
Defines functions make_intersection_brainGraph make_ego_brainGraph make_empty_brainGraph print.summary.brainGraph summary.brainGraph is.brainGraph make_brainGraph.bg_mediate make_brainGraph.matrix make_brainGraph.igraph make_brainGraph

Documented in is.brainGraph make_brainGraph make_brainGraph.bg_mediate make_brainGraph.igraph make_brainGraph.matrix make_ego_brainGraph make_empty_brainGraph make_intersection_brainGraph summary.brainGraph


#' Create a brainGraph object
#' \code{make_brainGraph} is the main creation function for creating a
#' \code{brainGraph} graph object. This is simply an \code{igraph} graph
#' object with additional attributes (at all levels). Several of the graph-level
#' attributes serve the purpose of providing metadata on how the connectivity
#' matrices/networks were created.
#' @section Graph-level attributes:
#' Graph-level attributes added are:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{version}{The R, \code{brainGraph}, and \code{igraph} package versions
#'     used to create the graph}
#'   \item{date}{The creation date, from \code{\link{as.POSIXct}}}
#'   \item{atlas}{Character string denoting the brain atlas used}
#'   \item{type}{Character string specifying whether this is an \emph{observed}
#'     or \emph{random} graph}
#'   \item{modality}{The imaging modality; you can choose anything you like,
#'     but the \code{summary.brainGraph} knows about \code{dti}, \code{fmri},
#'     \code{thickness}, \code{area}, and \code{volume}}
#'   \item{weighting}{What edge weights represent; you can choose anything you
#'     like, but \code{summary.brainGraph} knows about \code{fa}, \code{sld}
#'     (streamline density, tractography), \code{pearson}, \code{spearman},
#'     \code{kendall}, and \code{partial} (partial correlation coefficient)}
#'   \item{threshold}{Numeric indicating the threshold used to create the final
#'     connectivity matrix (if any)}
#'   \item{name}{Character string specifying the study ID or group/contrast
#'     name, depending on the \code{level} argument}
#'   \item{Group}{Character string specifying the experimental group that the
#'     given subject belongs to, or if it is a group-level graph}
#'   \item{subnet}{Integer vector, if \code{subnet} was specified in the call}
#' }
#' @section Vertex attributes:
#' Vertex-level attributes added are:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{name}{The names of the brain regions in the network}
#'   \item{lobe}{The names of the major brain lobes for each vertex}
#'   \item{hemi}{The names of the hemisphere for each vertex (either \code{'L'},
#'     \code{'R'}, or \code{'B'})}
#'   \item{lobe.hemi}{The lobe-hemisphere combination (represented as an
#'     \emph{integer} vector)}
#'   \item{class}{The tissue class (if applicable)}
#'   \item{network}{The network (if the atlas is \code{dosenbach160})}
#'   \item{x,y,z}{The spatial coordinates of the (centers-of-mass) brain regions
#'     in MNI space}
#'   \item{x.mni,y.mni,z.mni}{Same as above}
#'   \item{color.lobe,color.class,color.network}{Colors for vertices of their
#'     respective membership}
#'   \item{circle.layout}{Integer vector indicating the order (going
#'     counter-clockwise from the top) for circular layouts}
#' }
#' @section Edge attributes:
#' Edge-level attributes added are:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{color.lobe,color.class,color.network}{Correspond to the vertex
#'     attribute of the same name. Inter-group edges will be colored
#'     \emph{gray}}
#' }
#' @section Specifying a subnetwork:
#' You can create a graph for a subset of an atlas's regions with the
#' \code{subnet} argument. This can either be a numeric or character vector. If
#' the input object (either a matrix or an \code{igraph} graph) has fewer
#' rows/columns or vertices, respectively, than the atlas then the \code{subnet}
#' graph attribute will also be added to the return object. This may occur if,
#' for example, you use \code{\link{make_auc_brainGraph}} on graphs that were
#' initially created from subnetworks.
#' @param x An \code{igraph} graph object, numeric matrix, or \code{bg_mediate}
#'   object
#' @param atlas Character string specifying the brain atlas
#' @param type Character string indicating the type of graphs. Default:
#'   \code{observed}
#' @param level Character string indicating whether the graphs are subject-,
#'   group-, or contrast-specific. Default: \code{'subject'}
#' @param set.attrs Logical indicating whether to assign all graph-, vertex-,
#'   and edge-level attributes (via \code{\link{set_brainGraph_attr}}). Default:
#'   \code{TRUE}
#' @param modality Character string indicating imaging modality (e.g. 'dti').
#'   Default: \code{NULL}
#' @param weighting Character string indicating how the edges are weighted
#'   (e.g., 'fa', 'pearson', etc.). Default: \code{NULL}
#' @param threshold Integer or number indicating the threshold used when
#'   \dQuote{sparsifying} the connectivity matrix (if any). Default: \code{NULL}
#' @param ... Arguments passed to \code{\link{set_brainGraph_attr}}
#' @export
#' @return A \code{brainGraph} graph object with additional graph-, vertex-, and
#'   edge-level attributes (see below).
#' @name Creating_Graphs
#' @rdname make_brainGraph
#' @family Graph creation functions

make_brainGraph <- function(x, atlas, type=c('observed', 'random'),
                            level=c('subject', 'group', 'contrast'), set.attrs=TRUE,
                            modality=NULL, weighting=NULL, threshold=NULL, ...) {

#' Create a brainGraph object from an igraph graph
#' @param name Character string indicating subject ID or group/contrast name,
#'   depending on the \code{level}. Default: \code{NULL}
#' @param Group Character string indicating group membership. Default:
#'   \code{NULL}
#' @param subnet Integer or character vector indicating the vertices to keep, if
#'   you are interested in working with a subset of an atlas. By default, all
#'   vertices are used.
#' @export
#' @rdname make_brainGraph

make_brainGraph.igraph <- function(x, atlas, type=c('observed', 'random'),
                                   level=c('subject', 'group', 'contrast'),
                                   set.attrs=TRUE, modality=NULL, weighting=NULL,
                                   threshold=NULL, name=NULL, Group=NULL, subnet=NULL, ...) {
  Brodmann <- lobe <- hemi <- index <- x.mni <- y.mni <- z.mni <- NULL

  x <- get_metadata(x)
  x$atlas <- if (missing(atlas)) guess_atlas(x) else atlas
  DT <- get(x$atlas)

  if (is.null(subnet) && vcount(x) < dim(DT)[1L]) subnet <- V(x)$name
  if (!is.null(subnet)) {
    if (is.character(subnet)) subnet <- DT[name %in% subnet, which=TRUE]
    DT <- DT[subnet]
    if (vcount(x) != length(subnet)) x <- induced_subgraph(x, subnet)
    x$subnet <- subnet
  if (!is_named(x)) {
    V(x)$name <- DT$name
  } else {
    nonmatches <- !V(x)$name %in% DT[, name]
    if (any(nonmatches)) {
      stop(paste('Check the following vertex names: ',
                 paste(V(x)$name[nonmatches], collapse=' ')))

  vorder <- match(V(x)$name, DT$name)
  V(x)$lobe <- DT[vorder, as.character(lobe)]
  V(x)$lobe.hemi <- as.numeric(DT[vorder, interaction(lobe, hemi)])
  V(x)$hemi <- DT[vorder, as.character(hemi)]

  cols <- c('class', 'network', 'area', 'gyrus', 'Yeo_7network', 'Yeo_17network')
  for (col in cols[hasName(DT, cols)]) {
    x <- set_vertex_attr(x, col, value=DT[vorder, as.character(get(col))])
  if (hasName(DT, 'Brodmann')) V(x)$Brodmann <- DT[vorder, Brodmann]

  level <- match.arg(level)
  type <- match.arg(type)
  x$level <- level
  x$type <- type
  attrs <- c('modality', 'weighting', 'threshold', 'name', 'Group')
  attrs <- names(which(vapply(attrs, function(y) !is.null(get(y)), logical(1L))))
  for (a in attrs) x <- set_graph_attr(x, a, get(a))
  if (level == 'group' && !is.null(Group)) x$name <- x$Group

  if (type == 'observed') {
    l.cir <- vector('integer')
    lobes <- DT[, levels(lobe)]
    V(x)$x <- V(x)$x.mni <- DT[vorder, x.mni]
    V(x)$y <- V(x)$y.mni <- DT[vorder, y.mni]
    V(x)$z <- V(x)$z.mni <- DT[vorder, z.mni]
    x <- set_graph_colors(x, 'color.lobe', DT[vorder, as.numeric(lobe)])
    if (x$atlas == 'dosenbach160') l.cir <- c(l.cir, which(V(x)$hemi == 'B'))
    for (col in cols[hasName(DT, cols)]) {
      x <- set_graph_colors(x, paste0('color.', col), DT[vorder, as.numeric(get(col))])

    lobeorder <- list('Frontal', c('Insula', 'Central'), c('Limbic', 'Cingulate'),
                      'SCGM', 'Temporal', 'Parietal', 'Occipital', 'Cerebellum', 'Brainstem')
    if (!'Brainstem' %in% lobes) lobeorder <- lobeorder[-9L]
    if (!'Cerebellum' %in% lobes) lobeorder <- lobeorder[-8L]
    if (!'SCGM' %in% lobes) lobeorder <- lobeorder[-4L]
    for (i in seq_along(lobeorder)) {
      l.cir <- c(l.cir, DT[lobe %in% lobeorder[[i]] & !hemi %in% c('B', 'R'),
                           .SD[order(-y.mni, x.mni), index]])
    for (i in seq_along(lobeorder)) {
      l.cir <- c(l.cir, DT[lobe %in% rev(lobeorder)[[i]] & hemi == 'R',
                           .SD[order(y.mni, x.mni), index]])
    V(x)$circle.layout <- l.cir

  # Set a bunch of attributes
  if (isTRUE(set.attrs) && ecount(x) > 1) x <- set_brainGraph_attr(x, type, ...)

  class(x) <- c('brainGraph', class(x))

#' Create a brainGraph object from an adjacency matrix
#' @param mode Character string defining how the matrix should be interpreted.
#'   Default: \code{'undirected'}
#' @param weighted Logical specifying whether to create a weighted network
#' @param diag Logical indicating whether to include the diagonal of the
#'   connectivity matrix. Default: \code{FALSE}
#' @export
#' @rdname make_brainGraph
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' bg <- make_brainGraph(A, 'dkt', modality='dti', weighting='fa',
#'   mode='undirected', diag=FALSE, weighted=TRUE)
#' }

make_brainGraph.matrix <- function(x, atlas, type=c('observed', 'random'),
                                   level=c('subject', 'group', 'contrast'),
                                   set.attrs=TRUE, modality=NULL, weighting=NULL,
                                   threshold=NULL, name=NULL, Group=NULL, subnet=NULL,
                                   mode='undirected', weighted=NULL, diag=FALSE, ...) {
  type <- match.arg(type)
  level <- match.arg(level)
  if (!is.null(subnet)) {
    if (is.character(subnet)) {
      DT <- get(atlas)
      subnet <- DT[name %in% subnet, which=TRUE]
    x <- x[subnet, subnet, drop=FALSE]
  g <- graph_from_adjacency_matrix(x, mode, weighted, diag)
  g <- make_brainGraph(g, atlas, type, level, set.attrs, modality, weighting,
                       threshold, name, Group, subnet, A=x, ...)

#' Create a graph with mediation-specific attributes
#' \code{make_brainGraph.bg_mediate} creates a graph only for
#' \emph{vertex}-level analyses.
#' @export
#' @rdname make_brainGraph
#' @return The method for \code{bg_mediate} returns a \code{brainGraph_mediate}
#'   object, which has extra attributes:
#'   \item{Graph}{\emph{mediator}, \emph{treat}, \emph{outcome}, \emph{nobs}}
#'   \item{Vertex}{\emph{b?.acme, p?.acme}, \emph{b?.ade, p?.ade},
#'     \emph{b?.prop, p?.prop}, \emph{b.tot, p.tot}}

make_brainGraph.bg_mediate <- function(x, atlas=x$atlas, type='observed',
                                       level='contrast', set.attrs=FALSE,
                                       modality=NULL, weighting=NULL,
                                       threshold=NULL, ...) {
  stopifnot(inherits(x, 'bg_mediate'), x$level == 'vertex')
  med.sum <- summary(x)$DT
  g.med <- make_empty_brainGraph(atlas, type, level, modality, weighting, threshold, ...)
  for (a in c('mediator', 'treat', 'outcome', 'nobs')) {
    g.med <- set_graph_attr(g.med, a, x[[a]])
  for (a in c('b0.acme', 'b0.ade', 'b.tot', 'b0.prop')) {
    g.med <- set_vertex_attr(g.med, a, value=med.sum[[a]])
  for (a in c('p0.acme', 'p0.ade', 'p.tot', 'p0.prop')) {
    g.med <- set_vertex_attr(g.med, a, value=1 - med.sum[[a]])
  if (isTRUE(x$INT)) {
    for (a in c('b1.acme', 'b1.ade', 'b1.prop', 'b.avg.acme', 'b.avg.ade', 'b.avg.prop')) {
      g.med <- set_vertex_attr(g.med, a, value=med.sum[[a]])
    for (a in c('p1.acme', 'p1.ade', 'p1.prop', 'p.avg.acme', 'p.avg.ade', 'p.avg.prop')) {
      g.med <- set_vertex_attr(g.med, a, value=1 - med.sum[[a]])
  class(g.med) <- c('brainGraph_mediate', class(g.med))


#' Determine whether the input is a brainGraph object
#' @export
#' @rdname make_brainGraph
is.brainGraph <- function(x) inherits(x, 'brainGraph')

#' Print a summary of a brainGraph object
#' @param object A \code{brainGraph} object
#' @param print.attrs Character string indicating whether or not to list the
#'   object's attributes (default: \code{all})
#' @export
#' @rdname make_brainGraph

summary.brainGraph <- function(object, print.attrs=c('all', 'graph', 'vertex', 'edge', 'none'), ...) {
  if (!is.brainGraph(object)) NextMethod(generic='summary', object=object)

  df <- print_bg_summary(object)
  if (object$level != 'subject') df <- df[-14L, ]

  print.attrs <- match.arg(print.attrs)
  attrtypes <- switch(print.attrs,
                      all=c('graph', 'vertex', 'edge'),
  attrs.l <- setNames(vector('list', length(attrtypes)), attrtypes)
  for (atype in attrtypes) {
    attrs <- switch(atype,
    if (length(attrs) > 0L) attrs.l[[atype]] <- print_text_vector(attrs, 3L)
  out <- list(object=object, df=df, attrs=attrs.l, print.attrs=print.attrs)
  class(out) <- c('summary.brainGraph', class(out))

#' @aliases summary.brainGraph
#' @method print summary.brainGraph
#' @export

print.summary.brainGraph <- function(x, ...) {
  print_title_summary('Summary for *', x$object$type, '* ', x$object$level, '-level graph: ', x$object$name)
  print(x$df, right=FALSE, row.names=FALSE)

  if (x$print.attrs != 'none') {
    for (atype in names(x$attrs)) {
      if (is.null(x$attrs[[atype]])) {
        cat('No', tolower(atype), 'attributes!')
      } else {
        title <- paste(simpleCap(atype), 'attributes')
        width <- getOption('width') - nchar(title) - 1L
        message(title, paste(rep.int('-', width / 2), collapse=''))
        print(x$attrs[[atype]], right=FALSE, row.names=FALSE)


#' Create an empty graph with attributes for brainGraph
#' \code{make_empty_brainGraph} creates an empty undirected \code{brainGraph}
#' object with vertex count equal to the atlas specified; i.e., it creates a
#' graph with 0 edges. Typically used to present results from an analysis in
#' which edges don't make sense (e.g., GLM comparing differences in a
#' vertex-level attribute).
#' @export
#' @return \code{make_empty_brainGraph} -- An empty \code{brainGraph} graph
#'   object
#' @rdname make_brainGraph

make_empty_brainGraph <- function(atlas, type=c('observed', 'random'),
                                  level=c('subject', 'group', 'contrast'),
                                  modality=NULL, weighting=NULL, threshold=NULL,
                                  name=NULL, Group=NULL, ...) {
  n <- dim(get(atlas))[1L]
  A <- matrix(0, nrow=n, ncol=n)
  type <- match.arg(type)
  level <- match.arg(level)
  g <- make_brainGraph(A, atlas, type, level, set.attrs=FALSE, modality,
                       weighting, threshold, name, Group, ...)

#' Create a graph of the union of multiple vertex neighborhoods
#' This function accepts multiple vertices, creates graphs of their
#' neighborhoods (of order 1), and returns the union of those graphs.
#' @param g An \code{igraph} graph object
#' @param vs Either a character or integer vector (vertex names or indices,
#' respectively) for the vertices of interest
#' @export
#' @return An \code{igraph} graph object containing the union of all edges and
#'   vertices in the neighborhoods of the input vertices; only the vertex
#'   attribute \emph{name} will be present
#' @family Graph creation functions
#' @seealso \code{\link[igraph]{ego}}
#' @author Christopher G. Watson, \email{cgwatson@@bu.edu}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' subg <- make_ego_brainGraph(g1[[N]], c(24, 58))
#' subg <- make_ego_brainGraph(g1[[N]], c('lPCUN', 'rPCUN'))
#' }

make_ego_brainGraph <- function(g, vs) {

  subgs <- make_ego_graph(g, order=1L, nodes=vs)
  if (is.character(vs)) vs <- which(V(g)$name %in% vs)

  for (i in seq_along(vs)) {
    subgs[[i]] <- delete_all_attr(subgs[[i]], keep.names=TRUE)

  combine_graphs <- function(x, y) {
    n <- length(x)
    if (n < 2L) {
      res <- x[[1L]] %u% y
    } else {
      y <- x[[n]] %u% y
      x <- x[-n]
      res <- combine_graphs(x, y)

  inds <- unique(c(vs, unlist(lapply(vs, function(x) neighbors(g, x)))))
  subg.all <- combine_graphs(subgs, make_empty_graph(directed=FALSE) + vertices(V(g)$name[inds]))

#' Create the intersection of graphs based on a logical condition
#' Returns a graph object with vertices that meet certain criteria. By default,
#' only vertices that meet these criteria for \emph{all} input graphs will be
#' retained.
#' If no vertices meet criteria for all input graphs, then an \code{igraph}
#' graph object with 0 vertices is returned. If \code{keep.all.vertices=TRUE},
#' this is essentially performing a \emph{union} of vertex sets that meet the
#' criteria. In any case, the return graph will have 0 edges.
#' @param ... Graph objects or lists of graph objects
#' @param subgraph Character string specifying an equation (logical condition)
#'   for the vertices to subset
#' @param keep.all.vertices Logical indicating whether to keep all vertices that
#'   meet the criteria in at least 1 input graph. Default: \code{FALSE}
#' @export
#' @author Christopher G. Watson, \email{cgwatson@@bu.edu}
#' @return An \code{igraph} graph object
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' res.mtpc <- mtpc(g, covars, ...)
#' g.mtpc <- make_glm_brainGraph(res.mtpc, atlas)
#' ## All vertices with a significant MTPC result for all contrasts:
#' g.mtpc.int <- make_intersection_brainGraph(g.mtpc, subgraph='sig == 1')
#' ## Return graphs with vertices with degree > 0 for each group separately
#' tapply(g.list, groups(g.list), make_intersection_brainGraph,
#'        subgraph='degree > 0')
#' }

make_intersection_brainGraph <- function(..., subgraph, keep.all.vertices=FALSE) {
  graphs <- args_as_list(...)
  stopifnot(all(vapply(graphs, is.brainGraph, logical(1L))))

  subs <- lapply(graphs, subset_graph, subgraph)
  inds.sub <- lapply(subs, `[[`, 'inds')

  combFun <- if (isTRUE(keep.all.vertices)) union else intersect
  inds.int <- Reduce(combFun, inds.sub)
  if (length(inds.int) == 0L) {
    g.int <- make_empty_graph(directed=FALSE)
  } else {
    names.int <- V(graphs[[1L]])[inds.int]$name
    g.int <- make_empty_brainGraph(graphs[[1L]]$atlas, graphs[[1L]]$type, graphs[[1L]]$level,
                                   graphs[[1L]]$modality, graphs[[1L]]$weighting, subnet=names.int)

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