Man pages for biomartr
Genomic Data Retrieval

biomartMain BioMart Query Function
biomartr-packageGenomic Data Retrieval
cachedirGet directory to store back end files like kingdom summaries...
cachedir_setSet directory to store back end files like kingdom summaries...
check_annotation_biomartrCheck whether an annotation file contains outlier lines
download.databaseDownload a NCBI Database to Your Local Hard Drive
download.database.allDownload all elements of an NCBI databse
ensembl_divisionsList all available ENSEMBL divisions
getAssemblyStatsGenome Assembly Stats Retrieval
getAttributesRetrieve All Available Attributes for a Specific Dataset
getBioA wrapper to all bio getters, selected with 'type' argument
getBioSetGeneric Bio data set extractor
getCDSCoding Sequence Retrieval
getCDSSetCDS retrieval of multiple species
getCollectionRetrieve a Collection: Genome, Proteome, CDS, RNA, GFF,...
getCollectionSetRetrieve a Collection: Genome, Proteome, CDS, RNA, GFF,...
getDatasetsRetrieve All Available Datasets for a BioMart Database
getENSEMBLDownload sequence or annotation from ENSEMBL
getENSEMBL.gtfHelper function for retrieving gtf files from ENSEMBL
get.ensembl.infoHelper function to retrieve species information from the...
getENSEMBLInfoRetrieve ENSEMBL info file
getENSEMBL.SeqHelper function for retrieving biological sequence files from...
getFiltersRetrieve All Available Filters for a Specific Dataset
getGenomeGenome Retrieval
getGenomeSetGenome Retrieval of multiple species
getGFFGenome Annotation Retrieval (GFF3)
getGFFSetGFF retrieval of multiple species
getGOGene Ontology Query
getGroupsRetrieve available groups for a kingdom of life (only...
getGTFGenome Annotation Retrieval (GTF)
getKingdomAssemblySummaryRetrieve and summarise the assembly_summary.txt files from...
getKingdomsRetrieve available kingdoms of life
getMartsRetrieve information about available Ensembl Biomart...
getMetaGenomeAnnotationsRetrieve annotation *.gff files for metagenomes from NCBI...
getMetaGenomesRetrieve metagenomes from NCBI Genbank
getMetaGenomeSummaryRetrieve the assembly_summary.txt file from NCBI genbank...
getProteomeProteome Retrieval
getProteomeSetProteome retrieval of multiple species
getReleasesRetrieve available database releases or versions of ENSEMBL
getRepeatMaskerRepeat Masker Retrieval
getRNARNA Sequence Retrieval
getRNASetRNA Retrieval of multiple species
getSummaryFileHelper function to retrieve the assembly_summary.txt file...
getUniProtInfoGet uniprot info from organism
getUniProtSTATSRetrieve UniProt Database Information File (STATS)
is.genome.availableCheck Genome Availability
listDatabasesRetrieve a List of Available NCBI Databases for Download
listGenomesList All Available Genomes either by kingdom, group, or...
listGroupsList number of available genomes in each taxonomic group
listKingdomsList number of available genomes in each kingdom of life
listMetaGenomesList available metagenomes on NCBI Genbank
meta.retrievalPerform Meta-Genome Retrieval
meta.retrieval.allPerform Meta-Genome Retrieval of all organisms in all...
organismAttributesRetrieve Ensembl Biomart attributes for a query organism
organismBMRetrieve Ensembl Biomart marts and datasets for a query...
organismFiltersRetrieve Ensembl Biomart filters for a query organism
read_assemblystatsImport Genome Assembly Stats File
read_cdsImport CDS as Biostrings or data.table object
read_genomeImport Genome Assembly as Biostrings or data.table object
read_gffImport GFF File
read_proteomeImport Proteome as Biostrings or data.table object
read_rmImport Repeat Masker output file
read_rnaImport RNA as Biostrings or data.table object
refseqOrganismsRetrieve All Organism Names Stored on refseq
summary_cdsRetrieve summary statistics for a coding sequence (CDS) file
summary_genomeRetrieve summary statistics for a genome assembly file
biomartr documentation built on May 29, 2024, 11:42 a.m.