
Defines functions get.sex.label get.data.for.worldmap.bayesLife.prediction par.names.for.worldmap.bayesLife.prediction bdem.map.gvis.bayesLife.prediction e0.map.gvis e0.ggmap e0.map.all e0.map .map.main.default.bayesLife.prediction get.e0.map.parameters .get.gamma.pars.bayesLife.prediction e0.pardensity.cs.plot e0.pardensity.plot e0.partraces.cs.plot e0.partraces.plot e0.parDL.plot e0.get.dlcurves e0.country.dlcurves e0.world.dlcurves e0.trajectories.table e0.trajectories.plot e0.trajectories.plot.all e0.joint.plot e0.joint.plot.all e0.gap.plot e0.gap.plot.all

Documented in e0.country.dlcurves e0.gap.plot e0.gap.plot.all e0.get.dlcurves e0.ggmap e0.joint.plot e0.joint.plot.all e0.map e0.map.all e0.map.gvis e0.pardensity.cs.plot e0.pardensity.plot e0.parDL.plot e0.partraces.cs.plot e0.partraces.plot e0.trajectories.plot e0.trajectories.plot.all e0.trajectories.table e0.world.dlcurves get.e0.map.parameters

if(getRversion() >= "2.15.1") utils::globalVariables("loess_sd")
data(loess_sd, envir=environment())

e0.gap.plot.all <- function(e0.pred, output.dir=file.path(getwd(), 'e0gaps'),
							output.type="png", verbose=FALSE, ...) {
	# plots e0 gaps for all countries
	bayesTFR:::.do.plot.all(e0.pred$mcmc.set$meta, output.dir, e0.gap.plot, output.type=output.type, 
		file.prefix='e0gap', plot.type='e0 gap graph', verbose=verbose, e0.pred=e0.pred, ...)

e0.gap.plot <- function(e0.pred, country, e0.pred2=NULL, pi=c(80, 95), nr.traj=0,
								  xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL, type='b', 
								  xlab='Year', ylab='Gap in life expectancy', main=NULL, 
								  show.legend=TRUE, ...
								  ) {
	if (missing(country)) {
		stop('Argument "country" must be given.')
	country.obj <- get.country.object(country, e0.pred$mcmc.set$meta)
	if(is.null(country.obj$code)) stop("Country ", country, " not found.")
	country <- country.obj
	if(is.null(e0.pred2)) e0.pred2 <- get.e0.jmale.prediction(e0.pred)
	e0.mtx <- e0.pred$e0.matrix.reconstructed[1:e0.pred$present.year.index,]
	e0.mtx2 <- e0.pred2$e0.matrix.reconstructed[1:e0.pred$present.year.index,]
	T <- nrow(e0.mtx)
	x1 <- as.integer(rownames(e0.mtx))
	x2 <- as.numeric(dimnames(e0.pred$quantiles)[[3]])
	y1 <- e0.mtx[1:T,country$index]	- e0.mtx2[1:T,country$index]
	# remove NA's at the beginning
	startx <- which(cumsum(!is.na(y1)) == 1)
	if(startx > 1){
	    x1 <- x1[startx:length(x1)]
	    y1 <- y1[startx:length(y1)]
	# get all trajectories for computing the quantiles
	trajobj <- bayesTFR:::get.trajectories(e0.pred, country$code)
	trajobj2 <- bayesTFR:::get.trajectories(e0.pred2, country$code)
		stop('No trajectories available in the e0.pred object.')
		stop('No trajectories available in the e0.pred2 object.')
	if(dim(trajobj$trajectories)[2] != dim(trajobj2$trajectories)[2])
		stop('Trajectories in the two prediction ojects must be of the same shape.')
	thintraj <- bayesTFR:::get.thinning.index(nr.traj, dim(trajobj$trajectories)[2])

	y2all <- trajobj$trajectories - trajobj2$trajectories
	e0.median <- apply(y2all, 1, quantile, 0.5, na.rm = TRUE)
	y2 <- NA
	if (thintraj$nr.points > 0)
		y2 <- y2all[,thintraj$index]
	cqp <- list()
	al <- (1-pi/100)/2
	ylim.loc <- c(min(y2, y1, e0.median, na.rm=TRUE), 
				  max(y2, y1, e0.median, na.rm=TRUE))
	for (i in 1:length(pi)) {
		cqp[[i]] <- apply(y2all, 1, quantile, c(al[i], 1-al[i]), na.rm = TRUE)
		if (is.null(ylim))
			ylim.loc <- c(min(ylim.loc[1], cqp[[i]], na.rm=TRUE), 
						  max(ylim.loc[2], cqp[[i]], na.rm=TRUE))
	if(is.null(xlim)) xlim <- c(min(x1,x2), max(x1,x2))
	if(is.null(ylim)) ylim <- ylim.loc
	if(is.null(main)) main <- country$name
	# plot historical data: observed
	plot(x1, y1, type=type, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, ylab=ylab, xlab=xlab, main=main, lwd=2,
			panel.first = grid(), ...
	# plot trajectories
	if(thintraj$nr.points > 0) { 
		for (i in 1:thintraj$nr.points) {
			lines(x2, y2[,i], type='l', col='gray')
	# plot median	
	lines(x2, e0.median, type='l', col='red', lwd=2) 
	# plot given CIs
	lty <- 2:(length(pi)+1)
	for (i in 1:length(pi)) {
		if (!is.null(cqp[[i]])) {
			lines(x2, cqp[[i]][1,], type='l', col='red', lty=lty[i], lwd=2)
			lines(x2, cqp[[i]][2,], type='l', col='red', lty=lty[i], lwd=2)
	if(show.legend) {
		legend <- c('median', paste(pi, '% PI', sep=''))
		col <- rep('red', length(lty)+1)
		legend <- c(legend, 'observed gap')
		col <- c(col, 'black')
		lty <- c(lty, 1)
		pch <- c(rep(-1, length(legend)-1), 1)
		legend('topleft', legend=legend, lty=c(1,lty), bty='n', col=col, pch=pch, lwd=2)

e0.joint.plot.all <- function(e0.pred, output.dir=file.path(getwd(), 'e0joint'),
							output.type="png", verbose=FALSE, ...) {
	# plots e0 joint projections for all countries
	bayesTFR:::.do.plot.all(e0.pred$mcmc.set$meta, output.dir, e0.joint.plot, output.type=output.type, 
		file.prefix='e0jplot', plot.type='e0 joint F-M graph', verbose=verbose, e0.pred=e0.pred, ...)

e0.joint.plot <- function(e0.pred, country, pi=95, years, nr.points=500,
							obs.pch=17, obs.cex=1,
							xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL, xlab='Female life expectancy', ylab='Male life expectancy', 
							main=NULL, col=NULL, show.legend=TRUE, add=FALSE, ...) {
		stop('A male prediction does not exist for the given prediction object. Run e0.jmale.predict.')
	start.year <- as.integer(dimnames(e0.pred$quantiles)[[3]][1])
	years.obs <- years[years <= start.year+2]
	years.pred <- years[years > start.year+2]
	years.idx <- unlist(lapply(years.pred, bayesTFR:::get.prediction.year.index, pred=e0.pred))
	years.idx <- years.idx[years.idx > 1]
	years.obs.idx <- unlist(lapply(years.obs, bayesTFR:::get.estimation.year.index, meta=e0.pred$mcmc.set$meta))
	lyears <- length(years.idx)+length(years.obs.idx)
	if(lyears <= 0) 
		stop('Argument years must have values within the range [', 
						bayesTFR:::get.estimation.years(e0.pred$mcmc.set$meta)[1], ',', e0.pred$end.year, '].')
	if(length(years.idx)+length(years.obs.idx) != length(years))
		warning('Some years invalid. Valid range: [', bayesTFR:::get.estimation.years(e0.pred$mcmc.set$meta)[1], ',', e0.pred$end.year, '].')
	country.obj <- get.country.object(country, e0.pred$mcmc.set$meta)
	if(is.null(country.obj$code)) stop("Country ", country, " not found.")
	e0M.pred <- get.e0.jmale.prediction(e0.pred)
	obsF <- obsM <- NULL
	if(length(years.obs.idx) > 0) { # observed data
		obsF <- e0.pred$e0.matrix.reconstructed[years.obs.idx, country.obj$index]
		obsM <- e0M.pred$e0.matrix.reconstructed[years.obs.idx, country.obj$index]
	trajFall <- get.e0.trajectories(e0.pred, country)[years.idx,,drop=FALSE]
	trajMall <- get.e0.trajectories(e0M.pred, country)[years.idx,,drop=FALSE]
	nr.points <- min(nr.points, ncol(trajFall))
	if(!add) {
		minxy <- min(trajFall, trajMall, obsF, obsM)
		maxxy <- max(trajFall, trajMall, obsF, obsM)
		if(is.null(xlim)) xlim <- c(minxy, maxxy)
		if(is.null(xlim)) ylim <- c(minxy, maxxy)		
		if(is.null(main)) main <- country.obj$name
		plot(c(minxy, maxxy), c(minxy, maxxy), type='n', xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, 
				xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, main=main, panel.first = grid(), ...)
	col <- if(is.null(col)) rainbow(lyears) else rep(col, lyears)
	if(length(years.obs.idx) > 0) { # observed data
		points(obsF, obsM, col=col[1:length(years.obs.idx)], pch=obs.pch, cex=obs.cex)
	if(length(years.idx) > 0) { #
		for(iyear in 1:length(years.idx)) {
			trajF <- trajFall[iyear,]
			trajM <- trajMall[iyear,]
			colidx <- iyear+length(years.obs.idx)
			if(nr.points > 0) {
				sample.idx <- if(nr.points < length(trajF)) sample(1:length(trajF), nr.points) else 1:nr.points
				Fpoints <- trajF[sample.idx]
				Mpoints <- trajM[sample.idx]
				points(Fpoints, Mpoints, pch='.', col=col[colidx])
			if(length(pi) > 0){
				if(!all(trajF[-1]==trajF[1]) &&  !all(trajM[-1]==trajM[1])){
					ellips <- dataEllipse(trajF, trajM, levels=pi/100, draw=FALSE)
					if(length(pi) == 1) {
						ellips <- list(ellips)
						names(ellips) <- as.character(pi/100)
					for(ipi in 1:length(pi)) {
						# hack: modify points above the x=y line
						el <- ellips[[as.character(pi[ipi]/100)]]
						above <- el[,'x'] < el[,'y']
						el[above,'y']<- el[above,'x']
						lines(el, col=col[colidx])
				} else { # if all trajectories the same, make the point larger
					points(trajF[1], trajM[1], pch=obs.pch, col=col[colidx], cex=obs.cex)
	if(show.legend) {
		periods <- c(bayesTFR:::get.tfr.periods(e0.pred$mcmc.set$meta)[years.obs.idx], 
					 if(length(years.idx)>0) bayesTFR:::get.prediction.periods(e0.pred$mcmc.set$meta, max(years.idx), 
					 	else c())
		legend('topleft', legend=periods, col=col, bty='n', lty=1)


e0.trajectories.plot.all <- function(e0.pred, 
									output.dir=file.path(getwd(), 'e0trajectories'),
									output.type="png", verbose=FALSE, ...) {
	# plots e0 trajectories for all countries
	bayesTFR:::.do.plot.all(e0.pred$mcmc.set$meta, output.dir, e0.trajectories.plot, output.type=output.type, 
		file.prefix='e0plot', plot.type='e0 graph', verbose=verbose, e0.pred=e0.pred, ...)

e0.trajectories.plot <- function(e0.pred, country, pi=c(80, 95), both.sexes=FALSE,
								  nr.traj=NULL, adjusted.only = TRUE, typical.trajectory=FALSE,
								  xlim=NULL, ylim=NULL, type='b', 
								  xlab='Year', ylab='Life expectancy at birth', main=NULL, 
								  lwd=c(2,2,2,2,1), col=c('black', 'green', 'red', 'red', '#00000020'),
								  col2=c('gray39', 'greenyellow', 'hotpink', 'hotpink', '#00000020'), 
								  pch = c(1, 2), show.legend=TRUE, add=FALSE, ...
								  ) {
	# lwd/col is a vector of 5 line widths/colors for: 
	#	1. observed data, 2. imputed missing data, 3. median, 4. quantiles, 5. trajectories

	lowerize <- function(str) { # taken from the cwhmisc package
		ff <- function(x) paste(lapply(unlist(strsplit(x, NULL)),lower),collapse="") 
	capply <- function (str, ff, ...) { # taken from the cwhmisc package
    	x <- strsplit(str, NULL)
    	y <- lapply(x, ff, ...)
    	sapply(y, paste, collapse = "")
	lower <- function (char) { # taken from the cwhmisc package
    	if (any(ind <- LETTERS == char)) letters[ind]
    	else char
	if (missing(country)) {
		stop('Argument "country" must be given.')
	if(length(lwd) < 5) {
		llwd <- length(lwd)
		lwd <- rep(lwd, 5)
		lwd[(llwd+1):5] <- c(2,2,2,2,1)[(llwd+1):5]
	missing.col <- missing(col)
	if(length(col) < 5) {
		lcol <- length(col)
		col <- rep(col, 5)
		col[(lcol+1):5] <- c('black', 'green', 'red', 'red', '#00000020')[(lcol+1):5]
	if(length(pch) < 2) {
	    if(length(pch) == 0) pch <- 1
	    pch <- rep(pch, 2)
	if(!type %in% c("b", "p", "o")) pch <- rep(-1, 2)
	country.obj <- get.country.object(country, e0.pred$mcmc.set$meta)
	if(is.null(country.obj$code)) stop("Country ", country, " not found.")
	country <- country.obj
	pred <- list(e0.pred)
	plotcols <- list(col)
	do.both.sexes <- FALSE
	do.average <- FALSE
	if(both.sexes == TRUE || both.sexes == 'A') {
		do.both.sexes <- TRUE
		if(e0.pred$mcmc.set$meta$sex != 'F') {
			warnings('If both.sexes is TRUE, the given prediction object must be Female prediction, but is ',  
			do.both.sexes <- FALSE
		} else {
			if(!has.e0.jmale.prediction(e0.pred)) {
				warnings('A male prediction does not exist for the given prediction object.')
				do.both.sexes <- FALSE
			} else {
				if(both.sexes == 'A') { # average e0
					pred <- c(pred, list(get.e0.jmale.prediction(e0.pred)))
					do.average <- TRUE
					do.both.sexes <- FALSE

		if(do.both.sexes) {
			pred <- c(pred, list(get.e0.jmale.prediction(e0.pred)))
			if(length(col2) < 5) {
				lcol <- length(col2)
				col2 <- rep(col2, 5)
				col2[(lcol+1):5] <- c('gray39', 'greenyellow', 'hotpink', 'hotpink', '#00000020')[(lcol+1):5]
			if(missing.col) {
				col <- c('black', 'green', 'darkgreen', 'darkgreen', '#00000020')
				plotcols <- list(col)
			plotcols <- c(list(col2), plotcols)
			if(missing(nr.traj)) nr.traj <- 0
			if(missing(pi)) pi <- 95
	lty.all <- cols.all <- legend.all <- pch.all <- lwd.all <- c()
	plot.data <- list()
	ylim.loc <- c(100,0)
	for(ipred in 1:length(pred)) {
		e0pred <- pred[[ipred]]
		meta <- e0pred$mcmc.set$meta
		e0.mtx <- meta$e0.matrix
		e0.observed <- get.observed.e0(country$index, meta, 'e0.matrix.all', 'e0.matrix')
		suppl.T <- length(e0.observed) - dim(e0.mtx)[1]
		if(!is.null(meta$T.end.c)) Tc <- meta$T.end.c[country$index]
		else Tc <- meta$Tc.index[[country$index]][length(meta$Tc.index[[country$index]])] + suppl.T
		T_end_c <- min(Tc, e0pred$present.year.index.all)
		e0.matrix.reconstructed <- get.e0.reconstructed(e0pred$e0.matrix.reconstructed, meta)
		y1.part1 <- e0.observed[1:T_end_c]
		y1.part1 <- y1.part1[!is.na(y1.part1)]
		lpart1 <- length(y1.part1)
		y1.part2 <- NULL
		lpart2 <- min(dim(e0.mtx)[1], e0pred$present.year.index) - T_end_c + suppl.T
		if (lpart2 > 0) { # imputed values
			p2idx <- (T_end_c+1-suppl.T):min(nrow(e0.matrix.reconstructed), e0pred$present.year.index)
			y1.part2 <- e0.matrix.reconstructed[p2idx,country$index]
			names(y1.part2) <- rownames(e0.matrix.reconstructed)[p2idx]
		x1 <- as.integer(c(names(y1.part1), names(y1.part2)))
		x2 <- as.numeric(dimnames(e0pred$quantiles)[[3]])
    	plot.data[[ipred]] <- list(obs.x=x1[1:lpart1], obs.y=y1.part1, pred.x=x2)
    	ylim.loc <- c(min(ylim.loc[1], plot.data[[ipred]]$obs.y), max(ylim.loc[2], plot.data[[ipred]]$obs.y))
    	if(lpart2 > 0) {
    		plot.data[[ipred]]$rec.x <- x1[(lpart1+1): length(x1)]
    		plot.data[[ipred]]$rec.y <- y1.part2
    		ylim.loc <- c(min(ylim.loc[1], plot.data[[ipred]]$rec.y), max(ylim.loc[2], plot.data[[ipred]]$rec.y))
	if(do.average) {
		plot.data[[1]]$obs.y <- (plot.data[[1]]$obs.y + plot.data[[2]]$obs.y)/2.
		if(lpart2 > 0) plot.data[[1]]$rec.y <- (plot.data[[1]]$rec.y + plot.data[[2]]$rec.y)/2.
	for(ipred in 1:length(pred)) {
		e0pred <- pred[[ipred]]
		this.col <- plotcols[[ipred]]
		meta <- e0pred$mcmc.set$meta
		if(do.average) {
			trajectories <- get.e0.trajectories.object(pred, country$code, nr.traj=nr.traj, typical.trajectory=typical.trajectory, pi=pi)
			e0.median <- trajectories$median
		} else {
			trajectories <- get.e0.trajectories.object(e0pred, country$code, nr.traj=nr.traj, typical.trajectory=typical.trajectory)
			e0.median <- bayesTFR::get.median.from.prediction(e0pred, country$index, country$code)
		cqp <- list()
		if(ipred > 1) add <- TRUE
			ylim.loc <- c(min(if (!is.null(trajectories$trajectories))
					  	else NULL, 
					  	ylim.loc[1], e0.median, na.rm=TRUE), 
				  	max(if (!is.null(trajectories$trajectories))
					  else NULL, 
					  ylim.loc[2], e0.median, na.rm=TRUE))
		if(length(pi) > 0) {
			for (i in 1:length(pi)) {
				if(do.average) cqp[[i]] <- trajectories$quantiles[[i]]
					cqp[[i]] <- bayesTFR:::get.traj.quantiles(e0pred, country$index, 
								country$code, trajectories=trajectories$trajectories, pi=pi[i])
				if (!add && !is.null(cqp[[i]]) && is.null(ylim))
						ylim.loc <- c(min(ylim.loc[1], cqp[[i]], na.rm=TRUE), 
						  		max(ylim.loc[2], cqp[[i]], na.rm=TRUE))
		if (!add) {
			if(is.null(xlim)) xlim <- c(min(x1,x2), max(x1,x2))
			if(is.null(ylim)) ylim <- ylim.loc
			if(is.null(main)) {
				main <- country$name
				if(do.average) main <- paste(main, '- average')
				else { 
						main <- paste(main, '-', get.sex.label(meta))
		    # plot historical data: observed
			plot(plot.data[[ipred]]$obs.x, plot.data[[ipred]]$obs.y, type=type, pch = pch[1], xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, ylab=ylab, xlab=xlab, main=main, 
				panel.first = grid(), lwd=lwd[1], col=this.col[1], ...
		} else # add to an existing plot
			points(plot.data[[ipred]]$obs.x, plot.data[[ipred]]$obs.y, type=type, pch = pch[1], lwd=lwd[1], col=this.col[1], ...
		if(!is.null(plot.data[[ipred]]$rec.x)) { # plot reconstructed missing data
			lines(plot.data[[ipred]]$rec.x, plot.data[[ipred]]$rec.y, pch=pch[2], type=type, col=this.col[2], lwd=lwd[2])
			lines(c(plot.data[[ipred]]$obs.x[length(plot.data[[ipred]]$obs.x)], plot.data[[ipred]]$rec.x[1]), 
				c(plot.data[[ipred]]$obs.y[length(plot.data[[ipred]]$obs.y)], plot.data[[ipred]]$rec.y[1]), 
				col=this.col[2], lwd=lwd[2]) # connection between the two parts
		# plot trajectories
		if(!is.null(trajectories$trajectories) && length(trajectories$index) > 0) { 
			for (i in 1:length(trajectories$index)) {
				lines(plot.data[[ipred]]$pred.x, trajectories$trajectories[,trajectories$index[i]], type='l', 
					col=this.col[5], lwd=lwd[5])
		# plot median	
		lines(plot.data[[ipred]]$pred.x, e0.median, type='l', col=this.col[3], lwd=lwd[3])
		legend <- if(adjusted.only) 'median' else 'adj. median'
		if(do.both.sexes) legend <- paste(lowerize(get.sex.label(meta)), legend)
		lty <- 1
		# plot given CIs
		if(length(pi) > 0) {
			tlty <- 2:(length(pi)+1)
			for (i in 1:length(pi)) {
				if (!is.null(cqp[[i]])) {
					lines(plot.data[[ipred]]$pred.x, cqp[[i]][1,], type='l', col=this.col[4], lty=tlty[i], lwd=lwd[4])
					lines(plot.data[[ipred]]$pred.x, cqp[[i]][2,], type='l', col=this.col[4], lty=tlty[i], lwd=lwd[4])
			legend <- c(legend, paste(pi, '% PI ', if(do.both.sexes) lowerize(get.sex.label(meta)) else '', sep=''))
			lty <- c(lty, tlty)
		legend <- c(legend, paste('observed', if(do.both.sexes) paste(lowerize(get.sex.label(meta)), 'e0') else 'e0'))
		lty <- c(lty, 1)
		pchs <- c(rep(-1, length(legend)-1), pch[1])
		lwds <- c(lwd[3], rep(lwd[4], length(pi)), lwd[1])
		cols <- c(this.col[3], rep(this.col[4], length(pi)), this.col[1])
		if(!adjusted.only) { # plot unadjusted median
			bhm.median <- bayesTFR::get.median.from.prediction(e0pred, country$index, country$code, adjusted=FALSE)
			lines(plot.data[[ipred]]$pred.x, bhm.median, type='l', col=this.col[3], lwd=lwd[3], lty=max(lty)+1)
			bhm.leg <- 'BHM median'
			if(do.both.sexes) bhm.leg <- paste(lowerize(get.sex.label(meta)), bhm.leg)
			legend <- c(legend, bhm.leg)
			cols <- c(cols, this.col[3])
			lwds <- c(lwds, lwd[3])
			lty <- c(lty, max(lty)+1)
		if(lpart2 > 0) {
			legend <- c(legend, paste('imputed', if(do.both.sexes) paste(lowerize(get.sex.label(meta)), 'e0') else 'e0'))
			cols <- c(cols, this.col[2])
			lty <- c(lty, 1)
			pchs <- c(pchs, pch[2])
			lwds <- c(lwds, lwd[2])
		lty.all <- c(lty.all, lty)
		legend.all <- c(legend.all, legend)
		cols.all <- c(cols.all, cols)
		pch.all <- c(pch.all, pchs)
		lwd.all <- c(lwd.all, lwds)
		if(do.average) break
		legend('topleft', legend=legend.all, lty=lty.all, bty='n', col=cols.all, pch=pch.all, lwd=lwd.all)

e0.trajectories.table <- function(e0.pred, country, pi=c(80, 95), both.sexes=FALSE, ...) {
	do.both.sexes <- FALSE
	if(both.sexes==TRUE || both.sexes == 'A') {
		do.both.sexes <- TRUE
		if(e0.pred$mcmc.set$meta$sex != 'F') {
			warnings('If both.sexes is TRUE, the given prediction object must be Female prediction, but is ',  
			do.both.sexes <- FALSE
		} else {
			if(!has.e0.jmale.prediction(e0.pred)) {
				warnings('A male prediction does not exist for the given prediction object.')
				do.both.sexes <- FALSE
			} else {
				if(both.sexes == 'A') { # average e0
					mpred <- get.e0.jmale.prediction(e0.pred)
					fdata <- get.data.imputed(e0.pred)
					mdata <- get.data.imputed(mpred)
					data.matrix <- fdata - (fdata - mdata)/2.
					country.obj <- get.country.object(country, e0.pred$mcmc.set$meta)
					if(is.null(country.obj$code)) stop("Country ", country, " not found.")
					traj.object <- get.e0.trajectories.object(list(e0.pred, mpred), country.obj$code, pi=pi)
					return(bayesTFR:::.get.trajectories.table(e0.pred, country.obj, data.matrix[,country.obj$index], pi, 
								pred.median=traj.object$median, cqp=traj.object$quantiles, half.child.variant=FALSE))
	result <- tfr.trajectories.table(e0.pred, country=country, pi=pi, half.child.variant = FALSE, ...)
	if(do.both.sexes) {
		result <- list(female=result,
						male=tfr.trajectories.table(get.e0.jmale.prediction(e0.pred), country=country, pi=pi, 
										half.child.variant = FALSE, ...))

e0.DLcurve.plot.all <- function (mcmc.list = NULL, sim.dir = NULL, 
					output.dir = file.path(getwd(), "DLcurves"), 
					burnin = NULL, verbose = FALSE,  ...) {
	if(is.null(mcmc.list)) mcmc.list <- get.e0.mcmc(sim.dir=sim.dir, verbose=verbose, burnin=burnin)
	mc <- get.mcmc.list(mcmc.list)
	meta <- mc[[1]]$meta
	bayesTFR:::.do.plot.all.country.loop(as.character(country.names(meta)), meta, output.dir, e0.DLcurve.plot, output.type=output.type, 
		file.prefix='DLplot', plot.type='DL graph', verbose=verbose, mcmc.list = mcmc.list, burnin = burnin, ...)

e0.world.dlcurves <- function(x, mcmc.list, burnin=NULL, ...) {
	# Get the hierarchical DL curves
	if(inherits(mcmc.list, 'bayesLife.prediction')) {
		if(!is.null(burnin) && burnin != mcmc.list$burnin)
			warning('Prediction was generated with different burnin. Burnin set to ', mcmc.list$burnin)
		burnin <- 0 # because burnin was already cut of the traces
	if(is.null(burnin)) burnin <- 0
    mcmc.list <- get.mcmc.list(mcmc.list)
	return(do.call(get.from.options("dlcurves.function", mcmc.list[[1]]$meta$mcmc.options, "e0.get.dlcurves"), 
	               list(x, mcmc.list, country.code = NULL,  burnin = burnin, ...)))

e0.country.dlcurves <- function(x, mcmc.list, country, burnin=NULL, ...) {
	# Get country-specific DL curves.
	# It's a wrapper around e0.get.dlcurves for easier usage.
	if(inherits(mcmc.list, 'bayesLife.prediction')) {
		if(!is.null(burnin) && burnin != mcmc.list$burnin)
			warning('Prediction was generated with different burnin. Burnin set to ', mcmc.list$burnin)
		burnin <- 0 # because burnin was already cut of the traces
	if(is.null(burnin)) burnin <- 0
    mcmc.list <- get.mcmc.list(mcmc.list)
    country.obj <- get.country.object(country, mcmc.list[[1]]$meta)
	    stop("Country ", country, " not found.")
    return(do.call(get.from.options("dlcurves.function", mcmc.list[[1]]$meta$mcmc.options, "e0.get.dlcurves"), 
        list(x, mcmc.list, country.code = country.obj$code,  burnin = burnin, ...)))

e0.get.dlcurves <- function(x, mcmc.list, country.code, burnin, 
                            nr.curves = 2000, predictive.distr = FALSE) {
	dlc <- c()
    nr.curves.from.mc <- if (!is.null(nr.curves)) ceiling(max(nr.curves, 2000)/length(mcmc.list))
    						else NULL
    if(!is.null(country.code)) {
    	postfix <- paste0('_c', country.code)
    	dl.par.names <- c(paste0('Triangle.c_1', postfix),
						paste0('Triangle.c_2', postfix), 
						paste0('Triangle.c_3', postfix), 
						paste0('Triangle.c_4', postfix), 
						paste0('k.c', postfix),
						paste0('z.c', postfix))
	} else {
		dl.par.names <- c('Triangle_1', 'Triangle_2', 'Triangle_3', 'Triangle_4', 'k', 'z')
    meta <- mcmc.list[[1]]$meta
    opts <- meta$mcmc.options
	if(predictive.distr) {
	        loessSD <- rep(1, length(x))
		    loessSD <- loess.lookup(x)
    for (mcmc in mcmc.list) {
    	th.burnin <- bayesTFR:::get.thinned.burnin(mcmc,burnin)
    	thincurves.mc <- bayesTFR:::get.thinning.index(nr.curves.from.mc, 
            all.points=mcmc$length - th.burnin)
        if(!is.null(country.code))  # country-specific curves
        	traces <- load.e0.parameter.traces.cs(mcmc, country.code, 
		else traces <- load.e0.parameter.traces(mcmc, burnin=th.burnin, 
		dl.pars <- traces[,dl.par.names, drop=FALSE]
		dl <- t(apply(dl.pars, 1, g.dl6, l = x, p1 = opts$dl.p1, p2 = opts$dl.p2))
		if(predictive.distr) {
		    omegas <- load.e0.parameter.traces(mcmc, par.names = 'omega', burnin = th.burnin, 
		                                       thinning.index = thincurves.mc$index)
			errors <- matrix(NA, nrow = dim(dl)[1], ncol = dim(dl)[2])
			n <- ncol(errors)
			for(i in 1:nrow(errors))
				errors[i,] <- rnorm(n, mean = 0, sd = omegas[i]*loessSD)
        	dlc <- rbind(dlc, dl+errors)
        } else dlc <- rbind(dlc, dl)
	return (dlc)

e0.DLcurve.plot <- function (mcmc.list, country, burnin = NULL, pi = 80, e0.lim = NULL, 
    nr.curves = 20, predictive.distr=FALSE, ylim = NULL, xlab = "e(0)", ylab = "5-year gains", 
    main = NULL, show.legend=TRUE, col=c('black', 'red', "#00000020"), ...
	if(inherits(mcmc.list, 'bayesLife.prediction')) {
		if(!is.null(burnin) && burnin != mcmc.list$burnin)
			warning('Prediction was generated with different burnin. Burnin set to ', mcmc.list$burnin)
		burnin <- 0 # because burnin was already cut of the traces
	col <- bayesTFR:::.match.colors.with.default(col, c('black', 'red', "#00000020"))
	if(is.null(burnin)) burnin <- 0
    mcmc.list <- get.mcmc.list(mcmc.list)
    meta <- mcmc.list[[1]]$meta
    country.obj <- get.country.object(country, meta)
    if(is.null(country.obj$code)) stop("Country ", country, " not found.")
    country <- country.obj
    data.idx <- which(!is.na(meta$d.ct[,country$index]))
    incr <- meta$d.ct[data.idx, country$index]
    obs.data <- meta$e0.matrix[data.idx, country$index]
    if(!is.null(meta$suppl.data$e0.matrix)) {
    	supp.c.idx <- which(is.element(meta$suppl.data$index.to.all.countries, country$index))
    	if(length(supp.c.idx) > 0) {
    		suppl.data.idx <- which(!is.na(meta$suppl.data$d.ct[,supp.c.idx]))
    		obs.data <- c(meta$suppl.data$e0.matrix[suppl.data.idx, supp.c.idx], obs.data)
    		incr <- c(meta$suppl.data$d.ct[suppl.data.idx, supp.c.idx], incr)    		}
    if (is.null(e0.lim)) e0.lim <- c(min(40, obs.data), max(90, obs.data))
    x <- seq(e0.lim[1], e0.lim[2], length=1000)
    dlc <- do.call(get.from.options("dlcurves.function", meta$mcmc.options, "e0.get.dlcurves"), 
                   list(x, mcmc.list, country$code,  burnin, nr.curves, 
    						predictive.distr = predictive.distr))
    thincurves <- bayesTFR:::get.thinning.index(nr.curves, dim(dlc)[1])
    ltype <- "l"
    if (thincurves$nr.points == 0) {
        ltype <- "n"
        thincurves$index <- 1
    dl50 <- apply(dlc, 2, quantile, 0.5)
    dlpi <- array(0, c(length(pi), 2, ncol(dlc)))
    for (i in 1:length(pi)) {
        al <- (1 - pi[i]/100)/2
        dlpi[i,,] <- apply(dlc, 2, quantile, c(al, 1 - al))
    miny <- min(dlc[thincurves$index, ], dlpi, incr)
    maxy <- max(dlc[thincurves$index, ], dlpi, incr)
    if (is.null(main)) main <- country$name
    if (is.null(ylim)) ylim <- c(miny, maxy)

    plot(dlc[thincurves$index[1], ] ~ x, col = col[3], 
        type = ltype, xlim = c(min(x), max(x)), 
        ylim = ylim, ylab = ylab, xlab = xlab, main = main, ...
    if (thincurves$nr.points > 1) {
        for (i in 2:thincurves$nr.points) {
            lines(dlc[thincurves$index[i], ] ~ x, col = col[3])
    lines(dl50 ~ x, col = col[2], lwd = 2)
    lty <- 2:(length(pi) + 1)
    for (i in 1:length(pi)) {
        lines(dlpi[i,1, ] ~ x, col = col[2], lty = lty[i], lwd = 2)
        lines(dlpi[i,2, ] ~ x, col = col[2], lty = lty[i], lwd = 2)
    points(incr ~ obs.data, pch = 19, col=col[1])
    	legend("topright", legend = c("median", paste("PI", pi), "observed"), 
        	lty = c(1, lty, 0), bty = "n", col = c(rep(col[2], length(pi)+1), col[1]),
        	pch=c(rep(-1,length(pi)+1), 19))

e0.parDL.plot <- function(mcmc.set, country=NULL, burnin = NULL, lty=2, ann=TRUE, ...) {
	if(inherits(mcmc.set, 'bayesLife.prediction')) {
		if(!is.null(burnin) && burnin != mcmc.set$burnin)
			warning('Prediction was generated with different burnin. Burnin set to ', mcmc.set$burnin)
		burnin <- 0 # because burnin was already cut of the traces
		mcmc.set <- mcmc.set$mcmc.set
	if(is.null(burnin)) burnin <- 0
    country.obj <- get.country.object(country, mcmc.set$meta)
    if(!is.null(country) && is.null(country.obj$code))
    	stop('Country ', country, 'not found.')
    con <- textConnection("sout", "w", local=TRUE) # redirect output
    sink(con, type='output')
    parmeans <- summary(mcmc.set, country=country.obj$code, burnin=burnin)$statistics[,'Mean']
	parnames.all <- if(is.null(country)) e0.parameter.names.extended(opts = mcmc.set$meta$mcmc.options) else e0.parameter.names.cs.extended(country.obj$code,
	                                                                                                                                 opts = mcmc.set$meta$mcmc.options)
	parnames <- grep("^Triangle|k", parnames.all, value=TRUE)
	k <- parmeans[parnames[5]]
	xDelta1 <- parmeans[parnames[1]]
	xDelta2 <- xDelta1+parmeans[parnames[2]]
	xDelta3 <- xDelta2+parmeans[parnames[3]]
	xDelta4 <- xDelta3+parmeans[parnames[4]]
	abline(h=k, lty=lty, ...)
	abline(v=xDelta1, lty=lty, ...)
	abline(v=xDelta2, lty=lty, ...)
	abline(v=xDelta3, lty=lty, ...)
	abline(v=xDelta4, lty=lty, ...)
	if(ann) {
		text(xDelta4-(xDelta4-xDelta3)/2, k, labels='k', pos=3, ...)
		text(c(xDelta1, xDelta2, xDelta3, xDelta4), y=rep(k, 4), 
				labels=c(expression(Delta[1]), expression(Delta[2]), 
						expression(Delta[3]), expression(Delta[4])), adj=c(1,1), ...)

e0.partraces.plot <- function(mcmc.list=NULL, sim.dir = file.path(getwd(), 'bayesLife.output'),
								chain.ids = NULL, par.names = NULL, 
                                nr.points = NULL, dev.ncol = 5, low.memory = TRUE, ...) {
	if (is.null(mcmc.list))
		mcmc.list <- get.e0.mcmc(sim.dir, low.memory=low.memory)
	    par.names <- e0.parameter.names(get.mcmc.meta(mcmc.list)$mcmc.options)
	bayesTFR:::do.plot.tfr.partraces(mcmc.list, load.e0.parameter.traces, chain.ids = chain.ids, 
        						nr.points = nr.points, par.names = par.names, dev.ncol = dev.ncol, ...)

e0.partraces.cs.plot <- function(country, mcmc.list=NULL, sim.dir=file.path(getwd(), 'bayesLife.output'),
									chain.ids = NULL, par.names = NULL,
                                    nr.points = NULL, dev.ncol = 3, low.memory = TRUE, ...) {

	if (is.null(mcmc.list))
		mcmc.list <- get.e0.mcmc(sim.dir, low.memory=low.memory)
	mcmc.list <- get.mcmc.list(mcmc.list)
	    par.names <- e0.parameter.names.cs(get.mcmc.meta(mcmc.list)$mcmc.options)
	country.obj <- get.country.object(country, mcmc.list[[1]]$meta)
	if (is.null(country.obj$name))
		stop('Country ', country, ' not found.')
	bayesTFR:::do.plot.tfr.partraces(mcmc.list, load.e0.parameter.traces.cs, 
		main.postfix = paste0('(',country.obj$name,')'), chain.ids = chain.ids, 
		nr.points = nr.points, country = country.obj$code, par.names = par.names, 
		dev.ncol = dev.ncol, ...)

e0.pardensity.plot <- function(mcmc.list=NULL, sim.dir = file.path(getwd(), 'bayesLife.output'), 
									chain.ids = NULL, par.names = NULL, 
									burnin = NULL, dev.ncol = 5, low.memory = TRUE, ...) {
	if (is.null(mcmc.list))
		mcmc.list <- get.e0.mcmc(sim.dir, low.memory = low.memory)
	    par.names <- e0.parameter.names(get.mcmc.meta(mcmc.list)$mcmc.options)
	bayesTFR:::do.plot.tfr.pardensity(mcmc.list, get.e0.parameter.traces, chain.ids = chain.ids, par.names = par.names,
			par.names.ext = bayesTFR:::get.full.par.names(par.names, 
						e0.get.all.parameter.names.extended(opts = get.mcmc.meta(mcmc.list)$mcmc.options)),
			burnin = burnin, dev.ncol = dev.ncol, ...)

e0.pardensity.cs.plot <- function(country, mcmc.list = NULL, sim.dir = file.path(getwd(), 'bayesLife.output'), 
									chain.ids = NULL, par.names = NULL, 
									burnin = NULL, dev.ncol = 3, low.memory = TRUE, ...) {
	if (is.null(mcmc.list))
		mcmc.list <- get.e0.mcmc(sim.dir, low.memory=low.memory)
	mcmc.l <- get.mcmc.list(mcmc.list)
	country.obj <- get.country.object(country, mcmc.l[[1]]$meta)
	if (is.null(country.obj$name))
		stop('Country ', country, ' not found.')
	    par.names <- e0.parameter.names.cs(get.mcmc.meta(mcmc.l)$mcmc.options)
	bayesTFR:::do.plot.tfr.pardensity(mcmc.list, get.e0.parameter.traces.cs, chain.ids = chain.ids, par.names = par.names,
								                               opts = get.mcmc.meta(mcmc.l)$mcmc.options)),
		main.postfix = paste0('(',country.obj$name,')'),
		func.args = list(country.obj = country.obj),
		burnin = burnin, dev.ncol = dev.ncol, ...)

.get.gamma.pars.bayesLife.prediction <- function(pred, ...) {
	# estimated by
	# library(MASS)
	# data <- pred$e0.matrix.reconstructed[12,]
	# gd <- fitdistr(data-min(data)+0.05, densfun='gamma')
	# min(data) is 43.86
	return(list(gamma.pars=list(shape=7.65, rate=0.29), gamma.shift=43.86-0.05, min.value=43.8, 

get.e0.map.parameters <- function(pred, e0.range=NULL, nr.cats=50, same.scale=TRUE, 
						quantile=0.5, ...) {
	return(bayesTFR::get.tfr.map.parameters(pred, e0.range, nr.cats=nr.cats, same.scale=same.scale,
							quantile=quantile, ...))

.map.main.default.bayesLife.prediction <- function(pred, ...) 
	return(paste(get.sex.label(pred$mcmc.set$meta), 'e0: quantile'))

e0.map <- function(pred, ...) {
	return(bayesTFR::tfr.map(pred, ...))
e0.map.all <- function(pred, output.dir, output.type='png', e0.range=NULL, nr.cats=50, same.scale=TRUE, 
						quantile=0.5, file.prefix='e0wrldmap_', ...) {
	bayesTFR:::bdem.map.all(pred=pred, output.dir=output.dir, type='e0', output.type=output.type, range=e0.range,
						nr.cats=nr.cats, same.scale=same.scale, quantile=quantile, file.prefix=file.prefix, ...)

e0.ggmap <- function(pred, ...) {
    return(bayesTFR::tfr.ggmap(pred, ...))

e0.map.gvis <- function(pred, ...)
	bdem.map.gvis(pred, ...)
bdem.map.gvis.bayesLife.prediction <- function(pred, ...) {
	bayesTFR:::.do.gvis.bdem.map('e0', paste(get.sex.label(pred$mcmc.set$meta), 'Life Expectancy'), pred, ...)

par.names.for.worldmap.bayesLife.prediction <- function(pred, ...) {
	return(e0.parameter.names.cs.extended(opts = get.mcmc.meta(pred)$mcmc.options))

get.data.for.worldmap.bayesLife.prediction <- function(pred, ...)
	return(bayesTFR:::get.data.for.worldmap.bayesTFR.prediction(pred, ...))

get.sex.label <- function(meta) return(list(M='Male', F='Female')[[meta$sex]])

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