
Defines functions diffs.summary.comparedf diffs.comparedf diffs n.diffs.summary.comparedf n.diffs.comparedf n.diffs n.diff.obs.summary.comparedf n.diff.obs.comparedf n.diff.obs idx_var_sum compare_attrs compare_values cleanup.null.na tweakcolnames

Documented in diffs diffs.comparedf diffs.summary.comparedf n.diff.obs n.diff.obs.comparedf n.diff.obs.summary.comparedf n.diffs n.diffs.comparedf n.diffs.summary.comparedf

tweakcolnames <- function(by.x, by.y, cn.x, cn.y, control)
  if(any(by.x %in% setdiff(cn.y, by.y)))
    stop("A by-variable for x appears in non-by-variables for y. base::merge() will not work in this function.")
  if(anyDuplicated(cn.x) || anyDuplicated(cn.y)) stop("Sorry, there are duplicate colnames.")

  cn.y[match(by.y, cn.y)] <- by <- by.x
  rm(by.x, by.y) # just to make sure we don't use it again

  rn <- "..row.names.." %in% by

  # don't replace the characters for "..row.names.."
    if(cn.x[length(cn.x)] != "..row.names.." || cn.y[length(cn.y)] != "..row.names..")
      stop("Something went wrong with the row.names.")
    cn.x <- cn.x[- length(cn.x)]
    cn.y <- cn.y[- length(cn.y)]

  tv <- control$tol.vars
    for(i in seq_along(tv))
      if(bad1 <- names(tv)[i] %nin% cn.x)
        warning("Variable tolerance '", names(tv)[i], "' not found in colnames of x")
      if(bad2 <- tv[i] %nin% cn.y)
        warning("Variable tolerance '", tv[i], "' not found in colnames of y")
      if(!bad1 && !bad2) cn.y[cn.y == tv[i]] <- names(tv)[i]
    # no need to do anything with the by-variables, since we've already set those to x
  } else if("none" %nin% tv)
    for(elt in strsplit(tv, "", fixed = TRUE))
      if(length(elt) == 1)
        cn.x <- gsub(elt, "", cn.x, fixed = TRUE)
        cn.y <- gsub(elt, "", cn.y, fixed = TRUE)
        if(!rn) by <- gsub(elt, "", by, fixed = TRUE)
      } else
        for(elt2 in elt[-1])
          # I know I could do some fancy regex work here, but for readibility, the for-loop is easiest.
          cn.x <- gsub(elt2, elt[1], cn.x, fixed = TRUE)
          cn.y <- gsub(elt2, elt[1], cn.y, fixed = TRUE)
          if(!rn) by <- gsub(elt2, elt[1], by, fixed = TRUE)
    if(anyDuplicated(cn.x) || anyDuplicated(cn.y)) stop("'tol.vars' resulted in duplicate colnames.")

    cn.x <- c(cn.x, "..row.names..")
    cn.y <- c(cn.y, "..row.names..")

  return(list(by = by, cn.x = cn.x, cn.y = cn.y))

cleanup.null.na <- function(x) if(is.null(x) || allNA(x)) NA_character_ else x

compare_values <- function(i, v, df, byvars, contr)
  if(is.na(v$var.x[i]) || is.na(v$var.y[i])) return(NULL)
  if(v$tmp[i] %in% byvars) return("by-variable")

  var <- v$tmp[i]
  var.x <- df[[paste0(var, ".x")]]
  var.y <- df[[paste0(var, ".y")]]

  int.num <- function(vr) is.integer(vr) || is.numeric(vr)
  fac.chr <- function(vr) is.factor(vr)  || is.character(vr)

  if(length(intersect(v$class.x[[i]], v$class.y[[i]])) == 0 &&
     !(contr$int.as.num && int.num(var.x) && int.num(var.y)) &&
     !(contr$factor.as.char && fac.chr(var.x) && fac.chr(var.y))) return("Not compared")

  ## Technically, we can compare these as-is, but let's be explicit about it.
  if(!identical(v$class.x[i], v$class.y[i]) && contr$int.as.num && int.num(var.x) && int.num(var.y))
    var.x <- as.numeric(var.x)
    var.y <- as.numeric(var.y)

  if(!identical(v$class.x[i], v$class.y[i]) && contr$factor.as.char && fac.chr(var.x) && fac.chr(var.y))
    var.x <- as.character(var.x)
    var.y <- as.character(var.y)

  find_tol <- function(whch)
    opts <- contr[[whch]]
    if(v$var.x[i] %in% names(opts)) return(opts[[v$var.x[i]]])
    if(is.null(names(opts))) return(opts[[1]])
    if("" %nin% names(opts)) stop("No default tolerance specified for ", whch)
    opts[[which(names(opts) == "")]]

  if(is.logical(var.x) && is.logical(var.y))
    idx <- find_tol("tol.logical")(var.x, var.y)
  } else if(is.numeric(var.x) && is.numeric(var.y)) # this covers integers, too
    idx <- find_tol("tol.num")(var.x, var.y, contr$tol.num.val)
  } else if(is.factor(var.x) && is.factor(var.y))
    idx <- find_tol("tol.factor")(var.x, var.y)

  } else if(is.character(var.x) && is.character(var.y))
    idx <- find_tol("tol.char")(var.x, var.y)
  } else if(is.Date(var.x) && is.Date(var.y))
    idx <- find_tol("tol.date")(var.x, var.y, contr$tol.date.val)
  } else
    idx <- find_tol("tol.other")(var.x, var.y)

  out <- data.frame(values.x = I(var.x[idx]), # just in case list-column
                    values.y = I(var.y[idx]),
                    row.x = df[["..row.x.."]][idx],
                    row.y = df[["..row.y.."]][idx])

  return(cbind(df[idx, byvars, drop = FALSE], out))

compare_attrs <- function(i, v, x_, y_)
  if(is.na(v$var.x[i]) || is.na(v$var.y[i])) return(NULL)
  attr.x <- attributes(x_[[v$var.x[i]]])
  attr.y <- attributes(y_[[v$var.y[i]]])
  if(is.null(attr.x) && is.null(attr.y)) return(NULL)

  empty <- data.frame(name = character(0), attr = I(list()), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  out <- merge(if(!is.null(attr.x)) data.frame(name = names(attr.x), attr = I(attr.x), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) else empty,
               if(!is.null(attr.y)) data.frame(name = names(attr.y), attr = I(attr.y), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) else empty,
               by = "name", all = TRUE)
  out$attr.x <- lapply(out$attr.x, cleanup.null.na)
  out$attr.y <- lapply(out$attr.y, cleanup.null.na)

  if(nrow(out) > 0)
    out <- out[order(out$name), , drop = FALSE]
    out <- out[vapply(seq_len(nrow(out)), function(i) !identical(out$attr.x[[i]], out$attr.y[[i]]), logical(1)), , drop = FALSE]


idx_var_sum <- function(object, which = c("vars.not.shared", "nonby.vars.shared", "vars.compared", "vars.not.compared",
                                          "differences.found", "non.identical.attributes", "by.variables"))
  which <- match.arg(which, several.ok = FALSE)
  if(which == "vars.not.shared")
    vapply(object$vars.summary$values, is.null, logical(1))
  } else if(which == "nonby.vars.shared")
    vapply(object$vars.summary$values, function(elt) !is.null(elt) && !identical(elt, "by-variable"), logical(1))
  } else if(which == "vars.not.compared")
    vapply(object$vars.summary$values, identical, logical(1), y = "Not compared")
  } else if(which == "by.variables")
    vapply(object$vars.summary$values, identical, logical(1), y = "by-variable")
  } else if(which == "vars.compared")
    vapply(object$vars.summary$values, function(elt) is.data.frame(elt), logical(1))
  } else if(which == "differences.found")
    vapply(object$vars.summary$values, function(elt) is.data.frame(elt) && nrow(elt) > 0, logical(1))
  } else if(which == "non.identical.attributes")
    vapply(object$vars.summary$attrs, function(elt) is.data.frame(elt) && nrow(elt) > 0, logical(1))

#' Extract differences
#' Extract differences (\code{diffs()}), number of differences (\code{n.diffs()}),
#' or number of not-shared observations (\code{n.diff.obs()}) from a \code{comparedf} object.
#' @param object An object of class \code{comparedf} or \code{summary.comparedf}.
#' @param what Should differences or the not-shared observations be returned?
#' @param vars A character vector of variable names to subset the results to.
#' @param ... Other arguments (not in use at this time).
#' @param by.var Logical: should the number of differences by variable be reported, or should
#'   all differences be reported (the default).
#' @author Ethan Heinzen
#' @seealso \code{\link{comparedf}} \code{\link{summary.comparedf}}
#' @name diffs

#' @rdname diffs
#' @export
n.diff.obs <- function(object, ...)

#' @rdname diffs
#' @export
n.diff.obs.comparedf <- function(object, ...)
  nrow(object$frame.summary$unique[[1]]) + nrow(object$frame.summary$unique[[2]])

#' @rdname diffs
#' @export
n.diff.obs.summary.comparedf <- function(object, ...)

#' @rdname diffs
#' @export
n.diffs <- function(object, ...)

#' @rdname diffs
#' @export
n.diffs.comparedf <- function(object, ...)
  sum(vapply(object$vars.summary$values, function(elt) if(is.data.frame(elt)) nrow(elt) else 0, numeric(1)))

#' @rdname diffs
#' @export
n.diffs.summary.comparedf <- function(object, ...)

#' @rdname diffs
#' @export
diffs <- function(object, ...)

#' @rdname diffs
#' @export
diffs.comparedf <- function(object, what = c("differences", "observations"), vars = NULL, ..., by.var = FALSE)
  what <- match.arg(what)
  if(what == "observations")
    get.obs.not.shared <- function(n)
      obs.ns <- object$frame.summary$unique[[n]]
      cbind(version = rep(object$frame.summary$version[[n]], times = nrow(obs.ns)), obs.ns, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    return(rbind(get.obs.not.shared(1), get.obs.not.shared(2)))

  if(!is.logical(by.var) || length(by.var) != 1) stop("'by.var' must be a single logical value.")
  diffs <- as.data.frame(object$vars.summary[idx_var_sum(object, "vars.compared"), c("var.x", "var.y", "values")])
  diffs$n <- vapply(diffs$values, nrow, numeric(1))
  sumNA <- function(df) sum(is.na(df$values.x) | is.na(df$values.y))
  diffs$NAs <- vapply(diffs$values, sumNA, numeric(1))

  if(is.null(vars)) vars <- unique(c(diffs$var.x, diffs$var.y)) else if(!is.character(vars)) stop("'vars' should be NULL or a character vector.")

  rownames(diffs) <- NULL
  if(by.var) return(diffs[diffs$var.x %in% vars | diffs$var.y %in% vars, c("var.x", "var.y", "n", "NAs"), drop = FALSE])

  tolist <- function(df)
    df$values.x <- I(as.list(df$values.x)) # need the I() for factors and dates to show up right
    df$values.y <- I(as.list(df$values.y))

  diffs1 <- diffs[diffs$n > 0, , drop = FALSE]
  if(nrow(diffs1) > 0)
    diffs.table <- do.call(rbind, lapply(Map(cbind, var.x = diffs1$var.x, var.y = diffs1$var.y, diffs1$values,
                                             MoreArgs = list(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)), tolist))
  } else
    diffs.table <- data.frame(var.x = character(0), var.y = character(0), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    diffs.table[object$frame.summary$by[[1]]] <- rep(list(character(0)), length(object$frame.summary$by[[1]]))
    diffs.table$values.y <- diffs.table$values.x <- I(list())
    diffs.table$row.y <- diffs.table$row.x <- integer(0)

  rownames(diffs.table) <- NULL
  diffs.table[diffs.table$var.x %in% vars | diffs.table$var.y %in% vars, , drop = FALSE]

#' @rdname diffs
#' @export
diffs.summary.comparedf <- function(object, what = c("differences", "observations"), vars = NULL, ..., by.var = FALSE)
  what <- match.arg(what)
  if(what == "observations") return(object$obs.table)

  tmp <- if(by.var) object$diffs.byvar.table else object$diffs.table

  if(is.null(vars)) vars <- unique(tmp$var.x, tmp$var.y) else if(!is.character(vars)) stop("'vars' should be NULL or a character vector.")

  tmp[tmp$var.x %in% vars | tmp$var.y %in% vars, , drop = FALSE]

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