Defines functions CIBER

Documented in CIBER

#' Confidence Interval-Based Estimation of Relevance (CIBER)
#' This function generates a high-level plot consisting of several diamond
#' plots. This function is useful for estimating the relative relevance of a
#' set of determinants of, for example, behavior. The plot in the left hand
#' panel shows each determinant's distribution with a diamond representing the
#' confidence interval. The right hand plot shows the determinants'
#' associations to one or more 'target' variables, such as behavior or
#' determinants of behavior.
#' Details are explained in Crutzen & Peters (2017).
#' @aliases CIBER detStructCIBER
#' @param data The dataframe containing the variables.
#' @param determinants The 'determinants': the predictors (or 'covariates') of
#' the target variables(s) (or 'criteria').
#' @param targets The 'targets' or 'criteria' variables: the variables
#' predicted by the determinants.
#' @param determinantStructure When using \code{detStructCIBER}, the
#' determinant structure as generated by \code{\link{determinantStructure}} is
#' included here. \code{determinants}, \code{targets}, \code{subQuestions},
#' \code{leftAnchors}, and \code{rightAnchors} are then read from the
#' \code{\link{determinantStructure}} object. In other words: once a
#' \code{\link{determinantStructure}} has been generated, only \code{dat} and
#' \code{\link{determinantStructure}} have to be provided as argument to
#' generate a CIBER diamond plot.
#' @param conf.level The confidence levels for the confidence intervals: has to
#' be a named list with two elements: \code{means} and \code{associations},
#' specifying the desired confidence levels for the means and associations,
#' respectively. The confidence level for the associations is also used for the
#' intervals for the proportions of explained variance.
#' @param subQuestions The subquestions used to measure each determinants. This
#' can also be used to provide pretty names for the variables if the
#' determinants were not measured by one question each. Must have the same
#' length as \code{determinants}.
#' @param leftAnchors The anchors to display on the left side of the left hand
#' panel. If the determinants were measured with one variable each, this can be
#' used to show the anchors that were used for the respective scales. Must have
#' the same length as \code{determinants}.
#' @param rightAnchors The anchors to display on the left side of the left hand
#' panel. If the determinants were measured with one variable each, this can be
#' used to show the anchors that were used for the respective scales. Must have
#' the same length as \code{determinants}.
#' @param outputFile The file to write the output to (the plot is not stored to
#' disk if `NULL`). The extension can be specified to change the file type.
#' @param outputWidth,outputHeight,outputUnits The width, height,
#' and units for the output file.
#' @param outputParams More advanced parameters for the output file. This can be
#' used to pass arguments to [ggplot2::ggsave()], such as passing
#' `outputParams=list(type="cairo-png")` to use anti-aliasing when saving a PNG file.
#' @param orderBy Whether to sort the determinants. Set to \code{NULL} to not
#' sort at all; specify the name or index of one of the \code{target}s to sort
#' by the point estimates of the associations with that target variable. Use
#' \code{decreasing} to determine whether to sort in ascending or descending
#' order. For convenience, if \code{orderBy} is not \code{NULL}, but
#' \code{decreasing} is, the determinants are sorted in descending (decreasing)
#' order.
#' @param decreasing Whether to sort the determinants. Specify \code{NULL} to
#' not sort at all, \code{TRUE} to sort in descending order, and \code{FALSE}
#' to sort in ascending order. If \code{decreasing} is nor \code{NULL}, but
#' \code{orderBy} is \code{NULL}, the determinants are sorted by their means.
#' For convenience, if \code{orderBy} is not \code{NULL}, but \code{decreasing}
#' is, the determinants are sorted in descending (decreasing) order.
#' @param numberSubQuestions Whether or not to number the subquestions. If they
#' are numbered, they are numbered from the top to the bottom.
#' @param generateColors The colors to use to generate the gradients for
#' coloring the diamonds representing the confidence intervals. Has to be a
#' named list with two elements: \code{means} and \code{associations},
#' specifying the desired colors for the means and associations, respectively.
#' @param strokeColors The palette to use to color the stroke of the confidence
#' intervals for the associations between the determinants and the targets.
#' Successive colors from this palette are used for the targets.
#' @param vLines,vLineColors In the association plot, vertical lines can
#' be plotted to facilitate interpretation. Specify their locations and
#' colors here, or set one or both to `NULL` to eliminate them.
#' @param titlePrefix Text to add before the list of target names and the
#' proportions of explained variance for each target. This plot title also
#' serves as legend to indicate which target 'gets' which each color.
#' @param titleVarLabels Optionally, variable labels to use in the plot title.
#' Has to be the exact same length as \code{targets}.
#' @param titleSuffix Text to add after the list of target names and the
#' proportions of explained variance for each target.
#' @param fullColorRange If colors are specified, this can be used to specify
#' which values, for the determinant confidence intervals in the left hand
#' panel, are the minimum and maximum. This is useful if those scores are not
#' actually in the data (e.g. for extremely skewed distributions). If
#' \code{NULL}, the range of all individual scores on the determinants is used.
#' For the associations, \code{c(-1, 1)} is always used as
#' \code{fullColorRange}.
#' @param associationsAlpha The alpha level (transparency) of the confidence
#' interval diamonds in the right hand plot. Value between 0 and 1, where 0
#' signifies complete transparency (i.e. invisibility) and 1 signifies complete
#' 'opaqueness'.
#' @param returnPlotOnly Whether to return the entire object that is generated
#' (including all intermediate objects) or only the plot.
#' @param drawPlot Whether the draw the plot, or only return it.
#' @param jitterWidth How much to jitter the data points in the left hand plot.
#' @param baseSize This can be used to efficiently change the size of most plot
#' elements.
#' @param dotSize This is the size of the points used to show the individual
#' data points in the left hand plot.
#' @param baseFontSize This can be used to set the font size separately from
#' the \code{baseSize}.
#' @param theme This is the theme that is used for the plots.
#' @param xbreaks Which breaks to use on the X axis (can be useful to override
#' \code{\link{ggplot2}}'s defaults).
#' @param rsq Whether to compute the R squared values.
#' @param \dots These arguments are passed on to
#' \code{\link{biAxisDiamondPlot}} (for the left panel) and
#' \code{\link{diamondPlot}} (for the right panel).  Note that all argument are
#' passed to both those functions.
#' @return Depending on the value of \code{returnPlotOnly}, either the plot
#' only (a \code{\link{gtable}} object) or an object containing most objects
#' created along the way (in which case the plot is stored in
#' \code{$output$plot}).
#' The plot has \code{width} and \code{height} attributes which can be used
#' when saving the plot.
#' @seealso \code{\link{determinantStructure}}
#' @references Crutzen, R., Peters, G.-J. Y., & Noijen, J. (2017). How to
#' Select Relevant Social-Cognitive Determinants and Use them in the
#' Development of Behaviour Change Interventions? Confidence Interval-Based
#' Estimation of Relevance. http://dx.doi.org/
#' @keywords hplot
#' @rdname CIBER
#' @examples
#' \donttest{### This example uses the determinant study Party Panel 17.1;
#' ### see ?behaviorchange::BBC_data for more information.
#' data(BBC_pp17.1);
#' behaviorchange::CIBER(data=BBC_pp17.1,
#'                       determinants=c('epw_AttExpect_hearingDamage',
#'                                      'epw_AttExpect_highTone',
#'                                      'epw_AttExpect_musicVolume',
#'                                      'epw_AttExpect_musicFidelity',
#'                                      'epw_AttExpect_loudConversation',
#'                                      'epw_AttExpect_musicFocus',
#'                                      'epw_AttExpect_musicEnjoy'),
#'                       targets=c('epw_attitude'));
#' }
#' @export
#' @importFrom ufs "%IN%"
CIBER <- function(data,
                  conf.level = list(means = .9999,
                                    associations = .95),
                  subQuestions = NULL,
                  leftAnchors = rep("Lo", length(determinants)),
                  rightAnchors = rep("Hi", length(determinants)),
                  outputFile = NULL,
                  outputWidth = NULL,
                  outputHeight = NULL,
                  outputUnits = "in",
                  outputParams = list(),
                  orderBy = NULL,
                  decreasing = NULL,
                  numberSubQuestions = FALSE,
                  generateColors = list(means = c("red", "blue", "green"),
                                        associations = c("red", "grey", "green")),
                  strokeColors = viridis::viridis(length(targets)),
                  vLines = c(-0.5, 0, 0.5),
                  vLineColors = "grey",
                  titlePrefix = "Means and associations (r) with",
                  titleVarLabels = NULL,
                  titleSuffix = "",
                  fullColorRange = NULL,
                  associationsAlpha = .5,
                  returnPlotOnly = TRUE,
                  drawPlot = TRUE,
                  jitterWidth = .45,
                  baseSize = .8,
                  dotSize = 2.5 * baseSize,
                  rsq = TRUE,
                  ...) {

  if (!all(c(determinants, targets) %in% names(data))) {
    stop("Not all variables names you passed in arguments ",
         "'determinants' or 'targets' are in the dataset!\n",
         "Specifically, ",
         ufs::vecTxtQ(c(determinants, targets)[!(c(determinants, targets) %in% names(data))]),
         " is or are not in the provided dataset.");

  res <- list(input = as.list(environment()),
              intermediate = list(),
              output = list());

  if (is.null(subQuestions)) subQuestions <- determinants;

  ### Extract relevant subdatasets
  res$intermediate$determinantsDat <- data[, determinants];
  res$intermediate$dat <- data[, c(determinants, targets)];

  if (!inherits(data, 'data.frame')) {
    stop("After having extracted the determinants (",
         ufs::vecTxtQ(determinants), ") and the targets (",
         ufs::vecTxtQ(targets), ") from the provided data frame, '",
         "', the class of the remaining object is no longer ",
         "'data.frame', but instead '", class(data), "'.");

  res$output$determinantsN <- sum(stats::complete.cases(res$intermediate$determinantsDat));
  res$output$associationsN <- sum(stats::complete.cases(res$intermediate$dat));

  if (!all(sapply(res$intermediate$determinantsDat, is.numeric))) {
    notNumericVars <-
      names(res$intermediate$determinantsDat)[!sapply(res$intermediate$determinantsDat, is.numeric)];
    stop("Not all determinants are numeric! Specifically, ",
         ufs::vecTxtQ(notNumericVars), " are not numeric variables.");

  ### For the scores, the max and min need to be determined from the data
  res$intermediate$fullColorRange <-
                   range(res$intermediate$determinantsDat, na.rm = TRUE),

  ### These will be used to determine the breaks in the plot with
  ### the scores
  res$intermediate$uniqueValues <-

  ### If only one of the sorting arguments is set, set the other
  ### one on the basis of the defaults; otherwise, store the
  ### passed arguments for use later on.
  if (!is.null(orderBy) && is.null(decreasing)) {
    res$intermediate$decreasing <- TRUE;
  } else if (is.null(orderBy) && !is.null(decreasing)) {
    res$intermediate$orderBy <- TRUE;
  } else {
    res$intermediate$decreasing <- decreasing;
    res$intermediate$orderBy <- orderBy;

  ### Turn 'decreasing' around, because ggplot places the 'first' values
  ### at the bottom and the last ones at the top
  if (!is.null(res$intermediate$decreasing)) {
    decreasing <- res$intermediate$decreasing <- !res$intermediate$decreasing;

  if (is.null(orderBy)) {
    ### Invert order, because ggplot starts from the bottom on the y axis.
    res$intermediate$sortOrder <- rev(1:length(determinants));
  } else if (ufs::isTrue(orderBy)) {
    res$intermediate$sortOrder <- order(colMeans(data[, determinants], na.rm=TRUE),
  } else if (orderBy %IN% (targets)) {

      res$intermediate$sortOrder <-
        stats::cor(data[, determinants],
                   data[, orderBy],
                   use = "pairwise.complete.obs");

        # unlist(
        #   lapply(
        #     data[, determinants],
        #     function(determinant) {
        #       return(
        #         cor.test(determinant, data[, orderBy])$estimate
        #       );
        #     }
        #   )
        # );

      res$intermediate$sortOrder <-
      # res$intermediate$sortOrder <-
      #   sort(ufs::associationMatrix(data,
      #                               x=determinants,
      #                               y=orderBy),
      #                               decreasing=res$intermediate$decreasing)$intermediate$sorting$order;
    }, error = function(errorMsg) {
      stop("Error when determining sorting order. Class of the ",
           "data frame: '",
           class(data), "'; error message: ", errorMsg$msg);
  } else {
    stop("In argument 'orderBy' either pass TRUE (to order by ",
         "(sub)determinants), or the name of one of the target ",
         "variables (e.g. determinants such as attitude, motivational ",
         "constructs such as intention, behavioral proxies or ",
         "behavioral measures).");

  ### Get confidence intervals (we may re-sort later)
  res$intermediate$meansDat <-
                             items = determinants,

  if (length(unique(c(targets, determinants))) < 2) {
    stop("Something is wrong with the arguments provided ",
         "as determinants (", ufs::vecTxtQ(determinants),
         ") or targets (", ufs::vecTxtQ(targets),
         "): together, they seem to contain less than ",
         "two different elements (i.e. variable names).");

  if (getOption('ufs.debug', FALSE)) {
    message(paste0("\nDebugging message:\n",
                   "\nnames(res$intermediate$dat) = ",
                 "\ndeterminants = ", ufs::vecTxtQ(determinants),
                 "\ntargets = ", ufs::vecTxtQ(targets),

  ### Get confidence intervals for effect sizes
  res$intermediate$assocDat <- sapply(targets, function(currentTarget) {

      tmpCors <-
        lapply(data[, determinants, drop=FALSE],
               data[, currentTarget]);
    }, error = function(errorMsg) {
      stop("Error when computing correlation confidence intervals. ",
           "Determinants: ", vecTxt(determinants, useQuote="`"),
           ". Target: `", currentTarget, "`. ",
           "The error message was: ", errorMsg);

        lo=unlist(lapply(tmpCors, function(x) return(x$conf.int[1]))),
        es=unlist(lapply(tmpCors, function(x) return(x$estimate))),
        hi=unlist(lapply(tmpCors, function(x) return(x$conf.int[2])))

    # return(ufs::associationsToDiamondPlotDf(res$intermediate$dat,
    #                                         determinants,
    #                                         currentTarget,
    #                                         esMetric = 'r',
    #                                         conf.level=conf.level$associations));

  }, simplify=FALSE);
  names(res$intermediate$assocDat) <- targets;

  ### Get R squared values
  if (rsq) {
      res$intermediate$Rsq <- lapply(targets, function(currentTarget) {
    										       collapse=" + "))),
      }), error=function(e) {
        stop("Encountered an error when trying to compute the R square of targets ",
             ufs::vecTxtQ(targets), " predicted by ", ufs::vecTxtQ(determinants),
             ". The error is:\n\n", e$message);

  res$intermediate$meansDat <-
    res$intermediate$meansDat[res$intermediate$sortOrder, ];
  res$intermediate$assocDat <-
    sapply(res$intermediate$assocDat, function(x) {
      return(x[res$intermediate$sortOrder, ]);
    }, simplify=FALSE);

  ### Sort determinant names
  determinants <- determinants[res$intermediate$sortOrder];

  sortedSubQuestions <- subQuestions[res$intermediate$sortOrder];

  if (numberSubQuestions) {
    sortedSubQuestions <- paste0(length(sortedSubQuestions):1,
                                 ". ",

  res$intermediate$biAxisDiamondPlot <-
    ufs::biAxisDiamondPlot(data, items = determinants,
                           subQuestions = sortedSubQuestions,
                           leftAnchors = leftAnchors[res$intermediate$sortOrder],
                           rightAnchors = rightAnchors[res$intermediate$sortOrder],
                           generateColors = generateColors$means,
                           fullColorRange = res$intermediate$fullColorRange,
                           conf.level = conf.level$means,
                           drawPlot = FALSE,
                           returnPlotOnly = FALSE,
                           dotSize = dotSize,
                           baseFontSize = baseFontSize,
                           theme = theme,
                           jitterWidth = jitterWidth,
                           jitterHeight = .3,

  res$intermediate$meansPlot <-

  builtMeansPlot <-
  yMajor <- builtMeansPlot$layout$panel_ranges[[1]]$y.major_source;

  ### Note to self: this changed in ggplot2 3.0; used to be stored in
  ###   builtMeansPlot$layout$panel_ranges[[1]]$y.range
  yRange <- range(builtMeansPlot$layout$panel_scales_y[[1]]$range$range);

  if (length(targets)==1) {
    strokeColors <- "#000000";
  } else if (is.null(strokeColors)) {
    strokeColors <- viridis::viridis(length(targets));
  names(strokeColors) <- targets;

  res$intermediate$assocLayers <-
           function(currentTarget) {
                                     ciCols=c('lo', 'es', 'hi'),
                                     yLabels = subQuestions[res$intermediate$sortOrder],
                                     fullColorRange = c(-1, 1),
                                     alpha = associationsAlpha,
                                     size=1, theme=theme,
                                     returnLayerOnly = TRUE, ...));
           }, simplify=FALSE);

  if (!is.null(vLines) && !is.null(vLineColors)) {
    if (!(length(vLineColors) == length(vLines))) {
      vLineColors <- rep_len(vLineColors, length(vLines));
    vLineLayer <-
      ggplot2::geom_vline(xintercept = vLines,
                          color = vLineColors);
  } else {
    vLineLayer <- NULL;

  res$intermediate$assocPlot <- ggplot2::ggplot() +
    vLineLayer +
    res$intermediate$assocLayers +
    theme +
    ggplot2::xlab(paste0(round(100 * conf.level$associations, 2), '% CIs of associations')) +
    ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(limits=c(-1,1)) +
    ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(breaks=yMajor) +
                   panel.grid.minor.y = ggplot2::element_blank(),

  builtAssocPlot <-
  builtAssocPlot$layout$panel_ranges[[1]]$y.range <- yRange;
  builtAssocPlot$layout$panel_ranges[[1]]$y.major <-

  if (is.null(titleVarLabels)) titleVarLabels <- targets;

  titleGrobs <- list(grid::textGrob(label = paste0(titlePrefix, " "),
                                    x = grid::unit(0.2, "lines"),
                                    y = grid::unit(0.8, "lines"),
                                    hjust = 0, vjust = 0));
  currentXpos <- sum(grid::unit(0.2, "lines"),
  if (rsq) {
    newGrob <- grid::textGrob(label = paste0(titleVarLabels[1], " (R\U00B2 = ",
                                             ufs::formatCI(res$intermediate$Rsq[[1]], noZero=TRUE), ")"),
                        x = currentXpos,
                        y = grid::unit(.8, "lines"),
                        hjust = 0, vjust = 0,
                        gp = grid::gpar(col = strokeColors[targets[1]]));
  } else {
    newGrob <- grid::textGrob(label = titleVarLabels[1],
                              x = currentXpos,
                              y = grid::unit(.8, "lines"),
                              hjust = 0, vjust = 0,
                              gp = grid::gpar(col = strokeColors[targets[1]]));
  titleGrobs <- c(titleGrobs, list(newGrob));
  currentXpos <- sum(currentXpos,

  if (length(targets) > 1) {
    for (i in 2:length(targets)) {
      prefixGrob <-
        grid::textGrob(label = ifelse(i == length(targets), " & ", ", "),
                       x = currentXpos,
                       y = grid::unit(0.8, "lines"),
                       hjust = 0, vjust = 0,
                       gp = grid::gpar(col = "#000000"));
      currentXpos <- sum(currentXpos,
      if (rsq) {
        newGrob <-
          grid::textGrob(label = paste0(titleVarLabels[i], " (R\U00B2 = ",
                                        ufs::formatCI(res$intermediate$Rsq[[i]], noZero=TRUE), ")"),
                         x = currentXpos,
                         y = grid::unit(0.8, "lines"),
                         hjust = 0, vjust = 0,
                         gp = grid::gpar(col = strokeColors[targets[i]]));
      } else {
        newGrob <-
          grid::textGrob(label = titleVarLabels[i],
                         x = currentXpos,
                         y = grid::unit(0.8, "lines"),
                         hjust = 0, vjust = 0,
                         gp = grid::gpar(col = strokeColors[targets[i]]));
      currentXpos <- sum(currentXpos, grid::grobWidth(newGrob));
      titleGrobs <- c(titleGrobs, list(prefixGrob, newGrob));
  titleGrobs <- c(titleGrobs,
                  list(grid::textGrob(label = paste0(" ", titleSuffix),
                                      x = currentXpos,
                                      y = grid::unit(0.8, "lines"),
                                      hjust = 0, vjust = 0)));

  titleGrob <- do.call(grid::grobTree,
                       c(list(gp = grid::gpar(fontsize = 1.2*baseFontSize,
                                              fontface = "bold")),

  res$output$plot <-
                            grid::unit(1, "null"));

  res$output$plot <-

  res$output$plot <-
                           top = titleGrob,
                           padding = grid::unit(1.25, "line"));

  ### Default sizes ; first compute in centimeters, then convert to inches
  attr(res$output$plot, 'height') <- baseSize + 1.25 * baseSize * max(length(determinants), 1.5);
  attr(res$output$plot, 'width') <- 21 - 3;
  attr(res$output$plot, 'height') <- attr(res$output$plot, 'height') / 2.54;
  attr(res$output$plot, 'width') <- attr(res$output$plot, 'width') / 2.54;

  if (drawPlot) {

  if (!is.null(outputFile)) {
    if ((nchar(dirname(outputFile)) == 0) | (!dir.exists(dirname(outputFile)))) {
      warning("The directory specified to save the the outputFile to ('",
              "') does not exist, so not saving the plot!");
    } else {
      if (is.null(outputWidth)) {
        outputWidth <- attr(res$output$plot, 'width');
        outputUnits <- "in";
      if (is.null(outputHeight)) {
        outputHeight <- attr(res$output$plot, 'height');
        outputUnits <- "in";
      if (is.null(outputUnits)) {
        outputUnits <- "in";
                     width = outputWidth,
                     height = outputHeight,
                     units = outputUnits),

  if (returnPlotOnly) {
  } else {


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