
Defines functions CalcHalflifeDeviation BridgeRGrubbsTest drawHalfVariance draw_rpkm_vs_halflife_sd draw_halflife_mean_vs_sd

Documented in BridgeRGrubbsTest CalcHalflifeDeviation

#' Calculate RNA half-life SD.
#' \code{BridgeRHalfLifeCalcR2Select} calculates RPKM SD and RNA half-life SD
#' for each gene.
#' @param inputFile The dataframe of halflife table.
#' @param rawFile The dataframe of RPKM table.
#' @param group The vector of group names.
#' @param hour The vector of time course about BRIC-seq experiment.
#' @param inforColumn The number of information columns.
#' @param save Whether to save the output matrix file.
#' @param figSave Whether to save the output fig file.
#' @param outputPrefix The prefix for the name of the output.
#' @return data.table object about RNA half-life SD.
#' @examples
#' group <- c("Control", "Knockdown")
#' hour <- c(0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 12)
#' half_sd_table <- CalcHalflifeDeviation(halflife_table,
#'                                        RNA_halflife_grubbs_test,
#'                                        group = c("CTRL_1",
#'                                                  "CTRL_2",
#'                                                  "CTRL_3"),
#'                                        save = FALSE)
#' @export
#' @import data.table ggplot2
#' @importFrom stats sd

CalcHalflifeDeviation <- function(inputFile,
                                  group = c("CTRL_PUM1",
                                  hour = c(0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 12),
                                  save = T,
                                  figSave = F,
                                  inforColumn = 4,
                                  outputPrefix = "BridgeR_7"){

  # check arguments
  stopifnot(is.character(group) && is.vector(group))
  stopifnot(is.numeric(hour) && is.vector(hour))

  # data infor
  time_points <- length(hour)
  group_number <- length(group)
  infor_data_table <- inputFile[, 1:inforColumn, with = F]
  infor_header <- names(infor_data_table)

  # RPKM infor
  RPKM_index <- sapply(1:group_number,
                       function(i) (i - 1) * (time_points + inforColumn) + (inforColumn + 1))
  RPKM_data_table <- rawFile[, RPKM_index, with = F]

  # RNA half-life infor
  halflife_index <- sapply(1:group_number,
                           function(i) i * (time_points + inforColumn + 3))
  half_data_table <- inputFile[, halflife_index, with = F]

  # RNA half-life variance
  calc_halflife_variance <- function(i){
    halflife_list <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(i))
    halflife_list <- halflife_list[!is.na(halflife_list)]

    # calc RNA half-life variance
    variance_list <- NULL
    if (length(halflife_list) == 0 || length(halflife_list) == 1) {
      variance_list <- c(NA, NA, NA)
    } else {
      variance_list <- halflife_list - mean(halflife_list)

  halflife_variance <- unlist(t(apply(half_data_table, 1, calc_halflife_variance)))
  halflife_variance <- halflife_variance[!is.na(halflife_variance)]
  halflife_variance <- as.data.frame(halflife_variance)

  # density plot fig - RNA half-life variancer
  if (figSave == TRUE) {
    # Fig information
    fig_name <- paste(outputPrefix, "_Histgram_Halflife_variance.png", sep="")
    png(filename = fig_name, width = 600, height = 600)

    # Fig_data: RPKM(mean) vs Half-life(SD)
    p <- drawHalfVariance(halflife_variance)
    dev.off()    # close fig

  # Calc RNA half-life/RPKM mean & SD
  test_func <- function(vector){
    c(means = mean(as.numeric(vector), na.rm = T),
      sds = sd(as.numeric(vector), na.rm = T) / mean(as.numeric(vector), na.rm = T))

  # RNA half-life mean & SD
  halflife_sd <- as.data.frame(t(apply(half_data_table, 1, test_func)))

  # RPKM mean & SD
  RPKM_sd <- as.data.frame(t(apply(RPKM_data_table, 1, test_func)))

  # all data
  fig_data_pre <- data.table(cbind(halflife_sd,RPKM_sd))
  header_label <- c("Half_mean","Half_SD","RPKM_mean","RPKM_SD")
  colnames(fig_data_pre) <- header_label
  fig_data <- fig_data_pre[, names(fig_data_pre):=lapply(.SD, as.numeric)]

  # all data collection
  result_data <- cbind(infor_data_table,
  half_names <- paste("HalfLife_", group, sep="")
  RPKM_names <- paste("RPKM_", group, sep="")
  colnames(result_data) <- c(infor_header,

  # Fig_data: RPKM(mean) vs Half-life(SD)
  if (figSave == TRUE) {
    fig_name <- paste(outputPrefix, "_RPKM_mean_vs_HalfLife_SD.png", sep="")
    png(filename = fig_name, width = 600, height = 600)
    p <- draw_rpkm_vs_halflife_sd(fig_data)
    dev.off()    # close fig

  # Fig_data: Half-life(mean) vs Half-life(SD)
  if (figSave == TRUE) {
    fig_name <- paste(outputPrefix, "_HalfLife_mean_vs_HalfLife_SD.png", sep="")
    png(filename = fig_name, width = 600, height = 600)
    p <- draw_halflife_mean_vs_sd(fig_data)
    dev.off()    # close fig

  if (save == TRUE) {
    write.table(result_data, quote = F, sep = "\t", row.names = F,
                file = paste(outputPrefix, "_halflife_mean_SD.txt", sep=""))


#' RNA half-life Grubbs test.
#' \code{BridgeRGrubbsTest} calculates the p-value for each gene
#'  using grubbs test. The estimation is based on the standard deviation of
#'  RNA half-lives in control conditions.
#' @param controlFile The dataframe of halflife table.
#' @param compFile The dataframe of RPKM table.
#' @param controlGroup The vector of group names.
#' @param hour The vector of time course about BRIC-seq experiment.
#' @param inforColumn The number of information columns.
#' @param compIndex The number of information columns.
#' @param save Whether to save the output matrix file.
#' @param outputPrefix The prefix for the name of the output.
#' @return data.table object about Grabbs test result.
#' @examples
#' group <- c("Control", "Knockdown")
#' hour <- c(0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 12)
#' half_sd_table <- CalcHalflifeDeviation(halflife_table,
#'                                        RNA_halflife_grubbs_test,
#'                                        group = c("CTRL_1",
#'                                                  "CTRL_2",
#'                                                  "CTRL_3"),
#'                                        save = FALSE)
#' grubbs_table <- BridgeRGrubbsTest(half_sd_table,
#'                                   halflife_table,
#'                                   compIndex = 4,
#'                                   controlGroup = c("CTRL_1",
#'                                                    "CTRL_2",
#'                                                    "CTRL_3"),
#'                                   save = FALSE)
#' @export
#' @import data.table ggplot2
#' @importFrom outliers grubbs.test

BridgeRGrubbsTest <- function(controlFile,
                              hour = c(0,1,2,4,8,12),
                              controlGroup = c("CTRL_PUM1",
                              inforColumn = 4,
                              compIndex = 2,
                              save = T,
                              outputPrefix = "BridgeR_8"){

  # infor data
  time_points <- length(hour)
  infor_data_table <- controlFile[, 1:(inforColumn), with = F]
  infor_header <- names(infor_data_table)
  halflife_header <- c(controlGroup, "Treated")
  grubbs_header <- c("p-value", "Status")

  # Control RNA half-life infor
  half_st <- 1 + inforColumn
  half_ed <- inforColumn + length(controlGroup)
  half_ctrl_data_table <- controlFile[, half_st:half_ed, with = F]

  # treated RNA half-life infor
  halflife_index <- compIndex * (time_points + inforColumn + 3)
  half_treated_data_table <- compFile[, halflife_index, with = F]

  # all half data
  half_all_data_table <- cbind(half_ctrl_data_table,

  # Grabbs test
  grabbs_halflife_test <- function(vector){
    # halflife list prep
    half_list <- as.numeric(vector)
    treated_halflife <- half_list[length(half_list)]
    if (is.na(treated_halflife) || is.nan(treated_halflife)) {
      return(c("NA", "Notest"))
    half_list <- half_list[!is.na(half_list)]
    if (length(half_list) == 0) {
      return(c("NA", "Notest"))

    # Grubbs test

    grubbs_result <- suppressWarnings(grubbs.test(half_list))
    grubbs_alternative <- grubbs_result$alternative
    grubbs_alternative <- gsub("highest value ","",grubbs_alternative)
    grubbs_alternative <- gsub("lowest value ","",grubbs_alternative)
    grubbs_alternative <- as.numeric(gsub(" is an outlier","",grubbs_alternative))

    if(grubbs_alternative == treated_halflife){
      grubbs_pvalue <- grubbs_result$p.value
      return(c(grubbs_pvalue, "Grubbs"))
      return(c("NA", "Notest"))

  # testing
  grubbs_table <- as.data.frame(t(apply(half_all_data_table, 1, grabbs_halflife_test)))
  result_table <- cbind(infor_data_table, half_all_data_table, grubbs_table)
  colnames(result_table) <- c(infor_header, halflife_header, grubbs_header)

  if (save == TRUE) {
    write.table(result_table, quote = F, sep = "\t", row.names = F,
                file = paste(outputPrefix, "_halflife_Grubbs_test.txt", sep=""))


# ggplot2 wrapper
drawHalfVariance <- function(table){
  p <- ggplot(data = table,
              aes_string(x = "halflife_variance"))
  p <- p + geom_histogram(fill = "steelblue", color = "white", binwidth = 0.1)
  p <- p + xlim(-5,5)
  p <- p + xlab("RNA half-life variance") + ylab("Count")

draw_rpkm_vs_halflife_sd <- function(table){
  p <- ggplot(data = table,
              aes_string(x = "RPKM_mean",
                         y = "Half_SD"))
  p <- p + geom_point(alpha = 0.2)
  p <- p + geom_smooth(method = "loess")
  p <- p + xlab("RPKM mean") + ylab("RNA Half-life SD / RNA Half-life mean")
  p <- p + xlim(0,100) + ylim(0,2)

draw_halflife_mean_vs_sd <- function(table){
  p <- ggplot(data = table,
              aes_string(x = "Half_mean",
                         y = "Half_SD"))
  p <- p + geom_point(alpha = 0.2)
  p <- p + geom_smooth(method = "loess")
  p <- p + xlab("RNA Half-life mean") + ylab("Half-life SD / Half-life mean")
  p <- p + xlim(0,24) + ylim(0,2)

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