# /*
# R-Code
# S3 atomic 64bit integers for R
# (c) 2011 Jens Oehlschägel
# Licence: GPL2
# Provided 'as is', use at your own risk
# Created: 2011-12-11
# Last changed: 2011-12-11
#! \name{bit64-package}
#! \alias{bit64-package}
#! \alias{bit64}
#! \alias{integer64}
#! \alias{is.integer64}
#! \alias{is.integer.integer64}
#! \alias{is.vector.integer64}
#! %as.vector.integer64 removed as requested by the CRAN maintainer \alias{as.vector.integer64}
#! \alias{length<-.integer64}
#! \alias{print.integer64}
#! \alias{str.integer64}
#! \docType{package}
#! \title{
#! A S3 class for vectors of 64bit integers
#! }
#! \description{
#! Package 'bit64' provides fast serializable S3 atomic 64bit (signed) integers
#! that can be used in vectors, matrices, arrays and data.frames. Methods are
#! available for coercion from and to logicals, integers, doubles, characters
#! and factors as well as many elementwise and summary functions.
#! \cr
#! \bold{Version 0.8}
#! With 'integer64' vectors you can store very large integers at the expense
#! of 64 bits, which is by factor 7 better than 'int64' from package 'int64'.
#! Due to the smaller memory footprint, the atomic vector architecture and
#! using only S3 instead of S4 classes, most operations are one to three orders
#! of magnitude faster: Example speedups are 4x for serialization, 250x for
#! adding, 900x for coercion and 2000x for object creation. Also 'integer64'
#! avoids an ongoing (potentially infinite) penalty for garbage collection
#! observed during existence of 'int64' objects (see code in example section).
#! \cr
#! \bold{Version 0.9}
#! Package 'bit64' - which extends R with fast 64-bit integers - now has fast
#! (single-threaded) implementations the most important univariate algorithmic
#! operations (those based on hashing and sorting). We now have methods for
#! 'match', '%in%', 'duplicated', 'unique', 'table', 'sort', 'order', 'rank',
#! 'quantile', 'median' and 'summary'. Regarding data management we also have
#! novel generics 'unipos' (positions of the unique values), 'tiepos' (
#! positions of ties), 'keypos' (positions of foreign keys in a sorted
#! dimension table) and derived methods 'as.factor' and 'as.ordered'. This 64-
#! bit functionality is implemented carefully to be not slower than the
#! respective 32-bit operations in Base R and also to avoid outlying waiting
#! times observed with 'order', 'rank' and 'table' (speedup factors 20/16/200
#! respective). This increases the dataset size with wich we can work truly
#! interactive. The speed is achieved by simple heuristic optimizers in high-
#! level functions choosing the best from multiple low-level algorithms and
#! further taking advantage of a novel caching if activated. In an example R
#! session using a couple of these operations the 64-bit integers performed 22x
#! faster than base 32-bit integers, hash-caching improved this to 24x,
#! sortorder-caching was most efficient with 38x (caching hashing and sorting
#! is not worth it with 32x at duplicated RAM consumption).
#! }
#! \usage{
#! integer64(length)
#! \method{is}{integer64}(x)
#! \method{length}{integer64}(x) <- value
#! \method{print}{integer64}(x, quote=FALSE, \dots)
#! \method{str}{integer64}(object, vec.len = strO$vec.len, give.head = TRUE, give.length = give.head, \dots)
#! }
#! \arguments{
#! \item{length}{ length of vector using \code{\link{integer}} }
#! \item{x}{ an integer64 vector }
#! \item{object}{ an integer64 vector }
#! \item{value}{ an integer64 vector of values to be assigned }
#! \item{quote}{ logical, indicating whether or not strings should be printed with surrounding quotes. }
#! \item{vec.len}{ see \code{\link[utils]{str}} }
#! \item{give.head}{ see \code{\link[utils]{str}} }
#! \item{give.length}{ see \code{\link[utils]{str}} }
#! \item{\dots}{ further arguments to the \code{\link{NextMethod}} }
#! }
#! \details{
#! \tabular{ll}{
#! Package: \tab bit64\cr
#! Type: \tab Package\cr
#! Version: \tab 0.5.0\cr
#! Date: \tab 2011-12-12\cr
#! License: \tab GPL-2\cr
#! LazyLoad: \tab yes\cr
#! Encoding: \tab latin1\cr
#! }
#! }
#! \section{Design considerations}{
#! 64 bit integers are related to big data: we need them to overcome address space limitations.
#! Therefore performance of the 64 bit integer type is critical.
#! In the S language -- designed in 1975 -- atomic objects were defined to be vectors for a couple of good reasons:
#! simplicity, option for implicit parallelization, good cache locality.
#! In recent years many analytical databases have learnt that lesson: column based data bases provide superior performance
#! for many applications, the result are products such as MonetDB, Sybase IQ, Vertica, Exasol, Ingres Vectorwise.
#! If we introduce 64 bit integers not natively in Base R but as an external package, we should at least strive to
#! make them as 'basic' as possible. Therefore the design choice of bit64 not only differs from \code{int64}, it is obvious:
#! Like the other atomic types in Base R, we model data type 'integer64' as a contiguous \code{\link{atomic}} vector in memory,
#! and we use the more basic \code{\link{S3}} class system, not \code{\link{S4}}. Like package \code{int64} we want our 'integer64' to be \code{\link{serialize}able},
#! therefore we also use an existing data type as the basis. Again the choice is obvious: R has only one 64 bit data type: doubles.
#! By using \code{\link{double}s}, \code{integer64} \code{\link{inherits}} some functionality such as \code{\link{is.atomic}}, \code{\link{length}},
#! \code{\link{length<-}}, \code{\link{names}}, \code{\link{names<-}}, \code{\link{dim}}, \code{\link{dim<-}}, \code{\link{dimnames}}, \code{\link{dimnames}}.
#! \cr
#! Our R level functions strictly follow the functional programming paragdim:
#! no modification of arguments or other side-effects. Before version 0.93 we internally deviated from the strict paradigm
#! in order to boost performance. Our C functions do not create new return values,
#! instead we pass-in the memory to be returned as an argument. This gives us the freedom to apply the C-function
#! to new or old vectors, which helps to avoid unnecessary memory allocation, unnecessary copying and unnecessary garbage collection.
#! Prior to 0.93 \emph{within} our R functions we also deviated from conventional R programming by not using \code{\link{attr<-}} and \code{\link{attributes<-}}
#! because they always did new memory allocation and copying in older R versions. If we wanted to set attributes of return values that we have freshly created,
#! we instead used functions \code{\link[bit:getsetattr]{setattr}} and \code{\link[bit:getsetattr]{setattributes}} from package \code{\link[bit]{bit}}.
#! From version 0.93 \code{\link[bit:getsetattr]{setattr}} is only used for manipulating \code{\link{cache}} objects, in \code{\link{ramsort.integer64}} and \code{\link{sort.integer64}} and in \code{\link{}}.
#! }
#! \section{Arithmetic precision and coercion}{
#! The fact that we introduce 64 bit long long integers -- without introducing 128-bit long doubles -- creates some subtle challenges:
#! Unlike 32 bit \code{\link{integer}s}, the \code{integer64} are no longer a proper subset of \code{\link{double}}.
#! If a binary arithmetic operation does involve a \code{double} and a \code{integer}, it is a no-brainer to return \code{double}
#! without loss of information. If an \code{integer64} meets a \code{double}, it is not trivial what type to return.
#! Switching to \code{integer64} limits our ability to represent very large numbers, switching to \code{double} limits our ability
#! to distinguish \code{x} from \code{x+1}. Since the latter is the purpose of introducing 64 bit integers, we usually return \code{integer64}
#! from functions involving \code{integer64}, for example in \code{\link[=c.integer64]{c}}, \code{\link[=cbind.integer64]{cbind}}
#! and \code{\link[=rbind.integer64]{rbind}}.
#! \cr
#! Different from Base R, our operators \code{\link[=+.integer64]{+}},
#! \code{\link[=-.integer64]{-}}, \code{\link[=\%/\%.integer64]{\%/\%}} and \code{\link[=\%\%.integer64]{\%\%}} coerce their arguments to
#! \code{integer64} and always return \code{integer64}.
#! \cr
#! The multiplication operator \code{\link[=*.integer64]{*}} coerces its first argument to \code{integer64}
#! but allows its second argument to be also \code{double}: the second argument is internaly coerced to 'long double'
#! and the result of the multiplication is returned as \code{integer64}.
#! \cr
#! The division \code{\link[=/.integer64]{/}} and power \code{\link[=^.integer64]{^}} operators also coerce their first argument to \code{integer64}
#! and coerce internally their second argument to 'long double', they return as \code{double}, like \code{\link[=sqrt.integer64]{sqrt}},
#! \code{\link[=log.integer64]{log}}, \code{\link[=log2.integer64]{log2}} and \code{\link[=log10.integer64]{log10}} do.
#! \tabular{ccccccccc}{
#! \bold{argument1} \tab \bold{op} \tab \bold{argument2} \tab \bold{->} \tab \bold{coerced1} \tab \bold{op} \tab \bold{coerced2} \tab \bold{->} \tab \bold{result} \cr
#! integer64 \tab + \tab double \tab -> \tab integer64 \tab + \tab integer64 \tab -> \tab integer64 \cr
#! double \tab + \tab integer64 \tab -> \tab integer64 \tab + \tab integer64 \tab -> \tab integer64 \cr
#! integer64 \tab - \tab double \tab -> \tab integer64 \tab - \tab integer64 \tab -> \tab integer64 \cr
#! double \tab - \tab integer64 \tab -> \tab integer64 \tab - \tab integer64 \tab -> \tab integer64 \cr
#! integer64 \tab \%/\% \tab double \tab -> \tab integer64 \tab \%/\% \tab integer64 \tab -> \tab integer64 \cr
#! double \tab \%/\% \tab integer64 \tab -> \tab integer64 \tab \%/\% \tab integer64 \tab -> \tab integer64 \cr
#! integer64 \tab \%\% \tab double \tab -> \tab integer64 \tab \%\% \tab integer64 \tab -> \tab integer64 \cr
#! double \tab \%\% \tab integer64 \tab -> \tab integer64 \tab \%\% \tab integer64 \tab -> \tab integer64 \cr
#! integer64 \tab * \tab double \tab -> \tab integer64 \tab * \tab long double \tab -> \tab integer64 \cr
#! double \tab * \tab integer64 \tab -> \tab integer64 \tab * \tab integer64 \tab -> \tab integer64 \cr
#! integer64 \tab / \tab double \tab -> \tab integer64 \tab / \tab long double \tab -> \tab double \cr
#! double \tab / \tab integer64 \tab -> \tab integer64 \tab / \tab long double \tab -> \tab double \cr
#! integer64 \tab ^ \tab double \tab -> \tab integer64 \tab / \tab long double \tab -> \tab double \cr
#! double \tab ^ \tab integer64 \tab -> \tab integer64 \tab / \tab long double \tab -> \tab double \cr
#! }
#! }
#! \section{Creating and testing S3 class 'integer64'}{
#! Our creator function \code{integer64} takes an argument \code{length}, creates an atomic double vector of this length,
#! attaches an S3 class attribute 'integer64' to it, and that's it. We simply rely on S3 method dispatch and interpret those
#! 64bit elements as 'long long int'.
#! \cr
#! \code{\link{is.double}} currently returns TRUE for \code{integer64} and might return FALSE in a later release.
#! Consider \code{is.double} to have undefined behavior and do query \code{is.integer64} \emph{before} querying \code{is.double}.
#! %As a second line of defense against misinterpretation we make \code{\link{is.double}}
#! %return \code{FALSE} by making it S3 generic and adding a method \code{\link{as.double.integer64}}.
#! The methods \code{\link{is.integer64}} and \code{\link{is.vector}} both return \code{TRUE} for \code{integer64}.
#! Note that we did not patch \code{\link{storage.mode}} and \code{\link{typeof}}, which both continue returning 'double'
#! Like for 32 bit \code{\link{integer}}, \code{\link{mode}} returns 'numeric' and \code{\link{as.double}}) tries coercing to \code{\link{double}}).
#! It is possible that 'integer64' becomes a \code{vmode} in package \code{ff}.
#! \cr
#! Further methods for creating \code{integer64} are \code{\link[=range.integer64]{range}} which returns the range of the data type if calles without arguments,
#! \code{\link[=rep.integer64]{rep}}, \code{\link[=seq.integer64]{seq}}.
#! \cr
#! For all available methods on \code{integer64} vectors see the index below and the examples.
#! }
#! \section{Index of implemented methods}{
#! \tabular{rrl}{
#! \bold{creating,testing,printing} \tab \bold{see also} \tab \bold{description} \cr
#! \code{NA_integer64_} \tab \code{\link{NA_integer_}} \tab NA constant \cr
#! \code{integer64} \tab \code{\link{integer}} \tab create zero atomic vector \cr
#! \code{\link{runif64}} \tab \code{\link{runif}} \tab create random vector \cr
#! \code{\link{rep.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{rep}} \tab \cr
#! \code{\link{seq.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{seq}} \tab \cr
#! \code{\link{is.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{is}} \tab \cr
#! \tab \code{\link{is.integer}} \tab inherited from Base R \cr
#! %\code{\link{is.double.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{is.double}} \tab \cr
#! \code{\link{is.vector.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{is.vector}} \tab \cr
#! \code{\link{identical.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{identical}} \tab \cr
#! \code{\link{length<-.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{length<-}} \tab \cr
#! \tab \code{\link{length}} \tab inherited from Base R \cr
#! \tab \code{\link{names<-}} \tab inherited from Base R \cr
#! \tab \code{\link{names}} \tab inherited from Base R \cr
#! \tab \code{\link{dim<-}} \tab inherited from Base R \cr
#! \tab \code{\link{dim}} \tab inherited from Base R \cr
#! \tab \code{\link{dimnames<-}} \tab inherited from Base R \cr
#! \tab \code{\link{dimnames}} \tab inherited from Base R \cr
#! \tab \code{\link{str}} \tab inherited from Base R, does not print values correctly \cr
#! \code{\link{print.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{print}} \tab \cr
#! \code{\link{str.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{str}} \tab \cr
#! \cr
#! \bold{coercing to integer64} \tab \bold{see also} \tab \bold{description} \cr
#! \code{\link{as.integer64}} \tab \tab generic \cr
#! \code{\link{as.integer64.bitstring}} \tab \code{\link{as.bitstring}} \tab \cr
#! \code{\link{as.integer64.character}} \tab \code{\link{character}} \tab \cr
#! \code{\link{as.integer64.double}} \tab \code{\link{double}} \tab \cr
#! \code{\link{as.integer64.integer}} \tab \code{\link{integer}} \tab \cr
#! \code{\link{as.integer64.integer64}} \tab \code{integer64} \tab \cr
#! \code{\link{as.integer64.logical}} \tab \code{\link{logical}} \tab \cr
#! \code{\link{as.integer64.NULL}} \tab \code{\link{NULL}} \tab \cr
#! \cr
#! \bold{coercing from integer64} \tab \bold{see also} \tab \bold{description} \cr
#! \code{\link{as.list.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{as.list}} \tab generic \cr
#! \code{\link{as.bitstring}} \tab \code{\link{as.bitstring}} \tab generic \cr
#! \code{\link{as.bitstring.integer64}} \tab \tab \cr
#! \code{\link{as.character.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{as.character}} \tab \cr
#! \code{\link{as.double.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{as.double}} \tab \cr
#! \code{\link{as.integer.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{as.integer}} \tab \cr
#! \code{\link{as.logical.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{as.logical}} \tab \cr
#! %as.vector.integer64 removed as requested by the CRAN maintainer \code{\link{as.vector.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{as.vector}} \tab \cr
#! \cr
#! \bold{data structures} \tab \bold{see also} \tab \bold{description} \cr
#! \code{\link{c.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{c}} \tab vector concatenate \cr
#! \code{\link{cbind.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{cbind}} \tab column bind \cr
#! \code{\link{rbind.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{rbind}} \tab row bind \cr
#! \code{\link{}} \tab \code{\link{}} \tab coerce atomic object to data.frame \cr
#! \tab \code{\link{data.frame}} \tab inherited from Base R since we have coercion \cr
#! \cr
#! \bold{subscripting} \tab \bold{see also} \tab \bold{description} \cr
#! \code{\link{[.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{[}} \tab vector and array extract \cr
#! \code{\link{[<-.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{[<-}} \tab vector and array assign \cr
#! \code{\link{[[.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{[[}} \tab scalar extract \cr
#! \code{\link{[[<-.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{[[<-}} \tab scalar assign \cr
#! \cr
#! \bold{binary operators} \tab \bold{see also} \tab \bold{description} \cr
#! \code{\link{+.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{+}} \tab returns integer64 \cr
#! \code{\link{-.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{-}} \tab returns integer64 \cr
#! \code{\link{*.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{*}} \tab returns integer64 \cr
#! \code{\link{^.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{^}} \tab returns double \cr
#! \code{\link{/.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{/}} \tab returns double \cr
#! \code{\link{\%/\%.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{\%/\%}} \tab returns integer64 \cr
#! \code{\link{\%\%.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{\%\%}} \tab returns integer64 \cr
#! \cr
#! \bold{comparison operators} \tab \bold{see also} \tab \bold{description} \cr
#! \code{\link{==.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{==}} \tab \cr
#! \code{\link{!=.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{!=}} \tab \cr
#! \code{\link{<.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{<}} \tab \cr
#! \code{\link{<=.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{<=}} \tab \cr
#! \code{\link{>.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{>}} \tab \cr
#! \code{\link{>=.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{>=}} \tab \cr
#! \cr
#! \bold{logical operators} \tab \bold{see also} \tab \bold{description} \cr
#! \code{\link{!.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{!}} \tab \cr
#! \code{\link{&.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{&}} \tab \cr
#! \code{\link{|.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{|}} \tab \cr
#! \code{\link{xor.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{xor}} \tab \cr
#! \cr
#! \bold{math functions} \tab \bold{see also} \tab \bold{description} \cr
#! \code{\link{}} \tab \code{\link{}} \tab returns logical \cr
#! \code{\link{format.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{format}} \tab returns character \cr
#! \code{\link{abs.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{abs}} \tab returns integer64 \cr
#! \code{\link{sign.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{sign}} \tab returns integer64 \cr
#! \code{\link{log.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{log}} \tab returns double \cr
#! \code{\link{log10.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{log10}} \tab returns double \cr
#! \code{\link{log2.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{log2}} \tab returns double \cr
#! \code{\link{sqrt.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{sqrt}} \tab returns double \cr
#! \code{\link{ceiling.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{ceiling}} \tab dummy returning its argument \cr
#! \code{\link{floor.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{floor}} \tab dummy returning its argument \cr
#! \code{\link{trunc.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{trunc}} \tab dummy returning its argument \cr
#! \code{\link{round.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{round}} \tab dummy returning its argument \cr
#! \code{\link{signif.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{signif}} \tab dummy returning its argument \cr
#! \cr
#! \bold{cumulative functions} \tab \bold{see also} \tab \bold{description} \cr
#! \code{\link{cummin.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{cummin}} \tab \cr
#! \code{\link{cummax.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{cummax}} \tab \cr
#! \code{\link{cumsum.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{cumsum}} \tab \cr
#! \code{\link{cumprod.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{cumprod}} \tab \cr
#! \code{\link{diff.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{diff}} \tab \cr
#! \cr
#! \bold{summary functions} \tab \bold{see also} \tab \bold{description} \cr
#! \code{\link{range.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{range}} \tab \cr
#! \code{\link{min.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{min}} \tab \cr
#! \code{\link{max.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{max}} \tab \cr
#! \code{\link{sum.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{sum}} \tab \cr
#! \code{\link{mean.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{mean}} \tab \cr
#! \code{\link{prod.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{prod}} \tab \cr
#! \code{\link{all.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{all}} \tab \cr
#! \code{\link{any.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{any}} \tab \cr
#! \cr
#! \bold{algorithmically complex functions} \tab \bold{see also} \tab \bold{description (caching)} \cr
#! \code{\link{match.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{match}} \tab position of x in table (h//o/so) \cr
#! \code{\link{\%in\%.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{\%in\%}} \tab is x in table? (h//o/so) \cr
#! \code{\link{duplicated.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{duplicated}} \tab is current element duplicate of previous one? (h//o/so) \cr
#! \code{\link{unique.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{unique}} \tab (shorter) vector of unique values only (h/s/o/so) \cr
#! \code{\link{unipos.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{unipos}} \tab positions corresponding to unique values (h/s/o/so) \cr
#! \code{\link{tiepos.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{tiepos}} \tab positions of values that are tied (//o/so) \cr
#! \code{\link{keypos.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{keypos}} \tab position of current value in sorted list of unique values (//o/so) \cr
#! \code{\link{as.factor.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{as.factor}} \tab convert to (unordered) factor with sorted levels of previous values (//o/so) \cr
#! \code{\link{as.ordered.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{as.ordered}} \tab convert to ordered factor with sorted levels of previous values (//o/so) \cr
#! \code{\link{table.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{table}} \tab unique values and their frequencies (h/s/o/so) \cr
#! \code{\link{sort.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{sort}} \tab sorted vector (/s/o/so) \cr
#! \code{\link{order.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{order}} \tab positions of elements that would create sorted vector (//o/so) \cr
#! \code{\link{rank.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{rank}} \tab (average) ranks of non-NAs, NAs kept in place (/s/o/so) \cr
#! \code{\link{quantile.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{quantile}} \tab (existing) values at specified percentiles (/s/o/so) \cr
#! \code{\link{median.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{median}} \tab (existing) value at percentile 0.5 (/s/o/so) \cr
#! \code{\link{summary.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{summary}} \tab (/s/o/so) \cr
#! \code{\link{all.equal.integer64}} \tab \code{\link{all.equal}} \tab test if two objects are (nearly) equal (/s/o/so) \cr
#! \cr
#! \bold{helper functions} \tab \bold{see also} \tab \bold{description} \cr
#! \code{\link{minusclass}} \tab \code{\link{minusclass}} \tab removing class attritbute \cr
#! \code{\link{plusclass}} \tab \code{\link{plusclass}} \tab inserting class attribute \cr
#! \code{\link{binattr}} \tab \code{\link{binattr}} \tab define binary op behaviour \cr
#! \cr
#! \bold{tested I/O functions} \tab \bold{see also} \tab \bold{description} \cr
#! \tab \code{\link{read.table}} \tab inherited from Base R \cr
#! \tab \code{\link{write.table}} \tab inherited from Base R \cr
#! \tab \code{\link{serialize}} \tab inherited from Base R \cr
#! \tab \code{\link{unserialize}} \tab inherited from Base R \cr
#! \tab \code{\link{save}} \tab inherited from Base R \cr
#! \tab \code{\link{load}} \tab inherited from Base R \cr
#! \tab \code{\link{dput}} \tab inherited from Base R \cr
#! \tab \code{\link{dget}} \tab inherited from Base R \cr
#! }
#! }
#! \section{Limitations inherited from implementing 64 bit integers via an external package}{
#! \itemize{
#! \item \bold{vector size} of atomic vectors is still limited to \code{\link{.Machine}$integer.max}.
#! However, external memory extending packages such as \code{ff} or \code{bigmemory}
#! can extend their address space now with \code{integer64}. Having 64 bit integers also help
#! with those not so obvious address issues that arise once we exchange data with SQL databases
#! and datawarehouses, which use big integers as surrogate keys, e.g. on indexed primary key columns.
#! This puts R into a relatively strong position compared to certain commercial statistical
#! softwares, which sell database connectivity but neither have the range of 64 bit integers,
#! nor have integers at all, nor have a single numeric data type in their macro-glue-language.
#! \item \bold{literals} such as \code{123LL} would require changes to Base R, up to then we need to write (and call)
#! \code{as.integer64(123L)} or \code{as.integer64(123)} or \code{as.integer64('123')}.
#! Only the latter allows to specify numbers beyond Base R's numeric data types and therefore is the recommended
#! way to use -- using only one way may facilitate migrating code to literals at a later stage.
#! }
#! }
#! \section{Limitations inherited from Base R, Core team, can you change this?}{
#! \itemize{
#! \item \bold{\code{\link{identical}}} with default parameters does not distinguish all bit-patterns of doubles.
#! For testing purposes we provide a wrapper \code{\link{identical.integer64}} that will distinguish all bit-patterns.
#! It would be desireable to have a single call of \code{\link{identical}} handle both, \code{\link{double}} and \code{integer64}.
#! \item the \bold{colon} operator \code{\link{:}} officially does not dispatches S3 methods, however, we have made it generic
#! \preformatted{
#! from <- lim.integer64()[1]
#! to <- from+99
#! from:to
#! }
#! As a limitation remains: it will only dispatch at its first argument \code{from} but not at its second \code{to}.
#! \item \bold{\code{\link{is.double}}} does not dispatches S3 methods, However, we have made it generic
#! and it will return \code{FALSE} on \code{integer64}.
#! \item \bold{\code{\link{c}}} only dispatches \code{\link{c.integer64}} if the first argument is \code{integer64}
#! and it does not recursively dispatch the proper method when called with argument \code{recursive=TRUE}
#! Therefore \preformatted{
#! c(list(integer64,integer64))
#! }
#! does not work and for now you can only call \preformatted{
#! c.integer64(list(x,x))
#! }
#! \item \bold{generic binary operators} fail to dispatch *any* user-defined S3 method
#! if the two arguments have two different S3 classes. For example we have two classes
#! \code{\link[bit]{bit}} and \code{\link[bit]{bitwhich}} sparsely representing boolean vectors
#! and we have methods \code{\link[bit:xor.default]{&.bit}} and \code{\link[bit:xor.default]{&.bitwhich}}. For an expression
#! involving both as in \code{ bit & bitwhich}, none of the two methods is dispatched.
#! Instead a standard method is dispatched, which neither handles \code{\link[bit]{bit}}
#! nor \code{\link[bit]{bitwhich}}. Although it lacks symmetry, the better choice would be to
#! dispatch simply the method of the class of the first argument in case of class conflict.
#! This choice would allow authors of extension packages providing coherent behaviour
#! at least within their contributed classes. But as long as none of the package authors
#! methods is dispatched, he cannot handle the conflicting classes at all.
#! \item \bold{\code{\link{unlist}}} is not generic and if it were, we would face similar problems as with \code{c()}
#! \item \bold{\code{\link{vector}}} with argument \code{mode='integer64'} cannot work without adjustment of Base R
#! \item \bold{\code{\link{as.vector}}} with argument \code{mode='integer64'} cannot work without adjustment of Base R
#! \item \bold{\code{\link{is.vector}}} does not dispatch its method \code{\link{is.vector.integer64}}
#! \item \bold{\code{\link{mode<-}}} drops the class 'integer64' which is returned from \code{as.integer64}.
#! Also it does not remove an existing class 'integer64' when assigning mode 'integer'.
#! \item \bold{\code{\link{storage.mode<-}}} does not support external data types such as \code{as.integer64}
#! \item \bold{\code{\link{matrix}}} does drop the 'integer64' class attribute.
#! \item \bold{\code{\link{array}}} does drop the 'integer64' class attribute.
#! In current R versions (1.15.1) this can be circumvented by activating the function
#! \code{as.vector.integer64} further down this file.
#! However, the CRAN maintainer has requested to remove \code{as.vector.integer64},
#! even at the price of breaking previously working functionality of the package.
#! \item \bold{\code{\link{str}}} does not print the values of \code{integer64} correctly
#! }
#! }
#! \section{further limitations}{
#! \itemize{
#! \item \bold{subscripting} non-existing elements and subscripting with \code{NA}s is currently not supported.
#! Such subscripting currently returns \code{9218868437227407266} instead of \code{NA} (the \code{NA} value of the underlying double code).
#! Following the full R behaviour here would either destroy performance or require extensive C-coding.
#! }
#! }
#! \note{
#! \code{integer64} are useful for handling database keys and exact counting in +-2^63.
#! Do not use them as replacement for 32bit integers, integer64 are not
#! supported for subscripting by R-core and they have different semantics
#! when combined with double. Do understand that \code{integer64} can only be
#! useful over \code{double} if we do not coerce it to \code{double}. \cr
#! \cr
#! While \cr
#! integer + double -> double + double -> double \cr
#! or \cr
#! 1L + 0.5 -> 1.5 \cr
#! for additive operations we coerce to \code{integer64} \cr
#! integer64 + double -> integer64 + integer64 -> integer64 \cr
#! hence \cr
#! as.integer64(1) + 0.5 -> 1LL + 0LL -> 1LL \cr
#! \cr
#! see section "Arithmetic precision and coercion" above
#! }
#! \value{
#! \code{integer64} returns a vector of 'integer64',
#! i.e. a vector of \code{\link{double}} decorated with class 'integer64'.
#! }
#! \author{
#! Jens Oehlschlägel <>
#! Maintainer: Jens Oehlschlägel <>
#! }
#! \keyword{ package }
#! \keyword{ classes }
#! \keyword{ manip }
#! \seealso{ \code{\link{integer}} in base R }
#! \examples{
#! message("Using integer64 in vector")
#! x <- integer64(8) # create 64 bit vector
#! x
#! is.atomic(x) # TRUE
#! is.integer64(x) # TRUE
#! is.numeric(x) # TRUE
#! is.integer(x) # FALSE - debatable
#! is.double(x) # FALSE - might change
#! x[] <- 1:2 # assigned value is recycled as usual
#! x[1:6] # subscripting as usual
#! length(x) <- 13 # changing length as usual
#! x
#! rep(x, 2) # replicate as usual
#! seq(as.integer64(1), 10) # seq.integer64 is dispatched on first given argument
#! seq(to=as.integer64(10), 1) # seq.integer64 is dispatched on first given argument
#! seq.integer64(along.with=x) # or call seq.integer64 directly
#! # c.integer64 is dispatched only if *first* argument is integer64 ...
#! x <- c(x,runif(length(x), max=100))
#! # ... and coerces everything to integer64 - including double
#! x
#! names(x) <- letters # use names as usual
#! x
#! message("Using integer64 in array - note that 'matrix' currently does not work")
#! message("as.vector.integer64 removed as requested by the CRAN maintainer")
#! message("as consequence 'array' also does not work anymore")
#! %y <- array(as.integer64(NA), dim=c(3,4), dimnames=list(letters[1:3], LETTERS[1:4]))
#! message("we still can create a matrix or array by assigning 'dim'")
#! y <- rep(as.integer64(NA), 12)
#! dim(y) <- c(3,4)
#! dimnames(y) <- list(letters[1:3], LETTERS[1:4])
#! y["a",] <- 1:2 # assigning as usual
#! y
#! y[1:2,-4] # subscripting as usual
#! # cbind.integer64 dispatched on any argument and coerces everything to integer64
#! cbind(E=1:3, F=runif(3, 0, 100), G=c("-1","0","1"), y)
#! message("Using integer64 in data.frame")
#! str(
#! str(
#! str(data.frame(y))
#! str(data.frame(I(y)))
#! d <- data.frame(x=x, y=runif(length(x), 0, 100))
#! d
#! d$x
#! message("Using integer64 with csv files")
#! fi64 <- tempfile()
#! write.csv(d, file=fi64, row.names=FALSE)
#! e <- read.csv(fi64, colClasses=c("integer64", NA))
#! unlink(fi64)
#! str(e)
#! identical.integer64(d$x,e$x)
#! message("Serializing and unserializing integer64")
#! dput(d, fi64)
#! e <- dget(fi64)
#! identical.integer64(d$x,e$x)
#! e <- d[,]
#! save(e, file=fi64)
#! rm(e)
#! load(file=fi64)
#! identical.integer64(d,e)
#! ### A couple of unit tests follow hidden in a dontshow{} directive ###
#! \dontshow{
#! message("Testing identical.integer64")
#! i64 <- as.double(NA); class(i64) <- "integer64"
#! stopifnot(identical(unclass(i64-1), unclass(i64+1)))
#! stopifnot(identical(i64-1, i64+1))
#! stopifnot(!identical.integer64(i64-1, i64+1))
#! message("Testing dispatch of 'c' method")
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(c(integer64(0), NA), as.integer64(NA)))
#! message("Dispatch on the second argument fails and we want to be notified once that changes")
#! stopifnot(!identical.integer64(c(NA, integer64(0)), as.integer64(NA)))
#! message("Testing minus and plus")
#! d64 <- c(-.Machine$double.base^.Machine$double.digits, -.Machine$integer.max, -1, 0, 1, .Machine$integer.max, .Machine$double.base^.Machine$double.digits)
#! i64 <- as.integer64(d64)
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(i64-1+1,i64))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(i64+1-1,i64))
#! message("Testing minus and plus edge cases and 'rev'\nUBSAN signed integer overflow expected for type 'long long int'\nThis is a false UBSAN alarm because overflow is detected and NA returned")
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(lim.integer64()+1-1, c(lim.integer64()[1], NA)))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(rev(lim.integer64())-1+1, c(lim.integer64()[2], NA)))
#! message("Testing 'range.integer64', multiplication and integer division")
#! i64 <- integer64(63)
#! i64[1] <- 1
#! for (i in 2:63)
#! i64[i] <- 2*i64[i-1]
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(i64 * rev(i64), rep(i64[63], 63)))
#! for (i in 63:2)
#! i64[i-1] <- i64[i]\%/\%2
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(i64 * rev(i64), rep(i64[63], 63)))
#! for (i in 63:2)
#! i64[i-1] <- i64[i]/2
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(i64 * rev(i64), rep(i64[63], 63)))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(c( -i64[63] - (i64[63]-1), i64[63]+(i64[63]-1) ), lim.integer64()))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(i64[-1]\%/\%2*as.integer64(2), i64[-1]))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(i64[-1]\%/\%2L*as.integer64(2), i64[-1]))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(i64[-1]/2*as.integer64(2), i64[-1]))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(i64[-1]/2*as.integer64(2), i64[-1]))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(i64[-63]*2\%/\%2, i64[-63]))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(i64[-63]*2L\%/\%2L, i64[-63]))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(as.integer64(i64[-63]*2/2), i64[-63]))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(as.integer64(i64[-63]*2L/2L), i64[-63]))
#! message("Testing sqrt, power and log")
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64( as.integer64(sqrt(i64[-1][c(FALSE, TRUE)])*sqrt(i64[-1][c(FALSE, TRUE)])), i64[-1][c(FALSE, TRUE)] ))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(as.integer64(2)^(0:62), i64))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(as.integer64(0:62), as.integer64(round(log2(i64)))))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(as.integer64(round(log(as.integer64(2)^(0:62), 2))), as.integer64(0:62)))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(as.integer64(round(log(as.integer64(3)^(0:39), 3))), as.integer64(0:39)))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(as.integer64(round(log(as.integer64(10)^(0:18), 10))), as.integer64(0:18)))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(as.integer64(round(log10(as.integer64(10)^(0:18)))), as.integer64(0:18)))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64((as.integer64(2)^(1:62))^(1/1:62), as.integer64(rep(2, 62))))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64((as.integer64(3)^(1:39))^(1/1:39), as.integer64(rep(3, 39))))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64((as.integer64(10)^(1:18))^(1/1:18), as.integer64(rep(10, 18))))
#! message("Testing c and rep")
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64( as.integer64(rep(1:3, 1:3)), rep(as.integer64(1:3), 1:3)))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64( as.integer64(rep(1:3, 3)), rep(as.integer64(1:3), 3)))
#! x <- as.double(c(NA,NA,NA))
#! class(x) <- "integer64"
#! x <- x + -1:1
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(rep(x, 3), c(x,x,x) ))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(c.integer64(list(x,x,x), recursive=TRUE), c(x,x,x) ))
#! message("Testing seq")
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(seq(as.integer64(1), 10, 2), as.integer64(seq(1, 10, 2)) ))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(seq(as.integer64(1), by=2, length.out=5), as.integer64(seq(1, by=2, length.out=5)) ))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(seq(as.integer64(1), by=2, length.out=6), as.integer64(seq(1, by=2, length.out=6)) ))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(seq.integer64(along.with=3:5), as.integer64(seq(along.with=3:5)) ))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(seq(as.integer64(1), to=-9), as.integer64(seq(1, to=-9)) ))
#! message("Testing cbind and rbind")
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64( cbind(as.integer64(1:3), 1:3), {x <- rep(as.integer64(1:3), 2); dim(x)<-c(3,2);x}))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64( rbind(as.integer64(1:3), 1:3), t({x <- rep(as.integer64(1:3), 2); dim(x)<-c(3,2);x})))
#! message("Testing coercion")
#! stopifnot(identical( as.double(as.integer64(c(NA, seq(0, 9, 0.25)))), as.double(as.integer(c(NA, seq(0, 9, 0.25))))))
#! stopifnot(identical( as.character(as.integer64(c(NA, seq(0, 9, 0.25)))), as.character(as.integer(c(NA, seq(0, 9, 0.25))))))
#! stopifnot(identical( as.integer(as.integer64(c(NA, seq(0, 9, 0.25)))), as.integer(c(NA, seq(0, 9, 0.25)))))
#! stopifnot(identical( as.logical(as.integer64(c(NA, seq(0, 9, 0.25)))), as.logical(as.integer(c(NA, seq(0, 9, 0.25))))))
#! stopifnot(identical( as.integer(as.integer64(c(NA, FALSE, TRUE))), as.integer(c(NA, FALSE, TRUE))))
#! stopifnot(identical( as.integer64(as.integer(as.integer64(-9:9))), as.integer64(-9:9)))
#! stopifnot(identical( as.integer64(as.double(as.integer64(-9:9))), as.integer64(-9:9)))
#! stopifnot(identical( as.integer64(as.character(as.integer64(-9:9))), as.integer64(-9:9)))
#! stopifnot(identical( as.integer64(as.character(lim.integer64())), lim.integer64()))
#! message("-- testing logical operators --")
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(!c(NA, -1:1), !c(as.integer64(NA), -1:1)))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(rep(c(NA, -1:1), 4)&rep(c(NA, -1:1), rep(4, 4)), as.integer64(rep(c(NA, -1:1), 4))&as.integer64(rep(c(NA, -1:1), rep(4, 4)))))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(rep(c(NA, -1:1), 4)|rep(c(NA, -1:1), rep(4, 4)), as.integer64(rep(c(NA, -1:1), 4))|as.integer64(rep(c(NA, -1:1), rep(4, 4)))))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(xor(rep(c(NA, -1:1), 4),rep(c(NA, -1:1), rep(4, 4))), xor(as.integer64(rep(c(NA, -1:1), 4)),as.integer64(rep(c(NA, -1:1), rep(4, 4))))))
#! message("-- testing comparison operators --")
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(rep(c(NA, -1:1), 4)==rep(c(NA, -1:1), rep(4, 4)), as.integer64(rep(c(NA, -1:1), 4))==as.integer64(rep(c(NA, -1:1), rep(4, 4)))))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(rep(c(NA, -1:1), 4)!=rep(c(NA, -1:1), rep(4, 4)), as.integer64(rep(c(NA, -1:1), 4))!=as.integer64(rep(c(NA, -1:1), rep(4, 4)))))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(rep(c(NA, -1:1), 4)>rep(c(NA, -1:1), rep(4, 4)), as.integer64(rep(c(NA, -1:1), 4))>as.integer64(rep(c(NA, -1:1), rep(4, 4)))))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(rep(c(NA, -1:1), 4)>=rep(c(NA, -1:1), rep(4, 4)), as.integer64(rep(c(NA, -1:1), 4))>=as.integer64(rep(c(NA, -1:1), rep(4, 4)))))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(rep(c(NA, -1:1), 4)<rep(c(NA, -1:1), rep(4, 4)), as.integer64(rep(c(NA, -1:1), 4))<as.integer64(rep(c(NA, -1:1), rep(4, 4)))))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(rep(c(NA, -1:1), 4)<=rep(c(NA, -1:1), rep(4, 4)), as.integer64(rep(c(NA, -1:1), 4))<=as.integer64(rep(c(NA, -1:1), rep(4, 4)))))
#! message("-- testing vector functions --")
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(, -1:1))),, -1:1)) ))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64( format(as.integer64(c(NA, -1:1))), format(c(NA, -1:1)) ))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64( abs(as.integer64(c(NA, -1:1))), as.integer64(abs(c(NA, -1:1))) ))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64( sign(as.integer64(c(NA, -1:1))), as.integer64(sign(c(NA, -1:1))) ))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64( ceiling(as.integer64(c(NA, -1:1))), as.integer64(ceiling(c(NA, -1:1))) ))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64( floor(as.integer64(c(NA, -1:1))), as.integer64(floor(c(NA, -1:1))) ))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64( trunc(as.integer64(c(NA, -1:1))), as.integer64(trunc(c(NA, -1:1))) ))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64( signif(as.integer64(c(NA, -1:1))), as.integer64(c(NA, -1:1)) ))
#! message("Testing summary functions")
#! stopifnot(identical(all(as.integer(1)), all(as.integer64(1))))
#! stopifnot(identical(all(as.integer(0)), all(as.integer64(0))))
#! stopifnot(identical(all(as.integer(NA)), all(as.integer64(NA))))
#! stopifnot(identical(all(as.integer(NA), na.rm=TRUE), all(as.integer64(NA), na.rm=TRUE)))
#! stopifnot(identical(all(as.integer(1), NA), all(as.integer64(1), NA)))
#! stopifnot(identical(all(as.integer(0), NA), all(as.integer64(0), NA)))
#! stopifnot(identical(all(as.integer(1), NA, na.rm=TRUE), all(as.integer64(1), NA, na.rm=TRUE)))
#! stopifnot(identical(all(as.integer(0), NA, na.rm=TRUE), all(as.integer64(0), NA, na.rm=TRUE)))
#! stopifnot(identical(all(as.integer(c(1, NA))), all(as.integer64(c(1, NA)))))
#! stopifnot(identical(all(as.integer(c(0, NA))), all(as.integer64(c(0, NA)))))
#! stopifnot(identical(all(as.integer(c(1, NA)), na.rm=TRUE), all(as.integer64(c(1, NA)), na.rm=TRUE)))
#! stopifnot(identical(all(as.integer(c(0, NA)), na.rm=TRUE), all(as.integer64(c(0, NA)), na.rm=TRUE)))
#! stopifnot(identical(any(as.integer(1)), any(as.integer64(1))))
#! stopifnot(identical(any(as.integer(0)), any(as.integer64(0))))
#! stopifnot(identical(any(as.integer(NA)), any(as.integer64(NA))))
#! stopifnot(identical(any(as.integer(NA), na.rm=TRUE), any(as.integer64(NA), na.rm=TRUE)))
#! stopifnot(identical(any(as.integer(1), NA), any(as.integer64(1), NA)))
#! stopifnot(identical(any(as.integer(0), NA), any(as.integer64(0), NA)))
#! stopifnot(identical(any(as.integer(1), NA, na.rm=TRUE), any(as.integer64(1), NA, na.rm=TRUE)))
#! stopifnot(identical(any(as.integer(0), NA, na.rm=TRUE), any(as.integer64(0), NA, na.rm=TRUE)))
#! stopifnot(identical(any(as.integer(c(1, NA))), any(as.integer64(c(1, NA)))))
#! stopifnot(identical(any(as.integer(c(0, NA))), any(as.integer64(c(0, NA)))))
#! stopifnot(identical(any(as.integer(c(1, NA)), na.rm=TRUE), any(as.integer64(c(1, NA)), na.rm=TRUE)))
#! stopifnot(identical(any(as.integer(c(0, NA)), na.rm=TRUE), any(as.integer64(c(0, NA)), na.rm=TRUE)))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(as.integer64(sum(c(2, 3, NA))), sum(as.integer64(c(2, 3, NA)))))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(as.integer64(sum(c(2, 3, NA), na.rm=TRUE)), sum(as.integer64(c(2, 3, NA)), na.rm=TRUE)))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(as.integer64(sum(c(2, 3, NA))), sum(as.integer64(c(2, 3, NA)))))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(as.integer64(sum(c(2, 3, NA), na.rm=TRUE)), sum(as.integer64(c(2, 3, NA)), na.rm=TRUE)))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(as.integer64(sum(2, 3, NA)), sum(as.integer64(2), 3, NA)))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(as.integer64(sum(2, 3, NA, na.rm=TRUE)), sum(as.integer64(2), 3, NA, na.rm=TRUE)))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(as.integer64(sum(2, 3, NA)), sum(as.integer64(2), 3, NA)))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(as.integer64(sum(2, 3, NA, na.rm=TRUE)), sum(as.integer64(2), 3, NA, na.rm=TRUE)))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(as.integer64(prod(c(2, 3, NA))), prod(as.integer64(c(2, 3, NA)))))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(as.integer64(prod(c(2, 3, NA), na.rm=TRUE)), prod(as.integer64(c(2, 3, NA)), na.rm=TRUE)))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(as.integer64(prod(c(2, 3, NA))), prod(as.integer64(c(2, 3, NA)))))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(as.integer64(prod(c(2, 3, NA), na.rm=TRUE)), prod(as.integer64(c(2, 3, NA)), na.rm=TRUE)))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(as.integer64(prod(2, 3, NA)), prod(as.integer64(2), 3, NA)))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(as.integer64(prod(2, 3, NA, na.rm=TRUE)), prod(as.integer64(2), 3, NA, na.rm=TRUE)))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(as.integer64(prod(2, 3, NA)), prod(as.integer64(2), 3, NA)))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(as.integer64(prod(2, 3, NA, na.rm=TRUE)), prod(as.integer64(2), 3, NA, na.rm=TRUE)))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(as.integer64(min(c(2, 3, NA))), min(as.integer64(c(2, 3, NA)))))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(as.integer64(min(c(2, 3, NA), na.rm=TRUE)), min(as.integer64(c(2, 3, NA)), na.rm=TRUE)))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(as.integer64(min(c(2, 3, NA))), min(as.integer64(c(2, 3, NA)))))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(as.integer64(min(c(2, 3, NA), na.rm=TRUE)), min(as.integer64(c(2, 3, NA)), na.rm=TRUE)))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(as.integer64(min(2, 3, NA)), min(as.integer64(2), 3, NA)))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(as.integer64(min(2, 3, NA, na.rm=TRUE)), min(as.integer64(2), 3, NA, na.rm=TRUE)))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(as.integer64(min(2, 3, NA)), min(as.integer64(2), 3, NA)))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(as.integer64(min(2, 3, NA, na.rm=TRUE)), min(as.integer64(2), 3, NA, na.rm=TRUE)))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(as.integer64(max(c(2, 3, NA))), max(as.integer64(c(2, 3, NA)))))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(as.integer64(max(c(2, 3, NA), na.rm=TRUE)), max(as.integer64(c(2, 3, NA)), na.rm=TRUE)))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(as.integer64(max(c(2, 3, NA))), max(as.integer64(c(2, 3, NA)))))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(as.integer64(max(c(2, 3, NA), na.rm=TRUE)), max(as.integer64(c(2, 3, NA)), na.rm=TRUE)))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(as.integer64(max(2, 3, NA)), max(as.integer64(2), 3, NA)))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(as.integer64(max(2, 3, NA, na.rm=TRUE)), max(as.integer64(2), 3, NA, na.rm=TRUE)))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(as.integer64(max(2, 3, NA)), max(as.integer64(2), 3, NA)))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(as.integer64(max(2, 3, NA, na.rm=TRUE)), max(as.integer64(2), 3, NA, na.rm=TRUE)))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(as.integer64(range(c(2, 3, NA))), range(as.integer64(c(2, 3, NA)))))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(as.integer64(range(c(2, 3, NA), na.rm=TRUE)), range(as.integer64(c(2, 3, NA)), na.rm=TRUE)))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(as.integer64(range(c(2, 3, NA))), range(as.integer64(c(2, 3, NA)))))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(as.integer64(range(c(2, 3, NA), na.rm=TRUE)), range(as.integer64(c(2, 3, NA)), na.rm=TRUE)))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(as.integer64(range(2, 3, NA)), range(as.integer64(2), 3, NA)))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(as.integer64(range(2, 3, NA, na.rm=TRUE)), range(as.integer64(2), 3, NA, na.rm=TRUE)))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(as.integer64(range(2, 3, NA)), range(as.integer64(2), 3, NA)))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(as.integer64(range(2, 3, NA, na.rm=TRUE)), range(as.integer64(2), 3, NA, na.rm=TRUE)))
#! message("-- testing cummulative functions --")
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(as.integer64(cumsum(c(2, 3, NA, 1, 4))), cumsum(as.integer64(c(2, 3, NA, 1, 4)))))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(as.integer64(cumprod(c(2, 3, NA, 1, 4))), cumprod(as.integer64(c(2, 3, NA, 1, 4)))))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(as.integer64(cummin(c(2, 3, NA, 1, 4))), cummin(as.integer64(c(2, 3, NA, 1, 4)))))
#! stopifnot(identical.integer64(as.integer64(cummax(c(2, 3, NA, 1, 4))), cummax(as.integer64(c(2, 3, NA, 1, 4)))))
#! message("testing diff")
#! d64 <- diffinv(rep(.Machine$integer.max, 100), lag=2, differences=2)
#! i64 <- as.integer64(d64)
#! identical(diff(d64, lag=2, differences=2), as.double(diff(i64, lag=2, differences=2)))
#! }
#! \dontrun{
#! message("== Differences between integer64 and int64 ==")
#! require(bit64)
#! require(int64)
#! message("-- integer64 is atomic --")
#! is.atomic(integer64())
#! #is.atomic(int64())
#! str(integer64(3))
#! #str(int64(3))
#! message("-- The following performance numbers are measured under RWin64 --")
#! message("-- under RWin32 the advantage of integer64 over int64 is smaller --")
#! message("-- integer64 needs 7x/5x less RAM than int64 under 64/32 bit OS
#! (and twice the RAM of integer as it should be) --")
#! #as.vector(object.size(int64(1e6))/object.size(integer64(1e6)))
#! as.vector(object.size(integer64(1e6))/object.size(integer(1e6)))
#! message("-- integer64 creates 2000x/1300x faster than int64 under 64/32 bit OS
#! (and 3x the time of integer) --")
#! t32 <- system.time(integer(1e8))
#! t64 <- system.time(integer64(1e8))
#! #T64 <- system.time(int64(1e7))*10 # using 1e8 as above stalls our R on an i7 8 GB RAM Thinkpad
#! #T64/t64
#! t64/t32
#! i32 <- sample(1e6)
#! d64 <- as.double(i32)
#! message("-- the following timings are rather conservative since timings
#! of integer64 include garbage collection -- due to looped calls")
#! message("-- integer64 coerces 900x/100x faster than int64
#! under 64/32 bit OS (and 2x the time of coercing to integer) --")
#! t32 <- system.time(for(i in 1:1000)as.integer(d64))
#! t64 <- system.time(for(i in 1:1000)as.integer64(d64))
#! #T64 <- system.time(as.int64(d64))*1000
#! #T64/t64
#! t64/t32
#! td64 <- system.time(for(i in 1:1000)as.double(i32))
#! t64 <- system.time(for(i in 1:1000)as.integer64(i32))
#! #T64 <- system.time(for(i in 1:10)as.int64(i32))*100
#! #T64/t64
#! t64/td64
#! message("-- integer64 serializes 4x/0.8x faster than int64
#! under 64/32 bit OS (and less than 2x/6x the time of integer or double) --")
#! t32 <- system.time(for(i in 1:10)serialize(i32, NULL))
#! td64 <- system.time(for(i in 1:10)serialize(d64, NULL))
#! i64 <- as.integer64(i32);
#! t64 <- system.time(for(i in 1:10)serialize(i64, NULL))
#! rm(i64); gc()
#! #I64 <- as.int64(i32);
#! #T64 <- system.time(for(i in 1:10)serialize(I64, NULL))
#! #rm(I64); gc()
#! #T64/t64
#! t64/t32
#! t64/td64
#! message("-- integer64 adds 250x/60x faster than int64
#! under 64/32 bit OS (and less than 6x the time of integer or double) --")
#! td64 <- system.time(for(i in 1:100)d64+d64)
#! t32 <- system.time(for(i in 1:100)i32+i32)
#! i64 <- as.integer64(i32);
#! t64 <- system.time(for(i in 1:100)i64+i64)
#! rm(i64); gc()
#! #I64 <- as.int64(i32);
#! #T64 <- system.time(for(i in 1:10)I64+I64)*10
#! #rm(I64); gc()
#! #T64/t64
#! t64/t32
#! t64/td64
#! message("-- integer64 sums 3x/0.2x faster than int64
#! (and at about 5x/60X the time of integer and double) --")
#! td64 <- system.time(for(i in 1:100)sum(d64))
#! t32 <- system.time(for(i in 1:100)sum(i32))
#! i64 <- as.integer64(i32);
#! t64 <- system.time(for(i in 1:100)sum(i64))
#! rm(i64); gc()
#! #I64 <- as.int64(i32);
#! #T64 <- system.time(for(i in 1:100)sum(I64))
#! #rm(I64); gc()
#! #T64/t64
#! t64/t32
#! t64/td64
#! message("-- integer64 diffs 5x/0.85x faster than integer and double
#! (int64 version 1.0 does not support diff) --")
#! td64 <- system.time(for(i in 1:10)diff(d64, lag=2L, differences=2L))
#! t32 <- system.time(for(i in 1:10)diff(i32, lag=2L, differences=2L))
#! i64 <- as.integer64(i32);
#! t64 <- system.time(for(i in 1:10)diff(i64, lag=2L, differences=2L))
#! rm(i64); gc()
#! t64/t32
#! t64/td64
#! message("-- integer64 subscripts 1000x/340x faster than int64
#! (and at the same speed / 10x slower as integer) --")
#! ts32 <- system.time(for(i in 1:1000)sample(1e6, 1e3))
#! t32<- system.time(for(i in 1:1000)i32[sample(1e6, 1e3)])
#! i64 <- as.integer64(i32);
#! t64 <- system.time(for(i in 1:1000)i64[sample(1e6, 1e3)])
#! rm(i64); gc()
#! #I64 <- as.int64(i32);
#! #T64 <- system.time(for(i in 1:100)I64[sample(1e6, 1e3)])*10
#! #rm(I64); gc()
#! #(T64-ts32)/(t64-ts32)
#! (t64-ts32)/(t32-ts32)
#! message("-- integer64 assigns 200x/90x faster than int64
#! (and 50x/160x slower than integer) --")
#! ts32 <- system.time(for(i in 1:100)sample(1e6, 1e3))
#! t32 <- system.time(for(i in 1:100)i32[sample(1e6, 1e3)] <- 1:1e3)
#! i64 <- as.integer64(i32);
#! i64 <- system.time(for(i in 1:100)i64[sample(1e6, 1e3)] <- 1:1e3)
#! rm(i64); gc()
#! #I64 <- as.int64(i32);
#! #I64 <- system.time(for(i in 1:10)I64[sample(1e6, 1e3)] <- 1:1e3)*10
#! #rm(I64); gc()
#! #(T64-ts32)/(t64-ts32)
#! (t64-ts32)/(t32-ts32)
#! tdfi32 <- system.time(dfi32 <- data.frame(a=i32, b=i32, c=i32))
#! tdfsi32 <- system.time(dfi32[1e6:1,])
#! fi32 <- tempfile()
#! tdfwi32 <- system.time(write.csv(dfi32, file=fi32, row.names=FALSE))
#! tdfri32 <- system.time(read.csv(fi32, colClasses=rep("integer", 3)))
#! unlink(fi32)
#! rm(dfi32); gc()
#! i64 <- as.integer64(i32);
#! tdfi64 <- system.time(dfi64 <- data.frame(a=i64, b=i64, c=i64))
#! tdfsi64 <- system.time(dfi64[1e6:1,])
#! fi64 <- tempfile()
#! tdfwi64 <- system.time(write.csv(dfi64, file=fi64, row.names=FALSE))
#! tdfri64 <- system.time(read.csv(fi64, colClasses=rep("integer64", 3)))
#! unlink(fi64)
#! rm(i64, dfi64); gc()
#! #I64 <- as.int64(i32);
#! #tdfI64 <- system.time(dfI64<-data.frame(a=I64, b=I64, c=I64))
#! #tdfsI64 <- system.time(dfI64[1e6:1,])
#! #fI64 <- tempfile()
#! #tdfwI64 <- system.time(write.csv(dfI64, file=fI64, row.names=FALSE))
#! #tdfrI64 <- system.time(read.csv(fI64, colClasses=rep("int64", 3)))
#! #unlink(fI64)
#! #rm(I64, dfI64); gc()
#! message("-- integer64 coerces 40x/6x faster to data.frame than int64
#! (and factor 1/9 slower than integer) --")
#! #tdfI64/tdfi64
#! tdfi64/tdfi32
#! message("-- integer64 subscripts from data.frame 20x/2.5x faster than int64
#! (and 3x/13x slower than integer) --")
#! #tdfsI64/tdfsi64
#! tdfsi64/tdfsi32
#! message("-- integer64 csv writes about 2x/0.5x faster than int64
#! (and about 1.5x/5x slower than integer) --")
#! #tdfwI64/tdfwi64
#! tdfwi64/tdfwi32
#! message("-- integer64 csv reads about 3x/1.5 faster than int64
#! (and about 2x slower than integer) --")
#! #tdfrI64/tdfri64
#! tdfri64/tdfri32
#! rm(i32, d64); gc()
#! message("-- investigating the impact on garbage collection: --")
#! message("-- the fragmented structure of int64 messes up R's RAM --")
#! message("-- and slows down R's gargbage collection just by existing --")
#! td32 <- double(21)
#! td32[1] <- system.time(d64 <- double(1e7))[3]
#! for (i in 2:11)td32[i] <- system.time(gc(), gcFirst=FALSE)[3]
#! rm(d64)
#! for (i in 12:21)td32[i] <- system.time(gc(), gcFirst=FALSE)[3]
#! t64 <- double(21)
#! t64[1] <- system.time(i64 <- integer64(1e7))[3]
#! for (i in 2:11)t64[i] <- system.time(gc(), gcFirst=FALSE)[3]
#! rm(i64)
#! for (i in 12:21)t64[i] <- system.time(gc(), gcFirst=FALSE)[3]
#! #T64 <- double(21)
#! #T64[1] <- system.time(I64 <- int64(1e7))[3]
#! #for (i in 2:11)T64[i] <- system.time(gc(), gcFirst=FALSE)[3]
#! #rm(I64)
#! #for (i in 12:21)T64[i] <- system.time(gc(), gcFirst=FALSE)[3]
#! #matplot(1:21, cbind(td32, t64, T64), pch=c("d","i","I"), log="y")
#! matplot(1:21, cbind(td32, t64), pch=c("d","i"), log="y")
#! }
#! }
#! \name{identical.integer64}
#! \alias{identical.integer64}
#! \title{
#! Identity function for class 'integer64'
#! }
#! \description{
#! This will discover any deviation between objects containing integer64 vectors.
#! }
#! \usage{
#! identical.integer64(x, y, num.eq = FALSE, single.NA = FALSE
#! , = TRUE, ignore.bytecode = TRUE)
#! }
#! \arguments{
#! \item{x}{ atomic vector of class 'integer64' }
#! \item{y}{ atomic vector of class 'integer64' }
#! \item{num.eq}{ see \code{\link{identical}} }
#! \item{single.NA}{ see \code{\link{identical}} }
#! \item{}{ see \code{\link{identical}} }
#! \item{ignore.bytecode}{ see \code{\link{identical}} }
#! \item{ignore.environment}{ see \code{\link{identical}} }
#! \item{ignore.srcref}{ see \code{\link{identical}} }
#! \item{}{ see \code{\link{identical}} }
#! }
#! \details{
#! This is simply a wrapper to \code{\link{identical}} with default arguments \code{num.eq = FALSE, single.NA = FALSE}.
#! }
#! \value{
#! A single logical value, \code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}, never \code{NA} and never anything other than a single value.
#! }
#! \author{
#! Jens Oehlschlägel <>
#! }
#! \keyword{ classes }
#! \keyword{ manip }
#! \seealso{ \code{\link{==.integer64}} \code{\link{identical}} \code{\link{integer64}} }
#! \examples{
#! i64 <- as.double(NA); class(i64) <- "integer64"
#! identical(i64-1, i64+1)
#! identical.integer64(i64-1, i64+1)
#! }
#! \name{as.character.integer64}
#! \alias{as.character.integer64}
#! \alias{as.double.integer64}
#! \alias{as.integer.integer64}
#! \alias{as.logical.integer64}
#! \alias{as.bitstring}
#! \alias{print.bitstring}
#! \alias{as.bitstring.integer64}
#! \alias{as.factor.integer64}
#! \alias{as.ordered.integer64}
#! \alias{as.list.integer64}
#! \title{
#! Coerce from integer64
#! }
#! \description{
#! Methods to coerce integer64 to other atomic types.
#! 'as.bitstring' coerces to a human-readable bit representation (strings of zeroes and ones).
#! The methods \code{\link{format}}, \code{\link{as.character}}, \code{\link{as.double}},
#! \code{\link{as.logical}}, \code{\link{as.integer}} do what you would expect.
#! }
#! \usage{
#! as.bitstring(x, \dots)
#! \method{as.bitstring}{integer64}(x, \dots)
#! \method{print}{bitstring}(x, \dots)
#! \method{as.character}{integer64}(x, \dots)
#! \method{as.double}{integer64}(x, keep.names = FALSE, \dots)
#! \method{as.integer}{integer64}(x, \dots)
#! \method{as.logical}{integer64}(x, \dots)
#! \method{as.factor}{integer64}(x)
#! \method{as.ordered}{integer64}(x)
#! \method{as.list}{integer64}(x, \dots)
#! }
#! \arguments{
#! \item{x}{ an integer64 vector }
#! \item{keep.names}{ FALSE, set to TRUE to keep a names vector }
#! \item{\dots}{ further arguments to the \code{\link{NextMethod}} }
#! }
#! \value{
#! \code{as.bitstring} returns a string of class 'bitstring'. \cr
#! The other methods return atomic vectors of the expected types
#! }
#! \author{
#! Jens Oehlschlägel <>
#! }
#! \keyword{ classes }
#! \keyword{ manip }
#! \seealso{ \code{\link{as.integer64.character}} \code{\link{integer64}} }
#! \examples{
#! as.character(lim.integer64())
#! as.bitstring(lim.integer64())
#! as.bitstring(as.integer64(c(
#! -2,-1,NA,0:2
#! )))
#! }
#! \name{as.integer64.character}
#! \alias{as.integer64}
#! \alias{as.integer64.integer64}
#! \alias{as.integer64.NULL}
#! \alias{as.integer64.bitstring}
#! \alias{as.integer64.character}
#! \alias{as.integer64.double}
#! \alias{as.integer64.integer}
#! \alias{as.integer64.logical}
#! \alias{as.integer64.factor}
#! \alias{NA_integer64_}
#! \title{
#! Coerce to integer64
#! }
#! \description{
#! Methods to coerce from other atomic types to integer64.
#! }
#! \usage{
#! NA_integer64_
#! as.integer64(x, \dots)
#! \method{as.integer64}{integer64}(x, \dots)
#! \method{as.integer64}{NULL}(x, \dots)
#! \method{as.integer64}{character}(x, \dots)
#! \method{as.integer64}{bitstring}(x, \dots)
#! \method{as.integer64}{double}(x, keep.names = FALSE, \dots)
#! \method{as.integer64}{integer}(x, \dots)
#! \method{as.integer64}{logical}(x, \dots)
#! \method{as.integer64}{factor}(x, \dots)
#! }
#! \arguments{
#! \item{x}{ an atomic vector }
#! \item{keep.names}{ FALSE, set to TRUE to keep a names vector }
#! \item{\dots}{ further arguments to the \code{\link{NextMethod}} }
#! }
#! \details{
#! \code{as.integer64.character} is realized using C function \code{strtoll} which does not support scientific notation.
#! Instead of '1e6' use '1000000'.
#! \code{as.integer64.bitstring} evaluates characters '0' anbd ' ' as zero-bit,
#! all other one byte characters as one-bit,
#! multi-byte characters are not allowed,
#! strings shorter than 64 characters are treated as if they were left-padded with '0',
#! strings longer than 64 bytes are mapped to \code{NA_INTEGER64} and a warning is emitted.
#! }
#! \value{
#! The other methods return atomic vectors of the expected types
#! }
#! \author{
#! Jens Oehlschlägel <>
#! }
#! \keyword{ classes }
#! \keyword{ manip }
#! \seealso{ \code{\link{as.character.integer64}} \code{\link{integer64}} }
#! \examples{
#! as.integer64(as.character(lim.integer64()))
#! as.integer64(
#! structure(c("1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110",
#! "1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111",
#! "1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
#! "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
#! "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
#! "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000010"
#! ), class = "bitstring")
#! )
#! as.integer64(
#! structure(c("............................................................... ",
#! "................................................................",
#! ". ",
#! "",
#! ".",
#! "10"
#! ), class = "bitstring")
#! )
#! }
#! \name{extract.replace.integer64}
#! \alias{[.integer64}
#! \alias{[[.integer64}
#! \alias{[[<-.integer64}
#! \alias{[<-.integer64}
#! \title{
#! Extract or Replace Parts of an integer64 vector
#! }
#! \description{
#! Methods to extract and replace parts of an integer64 vector.
#! }
#! \usage{
#! \method{[}{integer64}(x, i, \dots)
#! \method{[}{integer64}(x, \dots) <- value
#! \method{[[}{integer64}(x, \dots)
#! \method{[[}{integer64}(x, \dots) <- value
#! }
#! \arguments{
#! \item{x}{ an atomic vector }
#! \item{i}{ indices specifying elements to extract }
#! \item{value}{ an atomic vector with values to be assigned }
#! \item{\dots}{ further arguments to the \code{\link{NextMethod}} }
#! }
#! \note{
#! You should not subscript non-existing elements and not use \code{NA}s as subscripts.
#! The current implementation returns \code{9218868437227407266} instead of \code{NA}.
#! }
#! \value{
#! A vector or scalar of class 'integer64'
#! }
#! \author{
#! Jens Oehlschlägel <>
#! }
#! \keyword{ classes }
#! \keyword{ manip }
#! \seealso{ \code{\link{[}} \code{\link{integer64}} }
#! \examples{
#! as.integer64(1:12)[1:3]
#! x <- as.integer64(1:12)
#! dim(x) <- c(3,4)
#! x
#! x[]
#! x[,2:3]
#! \dontshow{
#! r <- c(runif64(1e3, lim.integer64()[1], lim.integer64()[2]), NA, -2:2)
#! stopifnot(identical(r, as.integer64(as.bitstring(r))))
#! }
#! }
#! \name{format.integer64}
#! \alias{format.integer64}
#! \alias{}
#! \alias{is.nan.integer64}
#! \alias{is.finite.integer64}
#! \alias{is.infinite.integer64}
#! \alias{!.integer64}
#! \alias{sign.integer64}
#! \alias{abs.integer64}
#! \alias{sqrt.integer64}
#! \alias{log.integer64}
#! \alias{log2.integer64}
#! \alias{log10.integer64}
#! \alias{floor.integer64}
#! \alias{ceiling.integer64}
#! \alias{trunc.integer64}
#! \alias{round.integer64}
#! \alias{signif.integer64}
#! \alias{scale.integer64}
#! \title{
#! Unary operators and functions for integer64 vectors
#! }
#! \description{
#! Unary operators and functions for integer64 vectors.
#! }
#! \usage{
#! \method{format}{integer64}(x, justify="right", \dots)
#! \method{}{integer64}(x)
#! \method{is.nan}{integer64}(x)
#! \method{is.finite}{integer64}(x)
#! \method{is.infinite}{integer64}(x)
#! \method{!}{integer64}(x)
#! \method{sign}{integer64}(x)
#! \method{abs}{integer64}(x)
#! \method{sqrt}{integer64}(x)
#! \method{log}{integer64}(x, base)
#! \method{log2}{integer64}(x)
#! \method{log10}{integer64}(x)
#! \method{floor}{integer64}(x)
#! \method{ceiling}{integer64}(x)
#! \method{trunc}{integer64}(x, \dots)
#! \method{round}{integer64}(x, digits=0)
#! \method{signif}{integer64}(x, digits=6)
#! \method{scale}{integer64}(x, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)
#! }
#! \arguments{
#! \item{x}{ an atomic vector of class 'integer64'}
#! \item{base}{ an atomic scalar (we save 50\% log-calls by not allowing a vector base) }
#! \item{digits}{ integer indicating the number of decimal places (round) or significant digits (signif) to be used.
#! Negative values are allowed (see \code{\link{round}}) }
#! \item{justify}{ should it be right-justified (the default), left-justified, centred or left alone. }
#! \item{center}{ see \code{\link{scale}} }
#! \item{scale}{ see \code{\link{scale}} }
#! \item{\dots}{ further arguments to the \code{\link{NextMethod}} }
#! }
#! \value{
#! \code{\link{format}} returns a character vector \cr
#! \code{\link{}} and \code{\link{!}} return a logical vector \cr
#! \code{\link{sqrt}}, \code{\link{log}}, \code{\link{log2}} and \code{\link{log10}} return a double vector \cr
#! \code{\link{sign}}, \code{\link{abs}}, \code{\link{floor}}, \code{\link{ceiling}}, \code{\link{trunc}} and
#! \code{\link{round}} return a vector of class 'integer64' \cr
#! \code{\link{signif}} is not implemented
#! }
#! \author{
#! Jens Oehlschlägel <>
#! }
#! \keyword{ classes }
#! \keyword{ manip }
#! \seealso{ \code{\link{xor.integer64}} \code{\link{integer64}} }
#! \examples{
#! sqrt(as.integer64(1:12))
#! \dontshow{
#! i <- -999:999
#! for (s in -3:3){
#! r <- as.integer64(round(as.integer(i), s))
#! r64 <- round(as.integer64(i), s)
#! stopifnot(identical(r,r64))
#! }
#! }
#! }
#! \name{xor.integer64}
#! \alias{&.integer64}
#! \alias{|.integer64}
#! \alias{xor.integer64}
#! \alias{!=.integer64}
#! \alias{==.integer64}
#! \alias{<.integer64}
#! \alias{<=.integer64}
#! \alias{>.integer64}
#! \alias{>=.integer64}
#! \alias{+.integer64}
#! \alias{-.integer64}
#! \alias{*.integer64}
#! \alias{^.integer64}
#! \alias{/.integer64}
#! \alias{\%/\%.integer64}
#! \alias{\%\%.integer64}
#! \alias{binattr}
#! \title{
#! Binary operators for integer64 vectors
#! }
#! \description{
#! Binary operators for integer64 vectors.
#! }
#! \usage{
#! \method{&}{integer64}(e1,e2)
#! \method{|}{integer64}(e1,e2)
#! \method{xor}{integer64}(x,y)
#! \method{!=}{integer64}(e1,e2)
#! \method{==}{integer64}(e1,e2)
#! \method{<}{integer64}(e1,e2)
#! \method{<=}{integer64}(e1,e2)
#! \method{>}{integer64}(e1,e2)
#! \method{>=}{integer64}(e1,e2)
#! \method{+}{integer64}(e1,e2)
#! \method{-}{integer64}(e1,e2)
#! \method{*}{integer64}(e1,e2)
#! \method{^}{integer64}(e1,e2)
#! \method{/}{integer64}(e1,e2)
#! \method{\%/\%}{integer64}(e1,e2)
#! \method{\%\%}{integer64}(e1,e2)
#! binattr(e1,e2) # for internal use only
#! }
#! \arguments{
#! \item{e1}{ an atomic vector of class 'integer64'}
#! \item{e2}{ an atomic vector of class 'integer64'}
#! \item{x}{ an atomic vector of class 'integer64'}
#! \item{y}{ an atomic vector of class 'integer64'}
#! }
#! \value{
#! \code{\link{&}}, \code{\link{|}}, \code{\link{xor}}, \code{\link{!=}}, \code{\link{==}},
#! \code{\link{<}}, \code{\link{<=}}, \code{\link{>}}, \code{\link{>=}} return a logical vector \cr
#! \code{\link{^}} and \code{\link{/}} return a double vector\cr
#! \code{\link{+}}, \code{\link{-}}, \code{\link{*}}, \code{\link{\%/\%}}, \code{\link{\%\%}}
#! return a vector of class 'integer64'
#! }
#! \author{
#! Jens Oehlschlägel <>
#! }
#! \keyword{ classes }
#! \keyword{ manip }
#! \seealso{ \code{\link{format.integer64}} \code{\link{integer64}} }
#! \examples{
#! as.integer64(1:12) - 1
#! options(integer64_semantics="new")
#! d <- 2.5
#! i <- as.integer64(5)
#! d/i # new 0.5
#! d*i # new 13
#! i*d # new 13
#! options(integer64_semantics="old")
#! d/i # old: 0.4
#! d*i # old: 10
#! i*d # old: 13
#! }
#! \name{sum.integer64}
#! \alias{all.integer64}
#! \alias{any.integer64}
#! \alias{min.integer64}
#! \alias{max.integer64}
#! \alias{range.integer64}
#! \alias{lim.integer64}
#! \alias{sum.integer64}
#! \alias{prod.integer64}
#! \title{
#! Summary functions for integer64 vectors
#! }
#! \description{
#! Summary functions for integer64 vectors.
#! Function 'range' without arguments returns the smallest and largest value of the 'integer64' class.
#! }
#! \usage{
#! \method{all}{integer64}(\dots, na.rm = FALSE)
#! \method{any}{integer64}(\dots, na.rm = FALSE)
#! \method{min}{integer64}(\dots, na.rm = FALSE)
#! \method{max}{integer64}(\dots, na.rm = FALSE)
#! \method{range}{integer64}(\dots, na.rm = FALSE, finite = FALSE)
#! lim.integer64()
#! \method{sum}{integer64}(\dots, na.rm = FALSE)
#! \method{prod}{integer64}(\dots, na.rm = FALSE)
#! }
#! \arguments{
#! \item{\dots}{ atomic vectors of class 'integer64'}
#! \item{na.rm}{ logical scalar indicating whether to ignore NAs }
#! \item{finite}{ logical scalar indicating whether to ignore NAs (just for compatibility with \code{\link{range.default}}) }
#! }
#! \details{
#! The numerical summary methods always return \code{integer64}.
#! Therefor the methods for \code{min},\code{max} and \code{range} do not return \code{+Inf,-Inf}
#! on empty arguments, but \code{+9223372036854775807, -9223372036854775807} (in this sequence).
#! The same is true if only \code{NA}s are submitted with argument \code{na.rm=TRUE}.
#! \cr
#! \code{lim.integer64} returns these limits in proper order \code{-9223372036854775807, +9223372036854775807} and without a \code{\link{warning}}.
#! }
#! \value{
#! \code{\link{all}} and \code{\link{any}} return a logical scalar\cr
#! \code{\link{range}} returns a integer64 vector with two elements\cr
#! \code{\link{min}}, \code{\link{max}}, \code{\link{sum}} and \code{\link{prod}} return a integer64 scalar
#! }
#! \author{
#! Jens Oehlschlägel <>
#! }
#! \keyword{ classes }
#! \keyword{ manip }
#! \seealso{ \code{\link{mean.integer64}} \code{\link{cumsum.integer64}} \code{\link{integer64}} }
#! \examples{
#! lim.integer64()
#! range(as.integer64(1:12))
#! }
#! \name{cumsum.integer64}
#! \alias{cummin.integer64}
#! \alias{cummax.integer64}
#! \alias{cumsum.integer64}
#! \alias{cumprod.integer64}
#! \alias{diff.integer64}
#! \title{
#! Cumulative Sums, Products, Extremes and lagged differences
#! }
#! \description{
#! Cumulative Sums, Products, Extremes and lagged differences
#! }
#! \usage{
#! \method{cummin}{integer64}(x)
#! \method{cummax}{integer64}(x)
#! \method{cumsum}{integer64}(x)
#! \method{cumprod}{integer64}(x)
#! \method{diff}{integer64}(x, lag = 1L, differences = 1L, \dots)
#! }
#! \arguments{
#! \item{x}{ an atomic vector of class 'integer64'}
#! \item{lag}{ see \code{\link{diff}} }
#! \item{differences}{ see \code{\link{diff}} }
#! \item{\dots}{ ignored }
#! }
#! \value{
#! \code{\link{cummin}}, \code{\link{cummax}} , \code{\link{cumsum}} and \code{\link{cumprod}}
#! return a integer64 vector of the same length as their input\cr
#! \code{\link{diff}} returns a integer64 vector shorter by \code{lag*differences} elements \cr
#! }
#! \author{
#! Jens Oehlschlägel <>
#! }
#! \keyword{ classes }
#! \keyword{ manip }
#! \seealso{ \code{\link{sum.integer64}} \code{\link{integer64}} }
#! \examples{
#! cumsum(rep(as.integer64(1), 12))
#! diff(as.integer64(c(0,1:12)))
#! cumsum(as.integer64(c(0, 1:12)))
#! diff(cumsum(as.integer64(c(0,0,1:12))), differences=2)
#! }
#! \name{c.integer64}
#! \alias{c.integer64}
#! \alias{cbind.integer64}
#! \alias{rbind.integer64}
#! \title{
#! Concatenating integer64 vectors
#! }
#! \description{
#! The ususal functions 'c', 'cbind' and 'rbind'
#! }
#! \usage{
#! \method{c}{integer64}(\dots, recursive = FALSE)
#! \method{cbind}{integer64}(\dots)
#! \method{rbind}{integer64}(\dots)
#! }
#! \arguments{
#! \item{\dots}{ two or more arguments coerced to 'integer64' and passed to \code{\link{NextMethod}} }
#! \item{recursive}{ logical. If \code{recursive = TRUE}, the function recursively descends through lists (and pairlists) combining all their elements into a vector. }
#! }
#! \value{
#! \code{\link{c}} returns a integer64 vector of the total length of the input \cr
#! \code{\link{cbind}} and \code{\link{rbind}} return a integer64 matrix
#! }
#! \note{
#! R currently only dispatches generic 'c' to method 'c.integer64' if the first argument is 'integer64'
#! }
#! \author{
#! Jens Oehlschlägel <>
#! }
#! \keyword{ classes }
#! \keyword{ manip }
#! \seealso{ \code{\link{rep.integer64}} \code{\link{seq.integer64}}
#! \code{\link{}} \code{\link{integer64}}
#! }
#! \examples{
#! c(as.integer64(1), 2:6)
#! cbind(1:6, as.integer(1:6))
#! rbind(1:6, as.integer(1:6))
#! }
#! \name{rep.integer64}
#! \alias{rep.integer64}
#! \title{
#! Replicate elements of integer64 vectors
#! }
#! \description{
#! Replicate elements of integer64 vectors
#! }
#! \usage{
#! \method{rep}{integer64}(x, \dots)
#! }
#! \arguments{
#! \item{x}{ a vector of 'integer64' to be replicated }
#! \item{\dots}{ further arguments passed to \code{\link{NextMethod}} }
#! }
#! \value{
#! \code{\link{rep}} returns a integer64 vector
#! }
#! \author{
#! Jens Oehlschlägel <>
#! }
#! \keyword{ classes }
#! \keyword{ manip }
#! \seealso{ \code{\link{c.integer64}} \code{\link{rep.integer64}}
#! \code{\link{}} \code{\link{integer64}}
#! }
#! \examples{
#! rep(as.integer64(1:2), 6)
#! rep(as.integer64(1:2), c(6,6))
#! rep(as.integer64(1:2), length.out=6)
#! }
#! \name{seq.integer64}
#! \alias{seq.integer64}
#! \title{
#! integer64: Sequence Generation
#! }
#! \description{
#! Generating sequence of integer64 values
#! }
#! \usage{
#! \method{seq}{integer64}(from = NULL, to = NULL, by = NULL, length.out = NULL, along.with = NULL, \dots)
#! }
#! \arguments{
#! \item{from}{ integer64 scalar (in order to dispatch the integer64 method of \code{\link{seq}} }
#! \item{to}{ scalar }
#! \item{by}{ scalar }
#! \item{length.out}{ scalar }
#! \item{along.with}{ scalar }
#! \item{\dots}{ ignored }
#! }
#! \details{
#! \code{seq.integer64} does coerce its arguments 'from', 'to' and 'by' to \code{integer64}.
#! If not provided, the argument 'by' is automatically determined as \code{+1} or \code{-1},
#! but the size of 'by' is not calculated as in \code{\link{seq}} (because this might result in a non-integer value).
#! }
#! \value{
#! an integer64 vector with the generated sequence
#! }
#! \note{
#! In base R \code{\link{:}} currently is not generic and does not dispatch, see section "Limitations inherited from Base R" in \code{\link{integer64}}
#! }
#! \author{
#! Jens Oehlschlägel <>
#! }
#! \keyword{ classes }
#! \keyword{ manip }
#! \seealso{ \code{\link{c.integer64}} \code{\link{rep.integer64}}
#! \code{\link{}} \code{\link{integer64}}
#! }
#! \examples{
#! # colon not activated: as.integer64(1):12
#! seq(as.integer64(1), 12, 2)
#! seq(as.integer64(1), by=2, length.out=6)
#! }
#! \name{}
#! \alias{}
#! \title{
#! integer64: Coercing to data.frame column
#! }
#! \description{
#! Coercing integer64 vector to data.frame.
#! }
#! \usage{
#! \method{}{integer64}(x, \dots)
#! }
#! \arguments{
#! \item{x}{ an integer64 vector }
#! \item{\dots}{ passed to NextMethod \code{\link{}} after removing the 'integer64' class attribute }
#! }
#! \value{
#! a one-column data.frame containing an integer64 vector
#! }
#! \details{
#! '' is rather not intended to be called directly,
#! but it is required to allow integer64 as data.frame columns.
#! }
#! \note{
#! This is currently very slow -- any ideas for improvement?
#! }
#! \author{
#! Jens Oehlschlägel <>
#! }
#! \keyword{ classes }
#! \keyword{ manip }
#! \seealso{
#! \code{\link{cbind.integer64}} \code{\link{integer64}} %as.vector.integer64 removed as requested by the CRAN maintainer \code{\link{as.vector.integer64}}
#! }
#! \examples{
#! data.frame(a=1:12, b=as.integer64(1:12))
#! }
#! \name{plusclass}
#! \alias{plusclass}
#! \alias{minusclass}
#! \title{
#! integer64: Maintaining S3 class attribute
#! }
#! \description{
#! Maintaining integer64 S3 class attribute.
#! }
#! \usage{
#! plusclass(class, whichclass)
#! minusclass(class, whichclass)
#! }
#! \arguments{
#! \item{class}{ NULL or a character vector of class attributes }
#! \item{whichclass}{ the (single) class name to add or remove from the class vector }
#! }
#! \value{
#! NULL or a character vector of class attributes
#! }
#! \author{
#! Jens Oehlschlägel <>
#! }
#! \keyword{ classes }
#! \keyword{ manip }
#! \keyword{ internal }
#! \seealso{
#! \code{\link{oldClass}} \code{\link{integer64}}
#! }
#! \examples{
#! plusclass("inheritingclass","integer64")
#! minusclass(c("inheritingclass","integer64"), "integer64")
#! }
#! \name{all.equal.integer64}
#! \alias{all.equal.integer64}
#! \title{
#! Test if two integer64 vectors are all.equal
#! }
#! \description{
#! A utility to compare integer64 objects 'x' and 'y' testing for ‘near equality’, see \code{\link{all.equal}}.
#! }
#! \usage{
#! \method{all.equal}{integer64}(
#! target
#! , current
#! , tolerance = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)
#! , scale = NULL
#! , countEQ = FALSE
#! , formatFUN = function(err, what) format(err)
#! , ...
#! , check.attributes = TRUE
#! )
#! }
#! \arguments{
#! \item{target}{ a vector of 'integer64' or an object that can be coerced with \code{\link{as.integer64}} }
#! \item{current}{ a vector of 'integer64' or an object that can be coerced with \code{\link{as.integer64}} }
#! \item{tolerance}{numeric \eqn{\ge} 0. Differences smaller than
#! \code{tolerance} are not reported. The default value is close to
#! \code{1.5e-8}.}
#! \item{scale}{\code{NULL} or numeric > 0, typically of length 1 or
#! \code{length(target)}. See \sQuote{Details}.}
#! \item{countEQ}{logical indicating if the \code{target == current}
#! cases should be counted when computing the mean (absolute or
#! relative) differences. The default, \code{FALSE} may seem
#! misleading in cases where \code{target} and \code{current} only
#! differ in a few places; see the extensive example.}
#! \item{formatFUN}{a \code{\link{function}} of two arguments,
#! \code{err}, the relative, absolute or scaled error, and
#! \code{what}, a character string indicating the \emph{kind} of error;
#! maybe used, e.g., to format relative and absolute errors differently.}
#! \item{\dots}{further arguments are ignored}
#! \item{check.attributes}{logical indicating if the
#! \code{\link{attributes}} of \code{target} and \code{current}
#! (other than the names) should be compared.}
#! }
#! \value{
#! Either ‘TRUE’ (‘NULL’ for ‘attr.all.equal’) or a vector of ‘mode’
#! ‘"character"’ describing the differences between ‘target’ and
#! ‘current’.
#! }
#! \details{
#! In \code{\link{all.equal.numeric}} the type \code{integer} is treated as a proper subset of \code{double}
#! i.e. does not complain about comparing \code{integer} with \code{double}.
#! Following this logic \code{all.equal.integer64} treats \code{integer} as a proper subset of \code{integer64}
#! and does not complain about comparing \code{integer} with \code{integer64}. \code{double} also compares without warning
#! as long as the values are within \code{\link{lim.integer64}}, if \code{double} are bigger \code{all.equal.integer64}
#! complains about the \code{all.equal.integer64 overflow warning}. For further details see \code{\link{all.equal}}.
#! }
#! \note{
#! \code{\link{all.equal}} only dispatches to this method if the first argument is \code{integer64},
#! calling \code{\link{all.equal}} with a \code{non-integer64} first and a \code{integer64} second argument
#! gives undefined behavior!
#! }
#! \author{
#! Leonardo Silvestri (for package nanotime)
#! }
#! \seealso{
#! \code{\link{all.equal}}
#! }
#! \examples{
#! all.equal(as.integer64(1:10), as.integer64(0:9))
#! all.equal(as.integer64(1:10), as.integer(1:10))
#! all.equal(as.integer64(1:10), as.double(1:10))
#! all.equal(as.integer64(1), as.double(1e300))
#! }
# if (!exists(":.default")){
# ":.default" <- get(":")
# ":" <- function(from,to)UseMethod(":")
# }
# contributed by Leonardo Silvestri with modifications of JO
all.equal.integer64 <- function (
, current
, tolerance = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps)
, scale = NULL
, countEQ = FALSE
, formatFUN = function(err, what) format(err)
, ...
, check.attributes = TRUE
if (!is.numeric(tolerance))
stop("'tolerance' should be numeric")
if (!is.numeric(scale) && !is.null(scale))
stop("'scale' should be numeric or NULL")
if (!is.logical(check.attributes))
stop(gettextf("'%s' must be logical", "check.attributes"),
domain = NA)
# JO: BEGIN respect that integer is a proper subset of integer64 like integer is a proper subset of double
oldwarn <- getOption("warn")
if (!is.integer64(target)){
cl <- oldClass(target)
oldClass(target) <- NULL
target <- try(as.integer64(target))
if (inherits(target, 'try-error'))
return(paste("while coercing 'target' to 'integer64':", attr(target, "condition")$message))
oldClass(target) <- c(cl, "integer64")
if (!is.integer64(current)){
cl <- oldClass(current)
oldClass(current) <- NULL
current <- try(as.integer64(current))
if (inherits(current, 'try-error'))
return(paste("while coercing 'current' to 'integer64':", attr(current, "condition")$message))
oldClass(current) <- c(cl, "integer64")
# JO: END respect that integer is a proper subset of integer64 like integer is a proper subset of double
msg <- NULL
msg <- if (check.attributes)
attr.all.equal(target, current, tolerance = tolerance,
scale = scale, ...)
if (data.class(target) != data.class(current)) {
msg <- c(msg, paste0("target is ", data.class(target),
", current is ", data.class(current)))
lt <- length(target)
lc <- length(current)
if (lt != lc) {
if (!is.null(msg))
msg <- msg[-grep("\\bLengths\\b", msg)]
msg <- c(msg, paste0("integer64: lengths (", lt, ", ", lc, ") differ"))
out <-
if (any(out != {
msg <- c(msg, paste("'is.NA' value mismatch:", sum(,
"in current", sum(out), "in target"))
out <- out | target == current
if (all(out))
return(if (is.null(msg)) TRUE else msg)
if (countEQ) {
N <- length(out)
sabst0 <- sum(abs(target[out]))
} else {
sabst0 <- 0
target <- target[!out]
current <- current[!out]
if (!countEQ)
N <- length(target)
xy <- sum(abs(target - current))/N
what <- if (is.null(scale)) {
xn <- (sabst0 + sum(abs(target)))/N
if (is.finite(xn) && xn > tolerance) {
xy <- xy/xn
} else {
} else {
stopifnot(all(scale > 0))
xy <- xy/scale
if (all(abs(scale - 1) < 1e-07))
else "scaled"
if ( || xy > tolerance)
msg <- c(msg, paste("Mean", what, "difference:", formatFUN(xy, what)))
if (is.null(msg)) {
} else msg
if (FALSE){
a <- as.integer64(1)
b <- as.integer(10)
oldClass(a) <- c("j", oldClass(a))
oldClass(b) <- c("j", oldClass(b))
a <- as.double(1)
b <- as.integer(10)
oldClass(a) <- c("j", oldClass(a))
oldClass(b) <- c("j", oldClass(b))
a <- as.integer64(9e17)
b <- 9e18
oldClass(a) <- c("j", oldClass(a))
oldClass(b) <- c("j", oldClass(b))
a <- as.integer64(9e18)
b <- 9e19
oldClass(a) <- c("j", oldClass(a))
oldClass(b) <- c("j", oldClass(b))
a <- as.integer64(c(1,NA))
b <- as.integer(c(1,NA))
a <- as.integer64(c(1,NA))
b <- as.double(c(1,NA))
a <- as.integer64(c(1,Inf))
b <- as.integer(c(1,Inf))
a <- as.integer64(c(1,Inf))
b <- as.double(c(1,Inf))
identical.integer64 <- function(x, y
, num.eq = FALSE
, single.NA = FALSE
, = TRUE
, ignore.bytecode = TRUE
, ignore.environment = FALSE
, ignore.srcref = TRUE
identical(x=x, y=y
, num.eq = num.eq
, single.NA = single.NA
, =
, ignore.bytecode = ignore.bytecode
, ignore.environment = ignore.environment
, ignore.srcref = ignore.srcref
, =
as.integer64 <- function (x, ...)
as.bitstring <- function(x, ...)
minusclass <- function(class, whichclass){
if (length(class)){
i <- whichclass==class
if (any(i))
plusclass <- function(class, whichclass){
if (length(class)){
i <- whichclass==class
if (any(i))
c(class, whichclass)
if (FALSE){
# version until 0.9-7
binattr <- function(e1,e2){
d1 <- dim(e1)
d2 <- dim(e2)
n1 <- length(e1)
n2 <- length(e2)
if (length(d1)){
if (length(d2)){
if (!identical(dim(e1),dim(e2)))
stop("non-conformable arrays")
if (n2>n1)
stop("length(e2) does not match dim(e1)")
if (n1%%n2)
warning("length(e1) not a multiple length(e2)")
if (length(d2)){
if (n1>n2)
stop("length(e1) does not match dim(n2)")
if (n2%%n1)
warning("length(e2) not a multiple length(e1)")
if (n1<n2){
if (n2%%n1)
warning("length(e2) not a multiple length(e1)")
if (n1%%n2)
warning("length(e1) not a multiple length(e2)")
# Version of Leonardo Silvestri
binattr <- function(e1, e2) {
d1 <- dim(e1)
d2 <- dim(e2)
n1 <- length(e1)
n2 <- length(e2)
## this first part takes care of erroring out when the dimensions
## are not compatible or warning if needed:
if (length(d1)) {
if (length(d2)) {
if (!identical(dim(e1), dim(e2)))
stop("non-conformable arrays")
} else{
if (n2 > n1 && n1)
stop("length(e2) does not match dim(e1)")
if (n2 && n1 %% n2)
warning("length(e1) not a multiple length(e2)")
} else{
if (length(d2)) {
if (n1 > n2 && n2)
stop("length(e1) does not match dim(n2)")
if (n1 && n2 %% n1)
warning("length(e2) not a multiple length(e1)")
} else{
if (n1 < n2 && n1) {
if (n1 && n2 %% n1)
warning("length(e2) not a multiple length(e1)")
} else{
if (n2 && n1 %% n2)
warning("length(e1) not a multiple length(e2)")
## in this part we mimic R's algo for selecting attributes:
if (n1 == n2){
## if same size take attribute from e1 if it exists, else from e2
if (n1==0){
ae1 <- attributes(e1)[c("class","dim","dimnames")]
ae2 <- attributes(e2)[c("class","dim","dimnames")]
ae1 <- attributes(e1)
ae2 <- attributes(e2)
nae1 <- names(attributes(e1))
nae2 <- names(attributes(e2))
if (n1==0){
ae1 <- ae1[nae1 %in% c("class","dim","dimnames")]
ae2 <- ae1[nae1 %in% c("class","dim","dimnames")]
allattr <- list()
for (a in union(nae1, nae2))
if (a %in% nae1)
allattr[[a]] <- ae1[[a]]
allattr[[a]] <- ae2[[a]]
}else if (n1 == 0 || n1 > n2) {
} else {
# as.matrix.integer64 <- function (x, ...) {
# if (!is.matrix(x)){
# dim(x) <- c(length(x), 1L)
# dimnames(x) <- if (!is.null(names(x))) list(names(x), NULL) else NULL
# }
# x
# }
if (FALSE){
x <- integer64(0)
y <- integer64(0)
#dim(x) <- c(2L,2L)
dim(y) <- c(0L,0L)
dimnames(y) <- list(character(0),character(0))
#dim(x) <- c(1L,4L)
#dim(y) <- c(4L,1L)
attr(x,"x") <- "x"
attr(y,"y") <- "y"
z <- x - y
z <- y - x
ret <- "integer64(0)"
attributes(ret) <- list(dim = c(0L, 0L), class = character(0), dimnames = list(NULL,NULL))
integer64 <- function(length=0){
ret <- double(length)
oldClass(ret) <- "integer64"
is.integer64 <- function(x)inherits(x, "integer64")
as.integer64.NULL <- function (x, ...){
ret <- double()
oldClass(ret) <- "integer64"
as.integer64.integer64 <- function(x, ...)x
as.integer64.double <- function(x, keep.names=FALSE, ...){
ret <- .Call(C_as_integer64_double, x, double(length(x)))
if (keep.names)
names(ret) <- names(x)
oldClass(ret) <- "integer64"
as.integer64.logical <- as.integer64.integer <- function(x, ...){
ret <- .Call(C_as_integer64_integer, x, double(length(x)))
oldClass(ret) <- "integer64"
as.integer64.character <- function(x, ...){
n <- length(x)
ret <- .Call(C_as_integer64_character, x, rep(as.double(NA), n))
oldClass(ret) <- "integer64"
as.integer64.factor <- function(x, ...)
as.integer64(unclass(x), ...)
as.double.integer64 <- function(x, keep.names=FALSE, ...){
ret <- .Call(C_as_double_integer64, x, double(length(x)))
if (keep.names)
names(ret) <- names(x)
as.integer.integer64 <- function(x, ...){
.Call(C_as_integer_integer64, x, integer(length(x)))
as.logical.integer64 <- function(x, ...){
.Call(C_as_logical_integer64, x, logical(length(x)))
as.character.integer64 <- function(x, ...){
n <- length(x)
.Call(C_as_character_integer64, x, rep(as.character(NA), n))
as.bitstring.integer64 <- function(x, ...){
n <- length(x)
ret <- .Call(C_as_bitstring_integer64, x, rep(as.character(NA), n))
oldClass(ret) <- 'bitstring'
print.bitstring <- function(x, ...){
oldClass(x) <- minusclass(class(x), 'bitstring')
as.integer64.bitstring <- function(x, ...){
n <- length(x)
ret <- .Call(C_as_integer64_bitstring, x, double(length(x)))
oldClass(ret) <- "integer64"
# read.table expects S4 as()
# this is a trick to generate NA_integer64_ for namespace export before
# as.integer64() is available because dll is not loaded
NA_integer64_ <- unserialize(as.raw(c(0x58, 0x0a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x03, 0x03,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0x0e, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x01, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x04, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x09,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x05, 0x63, 0x6c, 0x61, 0x73, 0x73, 0x00, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x10, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x09, 0x00,
+ 0x00, 0x00, 0x09, 0x69, 0x6e, 0x74, 0x65, 0x67, 0x65, 0x72, 0x36,
+ 0x34, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xfe)))
"length<-.integer64" <- function(x, value){
cl <- oldClass(x)
n <- length(x)
x <- NextMethod()
oldClass(x) <- cl
if (value>n)
x[(n+1):value] <- 0L
format.integer64 <- function(x, justify="right", ...){
a <- attributes(x)
x <- as.character(x)
ret <- format(x, justify=justify, ...)
a$class <- minusclass(a$class, "integer64")
attributes(ret) <- a
print.integer64 <- function(x, quote=FALSE, ...){
a <- attributes(x)
if (length(x)){
ret <- as.character(x)
a$class <- minusclass(a$class, "integer64")
attributes(ret) <- a
print(ret, quote=quote, ...)
str.integer64 <- function(object
, vec.len = strO$vec.len
, give.head = TRUE
, give.length = give.head
, ...
strO <- strOptions()
vec.len <- 2*vec.len
n <- length(object)
if (n>vec.len)
object <- object[seq_len(vec.len)]
cat(if (give.head)paste("integer64 ", if (give.length && n>1) paste("[1:",n,"] ",sep=""), sep=""), paste(as.character(object), collapse=" "),if(n>vec.len)" ...", " \n", sep="")
if (FALSE){
x <- runif64(1e7)
microbenchmark(x[TRUE], times=10)
microbenchmark(x[NA], times=10)
i <- seq_along(x)
i[1] <- NA
microbenchmark(x[i], times=10)
i <- rep(TRUE, length(x))
i[1] <- NA
microbenchmark(x[i], times=10)
i <- seq_along(x)
microbenchmark(x[i], times=10)
i <- rep(TRUE, length(x))
microbenchmark(x[i], times=10)
"[.integer64" <- function(x, i, ...){
cl <- oldClass(x)
ret <- NextMethod()
# Begin NA-handling from Leonardo Silvestri
if (!missing(i)){
if (inherits(i, "character")) {
na_idx <- union(which(!(i %in% names(x))), which(
if (length(na_idx))
ret[na_idx] <- NA_integer64_
ni <- length(i)
nx <- length(x)
if (inherits(i, "logical")){
if (ni>nx){
na_idx <- | (i & seq_along(i)>nx)
na_idx <- na_idx[ | i]
i <- i[ | i]
na_idx <- rep(, length.out=length(ret))
if (ni && (min(i, na.rm=TRUE) >= 0)){
i <- i[ | i>0]
na_idx <- | i>length(x)
na_idx <- FALSE
if (any(na_idx))
ret[na_idx] <- NA_integer64_
# End NA-handling from Leonardo Silvestri
oldClass(ret) <- cl
"[.integer64" <- function(x, i, ...){
cl <- oldClass(x)
ret <- NextMethod()
# Begin NA-handling from Leonardo Silvestri
if (!missing(i)){
if (inherits(i, "character")) {
na_idx <- union(which(!(i %in% names(x))), which(
if (length(na_idx))
ret[na_idx] <- NA_integer64_
na_idx <-, length(x))[i])
if (any(na_idx))
ret[na_idx] <- NA_integer64_
# End NA-handling from Leonardo Silvestri
oldClass(ret) <- cl
"[<-.integer64" <- function(x,...,value){
cl <- oldClass(x)
value <- as.integer64(value)
ret <- NextMethod()
oldClass(ret) <- cl
"[[.integer64" <- function(x,...){
cl <- oldClass(x)
ret <- NextMethod()
oldClass(ret) <- cl
"[[<-.integer64" <- function(x,...,value){
cl <- oldClass(x)
value <- as.integer64(value)
ret <- NextMethod()
oldClass(ret) <- cl
c.integer64 <-
function (..., recursive = FALSE)
l <- list(...)
K <- length(l)
for (k in 1:K){
if (recursive && is.list(l[[k]])){
l[[k]] <-"c.integer64", c(l[[k]], list(recursive = TRUE)))
if (!is.integer64(l[[k]])) {
nam <- names(l[[k]])
l[[k]] <- as.integer64(l[[k]])
names(l[[k]]) <- nam
oldClass(l[[k]]) <- NULL
ret <-"c", l)
oldClass(ret) <- "integer64"
cbind.integer64 <- function(...){
l <- list(...)
K <- length(l)
for (k in 1:K){
if (!is.integer64(l[[k]])){
nam <- names(l[[k]])
l[[k]] <- as.integer64(l[[k]])
names(l[[k]]) <- nam
oldClass(l[[k]]) <- NULL
ret <-"cbind", l)
oldClass(ret) <- "integer64"
rbind.integer64 <- function(...){
l <- list(...)
K <- length(l)
for (k in 1:K){
if (!is.integer64(l[[k]])){
nam <- names(l[[k]])
l[[k]] <- as.integer64(l[[k]])
names(l[[k]]) <- nam
oldClass(l[[k]]) <- NULL
ret <-"rbind", l)
oldClass(ret) <- "integer64"
# tenfold runtime if using attr() here instead of setattr()
# <- function(x, ...){
# cl <- oldClass(x)
# oldClass(x) <- minusclass(cl, "integer64")
# ret <-, ...)
# k <- length(ret)
# for (i in 1:k)
# oldClass(ret[[i]]) <- cl
# ret
# } <- function(x, ...){
cl <- oldClass(x)
on.exit(setattr(x, "class", cl))
setattr(x, "class", minusclass(cl, "integer64"))
ret <-, ...)
k <- length(ret)
for (i in 1:k)
setattr(ret[[i]], "class", cl)
"rep.integer64" <- function(x, ...){
cl <- oldClass(x)
ret <- NextMethod()
oldClass(ret) <- cl
# FIXME no method dispatch for :
":.integer64" <- function(from, to){
from <- as.integer64(from)
to <- as.integer64(to)
ret <- .Call(C_seq_integer64, from, as.integer64(1L), double(as.integer(to-from+1L)))
oldClass(ret) <- "integer64"
"seq.integer64" <- function(from=NULL, to=NULL, by=NULL, length.out=NULL, along.with=NULL, ...){
if (is.null(length.out))
length.out <- length(along.with)
length.out <- as.integer(length.out)
if (is.null(by)){
if (is.null(from) || is.null(to))
by <- as.integer64(1L)
by <- as.integer64(if (to < from) -1L else 1L)
by <- as.integer64(by)
if ((!is.null(from)) && (!is.null(to)) && sign(by)!=(if (to < from) -1L else 1L))
stop("wrong sign of 'by' argument")
if (is.null(from)){
if (length.out && length(to))
from <- to - (length.out-1L)*by
from <- as.integer64(1)
from <- as.integer64(from)
if (!length(to)){
if (length.out)
to <- from + (length.out-1L)*by
stop("not enough informatoin provided")
if (!length.out){
length.out <- (to-from) %/% by + 1L
if (length.out){
if (length.out==1L)
#return(cumsum(c(from, rep(by, length.out-1L))))
ret <- .Call(C_seq_integer64, from, by, double(as.integer(length.out)))
oldClass(ret) <- "integer64"
"+.integer64" <- function(e1, e2){
if (missing(e2))
a <- binattr(e1,e2)
e1 <- as.integer64(e1)
e2 <- as.integer64(e2)
l1 <- length(e1)
l2 <- length(e2)
l <- if (l1 == 0 || l2 == 0) 0 else max(l1,l2)
ret <- double(l)
ret <- .Call(C_plus_integer64, e1, e2, ret)
a$class <- plusclass(a$class, "integer64")
attributes(ret) <- a
"-.integer64" <- function(e1, e2){
if (missing(e2)){
e2 <- e1
e1 <- 0L
a <- binattr(e1,e2)
e1 <- as.integer64(e1)
e2 <- as.integer64(e2)
l1 <- length(e1)
l2 <- length(e2)
l <- if (l1 == 0 || l2 == 0) 0 else max(l1,l2)
ret <- double(l)
.Call(C_minus_integer64, e1, e2, ret)
a$class <- plusclass(a$class, "integer64")
attributes(ret) <- a
"%/%.integer64" <- function(e1, e2){
a <- binattr(e1,e2)
e1 <- as.integer64(e1)
e2 <- as.integer64(e2)
l1 <- length(e1)
l2 <- length(e2)
l <- if (l1 == 0 || l2 == 0) 0 else max(l1,l2)
ret <- double(l)
.Call(C_intdiv_integer64, e1, e2, ret)
a$class <- plusclass(a$class, "integer64")
attributes(ret) <- a
"%%.integer64" <- function(e1, e2){
a <- binattr(e1,e2)
e1 <- as.integer64(e1)
e2 <- as.integer64(e2)
l1 <- length(e1)
l2 <- length(e2)
l <- if (l1 == 0 || l2 == 0) 0 else max(l1,l2)
ret <- double(l)
.Call(C_mod_integer64, e1, e2, ret)
a$class <- plusclass(a$class, "integer64")
attributes(ret) <- a
"*.integer64" <- function(e1, e2){
a <- binattr(e1,e2)
l1 <- length(e1)
l2 <- length(e2)
l <- if (l1 == 0 || l2 == 0) 0 else max(l1,l2)
ret <- double(l)
if (getOption("integer64_semantics", "old") == "old"){
if (is.double(e2)) # implies !is.integer64(e2)
ret <- .Call(C_times_integer64_double, as.integer64(e1), e2, ret)
ret <- .Call(C_times_integer64_integer64, as.integer64(e1), as.integer64(e2), ret)
if (is.double(e2)) # implies !is.integer64(e2)
ret <- .Call(C_times_integer64_double, as.integer64(e1), e2, ret)
else if (is.double(e1))
ret <- .Call(C_times_integer64_double, as.integer64(e2), e1, ret)
ret <- .Call(C_times_integer64_integer64, as.integer64(e1), as.integer64(e2), ret)
a$class <- plusclass(a$class, "integer64")
attributes(ret) <- a
"^.integer64" <- function(e1, e2){
a <- binattr(e1,e2)
l1 <- length(e1)
l2 <- length(e2)
l <- if (l1 == 0 || l2 == 0) 0 else max(l1,l2)
ret <- double(l)
if (is.double(e2)) # implies !is.integer64(e2)
ret <- .Call(C_power_integer64_double, as.integer64(e1), e2, ret)
ret <- .Call(C_power_integer64_integer64, as.integer64(e1), as.integer64(e2), ret)
a$class <- plusclass(a$class, "integer64")
attributes(ret) <- a
"/.integer64" <- function(e1, e2){
a <- binattr(e1,e2)
l1 <- length(e1)
l2 <- length(e2)
l <- if (l1 == 0 || l2 == 0) 0 else max(l1,l2)
ret <- double(l)
if (getOption("integer64_semantics", "old") == "old"){
if (is.double(e2)) # implies !is.integer64(e2)
ret <- .Call(C_divide_integer64_double, as.integer64(e1), e2, ret)
ret <- .Call(C_divide_integer64_integer64, as.integer64(e1), as.integer64(e2), ret)
if (is.double(e2)) # implies !is.integer64(e2)
ret <- .Call(C_divide_integer64_double, as.integer64(e1), e2, ret)
else if (is.double(e1))
ret <- .Call(C_divide_double_integer64, e1, e2, ret)
ret <- .Call(C_divide_integer64_integer64, as.integer64(e1), as.integer64(e2), ret)
a$class <- minusclass(a$class, "integer64")
attributes(ret) <- a
"sign.integer64" <- function(x){
a <- attributes(x)
ret <- .Call(C_sign_integer64, x, double(length(x)))
attributes(ret) <- a
"abs.integer64" <- function(x){
a <- attributes(x)
ret <- .Call(C_abs_integer64, x, double(length(x)))
attributes(ret) <- a
"sqrt.integer64" <- function(x){
a <- attributes(x)
ret <- .Call(C_sqrt_integer64, x, double(length(x)))
a$class <- minusclass(a$class, "integer64")
attributes(ret) <- a
"log.integer64" <- function(x, base=NULL){
a <- attributes(x)
l.x <- length(x)
l.base <- length(base)
l <- if (l.x==0 || (!is.null(base) && l.base==0)) 0 else max(l.base,l.x)
ret <- double(l)
if (is.null(base)){
.Call(C_log_integer64, x, ret)
}else if(length(base)==1){
.Call(C_logbase_integer64, x, as.double(base), ret)
.Call(C_logvect_integer64, x, as.double(base), ret)
a$class <- minusclass(a$class, "integer64")
attributes(ret) <- a
"log10.integer64" <- function(x){
a <- attributes(x)
ret <- .Call(C_log10_integer64, x, double(length(x)))
a$class <- minusclass(a$class, "integer64")
attributes(ret) <- a
"log2.integer64" <- function(x){
a <- attributes(x)
ret <- .Call(C_log2_integer64, x, double(length(x)))
a$class <- minusclass(a$class, "integer64")
attributes(ret) <- a
"trunc.integer64" <- function(x, ...)x
"floor.integer64" <- "ceiling.integer64" <- function(x)x
"signif.integer64" <- function(x, digits=6)x
"scale.integer64" <- function(x, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE)scale(as.double(x, keep.names=TRUE), center=center, scale=scale)
"round.integer64" <- function(x, digits=0){
if (digits<0){
a <- attributes(x)
b <- 10^round(-digits)
b2 <- b %/% 2
d <- (x %/% b)
db <- d * b
r <- abs(x-db)
ret <- ifelse((r < b2) | (r == b2 & ((d %% 2L) == 0L)), db, db + sign(x)*b)
#a$class <- minusclass(a$class, "integer64")
attributes(ret) <- a
"any.integer64" <- function(..., na.rm = FALSE){
l <- list(...)
if (length(l)==1){
.Call(C_any_integer64, l[[1]], na.rm, logical(1))
any(sapply(l, function(e){
if (is.integer64(e)){
.Call(C_any_integer64, e, na.rm, logical(1))
any(e, na.rm = na.rm)
}), na.rm = na.rm)
"all.integer64" <- function(..., na.rm = FALSE){
l <- list(...)
if (length(l)==1){
.Call(C_all_integer64, l[[1]], na.rm, logical(1))
all(sapply(l, function(e){
if (is.integer64(e)){
.Call(C_all_integer64, e, na.rm, logical(1))
all(e, na.rm = na.rm)
}), na.rm = na.rm)
"sum.integer64" <- function(..., na.rm = FALSE){
l <- list(...)
if (length(l)==1){
ret <- .Call(C_sum_integer64, l[[1]], na.rm, double(1))
oldClass(ret) <- "integer64"
ret <- sapply(l, function(e){
if (is.integer64(e)){
.Call(C_sum_integer64, e, na.rm, double(1))
as.integer64(sum(e, na.rm = na.rm))
oldClass(ret) <- "integer64"
sum(ret, na.rm = na.rm)
"prod.integer64" <- function(..., na.rm = FALSE){
l <- list(...)
if (length(l)==1){
ret <- .Call(C_prod_integer64, l[[1]], na.rm, double(1))
oldClass(ret) <- "integer64"
ret <- sapply(l, function(e){
if (is.integer64(e)){
.Call(C_prod_integer64, e, na.rm, double(1))
as.integer64(prod(e, na.rm = na.rm))
oldClass(ret) <- "integer64"
prod(ret, na.rm = na.rm)
"min.integer64" <- function(..., na.rm = FALSE){
l <- list(...)
noval <- TRUE
if (length(l)==1){
if (length(l[[1]]))
noval <- FALSE
ret <- .Call(C_min_integer64, l[[1]], na.rm, double(1))
oldClass(ret) <- "integer64"
ret <- sapply(l, function(e){
if (length(e))
noval <<- FALSE
if (is.integer64(e)){
.Call(C_min_integer64, e, na.rm, double(1))
as.integer64(min(e, na.rm = na.rm))
oldClass(ret) <- "integer64"
ret <- min(ret, na.rm = na.rm)
if (noval)
warning("no non-NA value, returning the highest possible integer64 value +9223372036854775807")
"max.integer64" <- function(..., na.rm = FALSE){
l <- list(...)
noval <- TRUE
if (length(l)==1){
if (length(l[[1]]))
noval <- FALSE
ret <- .Call(C_max_integer64, l[[1]], na.rm, double(1))
oldClass(ret) <- "integer64"
ret <- sapply(l, function(e){
if (length(e))
noval <<- FALSE
if (is.integer64(e)){
.Call(C_max_integer64, e, na.rm, double(1))
as.integer64(max(e, na.rm = na.rm))
oldClass(ret) <- "integer64"
ret <- max(ret, na.rm = na.rm)
if (noval)
warning("no non-NA value, returning the lowest possible integer64 value -9223372036854775807")
"range.integer64" <- function(..., na.rm = FALSE, finite = FALSE){
if (finite)
na.rm = TRUE
l <- list(...)
noval <- TRUE
if (length(l)==1){
if (length(l[[1]]))
noval <- FALSE
ret <- .Call(C_range_integer64, l[[1]], na.rm, double(2))
oldClass(ret) <- "integer64"
ret <- unlist(sapply(l, function(e){
if (length(e))
noval <<- FALSE
if (is.integer64(e)){
.Call(C_range_integer64, e, na.rm, double(2))
as.integer64(range(e, na.rm = na.rm))
oldClass(ret) <- "integer64"
ret <- range(ret, na.rm = na.rm)
if (noval)
warning("no non-NA value, returning c(+9223372036854775807, -9223372036854775807)")
lim.integer64 <- function(){
ret <- .Call(C_lim_integer64, double(2))
oldClass(ret) <- "integer64"
"diff.integer64" <- function(x, lag=1L, differences=1L, ...){
lag <- as.integer(lag)
n <- length(x)
d <- differences <- as.integer(differences)
while(d > 0L){
n <- n - lag
if (n <= 0L){
ret <- double()
# not assigning ret<-.Call in the following is intended because faster
if (d==differences){
ret <- double(n)
.Call(C_diff_integer64, x, as.integer64(lag), as.integer64(n), ret)
.Call(C_diff_integer64, ret, as.integer64(lag), as.integer64(n), ret)
d <- d - 1L
# length of ret is only change once here
length(ret) <- n
oldClass(ret) <- "integer64"
"cummin.integer64" <- function(x){
ret <- .Call(C_cummin_integer64, x, double(length(x)))
oldClass(ret) <- "integer64"
"cummax.integer64" <- function(x){
ret <- .Call(C_cummax_integer64, x, double(length(x)))
oldClass(ret) <- "integer64"
"cumsum.integer64" <- function(x){
ret <- .Call(C_cumsum_integer64, x, double(length(x)))
oldClass(ret) <- "integer64"
"cumprod.integer64" <- function(x){
ret <- .Call(C_cumprod_integer64, x, double(length(x)))
oldClass(ret) <- "integer64"
"" <- function(x){
a <- attributes(x)
ret <- .Call(C_isna_integer64, x, logical(length(x)))
a$class <- minusclass(a$class, "integer64")
attributes(ret) <- a
"is.finite.integer64" <- function(x)!
"is.infinite.integer64" <- function(x)rep(FALSE, length(x))
"is.nan.integer64" <- function(x)rep(FALSE, length(x))
"==.integer64" <- function(e1, e2){
a <- binattr(e1,e2)
e1 <- as.integer64(e1)
e2 <- as.integer64(e2)
l1 <- length(e1)
l2 <- length(e2)
l <- if (l1 == 0 || l2 == 0) 0 else max(l1,l2)
ret <- logical(l)
.Call(C_EQ_integer64, e1, e2, ret)
a$class <- minusclass(a$class, "integer64")
attributes(ret) <- a
"!=.integer64" <- function(e1, e2){
a <- binattr(e1,e2)
e1 <- as.integer64(e1)
e2 <- as.integer64(e2)
l1 <- length(e1)
l2 <- length(e2)
l <- if (l1 == 0 || l2 == 0) 0 else max(l1,l2)
ret <- logical(l)
.Call(C_NE_integer64, e1, e2, ret)
a$class <- minusclass(a$class, "integer64")
attributes(ret) <- a
"<.integer64" <- function(e1, e2){
a <- binattr(e1,e2)
e1 <- as.integer64(e1)
e2 <- as.integer64(e2)
l1 <- length(e1)
l2 <- length(e2)
l <- if (l1 == 0 || l2 == 0) 0 else max(l1,l2)
ret <- logical(l)
.Call(C_LT_integer64, e1, e2, ret)
a$class <- minusclass(a$class, "integer64")
attributes(ret) <- a
"<=.integer64" <- function(e1, e2){
a <- binattr(e1,e2)
e1 <- as.integer64(e1)
e2 <- as.integer64(e2)
l1 <- length(e1)
l2 <- length(e2)
l <- if (l1 == 0 || l2 == 0) 0 else max(l1,l2)
ret <- logical(l)
.Call(C_LE_integer64, e1, e2, ret)
a$class <- minusclass(a$class, "integer64")
attributes(ret) <- a
">.integer64" <- function(e1, e2){
a <- binattr(e1,e2)
e1 <- as.integer64(e1)
e2 <- as.integer64(e2)
l1 <- length(e1)
l2 <- length(e2)
l <- if (l1 == 0 || l2 == 0) 0 else max(l1,l2)
ret <- logical(l)
.Call(C_GT_integer64, e1, e2, ret)
a$class <- minusclass(a$class, "integer64")
attributes(ret) <- a
">=.integer64" <- function(e1, e2){
a <- binattr(e1,e2)
e1 <- as.integer64(e1)
e2 <- as.integer64(e2)
l1 <- length(e1)
l2 <- length(e2)
l <- if (l1 == 0 || l2 == 0) 0 else max(l1,l2)
ret <- logical(l)
.Call(C_GE_integer64, e1, e2, ret)
a$class <- minusclass(a$class, "integer64")
attributes(ret) <- a
"&.integer64" <- function(e1, e2){
a <- binattr(e1,e2)
ret <- as.logical(e1) & as.logical(e2)
a$class <- minusclass(a$class, "integer64")
attributes(ret) <- a
"|.integer64" <- function(e1, e2){
a <- binattr(e1,e2)
ret <- as.logical(e1) | as.logical(e2)
a$class <- minusclass(a$class, "integer64")
attributes(ret) <- a
xor.integer64 <- function(x, y){
a <- binattr(x,y)
ret <- as.logical(x) != as.logical(y)
a$class <- minusclass(a$class, "integer64")
attributes(ret) <- a
"!.integer64" <- function(x){
a <- attributes(x)
ret <- !as.logical(x)
a$class <- minusclass(a$class, "integer64")
attributes(ret) <- a
# as.vector.integer64 removed as requested by the CRAN maintainer
# as.vector.integer64 <- function(x, mode="any"){
# ret <- NextMethod()
# if (mode=="any")
# oldClass(ret) <- "integer64"
# ret
# }
# bug in R does not dispatch
is.vector.integer64 <- function(x, mode="any"){
cl <- minusclass(oldClass(x), "integer64")
a <- attributes(x)
a$class <- NULL
a$names <- NULL
if (, c("any","integer64"))) || length(cl) || length(a) )
as.list.integer64 <- function (x, ...){
ret <- NextMethod("as.list", x, ...)
.Call(C_as_list_integer64, ret)
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