brant <- function(model,by.var=F){
m_model <- model$call
if (is.matrix(eval.parent(m_model$data)))
m_model$data <-
m_model[-which(names(m_model) %in% c("", "formula", "data"))] <- NULL
m_model[[1L]] <- quote(stats::model.frame)
m_model <- eval.parent(m_model)
Terms <- attr(m_model, "terms")
x <- model.matrix(Terms, m_model)
xint <- match("(Intercept)", colnames(x), nomatch = 0L)
x <- x[, -xint, drop = FALSE]
y <- as.numeric(model.response(m_model))
x.variables = names(m_model)[-1] = data.frame(m_model, y)
if(grepl(":",paste0(colnames(x), collapse = "")) & by.var){
by.var = FALSE
warning("by.var = TRUE currently not supported for interactions, setting by.var to FALSE")
x.factors = c()
for (name in x.variables) {
if (!is.numeric(m_model[, name])) {
x.factors = c(x.factors, name)
if (length(x.factors) > 0) {
tab = table(data.frame($y, m_model[,x.factors]))
count0 = sum(tab == 0)
}else {
count0 = 0
J = max(y,na.rm=T)
K = length(coef(model))
for(m in 1:(J-1)){[[paste0("z",m)]] = ifelse(y>m,1,0)
binary.models = list()
beta.hat = matrix(NA,nrow=J-1,ncol=K+1,byrow=T)
var.hat = list()
for(m in 1:(J-1)){
mod = glm(paste0("z",m," ~ ",as.character(formula(model)[3])),, family="binomial")
binary.models[[paste0("model",m)]] = mod
beta.hat[m,] = coef(mod)
var.hat[[m]] = vcov(mod)
X = cbind(1, x)
tau = matrix(model$zeta,nrow=1,ncol=J-1,byrow=T)
pi.hat = matrix(NA,nrow=length(model$model[,1]),ncol=J-1,byrow=T)
for(m in 1:(J-1)){
pi.hat[,m] = binary.models[[m]]$fitted.values
varBeta = matrix(NA,nrow = (J-1)*K, ncol = (J-1)*K)
for(m in 1:(J-2)){
for(l in (m+1):(J-1)){
Wml = Matrix::Diagonal(x=pi.hat[,l] - pi.hat[,m]*pi.hat[,l])
Wm = Matrix::Diagonal(x=pi.hat[,m] - pi.hat[,m]*pi.hat[,m])
Wl = Matrix::Diagonal(x=pi.hat[,l] - pi.hat[,l]*pi.hat[,l])
Xt = t(X)
varBeta[((m-1)*K+1):(m*K),((l-1)*K+1):(l*K)] = as.matrix((solve(Xt %*% Wm %*% X)%*%(Xt %*% Wml %*% X)%*%solve(Xt %*% Wl %*% X))[-1,-1])
varBeta[((l-1)*K+1):(l*K),((m-1)*K+1):(m*K)] = varBeta[((m-1)*K+1):(m*K),((l-1)*K+1):(l*K)]
betaStar = c()
for(m in 1:(J-1)){
betaStar = c(betaStar,beta.hat[m,-1])
for(m in 1:(J-1)){
varBeta[((m-1)*K+1):(m*K),((m-1)*K+1):(m*K)] = var.hat[[m]][-1,-1]
I = diag(1,K)
E0 = diag(0,K)
for(i in 1:(J-2)){
for(j in 1:(J-1)){
if(j == 1){
temp = I
}else if(j == i+1){
temp = cbind(temp,-I)
temp = cbind(temp,E0)
D = temp
D = rbind(D,temp)
X2 = t(D%*%betaStar) %*% solve(D %*% varBeta %*% t(D)) %*% (D %*% betaStar)
df.v = (J-2)*K
combinations = getCombiCoefs(model)
for(v in unique(combinations$var)){
k = subset(combinations,var==v)$i
s = c()
df.v.temp = 0
for(e in k){
s = c(s,seq(from=e,to=K*(J-1),by=K))
df.v.temp = df.v.temp + J-2
s = sort(s)
Ds = D[,s]
if (!is.null(dim(Ds))){
Ds = Ds[which(!apply(Ds == 0, 1, all)), ]
X2 = c(X2,t(Ds%*%betaStar[s]) %*% solve(Ds %*% varBeta[s,s] %*% t(Ds)) %*% (Ds %*% betaStar[s]))
X2 = c(X2,t(Ds%*%betaStar[s]) %*% solve(Ds %*% varBeta[s,s] %*% t(t(Ds))) %*% (Ds %*% betaStar[s]))
df.v = c(df.v,df.v.temp)
for(k in 1:K){
s = seq(from=k,to=K*(J-1),by=K)
Ds = D[,s]
if (!is.null(dim(Ds))){
Ds = Ds[which(!apply(Ds == 0, 1, all)), ]
X2 = c(X2,t(Ds%*%betaStar[s]) %*% solve(Ds %*% varBeta[s,s] %*% t(Ds)) %*% (Ds %*% betaStar[s]))
X2 = c(X2,t(Ds%*%betaStar[s]) %*% solve(Ds %*% varBeta[s,s] %*% t(t(Ds))) %*% (Ds %*% betaStar[s]))
df.v = c(df.v,J-2)
result.matrix = print.testresult(model,X2,df.v,by.var)
warning(paste0(count0," combinations in table(dv,ivs) do not occur. Because of that, the test results might be invalid."))
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