
Defines functions predict.boral

Documented in predict.boral

## predict.type = "conditonal": Predictions conditional on the latent variables observed and everything else e.g., random row effects, response-specific random intercepts
## predict.type = "marginal": marginalizes anything at the "row" level i.e., LVs, random row effects, response-specific random intercepts. Does not marginalize over anything at the "column/response" level e.g., fourth corncer models, as it is both harder and not clear that you need to take into account their uncertainty i.e., you are not predicting to new response!
## In both cases, if newX is supplied, then some checks are made to ensure things are compatible e.g., row effects and lv match nrow(newX), 

## Intervals from marginal predictions will typically be wider than those from conditional predictions, because the former takes into account the additional uncertainty due to the lv being unknown. 
# object = fit.traits; newX = NULL; newrow.ids = NULL; predict.type = "marginal"; est = "median"; prob = 0.95; lv.mc = 1000

predict.boral <- function(object, newX = NULL, newrow.ids = NULL, newranef.ids = NULL, distmat = NULL, predict.type = "conditional", 
     scale = "link", est = "median", prob = 0.95, lv.mc = 1000, return.alllinpred = FALSE, ...) {  
     num.lv <- object$num.lv
     scale <- match.arg(scale, choices = c("link","response"))
     predict.type <- match.arg(predict.type, choices = c("conditional","marginal"))
     if(predict.type == "marginal") {
          message("Marginal predictions take a long time, because there is a lot of (Monte-Carlo) integration involved. Apologies in advance!")
          if(num.lv == 0) {
               message("Please note if there are no latent variables in the model, then marginal and conditional predictions are equivalent.")
               predict.type <- "conditional"
     if(predict.type == "conditional" & !is.null(newrow.ids)) { 
          warning("For conditional predictions, newrow.ids is ignored since predictions are made conditional on the set of row effects i.e., on the same set of units.")
          newrow.ids <- NULL
     if(predict.type == "conditional" & !is.null(newranef.ids)) { 
          warning("For conditional predictions, newranef.ids is ignored since predictions are made conditional on the set of response-specific random intercpets i.e., on the same set of units.")
          newranef.ids <- NULL

     ## Check properties of X
     if(!is.null(newX)) {
          X <- as.matrix(newX) 
               stop("Cannot find coefficients for X in object, even though you supplied newX.")
          if(ncol(object$X.coefs.mean) != ncol(newX)) 
               stop("Number of columns in newX does not match number of columns in object$X.coefs.mean")
          if(predict.type == "conditional") {
               if(object$row.eff != "none") { 
                    if(nrow(object$row.ids) != nrow(X)) 
                         stop("For conditional predictions, the number of rows in newX must be equal to number of rows in object$row.ids")
               if(!is.null(object$ranef.ids)) { 
                    if(nrow(object$ranef.ids) != nrow(X)) 
                         stop("For conditional predictions, the number of rows in newX must be equal to number of rows in object$ranef.ids")
               if(num.lv > 0) { 
                    if(nrow(object$lv.mean) != nrow(X)) 
                         stop("For conditional predictions, the number of rows in newX must be equal to number of rows in object$lv.mean") 
          X <- object$X 
     n <- nrow(X) 

     ## Check properties of X
     if(object$lv.control$type != "independent" & is.null(distmat))
          stop("distmat needs to be supplied when object$lv.control$type is not independent.")
     if(!is.null(distmat)) {
          if(nrow(distmat) != n || ncol(distmat) != n)
               stop("The dimensions of distmat do not match the dimensions of object$X or newX.")
     ## Check properties of newrow.ids; this should only be activated once the predictions are marginal 
     if(!is.null(newrow.ids)) { 
          if(object$row.eff == "none") 
               stop("Cannot find row effects parameters in object, but you supplied in newrow.ids")
          newrow.ids <- as.matrix(newrow.ids)
               colnames(newrow.ids) <- paste0("ID", 1:ncol(newrow.ids))
          if(ncol(object$row.ids) != ncol(newrow.ids)) 
               stop("The number of columns in newrow.ids must be equal to number of columns in object$row.ids")
          if(object$row.eff == "fixed") {
               for(k1 in 1:ncol(newrow.ids)) {
                    if(!all(unique(newrow.ids[,k1]) %in% unique(object$row.ids[,k1])))
                         stop(paste0("Not all levels of newrow.ids[,",k1,"] can be found in object$row.ids[,",k1,"]. When the 
                         row effects are fixed, this is a problem as then thre will be some IDs which are unknown (as based on object)."))
     if(is.null(newrow.ids)) { 
          newrow.ids <- object$row.ids 
     if(!is.null(X) & !is.null(newrow.ids)) {
          if(n != nrow(newrow.ids)) 
               stop("Number of rows in X does not match number of rows in newrow.ids")

     ## Check properties of newranef.ids; this should only be activated once the predictions are marginal 
     if(!is.null(newranef.ids)) { 
               stop("Cannot find response-specific random intercepts in object, but you supplied in newranef.ids")
          newranef.ids <- as.matrix(newranef.ids)
               colnames(newranef.ids) <- paste0("ID", 1:ncol(newranef.ids))
          if(ncol(object$ranef.ids) != ncol(newranef.ids)) 
               stop("The number of columns in newranef.ids must be equal to number of columns in object$ranef.ids")
     if(is.null(newranef.ids)) { 
          newranef.ids <- object$ranef.ids 
     if(!is.null(X) & !is.null(newranef.ids)) {
          if(n != nrow(newranef.ids)) 
               stop("Number of rows in X does not match number of rows in newranef.ids")
          stop("MCMC samples not found.")

     ## Checks done!
     combined_fit_mcmc <- get.mcmcsamples(object) 
     mcmc_names <- colnames(combined_fit_mcmc)
     all_linpred <- array(NA, dim = c(n, object$p, nrow(combined_fit_mcmc)))
     pt_pred <- lower_linpred <- upper_linpred <- matrix(NA, nrow = n, ncol = object$p)
     if(any(object$family == "ztnegative.binomial"))
          all_phi <- matrix(NA, nrow = object$p, ncol = nrow(combined_fit_mcmc))

     if(predict.type == "conditional") {
          for(k0 in 1:nrow(combined_fit_mcmc)) {
               cw_lv_coefs <- matrix(combined_fit_mcmc[k0, grep("lv.coefs", mcmc_names)], nrow = object$p)
               cw_eta <- matrix(cw_lv_coefs[,1], nrow = n, ncol = object$p, byrow = TRUE) 
               if(num.lv > 0) {
                    cw.lv <- matrix(combined_fit_mcmc[k0, grep("lvs", mcmc_names)], nrow = n)
                    cw_eta <- cw_eta + tcrossprod(cw.lv, cw_lv_coefs[,2:(num.lv+1)])
               if(!is.null(X)) {
                    cw_X_coefs <- matrix(combined_fit_mcmc[k0, grep("X.coefs", mcmc_names)], nrow = object$p) 
                    cw_eta <- cw_eta + tcrossprod(X, cw_X_coefs)
                    cw_eta <- cw_eta + object$offset
               if(object$row.eff != "none") { 
                    for(k1 in 1:ncol(newrow.ids)) {
                         cw_eta <- cw_eta + (combined_fit_mcmc[k0, grep(paste0("row.coefs.ID",k1,"\\["), mcmc_names)])[newrow.ids[,k1]] 
               if(!is.null(object$ranef.ids)) {
                    for(k1 in 1:ncol(newranef.ids)) {
                         cw_ranef_coefs <- matrix(combined_fit_mcmc[k0, grep(paste0("ranef.coefs.ID",k1,"\\["), mcmc_names)], nrow = object$p)
                         cw_eta <- cw_eta + t(cw_ranef_coefs)[newranef.ids[,k1],] 

               all_linpred[,,k0] <- cw_eta
               if(any(object$family == "ztnegative.binomial"))
                    all_phi[,k0] <- cw_lv_coefs[,num.lv+2]

     if(predict.type == "marginal") {
          #mc_lv <- array(c(rmvnorm(n*lv.mc, mean = rep(0,num.lv))), dim = c(lv.mc, n, num.lv))
          mc_lv <- array(rnorm(n*lv.mc*num.lv), dim = c(lv.mc, n, num.lv))
          for(k0 in 1:nrow(combined_fit_mcmc)) {
               if(k0 %% 100 == 0) 
                    message("Onto MCMC sample ", k0)              

               if(!is.null(X))# & is.null(object$traits)) 
                    cw_X_coefs <- matrix(combined_fit_mcmc[k0, grep("X.coefs", mcmc_names)], nrow = object$p) 
     #                if(!is.null(object$traits)) { ## This marginalizes over the X coefs wrt traits as well
     #                     cw_trait_params <- cbind(combined_fit_mcmc[k0, grep("traits.int", mcmc_names)], 
     #                          matrix(combined_fit_mcmc[k0, grep("traits.coefs", mcmc_names)], nrow = ncol(X)+1), 
     #                          combined_fit_mcmc[k0, grep("trait.sigma", mcmc_names)]) 
     #                     mean_X_coefs <- tcrossprod(cbind(1,object$traits), cw_trait_params[,-ncol(cw_trait_params)])
     #                     cw_X_coefs <- array(0, dim = c(lv.mc, object$p, ncol(X)+1)) ## Includes intercept
     #                     for(l0 in 1:(ncol(X)+1)) 
     #                          cw_X_coefs[,,l0] <- rmvnorm(lv.mc, mean = mean_X_coefs[,l0], sigma = diag(x = cw_trait_params[l0,ncol(cw_trait_params)]^2, nrow=object$p))
     #                     rm(mean_X_coefs, cw_trait_params)
     #                     }
     #                if(object$lv.control$type != "independent") { 
     #                     cw_lv_covparams <- combined_fit_mcmc[k0, grep("lv.covparams", mcmc_names)] 
     #                     } 
               if(object$row.eff == "fixed") { 
                    cw_row_coefs <- vector("list", ncol(newrow.ids))
                    for(k1 in 1:ncol(newrow.ids)) 
                         cw_row_coefs[[k1]] <- combined_fit_mcmc[k0, grep(paste0("row.coefs.ID",k1,"\\["), mcmc_names)] 
               if(object$row.eff == "random") {
                    cw_row_coefs <- vector("list", ncol(newrow.ids))
                    for(k1 in 1:ncol(newrow.ids)) 
                         cw_row_coefs[[k1]] <- matrix(rnorm(length(unique(object$row.ids[,k1]))*lv.mc, mean = 0, sd = combined_fit_mcmc[k0, grep(paste0("row.sigma.ID",k1,"$"), mcmc_names)]), ncol = lv.mc) 
               if(!is.null(object$ranef.ids)) {
                    cw_ranef_coefs <- vector("list", ncol(newranef.ids))
                    for(k1 in 1:ncol(newranef.ids)) {
                         cw_ranef_coefs[[k1]] <- lapply(1:object$p, function(j)
                              matrix(rnorm(length(unique(object$ranef.ids[,k1]))*lv.mc, mean = 0, sd = combined_fit_mcmc[k0, grep(paste0("ranef.sigma.ID",k1,"\\[",j,"\\]"), mcmc_names)]), ncol = lv.mc))
               cw_lv_coefs <- matrix(combined_fit_mcmc[k0, grep("lv.coefs", mcmc_names)], nrow = object$p)
               all_linpredmc <- array(NA, dim = c(n, object$p, lv.mc))

               cw_lv_covparams <- combined_fit_mcmc[k0, grep("lv.covparams", mcmc_names)]
               if(object$lv.control$type == "exponential")
                    covmat_chol <- chol(exp(-distmat/cw_lv_covparams[1]))
               if(object$lv.control$type == "squared.exponential")
                    covmat_chol <- (chol(exp(-(distmat/cw_lv_covparams[1])^2)))
               if(object$lv.control$type == "powered.exponential")
                    covmat_chol <- (chol(exp(-(distmat/cw_lv_covparams[1])^cw_lv_covparams[2])))
               if(object$lv.control$type == "spherical")
                    covmat_chol <- (chol((distmat < cw_lv_covparams[1])*(1 - 1.5*distmat/cw_lv_covparams[1] + 0.5*(distmat/cw_lv_covparams[1])^3)))

               for(b0 in 1:lv.mc) {
                    if(object$lv.control$type != "independent")
                         mc_lv[b0,,] <- crossprod(covmat_chol, mc_lv[b0,,])                    
                    cw_eta <- tcrossprod(mc_lv[b0,,], cw_lv_coefs[,2:(num.lv+1)]) ## LVs to marginalize over
                    if(!is.null(X))# & is.null(object$traits)) ## Spp intercepts, X_coefs, and no traits
                         cw_eta <- cw_eta + tcrossprod(cbind(1,X),cbind(cw_lv_coefs[,1],cw_X_coefs))
     #                     if(!is.null(object$traits)) ## Spp intercepts, X_coefs to marginalize over due to traits
     #                          cw_eta <- cw_eta + tcrossprod(cbind(1,X),cw_X_coefs[b0,,])

                         cw_eta <- cw_eta + object$offset
                    if(object$row.eff == "fixed") { 
                         for(k1 in 1:ncol(newrow.ids)) 
                         cw_eta <- cw_eta + cw_row_coefs[[k1]][newrow.ids[,k1]] 
                    if(object$row.eff == "random") { 
                         for(k1 in 1:ncol(newrow.ids)) 
                              cw_eta <- cw_eta + cw_row_coefs[[k1]][newrow.ids[,k1],b0] 
                    if(!is.null(object$ranef.ids)) { 
                         for(k1 in 1:ncol(newranef.ids)) 
                              cw_eta <- cw_eta + sapply(cw_ranef_coefs[[k1]], function(x) x[,b0])[newranef.ids[,k1],] 
                    all_linpredmc[,,b0] <- cw_eta
               all_linpred[,,k0] <- apply(all_linpredmc, c(1,2), mean)
               if(any(object$family == "ztnegative.binomial"))
                    all_phi[,k0] <- cw_lv_coefs[,num.lv+2]
     if(scale == "response") {
          for(j in 1:object$p) {
               if(object$family[j] == "binomial") 
                    all_linpred[,j,] <- binomial(link = "probit")$linkinv(all_linpred[,j,])
               if(object$family[j] %in% c("poisson","negative.binomial","exponential","gamma","lnormal","tweedie")) 
                    all_linpred[,j,] <- exp(all_linpred[,j,])
               if(object$family[j] == "ztpoisson") 
                    all_linpred[,j,] <- ztpoisson()$linkinv(all_linpred[,j,])
               if(object$family[j] == "ztnegative.binomial") { 
                    all_linpred[,j,] <- exp(all_linpred[,j,])/pnbinom(0, size = matrix(all_phi[j,],nrow=n,ncol=nrow(combined_fit_mcmc),byrow=TRUE), 
                         mu = exp(all_linpred[,j,]), lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = FALSE)
               if(object$family[j] == "beta") 
                    all_linpred[,j,] <- binomial()$linkinv(all_linpred[,j,])
               if(object$family[j] == "ordinal") {
                    stop("Predictions on the response scale are currently not automatically available for ordinal responses, due to the added complexity in its calculation...sorry!")
     ## Construct numerical measures for predictions
     for(i in 1:n) { for(j in 1:object$p) {
          if(est == "mean") 
               pt_pred[i,j] <- mean(all_linpred[i,j,]) ## Posterior mean
          if(est == "median") 
               pt_pred[i,j] <- median(all_linpred[i,j,]) ## Posterior median
          lower_linpred[i,j] <- quantile(all_linpred[i,j,], probs = (1-prob)/2)
          upper_linpred[i,j] <- quantile(all_linpred[i,j,], probs = 1-(1-prob)/2)
          } }
     out <- list(linpred = pt_pred, lower = lower_linpred, upper = upper_linpred)
          out$all.linpred <- all_linpred


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boral documentation built on May 29, 2024, 12:30 p.m.