if(getRversion() >= "2.15.1") utils::globalVariables("loess_sd")
data(loess_sd, envir=environment()) <- function(e0.pred, output.dir=file.path(getwd(), 'e0gaps'),
output.type="png", verbose=FALSE, ...) {
# plots e0 gaps for all countries$mcmc.set$meta, output.dir,, output.type=output.type,
file.prefix='e0gap', plot.type='e0 gap graph', verbose=verbose, e0.pred=e0.pred, ...)
} <- function(e0.pred, country, e0.pred2=NULL, pi=c(80, 95), nr.traj=0,
xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL, type='b',
xlab='Year', ylab='Gap in life expectancy', main=NULL,
show.legend=TRUE, ...
) {
if (missing(country)) {
stop('Argument "country" must be given.')
country.obj <-, e0.pred$mcmc.set$meta)
if(is.null(country.obj$code)) stop("Country ", country, " not found.")
country <- country.obj
if(is.null(e0.pred2)) e0.pred2 <- get.e0.jmale.prediction(e0.pred)
e0.mtx <- e0.pred$e0.matrix.reconstructed[1:e0.pred$present.year.index,]
e0.mtx2 <- e0.pred2$e0.matrix.reconstructed[1:e0.pred$present.year.index,]
T <- nrow(e0.mtx)
x1 <- as.integer(rownames(e0.mtx))
x2 <- as.numeric(dimnames(e0.pred$quantiles)[[3]])
y1 <- e0.mtx[1:T,country$index] - e0.mtx2[1:T,country$index]
# remove NA's at the beginning
startx <- which(cumsum(! == 1)
if(startx > 1){
x1 <- x1[startx:length(x1)]
y1 <- y1[startx:length(y1)]
# get all trajectories for computing the quantiles
trajobj <- bayesTFR:::get.trajectories(e0.pred, country$code)
trajobj2 <- bayesTFR:::get.trajectories(e0.pred2, country$code)
stop('No trajectories available in the e0.pred object.')
stop('No trajectories available in the e0.pred2 object.')
if(dim(trajobj$trajectories)[2] != dim(trajobj2$trajectories)[2])
stop('Trajectories in the two prediction ojects must be of the same shape.')
thintraj <- bayesTFR:::get.thinning.index(nr.traj, dim(trajobj$trajectories)[2])
y2all <- trajobj$trajectories - trajobj2$trajectories
e0.median <- apply(y2all, 1, quantile, 0.5, na.rm = TRUE)
y2 <- NA
if (thintraj$nr.points > 0)
y2 <- y2all[,thintraj$index]
cqp <- list()
al <- (1-pi/100)/2
ylim.loc <- c(min(y2, y1, e0.median, na.rm=TRUE),
max(y2, y1, e0.median, na.rm=TRUE))
for (i in 1:length(pi)) {
cqp[[i]] <- apply(y2all, 1, quantile, c(al[i], 1-al[i]), na.rm = TRUE)
if (is.null(ylim))
ylim.loc <- c(min(ylim.loc[1], cqp[[i]], na.rm=TRUE),
max(ylim.loc[2], cqp[[i]], na.rm=TRUE))
if(is.null(xlim)) xlim <- c(min(x1,x2), max(x1,x2))
if(is.null(ylim)) ylim <- ylim.loc
if(is.null(main)) main <- country$name
# plot historical data: observed
plot(x1, y1, type=type, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, ylab=ylab, xlab=xlab, main=main, lwd=2,
panel.first = grid(), ...
# plot trajectories
if(thintraj$nr.points > 0) {
for (i in 1:thintraj$nr.points) {
lines(x2, y2[,i], type='l', col='gray')
# plot median
lines(x2, e0.median, type='l', col='red', lwd=2)
# plot given CIs
lty <- 2:(length(pi)+1)
for (i in 1:length(pi)) {
if (!is.null(cqp[[i]])) {
lines(x2, cqp[[i]][1,], type='l', col='red', lty=lty[i], lwd=2)
lines(x2, cqp[[i]][2,], type='l', col='red', lty=lty[i], lwd=2)
if(show.legend) {
legend <- c('median', paste(pi, '% PI', sep=''))
col <- rep('red', length(lty)+1)
legend <- c(legend, 'observed gap')
col <- c(col, 'black')
lty <- c(lty, 1)
pch <- c(rep(-1, length(legend)-1), 1)
legend('topleft', legend=legend, lty=c(1,lty), bty='n', col=col, pch=pch, lwd=2)
e0.joint.plot.all <- function(e0.pred, output.dir=file.path(getwd(), 'e0joint'),
output.type="png", verbose=FALSE, ...) {
# plots e0 joint projections for all countries$mcmc.set$meta, output.dir, e0.joint.plot, output.type=output.type,
file.prefix='e0jplot', plot.type='e0 joint F-M graph', verbose=verbose, e0.pred=e0.pred, ...)
e0.joint.plot <- function(e0.pred, country, pi=95, years, nr.points=500,
obs.pch=17, obs.cex=1,
xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL, xlab='Female life expectancy', ylab='Male life expectancy',
main=NULL, col=NULL, show.legend=TRUE, add=FALSE, ...) {
stop('A male prediction does not exist for the given prediction object. Run e0.jmale.predict.')
start.year <- as.integer(dimnames(e0.pred$quantiles)[[3]][1])
years.obs <- years[years <= start.year+2]
years.pred <- years[years > start.year+2]
years.idx <- unlist(lapply(years.pred, bayesTFR:::get.prediction.year.index, pred=e0.pred))
years.idx <- years.idx[years.idx > 1]
years.obs.idx <- unlist(lapply(years.obs, bayesTFR:::get.estimation.year.index, meta=e0.pred$mcmc.set$meta))
lyears <- length(years.idx)+length(years.obs.idx)
if(lyears <= 0)
stop('Argument years must have values within the range [',
bayesTFR:::get.estimation.years(e0.pred$mcmc.set$meta)[1], ',', e0.pred$end.year, '].')
if(length(years.idx)+length(years.obs.idx) != length(years))
warning('Some years invalid. Valid range: [', bayesTFR:::get.estimation.years(e0.pred$mcmc.set$meta)[1], ',', e0.pred$end.year, '].')
country.obj <-, e0.pred$mcmc.set$meta)
if(is.null(country.obj$code)) stop("Country ", country, " not found.")
e0M.pred <- get.e0.jmale.prediction(e0.pred)
obsF <- obsM <- NULL
if(length(years.obs.idx) > 0) { # observed data
obsF <- e0.pred$e0.matrix.reconstructed[years.obs.idx, country.obj$index]
obsM <- e0M.pred$e0.matrix.reconstructed[years.obs.idx, country.obj$index]
trajFall <- get.e0.trajectories(e0.pred, country)[years.idx,,drop=FALSE]
trajMall <- get.e0.trajectories(e0M.pred, country)[years.idx,,drop=FALSE]
nr.points <- min(nr.points, ncol(trajFall))
if(!add) {
minxy <- min(trajFall, trajMall, obsF, obsM)
maxxy <- max(trajFall, trajMall, obsF, obsM)
if(is.null(xlim)) xlim <- c(minxy, maxxy)
if(is.null(xlim)) ylim <- c(minxy, maxxy)
if(is.null(main)) main <- country.obj$name
plot(c(minxy, maxxy), c(minxy, maxxy), type='n', xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab,
xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, main=main, panel.first = grid(), ...)
col <- if(is.null(col)) rainbow(lyears) else rep(col, lyears)
if(length(years.obs.idx) > 0) { # observed data
points(obsF, obsM, col=col[1:length(years.obs.idx)], pch=obs.pch, cex=obs.cex)
if(length(years.idx) > 0) { #
for(iyear in 1:length(years.idx)) {
trajF <- trajFall[iyear,]
trajM <- trajMall[iyear,]
colidx <- iyear+length(years.obs.idx)
if(nr.points > 0) {
sample.idx <- if(nr.points < length(trajF)) sample(1:length(trajF), nr.points) else 1:nr.points
Fpoints <- trajF[sample.idx]
Mpoints <- trajM[sample.idx]
points(Fpoints, Mpoints, pch='.', col=col[colidx])
if(length(pi) > 0){
if(!all(trajF[-1]==trajF[1]) && !all(trajM[-1]==trajM[1])){
ellips <- dataEllipse(trajF, trajM, levels=pi/100, draw=FALSE)
if(length(pi) == 1) {
ellips <- list(ellips)
names(ellips) <- as.character(pi/100)
for(ipi in 1:length(pi)) {
# hack: modify points above the x=y line
el <- ellips[[as.character(pi[ipi]/100)]]
above <- el[,'x'] < el[,'y']
el[above,'y']<- el[above,'x']
lines(el, col=col[colidx])
} else { # if all trajectories the same, make the point larger
points(trajF[1], trajM[1], pch=obs.pch, col=col[colidx], cex=obs.cex)
if(show.legend) {
periods <- c(bayesTFR:::get.tfr.periods(e0.pred$mcmc.set$meta)[years.obs.idx],
if(length(years.idx)>0) bayesTFR:::get.prediction.periods(e0.pred$mcmc.set$meta, max(years.idx),
else c())
legend('topleft', legend=periods, col=col, bty='n', lty=1)
e0.trajectories.plot.all <- function(e0.pred,
output.dir=file.path(getwd(), 'e0trajectories'),
output.type="png", verbose=FALSE, ...) {
# plots e0 trajectories for all countries$mcmc.set$meta, output.dir, e0.trajectories.plot, output.type=output.type,
file.prefix='e0plot', plot.type='e0 graph', verbose=verbose, e0.pred=e0.pred, ...)
e0.trajectories.plot <- function(e0.pred, country, pi=c(80, 95), both.sexes=FALSE,
nr.traj=NULL, adjusted.only = TRUE, typical.trajectory=FALSE,
xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL, type='b',
xlab='Year', ylab='Life expectancy at birth', main=NULL,
lwd=c(2,2,2,2,1), col=c('black', 'green', 'red', 'red', '#00000020'),
col2=c('gray39', 'greenyellow', 'hotpink', 'hotpink', '#00000020'),
pch = c(1, 2), show.legend=TRUE, add=FALSE, ...
) {
# lwd/col is a vector of 5 line widths/colors for:
# 1. observed data, 2. imputed missing data, 3. median, 4. quantiles, 5. trajectories
lowerize <- function(str) { # taken from the cwhmisc package
ff <- function(x) paste(lapply(unlist(strsplit(x, NULL)),lower),collapse="")
capply <- function (str, ff, ...) { # taken from the cwhmisc package
x <- strsplit(str, NULL)
y <- lapply(x, ff, ...)
sapply(y, paste, collapse = "")
lower <- function (char) { # taken from the cwhmisc package
if (any(ind <- LETTERS == char)) letters[ind]
else char
if (missing(country)) {
stop('Argument "country" must be given.')
if(length(lwd) < 5) {
llwd <- length(lwd)
lwd <- rep(lwd, 5)
lwd[(llwd+1):5] <- c(2,2,2,2,1)[(llwd+1):5]
missing.col <- missing(col)
if(length(col) < 5) {
lcol <- length(col)
col <- rep(col, 5)
col[(lcol+1):5] <- c('black', 'green', 'red', 'red', '#00000020')[(lcol+1):5]
if(length(pch) < 2) {
if(length(pch) == 0) pch <- 1
pch <- rep(pch, 2)
if(!type %in% c("b", "p", "o")) pch <- rep(-1, 2)
country.obj <-, e0.pred$mcmc.set$meta)
if(is.null(country.obj$code)) stop("Country ", country, " not found.")
country <- country.obj
pred <- list(e0.pred)
plotcols <- list(col)
do.both.sexes <- FALSE
do.average <- FALSE
if(both.sexes == TRUE || both.sexes == 'A') {
do.both.sexes <- TRUE
if(e0.pred$mcmc.set$meta$sex != 'F') {
warnings('If both.sexes is TRUE, the given prediction object must be Female prediction, but is ',$mcmc.set$meta))
do.both.sexes <- FALSE
} else {
if(!has.e0.jmale.prediction(e0.pred)) {
warnings('A male prediction does not exist for the given prediction object.')
do.both.sexes <- FALSE
} else {
if(both.sexes == 'A') { # average e0
pred <- c(pred, list(get.e0.jmale.prediction(e0.pred)))
do.average <- TRUE
do.both.sexes <- FALSE
if(do.both.sexes) {
pred <- c(pred, list(get.e0.jmale.prediction(e0.pred)))
if(length(col2) < 5) {
lcol <- length(col2)
col2 <- rep(col2, 5)
col2[(lcol+1):5] <- c('gray39', 'greenyellow', 'hotpink', 'hotpink', '#00000020')[(lcol+1):5]
if(missing.col) {
col <- c('black', 'green', 'darkgreen', 'darkgreen', '#00000020')
plotcols <- list(col)
plotcols <- c(list(col2), plotcols)
if(missing(nr.traj)) nr.traj <- 0
if(missing(pi)) pi <- 95
lty.all <- cols.all <- legend.all <- pch.all <- lwd.all <- c() <- list()
ylim.loc <- c(100,0)
for(ipred in 1:length(pred)) {
e0pred <- pred[[ipred]]
meta <- e0pred$mcmc.set$meta
e0.mtx <- meta$e0.matrix
e0.observed <- get.observed.e0(country$index, meta, 'e0.matrix.all', 'e0.matrix')
suppl.T <- length(e0.observed) - dim(e0.mtx)[1]
if(!is.null(meta$T.end.c)) Tc <- meta$T.end.c[country$index]
else Tc <- meta$Tc.index[[country$index]][length(meta$Tc.index[[country$index]])] + suppl.T
T_end_c <- min(Tc, e0pred$present.year.index.all)
e0.matrix.reconstructed <- get.e0.reconstructed(e0pred$e0.matrix.reconstructed, meta)
y1.part1 <- e0.observed[1:T_end_c]
y1.part1 <- y1.part1[!]
lpart1 <- length(y1.part1)
y1.part2 <- NULL
lpart2 <- min(dim(e0.mtx)[1], e0pred$present.year.index) - T_end_c + suppl.T
if (lpart2 > 0) { # imputed values
p2idx <- (T_end_c+1-suppl.T):min(nrow(e0.matrix.reconstructed), e0pred$present.year.index)
y1.part2 <- e0.matrix.reconstructed[p2idx,country$index]
names(y1.part2) <- rownames(e0.matrix.reconstructed)[p2idx]
x1 <- as.integer(c(names(y1.part1), names(y1.part2)))
x2 <- as.numeric(dimnames(e0pred$quantiles)[[3]])[[ipred]] <- list(obs.x=x1[1:lpart1], obs.y=y1.part1, pred.x=x2)
ylim.loc <- c(min(ylim.loc[1],[[ipred]]$obs.y), max(ylim.loc[2],[[ipred]]$obs.y))
if(lpart2 > 0) {[[ipred]]$rec.x <- x1[(lpart1+1): length(x1)][[ipred]]$rec.y <- y1.part2
ylim.loc <- c(min(ylim.loc[1],[[ipred]]$rec.y), max(ylim.loc[2],[[ipred]]$rec.y))
if(do.average) {[[1]]$obs.y <- ([[1]]$obs.y +[[2]]$obs.y)/2.
if(lpart2 > 0)[[1]]$rec.y <- ([[1]]$rec.y +[[2]]$rec.y)/2.
for(ipred in 1:length(pred)) {
e0pred <- pred[[ipred]]
this.col <- plotcols[[ipred]]
meta <- e0pred$mcmc.set$meta
if(do.average) {
trajectories <- get.e0.trajectories.object(pred, country$code, nr.traj=nr.traj, typical.trajectory=typical.trajectory, pi=pi)
e0.median <- trajectories$median
} else {
trajectories <- get.e0.trajectories.object(e0pred, country$code, nr.traj=nr.traj, typical.trajectory=typical.trajectory)
e0.median <- bayesTFR::get.median.from.prediction(e0pred, country$index, country$code)
cqp <- list()
if(ipred > 1) add <- TRUE
ylim.loc <- c(min(if (!is.null(trajectories$trajectories))
else NULL,
ylim.loc[1], e0.median, na.rm=TRUE),
max(if (!is.null(trajectories$trajectories))
else NULL,
ylim.loc[2], e0.median, na.rm=TRUE))
if(length(pi) > 0) {
for (i in 1:length(pi)) {
if(do.average) cqp[[i]] <- trajectories$quantiles[[i]]
cqp[[i]] <- bayesTFR:::get.traj.quantiles(e0pred, country$index,
country$code, trajectories=trajectories$trajectories, pi=pi[i])
if (!add && !is.null(cqp[[i]]) && is.null(ylim))
ylim.loc <- c(min(ylim.loc[1], cqp[[i]], na.rm=TRUE),
max(ylim.loc[2], cqp[[i]], na.rm=TRUE))
if (!add) {
if(is.null(xlim)) xlim <- c(min(x1,x2), max(x1,x2))
if(is.null(ylim)) ylim <- ylim.loc
if(is.null(main)) {
main <- country$name
if(do.average) main <- paste(main, '- average')
else {
main <- paste(main, '-',
# plot historical data: observed
plot([[ipred]]$obs.x,[[ipred]]$obs.y, type=type, pch = pch[1], xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, ylab=ylab, xlab=xlab, main=main,
panel.first = grid(), lwd=lwd[1], col=this.col[1], ...
} else # add to an existing plot
points([[ipred]]$obs.x,[[ipred]]$obs.y, type=type, pch = pch[1], lwd=lwd[1], col=this.col[1], ...
if(!is.null([[ipred]]$rec.x)) { # plot reconstructed missing data
lines([[ipred]]$rec.x,[[ipred]]$rec.y, pch=pch[2], type=type, col=this.col[2], lwd=lwd[2])
col=this.col[2], lwd=lwd[2]) # connection between the two parts
# plot trajectories
if(!is.null(trajectories$trajectories) && length(trajectories$index) > 0) {
for (i in 1:length(trajectories$index)) {
lines([[ipred]]$pred.x, trajectories$trajectories[,trajectories$index[i]], type='l',
col=this.col[5], lwd=lwd[5])
# plot median
lines([[ipred]]$pred.x, e0.median, type='l', col=this.col[3], lwd=lwd[3])
legend <- if(adjusted.only) 'median' else 'adj. median'
if(do.both.sexes) legend <- paste(lowerize(, legend)
lty <- 1
# plot given CIs
if(length(pi) > 0) {
tlty <- 2:(length(pi)+1)
for (i in 1:length(pi)) {
if (!is.null(cqp[[i]])) {
lines([[ipred]]$pred.x, cqp[[i]][1,], type='l', col=this.col[4], lty=tlty[i], lwd=lwd[4])
lines([[ipred]]$pred.x, cqp[[i]][2,], type='l', col=this.col[4], lty=tlty[i], lwd=lwd[4])
legend <- c(legend, paste(pi, '% PI ', if(do.both.sexes) lowerize( else '', sep=''))
lty <- c(lty, tlty)
legend <- c(legend, paste('observed', if(do.both.sexes) paste(lowerize(, 'e0') else 'e0'))
lty <- c(lty, 1)
pchs <- c(rep(-1, length(legend)-1), pch[1])
lwds <- c(lwd[3], rep(lwd[4], length(pi)), lwd[1])
cols <- c(this.col[3], rep(this.col[4], length(pi)), this.col[1])
if(!adjusted.only) { # plot unadjusted median
bhm.median <- bayesTFR::get.median.from.prediction(e0pred, country$index, country$code, adjusted=FALSE)
lines([[ipred]]$pred.x, bhm.median, type='l', col=this.col[3], lwd=lwd[3], lty=max(lty)+1)
bhm.leg <- 'BHM median'
if(do.both.sexes) bhm.leg <- paste(lowerize(, bhm.leg)
legend <- c(legend, bhm.leg)
cols <- c(cols, this.col[3])
lwds <- c(lwds, lwd[3])
lty <- c(lty, max(lty)+1)
if(lpart2 > 0) {
legend <- c(legend, paste('imputed', if(do.both.sexes) paste(lowerize(, 'e0') else 'e0'))
cols <- c(cols, this.col[2])
lty <- c(lty, 1)
pchs <- c(pchs, pch[2])
lwds <- c(lwds, lwd[2])
lty.all <- c(lty.all, lty)
legend.all <- c(legend.all, legend)
cols.all <- c(cols.all, cols)
pch.all <- c(pch.all, pchs)
lwd.all <- c(lwd.all, lwds)
if(do.average) break
legend('topleft', legend=legend.all, lty=lty.all, bty='n', col=cols.all, pch=pch.all, lwd=lwd.all)
e0.trajectories.table <- function(e0.pred, country, pi=c(80, 95), both.sexes=FALSE, ...) {
do.both.sexes <- FALSE
if(both.sexes==TRUE || both.sexes == 'A') {
do.both.sexes <- TRUE
if(e0.pred$mcmc.set$meta$sex != 'F') {
warnings('If both.sexes is TRUE, the given prediction object must be Female prediction, but is ',$mcmc.set$meta))
do.both.sexes <- FALSE
} else {
if(!has.e0.jmale.prediction(e0.pred)) {
warnings('A male prediction does not exist for the given prediction object.')
do.both.sexes <- FALSE
} else {
if(both.sexes == 'A') { # average e0
mpred <- get.e0.jmale.prediction(e0.pred)
fdata <-
mdata <-
data.matrix <- fdata - (fdata - mdata)/2.
country.obj <-, e0.pred$mcmc.set$meta)
if(is.null(country.obj$code)) stop("Country ", country, " not found.")
traj.object <- get.e0.trajectories.object(list(e0.pred, mpred), country.obj$code, pi=pi)
return(bayesTFR:::.get.trajectories.table(e0.pred, country.obj, data.matrix[,country.obj$index], pi,
pred.median=traj.object$median, cqp=traj.object$quantiles, half.child.variant=FALSE))
result <- tfr.trajectories.table(e0.pred, country=country, pi=pi, half.child.variant = FALSE, ...)
if(do.both.sexes) {
result <- list(female=result,
male=tfr.trajectories.table(get.e0.jmale.prediction(e0.pred), country=country, pi=pi,
half.child.variant = FALSE, ...))
e0.DLcurve.plot.all <- function (mcmc.list = NULL, sim.dir = NULL,
output.dir = file.path(getwd(), "DLcurves"),
burnin = NULL, verbose = FALSE, ...) {
if(is.null(mcmc.list)) mcmc.list <- get.e0.mcmc(sim.dir=sim.dir, verbose=verbose, burnin=burnin)
mc <- get.mcmc.list(mcmc.list)
meta <- mc[[1]]$meta, meta, output.dir, e0.DLcurve.plot, output.type=output.type,
file.prefix='DLplot', plot.type='DL graph', verbose=verbose, mcmc.list = mcmc.list, burnin = burnin, ...)
} <- function(x, mcmc.list, burnin=NULL, ...) {
# Get the hierarchical DL curves
if(inherits(mcmc.list, 'bayesLife.prediction')) {
if(!is.null(burnin) && burnin != mcmc.list$burnin)
warning('Prediction was generated with different burnin. Burnin set to ', mcmc.list$burnin)
burnin <- 0 # because burnin was already cut of the traces
if(is.null(burnin)) burnin <- 0
mcmc.list <- get.mcmc.list(mcmc.list)
return("dlcurves.function", mcmc.list[[1]]$meta$mcmc.options, "e0.get.dlcurves"),
list(x, mcmc.list, country.code = NULL, burnin = burnin, ...)))
} <- function(x, mcmc.list, country, burnin=NULL, ...) {
# Get country-specific DL curves.
# It's a wrapper around e0.get.dlcurves for easier usage.
if(inherits(mcmc.list, 'bayesLife.prediction')) {
if(!is.null(burnin) && burnin != mcmc.list$burnin)
warning('Prediction was generated with different burnin. Burnin set to ', mcmc.list$burnin)
burnin <- 0 # because burnin was already cut of the traces
if(is.null(burnin)) burnin <- 0
mcmc.list <- get.mcmc.list(mcmc.list)
country.obj <-, mcmc.list[[1]]$meta)
stop("Country ", country, " not found.")
return("dlcurves.function", mcmc.list[[1]]$meta$mcmc.options, "e0.get.dlcurves"),
list(x, mcmc.list, country.code = country.obj$code, burnin = burnin, ...)))
e0.get.dlcurves <- function(x, mcmc.list, country.code, burnin,
nr.curves = 2000, predictive.distr = FALSE) {
dlc <- c() <- if (!is.null(nr.curves)) ceiling(max(nr.curves, 2000)/length(mcmc.list))
else NULL
if(!is.null(country.code)) {
postfix <- paste0('_c', country.code)
dl.par.names <- c(paste0('Triangle.c_1', postfix),
paste0('Triangle.c_2', postfix),
paste0('Triangle.c_3', postfix),
paste0('Triangle.c_4', postfix),
paste0('k.c', postfix),
paste0('z.c', postfix))
} else {
dl.par.names <- c('Triangle_1', 'Triangle_2', 'Triangle_3', 'Triangle_4', 'k', 'z')
meta <- mcmc.list[[1]]$meta
opts <- meta$mcmc.options
if(predictive.distr) {
loessSD <- rep(1, length(x))
loessSD <- loess.lookup(x)
for (mcmc in mcmc.list) {
th.burnin <- bayesTFR:::get.thinned.burnin(mcmc,burnin) <- bayesTFR:::get.thinning.index(,
all.points=mcmc$length - th.burnin)
if(!is.null(country.code)) # country-specific curves
traces <- load.e0.parameter.traces.cs(mcmc, country.code,
else traces <- load.e0.parameter.traces(mcmc, burnin=th.burnin,$index) <- traces[,dl.par.names, drop=FALSE]
dl <- t(apply(, 1, g.dl6, l = x, p1 = opts$dl.p1, p2 = opts$dl.p2))
if(predictive.distr) {
omegas <- load.e0.parameter.traces(mcmc, par.names = 'omega', burnin = th.burnin,
thinning.index =$index)
errors <- matrix(NA, nrow = dim(dl)[1], ncol = dim(dl)[2])
n <- ncol(errors)
for(i in 1:nrow(errors))
errors[i,] <- rnorm(n, mean = 0, sd = omegas[i]*loessSD)
dlc <- rbind(dlc, dl+errors)
} else dlc <- rbind(dlc, dl)
return (dlc)
e0.DLcurve.plot <- function (mcmc.list, country, burnin = NULL, pi = 80, e0.lim = NULL,
nr.curves = 20, predictive.distr=FALSE, ylim = NULL, xlab = "e(0)", ylab = "5-year gains",
main = NULL, show.legend=TRUE, col=c('black', 'red', "#00000020"), ...
if(inherits(mcmc.list, 'bayesLife.prediction')) {
if(!is.null(burnin) && burnin != mcmc.list$burnin)
warning('Prediction was generated with different burnin. Burnin set to ', mcmc.list$burnin)
burnin <- 0 # because burnin was already cut of the traces
col <- bayesTFR:::.match.colors.with.default(col, c('black', 'red', "#00000020"))
if(is.null(burnin)) burnin <- 0
mcmc.list <- get.mcmc.list(mcmc.list)
meta <- mcmc.list[[1]]$meta
country.obj <-, meta)
if(is.null(country.obj$code)) stop("Country ", country, " not found.")
country <- country.obj
data.idx <- which(!$d.ct[,country$index]))
incr <- meta$d.ct[data.idx, country$index] <- meta$e0.matrix[data.idx, country$index]
if(!is.null(meta$$e0.matrix)) {
supp.c.idx <- which(is.element(meta$$, country$index))
if(length(supp.c.idx) > 0) { <- which(!$$d.ct[,supp.c.idx])) <- c(meta$$e0.matrix[, supp.c.idx],
incr <- c(meta$$d.ct[, supp.c.idx], incr) }
if (is.null(e0.lim)) e0.lim <- c(min(40,, max(90,
x <- seq(e0.lim[1], e0.lim[2], length=1000)
dlc <-"dlcurves.function", meta$mcmc.options, "e0.get.dlcurves"),
list(x, mcmc.list, country$code, burnin, nr.curves,
predictive.distr = predictive.distr))
thincurves <- bayesTFR:::get.thinning.index(nr.curves, dim(dlc)[1])
ltype <- "l"
if (thincurves$nr.points == 0) {
ltype <- "n"
thincurves$index <- 1
dl50 <- apply(dlc, 2, quantile, 0.5)
dlpi <- array(0, c(length(pi), 2, ncol(dlc)))
for (i in 1:length(pi)) {
al <- (1 - pi[i]/100)/2
dlpi[i,,] <- apply(dlc, 2, quantile, c(al, 1 - al))
miny <- min(dlc[thincurves$index, ], dlpi, incr)
maxy <- max(dlc[thincurves$index, ], dlpi, incr)
if (is.null(main)) main <- country$name
if (is.null(ylim)) ylim <- c(miny, maxy)
plot(dlc[thincurves$index[1], ] ~ x, col = col[3],
type = ltype, xlim = c(min(x), max(x)),
ylim = ylim, ylab = ylab, xlab = xlab, main = main, ...
if (thincurves$nr.points > 1) {
for (i in 2:thincurves$nr.points) {
lines(dlc[thincurves$index[i], ] ~ x, col = col[3])
lines(dl50 ~ x, col = col[2], lwd = 2)
lty <- 2:(length(pi) + 1)
for (i in 1:length(pi)) {
lines(dlpi[i,1, ] ~ x, col = col[2], lty = lty[i], lwd = 2)
lines(dlpi[i,2, ] ~ x, col = col[2], lty = lty[i], lwd = 2)
points(incr ~, pch = 19, col=col[1])
legend("topright", legend = c("median", paste("PI", pi), "observed"),
lty = c(1, lty, 0), bty = "n", col = c(rep(col[2], length(pi)+1), col[1]),
pch=c(rep(-1,length(pi)+1), 19))
e0.parDL.plot <- function(mcmc.set, country=NULL, burnin = NULL, lty=2, ann=TRUE, ...) {
if(inherits(mcmc.set, 'bayesLife.prediction')) {
if(!is.null(burnin) && burnin != mcmc.set$burnin)
warning('Prediction was generated with different burnin. Burnin set to ', mcmc.set$burnin)
burnin <- 0 # because burnin was already cut of the traces
mcmc.set <- mcmc.set$mcmc.set
if(is.null(burnin)) burnin <- 0
country.obj <-, mcmc.set$meta)
if(!is.null(country) && is.null(country.obj$code))
stop('Country ', country, 'not found.')
con <- textConnection("sout", "w", local=TRUE) # redirect output
sink(con, type='output')
parmeans <- summary(mcmc.set, country=country.obj$code, burnin=burnin)$statistics[,'Mean']
parnames.all <- if(is.null(country)) e0.parameter.names.extended(opts = mcmc.set$meta$mcmc.options) else e0.parameter.names.cs.extended(country.obj$code,
opts = mcmc.set$meta$mcmc.options)
parnames <- grep("^Triangle|k", parnames.all, value=TRUE)
k <- parmeans[parnames[5]]
xDelta1 <- parmeans[parnames[1]]
xDelta2 <- xDelta1+parmeans[parnames[2]]
xDelta3 <- xDelta2+parmeans[parnames[3]]
xDelta4 <- xDelta3+parmeans[parnames[4]]
abline(h=k, lty=lty, ...)
abline(v=xDelta1, lty=lty, ...)
abline(v=xDelta2, lty=lty, ...)
abline(v=xDelta3, lty=lty, ...)
abline(v=xDelta4, lty=lty, ...)
if(ann) {
text(xDelta4-(xDelta4-xDelta3)/2, k, labels='k', pos=3, ...)
text(c(xDelta1, xDelta2, xDelta3, xDelta4), y=rep(k, 4),
labels=c(expression(Delta[1]), expression(Delta[2]),
expression(Delta[3]), expression(Delta[4])), adj=c(1,1), ...)
e0.partraces.plot <- function(mcmc.list=NULL, sim.dir = file.path(getwd(), 'bayesLife.output'),
chain.ids = NULL, par.names = NULL,
nr.points = NULL, dev.ncol = 5, low.memory = TRUE, ...) {
if (is.null(mcmc.list))
mcmc.list <- get.e0.mcmc(sim.dir, low.memory=low.memory)
par.names <- e0.parameter.names(get.mcmc.meta(mcmc.list)$mcmc.options)
bayesTFR:::do.plot.tfr.partraces(mcmc.list, load.e0.parameter.traces, chain.ids = chain.ids,
nr.points = nr.points, par.names = par.names, dev.ncol = dev.ncol, ...)
e0.partraces.cs.plot <- function(country, mcmc.list=NULL, sim.dir=file.path(getwd(), 'bayesLife.output'),
chain.ids = NULL, par.names = NULL,
nr.points = NULL, dev.ncol = 3, low.memory = TRUE, ...) {
if (is.null(mcmc.list))
mcmc.list <- get.e0.mcmc(sim.dir, low.memory=low.memory)
mcmc.list <- get.mcmc.list(mcmc.list)
par.names <- e0.parameter.names.cs(get.mcmc.meta(mcmc.list)$mcmc.options)
country.obj <-, mcmc.list[[1]]$meta)
if (is.null(country.obj$name))
stop('Country ', country, ' not found.')
bayesTFR:::do.plot.tfr.partraces(mcmc.list, load.e0.parameter.traces.cs,
main.postfix = paste0('(',country.obj$name,')'), chain.ids = chain.ids,
nr.points = nr.points, country = country.obj$code, par.names = par.names,
dev.ncol = dev.ncol, ...)
e0.pardensity.plot <- function(mcmc.list=NULL, sim.dir = file.path(getwd(), 'bayesLife.output'),
chain.ids = NULL, par.names = NULL,
burnin = NULL, dev.ncol = 5, low.memory = TRUE, ...) {
if (is.null(mcmc.list))
mcmc.list <- get.e0.mcmc(sim.dir, low.memory = low.memory)
par.names <- e0.parameter.names(get.mcmc.meta(mcmc.list)$mcmc.options)
bayesTFR:::do.plot.tfr.pardensity(mcmc.list, get.e0.parameter.traces, chain.ids = chain.ids, par.names = par.names,
par.names.ext = bayesTFR:::get.full.par.names(par.names,
e0.get.all.parameter.names.extended(opts = get.mcmc.meta(mcmc.list)$mcmc.options)),
burnin = burnin, dev.ncol = dev.ncol, ...)
e0.pardensity.cs.plot <- function(country, mcmc.list = NULL, sim.dir = file.path(getwd(), 'bayesLife.output'),
chain.ids = NULL, par.names = NULL,
burnin = NULL, dev.ncol = 3, low.memory = TRUE, ...) {
if (is.null(mcmc.list))
mcmc.list <- get.e0.mcmc(sim.dir, low.memory=low.memory)
mcmc.l <- get.mcmc.list(mcmc.list)
country.obj <-, mcmc.l[[1]]$meta)
if (is.null(country.obj$name))
stop('Country ', country, ' not found.')
par.names <- e0.parameter.names.cs(get.mcmc.meta(mcmc.l)$mcmc.options)
bayesTFR:::do.plot.tfr.pardensity(mcmc.list, get.e0.parameter.traces.cs, chain.ids = chain.ids, par.names = par.names,
opts = get.mcmc.meta(mcmc.l)$mcmc.options)),
main.postfix = paste0('(',country.obj$name,')'),
func.args = list(country.obj = country.obj),
burnin = burnin, dev.ncol = dev.ncol, ...)
} <- function(pred, ...) {
# estimated by
# library(MASS)
# data <- pred$e0.matrix.reconstructed[12,]
# gd <- fitdistr(data-min(data)+0.05, densfun='gamma')
# min(data) is 43.86
return(list(, rate=0.29), gamma.shift=43.86-0.05, min.value=43.8,
} <- function(pred, e0.range=NULL, nr.cats=50, same.scale=TRUE,
quantile=0.5, ...) {
return(, e0.range, nr.cats=nr.cats, same.scale=same.scale,
quantile=quantile, ...))
.map.main.default.bayesLife.prediction <- function(pred, ...)
return(paste($mcmc.set$meta), 'e0: quantile')) <- function(pred, ...) {
return(, ...))
} <- function(pred, output.dir, output.type='png', e0.range=NULL, nr.cats=50, same.scale=TRUE,
quantile=0.5, file.prefix='e0wrldmap_', ...) {, output.dir=output.dir, type='e0', output.type=output.type, range=e0.range,
nr.cats=nr.cats, same.scale=same.scale, quantile=quantile, file.prefix=file.prefix, ...)
e0.ggmap <- function(pred, ...) {
return(bayesTFR::tfr.ggmap(pred, ...))
} <- function(pred, ...), ...) <- function(pred, ...) {'e0', paste($mcmc.set$meta), 'Life Expectancy'), pred, ...)
par.names.for.worldmap.bayesLife.prediction <- function(pred, ...) {
return(e0.parameter.names.cs.extended(opts = get.mcmc.meta(pred)$mcmc.options))
} <- function(pred, ...)
return(, ...)) <- function(meta) return(list(M='Male', F='Female')[[meta$sex]])
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