scale of 3. Note that `scale` can be negative.
#' As an example, `decimal128(7, 3)` can exactly represent the numbers 1234.567 and
#' -1234.567 (encoded internally as the 128-bit integers 1234567 and -1234567,
#' respectively), but neither 12345.67 nor 123.4567.
#' `decimal128(5, -3)` can exactly represent the number 12345000 (encoded
#' internally as the 128-bit integer 12345), but neither 123450000 nor 1234500.
#' The `scale` can be thought of as an argument that controls rounding. When
#' negative, `scale` causes the number to be expressed using scientific notation
#' and power of 10.
#' `decimal256()` creates a `Decimal256Type`, which allows for higher maximum
#' precision. For most use cases, the maximum precision offered by `Decimal128Type`
#' is sufficient, and it will result in a more compact and more efficient encoding.
#' `decimal()` creates either a `Decimal128Type` or a `Decimal256Type`
#' depending on the value for `precision`. If `precision` is greater than 38 a
#' `Decimal256Type` is returned, otherwise a `Decimal128Type`.
#' Use `decimal128()` or `decimal256()` as the names are more informative than
#' `decimal()`.
#' @param unit For time/timestamp types, the time unit. `time32()` can take
#' either "s" or "ms", while `time64()` can be "us" or "ns". `timestamp()` can
#' take any of those four values.
#' @param timezone For `timestamp()`, an optional time zone string.
#' @param byte_width byte width for `FixedSizeBinary` type.
#' @param list_size list size for `FixedSizeList` type.
#' @param precision For `decimal()`, `decimal128()`, and `decimal256()` the
#'    number of significant digits the arrow `decimal` type can represent. The
#'    maximum precision for `decimal128()` is 38 significant digits, while for
#'    `decimal256()` it is 76 digits. `decimal()` will use it to choose which
#'    type of decimal to return.
#' @param scale For `decimal()`, `decimal128()`, and `decimal256()` the number
#'    of digits after the decimal point. It can be negative.
#' @param type For `list_of()`, a data type to make a list-of-type
#' @param key_type,item_type For `MapType`, the key and item types.
#' @param .keys_sorted Use `TRUE` to assert that keys of a `MapType` are
#'   sorted.
#' @param ... For `struct()`, a named list of types to define the struct columns
#' @name data-type
#' @rdname data-type
#' @return An Arrow type object inheriting from [DataType].
#' @export
#' @seealso [dictionary()] for creating a dictionary (factor-like) type.
#' @examplesIf arrow_with_acero()
#' bool()
#' struct(a = int32(), b = double())
#' timestamp("ms", timezone = "CEST")
#' time64("ns")
#' # Use the cast method to change the type of data contained in Arrow objects.
#' # Please check the documentation of each data object class for details.
#' my_scalar <- Scalar$create(0L, type = int64()) # int64
#' my_scalar$cast(timestamp("ns")) # timestamp[ns]
#' my_array <- Array$create(0L, type = int64()) # int64
#' my_array$cast(timestamp("s", timezone = "UTC")) # timestamp[s, tz=UTC]
#' my_chunked_array <- chunked_array(0L, 1L) # int32
#' my_chunked_array$cast(date32()) # date32[day]
#' # You can also use `cast()` in an Arrow dplyr query.
#' if (requireNamespace("dplyr", quietly = TRUE)) {
#'   library(dplyr, warn.conflicts = FALSE)
#'   arrow_table(mtcars) %>%
#'     transmute(
#'       col1 = cast(cyl, string()),
#'       col2 = cast(cyl, int8())
#'     ) %>%
#'     compute()
#' }
int8 <- function() Int8__initialize()

#' @rdname data-type
#' @export
int16 <- function() Int16__initialize()

#' @rdname data-type
#' @export
int32 <- function() Int32__initialize()

#' @rdname data-type
#' @export
int64 <- function() Int64__initialize()

#' @rdname data-type
#' @export
uint8 <- function() UInt8__initialize()

#' @rdname data-type
#' @export
uint16 <- function() UInt16__initialize()

#' @rdname data-type
#' @export
uint32 <- function() UInt32__initialize()

#' @rdname data-type
#' @export
uint64 <- function() UInt64__initialize()

#' @rdname data-type
#' @export
float16 <- function() Float16__initialize()

#' @rdname data-type
#' @export
halffloat <- float16

#' @rdname data-type
#' @export
float32 <- function() Float32__initialize()

#' @rdname data-type
#' @export
float <- float32

#' @rdname data-type
#' @export
float64 <- function() Float64__initialize()

#' @rdname data-type
#' @export
boolean <- function() Boolean__initialize()

#' @rdname data-type
#' @export
bool <- boolean

#' @rdname data-type
#' @export
utf8 <- function() Utf8__initialize()

#' @rdname data-type
#' @export
large_utf8 <- function() LargeUtf8__initialize()

#' @rdname data-type
#' @export
binary <- function() Binary__initialize()

#' @rdname data-type
#' @export
large_binary <- function() LargeBinary__initialize()

#' @rdname data-type
#' @export
fixed_size_binary <- function(byte_width) FixedSizeBinary__initialize(byte_width)

#' @rdname data-type
#' @export
string <- utf8

#' @rdname data-type
#' @export
date32 <- function() Date32__initialize()

#' @rdname data-type
#' @export
date64 <- function() Date64__initialize()

#' @rdname data-type
#' @export
time32 <- function(unit = c("ms", "s")) {
  if (is.character(unit)) {
    unit <- match.arg(unit)
  unit <- make_valid_time_unit(unit, valid_time32_units)

valid_time32_units <- c(
  "ms" = TimeUnit$MILLI,
  "s" = TimeUnit$SECOND

valid_time64_units <- c(
  "ns" = TimeUnit$NANO,
  "us" = TimeUnit$MICRO

valid_duration_units <- c(
  "s" = TimeUnit$SECOND,
  "ms" = TimeUnit$MILLI,
  "us" = TimeUnit$MICRO,
  "ns" = TimeUnit$NANO

make_valid_time_unit <- function(unit, valid_units) {
  if (is.character(unit)) {
    unit <- valid_units[match.arg(unit, choices = names(valid_units))]
  if (is.numeric(unit)) {
    # Allow non-integer input for convenience
    unit <- as.integer(unit)
  } else {
    stop('"unit" should be one of ', oxford_paste(names(valid_units), "or"), call. = FALSE)
  if (!(unit %in% valid_units)) {
    stop('"unit" should be one of ', oxford_paste(valid_units, "or"), call. = FALSE)

#' @rdname data-type
#' @export
time64 <- function(unit = c("ns", "us")) {
  if (is.character(unit)) {
    unit <- match.arg(unit)
  unit <- make_valid_time_unit(unit, valid_time64_units)

#' @rdname data-type
#' @export
duration <- function(unit = c("s", "ms", "us", "ns")) {
  if (is.character(unit)) {
    unit <- match.arg(unit)
  unit <- make_valid_time_unit(unit, valid_duration_units)

#' @rdname data-type
#' @export
null <- function() Null__initialize()

#' @rdname data-type
#' @export
timestamp <- function(unit = c("s", "ms", "us", "ns"), timezone = "") {
  if (is.character(unit)) {
    unit <- match.arg(unit)
  unit <- make_valid_time_unit(unit, c(valid_time64_units, valid_time32_units))
  Timestamp__initialize(unit, timezone)

#' @rdname data-type
#' @export
decimal <- function(precision, scale) {
  args <- check_decimal_args(precision, scale)

  if (args$precision > 38) {
    decimal256(args$precision, args$scale)
  } else {
    decimal128(args$precision, args$scale)

#' @rdname data-type
#' @export
decimal128 <- function(precision, scale) {
  args <- check_decimal_args(precision, scale)
  Decimal128Type__initialize(args$precision, args$scale)

#' @rdname data-type
#' @export
decimal256 <- function(precision, scale) {
  args <- check_decimal_args(precision, scale)
  Decimal256Type__initialize(args$precision, args$scale)

check_decimal_args <- function(precision, scale) {
  if (is.numeric(precision)) {
    precision <- vec_cast(precision, to = integer())
    vctrs::vec_assert(precision, size = 1L)
  } else {
    stop("`precision` must be an integer", call. = FALSE)

  if (is.numeric(scale)) {
    scale <- vec_cast(scale, to = integer())
    vctrs::vec_assert(scale, size = 1L)
  } else {
    stop("`scale` must be an integer", call. = FALSE)

  list(precision = precision, scale = scale)

StructType <- R6Class("StructType",
  inherit = NestedType,
  public = list(
    code = function(namespace = FALSE) {
      field_names <- StructType__field_names(self)
      codes <- map(field_names, function(name) {
      codes <- set_names(codes, field_names)
      call2("struct", !!!codes, .ns = if (namespace) "arrow")
    GetFieldByName = function(name) StructType__GetFieldByName(self, name),
    GetFieldIndex = function(name) StructType__GetFieldIndex(self, name)
StructType$create <- function(...) struct__(.fields(list(...)))

#' @rdname data-type
#' @export
struct <- StructType$create

#' @export
names.StructType <- function(x) StructType__field_names(x)

ListType <- R6Class("ListType",
  inherit = NestedType,
  public = list(
    code = function(namespace = FALSE) {
      call2("list_of", self$value_type$code(namespace), .ns = if (namespace) "arrow")
  active = list(
    value_field = function() ListType__value_field(self),
    value_type = function() ListType__value_type(self)

#' @rdname data-type
#' @export
list_of <- function(type) list__(type)

LargeListType <- R6Class("LargeListType",
  inherit = NestedType,
  public = list(
    code = function(namespace = FALSE) {
      call2("large_list_of", self$value_type$code(namespace), .ns = if (namespace) "arrow")
  active = list(
    value_field = function() LargeListType__value_field(self),
    value_type = function() LargeListType__value_type(self)

#' @rdname data-type
#' @export
large_list_of <- function(type) large_list__(type)

#' @rdname data-type
#' @export
FixedSizeListType <- R6Class("FixedSizeListType",
  inherit = NestedType,
  public = list(
    code = function(namespace = FALSE) {
      call2("fixed_size_list_of", self$value_type$code(namespace),
        list_size = self$list_size, .ns = if (namespace) "arrow"
  active = list(
    value_field = function() FixedSizeListType__value_field(self),
    value_type = function() FixedSizeListType__value_type(self),
    list_size = function() FixedSizeListType__list_size(self)

#' @rdname data-type
#' @export
fixed_size_list_of <- function(type, list_size) fixed_size_list__(type, list_size)

#' @rdname data-type
#' @export
MapType <- R6Class("MapType",
  inherit = ListType,
  active = list(
    key_field = function() MapType__key_field(self),
    item_field = function() MapType__item_field(self),
    key_type = function() MapType__key_type(self),
    item_type = function() MapType__item_type(self),
    keys_sorted = function() MapType__keys_sorted(self)

#' @rdname data-type
#' @export
map_of <- function(key_type, item_type, .keys_sorted = FALSE) map__(key_type, item_type, .keys_sorted)

as_type <- function(type, name = "type") {
  # magic so we don't have to mask base::double()
  if (identical(type, double())) {
    type <- float64()
  if (!inherits(type, "DataType")) {
    stop(name, " must be a DataType, not ", class(type), call. = FALSE)

canonical_type_str <- function(type_str) {
  # canonicalizes data type strings, converting data type function names and
  # aliases to match the strings returned by DataType$ToString()
  if (grepl("[([<]", type_str)) {
    stop("Cannot interpret string representations of data types that have parameters", call. = FALSE)
    int8 = "int8",
    int16 = "int16",
    int32 = "int32",
    int64 = "int64",
    uint8 = "uint8",
    uint16 = "uint16",
    uint32 = "uint32",
    uint64 = "uint64",
    float16 = "halffloat",
    halffloat = "halffloat",
    float32 = "float",
    float = "float",
    float64 = "double",
    double = "double",
    boolean = "bool",
    bool = "bool",
    utf8 = "string",
    large_utf8 = "large_string",
    large_string = "large_string",
    binary = "binary",
    large_binary = "large_binary",
    fixed_size_binary = "fixed_size_binary",
    string = "string",
    date32 = "date32",
    date64 = "date64",
    time32 = "time32",
    time64 = "time64",
    null = "null",
    timestamp = "timestamp",
    decimal128 = "decimal128",
    decimal256 = "decimal256",
    struct = "struct",
    list_of = "list",
    list = "list",
    large_list_of = "large_list",
    large_list = "large_list",
    fixed_size_list_of = "fixed_size_list",
    fixed_size_list = "fixed_size_list",
    map_of = "map",
    duration = "duration",
    stop("Unrecognized string representation of data type", call. = FALSE)

#' Convert an object to an Arrow DataType
#' @param x An object to convert to an Arrow [DataType][data-type]
#' @param ... Passed to S3 methods.
#' @return A [DataType][data-type] object.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' as_data_type(int32())
as_data_type <- function(x, ...) {

#' @rdname as_data_type
#' @export
as_data_type.DataType <- function(x, ...) {

#' @rdname as_data_type
#' @export
as_data_type.Field <- function(x, ...) {

#' @rdname as_data_type
#' @export
as_data_type.Schema <- function(x, ...) {

# vctrs support -----------------------------------------------------------
duplicate_string <- function(x, times) {
  paste0(rep(x, times = times), collapse = "")

indent <- function(x, n) {
  pad <- duplicate_string(" ", n)
  sapply(x, gsub, pattern = "(\n+)", replacement = paste0("\\1", pad))

#' @importFrom vctrs vec_ptype_full vec_ptype_abbr
#' @export
vec_ptype_full.arrow_fixed_size_binary <- function(x, ...) {
  paste0("fixed_size_binary<", attr(x, "byte_width"), ">")

#' @export
vec_ptype_full.arrow_list <- function(x, ...) {
  param <- vec_ptype_full(attr(x, "ptype"))
  if (grepl("\n", param)) {
    param <- paste0(indent(paste0("\n", param), 2), "\n")
  paste0("list<", param, ">")

#' @export
vec_ptype_full.arrow_large_list <- function(x, ...) {
  param <- vec_ptype_full(attr(x, "ptype"))
  if (grepl("\n", param)) {
    param <- paste0(indent(paste0("\n", param), 2), "\n")
  paste0("large_list<", param, ">")

#' @export
vec_ptype_full.arrow_fixed_size_list <- function(x, ...) {
  param <- vec_ptype_full(attr(x, "ptype"))
  if (grepl("\n", param)) {
    param <- paste0(indent(paste0("\n", param), 2), "\n")
  paste0("fixed_size_list<", param, ", ", attr(x, "list_size"), ">")

#' @export
vec_ptype_abbr.arrow_fixed_size_binary <- function(x, ...) {
  vec_ptype_full(x, ...)
#' @export
vec_ptype_abbr.arrow_list <- function(x, ...) {
  vec_ptype_full(x, ...)
#' @export
vec_ptype_abbr.arrow_large_list <- function(x, ...) {
  vec_ptype_full(x, ...)
#' @export
vec_ptype_abbr.arrow_fixed_size_list <- function(x, ...) {
  vec_ptype_full(x, ...)

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arrow documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:02 p.m.