Man pages for bnlearn
Bayesian Network Structure Learning, Parameter Learning and Inference

alarmALARM monitoring system (synthetic) data set
alpha.starEstimate the optimal imaginary sample size for BDe(u)
arcopsDrop, add or set the direction of an arc or an edge
arc.strengthMeasure arc strength
asiaAsia (synthetic) data set by Lauritzen and Spiegelhalter network Classifiers
bfBayes factor between two network structures
blacklistGet or create whitelists and blacklists
bnbootNonparametric bootstrap of Bayesian networks
bn.classThe bn class structure
bn.cvCross-validation for Bayesian networks
bn.fitFit the parameters of a Bayesian network class structure to manipulate fitted Bayesian networks fitted Bayesian networks
bn.kcv.classThe bn.kcv class structure
bnlearn-packageBayesian network structure learning, parameter learning and...
bn.strength-classThe bn.strength class structure
ci.testIndependence and conditional independence tests
clgaussian-testSynthetic (mixed) data set to test learning algorithms
compareCompare two or more different Bayesian networks
conditional.independence.testsConditional independence tests
configsConstruct configurations of discrete variables
constraintConstraint-based structure learning algorithms
coronaryCoronary heart disease data set
count.graphsCount graphs with specific characteristics
cpdagEquivalence classes, moral graphs and consistent extensions
cpqueryPerform conditional probability queries
dsepTest d-separation
foreignRead and write BIF, NET, DSC and DOT files
gaussian-testSynthetic (continuous) data set to test learning algorithms
gRainImport and export networks from the gRain package
graphUtilities to manipulate graphs
graphgenGenerate empty, complete or random graphs
graphpkgImport and export networks from the graph package
graphviz.chartPlotting networks with probability bars
graphviz.plotAdvanced Bayesian network plots
hailfinderThe HailFinder weather forecast system (synthetic) data set
hcScore-based structure learning algorithms
hybridHybrid structure learning algorithms
igraphpkgImport and export networks from the igraph package
insuranceInsurance evaluation network (synthetic) data set
klCompute the distance between two fitted Bayesian networks
learnDiscover the structure around a single node
learning-testSynthetic (discrete) data set to test learning algorithms
lizardsLizards' perching behaviour data set
marksExamination marks data set
mbMiscellaneous utilities
mi.matrixLocal discovery structure learning algorithms
modelstringBuild a model string from a Bayesian network and vice versa
mvnormGaussian Bayesian networks and multivariate normals
naive.bayesNaive Bayes classifiers
network.scoresNetwork scores
nodeopsManipulate nodes in a graph
orderingPartial node orderings
pcalgImport and export networks from the pcalg package
plot.bnPlot a Bayesian network arc strengths derived from bootstrap
predict.and.imputePredict or impute missing data from a Bayesian network
preprocessingPre-process data to better learn Bayesian networks
rbnSimulate random samples from a given Bayesian network
scoreScore of the Bayesian network
statspkgProduce lm objects from Bayesian networks
strength.plotArc strength plot
structural.emStructure learning from missing data
structure.learningStructure learning algorithms
test.counterManipulating the test counter
whitelists.and.blacklistsWhitelists and blacklists in structure learning
bnlearn documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:27 p.m.