# Function to find the best hierarchy contained in A;
# "best" means that minimizes the number of IS steps required by BUIS.
# It is not the maximal hierarchy contained in A!
# Returns a vector with length equal to the number of rows of A
# Each entry is 1 if the corresponding row has to be picked, and 0 otherwise
.get_hier_rows <- function(A, scale = 196) {
k <- nrow(A)
m <- ncol(A)
# matrix C of the coefficients of the non-linear problem
# (k variables, 1 constraint)
C <- A %*% t(A)
for (i in 1:k) {
for (j in 1:k) {
C[i, j] <- C[i, j] * sum((A[i, ] - A[j, ]) * (A[i, ] - A[j, ] - 1)) *
sum((A[j, ] - A[i, ]) * (A[j, ] - A[i, ] - 1))
# Number of variables: k + k^2 + 1
# Number of constraints: 1 + k^2 + k^2 + k^2 + m
# Set coefficients of the objective function
f.obj <- c(rep(-1, k), rep(0, k ^ 2), 1 - 1 / (2 * k))
# Set matrix corresponding to coefficients of constraints by rows
coeff <-
c(rep(0, k), as.vector(C), 0) #first constraint
M1 <- matrix(0, k ^ 2, k + k ^ 2 + 1) #z_{ij} <= x_i
for (i in 1:k) {
temp <- matrix(0, k, k)
temp[i, ] <- rep(-1, k)
M1[, i] <- as.vector(temp)
M1[, (k + 1):(k + k ^ 2)] <- diag(1, k ^ 2)
M2 <- matrix(0, k ^ 2, k + k ^ 2 + 1) #z_{ij} <= x_j
for (i in 1:k) {
temp <- matrix(0, k, k)
temp[, i] <- rep(-1, k)
M2[, i] <- as.vector(temp)
M2[, (k + 1):(k + k ^ 2)] <- diag(1, k ^ 2)
M3 <- matrix(0, k ^ 2, k + k ^ 2 + 1) #z_{ij} >= x_i + x_j - 1
M3[, 1:k] <- M1[, 1:k] + M2[, 1:k]
M3[, (k + 1):(k + k ^ 2)] <- diag(1, k ^ 2)
M4 <- matrix(0, m, k + k ^ 2 + 1) #\sum_i x_i A_{ij} <= y
M4[, 1:k] <- t(A)
M4[, k + k ^ 2 + 1] <- rep(-1, m)
f.con <- rbind(coeff, M1, M2, M3, M4)
# Set inequality/equality signs
f.dir <- c("=",
rep("<=", k ^ 2),
rep("<=", k ^ 2),
rep(">=", k ^ 2),
rep("<=", m))
# Set right hand side coefficients
f.rhs <- c(0, rep(0, k ^ 2), rep(0, k ^ 2), rep(-1, k ^ 2), rep(0, m))
# Solve the LP problem
# Variables final values
indices_sol <-
f.rhs, = TRUE,
binary.vec = 1:(k + k ^ 2),
scale = 196
# Function that extract the "best hierarchy rows" from A (see .get_hier_rows),
# and sorts them in the correct order (i.e. bottom-up)
# Also sorts accordingly the vectors v, d, it (e.g. of parameters)
.get_HG <- function(A, v, d, it) {
#get the indices of the "hierarchy rows" of A
indices_sol <- .get_hier_rows(A)
#extract rows from A
ind_h <- as.logical(indices_sol)
H <- matrix(A[ind_h, ],ncol=ncol(A))
v_h <- v[ind_h]
d_h <- d[ind_h]
it_h <- it[ind_h]
#sort bottom-up
ord <- order(rowSums(H))
H <- matrix(H[ord, ],ncol=ncol(A))
v_h <- v_h[ord]
d_h <- d_h[ord]
it_h <- it_h[ord]
#collect remaining rows in matrix G
ind_g <- as.logical(1 - indices_sol)
if (sum(ind_g) == 0) {
v_g <- NULL
d_g <- NULL
it_g <- NULL
} else {
G <- matrix(A[ind_g, ],ncol=ncol(A))
v_g <- v[ind_g]
d_g <- d[ind_g]
it_g <- it[ind_g]
out = list(
H = H,
G = G,
Hv = v_h,
Gv = v_g,
Hdistr = d_h,
Gdistr = d_g,
Hin_type = it_h,
Gin_type = it_g
# Functions to generate the monthly and weekly A matrices
.gen_monthly <- function() {
H <- matrix(0, nrow = 10, ncol = 12)
for (j in 1:6) {
H[j, (2 * (j - 1) + 1):(2 * j)] <- 1
for (j in 1:3) {
H[6 + j, (4 * (j - 1) + 1):(4 * j)] <- 1
H[6 + 3 + 1, ] <- 1
G <- matrix(0, nrow = 6, ncol = 12)
for (j in 1:4) {
G[j, (3 * (j - 1) + 1):(3 * j)] <- 1
for (j in 1:2) {
G[4 + j, (6 * (j - 1) + 1):(6 * j)] <- 1
return(rbind(H, G))
.gen_weekly <- function() {
H <- matrix(0, nrow = 40, ncol = 52)
for (j in 1:26) {
H[j, (2 * (j - 1) + 1):(2 * j)] <- 1
for (j in 1:13) {
H[26 + j, (4 * (j - 1) + 1):(4 * j)] <- 1
H[26 + 13 + 1, ] <- 1
G <- matrix(0, nrow = 6, ncol = 52)
for (j in 1:4) {
G[j, (13 * (j - 1) + 1):(13 * j)] <- 1
for (j in 1:2) {
G[4 + j, (26 * (j - 1) + 1):(26 * j)] <- 1
return(rbind(H, G))
#' @title Temporal aggregation of a time series
#' @description
#' Creates a list of aggregated time series from a time series of class \link[stats]{ts}.
#' @param y univariate time series of class \link[stats]{ts}.
#' @param agg_levels user-selected list of aggregation levels.
#' @details
#' If `agg_levels=NULL` then `agg_levels` is automatically generated by taking all the factors of the time series frequency.
#' @return A list of \link[stats]{ts} objects each containing the aggregates time series in the order defined by `agg_levels`.
#' @seealso [get_reconc_matrices()]
#' @examples
#' # Create a monthly count time series with 100 observations
#' y <- ts(data=stats::rpois(100,lambda = 2),frequency = 12)
#' # Create the aggregate time series according to agg_levels
#' y_agg <- temporal_aggregation(y,agg_levels = c(2,3,4,6,12))
#' # Show annual aggregate time series
#' print(y_agg$`f=1`)
#' @export
temporal_aggregation <- function(y, agg_levels=NULL) {
f = stats::frequency(y)
L = length(y)
s = stats::time(y)[1]
if (is.null(agg_levels)) {
agg_levels = c()
for (i in 1:f) {
if (f %% i == 0 && L >= i) {
agg_levels = c(agg_levels, i)
} else {
agg_levels = sort(agg_levels[agg_levels <= L])
if (!(1 %in% agg_levels)) {
agg_levels = c(1, agg_levels)
out = list()
for (i in 1:length(agg_levels)) {
k = agg_levels[i]
num_aggs = floor(L / k)
y_trunc = y[(L - num_aggs*k + 1):L]
y_matrix = matrix(y_trunc, nrow = k, ncol = num_aggs)
y_start = s + (L - num_aggs * k) / f
y_f = f / k
y_agg = stats::ts(data = apply(y_matrix, 2, sum), frequency = y_f, start = y_start)
out[[i]] = y_agg
names(out) <- paste0("f=", f / agg_levels)
out = rev(out)
#' @title Build hierarchy matrices
#' @description
#' Creates the aggregation and summing matrices for a temporal hierarchy of time series
#' from a user-selected list of aggregation levels.
#' @param agg_levels user-selected list of aggregation levels.
#' @param h number of steps ahead for the bottom level forecasts.
#' @return A list containing the named elements:
#' * `A` the aggregation matrix;
#' * `S` the summing matrix.
#'#Create monthly hierarchy
#'agg_levels <- c(1,2,3,4,6,12)
#'h <- 12
#'rec_mat <- get_reconc_matrices(agg_levels, h)
#'S <- rec_mat$S
#'A <- rec_mat$A
#' @seealso [temporal_aggregation()]
#' @export
get_reconc_matrices <- function(agg_levels, h) {
A = list()
for (i in 1:length(agg_levels)) {
k = agg_levels[i]
if (k==1) {
k.r = h / k
k.A = matrix(data = 0, nrow = k.r, ncol = h)
coli = 1
for (r in 1:k.r) {
k.A[r,coli:(coli+k-1)] = 1
coli = coli + k
A[[i]] = k.A
A =, rev(A))
S = rbind(A, diag(h))
out = list(A=A, S=S)
# Get A from S
.get_A_from_S <- function(S) {
# Bottom rows are those with a single 1; if there are replicated bottom rows,
# only one is treated as bottom, the copies will be upper
bottom_idxs = which(rowSums(S) == 1 & !duplicated(S))
if (length(bottom_idxs) < ncol(S)) {
stop("Check S: some bottom rows are missing")
upper_idxs = setdiff(1:nrow(S), bottom_idxs)
A = matrix(S[upper_idxs, ], ncol=ncol(S))
out = list(A = A,
upper_idxs = upper_idxs,
bottom_idxs = bottom_idxs)
# Split bottoms, uppers
.split_hierarchy <- function(S, Y) {
stop(sprintf("Error: summing matrix rows (%d) != length base forecasts (%d)",nrow(S),length(Y)))
getAfromS.res = .get_A_from_S(S)
upper = Y[getAfromS.res$upper_idxs]
bottom = Y[getAfromS.res$bottom_idxs]
out = list(
A = matrix(getAfromS.res$A,ncol=ncol(S)),
upper = upper,
bottom = bottom,
upper_idxs = getAfromS.res$upper_idxs,
bottom_idxs = getAfromS.res$bottom_idxs
# Returns TRUE if A is a hierarchy matrix
.check_hierarchical <- function(A) {
k <- nrow(A)
m <- ncol(A)
for (i in 1:k) {
for (j in 1:k) {
if (i < j) {
cond1 = c(A[i,] %*% A[j,] != 0) # Upper i and j have some common descendants
cond2 = any(A[j,] > A[i,]) # Upper j is not a descendant of upper i
cond3 = any(A[i,] > A[j,]) # Upper i is not a descendant of upper j
if (cond1 & cond2 & cond3) {
# Check if A is a hierarchical matrix and if the rows are in bottom-up order
.check_BU_matr <- function(A) {
k <- nrow(A)
m <- ncol(A)
for (i in 1:k) {
for (j in 1:k) {
if (i < j) {
cond1 = A[i,] %*% A[j,] != 0 # Upper i and j have some common descendants
cond2 = any(A[i,] > A[j,]) # Upper i is not a descendant of upper j
if (cond1 & cond2) {
# Find the rows of A corresponding to the lowest level
.lowest_lev <- function(A) {
if (!.check_hierarchical(A)) stop("Matrix A is not hierarchical")
# First, only keep unique rows of A
A_uni = unique(A)
k = nrow(A_uni)
m = ncol(A_uni)
low_rows_A_uni = c()
for (i in 1:k) {
low_rows_A_uni = c(low_rows_A_uni, i)
for (j in 1:k) {
if (i != j) {
# If upper j is a descendant of upper i, remove i and exit loop
if (all(A_uni[j,] <= A_uni[i,])) {
low_rows_A_uni = low_rows_A_uni[-length(low_rows_A_uni)]
# keep all rows except those that have no descendants among the uppers
# Now, change the indices of the lowest rows to match with A (instead of A_un)
# If there are duplicated rows for some lowest rows, only take one copy
low_rows_A = (1:nrow(A))[!duplicated(A)][low_rows_A_uni]
# The sum of the rows corresponding to the lowest level should be a vector of 1
if (any(colSums(A[low_rows_A,,drop=FALSE])!=1)) {
unbal_bott = which(colSums(A[low_rows_A,,drop=FALSE])!=1)
err_mess = "It is impossible to find the lowest upper level. Probably the hierarchy is unbalanced, the following bottom should be duplicated (see example): "
err_mess = paste0(c(err_mess, unbal_bott), collapse = " ")
# Get the aggregation matrix Au of the sub-hierarchy composed just by the uppers
.get_Au <- function(A, lowest_rows=NULL) {
if (is.null(lowest_rows)) lowest_rows = .lowest_lev(A)
if (length(lowest_rows) == nrow(A)) {
warning("All the upper are lowest-upper. Return NULL")
A_ = A[-lowest_rows,,drop=FALSE]
n_upp_u = nrow(A_)
n_bott_u = length(lowest_rows)
A_u = matrix(nrow=n_upp_u, ncol=n_bott_u)
for (j in 1:n_bott_u) {
l = lowest_rows[[j]]
for (i in 1:n_upp_u) {
A_u[i,j] = all(A[l,] <= A_[i,]) # check that "lower upper" j is a descendant of "upper upper" i
return(1*A_u) # to get numerical values instead of TRUE / FALSE
# Check if the rows of A are ordered
.check_ordered_A <- function(A){
aggregates_sum <- rowSums(A)
ordered_aggreg <- order(aggregates_sum,decreasing = TRUE)
if(all(aggregates_sum == aggregates_sum[ordered_aggreg]) ){
return(list(value=FALSE, order=ordered_aggreg))
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