#' Region of Practical Equivalence (ROPE)
#' Compute the proportion of the HDI (default to the `89%` HDI) of a posterior
#' distribution that lies within a region of practical equivalence.
#' @param x Vector representing a posterior distribution. Can also be a
#' `stanreg` or `brmsfit` model.
#' @param range ROPE's lower and higher bounds. Should be `"default"` or
#' depending on the number of outcome variables a vector or a list. For models
#' with one response, `range` can be:
#' - a vector of length two (e.g., `c(-0.1, 0.1)`),
#' - a list of numeric vector of the same length as numbers of parameters (see
#' 'Examples').
#' - a list of *named* numeric vectors, where names correspond to parameter
#' names. In this case, all parameters that have no matching name in `range`
#' will be set to `"default"`.
#' In multivariate models, `range` should be a list with a numeric vectors for
#' each response variable. Vector names should correspond to the name of the
#' response variables. If `"default"` and input is a vector, the range is set to
#' `c(-0.1, 0.1)`. If `"default"` and input is a Bayesian model,
#' [`rope_range()`] is used.
#' @param ci The Credible Interval (CI) probability, corresponding to the
#' proportion of HDI, to use for the percentage in ROPE.
#' @param ci_method The type of interval to use to quantify the percentage in
#' ROPE. Can be 'HDI' (default) or 'ETI'. See [`ci()`].
#' @inheritParams hdi
#' @section ROPE:
#' Statistically, the probability of a posterior distribution of being
#' different from 0 does not make much sense (the probability of a single value
#' null hypothesis in a continuous distribution is 0). Therefore, the idea
#' underlining ROPE is to let the user define an area around the null value
#' enclosing values that are *equivalent to the null* value for practical
#' purposes (_Kruschke 2010, 2011, 2014_).
#' Kruschke (2018) suggests that such null value could be set, by default,
#' to the -0.1 to 0.1 range of a standardized parameter (negligible effect
#' size according to Cohen, 1988). This could be generalized: For instance,
#' for linear models, the ROPE could be set as `0 +/- .1 * sd(y)`.
#' This ROPE range can be automatically computed for models using the
#' [`rope_range()`] function.
#' Kruschke (2010, 2011, 2014) suggests using the proportion of the `95%`
#' (or `89%`, considered more stable) [HDI][hdi] that falls within the
#' ROPE as an index for "null-hypothesis" testing (as understood under the
#' Bayesian framework, see [`equivalence_test()`]).
#' @section Sensitivity to parameter's scale:
#' It is important to consider the unit (i.e., the scale) of the predictors
#' when using an index based on the ROPE, as the correct interpretation of the
#' ROPE as representing a region of practical equivalence to zero is dependent
#' on the scale of the predictors. Indeed, the percentage in ROPE depend on
#' the unit of its parameter. In other words, as the ROPE represents a fixed
#' portion of the response's scale, its proximity with a coefficient depends
#' on the scale of the coefficient itself.
#' @section Multicollinearity - Non-independent covariates:
#' When parameters show strong correlations, i.e. when covariates are not
#' independent, the joint parameter distributions may shift towards or
#' away from the ROPE. Collinearity invalidates ROPE and hypothesis
#' testing based on univariate marginals, as the probabilities are conditional
#' on independence. Most problematic are parameters that only have partial
#' overlap with the ROPE region. In case of collinearity, the (joint) distributions
#' of these parameters may either get an increased or decreased ROPE, which
#' means that inferences based on `rope()` are inappropriate
#' (_Kruschke 2014, 340f_).
#' `rope()` performs a simple check for pairwise correlations between
#' parameters, but as there can be collinearity between more than two variables,
#' a first step to check the assumptions of this hypothesis testing is to look
#' at different pair plots. An even more sophisticated check is the projection
#' predictive variable selection (_Piironen and Vehtari 2017_).
#' @section Strengths and Limitations:
#' **Strengths:** Provides information related to the practical relevance of
#' the effects.
#' **Limitations:** A ROPE range needs to be arbitrarily defined. Sensitive to
#' the scale (the unit) of the predictors. Not sensitive to highly significant
#' effects.
#' @note There is also a [`plot()`-method]( implemented in the \href{}{\pkg{see}-package}.
#' @references
#' - Cohen, J. (1988). Statistical power analysis for the behavioural sciences.
#' - Kruschke, J. K. (2010). What to believe: Bayesian methods for data analysis.
#' Trends in cognitive sciences, 14(7), 293-300. \doi{10.1016/j.tics.2010.05.001}.
#' - Kruschke, J. K. (2011). Bayesian assessment of null values via parameter
#' estimation and model comparison. Perspectives on Psychological Science,
#' 6(3), 299-312. \doi{10.1177/1745691611406925}.
#' - Kruschke, J. K. (2014). Doing Bayesian data analysis: A tutorial with R,
#' JAGS, and Stan. Academic Press. \doi{10.1177/2515245918771304}.
#' - Kruschke, J. K. (2018). Rejecting or accepting parameter values in Bayesian
#' estimation. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science,
#' 1(2), 270-280. \doi{10.1177/2515245918771304}.
#' - Makowski D, Ben-Shachar MS, Chen SHA, Lüdecke D (2019) Indices of Effect
#' Existence and Significance in the Bayesian Framework. Frontiers in
#' Psychology 2019;10:2767. \doi{10.3389/fpsyg.2019.02767}
#' - Piironen, J., & Vehtari, A. (2017). Comparison of Bayesian predictive
#' methods for model selection. Statistics and Computing, 27(3), 711–735.
#' \doi{10.1007/s11222-016-9649-y}
#' @examplesIf require("rstanarm") && require("emmeans") && require("brms") && require("BayesFactor")
#' library(bayestestR)
#' rope(x = rnorm(1000, 0, 0.01), range = c(-0.1, 0.1))
#' rope(x = rnorm(1000, 0, 1), range = c(-0.1, 0.1))
#' rope(x = rnorm(1000, 1, 0.01), range = c(-0.1, 0.1))
#' rope(x = rnorm(1000, 1, 1), ci = c(0.90, 0.95))
#' \donttest{
#' library(rstanarm)
#' model <- suppressWarnings(
#' stan_glm(mpg ~ wt + gear, data = mtcars, chains = 2, iter = 200, refresh = 0)
#' )
#' rope(model)
#' rope(model, ci = c(0.90, 0.95))
#' # multiple ROPE ranges
#' rope(model, range = list(c(-10, 5), c(-0.2, 0.2), "default"))
#' # named ROPE ranges
#' rope(model, range = list(gear = c(-3, 2), wt = c(-0.2, 0.2)))
#' library(emmeans)
#' rope(emtrends(model, ~1, "wt"), ci = c(0.90, 0.95))
#' library(brms)
#' model <- brm(mpg ~ wt + cyl, data = mtcars)
#' rope(model)
#' rope(model, ci = c(0.90, 0.95))
#' library(brms)
#' model <- brm(
#' bf(mvbind(mpg, disp) ~ wt + cyl) + set_rescor(rescor = TRUE),
#' data = mtcars
#' )
#' rope(model)
#' rope(model, ci = c(0.90, 0.95))
#' library(BayesFactor)
#' bf <- ttestBF(x = rnorm(100, 1, 1))
#' rope(bf)
#' rope(bf, ci = c(0.90, 0.95))
#' }
#' @export
rope <- function(x, ...) {
#' @method as.double rope
#' @export
as.double.rope <- function(x, ...) {
#' @export
rope.default <- function(x, ...) {
#' @rdname rope
#' @export
rope.numeric <- function(x, range = "default", ci = 0.95, ci_method = "ETI", verbose = TRUE, ...) {
if (all(range == "default")) {
range <- c(-0.1, 0.1)
} else if (!all(is.numeric(range)) || length(range) != 2) {
insight::format_error("`range` should be 'default' or a vector of 2 numeric values (e.g., c(-0.1, 0.1)).")
rope_values <- lapply(ci, function(i) {
.rope(x, range = range, ci = i, ci_method = ci_method, verbose = verbose)
# "" does not bind attribute values together
# so we need to capture the information about HDI separately
out <-, rope_values)
if (nrow(out) > 1) {
out$ROPE_Percentage <- as.numeric(out$ROPE_Percentage)
# Attributes
hdi_area <- cbind(CI = ci, data.frame(, lapply(rope_values, attr, "HDI_area"))))
names(hdi_area) <- c("CI", "CI_low", "CI_high")
attr(out, "HDI_area") <- hdi_area
attr(out, "data") <- x
class(out) <- unique(c("rope", "see_rope", class(out)))
#' @export
rope.get_predicted <- function(x,
range = "default",
ci = 0.95,
ci_method = "ETI",
use_iterations = FALSE,
verbose = TRUE,
...) {
if (isTRUE(use_iterations)) {
if ("iterations" %in% names(attributes(x))) {
out <- rope($iterations)),
range = range,
ci = ci,
ci_method = ci_method,
verbose = verbose,
} else {
insight::format_error("No iterations present in the output.")
attr(out, "object_name") <- insight::safe_deparse_symbol(substitute(x))
} else {
out <- rope(as.numeric(x), range = range, ci = ci, ci_method = ci_method, verbose = verbose, ...)
#' @export
#' @rdname rope
#' @inheritParams p_direction <- function(x, range = "default", ci = 0.95, ci_method = "ETI", rvar_col = NULL, verbose = TRUE, ...) {
obj_name <- insight::safe_deparse_symbol(substitute(x))
x_rvar <- .possibly_extract_rvar_col(x, rvar_col)
if (length(x_rvar) > 0L) {
cl <-
cl[[1]] <- bayestestR::rope
cl$x <- x_rvar
cl$rvar_col <- NULL
out <- eval.parent(cl)
attr(out, "object_name") <- sprintf('%s[["%s"]]', obj_name, rvar_col)
return(.append_datagrid(out, x))
out <- .prepare_rope_df(x, range, ci, ci_method, verbose)
HDI_area_attributes <- insight::compact_list(out$HDI_area)
dat <- data.frame(
Parameter = rep(names(HDI_area_attributes), each = length(ci)),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE
row.names(dat) <- NULL
attr(dat, "HDI_area") <- HDI_area_attributes
attr(dat, "object_name") <- obj_name
class(dat) <- c("rope", "see_rope", "data.frame")
#' @export
rope.draws <- function(x, range = "default", ci = 0.95, ci_method = "ETI", verbose = TRUE, ...) {
rope(.posterior_draws_to_df(x), range = range, ci = ci, ci_method = ci_method, verbose = verbose, ...)
#' @export
rope.rvar <- rope.draws
#' @export
rope.emmGrid <- function(x, range = "default", ci = 0.95, ci_method = "ETI", verbose = TRUE, ...) {
xdf <- insight::get_parameters(x)
dat <- rope(xdf, range = range, ci = ci, ci_method = ci_method, verbose = verbose, ...)
dat <- .append_datagrid(dat, x)
attr(dat, "object_name") <- insight::safe_deparse_symbol(substitute(x))
#' @export
rope.emm_list <- rope.emmGrid
#' @export
rope.slopes <- function(x, range = "default", ci = 0.95, ci_method = "ETI", verbose = TRUE, ...) {
xrvar <- .get_marginaleffects_draws(x)
dat <- rope(xrvar, range = range, ci = ci, ci_method = ci_method, verbose = verbose, ...)
dat <- .append_datagrid(dat, x)
attr(dat, "object_name") <- insight::safe_deparse_symbol(substitute(x))
#' @export
rope.comparisons <- rope.slopes
#' @export
rope.predictions <- rope.slopes
#' @export
rope.BFBayesFactor <- function(x, range = "default", ci = 0.95, ci_method = "ETI", verbose = TRUE, ...) {
if (all(range == "default")) {
range <- rope_range(x, verbose = verbose)
out <- rope(insight::get_parameters(x), range = range, ci = ci, ci_method = ci_method, verbose = verbose, ...)
attr(out, "object_name") <- insight::safe_deparse_symbol(substitute(x))
#' @export
rope.bamlss <- rope.BFBayesFactor
#' @export
rope.MCMCglmm <- function(x, range = "default", ci = 0.95, ci_method = "ETI", verbose = TRUE, ...) {
nF <- x$Fixed$nfl
out <- rope($Sol[, 1:nF, drop = FALSE]),
range = range,
ci = ci,
ci_method = ci_method,
verbose = verbose,
attr(out, "object_name") <- insight::safe_deparse_symbol(substitute(x))
#' @export
rope.mcmc <- function(x, range = "default", ci = 0.95, ci_method = "ETI", verbose = TRUE, ...) {
out <- rope(, range = range, ci = ci, ci_method = ci_method, verbose = verbose, ...)
attr(out, "object_name") <- NULL
attr(out, "data") <- insight::safe_deparse_symbol(substitute(x))
#' @export
rope.bcplm <- function(x, range = "default", ci = 0.95, ci_method = "ETI", verbose = TRUE, ...) {
out <- rope(insight::get_parameters(x), range = range, ci = ci, ci_method = ci_method, verbose = verbose, ...)
attr(out, "object_name") <- NULL
attr(out, "data") <- insight::safe_deparse_symbol(substitute(x))
#' @export
rope.bayesQR <- rope.bcplm
#' @export
rope.blrm <- rope.bcplm
#' @export
rope.BGGM <- rope.bcplm
#' @export
rope.mcmc.list <- rope.bcplm
#' @keywords internal
.rope <- function(x, range = c(-0.1, 0.1), ci = 0.95, ci_method = "ETI", verbose = TRUE) {
ci_bounds <- ci(x, ci = ci, method = ci_method, verbose = verbose)
if (anyNA(ci_bounds)) {
rope_percentage <- NA
} else {
HDI_area <- x[x >= ci_bounds$CI_low & x <= ci_bounds$CI_high]
area_within <- HDI_area[HDI_area >= min(range) & HDI_area <= max(range)]
rope_percentage <- length(area_within) / length(HDI_area)
rope <- data.frame(
CI = ci,
ROPE_low = range[1],
ROPE_high = range[2],
ROPE_Percentage = rope_percentage
attr(rope, "HDI_area") <- c(ci_bounds$CI_low, ci_bounds$CI_high)
attr(rope, "CI_bounds") <- c(ci_bounds$CI_low, ci_bounds$CI_high)
class(rope) <- unique(c("rope", "see_rope", class(rope)))
#' @rdname rope
#' @export
rope.stanreg <- function(x, range = "default", ci = 0.95, ci_method = "ETI", effects = c("fixed", "random", "all"), component = c("location", "all", "conditional", "smooth_terms", "sigma", "distributional", "auxiliary"), parameters = NULL, verbose = TRUE, ...) {
effects <- match.arg(effects)
component <- match.arg(component)
if (all(range == "default")) {
range <- rope_range(x, verbose = verbose)
} else if (!is.list(range) && (!all(is.numeric(range)) || length(range) != 2)) {
insight::format_error("`range` should be 'default' or a vector of 2 numeric values (e.g., c(-0.1, 0.1)).")
# check for possible collinearity that might bias ROPE
if (verbose && !inherits(x, "blavaan")) .check_multicollinearity(x, "rope")
rope_data <- rope(
insight::get_parameters(x, effects = effects, component = component, parameters = parameters),
range = range,
ci = ci,
ci_method = ci_method,
verbose = verbose,
out <- .prepare_output(rope_data, insight::clean_parameters(x), inherits(x, "stanmvreg"))
attr(out, "HDI_area") <- attr(rope_data, "HDI_area")
attr(out, "object_name") <- insight::safe_deparse_symbol(substitute(x))
class(out) <- class(rope_data)
#' @export
rope.stanfit <- rope.stanreg
#' @export
rope.blavaan <- rope.stanreg
#' @rdname rope
#' @export
rope.brmsfit <- function(x,
range = "default",
ci = 0.95,
ci_method = "ETI",
effects = c("fixed", "random", "all"),
component = c("conditional", "zi", "zero_inflated", "all"),
parameters = NULL,
verbose = TRUE,
...) {
effects <- match.arg(effects)
component <- match.arg(component)
# check range argument
if (all(range == "default")) {
range <- rope_range(x, verbose = verbose)
# we expect a list with named vectors (length two) in the multivariate case.
# Names state the response variable.
} else if (insight::is_multivariate(x)) {
if (
!is.list(range) ||
length(range) < length(insight::find_response(x)) ||
!all(names(range) %in% insight::find_response(x))
) {
"With a multivariate model, `range` should be 'default' or a list of named numeric vectors with length 2."
} else if (!is.list(range) && (!all(is.numeric(range)) || length(range) != 2)) {
"`range` should be 'default' or a vector of 2 numeric values (e.g., c(-0.1, 0.1))."
# check for possible collinearity that might bias ROPE and print a warning
if (verbose) .check_multicollinearity(x, "rope")
# calc rope
if (insight::is_multivariate(x)) {
dv <- insight::find_response(x)
# ROPE range / width differs between response varialbe. Thus ROPE is
# calculated for every variable on its own.
rope_data <- lapply(
function(dv_item) {
ret <- rope(
insight::get_parameters(x, effects = effects, component = component, parameters = parameters),
range = range[[dv_item]],
ci = ci,
ci_method = ci_method,
verbose = verbose,
# It's a waste of performance to calculate ROPE for all parameters
# with the ROPE width of a specific response variable and to throw
# away the unwanted results. However, performance impact should not be
# too high and this way it is much easier to handle the `parameters`
# argument.
ret[grepl(paste0("(.*)", dv_item), ret$Parameter), ]
rope_data <-, rope_data)
out <- .prepare_output(rope_data, insight::clean_parameters(x), is_brms_mv = TRUE)
} else {
rope_data <- rope(
insight::get_parameters(x, effects = effects, component = component, parameters = parameters),
range = range,
ci = ci,
ci_method = ci_method,
verbose = verbose,
out <- .prepare_output(rope_data, insight::clean_parameters(x))
attr(out, "HDI_area") <- attr(rope_data, "HDI_area")
attr(out, "object_name") <- insight::safe_deparse_symbol(substitute(x))
class(out) <- class(rope_data)
#' @export
rope.sim.merMod <- function(x,
range = "default",
ci = 0.95,
ci_method = "ETI",
effects = c("fixed", "random", "all"),
parameters = NULL,
verbose = TRUE,
...) {
effects <- match.arg(effects)
if (all(range == "default")) {
range <- rope_range(x, verbose = verbose)
} else if (!is.list(range) && (!all(is.numeric(range)) || length(range) != 2)) {
insight::format_error("`range` should be 'default' or a vector of 2 numeric values (e.g., c(-0.1, 0.1)).")
rope_list <- lapply(c("fixed", "random"), function(.x) {
parms <- insight::get_parameters(x, effects = .x, parameters = parameters)
getropedata <- .prepare_rope_df(parms, range, ci, ci_method, verbose)
tmp <- getropedata$tmp
HDI_area <- getropedata$HDI_area
if (insight::is_empty_object(tmp)) {
tmp <- NULL
} else {
tmp <- .clean_up_tmp_stanreg(
group = .x,
cols = c("CI", "ROPE_low", "ROPE_high", "ROPE_Percentage", "Group"),
parms = names(parms)
if (!insight::is_empty_object(HDI_area)) {
attr(tmp, "HDI_area") <- HDI_area
dat <-, args = c(insight::compact_list(rope_list), make.row.names = FALSE))
dat <- switch(effects,
fixed = .select_rows(dat, "Group", "fixed"),
random = .select_rows(dat, "Group", "random"),
if (all(dat$Group == dat$Group[1])) {
dat <- datawizard::data_remove(dat, "Group", verbose = FALSE)
HDI_area_attributes <- lapply(insight::compact_list(rope_list), attr, "HDI_area")
if (effects != "all") {
HDI_area_attributes <- HDI_area_attributes[[1]]
} else {
names(HDI_area_attributes) <- c("fixed", "random")
attr(dat, "HDI_area") <- HDI_area_attributes
attr(dat, "object_name") <- insight::safe_deparse_symbol(substitute(x))
#' @export
rope.sim <- function(x, range = "default", ci = 0.95, ci_method = "ETI", parameters = NULL, verbose = TRUE, ...) {
if (all(range == "default")) {
range <- rope_range(x, verbose = verbose)
} else if (!is.list(range) && (!all(is.numeric(range)) || length(range) != 2)) {
insight::format_error("`range` should be 'default' or a vector of 2 numeric values (e.g., c(-0.1, 0.1)).")
parms <- insight::get_parameters(x, parameters = parameters)
getropedata <- .prepare_rope_df(parms, range, ci, ci_method, verbose)
dat <- getropedata$tmp
HDI_area <- getropedata$HDI_area
if (insight::is_empty_object(dat)) {
dat <- NULL
} else {
dat <- .clean_up_tmp_stanreg(
group = "fixed",
cols = c("CI", "ROPE_low", "ROPE_high", "ROPE_Percentage"),
parms = names(parms)
if (!insight::is_empty_object(HDI_area)) {
attr(dat, "HDI_area") <- HDI_area
attr(dat, "object_name") <- insight::safe_deparse_symbol(substitute(x))
#' @keywords internal
.prepare_rope_df <- function(parms, range, ci, ci_method, verbose) {
if (is.list(range)) {
# check if list of values contains only valid values
range <- .check_list_range(range, parms)
# apply thresholds to each column
tmp <- mapply(
function(p, r) {
range = r,
ci = ci,
ci_method = ci_method,
verbose = verbose
} else {
tmp <- sapply(
range = range,
ci = ci,
ci_method = ci_method,
verbose = verbose,
simplify = FALSE
HDI_area <- lapply(tmp, attr, which = "HDI_area")
# HDI_area <- lapply(HDI_area, function(.x) {
# dat <- cbind(CI = ci, data.frame(, .x)))
# colnames(dat) <- c("CI", "HDI_low", "HDI_high")
# dat
# })
tmp =, tmp),
HDI_area = HDI_area
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