
context("Testing fitting functions")

test_that("Fitting still works", {

  ## Test fit.xyz / gap.inspect 

  inds <- unlist(lapply(c("1TAG", "1AS0", "1AS2"), grep, pdbs$id))
  pdbs <- trim.pdbs(pdbs, row.inds=inds)
  gaps <- gap.inspect(pdbs$xyz)

  rmsd.mat <- matrix(c(0.000, 1.792, 1.903,
                       1.792, 0.000, 1.881,
                       1.903, 1.881, 0.000),
                     ncol=3, byrow=TRUE)
  rownames(rmsd.mat) <- basename.pdb(pdbs$id)
  colnames(rmsd.mat) <- basename.pdb(pdbs$id)
  ## Test rmsd()
  expect_that(suppressWarnings(rmsd( pdbs )),
              equals(rmsd.mat, tolerance  = 1e-6))

  ## Test fit.xyz()
  xyz <- fit.xyz( fixed  = pdbs$xyz[1,],
                 mobile = pdbs$xyz,
                 fixed.inds  = gaps$f.inds,
                 mobile.inds = gaps$f.inds )

  x1.expected <- c(29.72513, 64.03389, 42.98273, 30.15516, 67.73641, 43.70090)
  x2.expected <- c(NA,       NA,       NA, 29.28225, 67.23703, 43.05571)
  x3.expected <- c(NA,       NA,       NA, 30.17547, 67.15645, 43.46491)
  expect_that(head(xyz[1,]), equals(x1.expected, tolerance  = 1e-6))
  expect_that(head(xyz[2,]), equals(x2.expected, tolerance  = 1e-6))
  expect_that(head(xyz[3,]), equals(x3.expected, tolerance  = 1e-6))

  rmsd.mat <- matrix(c(0.000, 1.659, 1.814,
                       1.659, 0.000, 1.697,
                       1.814, 1.697, 0.000),
                     ncol=3, byrow=TRUE)
  rownames(rmsd.mat) <- basename.pdb(pdbs$id)
  colnames(rmsd.mat) <- basename.pdb(pdbs$id)

  expect_that(suppressWarnings(rmsd( xyz[, gaps$f.inds] )),
              equals(rmsd.mat, tolerance  = 1e-6))

  expect_that(suppressWarnings(rmsd( pdbs, fit=TRUE )),
              equals(rmsd.mat, tolerance  = 1e-6))

  xyz2 <- fit.xyz( fixed  = pdbs$xyz[1,],
                  mobile = pdbs,
                  fixed.inds  = gaps$f.inds,
                  mobile.inds = gaps$f.inds )
  expect_that(xyz2, equals(xyz))


test_that("struct.aln still works", {

  if(!check.utility('muscle')) {
     skip('Need MUSCLE installed to run this test')

  ## Simple test with PDB ID 1HEL
  file.a <- system.file("examples/1hel.pdb",package="bio3d")
  file.b <- system.file("examples/1dpx.pdb",package="bio3d")
  invisible(capture.output(pdb.a <- read.pdb(file.a)))
  invisible(capture.output(pdb.b <- read.pdb(file.b)))
  invisible(capture.output(aln <- struct.aln(pdb.a, pdb.b, write.pdbs=FALSE,
                                            cutoff=0.1, max.cycles=2, extra.args="-quiet")))
  rmsda <- c(0.293, 0.229, 0.200)
  expect_that(aln$rmsd, equals(rmsda, tolerance  = 1e-6))
  expect_that(length(aln$a.inds$atom), equals(112))
  expect_that(length(aln$b.inds$atom), equals(112))
  expect_that(length(aln$b.inds$xyz), equals(112*3))
  expect_that(length(aln$b.inds$xyz), equals(112*3))

# A little bit more tests...
test_that("fit.xyz() gets the same results as VMD", {

   if(!check.utility('muscle')) {
      skip('Need MUSCLE installed to run this test')

     capture.output(pdbs <- pdbaln(c("1tag", "1as0")), type="message"))
   inds <- gap.inspect(pdbs$xyz)$f.inds

   expect_error(fit.xyz("string", pdbs$xyz, inds, inds)) 
   expect_error(fit.xyz(pdbs$xyz, pdbs$xyz, inds, inds))
   expect_error(fit.xyz(pdbs$xyz[1,], pdbs$xyz, inds, 1:4))

   xyz <- fit.xyz(pdbs$xyz[1,], pdbs$xyz[2,], inds, inds)
   xyz <- xyz[!is.na(xyz)]
   xyz0 <- c(41.063, 15.667, 58.826, 43.041, 17.479, 56.113,
             44.826, 15.317, 53.571) # VMD results

   expect_equal(round(xyz[1:9], 3), xyz0)

test_that("fit.xyz() with ncore>1 works properly", {

   inds <- unlist(lapply(c("1TAG", "1AS0", "1AS2"), grep, pdbs$id))
   pdbs <- trim.pdbs(pdbs, row.inds=inds)
   #invisible(capture.output(pdbs <- pdbaln(c("1tag", "1as0", "1as2"))))
   #inds <- gap.inspect(pdbs$xyz)$f.inds

   # check if ncore > 1 is really faster 
   time1 <- system.time(xyz1 <- fit.xyz(pdbs$xyz[1,], pdbs$xyz, inds, inds, ncore=1))
   time2 <- system.time(xyz2 <- fit.xyz(pdbs$xyz[1,], pdbs$xyz, inds, inds, ncore=NULL))
   time1 <- time1["elapsed"]
   time2 <- time2["elapsed"]

   expect_equivalent(xyz1, xyz2)

#   cat("Speed up by", round((time1-time2)/time2, 1)*100, "%", sep="")
#   if(getOption("cores") > 1)
#      expect_true(time1 > time2)


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bio3d documentation built on Oct. 27, 2022, 1:06 a.m.