
Defines functions ytrans yhat mik fik zk np.zk bhat np.bhat vc.theta np.theta vc.mstep np.mstep vc.estep np.estep np.em

Documented in bhat fik mik np.bhat np.em np.estep np.mstep np.theta np.zk vc.estep vc.mstep vc.theta yhat ytrans zk

#R! np.boxcoxmix

#' Response Transformations for Random Effect and Variance Component Models
#' @rdname np.boxcoxmix
#' @description The function \code{np.boxcoxmix()} fits an overdispersed generalized linear model
#' and variance component models using nonparametric profile maximum likelihood.
#' @details The Box-Cox transformation (Box & Cox, 1964) is applied to the overdispersed
#' generalized linear models and variance component models with an unspecified
#' mixing distribution. The NPML estimate of the mixing distribution is known
#' to be a discrete distribution involving a finite number of mass-points and corresponding
#' masses (Aitkin et al., 2009). An Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm is
#' used for fitting the finite mixture distribution, one needs to specify the
#' number of components \code{K} of the finite mixture in advance. To stop the EM-algorithm
#' when it reached its convergence point, we need to defined the convergence criteria that is 
#' the absolute change in the successive log-likelihood function values being less than an arbitrary 
#' parameter such as \code{EMdev.change} = 0.0001 (Einbeck et at., 2014). This algorithm can be 
#' implemented using the function \code{np.boxcoxmix()}, which is designed to account for 
#' overdispersed generalized linear models and variance component models using the non-parametric
#' profile maximum likelihood (NPPML) estimation.
#' The ability of the EM algorithm to locate the global maximum in fewer iterations
#' can be affected by the choice of initial values, the function \code{np.boxcoxmix()}
#' allows us to choose from two different methods to set the initial value of the mass
#' points. When option "gq" is set, then Gauss-Hermite masses and mass points are used
#' as starting points in the EM algorithm, while setting start= "quantile" uses the 
#' Quantile-based version to select the starting points. 
#' @aliases np.boxcoxmix
#' @param formula a formula describing the transformed response and the fixed
#' effect model (e.g. y ~ x).
#' @param groups the random effects. To fit overdispersion models , set \code{groups} = 1.
#' @param data a data frame containing variables used in the fixed and random
#' effect models.
#' @param K the number of mass points.
#' @param tol a positive scalar (usually, 0< \code{tol} <= 2)
#' @param lambda a transformation parameter, setting \code{lambda}=1 means 'no
#' transformation'.
#' @param steps maximum number of iterations for the EM algorithm.
#' @param EMdev.change a small scalar, with default 0.0001, used to determine
#' when to stop EM algorithm.
#' @param plot.opt Set \code{plot.opt=1}, to plot the disparity against
#' iteration number. Use \code{plot.opt=2} for \code{tolfind.boxcox()} and \code{plot.opt=3}
#' for \code{optim.boxcox()}.
#' @param verbose If set to FALSE, no printed output on progress.
#' @param start a description of the initial values to be used in the fitted
#' model, Quantile-based version "quantile" or Gaussian Quadrature "gq" can be
#' set.
#' @param \dots extra arguments will be ignored.
#' @return
#' List with class being either \code{boxcoxmix} or \code{boxcoxmixpure} containing:
#' \item{mass.point}{the fitted mass points.} \item{p}{the masses corresponding to the mixing proportions.} \item{beta}{the
#' vector of coefficients.} \item{sigma}{the standard deviation of the mixing distribution (the square root of the variance).} \item{se}{the standard error of the estimate.}
#' \item{w}{a matrix of posterior probabilities that element i comes from cluster k.}
#' \item{loglik}{the log-likelihood of the fitted regression model.}
#' \item{complete.loglik}{the complete log-likelihood of the fitted regression model.}
#' \item{disparity}{the disparity of the fitted regression model.} \item{EMiteration}{provides the number of iterations of the EM algorithm.} 
#' \item{EMconverged}{TRUE means the EM algorithm converged.} \item{call}{the matched call.} \item{formula}{the formula provided.}
#' \item{data}{the data argument.} \item{aic}{the Akaike information criterion of the fitted regression model.}
#'  \item{bic}{the Bayesian information criterion of the fitted regression model.}
#' \item{fitted}{the fitted values for the individual observations.} \item{fitted.transformed}{the fitted values for
#' the individual transformed observations.} \item{residuals}{the difference between the observed values and the fitted values.}
#' \item{residuals.transformed}{the difference between the transformed observed values and the transformed fitted values.}
#' \item{predicted.re}{a vector of predicted residuals.}
#' The other outcomes are not relevant to users and they are intended for internal use only.
#' @author Amani Almohaimeed and Jochen Einbeck
#' @seealso \code{\link{optim.boxcox}}, \code{\link{tolfind.boxcox}}.
#' @references 
#' Box G. and Cox D. (1964). An analysis of transformations. Journal of
#' the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Methodological), pages 211-252.
#' Aitkin, M. A., Francis, B., Hinde, J., and Darnell, R. (2009). Statistical
#' modelling in R. Oxford University Press Oxford.
#' Jochen Einbeck, Ross Darnell and John Hinde (2014). npmlreg:
#' Nonparametric maximum likelihood estimation for random effect
#' models. R package version 0.46-1.
#' @keywords boxcox random variance
#' @examples
#' #Pennsylvanian Hospital Stay Data
#' data(hosp, package = "npmlreg")
#' test1 <- np.boxcoxmix(duration ~ age + wbc1, data = hosp, K = 2, tol = 1, 
#'     start = "quantile", lambda = 1)
#' round(summary(test1)$w, digits = 3)
#' # [1,] 1.000 0.000
#' # Refinery yield of gasoline Data
#' data(Gasoline, package = "nlme")
#' test2.vc <- np.boxcoxmix(yield ~ endpoint + vapor, groups = Gasoline$Sample, 
#'       data = Gasoline, K = 3, tol = 1.7, start = "quantile", lambda = 0)
#' test2.vc$disparity
#' # [1] 176.9827
#' @export np.boxcoxmix
np.boxcoxmix <- function (formula, groups = 1, data, K = 3, tol = 0.5, lambda = 1, 
                          steps = 500, EMdev.change = 1e-04, plot.opt = 1, verbose = TRUE, 
                          start = "gq", ...) 
	call <- match.call()
	mform <- strsplit(as.character(groups), "\\|")
	mform <- gsub(" ", "", mform)
	if (length(mform) == 1) {
		fit <- tryCatch(np.boxcox(formula = formula, groups = groups, 
					  data = data, K = K, lambda = lambda, steps = steps, 
					  tol = tol, start = start, EMdev.change = EMdev.change, 
					  plot.opt = plot.opt, verbose = verbose),
				finally = message("Check model specification, change the number of components or specify another value of lambda or tol and try again.\n"))
	else {
		fit <- tryCatch(vc.boxcox(formula = formula, groups = groups, 
					  data = data, K = K, lambda = lambda, steps = steps, 
					  tol = tol, start = start, EMdev.change = EMdev.change, 
					  plot.opt = plot.opt, verbose = verbose),
				finally = message("Check model specification, change the number of components or specify another value of lambda or tol and try again.\n"))
	W <- fit$w
	P <- fit$p
	se <- fit$se
	iter <- fit$EMiteration
	names(P) <- paste("MASS", 1:K, sep = "")
	Z <- fit$mass.point
	names(Z) <- paste("MASS", 1:K, sep = "")
	Beta <- fit$beta
	Sigma <- fit$sigma
	aic <- fit$aic
	bic <- fit$bic
	y <- fit$y
	yt <- fit$yt
	fitted <- fit$fitted
	fitted.transformed <- fit$fitted.transformed
	masses <- fit$masses
	ylim <- fit$ylim
	residuals <- fit$residuals
	residuals.transformed <- fit$residuals.transformed
	predicted.re <- fit$predicted.re
	Class <- fit$Class
	xx <- fit$xx
	model <- fit$model
	Disp <- fit$disparity
	Disparities <- fit$Disparities
	Loglik <- fit$loglik
	complete.loglik <- fit$complete.loglik
	kind <- fit$kind
	EMconverged <- fit$EMconverged
	model <- fit$model
	if (model == "mixed") {
		result <- list(call = call, p = P, mass.point = Z, beta = Beta, 
			       sigma = Sigma, se = se, w = W, Disparities = Disparities, 
			       formula = formula, data = data, loglik = Loglik, 
			       aic = aic, bic = bic, masses = masses, y = y, yt = yt, 
			       complete.loglik = complete.loglik, disparity = Disp, 
			       EMconverged = EMconverged, mform = length(mform), 
			       ylim = ylim, fitted = fitted, Class = Class, fitted.transformed = fitted.transformed, 
			       predicted.re = predicted.re, residuals = residuals, 
			       residuals.transformed = residuals.transformed, kind = kind, 
			       EMiteration = iter, xx = xx, model = model)
		class(result) <- "boxcoxmix"
	else {
		result <- list(call = call, p = P, mass.point = Z, beta = Z, 
			       sigma = Sigma, se = se, w = W, Disparities = Disparities, 
			       formula = formula, data = data, loglik = Loglik, 
			       aic = aic, bic = bic, masses = masses, y = y, yt = yt, 
			       complete.loglik = complete.loglik, disparity = Disp, 
			       EMconverged = EMconverged, mform = length(mform), 
			       ylim = ylim, fitted = fitted, Class = Class, fitted.transformed = fitted.transformed, 
			       predicted.re = predicted.re, residuals = residuals, 
			       residuals.transformed = residuals.transformed, kind = kind, 
			       EMiteration = iter, xx = xx, model = model)
		class(result) <- "boxcoxmixpure"

#R! np.boxcox

#' Internal boxcoxmix functions
#' @description auxiliary functions are not intended to be directly called from the user.
#' @aliases np.boxcox vc.boxcox np.estep np.zk fik yhat ytrans np.bhat 
#' nb.se np.mstep np.em vc.estep bhat vc.se mik vc.mstep vc.em gqz
#' @author Amani Almohaimeed and Jochen Einbeck
#' @keywords em
#' @keywords internal
#' @rdname utils
#' @importFrom stats model.frame
#' @importFrom stats model.matrix
#' @importFrom stats model.response
np.boxcox <-function (formula, groups = 1, data, K = 3, tol = 0.5, lambda = 1, 
                      steps = 500, EMdev.change = 1e-04, plot.opt = 1, verbose = TRUE, 
                      start = "gq", ...) 
	call <- match.call()
	ddim <- dim(data)
	mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
	m <- match(c("formula", "data"), names(mf), 0)
	mf <- mf[c(1, m)]
	mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
	mf[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
	mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
	mf <- model.frame(formula = formula, data = data)
	model <- "mixed"
	x <- model.matrix(attr(mf, "terms"), data = mf)[, -1, drop = FALSE]
	if (dim(x)[2] == 0) {
		x <- model.matrix(attr(mf, "terms"), data = mf)
		model <- "pure"
	y <- model.response(mf, "numeric")
	if (any(y <= 0)) 
		stop("response variable must be positive")
	n <- NROW(y)
	xnames <- dimnames(x)[[2]]
	sizes <- groups
	mform <- strsplit(as.character(sizes), "\\|")
	mform <- gsub(" ", "", mform)
	if (length(mform) >= 2) {
		stop("Please use function vc.boxcox for two-level models")
	npfit <- tryCatch(np.em(y = y, x = x, sizes = sizes, K = K, lambda = lambda, 
				steps = steps, tol = tol, start = start, EMdev.change = EMdev.change, 
				plot.opt = plot.opt, verbose = verbose),
			  finally = message("Check model specification, change the number of components or specify another value of lambda or tol and try again.\n"))
	s <- npfit$EMiteration
	w <- npfit$w
	p <- npfit$p
	names(p) <- paste("MASS", 1:K, sep = "")
	z <- npfit$mass.point
	names(z) <- paste("MASS", 1:K, sep = "")
	beta <- npfit$beta
	sigma <- npfit$sigma
	se <- npfit$se
	disp <- npfit$disparity
	Disparities <- npfit$Disparities
	if (model == "pure"){
			aic <- disp + 2 * 1
			bic <- disp + log(n) * 1
		else {
			aic <- disp + 2 * (2 * K - 1)
			bic <- disp + log(n) * (2 * K - 1)
	} }
	else {if(K==1){
		aic <- disp + 2 * (length(beta) )
		bic <- disp + log(n) * (length(beta) )
	else {
		aic <- disp + 2 * (length(beta) + 2 * K - 1)
		bic <- disp + log(n) * (length(beta) + 2 * K - 1)
	loglik <- npfit$loglik
	complete.loglik <- npfit$complete.loglik
	masses <- npfit$masses
	EMconverged <- npfit$EMconverged
	yt <- ytrans(y, lambda)
	if (K == 1) {
		ylim <- "none"
	if (model == "mixed") {
		if (K == 1) {
			predicted.re <- rep(1, n)
			fitted.transformed <- rep(0, n)
			x <- model.matrix(attr(mf, "terms"), data = mf)
			for (i in 1:n) {
				fitted.transformed[i] <- x[i, ] %*% beta
		else {
			predicted.re <- rep(0, n)
			fitted.transformed <- rep(0, n)
			for (i in 1:n) {
				predicted.re[i] <- sum(w[i, ] %*% z)
				fitted.transformed[i] <- x[i, ] %*% beta + predicted.re[i]
		fitted <- yhat(fitted.transformed, lambda = lambda)
		residuals <- y - fitted
		residuals.transformed <- yt - fitted.transformed
		if (K > 1) {
			ylim <- c(min(masses[, ]), max(masses[, ]))
			if (plot.opt == 1) {
				graphics::plot(1:s, masses[, 1], col = 1, type = "l", 
					       ylim = ylim, ylab = "mass points", xlab = "EM iterations")
				for (k in 2:K) {
					graphics::lines(1:s, masses[, k], type = "l", 
							lwd = 1.5, lty = 1, col = k)
				if (verbose == TRUE) {
					cat("EM Trajectories plotted.\n")
		npresult <- list(call = call, yt = yt, aic = aic, bic = bic, 
				 xx = xnames, Class = y, mform = mform, ylim = ylim, 
				 masses = masses, y = y, formula = formula, data = data, 
				 EMiteration = s, Disparities = Disparities, p = p, 
				 mass.point = z, beta = beta, se = se, sigma = sigma, 
				 w = w, loglik = loglik, complete.loglik = complete.loglik, 
				 disparity = disp, EMconverged = EMconverged, fitted = fitted, 
				 fitted.transformed = fitted.transformed, predicted.re = predicted.re, 
				 residuals = residuals, residuals.transformed = residuals.transformed, 
				 kind = 1, model = model)
		class(npresult) <- "boxcoxmix"
	else {
		if (K > 1) {
			ylim <- c(min(masses[, ]), max(masses[, ]))
			if (plot.opt == 1) {
				graphics::plot(1:s, masses[, 1], col = 1, type = "l", 
					       ylim = ylim, ylab = "mass points", xlab = "EM iterations")
				for (k in 2:K) {
					graphics::lines(1:s, masses[, k], type = "l", 
							lwd = 1.5, lty = 1, col = k)
				if (verbose == TRUE) {
					cat("EM Trajectories plotted.\n")
		fitted <- "none"
		fitted.transformed <- "none"
		predicted.re <- "none"
		npresult <- list(call = call, yt = yt, aic = aic, bic = bic, 
				 xx = xnames, Class = y, mform = mform, ylim = ylim, 
				 masses = masses, y = y, formula = formula, data = data, 
				 EMiteration = s, Disparities = Disparities, p = p, 
				 mass.point = z, beta = beta, se = se, sigma = sigma, 
				 w = w, loglik = loglik, complete.loglik = complete.loglik, 
				 disparity = disp, EMconverged = EMconverged, fitted = fitted, 
				 fitted.transformed = fitted.transformed, predicted.re = predicted.re, 
				 residuals = y, residuals.transformed = yt, kind = 1, 
				 model = model)
		class(npresult) <- "boxcoxmixpure"

#R! vc.boxcox
#' @rdname utils
#' @param formula a formula describing the transformed response and the fixed
#' effect model (e.g. y ~ x).
#' @param groups the random effects. To fit overdispersion models , set \code{groups} = 1.
#' @param data a data frame containing variables used in the fixed and random
#' effect models.
#' @param K the number of mass points.
#' @param tol a positive scalar (usually, 0< \code{tol} <= 2)
#' @param lambda a transformation parameter, setting \code{lambda}=1 means 'no
#' transformation'.
#' @param steps maximum number of iterations for the EM algorithm.
#' @param EMdev.change a small scalar, with default 0.0001, used to determine
#' when to stop EM algorithm.
#' @param plot.opt Set plot.opt=1, to plot the disparity against
#' iteration number. Use \code{plot.opt=2} for \code{tolfind.boxcox} and \code{plot.opt=3}
#' for \code{optim.boxcox}.
#' @param verbose If set to FALSE, no printed output on progress.
#' @param start a description of the initial values to be used in the fitted
#' model, Quantile-based version "quantile" or Gaussian Quadrature "gq" can be
#' set.
#' @param \dots extra arguments will be ignored. 
vc.boxcox <- function (formula, groups = 1, data, K = 3, tol = 0.5, lambda = 1, 
                       steps = 500, EMdev.change = 1e-04, plot.opt = 1, verbose = TRUE, 
                       start = "gq", ...) 
	call <- match.call()
	data <- as.data.frame(data)
	mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
	m <- match(c("formula", "data"), names(mf), 0)
	mf <- mf[c(1, m)]
	mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
	mf[[1]] <- as.name("model.frame")
	mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
	datay <- data
	groupy <- groups
	ordered <- data[with(data, order(groups)), ]
	mf <- model.frame(formula = formula, data = ordered)
	model <- "mixed"
	x <- model.matrix(attr(mf, "terms"), data = mf)[, -1, drop = FALSE]
	if (dim(x)[2] == 0) {
		x <- model.matrix(attr(mf, "terms"), data = mf)
		model <- "pure"
	y <- model.response(mf)
	if (any(y <= 0)) 
		stop("response variable must be positive")
	N <- NROW(y)
	data <- if (is.matrix(y)) 
		data[dimnames(y)[[1]], ]
	else data[names(y), ]
	xnames <- dimnames(x)[[2]]
	groups <- groups[match(rownames(ordered), rownames(datay))]
	sizes <- table(groups)
	mform <- strsplit(as.character(sizes), "\\|")
	mform <- gsub(" ", "", mform)
	if (length(mform) == 1) {
		stop("Please use function np.boxcox for overdispersion models")
	vfit <- tryCatch(vc.em(y = y, x = x, sizes = sizes, K = K, lambda = lambda, 
			       steps = steps, tol = tol, start = start, EMdev.change = EMdev.change, 
			       plot.opt = plot.opt, verbose = verbose),
			 finally = message("Check model specification, change the number of components or specify another value of lambda or tol and try again."))
	EMiter <- vfit$EMiteration
	if (K == 1) {
		w <- vfit$w
	else {
		w <- vfit$w
		w <- w[match(unique(groupy), unique(groups)), ]
		rownames(w) <- unique(groupy)
	p <- vfit$p
	names(p) <- paste("MASS", 1:K, sep = "")
	z <- vfit$mass.point
	names(z) <- paste("MASS", 1:K, sep = "")
	beta <- vfit$beta
	sigma <- vfit$sigma
	se <- vfit$se
	disp <- vfit$disparity
	Disparities <- vfit$Disparities
	loglik <- vfit$loglik
	EMconverged <- vfit$EMconverged
	complete.loglik <- vfit$complete.loglik
	masses <- vfit$masses
	if (model == "pure"){
			aic <- disp + 2 * 1
			bic <- disp + log(N) * 1
		else {
			aic <- disp + 2 * (2 * K - 1)
			bic <- disp + log(N) * (2 * K - 1)
	else {
			aic <- disp + 2 * (length(beta))
			bic <- disp + log(N) * (length(beta))
		else {
			aic <- disp + 2 * (length(beta) + 2 * K - 1)
			bic <- disp + log(N) * (length(beta) + 2 * K - 1)
	yt <- ytrans(y, lambda)
	if (K == 1) {
		ylim <- "none"
	if (model == "mixed") {
		if (K == 1) {
			predicted.re <- rep(1, N)
		else {
			r <- dim(w)[1]
			predicted <- rep(0, r)
			predicted[1] <- sum(w[1, ] %*% z)
			i <- 2:r
			predicted[i] <- sum(w[i, ] %*% z)
			names(predicted) <- unique(groupy)
			predicted.re <- predicted
		if (K == 1) {
			fitted.transformed <- rep(0, N)
			x <- model.matrix(attr(mf, "terms"), data = mf)
			for (i in 1:N) {
				fitted.transformed[i] <- x[i, ] %*% beta
		else {
			predicted <- predicted[match(unique(groups), unique(groupy))]
			fitted.transformed <- matrix(0, N, 1)
			cumsize <- cumsum(sizes)
			for (j in 1:cumsize[1]) {
				fitted.transformed[j, ] <- x[j, ] %*% beta + 
			for (i in 2:r) {
				for (j in (cumsize[i - 1] + 1):cumsize[i]) {
					fitted.transformed[j, ] <- x[j, ] %*% beta + 
			rownames(fitted.transformed) <- rownames(ordered)
			fitted.transformed <- fitted.transformed[match(row.names(datay), 
								       row.names(ordered)), 1, drop = FALSE]
		fitted <- yhat(fitted.transformed, lambda = lambda)
		residuals <- y - fitted
		residuals.transformed <- yt - fitted.transformed
		if (K > 1) {
			ylim <- c(min(masses[, ]), max(masses[, ]))
			if (plot.opt == 1) {
				graphics::plot(1:EMiter, masses[, 1], col = 1, 
					       type = "l", ylim = ylim, ylab = "mass points", 
					       xlab = "EM iterations")
				for (k in 2:K) {
					graphics::lines(1:EMiter, masses[, k], type = "l", 
							lwd = 1.5, lty = 1, col = k)
				if (verbose == TRUE) {
					cat("EM Trajectories plotted.\n")
		result <- list(call = call, aic = aic, bic = bic, xx = xnames, 
			       yt = yt, Disparities = Disparities, Class = sizes, 
			       mform = mform, ylim = ylim, masses = masses, y = y, 
			       formula = formula, data = data, EMiteration = EMiter, 
			       p = p, mass.point = z, beta = beta, se = se, sigma = sigma, 
			       w = w, loglik = loglik, complete.loglik = complete.loglik, 
			       disparity = disp, EMconverged = EMconverged, fitted = fitted, 
			       fitted.transformed = fitted.transformed, predicted.re = predicted.re, 
			       residuals = residuals, residuals.transformed = residuals.transformed, 
			       kind = 1, model = model)
		class(result) <- "boxcoxmix"
	else {
		if (K > 1) {
			ylim <- c(min(masses[, ]), max(masses[, ]))
			if (plot.opt == 1) {
				graphics::plot(1:EMiter, masses[, 1], col = 1, 
					       type = "l", ylim = ylim, ylab = "mass points", 
					       xlab = "EM iterations")
				for (k in 2:K) {
					graphics::lines(1:EMiter, masses[, k], type = "l", 
							lwd = 1.5, lty = 1, col = k)
				if (verbose == TRUE) {
					cat("EM Trajectories plotted.\n")
		fitted <- "none"
		fitted.transformed <- "none"
		predicted.re <- "none"
		result <- list(call = call, aic = aic, bic = bic, xx = xnames, 
			       yt = yt, Disparities = Disparities, Class = sizes, 
			       mform = mform, ylim = ylim, masses = masses, y = y, 
			       formula = formula, data = data, EMiteration = EMiter, 
			       p = p, mass.point = z, beta = beta, se = se, sigma = sigma, 
			       w = w, loglik = loglik, complete.loglik = complete.loglik, 
			       fitted = fitted, fitted.transformed = fitted.transformed, 
			       predicted.re = predicted.re, disparity = disp, EMconverged = EMconverged, 
			       residuals = y, residuals.transformed = yt, kind = 1, 
			       model = model)
		class(result) <- "boxcoxmixpure"

#R! EMstep
#R!! np.em
#' @importFrom stats coef
#' @importFrom stats sd
#' @rdname utils
np.em <- function(y, x, K, lambda=1, steps= 500,tol=0.5, start="gq", EMdev.change = 1e-04, plot.opt = 1,verbose = TRUE, ...){
	n <- length(y)
	if (!is.matrix(x)){
		x<- matrix(x,n,1) }
	p    <- rep(1/K,K)
	yt <- ytrans(y, lambda)
	if (all(!is.na(x))){
		a <- lm(formula = yt ~ -1 + x)
		se <- sqrt(diag(vcov(a)))
		beta <- coef(a)
	} else {
		beta<- 0
		se <- NA
	sigma <- sd(yt)
	tol0 <- tol
	lambda0 <- lambda
	if (K > 1 && start == "quantile") {
		z <- mean(yt)+tol*stats::quantile(yt-mean(yt), probs= (1:K)/K-1/(2*K))
	if (K > 1 && start == "gq") {
		if (K > 60) {
			K <- 60
			message("K was set equal to 60, since the number of mass points supported are only up to 60 mass points. \n")
		if  (all(!is.na(x))){
			b <- lm(formula = yt ~ x)
		} else {
			b <- lm(formula = yt ~ 1)
		Z <- b$coef[1] +tol*summary(b)$s*gqz(K, minweight = 1e-50)$location
	if (K == 1){
		out <- lm(yt ~ x) 
		s <- 1
		z <- out$coef[1]
		sizes <-"none"
		se<- sqrt(diag(vcov(out)))
		beta <- coef(out)
		w <- matrix(1, n,1)
		masses <- "none"
		sigma <- summary(out)$sigma
		lik <- 0
		for(i in 1:n){
			lik <- lik + ((y[i]^(lambda -1))/(2*pi*sigma)^(n/2))*exp(((ytrans(y[i],lambda) - x[i]%*%beta )^2)/2*sigma^2)
		logLik <- (-n/2)*log(2*pi)-n*log(sigma) - n/2 + (lambda -1)*sum(log(y))
		Disp <- -2*logLik
		complete.loglik <- "none"
		converged <- "none"
		Disparities<- "none"
	} else {
		previous_loglik <- -(2^1000)
		converged <- FALSE
		loglik <- Disparities <- 0
		masses<- matrix(0,0,K)
		while (s <= steps && !converged){
			if (verbose) {
				cat(s, "..")
			w   <- np.estep(y, x, lambda, p, beta, z, sigma)
			fit <- np.mstep(y, x, beta, lambda, w)
			p  <- fit$p
			z  <- fit$z
			beta <- fit$beta
			sigma <-fit$sigma
			se <- fit$se
			lik <-matrix(0,n, K)                          
			f <- fik(y, x, lambda,  beta, z, sigma) 
			f <- exp(f)
			for(k in 1:K){
				lik[,k] <- p[k]*f[,k]
			loglik[s] <- sum(log(apply(lik,1,sum)))
			Disparities[s] <- -2*loglik[s]
			converged <- abs(loglik[s] - previous_loglik)< EMdev.change
			previous_loglik <- loglik[s]
			masses <- rbind(masses,z)
			logLik <- loglik[s]
			Disp <- Disparities[s]
		if (verbose) {
			if (converged) {
				cat("EM algorithm met convergence criteria at iteration # ", 
				    s - 1, "\n")
			else {
				cat("EM algorithm failed to meet convergence criteria at iteration # ", 
				    s - 1, "\n")
		oldpar <- graphics::par(no.readonly = TRUE)
		if(plot.opt == 1){
		if ((plot.opt == 2) && graphics::par("mfrow")[1] > 2){
			plot.main <- substitute("tol" == tol0, list(tol0 = tol0))
		}else if( (plot.opt == 3) && graphics::par("mfrow")[1] > 2){
			plot.main <- substitute("lambda"== lambda0, list(lambda0 = lambda0))
			plot.main <- c("")
		if (plot.opt == 1 || plot.opt == 2 || plot.opt == 3 ) {
			graphics::plot(1:(s - 1), Disparities, col = 1, type = "l", xlab = "EM iterations", 
				       ylab = "-2logL", main = plot.main)
			if (verbose) {
				cat("Disparity trend plotted.\n")
		complete.lik <-matrix(0,n, K)
		k <- 1:K
		complete.lik[,k] <- (lik[,k])^w[,k]
		complete.loglik <- sum(log(complete.lik))
	np.fit <- list("EMiteration"=s-1, "masses"=masses, "kind"=1,"p"=p, "mass.point"=z, "beta"=beta, "se"=se, "sigma"=sigma, "w" =w, "loglik"= logLik, "complete.loglik" = complete.loglik, "Disparities"=Disparities, "disparity"= Disp, "likelihood"= lik, "EMconverged" = converged)

#R!! vc.em
#' @rdname utils
#' @param y ..
#' @param x ..
#' @param sizes ..
vc.em <- function (y, x, sizes = 1, K, lambda, steps = 500, tol = 0.5, 
                   start = "gq", EMdev.change = 1e-04, plot.opt = 1, verbose = TRUE, 
	n <- length(y)
	if (length(sizes) == 1) {
		if (sizes == 1) 
			r <- n
		else r <- 1
	else {
		r <- length(sizes)
	if (!is.matrix(x)) {
		x <- matrix(x, n, 1)
	p <- rep(1/K, K)
	yt <- ytrans(y, lambda)
	if (all(!is.na(x))) {
		a <- lm(formula = yt ~ -1 + x)
		se <- sqrt(diag(vcov(a)))
		beta <- coef(a)
	else {
		beta <- 0
		se <- NA
	sigma <- sd(yt)
	tol0 <- tol
	lambda0 <- lambda
	if (K > 1 && start == "quantile") {
		z <- mean(yt) + tol * stats::quantile(yt - mean(yt), 
						      probs = (1:K)/K - 1/(2 * K))
	if (K > 1 && start == "gq") {
		if (K > 60) {
			K <- 60
			message("K was set equal to 60, since the number of mass points supported are only up to 60 mass points. \n")
		if (all(!is.na(x))) {
			b <- lm(formula = yt ~ x)
		else {
			b <- lm(formula = yt ~ 1)
		Z <- b$coef[1] + tol * summary(b)$s * gqz(K, minweight = 1e-50)$location
		z <- Z[order(Z)]
	cumsize <- cumsum(sizes)
	Y <- Ytrans <- list()
	Y[[1]] <- y[1:sizes[1]]
	for(i in 2:r){
		Y[[i]] <- y[(cumsize[i - 1] + 1):cumsize[i]]}
	Ytrans <- ytrans(Y, lambda)
	X <- list()
	X[[1]] <- x[1:sizes[1], ]
	X[[1]] <- matrix(X[[1]], ncol = length(beta))
	for(i in 2:r){
		X[[i]] <- x[(cumsize[i - 1] + 1):cumsize[i], ]
		X[[i]] <- matrix(X[[i]], ncol = length(beta))
	if (K == 1) {
		out <- lm(yt ~ x)
		s <- 1
		z <- coef(out)[1]
		sizes <- "none"
		se <- sqrt(diag(vcov(out)))
		beta <- coef(out)
		w <- matrix(1, n, 1)
		masses <- "none"
		sigma <- summary(out)$sigma
		lik <- 0
		for(i in 1:n){
			lik <- lik + ((y[i]^(lambda - 1))/(2 * pi * sigma)^(n/2)) * 
				exp(((ytrans(y[i], lambda) - x[i] %*% beta)^2)/2 * 
		logLik <- (-n/2) * log(2 * pi) - n * log(sigma) - n/2 + 
			(lambda - 1) * sum(log(y))
		Disp <- -2 * logLik
		complete.loglik <- "none"
		converged <- "none"
		Disparities<- "none"
	else {
		s <- 1
		previous_loglik <- -(2^1000)
		converged <- FALSE
		loglik <- Disparities <- 0
		masses <- matrix(0, 0, K)
		while (s <= steps && !converged) {
			if (verbose) {
				cat(s, "..\n")
			w <- vc.estep(Y, X, sizes, lambda, p, beta, z, sigma)
			fit <- vc.mstep(Y, X, sizes, beta, lambda, w)
			p <- fit$p
			z <- fit$z
			beta <- fit$beta
			sigma <- fit$sigma
			se <- fit$se
			lik <- matrix(0, r, K)
			m <- mik(Y, X, sizes, lambda, beta, z, sigma)
			m <- exp(m)
			for(k in 1:K){
				lik[, k] <- p[k] * m[, k]}
			loglik[s] <- sum(log(apply(lik, 1, sum)))
			Disparities[s] <- -2 * loglik[s]
			converged <- abs(loglik[s] - previous_loglik) < EMdev.change
			previous_loglik <- loglik[s]
			masses <- rbind(masses, z)
			logLik <- loglik[s]
			Disp <- Disparities[s]
			s <- s + 1
		if (verbose) {
			if (converged) {
				cat("EM algorithm met convergence criteria at iteration # ", 
				    s - 1, "\n")
			else {
				cat("EM algorithm failed to meet convergence criteria at iteration # ", 
				    s - 1, "\n")
		oldpar <- graphics::par(no.readonly = TRUE)
		if(plot.opt == 1){
			graphics::par(mfrow = c(2, 1), cex = 0.5, cex.axis = 1.5, cex.lab = 1.5)
		if((plot.opt == 2) && graphics::par("mfrow")[1] > 2){
			plot.main <- substitute("tol" == tol0, list(tol0 = tol0))
		else if((plot.opt == 3) && graphics::par("mfrow")[1] > 2){
			plot.main <- substitute("lambda" == lambda0, list(lambda0 = lambda0))
			plot.main <- c("")
		if(plot.opt == 1 || plot.opt == 2 || plot.opt == 3){
			graphics::plot(1:(s - 1), Disparities, col = 1, type = "l", xlab = "EM iterations", ylab = "-2logL", main = plot.main)
			if (verbose) {
				cat("Disparity trend plotted.\n")
		complete.lik <- matrix(0, r, K)
		k <- 1:K
		complete.lik[, k] <- (lik[, k])^w[, k]
		complete.loglik <- sum(log(complete.lik))
	fit <- list(EMiteration = s - 1, masses = masses, kind = 1, Disparities = Disparities,
		    p = p, mass.point = z, beta = beta, se = se,  sigma = sigma, 
		    w = w, loglik = logLik, complete.loglik = complete.loglik, 
		    disparity = Disp, likelihood = lik, EMconverged = converged)
	class(fit) <- "boxcoxmix"
# boxcoxmix

#R! E-step
#R!! np.estep

# Box-Cox Transformation with Random Effects
#' @rdname utils
#' @param p ..
#' @param beta ..
#' @param sigma .. 
#' @param z .. 
np.estep <- function(y, x, lambda, p, beta, z, sigma){
	n <- length(y)
	K <- length(z)
	w <-d <- s <- matrix(0, n,K)
	f <- fik(y, x, lambda,  beta, z, sigma)
	logpf <- t(apply(f, 1, "+", log(p)))
	Mi <- apply(logpf, 1, max)
	Sik <- logpf - Mi
	ifelse(Sik < -760, 0, Sik)
	eSik <- exp(Sik)
	SeSik <- as.vector(apply(eSik, 1, sum))
	w <- eSik/SeSik

#R!! vc.estep
#Box-Cox Transformation with Variance Component model
#' @rdname utils
vc.estep <- function(Y, X, sizes=1, lambda, p, beta, z, sigma){
	K <- length(z)
	r <- length(sizes)
	w <-d <- s <- matrix(0, r,K)
	m <- mik(Y, X, sizes, lambda, beta, z, sigma)
	logpm <- t(apply(m, 1, "+", log(p)))
	Mi <- apply(logpm, 1, max)
	Sik <- logpm - Mi
	ifelse(Sik < -760, 0, Sik)
	eSik <- exp(Sik)
	SeSik <- as.vector(apply(eSik, 1, sum))
	w <- eSik/SeSik
#R! M-step

#R!! np.mstep

#' @rdname utils
np.mstep<- function(y, x, beta, lambda, w){
	n <- dim(w)[1]
	K <- dim(w)[2]
	p <- apply(w,2,sum)/n
	z <- rep(0,K)
	for (S in 1:40){
		z <- np.zk(y, x, w, beta, lambda)
		if  (all(!is.na(x))){    
			bse <- np.bhat(y, x, w, z, lambda)
			se<- bse$se
		} else {
			beta <- 0
	var <- 0
	for(i in 1:n){
		theta <- np.theta(y, x, lambda,  beta, z)
		for(k in 1:K){
			var<- var+ w[i,k]*theta[i,k]
	sigma <- sqrt(var/n)
	return(list("p"=p, "z"=z, "beta"=beta, "se"=se, "sigma"=sigma))

#R!! vc.mstep

#' @rdname utils
vc.mstep<- function(Y, X, sizes=1, beta, lambda, w){
	r <- dim(w)[1]
	K <- dim(w)[2]
	p <- apply(w,2,sum)/r
	z <- rep(0,K)
	Ytrans <- ytrans(Y, lambda)
	for (S in 1:40){
		z <- zk(Ytrans, X, sizes, w, beta, lambda)
		if  (all(!is.na(X))){
			bse<-  bhat(Ytrans, X, sizes, w, z, lambda)
			se<- bse$se
		} else {
			beta <- 0
	var <- 0
	theta <- vc.theta(Y, X, sizes, lambda,  beta, z)
	for(i in 1:r){
		for(k in 1:K){
			var<- var+ w[i,k]*theta[i,k]
	sigma <- sqrt(var/sum(sizes))
	return(list("p"=p, "z"=z, "beta"=beta, "se"=se, "sigma"=sigma))

#R! Other auxiliary functions

#R!! np.theta

#' @rdname utils
np.theta <- function(y, x, lambda,  beta, z){
	n <- length(y)
	K <- length(z)
	theta <- matrix(0, n,K) 
	for(i in 1:n){
		if  (all(!is.na(x))){  
			xb <- x[i,]%*%beta
		} else { xb<- 0 }    
		for(k in 1:K){
			theta[i,k] <- (ytrans(y[i],lambda) - xb - z[k])^2

#R!! vc.theta
#' @rdname utils
vc.theta <- function(Y, X, sizes, lambda,  beta, z){
	K <- length(z)
	r <- length(sizes)
	theta <- matrix(0, r,K)
	Ytrans<-ytrans(Y, lambda)
	for(i in 1:r){
		if  (all(!is.na(X))){  
			Xb <- X[[i]]%*%beta
		} else { Xb<- 0 }     
		for(k in 1:K){
			theta[i,k] <- sum((Ytrans[[i]] - Xb - z[k])^2)

#R!! np.bhat
#' @importFrom stats lm
#' @importFrom stats vcov
#' @rdname utils
np.bhat <- function(y, x, w, z, lambda){
	n <- dim(w)[1]
	Ynew <- ytrans(y,lambda)- w%*%z
	out <- lm(Ynew ~ -1 + x)
	se<- sqrt(diag(vcov(out)))
	beta<-  out$coef

#R!! bhat
#' @rdname utils
#' @param Y ..
#' @param X ..
#' @param w ..
bhat <- function(Y, X, sizes, w, z, lambda){
	r <- dim(w)[1]
	wz  <- w%*%z
	WZ <- rep(wz, sizes)
	Xlong<-matrix(0, 0, dim(X[[1]])[2])
	for(i in 1:r){
		Xlong<-rbind(Xlong, X[[i]])}
	All<-as.data.frame(cbind(Ynew=unlist(Y)-WZ, Xlong))
	out <-  lm(Ynew ~   -1 + Xlong, data=All)
	se<- sqrt(diag(vcov(out)))
	beta<-  out$coef

#R!! np.zk

#' @rdname utils
np.zk <- function(y, x, w, beta, lambda){
	n <- dim(w)[1]
	K <- dim(w)[2]
	z <- rep(0,K)
	if  (all(!is.na(x))){  
		xbeta <- x%*%beta
	} else {xbeta <- 0}    
	for(k in 1:K){
		z[k] <- sum(w[,k]*(ytrans(y, lambda) - xbeta))/sum(w[,k])

#R!! zk
#' @rdname utils
zk <- function(Y, X, sizes, w, beta, lambda){
	r <-  dim(w)[1]
	K <- dim(w)[2]
	z <- rep(0,K)
	yx <- rep(0,r)
	for(i in 1:r){
		if  (all(!is.na(X))){  
			Xbeta <- X[[i]]%*%beta
		} else {Xbeta <- 0} 
		yx[i] <- sum(Y[[i]] - Xbeta)}
	for(k in 1:K){
		z[k] <- sum(w[,k]*yx)/sum(sizes*w[,k])

#R!! fik

#' @rdname utils
fik <- function(y, x, lambda,  beta, z, sigma){
	n <- length(y)
	K <- length(z)
	f <- matrix(0,n,K)
	theta <- np.theta(y, x, lambda,  beta, z)
	for(i in 1:n){
		for(k in 1:K){
			ytrx <- (1/(2*sigma^2))*theta[i,k]
			d <- ((-1/2)*log(2*pi))
			j <- log(sigma)
			g <- (lambda -1)*log(y[i])
			f[i,k] <- d-j-ytrx + g

#R!! mik
#' @rdname utils
mik <- function(Y, X, sizes, lambda,  beta, z, sigma){
	K <- length(z)
	r <- length(sizes)
	m <- matrix(0,r,K)
	theta <- vc.theta(Y, X, sizes, lambda,  beta, z)
	for(i in 1:r){ 
		for(k in 1:K){
			m[i,k] <- (-sizes[i]/2)*log(2*pi)-sizes[i]*log(sigma)-(1/(2*sigma^2))*theta[i,k] + (lambda -1)*sum(log( Y[[i]]))

#R!! yhat

#' @rdname utils
#' @param v ..
yhat <-  function(v, lambda=1){
	if (is.list(v)) { 
		r<- length(v)
		for (i in 1:r){
			if(lambda == 0){ y[[i]] <- exp(v)
			else {
				y[[i]]<- (lambda*v +1)^(1/lambda) 
	} else {
		if(lambda == 0){y <- exp(v)
		else {
			y <- (lambda*v + 1)^(1/lambda)

#R!! ytrans

#' @rdname utils
ytrans <-  function(y, lambda=1){
	if (is.list(y)) { 
		r<- length(y)
		v <- list()
		for (i in 1:r){
			if(lambda == 0){v[[i]]<-  log(y[[i]])
			else {
				v[[i]] <-  (y[[i]]^lambda - 1)/ lambda
	} else {
		if(lambda == 0){v<-  log(y)
		else {
			v <-  (y^lambda - 1)/ lambda

#R!! gqz
#' @import "statmod"
#' @rdname utils
#' @param numnodes ..
#' @param minweight ..
gqz <- function (numnodes = 20, minweight = 1e-06) 
	out <- statmod::gauss.quad(numnodes, "hermite")
	h <- rbind(out$nodes * sqrt(2), out$weights/sum(out$weights))
	ord <- order(h[1, ], decreasing = TRUE)
	h <- h[, ord]
	h <- cbind(h[1, ], h[2, ])
	h <- subset(as.data.frame(h), (h[, 2] >= minweight))
	names(h) <- c("location", "weight")

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boxcoxmix documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:26 p.m.